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ACLJ EXCLUSIVE: Obama WH Counsel Sent TOP SECRET Letter to Comey the Day Before Trump’s Inauguration

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
October 1, 2020 1:00 pm

ACLJ EXCLUSIVE: Obama WH Counsel Sent TOP SECRET Letter to Comey the Day Before Trump’s Inauguration

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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October 1, 2020 1:00 pm

ACLJ EXCLUSIVE: Obama WH Counsel Sent TOP SECRET Letter to Comey the Day Before Trump’s Inauguration. We discuss this and more on today's show.

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Breaking news in ACLJ has revealed that Pres. Obama's White House counsel sent an email to Jim Comey the night before President trumps inauguration. Talk about that more today on Jay Sekulow live live from Washington DC. Phone lines are open for your questions right now called one 806 843-110-1800 68412, your host, secular Jay Sekulow like this Jordan secular take your phone calls hundred 6110. It's pretty back in the studio by debtor travel. Yes, they were actually in Atlanta Georgia at the Cobb Galleria for the faith and freedom. Coalition conference still going on. There was the first day yesterday on my dad received the Justice Scalia award ads for his work for President trumpets address the group.

Of course every we know of course.Chairman Ralph Reed very well is been on this broadcast advertising works for together long time and's and VP Pittsburgh there as well.

Yesterday Atlanta since I was a great to be there to be amongst the grassroots to be most those of you who I know are going to be working hard in this election cycle and or chart you do everything you can even with Tobit to do that so that's where we were and I know Logan will and Rick Rundell our special visor. They kinda covered the debate. I don't want to go back through that again. I think listen is going to be some changes made to the next debate.

I don't think really see the same issues in the vice Presidential debate I don't. I do think the next debate is a Mormon town hall forum so I think it's to the issues about changes are really more likely.

The third debate, which has similar rules to the first debate enough on that right now. I think that you got plenty of commentary on that. At still going on on TV the still comedy on that now that you want to comment on present trumps rallies which I think it's great that he's out there doing that, but we've got some the time that we have not yet gone to on the broadcast yet because so much as happened these first couple days of the week with the debate with the nomination of Judge Judge Barrett all that we uncovered through a forest.

We set a FOIA that this was a FOIA about Colby's spies inside the White House. Anthony Ferranti Jordan Ray Jordan Ray Kelly and to Sheena Gower.

You may remember this one of those like them update the get the delays onto the FBI one was someone who somehow what did tech job and somehow it got to stay in the White House and what was at the NSC so anyhow we did a FOIA on the Comey spies and we got interesting reply back on this. From what we will reset the FOIA out for the FBI records. We got a FOIA and of course DOJ and FBI records. It's interesting because the emails initially sent from the White House counsel to Pres. Obama on Thursday, January 19 at 3 o'clock Eastern time.

It's emailed your watch on Facebook and periscope you see on the screen from Neil Egle since he was the last White House counsel present Obama. The email is to what we know some names were redacted because they're not Jim Comey and Andrew McKay the date January 19 what happens the next day present. Trump is sworn in as an ex-President of United States. The classification is top-secret and ego and he says in the email from the White House counsel direct or indirect Deputy Director. Please see the attached letter. Thanks, Neil that attached letter then is sent from Jim Comey again at 10 o'clock at night. 9:52 PM to his general counsel of the FBI James Baker at dot to review this.

FYI, no.

It's interesting it will give us the attachment so were taken the FBI to court. What top-secret info do they have to send for the White House counsel to the FBI director the night before President Trump was not great this in light of the fact that Jim Comey says he doesn't remember anything about the CIA asking the FBI to investigate whether or not it was Hillary Clinton's campaign was actually colluding with the Russians. It was approved by Hillary brief written brief present Obama on it, but somehow Jim Comey just can't recall any of that particular phone calls, 1-800-684-3110 at 2064th 3110, but we've uncovered this because of our boys and they must relate to the FBI spies in the White House because that's where FOIA was about to have spirit in relation to that and there's more. We back the challenges facing Americans as time went on about freedom or constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades. ACLJ on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. Here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms than remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you. Not well this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition like it will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end, would Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership in the is empowering the right to question your free copy of mission in life today online ACLJ/this notetaker is so weak you he like advise the whole video two part series on Showtime about himself, played by Jeff Daniels known from dumb and dumber playing Jim, you think that that makes perfect sense. But you know he he he he. Through the copious notetaker member. He took the notes and presently the amount there was law professor friend, but in yesterday's hearing. He doesn't remember the CIA who says they did tell him they went to the FBI.

He would been briefed on this and people around them record. Alexi tweeted out today that there's no way, if even if Jim Comey is a rumor that there is not 10 other people it out because they do because if he was briefed on it. There were people around and there were briefed on it and add people like Andrew McCabe.

They need to be asked a question two. Did you ever investigate what the CIA ask you to investigate which is that Hillary Clinton and her campaign were actually the beginning of the entire Russia collusion story and that's because they're just there emails got hacked and they wanted to blame it on President Trump so there emails get hacked. The server gets hacked Hillary Clinton knows how I got this private server just got hacked.

I need to turn this around on the other my opponent.

So let's just say that he decide to do this hacking with the Russians. That's where it all started the CA picked up on that and they actually asked the FBI to investigate the gym. Colby got asked yesterday under oath sent Disher committee.

You remember this at all. Jim anything, anything at all. Take a listen. You don't remember getting a investigatory lead from the intelligence community September 7, 2016. The US intelligence officials forwarded an investigative referral of FBI to FBI director James Comey and direct assistant director of counterintelligence. Peter struck regarding US Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's approval of a plan concerning US Prez residential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering US elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server. You don't remember getting that are being taught that that that meant okay Osprey study thing it didn't ring the bell, but it did come to you so we know it. He was briefed on and we know that that was even asked to do an investigation fan into what the CIA Intel had picked up that Hillary Clinton was actually the source of the story.

In fact what they picked up was that the Russians had been looking at that through their intelligence and their intelligence community. The Russians had picked up the Clinton's campaign was there to try and blame them Russia in the trunk campaign so the so that's how the CIA came about this info is it Russia was say you know you there Intel was briefing their leaders, saying were about to be blamed by that for this by Hillary Clinton and are going to try leak us to the trunk campaign and say there's more in our FOIA is well and I want you to sit explain people again I'd I tried to once, but just one more time may be devoid that this FOIA that we file is everything in response.

This including even this very generic meeting that Jim Comey liked it on like Microsoft office 365 on April 10, 2017.

It said the meeting organizer Jim Comey that was given back to us. It doesn't tell us what the meeting was about. In response to a FOIA about his three spies at the White House tell people about it a little. It takes a little bit to lay out during your right the first of all me just tell you James Comey is such a slippery guy especially when it comes to virtual conferencing. As we saw yesterday and the committee and he can't tell you how many times he said I don't remember.

I don't know doesn't ring a bell. By the way, Jordan.

How disheartening is it if the director of the FBI doesn't know anything about the most important investigation as he called it, that is going on on inside his investigation. If that were true. Jordan begs the question, what were you doing.

But here's here's there's really the bottom line and and how it relates our FOIA we know it's not true. Jordan and we got the information from our FOIA request that shows it's not true. We have evidence now that he was right in the middle of it all. And further, we have evidence that he was communicating with him about it with the Obama White House. Jordan has said they know nothing about it.

All of those things cannot simultaneously be true, and now we have the documentation to prove it.

This correspondence, Jordan, that happens the night before the inauguration.

It has to pertain to director Comey scheme to put spies inside the Trump White House. If it was not pertaining to that Jordan, we would not have got the document to the document you are part of our report request. I was the only thing that we were asking for and this is James Comey forwarding that email from the White House counsel's office of the White House counsel's office sent to Dir. Comey and Dir., Deputy Director Annie McCabe. He is forwarding on to his general counsel, James Baker now here here's the one thing I would tell you Jordan. They did not give us the attached letter so we don't know exactly what information was forwarded but were going back to court and I will tell you. Here's what the Department of Justice told us just this week we're gonna get that by October 29 Georgia just a few weeks away, but just it just to lay out the top level we have to put to rest now, this idea that I would make that correction were to get the letter well that that's what we've asked for and in the filing, the government has said. The FBI anticipates it will be to review the records subject to that consultation. Produce all responsive nonexempt information subject to FOIA and complete its response to subpart one of your request by October 29, 2022 Jordan@we've been telling people more is coming were getting more in just the night you make you bite your guide to collect the presence concern that I don't think should be action any action taken or incarcerated. He may be due to fine job, but there seems to be. I know he stepped into a very difficult situation is not easy to take over those departments like that they're working against you. Half the time. Specially the FOIA office.

Lots of bureaucrats but it seems like Chris Ray could've taken the same positions like act, the former acting director in our special visor breaker now and declassify this and put this information out yet. We don't know exactly because we don't know what is misclassified for 10 years.

If you look at the emails they classified and forgotten years. They say it's top-secret for 10 years and then it can beat the class which is not forever, but it's over it's for now until at least the next told it even presence is reelected through his entire term in office two terms in office in the next administration could then they could be released in through the foyer, anything that very easily is entirely possible to earn. I would say even probable target.

You can't say with certainty without knowing what's in there, but I certainly think he could do it. I do want to make one clarification Jordan we are to get another production by October 29 were almost certainly gonna have to go back to court and fight for that attached letter you for the next tenant productions the look in it strictly network and have to keep going to court but we must not lose the top line here Jordan. The White House counsel's office and Dir. Jim Comey were in direct communication the night before the inauguration and it was about this spies skiing the director Comey had to send spies over the White House look director Comey can come in front of the committee and say whatever he wants. The only thing he's done. Jordan is open himself up to problems in the future because we know the truth. He was involved. He did know about it no matter how many times he says he didn't so he got me all this, relating back to the Comey spies and this is what we got back. So another FBI record ACLJ ACLJ obtained in this FOIA lawsuit shows that you have the meeting being organized. We also though have this from 2016, October 26 East during the present selection about a month before the election were kind of around that right now worked couple days away from October 3. Right now, so this would be in that time of year. An email from Andrew McCabe responding to the White House counsel and Jim Comey and Lisa page. I understand your concerns Neil with our request. I'm happy to come over the small team to discuss with you the specifics. The earliest convenient. Thanks Andrew McCabe and in the email before that from Jim Comey from Neil Eggleston who is the White House counsel for Pres. Obama on September 30, so it took a few days for Andrew McCabe to respond. This all happened right before the election. Jim and Andy ceasing Tosh to print for Loretta.

I'm literally the Atty. Gen. and and Sally Gates, the Deputy Attorney General both traveling response to recent outreach FBI regarding FBI's proposal to conduct a full content review of it. Of course that content review of is redacted for those you watching that the apathy review of memorandum for Deputy Director McCabe and then a lot of redaction ends. Notwithstanding this concern, we don't see what the concern is because that's redacted.

The concern is redacted.

We stand ready to work.

The FBI DOJ. As we previously said to discuss ways for that and were able to be with DOJ and FBI leadership to discuss next steps.

Thanks Neil that's Neil the White House counsel. I mean, we see an email from Andrew McCabe to Jim Kobe to Jim Kobe General Counsel to James Rybicki as well say interesting response from you.

I was not aware that we had shared our request with the Deputy Attorney General with the White House, which discuss where how we should reach back seven meeting so we don't know what this is about except for we know it must relate thing and everything your phone calls on this 100-684-3110.

I believe there's enough attention on how how wimpy Jim Kobe is and if he was that out of touch that he doesn't member this. Why should you believe anything is books. What should you believe any of his notes.

I don't at these liar I think is a guide guided waivers head full of himself higher honor were like no one in unkempt incapable everyone know would like to should been fired would been fired by Hillary Clinton to disaster for that doesn't remember the key moments. This is all in response to Kobe spies will be filed on redacted emails, White House counsel leading up to election day inaugural day inauguration day before with attached document and of course they did want to send Chris Ray. If you're ever listening. If your teams ever paying attention. Maybe get the stuff moving little faster.

Be nice to them will be back take your calls 164 3110 on Jay Sekulow life. Only one.

A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right to life question free copy mission life today online ACLJ/challenges facing Americans are substantial time and are now free to store constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades. ACLJ on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member.

Thank you, are not well this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ God where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ Jay Sekulow secular. We are take your phone calls 100 684 31 two that's 1-800-684-3110 I get I think it's very important to note that this FOIA that we file the responses was about Jim Comey spies to everything in this FOIA that they gave over test had to relate back to the three individuals that were at the White House for Jim Comey to spy on the trust administration gone to that a number of times the fact that that it ended up with documents being sent like that from the White House counsel top legal advisor to the present inside the White House and from Frankfurt to see, understand, that is. Now that's Patsy Pallone limited the impeachment trial be my daddy can take the truck that the lead is present trumps counsel and that he had his White House counsel Patsy Pallone you saw both of them involved because involved with the presence individual capacity and as present as so the White House involved as well and select Patsy Pallone – you had that person for Obama emailing Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe at 3 o'clock in the afternoon the day before the inauguration of Pres. trumps he's been elected saying it'll see attached to Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe. Not much they were to build to do at that point but again I feel like stand probably papering a trail much like we saw done with Susan Rice. They love to write this paper trails and they were all doing it seem like in the last 24 hours. They had at the White House. I totally agree with that. Jordan is a paper trail goes all the way back to at least September 30, 2016. The documents that we just uncovered a confirm that I just want to reiterate that. So from at least September 30, 2016 leading all the way up to the night before the inauguration.

All of these people were aware of this scheme to put FBI assets inside the in the in the incoming administrations White House now course, they didn't know that he would won the election.

Back in September 2016 to listen to these names Jordan a James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Baker, James Rybicki, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, White House counsel, Neil Edelstein and then Jordan I mean we arty have the documents from the January 5 meeting inside the Oval Office. Also, Pres. Obama and VP Joe Biden. So all of them were aware of the scheme.

All of them were briefed on. We have document showing multiple briefings of the White House. Jordan so I'm just I'm just tired of this excuse that both sides are giving that this was a surprise to everybody and Sally Yates didn't know what was happening when she was asked inside that meeting know she knew dating back to September 30 that this was part of the plan. Jordan there, there's gonna be more coming out, but I gotta tell you, I think the picture is pretty clear now they're not admitting it, but the documents that we have show that this was a scheme that lasted for well over a year and 1/2 folks return your phone calls 100 684 31 two that's 100-684-3110 similar calls all taken in the order they came will take both impact Michigan online to Pat. Welcome to Jay Sekulow live without my questionnaire thank you for taking my call. But my question and I you know, kind of Bellefontaine and wandering around what's going on. Without it, but what I wonder is after this many years. And all this information you're finding.

If charges can be brought up again. Call me in some of these other people. After this late at the time, and because you know they've done wrong. They broken the law.

Obviously cell can they be charged with anything. Listen, I think charging Hillary Clinton is a chair. The chance of locked wrappers for years. It was taken probably more information sooner rather than later that this new revelation. I mean listen, we are weeks before the election with 3030 days 32 that man is the lesson that you have a 31 day 30. And we get the exact number from a producer will then back up at him.

It's 33 days case helically as I can be charged 33 days, but let me tell you what will happen. None of these people will work really see justice like the special counsel's team who was doing things we believe are illegal like like Peter Schrock unless those people are indicted very soon by Durham. They will not see justice unless present culture elected on the tell you to vote for NMSA. That's the reason why shouldn't vote for President front by the way, but all of these investigations will stop.

We think about that and how long it took for us to find out enemy makes some sense because the CIA Intel to the FBI that they had picked up from the Russians because the Russians that were about to get blamed for hacking. Hillary Clinton server and there to say that we did in coordination with with trumps campaign so you we have to prepare for this CA picks that up. It says wait Hillary codes campaign is putting this whole thing out.

Then Brandon briefs Pres. Obama about that and the CIA goes to Jim Comey and the FBI and asked them to investigate and we have no idea whether was investigated yet or not.

So people used to say will maybe Hillary Clinton isn't going to go to jail. Maybe in all the stuff is been investigated, you move on.

Is it from Peter. Now I think you look back at you say you know what they look at the Clinton foundation again should be looking at this now. The reporting suggest that they are looking at the Clinton foundation through John Durham's investigation below, pitted back to director Comey because he actually commented on both of those issues during yesterday's hearing J.

Jordan. He said that he would not have signed the Carter page application knowing what he knows today.

He also admitted that they knew about that. The fact that the political opposition to the President was funding the dossier and yet did not presented to the court. He was pressed on that repeatedly. And that's when he reverted Jordan to the answers of I don't know.

I'm not aware Jordan if if his department if his agency knew that there was a political bias behind the information they were presenting to the court to serve Vail and American citizen, and he as the director of the FBI did not make sure that the court knew that information. Remember Jordan a call it a certification and he signed the document certifying that the information was correct.

If he even didn't. If if he just didn't know that they were not presented to the court. He certified that Jordan I think he's in legal jeopardy. So look. Maybe it's a higher threshold when you're talking about Hillary Clinton, who is a political candidate that point. But when you're talking about a public servant with the authority that James Comey had and he certified those applications. Knowing about those errors, Jordan Ike, I gotta tell you, if I were him I would be hoping that John Durham did not have a long time to finish that investigation because I would be very concerned about where that investigation would end up you absolutely were to your phone calls 100 684 31 two that's 100-684-3110 to get another exchange or play this about the Pfizer court in the FBI and application. Sen. Josh Holly big fan of his at a Missouri is ask it in this exchange with Jim Comey and the flies and misleading the Pfizer court take a listen. In this case the Pfizer court said that they had reason to doubt the reliability of FBI applications across cases because of the level of misleading information that you personally signed off on. Do you regret your role in this unprecedented misleading of the Pfizer court. I don't regret my role. I regret why don't you regret your role in the unprecedented misleading of a FISA court granted the FBI supplied information to a FISA court that was inaccurate or incomplete and should have been updated signed off on, but I regretted hesitating is what the FBI director does in connection with the Pfizer executive very narrow to the side Clinton to be accurate and will, but he's not responsible for think very similar having Jim Daly. Basically this hearing is what I Expected to do was there be bombshells that he would announce that he would either say I'm not really responsible for that was bad. She's kind of Artie said before, I was interested that he said he never does it remember it all.

Something as big as ACLJ is been on the frontlines protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member thinking.

If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us,, where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and secular Jay Sekulow. This Jordan security your phone calls with Mary that your plate the typical Jim Comey, you know, so the hearing yesterday was that Jim Comey is going to make news, it was more the news that the CIA was asking his FBI time to investigate Intel that they picked up the Russians on the Russians. The Russians had picked up the Hillary Clinton was going to blame them for the hacking to her server and then tie that hack to them working Russians working with Trump and see a pic that Intel up and said you know we need to talk briefs.

Pres. Obama about it Brenda did and then asked the FBI to investigate whether the Clinton campaign was behind the entire collusion narrative.

It appears that it was then Jim Cho was Esther. We had to give a look into very play the seller to plague and he's a kid remember bringing Harry Hutson as well. ACLJ, a senior policy analyst attorney as well as for law professor at you. We see Jim Comey do this time and time again.

He has great memory for his notes that he takes out of his office and gives to his room to leak to the newspaper is a great memory. If you look at his book I think down from Junior tweeted out there are special Pfizer recruit now verse replied to the tweety you just look at passages of his book and he'll say I river everything.

Remember every detail of going down the street. This is asked about you now. Did you ever hear about the CIA asking if hey Hillary Clinton may have made up the entire collusion think is Russia is saying in their Intel then that same part privately, publicly, privately, we need to be prepared for this because they can say that we did this and that were working with the truck campaign and he said no. I don't remember that. That seemed like something you would remember Harry if you are Jim Kobe, the expert in memory, the guy who took copious notes on everything he was ever told. Absolutely sooner. What we have this an illustration of James Comey selective memory. Apparently it has been accidentally wiped like the special councils followed by accident of the ACLJ's for your revelations, coupled with James Comey's testimony yesterday leads to one of two conclusions.

First, that James Comey was due by FBI staffers or second that James Comey was stunningly stupid. It turns out of course that both of these two things could be true at the same time. What we have in this particular case is clear evidence that James Comey and the White House counsel's office were inadvertently or deliberately involved in a conspiracy, in my judgment to pervert the course of justice. This was all part. I think of a cover-up for the Hillary Clinton campaign and I think James Comey's testimony yesterday illustrates beyond question that he was deeply involved and I don't think he can escape judgment.

Certainly not history's judgment going forward. This is I get II want to I want to get to that the calls 100-684-3110 but I just want to_either you do we know sand going back to even a January 5 yellow on Jerry for the Obama briefing go. I mean, we now know that present about from the FBI of his window present. Bob was briefed about Flynn. We know he was briefed about and that Joe Biden was there. They were unmasking in and now are special Pfizer recruit. I was acting director Nashville to pull that information out there, but they very well also could debriefing present Obama on this information about Hillary Clinton.

I think they likely made the F right. The FBI employees knew it Jordan Minette with the text that what's the word on how Obama's briefing went and then it closed with Trump was right still not put together. Why do we do this to ourselves what is wrong with these people. Gordon, if the mainline FBI employees knew that the President was being briefing was being briefed pretty open secret right.

I made I think so retake your cost 164 3110 a lot of calls come in and lock to answer about this is a lot to take in 33 days before country chooses to express notes and that they raise to be single. Be right back Jay Sekulow challenges facing Americans or substantial time when our value freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms and event remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member thinking you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ.where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ Jesus were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the and what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right to question your free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/is a letter to Gov. Cuomo has released York's Gleason that alerts you when you're nearly what is been diagnosed covertly to all that work. The worker Jim Kobe of the sap out of the tracing of MMS asystole a bad thing, but invasion of privacy at you signing off on what I may get you to sign up for this applet to the person with covert sign up for the happen. They still have COBIT be there walking around with what is out there say like that you know what you can beat it and be done with it and take a test so II think all this is bizarre. Here's why say that to this reminds me of the paper trails. We find this reminds me of the information that's available to people like Jim Kobe. So for him to go and say I can't remember. This base is like taking the fifth, so he's not saying it didn't happen is that saying it did happen he just doesn't want to give a definitive answer because he didn't want to go to jail if he's.

If you give a definitive answer. This wrong lies under oath and he doesn't really want to talk about is really all Jim Kobe wants to talk. That is what he's got coming out or TV show about him which dear Lord, who wants to watch that. I mean seriously that maybe there's a reason why on-demand TV please like Netflix and Amazon did better than places like Showtime maybes because that it's like to collect the mainstream media to put out the same stuff that you like you think that like 30-ish days before the election. People want to watch Jim Kobe story made it's it's too real it's too recent he's a liar. Neither side likes him.

He is not a good guy ask Hillary Clinton. She likes him as Sally eights about an easy road and who needs to see his historian. If you remember everything in such detail for that for our-ish. Almost I got there about 25 minutes of the truth and shut it off, but I did want to see light as he rendered great details about that. But all these meetings he went to Donahue, but he can't remember if he was ever told that the CIA came to him and said you know Hillary Clinton is going to tell the country that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to hack her illegal server Harry that that he can't remember that there's a big deal whether they researched it and they found that the Russians were making it up or not. That would be something you remember coming from the CIA. It was big enough that John Brennan briefed the present United States about absolutely.

So we have a clear and unmistakable record indicating that James called me and high ranking members of the FBI were in the loop.

We have evidence showing that John Brennan of the CIA that he was in the loop. All of these individuals possessed information probative information suggesting that Hillary Clinton actually had engaged in a conspiracy with Russian operatives and then they decided to frame on Donald Trump.

Now James Kobe who took as you correctly point out meticulous notes is saying all it doesn't ring a bell. I don't remember it it it does suggest at the end of the day that his memory is protected by a password and he has accidentally entered the password incorrectly.

More than 25 times media. His phone is likely just can't do it. His brain has been wiped clean except for if it's for the TV show, the thinking getting paid for your members. All those meetings have a readily exacted how her facial expression members know he knew, I guess, pillow, detailed pillow talk details between Lisa patient Peter Schrock if you did watch that that meant it was absurd. He goes it you all that is advisor to the show but he can't remember literally the CIA who brief the Pres. on a time present Obama, John Brennan, David saying you need to look into this, that Hillary Clinton is just making up this whole rush occlusion thing that been important to remember before special counsel is appointed for the leaked documents member.

He leaked his documents to get a special counsel appointed his notes from meetings with the present would be good to know if he investigated whether I heard Clint was making on the closing up and we did need a special counsel to drag our country through the mud by the way the what they will say about the debate last night. You know I the debate was like that on Tuesday night. You know I was like that because of Jim. People like Jim Kelly because he did drag the present through the mud for fruit for 2 1/2 three years and then they want to impeachment on another issue with Russia, Ukraine, so I they are responsible.

In many ways for the kind of tone in our politics, I'd say because they divided the country.

I see the riots in the streets the burning down buildings that two people to take sides on on racism, which is like ridiculous in our country. So the issue that needed it should not be partisan or political all goes back to actually Jim Kobe what they were doing. They try to take out the President didn't end well. He responded he still angry about it. For good reason, because he still finding out more and more details about the information and it's even from his own people in the department that he runs and people say oh well you should he dispute running a better we all know the bureaucracy at the ACLJet that you could drain the swamp to an extent you what happened you special counsel pointed going after you get impeached by the House that Corsi was exonerated in the Senate. But I just want to make that clear to everybody to United this is from the debate.

Take a listen. Present Trump by 34 when I listen to Joe talking about a transition there's been no transition from when I want. I won that election, and if you look at crooked Hillary Clinton.

If you look at all of the different people that there was no transition because they came after me tried to do a coup. They came after me spying on my campaign. They started from the day I want and even before I one from the day I came down the escalator with a First Lady. They were a disaster. They were disgrace to our country and we've caught them.

We've caught them all. We've got it all on tape with Guatemala.

By the way you gave the idea for the Logan act against Gen. Flynn better take a look at that because we caught you in a sense and Pres. Obama was sitting in the office he knew about it too. So don't tell me about a free transition base is I lose, I agree hundred percent. His transition was being undermined by by the intelligence community of the United States on the Russians and Chinese America. Miracles undermined the presence of his reason to be angry at what he calls Jack in Ohio line for Jack Walker. Jay Sekulow live your on their thank you so much for taking my call. It's a two-part question now following up on your comment about the crime against the President. Is it true that John Durham stated Orville bar stated for him that they were going to proceed with any indictments till after the election because it will appear clinical so there have been speculation in the media about that.

Jackson to get your second question two speculation the media that it won't happen were 33 days out these two speculation.

I have no inside information from to give you. I don't know anything. I unique about it and I think that one investigation, investigators they don't come to an enlisted fired or stopped so until they're done and I think this investigation will be stopped if Joe Biden becomes present. Will there be things that come out think you still coming out and we find that by the CIA that came to DOJ DOJ actually prove Lindsey Graham releasing that to the American people so it wasn't just some that was done behind closed doors, the Senate, you got to read it so that that's question what I there's been no statement from Durham saying that's not happened that that does not have US attorneys that don't don't announce that when they're going. When or where they won't indict people understand. I just think it's so critical to marry close I can point to me is getting very close elections. A check I get your point and your frustration.

Don't get me wrong, as you critical part of that is really the American people have a right prior to voting to find out if crimes were done to get the President what they were stayed out the evidence they have before they vote on a person that may have been complicit in the crime. I hundred percent agree with you.

I know Durham said they were hampered by COBIT because you couldn't get grand juries together for a while there will and that's that that's untrue, but I am I am a bit disappointed.

I will tell you in the.

The speed of these investigations seems like typical government.

Unfortunately, I hope that they are they surprised you have the surprise man that that they infect affords another question had Jack no I ice for us is frustrating close I get that to me.

Let me take something as a member the present legal team is been going through all this. It seems like forever because it has been since the beginning of his administration. The entire time present Trump's been there.

He's been going through this and before during this transition.

I would take phone calls get 164 3110 final segment coming up so you take all your calls, 1-800-684-3110 so we got the second debate coming up. That's a different format in a pulse coming out here and there viewership was still about 74 million pretty high. Not as high as last time, present troubles, new on the scene lesson had two big names yet. Trump and Clinton in that that those debates, I think the people cried out as it should, Joe Biden, either. And we seem present Trevor for years that step seven forbidding peeps a lot of people but I do think that they have to be changes to the debate healthy was perfect and probably accomplished a lot. There were good moments in the debate. There were good points made in the debate, but it was I think comfort that to get through to the to most people watching that our audience picked up on that. The key points we had to be pretty into two to even be able to pay attention to that when you had so much back and forth that's that's not too nice maybe about the actual debate back and forth but you have two more. Those River VP debate as well you take your phone calls we get back 164, 31 to 40 was seen amount of their time to get this.

What would you want to see different in the next debate will take you because we come back in Jay Sekulow live only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question for copy mission life today online/challenges facing Americans for substantial time, with or without freedom or constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades. ACLJ on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress to get in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. Here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you for your thoughts. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJay Sekulow is restricting your phone calls. Now we hundred 62 the 2064th 110 producer will grow to the fact the Kobe wood from one with the command of all the facts to the the I can't remember guy makes me think that he is in trouble, I, I, I, and I do think is from of the Allied associates are in trouble as well. I would, but I would get your phone calls. Now I want hundred 684-3110 ties on the align Alliance three called from Texas Tidewater Jay Sekulow life member, probably her phone right now. Hang on, will try to get the connection fixedly been hanging on. Talk to us skip the connection fix the let me know will get back to us for the coal in California online five colt welcome to Jay Sekulow live in a little trouble understanding how well they can fit and ready under and not remember all the details and all you need is for him to write a book and in front of it in our television camera on a TV show and to be able to remember anything he wants to remember it to me right now. I don't think it's it's not right to get away with it and you know I think that the truth is you really get to this Harry Jim Kobe basically taking the fifth at the hearing yesterday is basically was doing by saying he could remember. I think it remains it didn't happen or did happen is very specific kind of answer and I guess he just doesn't mind looking foolish and this is no. I think it's easier to do when you sit in your kitchen table that cities get to do right now he's not in the hearing room sweating. The cameras are just 100 photographers take up his photo he sit it looks like it's dining room table. He supposed be under oath still seems a little bit easier so you know what we been through a lot right now and I just I agree with your analysis and I agree with the caller's point James Comey's brain seems to have an on and off switch and my suspicion is that advised by counsel.

He is answering all of these damning questions in a particular way so as to avoid potential culpability down the road and so I agree with the caller and certainly James Comey statements demand further investigation right rickety take phone calls 100-684-3110. I will update though, but from say it again because I think this is always important to draw the broadcast went with with this action or movement. If they that's the covert relief because everybody was this broadcast right now that could affect them, whether they own a small business where they work for small biz where they were for big company or their unemployed right now. They lost a job in northern there wondering if this could be another loan or another stimulus check.

Where is that standard of the houses but moving things. The Senate has moved things words instead right now. Yet Ashley looked yesterday Jordan for a moment that maybe a deal had been struck. We still don't have a deal, but Speaker Pelosi did pull her heroes act, which is her version. Her wish list, so to speak of covert stimulus off the floor last night because of renewed negotiations with both the White House and the Senate. They are actually pretty close together, and at one point Jordan. There were about $4 trillion apart. Now, the reports are that the White House most recent offer is $1.6 trillion in Speaker Pelosi is at $2.2 trillion. I don't want to I want to minimize you know, $600 billion is still a lot of money but that's pretty close in terms of negotiations. I think there's actually a pretty decent chance they can come together on a top line number. I think the bigger question is Jordan is how much of the waste can be scrubbed out of that to make it worth it. Things like you over the top unemployment insurance that actually won't actually make it to people who are unemployed and maybe most specifically, a dollars for state governments to bail out bad budgets and irresponsible spending on the state level but again Jordan I said this on yesterday's broadcast and I want to say dinner a couple of days ago. The reason that this is still alive is because the White House reengage and said look know we do want to negotiate. We will go above what Senate Republicans will do if Speaker Pelosi is willing to actually negotiate. We want to do it as well.

That's why there's still a chance here Jordan, I don't know if he gets done but the continuing resolution did get done yesterday. So this is really the last of big ticket item on the table. I think there still a chance right. Every so they go for someone to update you on that limited next call time text to see the connections work in a tie. We got fierce and great not only now only five awards and he don't remember don't recall what different is that Mike is that a path for him to get away with it. If they find out on the Lord.

Ultimately, there is no is a.

Okay. So this is Harry their business. There is a big issue here and that is this accountability for if your name was on the Pfizer.

So whether or not you weren't that involve the process and by the time to get you. Which is kind of final signoff. That's what we've also heard that from raw processing. Same kind of thing like you know by typing it to be. I just had a bright Ruby breeze through. It wasn't my job to get the details right.

And we have an IA dealer FBI attorneys that he pled guilty for to a crime for messing with the information we get into the Pfizer on Carter Pixie deleted the information to Carter page was a government asset of the United States is covered been blown out, but that's what he was in the sky deleted that Kleinsmith he's pled guilty to a crime Harry and what you Kobe is trying to say is wow. I'm not actually you know responsible for that in the El Dorado superheroes is my response back. That's not their legal theory.

What was the CEO of Enron. That's not there. Let's not enter Wiseman's theory when it's what is been a corporate heads. They state it doesn't matter whether or not you know better, not your responsible for the head. I think that's correct. And I agree with the theory that was deployed with respect to the Enron investigation. The veracity of Pfizer warrants is quintessential with respect to the fourth amendment of the United States Constitution.

James Comey essentially swore to the FISA court that the affidavit in support of the Pfizer warrant was indeed verified that is clearly and unmistakably untrue. My own view is that he should be held strictly liable strictly culpable and he should face a criminal prosecution right folks again. We have covered a lot today or did make sure we got to our Pfizer phone if you want more information ready to because then we got a great blog up there, walks people through that that can can help people ask, we we've given them a lot info it did jump around data goes up until Inauguration Day or the day before the inauguration.

This time it we just find out that or more.

How involved Obama was himself help more involved. Biden was himself how more involved their top their top advisers were involved. It's not wasn't just the jet Jim Kobe FBI guys a Peter Schrock. It was the Obama White House, absolutely. I really encourage people to read that blog. I am pretty confident they're gonna come away with one conclusion, Jordan, that is that James Comey is simply lying. He knew about all this and the reason I'm so sure he knew about all that Jordan is because when the White House needed a briefing on all the matters he was called and who gave the briefings game coming because he knew this and I think it rained all day trying to conflate all the issues. Now Jordan, but he was the one in charge. He was the boss. He signed the certifications the college exactly right. He's the one. The fiduciary duty adorns pretty simple is lying now. Folks were building grassroots support as well for Judge Amy Tony Barrett online Don't forget, that is coming those hearings on October 12 and never of right now.

Again, we want you to sign that petition doesn't cost you think it to support the confirmation of Judge Baird becomes justice Barrett before election day.

Got a full nine justices reports is great constitutional conservative as she said my judicial philosophy is the late Justice Cletus's philosophy can get behind that sign the will talk tomorrow for decades. ACLJ is been on the frontlines protecting your freedom is defending your rights or in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side.

If you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ