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DNC’s Grand Finale Flop

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
August 21, 2020 1:00 pm

DNC’s Grand Finale Flop

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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August 21, 2020 1:00 pm

DNC’s Grand Finale Flop. We discuss this and more on today's show.

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Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

Today on Jay Sekulow Alive, the deed sees grand finale flop with Joe Biden's acceptance speech. We'll talk about the whole week on Jay Sekulow Life. Live from Washington, D.C..

Jay Sekulow lives. Phone lines are open for your questions right now. Call one 800 six eight four three one one zero. That's one 800. Six eight four thirty one ten. And now your host, Jordan Secular.

You know why this Jordan Sankyo, we are taking your phone calls, one hundred six 431 Ted.

So the DNC, first of its kind, virtual convention is over and our kind of overall take after we kind of analyze. Yes. Thank goodness. I'm sure they're saying the same thing, by the way. I would imagine so, because our overall take from our analysts is it was just a total flop, a disaster that very tough to imagine that anybody who doesn't pay close to teach to politics, even two did it. If they did, they probably too did because they want to see President Obama talk again. So he kind of overshadowed it. Or Michelle Obama. We already talked about how he thought that should a bit night Obama date and they get past that. No one's talking about Kamala Harris. The only thing people really are saying about Joe Biden's speech is that he showed that he could read a teleprompter without making a huge gaffe. And I will tell you, as someone who is looking into a camera right now, I speak to you as if you notice. I'm looking into the camera. I'm not reading about your words. And even if I was on a teleprompter, we're not on radio, we're told. We don't do that. We're unscripted. But if I was, you would learn the training of how to do it the same way, which is to me that my eyes are looking through the camera at all of you who are watching. So we're making contact with you, Joe Biden. So I pay attention to that because this is very much a visual thing. The convention, especially what is virtual. And there's no one else to look at the room. There's no way to turn your head. He was so stuck to that teleprompter. And so he was kind of like this. If you're watching Facebook. His eye was like, this is right where the teleprompter stayed that way the entire time. And it was very like boo boo, boo boo boob. So I was hard to be it take away much. And the attacks that he did make, I thought were kind of ridiculous. One of the economy. I mean, give me a break. I'd much I think anybody would take the Trump economy. Right. Even right now over the Obama economy, too, on foreign policy, Afghanistan, Iraq. We're not we're now, you know, kind of ramping down. They were ramping up. I you know, we've dealt with ISIS. We dealt with Baghdadi. They made the Iranian nuclear deal. They walked away from Israel. President Trump this week, last last week, right before the DNC committee made the historic deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. None of that kind of stuff happened under the Obama administration. What happened to the Obama administration was that North Korea kept their nuclear program on track and A-Rod got a deal where they could keep their nuclear program moving. You know what President Trump has done? He's made sure that they take bids so technologically sabotage. I'm sure our country and others that no one's even talking about Iran's nuclear program anymore. We also killed the deal with Iran. No more of this city, billions of dollars to innovate. But so what's his big idea? That's why I tweeted last night, his big foreign policy change to reach out to the world is going to be to make a deal with the ayatollah, ask the UAE, ask Saudi Arabia, ask not just Israel, ask you know, all those countries, Egypt. Do they want another America deal with Iran on anything to deal with nuclear weapons? Absolutely not. A mix up. Russia like a big deal. Fact is, that story about the Russian troops was when they were in office.

They didn't do anything about it. If it was even true and most of the intelligence community say it was it was it enough information to even say it was true? That was happening to them. Fast and Furious happened to them. Bigazzi was them. Don't forget all of that. That's basically the only takeaway I got other than please don't vote for President Trump. Just vote for. So anybody's better than inhibit. Better than him.

While all this is going on, our team at the United Nations has filed five briefs with the court to come to our European Center for Law and Justice, of course, dealing with international human rights, defending the defenseless, protecting Israel. Your support of the ACLJ allows this broadcast to come to you every day, allows us to engage for parents around the country and issues around the world.

ACLJ dot for the matching challenge where in the last 10, eight days, I guess at least eight days of the matching challenge at the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad, whether it's defending religious freedom, protecting those who are persecuted for their faith, covering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress. The ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now, there's an opportunity for you to help in a unique way, for a limited time. You can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate. It will be matched. A ten dollar gift becomes twenty dollars. A 50 dollar gift becomes one hundred. This is a critical time for the ACLJ, the work we do simply would not occur without your generous support. Take part in our matching challenge today. You can make a difference in the work we do. Protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms that are most important to you and your family.

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Only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable and voiceless deserve to be protected. Is there any hope for that culture to survive? And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice to defend the right to life. We've created a free, powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ battle for the unborn. It's called Mission Life. It will show you how you are personally impacting the pro-life battle through your supports. And the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases, how we're fighting for the rights of pro-life activists, the ramifications of Roe v Wade 40 years later, Planned Parenthood's role in the abortion industry and what Obamacare means to the pro-life movement. Discover the many ways your membership with the ACLJ is empowering the right to life.

Request your free copy of Mission Life. Today online at ACLJ dot org slash gift.

All right, welcome back to Jay Sekulow live.

So last night was is always the most important of any convention because it's the President. So candidate and House have introduced themselves as a Presidential candidate to what is supposed to be the people who don't follow politics as closely that people like you, who listen to broadcasts like this, but but to people who vote in Presidential elections may be midterms. Maybe they voted for President Trump last time because they wanted to change the likes of somebody different. And so he was trying to appeal to that group, independents, moderates. You notice he his attacks were very catadores, kind of low. He kind of had to read between the lines. So he didn't want to upset some people too much. Of course, when they think they're subtle, they make fun of things like miracles. And when they attack, they did attack. Trump was allowed. They attacked about foreign policy, which I think, you know, he's the what? America wants Afghanistan over. America wants Iraq over. He's tried to get that done. You know, this this whole idea with Cauvin that, you know, we can't have miracles. Let me Taysom. God gave us brains. So, of course, you use the brain to create technology and make good decisions where mass all this that social distancing. Of course, of the treatments we've already created for Kofod that if you could but you still pray for miracles at any time. If someone it's diagnosed with cancer, you get the cancer treatment. You still keep praying for a miracle.

I thought that what he did was I thought that was whoever wrote that line for him may have meant one thing, but it came off harm. I'm going to play it for everybody. And then I'm going to talk to Andy about it. Let's listen. Just look around.

It's not this bad in Canada or Europe or Japan or almost anywhere else in the world. And the President keeps telling us the virus is going to disappear. He keeps waiting for a miracle.

Well, I have news for him. No miracle is coming.

Let me be very clear on this. He's Jesus. Let me be very clear on this. If it was announced in six months that we have a vaccine that is 95 percent effective, you know what? I would call that a miracle. Why do I call it a miracle? Because God gave, as Jordan said, individuals the brain's capabilities, the reasoning ability, the scientific knowledge to put all of this together, to figure out exactly what's happening. So I've got news for Joe Biden. There are miracles. And the fact that we haven't had two million people die from this pandemic is also miraculous.

You remember what Dr. Burke said at the beginning of the when the first coronavirus first started, they talked about we're going to lower pushed down that curve. It would be somewhere between, would they say, one hundred fifty thousand and 250000 deaths if we did everything right. And it's about on that track now. Look, every life is precious, and I hate that one life is gone. And we all know people that have lost loved ones and some of you have lost loved ones to Kovac. So I am unbelievably sympathetic, but I am praying for a miracle. I have a friend of mine right now who's whose father in law is on a ventilator and I'm praying for a miracle.

OK. So, I mean, that was I. But you know what that is? That is the hubris, the arrogance of the left.

That's kind of like we are God. I mean that it's almost the way, Andy. It comes across.

Well, it does, Jay, because, you know, we believe that miracles do happen and that you pray for miracles. You pray to God, you pray to the mother of God, you pray to the Saints that a miracle might occur. And let me tell you, the prayers have shown, the miracles that have occurred. As Dr. Burke said and you pointed out, the curve has been flattened out. And we only have, as you said, one hundred and seventy thousand deaths. That's too many. I understand that. But you can't put that at the door of Donald Trump. This was the Corona virus that was invented that was discovered or rather perpetrated, excuse me, by the Chinese and worked upon us. And we've had to deal with it. And the President has done everything that he humanly can possibly do with the grace of God to contain this. And I think he's done a fantastic job. You can't compare us with Japan and Canada, these other kind of we're a country of three hundred and thirty million people. When you take the number of deaths that have occurred attributable to the corona virus, to the population of this nation, it's very small compared to what it could have been had the President not taken the action that he did when he did. So these platitudes and these denials of the intervention of God in human life are something that is characteristic of the Democrats. And Joe Biden is carrying that line forward.

Let me ask them quickly here and quickly then. And that is a Washington reaction. I mean, I know it's a bit muted because things are so different up there right now. But give me your sense.

Well, first of all, just generically, I think there's an acknowledgment in this town that it was an already difficult situation with a virtual convention. But when you layer a candidate on like this, that has difficulty with these moments, Jay, I mean, let's just be candid about it. He does. You were probably going to get what you got last night. But if I could. Yeah, I just wanted to make a comment on this miracle bite because I had the same reaction. I've actually written about this a fair amount. I firmly believe in a god of miracles. But usually he performs those miracles, Jay, through the pinnacle of his creation, us. And he does that because he desires relationship with us to the idea that those two things are disconnected, is just not founded in reality and in the nature of the gods, certainly that I believe in. But in Washington, D.C., Jay, I got to tell you, I think some of the reaction from last night was somewhat baked in because I think they knew that Joe Biden was not a guy that can take a virtual convention and turn it into electric moment. Now, next week, can the Republicans. I'm not sure. But if you were going to bet on Donald Trump or Joe Biden to do it, I think we all know who you'd bet on.

Look at the Web videos that the RNC and the Trump campaign were putting out. It was better than the videos that they were kind of showing that they had so much time and money to produce. They knew this was going to be virtual. They're supposed to be the Hollywood crowd.

They should be outdoing us. So this problem is we've got somebody who was who was on TV in Hollywood who happen to be present like in the Reagan days, President Trump. He gets TV and our people. We also get sets. We also get set design. Look, they're shaping Fox News, the Miss NBC sometimes.

I mean, so I think that even though Hollywood obviously did not come out and help them build those sets, I mean that I could not believe that the second night they use that same like he was at a real convention with no one there with the blacklight after, you know, these interesting video works as a video that is really bad for her ended.

Of course, the the nonmoving, Joe Biden, the I stuck over here glued to the teleprompter to me, shows his staff still doesn't trust him to give a speech and must be scared to death of the upcoming debates, which he's doing everything possible not to have had.

A little bit later in the broadcast, we're going to get into the foreign policy statements that were made and then we're gonna remind everybody, the parliament vault, foreign policy statements that Joe Biden actually engaged.

But one of the things I thought was really, really interesting here was the lack of substance. I did not hear a substance. I heard what they don't like about Donald Trump. I thought the humor, by the way, last night. And I happen to like Julia Louis-Dreyfus. I think she's a great actress. But I thought. And she's a good comedian. Yeah. Funny to me. She was terrible. I mean, whoever wrote her lines were horrible. It came across crass. It came across in her funny way. No, not like sharp. Crass. It was just kind of ridiculous, really. And goofy. Thought it was goofy. And then you say, you know, these people are going to run the United States. And then the goofiest moment for me and I like this one a lot. Corey Booker serving as the host for all of the candidates that ran for the nomination that failed. And he gave, like this rousing interviews. It was it was awful. Did anybody test this before they did it? Amy, what do you think?

So go ahead, Jay. All I heard was platitudes. You know what I mean by platitudes? Broad general statements, love, freedom, hope, the next life for unity going forward together. I didn't hear any concrete plans because there aren't any. They have nothing to fight against. So what they do is they resort to the utilization of platitudes, broad general expressions of hope and joy and unity. And we're going to be together.

Excuse me. Yeah. I mean, we were going to play some of this back and forth, this between Andrew Yag and Julia Louis-Dreyfus. I want you to kind of. Here is what we're talking about here, because some of you. Yeah, I got a tweet from somebody who said when I said that speech was so dull by Obama by about that, because that's the only thing they really want to talk about. This was the only decent speech. He still really say anything. He was just meatier than usual. But but Joe Biden, though we take away we can all really remember, other than the foreign policy stuff, which is something we follow closely, is that he wants to make at a federal level a best mandate. The moment he becomes President for three months at a federal level, even outside. I mean. Well, there's no evidence that that is helpful. That means like if you're going outside, like, to take a walk or which is dangerous, actually, to be wary of acid, heat or cold weather. If your kids go to a playground, you know, which we know that kids right now, it's not affected by like so. And also the federal role, a federal mask mandate.

This is that was the tip, the map to the middle. It certainly it did.

So I think people heard that it said, OK. I really don't like that pet hard pass on that one. But listen to this kind of exchanges. Edri a good talker. Julia Louis-Dreyfus, of course, a professional actress and comedian to two of the biggest shows, one of the biggest shows of all time. Take a listen.

And now we'd like to turn it over to a great Democrat who'll be with us throughout the evening between the two of us. We have eleven Emmys. How's that for math? One of my favorite actresses, Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Hey, Julia.

Hi, Andrew. I'm so glad to see you. So what did you think about Kamala Harris, his speech last night? It was tremendous. I was so happy for her. I know. Me too. She's fabulous. I cannot wait to see her debate. Our current vice President. Make a pint. All right. Is it paints? It's pronounced pontes, I believe. Oh, OK.

Some kind of weird for Yang knows that. And so does the actress. Knows the name of the vice. The sitting vice President of the United States, Mike Pence.

So if they thought that was funny. Shame on them.

I mean, the actual conviction was that if that was like a late night show, what they were going to criticize comedians are that. Come on.

We'll take your calls. Only one of society can agree that the most vulnerable and voiceless deserve to be protected. Is there any hope for that culture to survive? And that's exactly what you were saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice to defend the right to life. We've created a free, powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ battle for the unborn. It's called Mission Life. It will show you how you are personally impacting the pro-life battle through your support. And the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases, how we're fighting for the rights of pro-life activists, the ramifications of Roe v. Wade 40 years later, Planned Parenthood's role in the abortion industry and what Obamacare means to the pro-life movement. Discover the many ways your membership with the ACLJ is empowering the right to life.

Request your free copy of Mission Life. Today online at ACLJ dot slash gift.

At the American Center for Law and Justice, we're engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom, protecting those who are persecuted for their faith, uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress, the ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now, there's an opportunity for you to help in a unique way, for a limited time. You can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate. It will be matched. A ten dollar gift becomes 20 dollars. A 50 dollar gift. Becomes one hundred. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we do simply would not occur without your generous support. Take part in our matching challenge today. You can make a difference in the work we do. Protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms that are most important to you and your family.

Give a gift today online at ACLJ dot org.

Welcome back to Jay Sekulow. So we're taking your calls on this. It's two questions I have for really the audience.

So I think you're you know, you're an audience who is paying attention and you're more up to date on politics and policy. What's going on. So what kind of your whole takeaway from this whole four day fiasco is, I would call it or snooze fest, maybe, but it was painful. I'll be honest. I don't watch a lot of cable news. I watch a lot of news to prep for this show. We try to make our our broadcast as interesting as possible. We're unscripted, though, type of ever is. If I'm reading somebody quote, the only time you know where we go. Right. Right. For you, the top for a full hour Monday through Friday. And we're doing it with cameras in the room. We'd like to get all of that at a time clock.

The fact is that it would be if you were not hit about 90 percent of the time. Yeah. But if you were not really into politics, we don't get floating clocks like somebody else, said Hart. If you're not really into politics and you you just watch for it. How do you think this I'm all you out there call. So what, 864, 30.

What did you think it is that was said changed the single BIID other the fact that Joe Biden said he would do about a federal bass speed date, which I don't think he has the power to do the bill when he was President for your kids, you know, to wear mask outside the playground, or would you take a road or walk outside? You're outside the door of your house. Take thrash out. You've got to.

Aren't we going to want to see first of all, how would you say that you're going to do a federal mass mandate in August of something that you're going to impose in the end of January if when you're President, when you don't know where the status of the virus will be? And you don't know what the impact of worrying mass will have outside on people's overall health, too. I mean, there's all. Listen, I wear a mask, you know, that I'm very cautious. Those places will. But I don't wear a mask when I'm playing golf. But I walk into the clubhouse. I do. So I'm smart about it. That clubhouse has a policy. That's their policy. It's really your decision. Some governors can mandate.

And certainly mayors can mandate. But, of course, they don't respect. There's no such thing as respecting separation of powers or federalism. When you're when you're Joe Biden a little bit, you got I want to go back to this point that I don't understand because listening to it and then, you know, CNN as the greatest speeches ever given.

And I'm saying to myself, then, what is this policy takeaway here? I'm going to be nicer than Donald Trump. That's the. Well, it would be nicer than Donald Trump.

And it might have been the best speech he's given this year. But that's a pretty low bar, Jay. I mean, I think maybe that's what they're clinging to. And I, I keep going back to the two things that you mentioned. Number one, on foreign policy, I think the reason that foreign policy was lacking because there's really not anything he can address there. But the other glaring admission that I think, Jay, I really think it was incumbent on them to at least bring up the violence in the streets and give their view on what they would do to quell it. I mean, look, there can be a disagreement on how to address it, but there's no disagreement that there is violence in the streets in some cities, most of them Democrat run, by the way. And what is their solution to address it without a plan for that, Jay? I don't think they're gonna win votes in those places, you know.

Yeah, it's breaking news of this morning, Thad. There were about 100 Democrats that were putting pressure on Nancy Pelosi. And I think, you know, we got that petition up, too, to say, hey, if you want that, we need to go vote on the coveted second round of relief. On Saturday, we get back. You've rush us back to Washington for the Postal Service. The postal general is testifying now and he's saying what, he's not making any changes before the election to anything. But it does need to be reformed. After that, we all know that. So it's not such a loss to the American taxpayer. But she refused. She said no to her own Democrats. And that immediately after we have President Trump say if they're not going to do it, I'll do P.P.. There's a couple ways he could do it. Executive through executive action. He could do the peepee extension through executive action. I mean, is that what Joe Biden really wants? Go ahead. He'll likes you would think Joe Biden would call the ETSI Pelosi and say get it done for America. Right. Get it done or else it's going to be President Trump getting all the credit. And I think at this point, really, he does deserve all the credit because now I think she might have to go back and do it because he does have there's a couple of executive order provisions that a law statutes Congress has delegated to the President that would allow her to do it. So they would be able to really challenge it and he could be the one giving peepee out. That would be a great look for Nancy Pelosi. I just don't get it. Would I think she could have gotten her 25 billion. Thad, for the Postal Service to handle the excess mail that absentee ballots, President Trump said he was willing to give her that if if if she came to the table on the issues that he needed.

This this is such a telling moment, Jordan. And quite frankly, we predicted it last week on the broadcast. You think about those hundred Democrats in the House of Representatives. Why would they go out on a political limb to. Ask this of the speaker. Jordan, it's because the people in their districts need that unemployment insurance extension far more than they need a bailout of the postal service. Now, the postmaster general testifying in the Senate today said exactly that, that he's not going to make changes during this season. He said, but and I'm also not going to sit by and see another nine billion dollars of losses go onto our ledger without fulfilling my duty to the American people to try to bring it solvent. So I will try to reform it after the year. But the political point, Jordan, and I really do think people need to think about this. If Nancy Pelosi is going to throw 25 billion dollars at the Postal Service and stand in the way of unemployment insurance extensions for people all across the country, you know what impact is going to happen in the first week of November? Jordan, it's going to be in those districts of those 100 Democrats who just asked for that extension and Nancy Pelosi said no. So nobody's looking at the House of Representatives, Jordan. But this is the kind of political calculus that would actually put the House in play. She doesn't come to the table. Mark my words, some of those districts are going to be lost for her.

You know, here's what's interesting to me, and that is I'm going back to this. We're going to get into the foreign policy issues in a moment. Andy, I took is the kind of the overall take away of Joe Biden's mess mean is a compelling personal story. No one will doubt that. I mean, he had the tragedy with his wife and daughter and then he lost a son, Beau. And I mean a tragedy. And people like Joe Biden. I mean, there are people in would talk to most people, people like Joe Biden as a person, his personality. But what I saw was unbelievably lacking yesterday from the now Democratic nominee to be President was a policy statement that wasn't just a platitude or, as I said, nicer than Donald Trump.

You're not going to get that from Joe Biden because he's incapable of having that vision. Let's face it, he's a Washington politician who's been around for 40 years hanging around, cannot say one thing that he's achieved while he was in the United States Senate. But attacks on the judicial nominees of Republicans when he was on the Judiciary Committee has been sort of just on the fringes of power. That's the way that they really say this. The fringes of power under Obama as vice President.

And he's got nothing to say. He's got nothing to say. He has a compelling personal story. I agree. Poor Joey having to walk to school. Poor Joey, having had his teacher mimic him or ridicule them while we've all had that.

But we've all overcome that. But you have no vision for America. You have no plan. You have your your. We're back to the swamp. We're back to the Obama Biden days. I don't want that. People don't want that. He gave a speech, like Jordan has said, as if he were in a trance. That is not what the people want.

Folks, we come back second half hour. We're going to at morns. This won't take more your calls, your comments, your takeaways. What do you think the RNC needs to do as well? What does President Trump need to do? Mike Pitts and others?

They saw what didn't work. What should they do to make it more compelling to those those voters so that people watch who usually don't follow politics? Let me Kurd's you folks. We are taking legal action across the country. We've got a new blog up. It shows you all of the pauses we've already accomplished for those families representing the students. And we haven't had to go to court yet. Now, there's some that we're looking like we may have to be go into court on, but we're able to do all of that work, folks, all before you work all this policy work, all the legal work because of your support for the ACLJ. We're able to bring his broadcast every day because of your support for the ACLJ. It's a matching challenge. Month of August, whenever you donate, is doubled.

It's a great time to donate. Donate, it's tax deductible. Donate now at ACLJ dot org. Be part of our matching challenge ACLJ dot org.

At the American Center for Law and Justice, we're engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time. You can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate. It will be matched by a ten dollar gift becomes twenty dollars. A fifty dollar gift becomes one hundred. You can make a difference in the work we do. Protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms are most important to you and your family. Give a gift today online at ACLJ dot org.

Live from Washington, D.C.. Jay, secular lives.

And now your host, Jordan Secular. It's about Joe Biden saying there's no miracles.

He's Jesus, Ed, by the way, folks show you for a crucial audience, religious audience, atheist audiences, whatever. For those who are religious, we know that we believe that God gave us a brain to create a mirror to create way. Yeah. Huge miracle to create the cures to figure out the vaccine.

Jonas Salk came up with the I'm going to just say this. The vaccine for polio.

I am sure if we look back in history, people are going to say what a miracle that was that he had that the the that the brain and the analysis in the 1950s to stop a plague that was having my contemporaries, we weren't the parent were at the tail end of that for our age.

Would wake up one morning and not be able to walk or move their legs and someone came up with your own assault, came up with the soft vaccine. Now, do I think that's a miracle? Yes. But I don't want to bet. We've already covered that in the first half hour, but found that particularly offensive last night.

It was offensive when she made the joke about how much Joe Biden goes to church and then tried to talk about the rioting when the rioters, Burt, were burning down the Episcopal Church in DC. Take a listen. This is another abuse here. We've got we've got the soundbite where she she's, you know, attacking. She says Joe Biden goes to church so much, you know, and like, that was kind of this. I feel like I get it. Other Democrat attack were deplorable. As we cling to our guns, we cling to our Bibles. And yet Joe Biden goes to church too much. Hopefully he get through the cottier.

That was one incident because they were protecting the church because rioters were burning down a historic church.

A church was closed because of it. I want to get into it. But they are making folgate of people going to church. All right.

So we've covered that kind of that. We covered the lack of substance in the beginning that there's substance. I want to get into the substance and I'm going to start it with the sound bite. We'll hear from Cornel West months coming up in the next segment. And, of course, Andy and then are with us now. But I want to I want to play this.

This is number 63, Joe Biden, Polsby President, will stand with our allies and friends and making clear to our adversaries the days of cozying up to dictators is over.

Really. Now, George is going to go through a litany, but I'm going to just tell you something. OK. What history are they rewriting? Iranian history?

Well, that's why I tweeted it. You could go see my tweet. I'll read it. So I'm reading right now for our radio audience. Not just a freewheeling like Joe Biden. I'm not above a teleprompter. But here's a tweet I wrote off the cuff. By the way, at about eleven o'clock at night. Later or later. Yeah. Whatever that would happen. Whenever he said that the moment he said it, I wrote it, though, because it hit me.

I said, you will stand up to dictators, Joe Biden. I assume it will be another nuclear deal with the ayatollah. Putting Iran back on the path to a nuclear weapon that President Trump has halted to the benefit of the Middle East and America. It's not just Israel and America. The Middle East, the world and America. So what's his idea? They cozy it right up to dictators, the worst of the war, and abandon our friends, abandon Israel, walked out of the U.N. Security Council so that Israel B could debate. Yes. It would never. Always were criticizing. Israel never took the side of Israel. They welcome did the Muslim Brotherhood to Egypt and they'd criticize the more secular government that the people wanted. You know, as you think about Benghazi, think about it.

Let's head back to the Israel thing for me, because I know that's important. Sue Labadee, Big Hill. But what about this we got rid of about Baghdadi. How is Joe Biden making comments like that? Because you know what?

Well, they're uncontested. That's why they're not the debate. So in the debate, you'll be able to address about one other thing. And really quickly, before we go to the break, we were very concerned and we worked aggressively to not have the United States abandon Israel, but they did right at the end of the administration, even though during the transition, the President's team was saying, don't do that, the incoming President was requesting it not be done. Go ahead.

That's what made it doubly bad. J It happened at the end of December 2016 after Donald Trump had been elected. But before he could come to office. So, Jay, not only was it a terrible decision walking away from our strongest ally in the region, J they walked away when the fallout would have to be handled by the next person. They didn't do it a year before when they'd have to deal with the fallout. They did it. And then they walked out the door and they dumped the problem on the next President.

I'm holding in my hand five an hour or television audiences and Facebook asking me, see this five reports that we've given to the U.N. I want to dealing with Christian violence in Nigeria and others. Your support of the ACLJ allows this broadcast to stay on the air, but allows us to then go to the United Nations representing Christians in countries far away. ACLJ, dawg at the American Center for Law and Justice.

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Jay Sekulow laughs We're getting more to like some of the policy or lack of policy in Joe Biden's speech, because the only big policy mandate I took away was that he's going to force us all to wear mass outside. If he becomes President starting in January for three months, even if we covered by miracle or science is no longer a problem, I guess he could still predict that it will be because he's God. And even though they've said that you could be outside without a mask, socially distance, fine. I don't think kids at the playground need a mask.

I think it should be decision, decision by decision at the local level, not the federal level. People don't like that. People do even like at the state level, but they've come around to it.

So at the federal level, that's a hard pass. It is stupid prediction, too, because like so far out. Yeah. But he did get in to sub. He just left out a lot of work that was done eight years as BP didn't list a lot of accomplishments. Let me tell you what he left out.

And this is a. According to our review of the transcript and watching it last night, here's what was left out. I ran Nucleo Middle East or Deal.

Not in what we see in the transcript. And they were the authors of the Iran nuclear deal, which has been a complete disaster, and a lot of the media afterwards, they know that while great, it was so great, Joe Biden didn't even want to mention it. And that's because of the havoc it's done into the region. I want to go to Andy first into Westmeath. I want another follow up for Thamm. But let me go to Andy first. Not glaring omission.

By your family day? Well, when you omit material facts, you do so in order to mislead, into deceive. You didn't talk about Portland. You didn't talk about Chicago. You didn't talk about in New York about Democratic controlled cities. You didn't talk about the disasters that are going on in the major Democratically controlled areas. I didn't hear de Blasio at the convention. I mean, they didn't talk about one of them. The guy who used to be the greatest city in the world under Rudy Giuliani, which is now a disaster and a wasteland. So omissions are very important in the Biden speech. There's a lot of platitudes, a lot of broad generalities and sayings, but there's omissions of substantial material bags, which makes it a misleading speech about the status of America today.

Joe, I want to go to Colonel West Smith due to give us an analysis. You watched it last night and the lack of foreign policy specifics, but then the glaring omissions. He did say he will not cozy up to dictators while he was cozying up to the ayatollahs.

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Obama, Biden, they were they were professionals at cozying up to dictators. And you're missing part of that. His speech has a lot of selective memory and a lot of rank hypocrisy. You know, I thought it was rich that he talked about you were standing against the privileged few at the top, Jay. He is politically the longest surviving inhabitants of the swamp. He is part of that privileged few. He has a fundamentally different view of the world and it matches Obama's. And we lived through eight years of that. He has a fundamentally different view of the role of government. There is more government. It is more taxes. More spending, gets more government control. Remember what Ronald Reagan said? You know, government is not the solution to the problem government. It's the problem that is still largely true. And as far as foreign policy goes, you know, it was a wreck, an absolute wreck under Obama.

You say you say it's a wreck. Let's be specific. Why? Because I think so, too, by the way. I completely agree.

Yeah, well, Obama, Biden, they were weak on foreign policy. They not only cozied up on the Iran deal, they cozied up to Vladimir Putin. Remember that famous all smile comment about after his election? He'd have more flexibility. And that was regarding missile defense.

Well, let's get we're going to get that bite. I think I need to remind people. I want to bring it back in court.

As you know, Jay was serving in the military during the first, I guess, five years of the Obama Biden administration. Morale in the military was the lowest I ever saw it in my 26 years in uniform and budget cut. No shortage of troops, shortage of weapons and simple things. And one of the things that President Trump has done, he has rebuilt our military.

Yeah, Joe Biden didn't talk to us about all the cuts they made to our military, which led to a continued losses in a rack in Afghanistan of American troops. So anti-war, yet they they weren't pulling us out.

And while he could have Veoh talked more about the Osama bin Laden remembered the reason why Joe Biden could talk about that, Dad, was because he was. It gets the right. Joe Biden was opposed to President Obama's decision to send in the SEALs to kill Osama bin Laden. And that's known that's that's a conspiracy it's known has been written about in mainstream media. But also, remember, was right at the end of your service. What was happening in the Islamic world? It wasn't just Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm holding in my head. The double wide York Times bestseller by Jay Sekulow is a coauthor, ordered that it was the rise of ISIS. This came out 2014. You know, that happened under their watch W's. And it had President Trump killed al-Baghdadi, who is who is tough to fight. Like Bellard killed him a lot quicker than bin Laden was killed. And they allowed ISIS to continue to rise while praising the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt and turning their back on Israel.

Absolutely. And part of the reason she mentions in the book and we all live through it that ISIS rose up the way it did is because it hit Obama, Biden feckless military policy pulling prematurely out of Iraq, even though his generals were telling him not to do that. It left a vacuum there and ISIS stepped into that vacuum. You know, hundreds of thousands of people died. It took us years to pull back from that brink that Obama Biden led us to cozying up to dictators. I thought about China. President Trump has stood up to Chey and China. He has done more to to deal with their dishonesty, their persecution of Christians, you know, their theft of intellectual property. There is how they manipulate currency. Obama Biden never did any of that again. I think they were professionals at cozying up to dictators and forcefully enforced making our friends.

Yeah. I mean, this is speaker after speaker criticized President Trump for this, including Joe Biden. Of course, they did. The Iran nuclear deal that's cozying up to an ayatollah, a dictator. They did nothing about the rise of ISIS. They did nothing about the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt or ISIS takeover of Libya. It's a weird Bobby there, which led to Bigazzi, which led to more Americans getting killed. But what they also did W was they were cozying up to dictators and he got caught. He did want to bring you know, he doesn't want to talk too much about Russia because what the Senate Intel Committee found that the whole DNC was at their FBI was being misled by Russia. So had been infiltrated. But to President Obama was caught. Odd, odd, odd audio telling the Russian President at the time because Peut was taking his prime minister time to cover the back as President, that, hey, once I get reelected, things are going to be a lot better. Isn't that what makes Lib get charged with a crime per say? Hey, listen, listen, this is President Obama. He want to bring this up either where he talks to Russia. This is all I would talk about is this statement. Lycett My last.

So I want people understand this because I spent and Jordan did, too, and so did Andy. Three weeks in the floor of the, you know, the well of the United States Senate over a letter, over a phone call, rather, to 35 people, is it? Yeah.

And here you had the sitting President, I'd say, hi, this is tell the President of Russia. That don't worry after the election. I'll have a lot more flexibility.

Is that all Russia interfering with Russian interference? It's like cavorting with your enemy. Yeah. In other words, I can't say these kind of things. I'd like to get done for you now. Do it later. Nobody brought up an impeachment articles of impeachment there.

No. And there Robert grounds, too. And again. The hypocrisy, Andy, here is breathtaking in scope.

Well, it is, Jane, I want to mention the incident of Turkey. Obama was taken on an eight year ride by strongman dictator for a seat Tayyip Erdogan. OK. The Turks took Obama and the United States on a ride. One of our pastors from North Carolina was imprisoned in Turkey for, what, two years?

And President Trump and talk about ability and leadership in foreign policy basically picked up the phone and said to Erdogan, if you want the lyric to crash, you will keep that man in prison. And the next day, a jet from the Wiesbaden Air Force Base in Germany was there an hour Air Force plane to pick him up and to bring him to freedom, something that was done through the cooperation and mainly the behest of the ACLJ through you and the work that you did, J. And through basically the decision of the President, the United States, not to cozy up to a dictator, Erdogan, but to kick him in the head. And that's it. And the results were the freedom of Pastor Brunson.

Folks, we are hard hearted.

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We're doing all this work, folks.

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That's Jay Sekulow. This Jordan Souheil right now.

President Trump speaking at a group at Arlington, Virginia. He might have a teleprompter up there, but he's not using it the whole time. You could tell because he's being natural.

He's moving around the room. You could do this, by the way, even if people are in the room. If you're if you practice so that it feels more natural, at least a teleprompter up there.

But you could tell he's going off. Yes, I think so. I want to kind of get this. We'll take the calls from everybody. Our panel today, your kind of final thought on. I've already said mine. I thought it was a total disaster for the DNC. A flop. And what that means is they just don't get a bump. I don't think that they'll necessarily go down more in the polls there. He took a big hit post, Kamala Harris. But I do think there is some opportunity maybe for the RNC. I want your thoughts on that, too, guys. What should the RNC do? Because they've got to see this flop. So maybe there's a way for them to get a little bit of a bounce. It's tougher for the income to get about. Let's not let this go round. Yeah, let's start with that. Ben, go ahead.

Yeah, I think the Republicans have focused on substance, George. I mean, I think there's a long track record on all of these areas that we've talked about where the Democrats refuse to talk about them, where there is a track record that President Trump and Vice President Pence can talk about. I think they should be very substantive. I think they should acknowledge the trying times, but then be optimistic about how to pull them through. And here's the other thing, George. I would answer both of those questions with two issues that the Democrats just ignored the economy, which polling specifically says that President Trump does better on. And that is always the number one factor on exit polling. So I think we'd be very smart to focus on that. And the other thing is safety for families. Your name was not talked about during this convention. It's at the forefront of the minds of a lot of undecided voters. I would focus there if I were the Republican.

I want to go to West, but before I go to West, I want to play this bite that will just some report. Number 49 in this. It's the platitudes again, Amelle. It was one comment.

Our current President has failed in his most basic duty to the nation. He's failed to protect us. He's failed to protect America. And my fellow Americans. That is unforgivable. As President, I'll make you a promise I'll protect America. I will defend us from every attack seen and unseen, always without exception, every time.

Exactly. How are you doing this? Yeah. Hold on. Let me do this.

And as I am when I say something, a beacon, we says that and I'll go to West. I'd see him say that. I'd listen to it again. And I. You look at what the situation was, you mentioned Jordan with ISIS during their administration, you look at what they did with Ayran and then Benghazi, where we abandon our diplomats and our Marines abandoned them. Right. This is their idea. West overseen. Yeah. Yeah.

And he's you see can see he's going to attack to protect us from attack, seen and unseen. He didn't protect us from tank attacks that were taking place on our own country. Yes, on camera.

Yeah. It was his foreign policy and his military policy was an absolute disaster. It was a nightmare for civilians and people in uniform. He is leaving out those details very, very conveniently. I think there's a lot of faux manufactured outrage. He's criticizing leadership when he was not able to exercise leadership in those testing times for eight years with him and President Obama. If it's language that is pretty amazing, his speech was a good teleprompter speech. My question is, will they answer reporters questions and can he put together a clear Sennett's rational thought without a teleprompter and answering questions of people? Will he ever sit down with reporters and do a press conference in an interview and only debate?

I mean, that's a great question, really. I don't think you have to at this point because there was this was so bad for them. Yes. That yes. Debate and Kamala Harris needs to get out there debate, too. If she could call him a vice President. Pont's.

That was. That was. And the. I want to talk to you. Let me get any let let the less come in here and then we'll take these calls. Andy, I found that personally. The two things I found the most offensive besides the lack of policy and all of that was the. There are no miracles. I'm praying for a miracle every day. We had a vaccine. I think there'd be a miracle. I'd say it's a miracle. Okay. Number one. Number two. And then, of course, the, you know, seen and unseen. And then we've got the administration that was cozying up to Vladimir Putin. They said after the election on more flexibility than what happens. The President then says, I will transmit this to Vladimir.

And even with this, the Vladimír, in other words, I will tell him what you said so that we can work out the deal. Talk about interference in election. You had him on a live like. And you caught him. You caught him with his pants down. But he didn't want to talk about that. But back to what you said. What the Republicans need to do is to learn the lesson from this convention, focus on the economy, focused on the fact that the stock market has substantially recovered to its all time highs. Focus on employment. Focus on the disaster in the American cities that are democratically controlled right now. And so you talk about protection. How about protecting me so I can walk down Peachtree Street in Atlanta without being afraid of being mugged? That's what I want you to talk about. Give me the specifics. Joe Biden. Yes. What? He can't do it.

And then let's not forget the Boston Marathon bombing where this administration under Attorney General Barr, is seeking a death penalty for the the defendants, the Tsarnaev brothers for that.

And under the previous administration, I know not only thing do they not seek the death penalty. It was this whole process, remember, of how to indict them because they were 18. And meanwhile, there's kids that were dead that were eight, nine years old. Look, I'm not a big proponent of the death penalty. You know that that personally, because I've tried too many cases and it would disagree with me. I get that. That's fine. But this idea that it's just it's so duplicitous what they're doing.

However, it's over now and there will be no bump and now things will go on. Let's try to grab these last two calls. Yeah. Let's go to Mary in California on line one. Mary thinks we're all married. You're on the air.

Hi. Thanks for taking my call. I just wanted to address what the Republicans need to do in addressing what how they're the how the DNC handled this. And I think it's really important that that President Trump reminds people what a cop, what he's accomplished. But I think it's more important for him to address what he's going to accomplish in the next four year.

Yes, I totally agree with you. I totally agree with you, Mary. I think it's you want to go through the good things that you've done to correct the wrongs. I think President Trump is right when he tweeted out to it while Barbara was speaking that I got elected because you you guy you got me elected. People put me in office because of you, President Obama, because he you Joe Biden, you like Donald Trump to be President. See you. Yes. You talk about how he's fix things. And then you then you look to the future. Stop litigating the past. That's what they did this week. The anybody but Trump never works. David, really quick, like three. Really quick.

Yeah. Hey, thanks, guys. You know, I just. I consider it a miracle that eleven of my family members have recovered from Cauvin. 19 Americans need to recognize that Joe Biden is just something that is antithetical to the framers of our Constitution, that we have to decide what kind of country we're going to have.

I think you're exactly correct. I mean, this is going to be the monumental choice. Listen, Joe Biden's running on this. He's running under. I am nicer than Donald Trump. I am kinder than Donald Trump. I'm more compassionate than Donald Trump. And that's how it is. Listen, they pulled it. They have focused group it. And that's what they decided to do.

That's how they're going to run right now. What I'd like to do is know that my kids are in school, that they're safe, that my family is safe, that the country is protected, that our enemies fear us. S stolen money. Oh, you can't ask Sulimani because he's dead. Ask Baghdadi. He ask him either because he's dead. That's what's fighting for. Freedom is not platitudes, boots on the ground when necessary. And only when necessary supports the work of the ACLJ with a matching challenge. Campaign ACLJ, dawg. I'm talking more radio and TV audience right now. So especially you're watching this broadcast. Many of you everyday support the ACLJ, but ACLJ dawg, that keeps this broadcast on the air. Your match, your gift will be matched. ACLJ Dawn.

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