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DNC: Obama Overshadows Harris in Night 3

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
August 20, 2020 1:00 pm

DNC: Obama Overshadows Harris in Night 3

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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August 20, 2020 1:00 pm

DNC: Obama Overshadows Harris in Night 3. We discuss this and more on today's show.

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Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

What was the DNC thinking, having a former President overshadow their vice Presidential pick? We'll talk about that today on Jay Sekulow, the line from Washington, D.C..

Jay Sekulow by phone lines are open for your questions right now. Call one 800 six eight four three one one zero. That's one 800. Six eight four thirty one ten. And now your host, Jordan Secular.

All right, so night three of the Democratic National Convention, you'd think Barack Obama was being nominated for vice President because that's the only person the mainstream media wanted to talk about after that two hours.

If you watch cable news, if you watch CNN or miss MSNBC, one hour, if you saw it on broadcast, which means you you did not see the pro women's suffrage say they're so proud of Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, they made sure no one saw them when it was in primetime. By the way, they made sure you didn't see him if you're watching on your broadcast television, didn't see the suffragettes, the Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, because why their popularity ratings are so high for nationally. But the big news and takeaway was not. This was the first African-American woman nominated to be vice President. That's a big deal news wise. The big news takeaway for the mainstream media was that Barack Obama spoke, you know, they couldn't get off someone who's not on the ballot. And dad, we were both watching CNN and we looked at MSNBC and literally they kept saying, we'll get to Harris, we'll get to Harris in a minute. It's historic that she did it, but.

Oh, Obama. Oh, they love. They thought it was those. They said it was Barack Obama's night. So, I mean, let me be clear here. They're they're saying, look, this was Barack Obama's night, except it was the nomination of the first African. Well, actually, she's both South Asian and black. You're having this very historic moment with Kamala Harris. And it was her everybody wanted to talk about or the media certainly wanted to talk about Barack Obama's speech. Right. So when we all know about that ambassadorial lecture about why he doesn't have time. Yes.

And, you know, the thing is, this was supposed to introduce Kamala Harris, who on earth thought it would be a good idea. It's like if you were the next Republican nominee, would you want Donald Trump speaking right before you? He would get all the media attention. OK. So, like it or not, think it was good for eyeballs or not. No one would be talking about what you had to say. Now, the interesting thing was, unfortunately for Cabarlah, Harris, whoever wrote her speech.

And I'll tell you, I'll here's his better than what you saw last night. I said it my tweets. I don't agree with her on about anything at all politically. But she's a much more like real a poet. I mean, she's a much better speaker.

She was a California attorney general. You build that room with this stuff. She had a drug. She delivered a weak speech that I couldn't even figure out what the theme was part of that. But some of it was because everybody kept thinking about Obama the whole time. Well, it was that and in a weird way, it was a very it was this vacant looking, almost airplane hangar looking, but empty bill dark in these dark and then a couple of seats where there were some people there, but not that many. And I don't think it served her well. And then, of course, the media could not get off of the fact that Barack Obama had spoken. He was harsh to the President. By the way, it was harsh to the President. But if you want my honest opinion, do I think it was like a knockout? I wasn't even like it was. It was it was not like that surprise.

He's he's being harsh to the President. He's got a lot of the cat. This is a former administration officials are under investigation by a U.S. attorney. So no wonder Barack Obama doesn't like President Trump right now. I can say we found out that he was in on the hoax and that so was hit. The nominee for President, Joe Biden. Ed, Sally, tell those people. So I think it's I think it was Obama fighting back on a legacy of failed policies like getting the Nobel Peace Prize for the Iran nuclear deal. And Iran continued on with their nuclear program that we had ISIS guests.

Of course, nobody saw the fact that, you know, we don't have a serious presence. What Obama said yet in the midst of all of this, he brokered at the Abraham Accords a peace deal between the United Arab Emirates and Israel and a working relationship. Historically, it just the last week, Obama did the Iran deal, which nuclearized Iran. I mean, think about it, folks. Just think about it and think about do you remember anything about Kamala Harris of the fact she said, I accept the nomination. We'll take your calls. We want your thoughts. Is it another botched night from the DNC when one hundred six eight four thirty wanted it? What does that leave for Joe Biden? How big are the stakes for him or is anyone watching it all? One eight hundred sixty four. We definitely were because we were to see what the media thought of it. They just love talking about Obama. They didn't care what he said. It is love. The fact he was speaking again. What, a hundred six eight four 31.

Ted at the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom, protecting those who are persecuted for their faith, I'm covering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress. The ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now, there's an opportunity for you to help in a unique way, for a limited time. You can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate. It will be matched by a ten dollar gift becomes 20 dollars. A 50 dollar gift becomes one hundred. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we do simply would not occur without your generous support. Take part in our matching challenge today. You can make a difference in the work we do. Protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms are most important to you and your family.

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Welcome back. Jay Sekulow lives. So you used night three of your convention to really introduce the American people. This is different virtually. I think a lot of Americans aren't even watching this.

But for those who do and are still trying to figure out who to vote for, it's important, even if it's because if it's the elections as close as some of the polls say, I mean, fluid see people. And I think the V.P. choice for Biden is very broad because he's coming in at 78 years old.

You need to believe in another reason that this is someone who could run the country. And there's a second reason this was actually covered in, interestingly, was actually brought up on CNN, and that is that Biden is polling worse in the African-American communities, in the Latino communities than Hillary Clinton did. So the hope was that they were going to have this, you know, with with Kamala Harris that somehow would bridge that gap, although during the campaign she did not do particularly well within that community either.

No, no. Because she put up because she was a prosecutor of a high Gaoli Calderone than anybody else. She was a prosecutor before California attorney Jills. She was very tough. I like the the looks small drug offenses and putting people in jail. So I think what's important is this is what the takeaway for us was. We were up to about two of the border talkee deadeye post this after watching all that they had go through each. But Hillary Clinton, let's put it where our team put it together.

But the truth is, the media, you know, it's it's that's who the American people kind of take it from next. So that speech is what does the media think, the speech? Because this is the her kind of introduction to most people. Most people, a lot of people watching it less. It was only being watched by people, all who've already followed politics in the dorm. They don't know who this V.P. person is. OK. So this the first time they've really heard her give a long speech. Even people who follow politics, you might ever, ever heard her give a 30 minute speech.

So what did the media talk about right after Kamala Harris finished her acceptance speech for the nomination for vice President for the Democrat Party? Take a listen to a supercut of all these media outlets.

Obama's speech shook me because of his despair laid bare.

This may have been the most powerful address he ever gave.

I got the feeling that isn't uncommon. Barack Obama right there. I could see him in the Oval Office. It was intimate and it was chilling. And he was declaring a national emergency. Let's get right to the unprecedented performance by Barack Obama. President Obama's speech tonight slayed me.

I just think that this Obama speech was one for the ages. And in it, let everybody else kind of go out and do what they have to do to tell the Biden story. But I think it's something we'll be talking about for a really long time.

The speech that Obama has given throughout all the speeches I've read or watched, that absolutely did feel like the most of the warning. And I think it was warning about the potential end of America.

The guy who went to Philadelphia tonight did not go there as a partizan, did not go there as a Democrat. He went there as a person who loves the country, who loves this democracy.

Former President Obama took a message to Philadelphia, the place of our founding, the founding of a democracy.

This was President Obama saying, I sat in that office and I want you to listen to me because I'm warning you.

His warnings that we could potentially be at the end of American democracy. You scared me. And I found upsetting and hard to watch.

But just powerful, powerful stuff that was immediately following Kamala Harris. It is her speech. That's when we started talking about. They did say Kamala Harris, great job or analyze that because he'd have tie between. Obama went right from Obama to Kamala Harris. They went right to skipped right over Kamala Harris, who will actually be on the ballot. To someone who won't be on the ballot there? Cried tears over.

So we calculated at one point, other than a few minutes as a mentions here and there. And I'm talking about here's where we're going to eventually talk in the next half hour. We're going to talk to it that it took, I think, 90 minutes to them to get any substance after the speeches were done to get to any substantive review of actually what was said. So I want to get I'm going to have my comments in a moment. But I want to get Van and Andys first. Annie, I'll start with you. You watched the whole show last night from beginning to end. What was your takeaway?

This was Obama at his slickest community organizer way. He got up there and he talked about the democracy is at stake and the President is horrible and he didn't go into the office. But the most important thing was he talked about getting votes and not the President votes and getting the power people out. And democracy has got to win. And you've got to keep your lives and your property and the people they love and don't skew the economy for the wealthy and the well-connected and the health system. And they'll fall through the cracks and the democracy will wither and there'll be no democracy at all. This is just the community organizer standing at a hall in Chicago back before he even became a state senator, making his mark on America, supposedly by just saying how terrible and horrible things are. And, of course, ignoring entirely the tremendous accomplishments of the last four years after the nightmare of Donald Trump, of Barack Obama's administration, and failing to recognize and to say what he should have said, that his Justice Department administration was the most corrupt in the history of the United States.

How about that?

Yeah, that would. Well, exactly. And in fairness, I thought it was interesting. Barely mentioned on foreign policy. Never really talk about the accomplishments was an economic accomplishments of the President.

But it was all Barack Obama and nothing on Kamala Harris, which almost leads me to believe that they are going through the motions of this, even though they think they've got some good poll numbers, which now CNN senior, not so good. What was your takeaway?

Well, go through the motions was the strategy that Hillary Clinton picked and we saw how that worked out. So if they're going to choose that strategy again, they might want to think twice. Jay, two main takeaways, and they do track somewhat similar to what you had. No. One, I knew this was a strategic mistake. As soon as I saw that the former President and Kamala Harris were going to go back to back because, look, the President, the former President is good at this. He's a gifted order. And then maybe most importantly, and he was evidenced by the supercut that you just played. The media loves him. So no matter what he said, they were going to do that and it was going to detract from Kamala Harris. But LBJ, I would add a second reason to this. And you talked about how the pick of Kamala Harris was important because of Joe Biden's age and because of the African-American vote. I would add a third reason to that. And Jay, that is borne out in the polling that the nominee for President of the Democrat Party, Joe Biden, doesn't bring enthusiasm. So they have to get enthusiasm. Out of their vice Presidential nominee, Kamala Harris, by putting Barack Obama right up next to her and letting him take all the attention. J. They eviscerated any chance of that happening. They are going to have to get enthusiasm somewhere. And I think Jordan probably said it best. You're not going to get the enthusiasm from someone who is not only not on the ticket, but won't ever be on the ticket again. He's yesterday's news. They're going to have to find enthusiasm somewhere. And I think they sabotaged themselves in that way.

I tell you the thing I'm trying to figure out. Jordan, you're you've been around. You've done Presidential campaigns. And I'm trying to figure out why did they. I mean, I understand why they wanted to pull Barack Obama into this, you know, former President. You know, normally they do that.

But why would you buttress it exactly as they buttress it towards Kamala Harris and then knowing that the media was going to do exactly what they did because they were leaking out, which is normal portions of what he was going to say, which, by the way, I didn't think was so, you know, they said, oh, it's gonna be the hardest, strongest, toughest. That's was elected was another Obama for sure.

I'd write your lecture like people don't like four professors, but, you know, the liberals love it because they love liberal professors. No, I think they should have had Barack Obama. They would or, you know, flip flop with Michelle Obama. Maybe she goes first. Or maybe she goes second. She could. She's about the only person I could follow. You know, I think it should have it first. It should have been the Obama date for them.

And that would have gotten a lot of eyes. She would have started off the convention instead of losing 26 percent of viewership, probably up because you would see Barack Obama for the first time back out, really campaigning and hitting hard. He didn't endorse Joe Biden. Ed, the primary it told Joe Biden was the primary. Barack Obama did not endorse. In fact, Barack Obama was reported not to support Joe Biden's decision to run and is very concerned that Joe Biden is does not have what it takes to campaign. That's been reported by The York Times. So the fact he even came out. I would have done. Barack Obama and then Michelle Obama. All right. What could she could follow? And then that would get a lot of viewers. But give Kamala Harris a shot. It should have been a great age. It was a great intro video. But then it was a weird set that looked like a convit, she'd stage your shit. The lights were dark and they came apart. Except that works when you have 20000 cheering people at balloons and stuff. It's confetti. It doesn't work when you're by yourself. So I guess Joe Biden was in a box for the quarter, but he didn't come out at some point and they were like, hold it. It was so bizarre. They held their hands up. Hey, when we come back from the break, it's just for the Hollywood world. I guess they're so called team because a COVA. They weren't. What were they? Who is. Who is. Whose do we like stage management for this? They should be the best at it right there.

Their settings have not been good. He's heard terrible. She and she is. Look, Jordan, I've been with her. We'd been in a small village in the middle. She's a formidable presence. And I would note it. Yeah. A worthy opponent.

And why Elizabeth Warren? I love. How so? Joe Biden. Elizabeth Warren, they get to be in classrooms. Your kids don't ever fight on all those cases. They talk know they're talking from classrooms. Well, classrooms across the country are closed because of liberal governors and mayors. Think about that. They're not providing vouchers for kids who need some education or tutors. And when I I'm shutting down charter schools, virtual programs, I want to do this. We get back from the break. Know I'm going to start it with Andy first because I really wanted none of the foreign policy. They'd even question the foreign policies of the President. Really been perfect. Yeah, I thought that was an interesting miss.

So let's we'll talk about that. Also, don't forget, support the work of the ACLJ. You enjoy this program each and every day. Radio and TV support the work of the ACLJ and the Matching Challenge Campaign ACLJ, dawg.

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It's called Mission Life. It will show you how you are personally impacting the pro-life battle through your supports. And the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases, how we're fighting for the rights of pro-life activists, the ramifications of Roe v Wade 40 years later, Planned Parenthood's role in the abortion industry and what Obamacare means to the pro-life movement. Discover the many ways your membership with the ACLJ is empowering the right to life.

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You know, I think that this is what was interesting to me, first of all. Kamala Harris being overshadowed now. This is a big night coming up tonight. This is the night where, you know, what is she to how they kind of passed over abortion.

Their lives are barely a mention. They let me reference. She did a Planned Parenthood.

Yeah. I mean, you know, she had to just brush. We reminded People Udairi on Twitter and our social media that Kamala Harris proudly defended that California law. Dad, that we ended up going down at the Supreme Court, the permitting crisis, pro-life pregnancy centers from operating the fact act. Yeah. And she defended that. I know she did. So now is she extremely pro abortion? She would have shut down pro-life pregnancy centers and make it clear that there were criminal defeated in California as A.G.. But ultimately, it was struck down by the Supreme Court of the United States. They would like to highlight that part. So they really get into abortion heavy. That wasn't abortion heavy, even with Elizabeth Ward, even with Hillary Clinton, with Pelosi. They kind of gloss over that. Which is interesting to me. I just asked this question to our callers. What if you watched Kamala Harris? What do you take away from it? Well, that Chris Wallace sets about his affair. I see his fair daddy said both V.P. speeches right after you hear usually what you take away from his. I am proud to accept the nomination. You buy by the second night, you move on. Okay. But usually if you would just write it, if you would just watch it, somebody would would've stuck out here.

So this was I think that, you know, I have to deal with and you do, too. And Andy and Dan do too. You have to deal with communicating messages and in in bites. Oftentimes courts aren't more limits, Wolf, because we do it on radio every TV every day. But also we do it in arguments, in courts and things like that. And he was just in court on a proceeding. And you got you want to know you've got to leave something on the table that the judge is thinking about, where the jury is thinking about.

And Andy, I look at this last night about an Kamala Harris speech. And we've been with her in the Senate. She's a formidable person. It did not come across that way last night.

No, it did not. And she came across very bland, in my view. The thing that I resent about her so much is a former prosecutor who now disdains what she did as a prosecutor. And there is nothing that a prosecutor decides more than a person who was an attorney general, a district attorney, a prosecutor who went after criminals and did the things that they're supposed to do in upholding the law. Years later, deciding that they're going to basically reject what they were and deny what they were, she said before the speech. The hue they had played a clip of her saying, and, you know, we need to do something because I've got three bolts on my door. They don't there. Don't forget that. So she disdains what she used to be. And now is a new Kamala Harris. She is now Joe Biden's running mate, and she is looking for a different country than the one that she defended as an attorney general. I don't I don't buy that. I think that that is being true to yourself and untrue to your principles. And that's how she came out to me.

You know, this was interesting to. Ford policy.

David, discuss it while they tried to write, because I think this is how they try to. Obama tried to take a shot at President Trump not by directly saying Ford policy, but take a listen.

By twenty three, for close to four years now, he has shown no interest in putting in the work. No interest in finding common ground. No interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends. No interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.

The economy was going wild. Well, for everyone until Kofod is still done pretty well, considering. That's what. So the economy that they know from Obama to even Trump right now.

I mean, you can't even compare the two. So that's why did Mitch anything specific? He just didn't like the style. How about Omar? Al Baghdadi is dead. ISIS is no longer exists. How about the fact that he was he had the guts to take out Iran's top military and terrorist commander, Omar Suleiman? How about the fact that Syria is no longer a major issue? How about the fact that Israel and the UAE made a peace deal last week while Obama was getting awards, Nobel Peace Prizes, for being elected, for being elected while we still had two wars ongoing, Afghanistan and Iraq and a horrible fake nuclear Iran deal? How about getting Pastor Andrew Brunson out of Turkey? How about dealing with all these tough, tough like China? How about redoing NAFTA for the American worker? Did Barack Obama I guess he's just been played golf the last four years. Because the truth is, even though his cronies have tried to distract everyone from what President Trump has done, well, the hoax is all the stuff we've had to work on as his lawyers. The truth is, President Trump has delivered and his administration has delivered. Whether it's the economy, whether it's foreign policy, and he's drawing us down from those wars.

OK. So here's the deal. You can be a Republican. You could be a Democrat. You could be an independent. Would be a liar.

But tell me then, Bennett, who's been involved in politics for a long time. What was the purpose of last night? I mean, you know, Wolf Blitzer, who happened to like Wolf Blitzer, I get along great with Wolf Blitzer. I get along with well, with most of the ones up on those networks, I'm thinking to myself. Obama gave a professors lecture. That's what he does. That's all it was last night. Nothing. And there was some shocking new revelation. And, of course, it's all going on while his his various intelligence officials may be in hot water. But having said all of that, what was the purpose? What was the takeaway from all of this?

I think the purpose was the theme that they were going for J, which was we would like Barack Obama to be President again. I really do. I mean, I think that was what they were going for because that's what they think fires up their base. But again, if you go back to political science, one to one, if you're not on the ticket, you will not deliver victory. It's going to be the name at the top of the ticket that is going to determine how the American people vote. And, you know, you guys, we're talking about foreign policy just a moment ago. And the reason they didn't go to this, Jay, is because there's not a lasting legacy achievement left from the Obama administration when it comes to foreign policy. I mean, that was supposed to be the Iran deal, the JCP. And Jordan ran through a whole list of others. I might tack a couple other onto there. Remember, the Obama administration are the ones that walked away from Israel at the Security Council. How did that work out? They were the ones that advance the open borders policy that led to all sorts of problems. And by the way, Jay, if this pandemic hasn't showed why that was a bad foreign policy, then nothing will. So I got to tell you, Jay, that was why they didn't go to foreign policy, because there's not a single lasting legacy, foreign policy achievement that they can run on. So the only thing left was to run away from it and say we do still wish he was President.

I want to I want to play this last bite here. Before we go to the break, a number 23.

For eight years, Joe was the last one in the room. Whenever I faced a big decision, he made me a better President and he's got the character and the experience to make us a better country.

Andy, would you like to know what happened in the last person in the room? Let's say, on intelligence gathering or spying on the Trump campaign or the IRS targeting of conservative groups?

I'd like to kind of know he was the last person in the room. All right. He was pulled back with Sally Yates in the room and they talked about things that Sally Yates says she was astounded to hear. He was the hatchet man for Obama. Let's face it. Remember Obama said, make sure you get the right person, the right person to do what? The right person to slaughter Donald Trump, if you possibly can.

He didn't talk about that last person interview in the Oval Office. He didn't talk about those events. But you know what they do, Jay? It's an old Southern way. If you don't if you have the facts, please, the facts. If you've got the law, plead the law. If you got neither, make them cry. And that's exactly what Obama is trying to do. Get up there and make us cry about the laws. Great days of Barack Obama. Well, guess what? He's not coming back. And I say thank the Lord for that.

Yeah. And a lot of people, by the way, have been, you know, criminal justice reform. But they're thank the Lord for that, too. You know what President Trump has done? It's not Obama and people like Harris who just kept putting him behind bars, ignoring a lot of these racial issues, even though they were sort of be the champions of because it was historic that they happen to be Anami River, that spawner work matching challenge ACLJ dot org.

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Live from Washington, D.C.. Jay, secular lives.

And now your host, Jordan Secular. Welcome back to Jay Sekulow, alive, this Jordan Soheil, we are taking your phone calls one 160 431 Ted.

It was interesting because when I wrote the next red wave, it came out about a year ago. We didn't know there'd be a pandemic. We didn't know who the nominee would be. But we made sure we just thought we because we knew who was running.

So we talked about Biden a lot earlier than Biden's a lot here. But Kamala Harris is also in here because of what she did with the pro-life predecessors. But there's also something in here that our next caller mentioned, and that is Jerry in Rhode Island on line two. If you are tortuously or by the way, we're. Take your calls, folks. There's a lot to analyze here, but we are to your cause. I want your thoughts. Did you watch it? And if you did, what was your takeaway? One 800 six eight four thirty one. Ted, if you're Democrat or Republican or you'd have even made up your mind, I just would like to know, because it's it's tough to figure out for me because the media, they just find over Obama. Jerry, welcome to Jay Sekulow live. You're on the air.

Hey, Jane. Comment to what we just said. Last segment, last man in the room. And how come the President didn't endorse his candidate? He was the last one in the room. Exactly. But to answer your question, going back to the book, 40 percent already voted based on what I watch Hannity. So I didn't watch what I saw a. So I didn't hear some of the things till I heard it. I watched it on my phone. Let me go back to the book. 40 percent already know what they're doing. Yeah. Other estimates, 40 percent never conference. They probably watch that 20 percent in the middle that we've been talking about all this because our grasp and to my point, grasping for a segment of this segment is poor Hillary lost. He got cheated. She talked to that people. Some of the President Obama will still love him. He talked to them this kind of grass for that 20 percent in the middle. That's my opinion. It's what I said when the book came out last year.

Yeah, right. He's absolutely right. We talked about this in politics, especially at the Presidential level. So it's also local.

You've got very partizan voters. They show up to vote. So I think you're about right, 48 percent on each side already knows how they're going to vote. Once you have the nominees, we do. Now, you know, second, no more primaries. They know how they're going to vote. It's the 20 percent, Edad. For me, the only thing I'm taking away and I get what I get with Jerry's trying to say is that they're try to appeal with this kind of dole message, broad, blah. Don't you want something different? Maybe, but not so different. And we're not going to really bring up divisive issues, even though there's a lot of divisive issues going on right now. It is that anybody but Trump now. I worked on 2004. We're talking about the next third wave. There we're talk about the book again, because he is really relevant to right now because, you know, we're living in two, you know, to attack us for the election three months. Is that the anybody but normal strategy? Does it work? John Kerry when he was running against George W. Bush? I worked for the Bush campaign. He actually sold the bumper sticker from his campaign. Anybody but Bush. Yes. And he came close, did polls, but ultimately with the Electoral College. Although, I'll tell you, on Election Day, we were nervous that the Bush campaign, there was two unpopular wars going on. There's economic trouble. I mean, there were a lot of reasons not to get reelected, honestly. But John Kerry, was it was it running? No one was voting for John Kerry because they liked John Kerry or his policy proposals.

Their whole campaign was anybody but Bush. And guess who won? Bush. Guess who lost? The guy selling the anybody but Bush stickers. That's the only theme I can take away. So if Joe Biden sticks with that tonight, like, hey, you're not really voting for me, you're voting against Donald Trump. The 20 percent just don't show up that middle vote, especially Dirty Kofod. They just are not going to show up because they're not going to be. No. And then a lot of minority voters are not going to be is who gave out droves for Obama there.

And Biden's polling less minorities believe that than any other Republican does. He's gotten the best polling numbers with minorities and black and better than than Bush got. But it was way that we come back. We've got a lot more. And I'm going to give you. I need this in 15 seconds. Why the ignoring of it at least challenging the foreign policy decisions?

Because there's no way you can remember the President of the United States finally had the guts to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognize Israel as what it is. They didn't talk about that because it was an accomplishment. Of course, Obama did not have hundred percent.

Correct. All right, folks, listen. Support the work of the ACLJ. You could do that at ACLJ Down or Winter Matching Challenge Campaign ACLJ dot org if you're able. Back with more in a moment.

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Welcome back, Jason. Hill. This is Jordan. We are taking your phone calls, one 800 six eight four 31 10. That's one eight hundred sixty four three one one zero.

A lot of people call them right now. We get those calls up and we got a fair bit in Washington, D.C., because then the big ideas. What is your goal for a convention? Your goal for a convention is to convince people that your own supporters already you want to fire them up because you want to fire your base up. That's one. But you also want to bring in some new people, including some new people who voted for the other guy last time.

And yet all I'm hearing so far, the only theme. I mean, I watch this stuff closely. Is that the only big takeaway? Then I can get is that we just don't like Donald Trump because he's Donald Trump is not really his policies. They can't really attack the economy. They can't really blame him for Cauvin. They can't really say anything bad about his foreign policy. So the Russia thing was nothing. They did want to talk about that. And so it's that anybody but I mean, maybe Biden has a different kind of theme tonight. I'm not sure about what they say the theme is, but his speech. But I think this all comes down. That to me is kid Joe Biden, as you said in the chat, that we have convinced people that he's best on the economy and the violence in the streets. It's happening right now. And yet we've got all these videos of him praising the violence in the streets. And he's been horrible, the economy as a U.S. senator.

Yeah, and that is what I would add on top of the line, that is the strategy of anybody, but the other guy never works. The candidate with the eyeballs wins. But Jordan, the other thing is in every every buddy who's been involved in politics knows it is that people vote their pocketbooks in Jordan. I have yet to see a poll when people are asked who they trust more to handle economic issues in the economy, especially in light of the pandemic where people have chosen Joe Biden time and time again. They say that they trust Donald Trump more on that issue. So I think those people in the middle and by the way, George, I look at the electoral map. Joe Biden's going to have to take back at least two states from Donald Trump, even if he takes the biggest ones in play in order to take the presidency back without winning on the economy. You're not going to do that. And I'll tell you, this door and I would make a sakra prediction. I think the economy will be number one coming out of exit polls. But I think number two will be safety for families. I think will be the violence that is in the streets. And if you're going to take a look at voters that are going to vote on those two issues, I don't see any of them voting for Joe Biden over Donald Trump.

I think, look, if you look at the the fact that there's got to be a rebuild of the economy because of the pandemic, Donald Trump's already done that once.

Right. And he's done that. And then if you're looking at safety, what's going on in our communities? I think it's pretty clear to anybody that's watching that you could you Mafeking and Democrat. Yes. Where's it taking place? And you know where it's taken place, Andy?

Yeah, that's right. I mean, the economy has since said and I agree totally. You ultimately vote your pocketbook. And Joe Biden has said, if you vote for me, you're going to vote for higher taxes. He already said that. So don't and don't think you're going to vote for a tax cut. If you're going to give me you're going to get higher taxes. He's already said that. And the other thing that I think is interesting is how they have scrupulously avoided the issue of foreign policy. And we've talked about that in our prior segment. They don't want to talk about what has happened internationally because that is all victories for the President and they can't go back to that. So they drag out Barack Obama, they drag out his professorial image and they try to rekindle what happened during the great heyday of the Obama administration overshadowing their own vice Presidential nominee. And when you think about the speech that Obama gave her long of that, did he talk about Joe Biden? Maybe five minutes, his brother, Joe Biden, who he didn't endorse, as our caller said earlier, I mean, is this this guy? Is this the party that you want to put back in power? Is this the party that's going to get Portland back from being the disaster that it is in Chicago and New York where Fifth Avenue is blocked up? And then there's Paul. There's a billboard or rather posters and and plywood put up on all the buildings. Is this the party that's going to rekindle America? I don't think so.

You know, it's interesting because we've also see the traditional attacks on Republicans and conservatives. This happens whether you're Bush, they've gone hard on Trump on this. That's weird because Trump is is not a he's supported by a lot of social conservatives. He's been great on the life issue. He's been great on religious liberty. But he himself is not like claiming to be some some evangelical social conservative personally. He just agrees with us on the issues. And I think that's what's well supported a leader. I think there's a lot of weak.

You know, you could have like we've had a lot of Presidents that said they agreed with this. I never put it into practice. No, because they were ready for the battles that come with it. They're very nasty and moving to. You know, Andy mentioned earlier moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. I think they had the authority to do it for 25 years and they wouldn't do it.

Yes. I mean, Republicans say they always love to call us homophobic and kind of xenophobic and this and that. And that's the truth is Donald Trump of all people. And by the way, he got all those evangelical voters, but he also got all these libertarian voters and we're all working together now is the least probably homophobic prison.

I say this in history because Barack Obama opposed gay marriage.

So did Joe Biden. Donald Trump supported.

And you know, I want but I want to hear, because this is how they try to they try to call us. Here's Kamala Harris doing it in a soft way. They'll play AOC, doing it the night before in the more out outright, and then we're gonna hear from her. But just setting up, because this is just the same jump they always want to throw at you.

And to a vision passed on through generations of Americans, one that Joe Biden shares a vision of our nation as a beloved community where all our welcome.

No matter what we look like, no matter where we come from or who we love, a country where we may not agree on every detail, but we are united by the fundamental belief that every human being is of infinite worth deserving of compassion, dignity and respect.

Yeah, cause I don't include the unborn that no one on her. Yeah. Not her. But I wanted to make a point before you play the AOC statement. That was the stuff that was a very soft reference to the to that issue. But you saw more of the Kamala Harris orator in that than you did in the other.

Yeah, I think we're paying more, Kamala Harris, than CNN has said. I mean, with the amount of time we have versus the four hours since we actually pay attention, what she's saying, you might think you might disagree. Right. But it's very strong statements. They're more subtle. And that's that's what she's good at. Unlike Joe Biden, who kind of. So then AOC, its source does the regular time. I just want to point it out to people. It was in there when she said it doesn't matter who people love. Right. Right. Like, which we somehow care about that. And that AOC the night before was much more direct about remember this? They were all prerecorded, AOSIS prerecorded. They let her say it. Take a listen. Because they're calling you this.

A movement striving to recognize and repair the wounds of racial injustice, colonization, misogyny and homophobia, and to propose and build reimagines systems of immigration and foreign policy that turn away from the violence and xenophobia of our past.

So basically, AOC calls, you know, Republicans and conservatives homophobic. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump appoints to a G seven country. Rick Grenell, who's been on this broadcast before. A conservative. He's gay. He also served as an addition to being the director of Sydney. In addition to being the ambassador to Germany when Andrew Brunson was released from prison. In Turkey and finally got out of Turkish airspace and landed in Germany at two thirty in the morning, who met him at the airport with an American flag. Ambassador Rick Renel, who that is a point now, so was appointed by President Donald Trump then.


Rick Renel becomes the acting director of national intelligence, and he has the guts and the timidity to unleash and unmask the unmasked, so to speak. To find out what was going on in the Candie's opposition to cabinet level position. So the idea that these people would call Republicans conservatives homophobic. That's just how many hurt, how many we held. I was. We were trying to orientate Nel's confirmation process if he was on the broadcast. He would tell you Democrats were to shut him down. Yes, he was. He was. You know why? Because he's conservative.

Because he's a conservative. It doesn't fit their mold. Right. And, you know, the truth is Donald Trump runs hotels on this hospitality. Does he care? He does a hiring and fire people based on their sexual orientation. I've never heard anyone accuse him of that, except for, of course, Democrats tried to make people think that. But, you know, let's let's play. You know, usually we wouldn't be playing Log Cabin Republicans videos out here. But you know what? I'm sick of being called a homophobe, aren't you?

I am.

Rick Ridell, sick of you being called one, too. He knows you aren't. He's an evangelical Christian. He's gay. And President Trump didn't care about that. And you know what? I don't think any of you do either. You might personally have disagreements theologically. But if he was the right person for the job. Take a listen to Rick Renel responding for us. That's what I think is great here, because I'm just sick and tired of being called homophobic. It's just it's it's good. Gross attack. It's nasty. Listen, Ricardo, my name is Rick Grinnell.

I'm America's first openly gay cabinet member. The fact that I'm gay didn't even faze Donald Trump. Joe Biden certainly didn't congratulate the appointment or even acknowledge it, but his silence was deafening.

There you go. First, openly gay cabinet official was put there by Donald Trump and he urged his own words.

Didn't is the ambassador. German cabinet position. Barack Obama did. Putting Biden's cabinet was gay. I don't even know if, you know, I. I don't. But he's certainly no one at that level. He had no one at that level.

And he opposed gay marriage for half of his presidency, only switch when it was politically important. I'm sick of being called that. I'm just sick of being called. I think Rick Renel for doing that video Log Cabin Republicans to doing that video because it's speaking for all of us. We'll be right back. On Jay Sekulow.

Only one US society can agree that the most vulnerable and voiceless deserve to be protected. Is there any hope for that culture to survive? And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice to defend the right to life. We've created a free, powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ battle for the unborn.

It's called Mission Life. It will show you how you are personally impacting the pro-life battle through your support. And the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases, how we're fighting for the rights of pro-life activists, the ramifications of Roe v Wade 40 years later, Planned Parenthood's role in the abortion industry and what Obamacare means to the pro-life movement. Discover the many ways your membership with the ACLJ is empowering the right to life.

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So it's interesting, Janice, on Facebook, sure to record as brilliant any job is given, I agree the next administration is given even more ambassador to Germany and the acting DNI just to get Democrats proposing him. You know, they're opposing him because he's a conservative evangelical. He happens to be gay. But you see, they don't care, though. They'll try to take down. But it's not people who are gay. Taking out major leadership positions because they have a theology and a political view different than theirs. It's the same thing with Clarence Thomas. Yeah. Oh, yes. Conservative, more black. And he's conservative. So that makes it worse. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Ed, so did Tim Scott. You know, is his token legislation using language like that? I've always said this. The left there, the racist, the left there, the homophobes, they play into these stereotypes. And that's what's really homophobic. That's what's really racist. It's like what Joe Biden said. Unlike the Latino community, which has differences, all black people are the same as what they say.

That's what Joe Biden said. Yeah, it's disgusting. Who who? Who puts people in a box like that, Democrats? They always have.

That is why you want to go roundtable here, because Cathrine on Facebook said, Do you think Joe Biden will be live? I do think he will be. And that means it is actually five minutes. Teleprompter, of course. That's fine. But what what do you guys think? I mean, I think this is Joe Biden makes or breaks this whole thing. I think Obama is not going to carry this into the weekend.

I'm going to go I'm going to speak. Last or at least I'll let the look then and Andy speak first. We'll go to Fan because I think it's important as we close this broadcast out. This is the biggest night of the digital convention. The virtual convention is tonight.

Jay, there has never been a Presidential election where the two individuals at the top of the ticket, the Presidential nominees, have not been the determining factor when they go to the polls. The vice President pick is very important when it comes to policy. It's very important for for decision making. But when voters walk into the booth day, they decide based on the name at the top of the ticket. So they're going to be deciding between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. And as of now, Jay, because of the spread and the amount of eyeballs on the various candidates, Joe Biden is in a lot of trouble. He's got to turn at least two states. And I actually think tonight is very, very big for him. He's not a gifted order. He's not real good on his feet. But Jay, he has got to turn the tables. I think starting tonight and quite frankly, he's got to get out on the campaign trail, too, because if he takes the strategy that Hillary Clinton took, I look at this electoral map. Jay, I predict it will turn out largely the same.

Let me go to Ed. You're tonight's the final night. What is it? Well, the Republican is. I think Penn should give a speech. The President should give a speech and go out on the road and do your thing. I mean, it's like, okay, but that's just me. Any year since.

Well, my sense is that Joe Biden is a 56 year veteran of Washington, is a washed up all Washington politician. He has nothing really new to offer. He is indeed a Trojan horse, as Jordan has mentioned on this broadcast. He's bringing with him the corrupt left wing of the Democratic Party, under wraps and under seal. He's got to make some kind of statement tonight that is revolutionary and is really going to be worth connecting with the American people. I don't think he has the ability to do it. I don't think he'll do it, whether it be tonight or on the campaign trail. Donald Trump beats him at every point.

Yeah. Let me read what Charles on Facebook just wrote. This is what I've been trying to echo. She's sick. Charlotte Rodela. I'm so sick of being called homophobic, racist, deplorable center. No, it was it was Hillary Clinton. You know, we're the deplore basket of deplorable masses of horribles. It was Barack Obama. They cling to their Bible and guns. And now, you know, we're still being called homophobic. And we are just we're sick of it because it's just not true. Is that true? So we accept people for who they are. We might have differences theologically, but that doesn't mean we don't see that they could be the right person for jobs. We're not electing ever in America. Religious leaders say, God, we don't do that in politics. That's not how we choose our leaders. We choose the best people for the best jobs for our country. And it shouldn't matter who they who they are a relation with or don't with, as long as they're good people who can get the job done. Right.

So Will Heyns are produced, pointed this out and they say being the Democrats that and the left, that we're the ones causing division and not TFA, not the riots in the streets. Let me give you my let me give you my idea. Let me give you my takeaway. Then you can take it from there. I think look, I think the tables set now will be set tonight. There are two visions. We'll never tell you who to vote for. That's not our job. We'll tell you to vote. I would tell you to engage your views. I think that's important. But we live in a very, very interesting and compelling time. I said this to you, Jordan. And you brought up or I think Logan actually brought it up. And I've said it to I've repeated Logan statement on this. It's true. Your generation has lived through 9/11. Then in 2008, 2009, to work worst economic downturn we've had since the Great Depression. You had a racket. If you had to hear this word, I would. Your gen, your car, your temporaries were fighting and dying in fans as well. And then you have now a worldwide pandemic. The table has been set. So here's really the question. It's not a question of who is got the best civility and who is going to be the most kind and who's going to be the most the next and the most nuanced. The decision is going to come down to who is going to get the job done and what is the job and the job right now for the President. Is the economy, which he has rebuilt once he can rebuild again and the pandemic. And what's the job for Joe Biden, if he was President, to rebuild the economy and deal with a pandemic? The decision that you have to make, as we are now, what, seventy seven days away from the election or thereabouts, which is hard to believe, but we're like within two wouldn't be within two months. A real soon is which which one of these candidates presents your vision. But let me tell you what I'm sick of, too.

I am. They talk about Republicans doing the name calling and then you rattle off the list of xenophobic, homophobic, this and that. They're the name callers. That's real name calling. And it's just not fair and it's not fair. It's not fair. As a matter of policy. And it's not right factually.

He had people on on both sides of these issues that could say things that you disagree with. That's part of living in a free country.

But that's why we that's why Jordan and I know Logan and Will and everybody wanted to play the thing from Rick Renel who we help can get confirmed and then would tell you that we record now would tell you that.

Correct. Then.

Oh, absolutely. And by the way, Jay, I think his performance on the job, especially as the director of DNI. I think it validated that pick time and time again, Jay. There's a document here somewhere in my stack of the entire list of Obama officials who requested the unmasking of General Flynn. Why do we have that? We had that because of director general.

Now, how do we help Reker now get confirmed? And he would, of course, admit that easily. No problem. We help one of Hillary Clinton's friends who is the nominee to become an ambassador for international religious freedom, who is being under lock, Obama under under Obama. While Hillary Clinton, secretary of state and she was evangelical and having issues with Democrats and Republicans. So we had to come through to help her get.

She's a good person. And it was said a really evangelical that really helped us and helped us persecution the persecution of the Iranian issue. Mr. Yeah.

Was the lead a master cook? And so, you know, again, who comes to the aid of those who get tried to be taken out of positions because they're too religious, they're too evangelical, whether they're gay or African-American or Democrat or Republican ACLJ. That's what we do. We do that work, too, because we want the right people, the right positions, regardless of which party's in charge. If we can help. I mean, that's what you want us doing, right? Yeah. Better confirmation. Right. When she was confirmed. So, folks, I want you to support the work of ACLJ. Word every one of these battles for President Trump were never with battles they talked about. And we're in the larger battle to batching challenge both ACLJ doubt or donate today.

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