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America LAST: Biden’s Globalist Vaccine Strategy

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
November 11, 2020 12:00 pm

America LAST: Biden’s Globalist Vaccine Strategy

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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November 11, 2020 12:00 pm

America LAST: Biden’s Globalist Vaccine Strategy. We discuss this and more on today's show.

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Today on Jay Sekulow live America last June binds rotavirus vaccine plan for you in the world live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow vaccine nationalism vaccine for my country is a natural response. Governments are responsible for the freedom and well-being of their citizens.

But there's a limit to what they should do phone lines are open for your questions right now.

Call 1-800-684-3110 20.

If the whole world is suffering your countries not to get better and now your home this day. My first record as all those veterans who are with us today at of God's. The men and women who serve our country.

This veterans day we honor their service. We got a lot of great content that we've created just for this Veterans Day after ACLJ for for adults and we also will play some of that during the broadcast. During the breaks. If you watch on Facebook and periscope and of course for children as well. Veterans Day video through bald Beagle, which explains Veterans Day to kids and that's really targeted towards a pre-k to about your 10 years old so I will play that at the end of the show today so you know you can go to Q2 in the bald Beagle page ensure that with your friends and family, but let us all from the ACLJ thank all of our veterans for defending our freedoms, our rights. Without you we wouldn't have those we wouldn't have the court systems that we had to fight legal challenges like we are now in, and you of course I keep us safe and volunteer to do that. So thank you to all the veterans that we have a lot of listeners were veterans and family members that have favors were veterans and a huge thank you from all of us at the American's are flawed justice that I want to go right to Washington DC because of new developments in the legal battle over election 2020. Specifically, the Presidential election.

But we now have three losses lawsuit was not filed in Arizona as well.

So you got Arizona you have Michigan and you have Pennsylvania also.

As of right this moment, the Supreme Court has left in place this day that we received on Friday of last week from Justice Alito that requires the continued segregation of those ballots.

I came in late and that any counting of those ballots not be included in very important here, not be included in the main account now. Why is that important because if there are voter irregularities which been alleged in 95 page complaint hundred five page complaint on this and filed in Pennsylvania, it is possible that all of these cases will be brought up at the same time to the Supreme Court may think that's a realistic aspect and you could have a series of cases.

Now, for instance in I believe Arizona is to be an evidentiary hearing next week.

So these cases are moving rapidly in process and that that's what's happening here and I any condos with me here and any the truth of the matter is that as you look at Arizona with an a substantive trial that is the evidence that then lower the court goes becomes part of the record going all the way up to absolutely write an evidentiary hearing is a hearing were you here is a live testimony or affidavits that evidence is presented in open court. It's evaluated by the judge and becomes part of the record and if these cases, as I suspect they will do from the various jurisdictions are consolidated and look at is one the case in terms of the underlying relief that is being sought. That will be heard by the Supreme Court in whatever happens in Arizona or Nevada or wherever else evidence is taken is going to become part of the record, it's very important that a record is developed with you as I said, he's a live testimony people who were there people who saw and heard not just hearsay or affidavits. People who swear to something because they have personal knowledge of the J doing address to date the subject line of the today show, which is America last binds globalist vaccine strategy.

See the that one of his members of his cobra 19 task force said Dr. Zeke Emanuel related to Rahm Emanuel, says that we should not provide all the vaccine to America first. Just enough to get it under control and then give it to the rest of the world don't cure all the Americans first. Don't get it to all. This is the this would be the end of America first to understand that folks to America last really get into this policy put together by Joe Biden's transition team on his covert task force we come back and we need your support. It's a great month to support the work ACLJ matching challenge W Patrick donation the American Center for Law and justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith.

Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way more limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift $20, $50 gift becomes 100.

This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online ACLJ only one.

A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to the pro-life in many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/Jay Sekulow this is Jordan secular way to get huge thank you to all those veterans who served we have so many veterans support the work ACLJ families with veterans in them and veterans who called the broadcast everyday lot of veterans on our staff at the American Center for Law and Justice West Smith that retired Col. wrote a great piece up the on Veterans Day.

While he why he was so proud to serve his country. I check that out

I did a special video for the ACLJ for C could share the video we played it for people who watch on Facebook and periscope during the break that was specific to what American hero Lt. Col. Charles kettles you will learn his story.

We put that together in a in a in a short video kind of a mini mini documentary for you for this Veterans Day to share with your friends and family, but we know that there is a lot going on in our country right now including legal battles on the Presidential election new information that the Biden coronavirus advisor. Once the US to distribute the vaccine globally affords available to all Americans. It's called the fair priority model it says that the that what we should do is we should only hold onto enough of the supply the vaccine to reach a threshold for herd immunity.

So basically I just get enough people with it here so the but not cure everyone that get everyone the vaccine I read and then get it to the rest of the world so no longer America first dad. If this Biden plan is blood that is implemented even though the vaccine's funding is creation has been done by the United States are saying we should not have enough vaccines for every American who wants one. We should start shipping them overseas after we got enough in place here for a deaf people to have. That's what were saying that the American Center for Law and Justice now more than ever because of the impact Joe Biden becomes President of the United States and that policy goes into effect. That's to the detriment of the United States, and the idea that this vaccine and hopefully it works and it looks like it's gonna be a success be made available to the United States. First, not because were trying to not be in the mass produce this all over the world to us but to get out there. The idea that this is incorrect. We should not give it to me.

United States verse where that has to be proportionally done in a different way. I think what that tells us as we know what the battles gonna look like. I think that's because you and you never talk about that the other day Jordan, appear in our DC office.

We know what the battles look like in this office because it's good to be these policy issues that are not and then we have a director of policy Harry Hutchinson would deal with at first it first, right and and and and both in a practical and academic way, but that's where the battles gonna be on the policy issues and will be taking place. The defense of our policies will come right out here yeah the thing that really amazes me is this Zeke Emanuel who is related to Rahm Emanuel big in the Obama administration wrote something that is personally offensive to me.

He says that by listening to this folks by 75 creativity and originality and productivity are pretty much gone. For the vast, vast majority of us. Can you believe that somebody would make that statement. In other words by the age of 75 you're gone it's over with for you.

There ain't no hope for you as we would say and when the friend Biden is 77 and if he takes the oath of office will be 78 Josie talking about Jordan, not me. He actually wrote why, I hope to diet 75. He's now serving what he believes the President-elect that's disputed course within the scope of task force who is well past 75, 77, it will be again into his 80s. At his first term in office. So this is the same advisor who says I quoted reasonable national partiality does not permit retaining more vaccine in the amount needed just to keep the rate of transmission below a certain point when that vaccine could instead mitigate covert harms in other countries. So again, not America first anymore. I'm not saying that America shouldn't share, but shouldn't we as the ones who been the driving force and by the way, we were told this old Heidegger, the election we were the worst country in the world. We were the problem. So for though if it were to believe Joe Biden. It we are the problem with Cova 19 oh, it's not really just that we test more people that were the problem. It seems like we should get everybody here who wants one vaccinated first because were the world's problem. According to Joe Biden, but this is Jordan working have to get used to this. This is going to be what they're really not so got me up if in fact Jovan becomes a present United States unless they these court challenges of producing a different result. The fact of the matter is if it doesn't, these are the policies you have to deal with. Now what you do as Americans we don't go run assignment your head in the sand. You confront them, and yet you work you hope you keep the at least a conservative majority in the United States Senate so that as these policies are put forward. They can either be blocked or renegotiated this office the American Center for Law and Justice office in Washington DC is across the street from the Supreme Court. With this ministration, it may be just as important that we are across the street from the Senate office buildings and one block from United States capital which you actually see from our building, so we are positioned uniquely in that sense here to take action to defend the proper values there's gonna be a clash of ideas, a clash of values it saying about weight and what we have to do is put our positions forward intelligently wisely motivate our our representatives in Congress. The house is very close now to I within minutes on caregiving, ask him about that madhouse is very close and all this to so this office is to become the hub of the defense night. It's a defense before you were affirmatively putting policies and any now. It's a defense. Yes, that's absolutely correct. It is a defense and a and that's exactly the kinds of things that where saving and aiming to do at the ACLJanice J says we are at the center of the battle with the center of it here in Washington DC with our offices at the Supreme Court and the influence that we hope to retain in the United States Senate. If the races turn out to be the runoff races that I hope to don't happen with Sen. Purdue and solve in George and Kelly Laughlin Warnock.

Those are important seats that have to be ready maintain in order to maintain our majority in the United States Senate and not lose that to a in my view, corrupt minority leader Chuck Schumer, which would be disaster. If you have the White House and the Senate and the House of Representatives all in the hands of the Democratic Party.

Jordan yet, but here's the world where the sit it stands right now there are 50 Republican US senators. Alaska was called North Carolina, was called sort 50 but if you if the President is Joe Biden 50 is not enough because if you if you lost these two elections in Georgia. It's a 50-50 split is the President and is the vice President who is President of the Senate and can cast tie-breaking votes that would be Kemal Harris. So it's why what I think you brought sufficient time. Any because this morning, the Georgia Secretary of State is announce the state is going to conduct a full audit of the 2020 Presidential race recounting by hand.

All of the millions of ballots cast in the state you call the quote in audit a recount and a re-canvas all at once. That could be very important to the Presidential race with the number sold so small there dividing Biden and Trump but it also and he could be very important to send your produce race there could be enough votes. There where that race is not going to run off and they were focused on Kelly Loeffler and we know the Republicans got the 51 retain nets that still based off a recount. I think right now both Purdue and Loeffler. They are prepared for full full audit campaigning these next five weeks yeah Jordan, you're absolutely right.

The last time I saw any numbers was that I think that Sen. Purdue was a 49.7 in Georgia. All you've got to get his 50% plus one vote in order to avoid a runoff. So I don't know what the results of this and I'm very happy that Grand Rapids Berger Republican Secretary of State of Georgia has said what you said a full re-canvas re-and use the word audit.

Audit means to go behind the papers to look at the actual raw data audit is a term of art in the business and if that's what he's going to do and really look at these carefully and exactly in May. I know it's going doing the Presidential race. I hope it prevails there as well, but it certainly may be able to overcome that lead that Sen. Purdue needs of .3+ one vote in order to prevail without a runoff against John the communist Marxist media television personality, who's never had a job and he is alive ever and went to one of the most illiberal of the prep or preparatory schools in Atlanta and to make him United States Senate would be a travesty. So I hope that it does help for Sen. Purdue and for the results of the Presidential election as well. Jordan did this admitted for to break what the people who I know there watching the legal bows there there trying to figure out you know the likelihood of this there on pins and needles still at the TSA has not confirmed this because the votes have not been confirmed by the state's outright what the people need to be looking out for these next couple days now. Talk more about them on the next segment I think number one you see some additional losses being filed. Number two you start seeing some hearings on these trials.

Number three. You can start seeing appeals from those hearings on the trials number 41 of things, some of those of the Supreme Court of the United States that is that is the likely way.

This moves forward. Now there may be additional suits coming. Even today, we got a full analysis of those lawsuits, but as they progress through the system. The ACLJ will file briefs on constitutional issues. We will see what happens frequently stays in place.

Jordan is I'm coming to you right now across the street that stay.

We got Friday is still in place in Pennsylvania so I think everybody's waiting to see what happens next in Pennsylvania support the work. The ACLJ it's a matching challenge monthly double the impact your donation. We are busy folks donate today and only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defend the rights of life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition life will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists.

The ramifications of weighing 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad.

Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful.

Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way more limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift comes 20 oh $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in her matching challenge make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online ACLJ Jay Sekulow live great content that we produce for you on Veterans Day for you.

The adults loosing the broadcast also feared kids to bald Beagle. Have a great Veterans Day at kids video there if you go to bald Beagle on YouTube. It's it's a great it's a negative information really explains my daughter loved watching it, talking chicken nugget explaining a Veterans Day but a respectful way but so the kids understand what Veterans Day is all about. How did it come about why we think veterans and the difference between Veterans Day's and and Memorial day as well. We done in a kid friendly weight so you got that you got all this available for you on Veterans Day, we hope you'll share that through social your social media accounts, whether it's Facebook, Twitter, YouTube parlor were everywhere, folks, so we encourage you to do that. I want to get to the phone calls 100-684-3110 at 2000 684-3110 Brendan Collier from Iowa online. Three. Brandon welcome to Jay Sekulow live a thank you for taking my call. My question is regarding the third and from the convenience bring a Supreme Court when they made that decision to allow ballot to come in after the election day that decision. From what I know what made a week or two prior to November 3, so why did someone not go ahead and file some type a lawsuit right away to possibly get that referred before November 3.

It was so that when this was challenged was challenged initially were talking about the Supreme Court import portion of this there was challenges going up. The problems we and then get it to the Supreme Court. And you're right that did not take place until after the decision came out and the reason that it was up first on a petition for surgery for review prior to the election. But the Supreme Court denied review theretofore for splitting the court and Justice Chief Justice Roberts went with the four liberal members of the court and it was at that.

We had a justices and was that the way the split came down you had had or six Thomas Alito and Cavanaugh, and then you had a Roberts and the other three members of the court is a soda Mayor I Justice Breyer and Justice Kagan was tied and when it's tied it's an affirmance of the state court's decision so that decision, the state court allowed for this extended period of three days, even though the Constitution is crystal clear that in any shaking his head here that it's a legislature that makes this call, not the state.

Now what the Supreme Court to deal with it, but it's got to become outcome determinative. That's what we really have to look at now guy what's important is the kind every once in a while it's a good idea to realize that folks that what's important is the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the United States says the means, method and manner in place of elections shall be decided by the and I'll quote the word legislature of the several states, not by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania determining anything, but by the legislature. Unfortunately, prior to the election is J is just outline. Justice Roberts voted with the liberal wing of the court and that for four decision and that's the rule says that you support what the lower court decided that's what happened in that case are the Skoda fall 2006 1/4 3110 at 684-3110 Skoda Robert Marilyn online what he Robert welcome to Jay Sekulow live hi Jordan jail at the question. Have there been any change in the boat. Total coPresident Donald pump and think like it would ~also in Pennsylvania and North Carolina and the other question about the applicable relationship to be out boating of the alleged voting for allegations of any of the allegations turned out to be true. What would be the penalty of voter fraud limit. Let me address the first one and address it to my understanding right now as those we counsel not started so there's no way to tell yet because one of remedies in this case, not George is doing a hand recount so that that's significant.

I think that's an impact. One is that impacting canvassing as well.

Yes, it is for there to look at an audit a recount and every campus so all three and a hand count every ballot so that it recount by hand every ballot. You do an audit of of the devoting systems in a re-canvas two of how it was how it was carried out and that is when you really look at you when you get these calls about, you know. Can you figure out votes being changed. Yes, because now not just relying on ahead.

I read a machine you're relying on human eyes that are to be overseen by watchers to say hey, was this boat correct I should we have accepted this vote or is this a faulty vote date that was improperly counted, so was it a an absentee ballot that wasn't filled out according to the rules cost. The vote was this vote counted twice.

Is this person on the voter rolls is that signature matchup. All of that and including a back end audit is and he talked about of the systems that were in place. I think that's huge that this is not just a hand recount.

This is it. As the Georgia Secretary of State said it is an audit a recount in a re-canvas all at once all at once, and I think that this is especially necessary to state where the margin is as close to the days in Georgia and where you got a key Senate race that by just a few thousand votes could in the race said that one of those would no longer be a runoff. So the hope is that they could be done by November 20 which would be well before the room. The runoffs of the Senate which are January 5, so maybe at least one of those races could be impacted to be David produced most likely and then potentially be there could be enough votes. There that could be legally challenged. That could change the outcome Georgia or that are tossed because of irregularities because they were not as we say count every legal vote that does not need to count every vote the cave-in and said that's what George is good to be doing by looking at the re-canvassing the auditing and the hand recount of the 164 3110. If you would talk to us on air.

That's 1-800-684-3110 Getty to please call for Missouri apply to a pity that I wanted. I am just so grateful that you do what you do. Thank you for taking my call. Thanks for the lady called thanks okay by clicking and all the fraud and corruption and lying and breaking laws and procedures that voting and in fact been broken and it's not enough to reelect comp plan. Biden to skip a beat. Here's the way it works in a constitutional republic. Elections matter, votes matter if you run down all of the legal challenges that take place here and the courts ruled against you. We are a country of law and what that means is if in fact the courts close the Avenue for a challenge than Joe Biden would be the President-elect of the United States. So you get the opportunity to run down those challenges in our where Constitution set up but once those challenges are done and the Supreme Court of the final order whatever court makes the final decision and ends it and issues in order.

That's it.

So then you have to ship mode into protecting policy is that a radically different worldview on the reshaping of the Middle East by Pres. company ministration versus what Joe Biden's canopy, that's for sure.

We talk more about that in entering the second half hour but yeah that's elections have consequences for yes absolutely they do we preach that all the time I the Presidential election is runoff elections in Georgia can have serious consequences about what it will be a divided Congress are not the recount is serious the legal challenges are serious but it's always it's the elections.

Ultimately, that usually have the most serious consequences. Look at the Supreme Court. Now Donald Trump nominated and confirmed three justices and one term will be right back. Second half hour coming up at the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate will be managed $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 you can make a difference in the work we do.

Protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you and your family. Give a gift today online LJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow live and now Jordan's secular back the second para Jay Sekulow life.

We are taking phone calls at 1-800-684-3110 and let me get if you're just joining us for the second half hour FAQ on this Veterans Day to all the native women who do serve our country and have served our country to defend the freedoms and liberties to that you have fought for so that we can take advantage of those so we may have the freedom of speech so we can take these legal challenges to court the disputed election so that we we are able to talk to you like we are today and get the free information out and again we couldn't do any of that the Constitution and all of its protections would be a lot of words without our military defending our rights, whether it's here the United States from a foreign adversaries or defending us from attacks from abroad. So thank you so much to all those veterans. The minute women who serve and have served our country to all of our listeners out there who are veterans who have for family members who serve or have served. We just want to thank you and we produced a number of things you got a great new blog up by retired Col. Wes Smith from ACLJT. We have a lot of veterans working force. The ACLJ that's up in for kids. We have a special video from bald Beagle up on explaining what Veterans Day is all about I tell you my daughter loved it and it really did explain the day that they usually educate any of this pre-k to 10 years old wooden really be able to comprehend what is studied a great way for kids.

We also this great video I did it narrated for a specific American hero on this Veterans Day, a Lieut. Col. Charles kettles receive that that the medal of honor the presence of anybody so I again I encourage you to check out all of that that we have on our social media. Whether it's on Facebook, YouTube, parlor, and twitter check that out and share with your friends and family that let's get back to it and I want to get an update.

Specifically, on Congress right now because I think this is key just as key as you. Of course the Presidential legal battles are. We got updates there that you don't do challenges out of out of Nevada as well and so again I think we watch that very carefully.

The stay still in place in from the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and you look at Michigan as well for unlawful vote counting so this is all starting to come together as I've been saying these interviews but said there needs to be attention of the U.S. Senate because right now as it stands, Republicans have 50 seats Democrats have 48 there are two up right now we don't have a determination both out of Georgia. Both which could be runoffs where Georgia voters decide that January 5 if it's right Jordan, we been saying for days now and this broadcast that call should have been made in North Carolina and Alaska, and now by everyone except for Fox news in North Carolina. Both of those dates have been called, but those races have been done for a while now so you're right it's 50 Republicans in the United States Senate and 48 Democrats with two races still outstanding in a drawer and I heard you touch on this in a previous segment that I really want to emphasize this point, one of those races is clearly heading to a runoff because there were about 30 candidates on the ballot there were three major candidates. None of them is close to 50%. That runoff will be between Sen. Loeffler and Rev. Warnock but Jordan, the other race is very, very much still in play now that there's a hand recount in the canvassing that you talked about in Georgia. The latest numbers there are that Sen. Purdue has 49.73% of the vote. That means that you only have to remove remove several hundred votes and I want to just here to tell you that number. Jordan usually does move in one direction or another. When there's a recount. Jordan even if fraud is not uncovered, even if it's all legitimate. A recount generally moves that many votes now.

I don't know which way they would move but I'm here to tell you that that race is still outstanding. It is not yet certain to go to a runoff.

If Sen. Purdue were to win that race out writing would be 51 seats of Republicans and just one race to go to a runoff in January 5. As of now, you're correct the balance of power in the United States, and it might indeed be on the ballot in January for the one of those races. Jordan is still very much in play very much in play, because of the recount and said that recount that we now know is good to be very extensive and audit a recount and re-canvas all done by November 20. So plenty of time I to know whether or not they would have to take that race into a recount or not and who controls the U.S. Senate. If we might know by November 20 if if Purdue gets over the line. There, but either way I think if you look at both those races. Runoff right now and prepare for battle battle to make sure there is a Republican Senate will be right back. The American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad.

Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith.

Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift becomes 20 oh dollar gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms give a gift today online ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the Obama care means to the prone life in many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right question for mission life today online ACL data/Jay Sekulow this is Jordan secular. We are take your phone calls 100-684-3110 at 2000 683110 don't want to get to the house as well to get your phone calls and in the house, Nancy Pelosi, they really underperformed it specially if Joe Biden does win where he was winning, and states that they need to take back yet interest states like California with really tight house races they were losing at Mina a record number of Republican pro-life women elected.

It won't be that the House Republicans will be the majority within tell people how close it could be depending on some of these are still outstanding. Yet this is a hard one to follow Jordan because you know you have vacancies and retirements men strainer 235 Democrats at the start of the next Congress. Only 233 at the end. So we start talking about net pickup gets a little bit confusing.

Let me just tell you this, there are still 14 races that are yet to be called and as of now Democrats only have 218 race is called in their favor. That would give them a 218 to 17 a single vote advantage door now.

Of the 14 races that are out, the Republican candidate leads in 11 of them. Jordan so and the Democrat only leads in three of those races. So if those results were to hold and they might move one or two about one or two seats in either direction. If Democrats were to a win win just three of those remaining 14 and there only leading in three of them. That would give them 221 votes in the United States.

Outs to 214 a for Republicans or Jordan that that's important for a couple reasons. Number one, that's only four seats away in the midterm from flipping control of the United States house, but more more immediate. Jordan it's an issue for Speaker Pelosi because she has to get a majority of the United States house not not, she can't lose it by plurality she has to get a majority 218 votes to retain the speakership, Jordan, that would mean something as simple as this AOC Congresswoman Alexandria Cossey or Cortez and three other members of the so-called squad Jordan. If they decide that they don't want Speaker Pelosi to be the speaker.

If these numbers hold just those for members of the United States house could deny Speaker Pelosi. The gavel it's going to be very very interesting in the United States house. If these numbers hold and Jordan just just the kind give you a ballpark of what that means. It means that Republicans are likely to flip somewhere around a dozen seats in the United States house even though most prognosticator said the Democrats were in a pickup 10 to 15 states.

Think about that folks. Just think about the failure in their talk about right now of the Democrat party and you think that Nancy Pelosi status as speakers you think Chuck Schumer stays his leader of the Senate, especially if they don't take the two Georgia seats.

I think that Speaker Pelosi's gavels in real danger. Jordan, I really do and an advocate was almost in danger. Last time she had to cut a deal with the radicals in the and of the far left radicals in her conference to get another term and she said she wouldn't run for more than two more terms, a speaker, so in theory, she would only have one turn left and there was already talk of it might be the healthiest for the Democratic caucus to start transitioning in their words to someone younger.

Maybe someone more relatable to the far left. The Jordan if if it really does get down to she could only afford to lose three votes.

It's not that they would vote for Republican they would vote for another candidate they would vote for someone inside the Democrat majority in Speaker Pelosi would probably still get the most votes, but you're not just want to remind people that's not enough to become speaker. You have to have a majority 218 votes in the United States house and Jordan they take as many pallets as it takes for someone to get to 18 and if she doesn't get to 18 on the first ballot.

I'm here to tell you she's in a lot of trouble, heartless, get right to the phone to but hold onto the carrot in Georgia online five estates, a hotbed now because you get to potential runoffs of the U.S. Senate where the balance of power ends yet carrying a full recount going on in your state. Every canvas and an audit of all the votes go ahead with your question about what it will count in different date. I may be counting everything out. Bennett note that back could easily slip if we have an applicant seeking this in George's instance, it's very specific. This is more than just a hand recount. This is a full audit of the vote in every canvas and because I think of those that close Senate race there where you need that 50+ one that it wit it could impact that's we been talking about. So yes, you could see other races impacted now II don't know if there's any other races in Georgia were so razor thin that it would be impacted, but that like in the house level or potentially at the local level, you would know that Karen better than I did. I would, but Andy would you do this kind of a recount in a state with this small of a margin again. It is, it is not outside the norm for things to switch.

It is not Jordan, and Uganda, and Stan said we've got only Sen. Purdue has 49.73% of the vote in Georgia and against the communist Marxist John and others that this is the state of Georgia heavily red, having heavily conservative heavily traditional and when you do a recount. I think it favors the incumbent and a few votes is all is needed to push Sen. Purdue over than 50% plus one so I think that that's a critical state, and the fact that Brad ravens were the Secretary of State has said he's going to do a complete audit that means looking behind the vote canvas audit recount everything. In other words, everything's up to be looked at and to examine. I think that's terribly important and I think it may change the race at least a Sen. Purdue is concerned, I really do all right everything they got got another call to George. I think this is just it's really an important state right now. People who live there understand because the balance of power.

The of the Senate and what Joe Biden would be able to do, he would build raise taxes you a you he would be able to to raise your taxes.

No green new deal course to be another midterm election coming up in two years, but it would permit that I think is most extreme nominees would be able to be stopped with. With this kind of a bit Republican majority that that knew that their job was to really be the bulwark against the radical leftist policies that Joe Biden would want to put in place along with the house Democrats so screwed up market Georgia online three Haymarket online three mark welcome to Jay Sekulow live my call. I got a general question, why is it taking so long to finish counting though the complaint state and a Georgia question about is it true that the Georgia audit will be performed by Dominion the company debate the compromise voting machine likely to elicit the debated issue will be looked at. That's why they are doing a audit of the systems that's what that means is yes, yes it that I don't think that you're going to have the fox in the hen house doing the recount Dominion is part of the problem the Secretary of State. I know from having worked for the Secretary of State in Georgia for years as their counsel that they have independent investigators and auditors who will be looking at these votes so the canvas will be done by the Secretary of State.

Looking at the votes in these various counties that have been created the problems but this is not only going to happen in Fulton and DeKalb County or Keller go, borrow gonad, the Metropolitan Atlanta area, but it's going to be full and throughout the state and I and it will be done independently and it will not be done by anybody in my opinion from what I can see that may have compromised the vote to begin with.

All right, let's go back to the folds again one 800 684 30 wanted the 61 two on Georgia. Jim and George online for Jim you're on the air will keep hearing about retail all my concern is that these modes have been have been illegal drugs that have been introduced into the system that we will be doing with the recount's knowledge will be simply confirming and reinforcing the narrative pushed by the far left, I noticed that Rudy Giuliani excavator, for he was saying that he believes that the votes were introduced in the Pennsylvania from an extralegal source.

Jim, when you do these recount your exact what you don't like to be on this case Is Andy you're looking for those votes is fraudulent votes bad votes illegal votes votes that should be tossed so they do the hand count this, not even just about the art of of the actual votes. The cavemen are there looking for the problem votes and they've got people observing them doing that, I mean your you're absolutely right, Jordan. That's what you're looking for you looking for the fact of the love the the fraudulent votes, the votes that were introduced by fraud, so don't think that a recount is not to be able wherever an audit is Sec. Roethlisberger said, is not going to ferret those out because that's exactly what you're looking for, so I don't I don't. Don't despair. Jim, I don't think that you should despair and think that that's not going to happen because if it's a fair and full audit which is what the Secretary of State said it was going to be it's going to expose those and that will that will I think affect the Senate race and it may affect the Presidential race should affect the Presidential race if it's done fully and fairly, in my opinion right folks got another segment coming up on Jay Sekulow live will continue take your phone calls is a time in our country again where we think our veterans that we have the rights to be able to challenge these election results to going to court have recount stamp broadcast like this at the American Center for Law and Justice Organizations like the ACLJ nonprofit groups where you can donate its tax-exempt and we have a matching challenge right now were to think of all these battles votes. If you can donate to the ACLJ double your impact your donation. Donate Only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice as is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold mission will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question free copy mission life today online ACLJ/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad.

Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful.

Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift comes $20, $50 gift becomes 100.

This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online ACLJ is just a lot of content for folks and some of the content is for kids. Specifically, we been talking about being alone on or before the brother Logan was heading that up. And of course hopes that the reprogram but but Logan today. It was released. Couple days ago was he most teacher today. You did a bald eagle video, use the puppets.

The cartoons for kids that pre-k like 10 years oldish on what what is Veterans Day basically writing you're seeing such removal of history and some of the specific days we are doing for my own kids are doing to make sure they're educated. They know why these days are important, why things like the electoral college support is you see a lot of people like George Washington are important because your seeing history be changed, erased and messed up and we at the ACLJ created bald beagle and yes just a couple days ago we released our Veterans Day for kids video cut nuggets of information the chicken nuggets tell kids about veterans and Veterans Day why it's important always think our veterans. Here's what I've learned very quickly. My kids love it love kids about the other great great feedback from people who see it, but it's really important, what's good is when you're done with it. Ask your kids what they learn. What do they know the answers. Essentially, tell your little quiz on what they saw. What I've seen is that it's been very impactful very quickly like that. We just released a video on Sunday, but we really do perennial today. It's Artie died. I believe my internal number say well over 30,000 views, which for a brand-new kids YouTube channel is huge on I think everyone I play equipment replayed at the end of your watching online on Facebook or have your watch you stay to replay the whole yellow foliage video and you can find on our bald beagle listen on radio where do people go to find W because you don't want to George Washington you done one on the electoral college is still very important right now as we speak and explains it is our biggest real estate because I think even though it's done through cartoons and puppets. A lot of a lot of adults need to understand the electoral college and how it works and of course Veterans Day. Keeping these days different than what Memorial day is it and what it's all about but I think I did this video is great, but where do people go over there. Listen on radio right now listening on radio. The easiest way to go to bald beagle and again this beagle with a B like a beagle and Eagle together. Think about that we bald has her latest video you'll see it there or just directly on YouTube search for bald beagle beagle it pops up immediately.

I we are saying I YouTube actually has been featuring these videos heavily and we appreciate that because you never know when we are putting out this kind of content where to get ago how to get a live we have seen great people share it. Please continue to share it with your friends in your your own little audience that you may have because I it's important for kids and it looks part of the ACLJ that I shall bald you can donate and you donate your donation goes to the ACLJ so we appreciate that just like every other donation when his party matching challenge the matched gift. All of those things, but what it does. It helps us break that out as a line item to say this is why this kind of content is important, helps us determine our next step for bald beagle and for all of our content at the ACLJ. I it's been really fun to do the Lotta work of puppets I would've learned not easy. Our animation team is just incredible that we have just a a wonderful a group of creators involve the ball beagle so I'm excited to share it with them believed we were to play the full length of the end of the Foley got the odds Veterans Day door and you want to take some calls were he wrap up a little something about holding that absent the full text of the calls to Kelly was called California online. Six. Haley worked daily in May. They are happy that my manual and I they're the same. There life that outline you know that the weight on why we need to tidy all time is needed because I get Ray and if he came back Lincoln and Jan Gabbay and he will never come out with anything, do you think that if they cannot, intent on before the election will be voting for Biden and all I don't think they would like this very much said that that we should all be dead at 75 and hope to be dead at 75 and that's his covert advisor who wants to make sure that there is a vaccine doesn't get to all Americans only gets to just enough American. So where we keep our numbers low enough that we give it out to the rest the world. That's the is the end of America first policy member present trip was criticized for saying America first. This is the opposite of that. This is America last and hope I die at 75. His underwater crate now working for Geico 77 is good to be the commander-in-chief we think about that but they put these people on their boards is in their minds, there's that that European elitist mindset was go to Justin's call online to Virginia. He just welcome to Jay Sekulow live day-to-day apps yet that the Biden team considering legal option can keep stalling the transition now do they have any rhyme or reason to be doing that right out the election results are certified that the GSA which actually oversees that the government services administration fan until the election results are certified. The GSA does not need to provide resources. The elections not done. And so they don't provide the resources for the transition saw me they could try to sue, but the GSA has said very clearly. These results are certified yet so we don't have a certified winter.

During this is not unusual or unprecedented either in 2000 I worked for Pres. George W. Bush's transition, and for weeks and weeks for the 37 days until the Supreme Court made a decision. The funds were not released to move us into the official transition of facility in Washington DC, so we were across the river in Arlington Virginia so look need this conspiracy theories that the GSA is sometimes somehow holding this up. It's just not factual Jordan in till it certified.

Those funds are knocking to be available. Yes, I would expect that VP Biden would continue to prepare the door and he's not going to get those funds in access to those resources until it certified that's the legal process in the United States of America.

There you go today folks. I just want to encourage you. I think that those that be the final call the day to check out everything that we've produced just for Veterans Day. We got a special video I did for Veterans Day. Acknowledging the service of one specific veteran telling a story. So I think that makes it important to us.

And if you that's that's great for like teenagers, young as of the older kids to add for you to watch American hero Lieut. Col. Charles kettles just to highlight what it means. What we talk about Veterans Day got bald beagle you see that video on Veterans Day. If you watch on Facebook periscope that I YouTube you can see that video right after the show, so stay on and play that video you could find it on YouTube. Logan so people could go there as well. They should also they need to. People need to subscribe to the ACLJ YouTube were doing a lot more there and to the ball. Beagle you were spend a lot more time on YouTube. You see a lot of post Lotta comments happening about social media general, we see that audience on YouTube exploded in the last few days people are searching and needing new content so we encourage you deftly subscribe you're watching right now, the loud, you are even on our YouTube channel live scribe. The ACLJ page scribe my page Logan Sekulow reprogram described bald beagle the Jay Sekulow YouTube channel got a bunch of content. If you have kids deftly subscribe to ball beagle because it's safe you know it's coming for people you know and trust the ACLJ team it's very creative because we have what I think is the best creative entertainment team in the world just happened to be creating incredible content for nonprofit Christian conservative organization put together the best group of people on the planet and incredible animators incredible puppeteers incredible writers incredible videotape. I love everything we've done so far through that you need to check it out. Special give kids and grandkids bald go to YouTube channel. beagle. You can donate as well to ball beagle through the ACL to support our work double the impact your donation to matching challenge month.

We are involved in every single battle you can imagine, as you know, folks donate double the impact your donation. Remember that video on Veterans Day is about the place you want your Facebook periscope and YouTube the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 could make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most to you and your family. Give a gift today online ACLJ