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CDC: Reopening Schools “Critically Important”

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
July 24, 2020 1:00 pm

CDC: Reopening Schools “Critically Important”

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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July 24, 2020 1:00 pm

CDC: Reopening Schools “Critically Important.” We discuss this and more on today's show.

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This is Logan Sekulow Jay Sekulow discussing the CDC's announcement, saying that reopening schools is critically important that more live in Washington DC Jay Sekulow right now. Call 1-800-684-3110 and now your host Logan Sekulow God trailblazer said radio show Jay Sekulow live Logan Sekulow reprogrammed well. I would be in the studio were taken over for this Friday. If you a question or comment. Give us a call one 800 684 31 to let me take your phone calls later but was simply merely talk about not only our school choice initiative what's going on with that.

There's always a new scheme. There's a lot going on in the world.

School reopening it over a lot of parents young parents like me, your only weeks away from school supposedly supposed to be starting. That's right, everyone's a little unsure everyone's a little unclear and CDC though with a lot of people trust Lee some people say everybody people at Jeanette already learn authority health issues about a big authoritarianism is but you know that the CDC is that hate kind of God against the door. They've got a put out statements.

I know we could support for schools to open something that the President of the people have a kind of pushing for the last few months.

Really, as we been trying to figure out what the school season for 2020 2021. Would look like. So they said is very important that we have all leave there's a whole highlighted document will cave me of all the reasons why they think it's important to reopen schools and specifically because of the impact of lower and middle income households and also areas where there is not integrate Internet service. Whether there's the ability for parents to be home again. It's a place where kids get fed maybe they're one healthy meal of the day or maybe there one meal of the day so there's a lot of that in this document will break it down to go through it. Obviously, the number one reason they're suggesting it, though, and it's wrapped up about his that the death rates amongst children is very, very, very low, well below the flu well below the now you can say I don't know what the transmission rate is a lot of debate about that, but you understand for kids that really need that school for beyond just education that we see education dropping pretty rapidly as they did a report whether to the math program well they did it.

Assessment March when it would start going online to the end of the school year or two now and there's deftly been like to get to get a rate.degeneration of right so that is one of the biggest fears that the CDC balanced with in their report when they were looking at.

How do we put these guidelines forward. We know that the states and the governors and the politicians and the school boards are all looking to us for some guidance and they way the.

The issues of children not getting the learning they need and how that's gonna set them back throughout their entire life going forward with the transmission rate. The even the infection rate for the school age is much lower than in other age bracket so they they look at this and they took all of these into consideration, and they came out with a pretty strong statement in favor of reopening and Robert Redfield, the.director of the CCX. He said it's critically important for our public health for schools to open this fall yeah and there is a statement you listen so far the pandemic, the death of children is less than the last five flu seasons begins in 64 kids were together should be zero. I think people keep forgetting that this didn't have to happen, it should be zero, but unfortunately it's at 64. That doesn't. I don't feel like I'm say that's very low number, but I don't discount that I feel like that's important to still put out there that's that's still alarming and then obviously the actual breakdown. The percentage is a very very low percentage. I think it should be up to the parent subway. I think parent should have the decision to make.

I don't really think that school should the school can reopen great, but I think parent sides. They feel comfortable with it. Hopefully the school can provide other options for. I think this could revolutionize schooling in general specifically for kids who needed to special schooling.

This could change the way we look at it. We've always looked at it a five day week seven hour a day deal for a lot of people. It's very important for my kids very important, but for a lot of people in special circumstances particular because I would hear comments about schools reopening school choice initiative, even the artsy get canceled and retired without 100-684-3110. This is the Logan Sekulow reprogrammed the American Center for Law and just as were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those uncovering corruption and the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life and commerce. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollars $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today to make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms online ACLJ only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn cold dishes like will show you how you are personally support the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question for economy mission life today online ACLJ/to the Logan Sekulow reprogrammed right here on Jay Sekulow, live for today will not used to such a good listener. Jay Sekulow would replace that of the reprogrammed that's right.

This is to light. I kick it. Excited enough I kick it again. I need to be more rock 'n' roll like the nice whimsical guitar solo like a good bad thing is to come back out of a out of a break I just watch the video replay to the break they were going through. Make sure your kids know how to wash their hands properly, which anything is important. One of the things that were talked about is the is masks knelt schools. I have all sorts of different versions of what the doing. I think that's good to be a county by county, city by city discussion. I know for my kids.

It's what they're telling us right outside with the kids are in common areas kids social distance.

Then the landmass that won't unmask the drug or the age of five, but a drought of the agent a visit. There is a lot of things in Jonah Facebook asked the question. I think a lot of people have a look. I can't tell you there's a straight answer for this is that how are we supposed to trust the CDC with the keep moving the goal posts. While I understand that concert because look, this has been the case. We have seen that no mask mask, no Matthew seen a Dr. Felty out there two weeks to flatten the curve.

Then we got a way to the shelter in place and I'll be a couple way you seem like to some degree there has been a lot of changing information as they learn more about the way the virus affects different populations, different cities and rural counties right and I feel like what the CDC is doing here is that it's not a one size all fits now as that's are similarly says this is just a bigger guy. These are essentially guidelines you can use and and it is saying, which I think we've been talking about on Jay Sekulow live and the reprogrammed very often is how important it is for children to not miss out on these learning opportunities. That's why we talked about on Jay Sekulow live yesterday. Tim Scott and Lamar Alexander, the senator from South Carolina and from Tennessee that they have put toward this this build. That's trying to help. I feel like filling the gaps. If the school district is going back and following the CDC guidelines. CDC also says if you're in hotspot.

Maybe you shouldn't go back to where the Tim Scott legislation would fill that in his would offer opportunities for parents to find ways to either beef up the education at home by getting some of that tax dollars back different way lies are ways that counties can utilize money to try and fill in these holes where community may not fit under the perfect guidelines or if it's a city that's having a big spike in cases and they can go back feel like that's where this this approach with CDC with what the Senators are doing with what your states are to be doing and I know the President is calling for more money in another round of stimulus to to get to the schools to try to fill in these holes where it may not be the perfect scenario of you can go back to social distance yet. Let's hear from Sen. Lamar Alexander something and I try whatever same for let's hear Sen. Lamar Alexander by 800 Scottsville which I support also will create an ability for tax credits to exist so that individuals and corporations can contribute money that will increase the size of the scholarship. That's a school choice now program a great proposal by Sen. Tim Scott school choice means a lot of things to a lot of people.

We started our school choice initiative just about what but maybe a month or two ago right when the initial launch was.

It was a direct response to what was going on in the streets of America and say if you're going be protesting if you're really going out there every part of this new wave of people who are against racial injustice, which I believe you should be one of those people who is against racial injustice.

This is a way you could actually take care of people who are eating are suffering are in some of the lower income areas and could really use school choice and school transmission should not be based on your ZIP Code do not have your only school option based on where you live to get you out of that option and to try be able to at least have a good shot now. What's interesting is in just the last month because now beyond that every parent is now having to do with this nonparent and lower income middle income heart. This is parents across the border having to deal with what they do make this a really hard decision.

I will say this as a parent it is a very very hard decision is right.

I do not.

I know there's been a harder decision really. As a parent weather right now to send your kids back to school or to keep them at home. If you have that opportunity that availability because like I know that my kids.

They thrive when they're in school. They need that in their life. You also don't want to outweigh the risk of what's going on every we had our schools here will close for weeks on end because of the flu this year.

I write what I don't want people to do was assume that if that were that were pushing you to go back to school.

You don't feel comfortable if you don't feel like it is. It's not about that's what you have the option to do it in of your school decides not to go back and not to open you somehow can get your either financial your partner tax money back or you can get some some supplies or if you have to have an iPad you can get something potentially out of this. It's not just straight up a loss for you where you have a kid sitting at home playing video games all day, which I think is a concerned look for a lot of people. We met a five month summer now it's time to figure this out in the CDC, even in points to that in their release that in the sea statistically and with data that Summers there is a regression in learning in children because they're not in school. I was really just like it just because of this. In general, so when units to make that into five months in an increase that it makes it a more difficult thing for the children to then reengage in learning when they do go back to what would be something that's more normal but Lori on Facebook. She says she disagrees with the CDC. She doesn't want her son going back to school next month because where she is there numbers are now some of the highest in the country but I think that actually is what the CDC is saying they are having that community where it's it is some of the highest in the country. Those schools probably wouldn't go back because like you're saying even in in our local area.

If there is a flu outbreak. That's higher than what it is in in at a normal time or in other areas. We've seen our schools in this area close down for several days.

Sometimes it is sometimes even a week to try and get that under is difficult. Look, it's difficult so it runs a business here when that happens, because you have to then make all these weird decisions. I tell parents what they can do because no people are not used to not being able go to work. That's right so that's a big concern and when offices reopen schools don't and I think people do have that situation of what I could take my kid in the target but I can't take him to school becomes a really big debate amongst people I know we talked a little bit about what's going on Arizona ran out like that. More later, and where there does seem to be some tomfoolery going on where people are to be able to essentially go back to school at the paid electrical conductor will pay the teachers to the teachers unions are screwed around people. There's a lot of things happen. It is not just a one-size-fits-all scenario.

The CDC has outlined it. We do have a petition at the ACLJ it is either pandemic closes goals but kids first and give parents options me.

That's all I want is a parent, I just want the options I don't care if you decide to go back or don't decide to go back I'm back in a debate you for hours over that.

What I will say is I would like you as a parent you have that option to go back if you'd like or do not go back if you like, or to get your tax money back if you decide that the schooling that they presented is not up to par, which in a lot of places it's simply just not going to be the guy I got things from our schools. It's so confusing. I understand look I'm dealing with it firsthand were having to make these important hard decision that we a lot of calls come in about but that doesn't stop to work at the ACLJ were we do want to put the power back in the hands of the parent not necessarily just the school or the teachers union to the CDC or the government. If you look at the board. This is a a freedom of the liberty to make these decisions your self decide where your taxpayer money goes and how you can also best utilize you as the parent should be making that decision. And that's just how I believe that we honestly general for most things, you as the parent should be making that call. Government needs not stick their necks into our business when it comes to that. I believe that pretty much on most topics that you'd expect. As you expect.

I am not a huge fan of the government controlling most of what's going on so I'm glad to see the CDC saying you know what maybe that there is a way back for kids W saddling my kid can learn well in the mask.

I think that your decision-making is out of the my kid should should be able to have to deal with this and and and I don't feel like they're comfortable or Heck I feel like it should go back as they need extending special learning instructions. There are so many kids, a large majority in a large percentage of the kids and go to school also have special needs write individual education plans IEP's. We heard about that is not on the broadcast yesterday and without that it becomes very difficult for parents. This is not a simple for a lot of parents is just it out, turn on yet Saxon math and figured out from here. I like that call back. Saxon math is homeschool referendum. There is not. It's not that easy. It's not that easy for a lot of people, but I'm not a teacher. I've learned this very much as it is a dad to a soon-to-be eight-year-old and and a dad to four-year-old twins is my greatest strength.

It was, it wasn't a great student. So why would I be a great teacher. People have that problem. So I think again those decisions you make, specifically by you as a pair that's were doing sign that petition give you the choice of putting the arms of the government, you can make the decision for yourself as a parent I I hope you do. That's it.

ACLJ that orca did what occurred. You also will I do a show every day. The Logan Sekulow re-program to limit more hard-edged version kind of overtime, a Jay Sekulow level more comedic. We have great guests on it a lot of fun all your favorite podcast players have a podcast spot if I even watch the show every day on YouTube Sekulow reprogram subscribe to my YouTube channel ring the bell to get alert every time the put a new episode which is it every day we write evermore Logan Sekulow reprogram Jay Sekulow live.

Take only one. A society can agree the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later, planned parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to discover many ways your membership is empowering the right question for mission life today online ACLJ/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith.

Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life reports and in Congress. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that.

We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous support in our matching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online ACLJ will still do it is Jay Sekulow, but in the place gets to do I should join.

I don't think you should never admit it but you played with. I specifically get declined. Whatever IIII don't know if you heard them one time I would goodness have a good hard-core screen voice they never utilized well maybe you should offer a you know I asked her thousands hard-core song by he is legend there like no monopoly on that plan that I drove in 100-684-3110 again 1-800-684-3110 we do some phone calls. I think we should get to them because we are to move on to another topic coming up in the next segment will still say because of your comments on this will take up what Planned Parenthood makes a pretty interesting moves.

I think you can you can honestly come to chalk it up to somewhat of a web though maybe a little misleading but it's interesting to talk about that the next segment but will I think we should go the phones. Some of these are related. Some of these are not, but I think we should go ahead take him anyway. Again, were not lawyers but will give you our point of view and opinion were radio show hosts.

Finance felt fine and I have a degree in business in the entertainment business runs go to James James in Idaho online for your on Jay Sekulow live in the reprogram anything for Michael recently turned to hear more more of larger companies not taking legal tender as persons or walking through the checkout line and this is kind of a concern because were devaluing our dollar in warmth saying that any business can read defining what is or is not allowed. The products and services even approaching this kind of crazy that a large business to control food means survival.

Yeah, I'm not can it take her $20 bill yet for you right now because I get the legal ramifications of this but it doesn't. It is a weird gray area and what may leave the concern with me. James is even the public perception of this which is not unlike a lot of what's happened with this, which is the shelter in place which need to be changed to stay at home because shelter in place is what you call it what you say when there like an active shooter when you start not taking legal tender and then you go to a Wendy's in there like they were out of tomatoes and then you go over here. There's a sign that says well were out of college. Please ways that please give us your coins that you it is panic inducing right and I think James to your point.

The legal side of it. I don't really like that.

Personally, I don't know the give the legal ramifications that I don't like the idea that they can't accept cash as a part payment. I know this that when all this started happening. A lot of us is a mere well but you know people we know, maybe I ran by her bank like we are just cash on hand just in case testing chamber now just in case. This is the world which have some cash on hand, but then you're right James. When you see though. These stores not taking the legal tender will. It's a little it's a little it's it's demoralizing well and it almost creates more fear in the society and that there something amiss in the world and there's already enough of that.

But I you know you see the World Health Organization and the CDC, saying that the surfaces isn't as big of a transmitter as our first few months there like a don't touch anything, but I think that you're really on to something when you look at that.

I don't know that it's it's necessarily devaluing in the sense of the worth of the dollar right because that's more tied to the money supply get in the economics of all that, but it does give you a sense of, maybe psychologically, it's devaluing the actual currency and moving go into something where you have less control over your own assets your own dollars and in that could be another fear for a lot of people that don't like institutions having as much control over what they have to spend what they have to to live their life, the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness now the mass majority of people. I think businesses are likely taking card as their method of payment right so I don't think they made this decision because they thought it could hurt their business. I really realize it was they have to handle it. So again, if the service were an issue which again remember just two or three months ago people wiping down all the boxes that came in the mail that's change because the CDC is started to say a welding that's quite how it is. It's really the droplets I think that it also could be harmful for people that maybe have lost their jobs during this pandemic that are looking for things like odd jobs now. Yes it's easier with things like PayPal or Vin mower Apple pay to to get paid for services, but if there becomes this aversion to cash and and people are needing to do odd jobs, handyman jobs, lawn care, things like that that they're trying to scrape by because they lost their job and and there's this aversion to using cash in the world. I think that could be a negative impact on people that or even the tipping economy.

When people that are finally getting back to to work in restaurants that they're not able to get that $20 bill someone lay down because they had in their wallet and it's tied specifically to percentages. There's there's ramifications that could have a ripple effect that I think to our collars point it is kind of concerning and that ask you I don't want to downplay his concern. I honestly don't know enough about the legal side of her. What I will say is I do think you're right. There is a sense of fear that comes with the fact that there's any kind of control over that when you walk into a store and it says this is mandated. This is not mandated that I think it's the store's decision to to make that the legal tender side. I'm definitely not so sure if you want to say you get to go to Walmart.

I got to wear a mask whatever is this of the government, saying it is Walmart private business. If I hear decided tomorrow hey everyone in the office has to wear a mask you know what is someone who runs this business. That's my decision to make. I would gotta walk around in a clown makeup you know what, if you come to work here as part of the roles will yeah I don't know if I want to work in that kind of lay people what they look you have to know that going. I think it's not a day to on the job. It's the way this is a clown office where clown make show for the interview. I think you get the point when were everyone is like a clown like a homicide interview specifically to hide. I think you're a little bit of a gray area there. Lily was a clown.

Mondays like no notice have non-clown tried to brag my makeup skills of gotten fantastic. You do your own clown makeup will provide a makeup artist might notice like your life count you out with the clown makeup that she is actually very good at costume and things like that. Yeah so I can make that decision yourself how you do your beard and clown makeup. That's my biggest question yeah I don't know. I usually don't do any of the white I just do the detail work.

Oh okay. That's right back to kill alive and I do that well in a way way way forward. Talk about but I do think it's a decision. As a business to make those things yourself honestly think the government should evolve. The mandibular is absolutely necessary. You want to make that decision that when it comes to cash in legal tender again. I think that's a little bit of a concern for a lot of people forcing now. Again the change shortage.

I empty my piggy bank but not yet. I thought about it within about. But what about me think they just put a bag it's very hard to use a coin shortage but he goes what do I need to keep my going right writing the put the assessment of Cynthia and we get back on Jay Sekulow live/Logan Sekulow reprogram or take a phone call at 1-800-684-3110. If you lose us here to something I just listened to the first half hour. Larry Logan and well right here. Both of us.

We do Logan Sekulow reprogram each and every day I want to have you as one of our new listeners subscribe to us in spite of my subscriber was on a podcast and specifically watch this show on YouTube each and every day, subscribe Sekulow reprogram support the work of again sign the petition to give you the choice of what to do with your kids this fall they see the American Center for Law and engage in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 you can make a difference in the work we do.

Protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms are most important to you and your family. You forgive today online LJ live Washington DC Jay Sekulow phone lines are open for your questions right now. Call 1-800-684-3110 and now your hose Logan Sekulow is Logan Sekulow here on secular reprogram takeover of Jay Sekulow live your Friday. We appreciate everyone who listens to give you like the show will and I do this each and every day online.

You can find a spot of thought.

Subscribe Apple podcast you can subscribe probably the most fun way to watch is on YouTube Sekulow reprogram joint is that I got hundreds of the subscribers will buy like that to be more people watching right now on Facebook and I have subscribers of your watching right now. Just do me a favor if you ever go to YouTube. Just click subscribe ring a bell tells you tells you that it notifies you when publisher which is every afternoon.

You want to hear more about you know clown makeup at work or things like that. We talk like in those type of things about the topics that are important is we got great guest on recently be Sean Hannity, veteran jock ranch we've had on Bill Haggerty selling a lot of gusto here Jay Sekulow I love times. Maybe the double dip they they stop in for a while so the set looks very similar. I wonder why it is available again all those platforms. We appreciate it right now though what you can do.

Also, is go to what is going pick your phone if you watch me off when you have like write this down and how to do that that you have your watch on Facebook you minimize me and I tell you phone number 2000 684-3110 were taken phone calls. In this segment and following up to the rest next half hour, 1-800-684-3110 to take a phone call. Yeah, grandma.

I didn't want to sell one thing real quick because we had the caller that asked about the legal tender and I lifted this out this is on the treasury's website so and it does say this allegedly lacks the legal tender phrasing that you see on dollar bills and in them things are such that say that their legal tender for all debts, public and private the. The treasury says that means that United States money is identified above is valid and legal tender for payments of debts when tendered to a creditor. There is however no federal statute mandating that a private business.

A person or an organization must accept currency or coins. As for payment of goods and services.

Now I find that that I get.

I want to list least amount of regulations possible when it comes to how private businesses can work site is much as I think they should be able take your cash especially if they are a company that has historically taken cash at this point I things really do which one is that's right is not the specific this point of view is not rep represented by the work of the Lodge is a letter to whatever else things met my personal point of view a successful call or quick get ahead into the next segment is from Marsha, Marsha and Mississippi online to Marsha. You're on the air all about our little hello grandma but I don't think it though my porridge chest reading, writing, arithmetic engine, you can plug it into the computer and they can learn, but they're learning how to be a human learning about human action County will become their own self and some feel like a socialite is a very valid point, I think for a lot of the school is out there will is I don't want to to devalue what they do a lot of her involved in groups or homeschool groups have other friends there homeschoolers they get together but I understand that Marsha looked as part of the reason why as a parent.

I'm debating this at the situation myself and the CDC says in their plan exactly what Marsha was talking about the harms attributed to close schools on the social, emotional, and behavioral health, economic well-being and academic achievement of children both in short and long-term are well-known and significant so that that's exactly how often do we hear the phrase screen time get your kids on screens on your phone itself.

Good luck. It's about an hour to save your kids go virtual. A lot of places seven hours in front of the screen every day.

That's good actual site. I don't think that's good right on the wheel to say we got more coming up will read talk about what happened in the world of Planned Parenthood reinstate developmental dogma that the next segment get home. I dropped 100-684-3110 days you have the American Center for Law and justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress.

ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful.

Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we simply would not occur without your generous support in our matching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online LJ only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn cold dishes like show you how you are personally and the publication includes all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question for mission life today online ACLJ/Logan Sekulow reprogram as well and play for a while shocked the nation rock 11 x-ray that you can find that by the way, each and every day looking secular reprogram Ricky tell you that know what we need more people You have dug like 200 episodes this episode to show for every listener available on Logan Sekulow reprogram also should be fine.

You can find me on Instagram a post of theirs at Logan Sekulow Facebook I have my own page. Logan Sekulow there is a reprogram Facebook group, but I encourage you to join that if you're a listener because if you're not and I feel you make not get what you get your help and writes out a lot about a lot of the stuff that's topics we discussed on the show and the show is why I got a funny video of like alligator in a bathtub.

Some things like that. But as you think it's all gonna be a real hot political talk and then you yells at your feet is getting destroyed with alligators and hot tub surround and mummies making funny noises. Yeah there's going to be a reason.

It's because we talk about that kind of stuff as well as the news of the day what's happening important things going on.

I would get a show just yesterday that we talked about a lot. We had opposite Bill Haggerty was on his accuser on Jay Sekulow live.

We also talked about Washington Redskins changing their name this year.

Now to the Washington football team. That's right a lot of fun with that. We talked about a lot of topics that I feel you guys would like to hear that maybe you don't get specifically from Jay Sekulow life and again were both your younger parents were given what's going on. The school system talk about that a lot weight with a lot more fun. Not the show is it fun this yoga reprogram is made to be fun. So find that again. Sekulow reprogram or just search Logan Sekulow subscribe my channel.

Let's take a phone call will share let's go for go to Linda Indiana hey Linda, before you go I want to tell people I want to hear other people's voices after you 1-800-684-3110 phone lines are open right now. Go ahead Linda and watching much of what is going on in our country.

It's like a rights are being taken away, left and right where I can't even say I don't want to wear a mask. I am healthy even though I'm 73 and I don't know then when our governor starting to fade. You're not even have to wear a mask outdoors. If you're going to be too close to people in my being unrealistic because Logan and I have been through include flu epidemics and never had to stop happened. It's not something to do last Saturday joke about it comes to mass made it so I think that some of the counties and cities like they have to do it. I understand numbers are on the rise. I don't want to downplay the severity of what's going on, but historically, personally, I'm not necessary so forced mandates like this are not ideal. I don't like them and I think you're right it becomes a very slippery slope that will goes back to think you said when we first worked told about this.

It was flat. The curve stay at home and specifically masks didn't do anything or didn't work didn't work and now I things are flipped. Now they flipped back I we have been met. This in March when all the start happening. We were told it may things be back to normal, but I think to Linda's point. What we are seeing sometimes with it. It's kind of the. The pros and cons of the way our system is set up in the United States. It is great that governors have a lot of flexibility in local leaders to meet the needs of their individual come constituents and population. But when you look at its things like this. Sometimes the local leaders out of maybe fear our political pushback or things they can go too far and that can be a problem like she was referencing that in her state there may be a push to wear them.

The masks even outside went when the guidance is saying this every year that well it end in specific counties. They are it's it's not you are exempt. If you're outside and socially distance because that's what the data from people like the CDC and the other health organizations are saying that that's a safe environment to be and you can go outside you can go ride your bike but if you're if you're congregating in a big crowd together like you see in the protest and things that is is potentially up a hot zone because you're altogether and in they may not have the nuance to be able to be like.

A parking away from people you don't have to wear one but if you're outside and you're in a protest. You may have to say I think that that's what they're dealing with. There's a lot of situations going on where they're trying to figure out what's best for our constituencies in a for our population are citizens. But it doesn't always play out in a great way to mixed signals. Like you said, a lot of people sing today. There's always images of Dr. fallacy taking the mask off at the baseball game and it wasn't socially delay was, as he said yeah he was taking a sip of water.

The condominium at a moment and see a glass of water taken it somewhat at his word and said that's what he said. Here's like I wear a mask when I'm out I'm not anti-mask person. I have no problem I'm some of them I go out in public by going to the store as of right now I with my parents a lot who are of the more susceptible age, the take every precaution I can of sanitizing. I'm wary mask. I'm still being save about it. I'm not being ignorant to it, but I also don't necessarily think that the government should be that much getting involved in it. But I'm happy to wear the mask myself now from outside likely not about inside and specifically around people around things that could cause especially those places that aren't checking temperatures in Oregon were doing here we do temperature check to do all these different things.

There a lot of places that are doing that again like a set for private businesses.

They what you wear mask and another thing the Linda brought up that I think maybe is is more concerning to me than the government saying hey you know you need to do this for a time, or whatnot.

It's that the way that the population, especially the pro-mask population isn't having dialogue is become borderline propaganda. The way that Darrell going after people that if you aren't wearing a mask, you're a bad person or you are uninformed or out. Did they go to this litany and its demonizing a person for that choice. Now, if there is, the government is saying you need to do this in this situation, then you should probably take that into consideration, but the way that your your turning on your fellow citizens and making them an enemy I think is dangerous and a lot of that is happening in some of the end of the big signatures were saying well in move off these topics I want to talk to something that I think are our eyes meet interested in. We we've always come, pulled the no punches or comes the hypocrisy of Planned Parenthood right biggest abortion provider in the world you may know that because their founder, Margaret Sanger was a known racist. You just who was trying to engineer a master race of white people. This is documented is right. So for decades we've been talking about this. Planned Parenthood has the market. Sanger awards they have always exist still celebrate this person whom we all know, historically, and then look in the strange time where things in history are being removed to get George Washington removed your gig. Hamilton canceled again about the stuff happening Margaret Sanger seem to be the one person who the. The liberal left didn't have a problem with being a hard-core militant Ku Klux Klan speaking rally person right but you know what kind of a weird small when yeah I think it's a cabbie when you hear the Planned Parenthood of greater New York so just have a federation. If you their business structure. There's a bunch of Planned Parenthood's are all separate entities. Franchises of abortion mills right and so this one franchise you to use your language there. They are removing the name of Margaret Sanger from their Manhattan health clinic and they're also trying to get a L streets will have like an honorary name. There is a Margaret Sanger street sign on Bleecker St., New York, to trying to work to get that removed because they they're saying they needed removed because of her harmful connections to the eugenics movement now. Dave for a long time as you said, have defended that even though she was tied to everybody kind it was end of that time and she's been dead by 66 long ago. Okay, no, it's not like she was a historical figure from 300 years ago, or from the 1700s.

You got nothing to give a pass to regularly scout it really was a different time slavery was legal.

There's a lot of things going on. The situation was a horrible absolutely but this was a moderate modern era. This is after the Beatles had invaded America. That's a long time not that long ago, but this is so controversial that Snopes the labeling Snopes he always go to check back right at they had to put up the article about yeah that's true, they're taking about taking it down in person brought up a good a good point, which is what do I think this is a step in the in the right direction, maybe weirdly, I want to know your point if you want 100 684 30 went to this if you see the racist roots of the abortion industry where they were putting the clinic why they were putting clinics there this day it's hard to did not.

You can't deny that part.

You can't deny it, its historical fact. People that these were.

This was specifically an industry built on trying to destroy minorities and people with special needs hundred percent. So guess what, they took the name down but someone brought up is it not like if you just took the name down of Hitler off of a concentration camp without really make what's going on inside really much better to take a small when hereby we hear from you 100 684 30 went to the last segment of the reprogram Jay Sekulow takeover will be right back only one. A society can agree the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn cold dishes like will show you how you are personally and the publication includes all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later, planned parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is powering the right question for mission life today online/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those faith uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ.

The work we simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online okay Jay Sekulow lives the secular reprogram Friday takeover show. We appreciate everyone who is watching on Facebook and listening on the radio or watch on will encourage your first all of you go to Sign the petition support the work of the ACLJ is very important.

This is not just see her little studio doing all that you've no idea the impact were making it if you don't know much about the organization of the goat spent some time on their door just outside of petition to go out. We appreciate that deftly do that but don't leave, go read some blogs read some articles get form share with your friends.

The ACLJ is doing incredible work, not just even in America but around the world and stuff some stuff. You may never ever hear about this, we work all around the world in places where these opinions not only are not popular, but not necessarily tolerated as support the work were going to take some photos here will. But before I do I do that we would be remiss to not talk about the artsy national convention. Pres. Trump announced last night that they were to cancel the Jacksonville portion of the RNC which is going to be the big fanfare. The speech is mentioned 400 drops they were still going to be having the business portion in Charlotte which is where it was originally to be canceled. It said it's just not the right time to be having this in Jacksonville with people in attendance with the spikes that are happening in Florida but a few hundred delegates will still be going to Charlotte to do the official nomination. They're not doing a platform committee so they are just going to adopt the 2016 platform. The Pres. Trump ran on and use that for the 2020 party platforms. I thought that was interesting little nuance. They have been a time ago and look at some of the languages that interested check because it has a lot about our current President know it's the platform in what you look about when you like and that you may be adopting some weird language there. But you know what whatever I think will get it done.

What's important is that there are including the D&C as well there was denominations will take place on the people were a little concerned with the conventions, whether that can happen with Gloucester caller wanted to get to shoot. Shucks Alice back. We do have a few more minutes to take phone calls, telephone's greatest gift to fasten the call one 864 3110. Let's go ahead and take the first calls go to Joe yet Joe was calling from Idaho online to join Joe go ahead.

Welcome to the show. One thing my call. I morbid statement. I can never know the date myself. We grew up in a small country, and we went into the store one day find on the door that said note my mom look at it that you got the car like no graph going the car. I'll be out mid and it wasn't a big issue.

I don't know why it's becoming such a big day that now that you have to put no excuse, no skirt, no mass, I get done I think you're right.

We kind of all except that is just the normal truth.

At this point we just just do it and in the present even came out and said you wearing a mask. He wasn't opposed to it if you could social distance. I hate the term social distance, but I have to say because you know what it means but I do hate it think it's a horrible term but joke for you saying that I think you're right now I think there is a bit of a difference or people have aversion to mask because it's obviously it's on your face and I think there's there's much more discomfort than you wearing a shirt or ring shoes. I also think at the time you think that was also another sanitary thing on my bed and appointing Walmarts with people with no shoes on no shirts on you but mainly between the hours of 11 PM and 4 AM, but that's not to say that that's right, I think you're right if his business decides they want to do that in perpetuity. I don't like it. I don't love no one likes when only some people give him some people like where the mess. Sometimes I like gator like the net gator. I like it feels good. Well, I am so having a special big bear client has a filter in it, but it looks like a bandanna suit similars like style is that gator and I feel like I got old West train robber messes with now there like me.

Okay like I'm a collector of of toys and action figures and be honest and say this right now here on on the conservative talk Airways.

I am when I stroll into a Walmart or target with the American flag bandanna over my face and I wrap around Oakley's nobody messes with me and they certainly don't think I'm going to the collectibles and totes. That's right, yeah, actually. The caller called let's go to Elaine from Tennessee on line 1, Elaine I, that Elaine welcome, all without it like a ball when going out and bought by just want to write on and continue being absolutely get away like it's it's only when there is someone here.

There are racing it by having to put out a press release. They are also acknowledging their own racist past.

So I agree with Eli that we can't just give up as we can give him a thumbs up for this one. You know, promising talking point for so long that they have just continued to give up these awards and so on and so on. That is been just absolutely ridiculous. Again, I don't give a pastor what they do inside the building. I think it's horrendous but you do have to look at it go. That's an interesting point of view. We know we did lose our next caller will but to her point.

When you have a statement that says the removal of Margaret Sanger's name from our building is both a necessary and overdue step to reckon with our legacy and acknowledge Planned Parenthood's contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of color.

I feel like you can then say right. We've been saying this all along and you're still doing that this is a word and tried it. I feel like more people are going to understand the context that we've been talking about for decades. Organizationally, you can make changes to what you do and what your positions are as time moves on and do people take over.

Times change bloodwork in the ACLJ go look at what we're doing 20 of 30 years ago positions change time changes as well as growth and change in the organization.

Originally, ACLJ was all about Bible school cases and book clubs and see you at the pole. We know what that a lot changed post-9/11 in the whole world pivoted then about 10 years ago. The Obama era.

It changed again. Organizations change.

It happens I believe you should be able to do that as humans we all change. We all evolve.

We all continue to grow. The difference with this one is what's going on inside the building is exactly as they are changing and doing the same thing. The disproportionate targeting of minority communities by Planned Parenthood is still actively their mission that's where they're placing the clinics are within minority communities.

They are reaching out to communities that are in Margaret Sanger's words, she was using language that you could not even fathom about the communities. The immigrant community.

Yes the people that had special needs or disabilities. She was targeting us to move the idea of special needs existed. Those humans were not want to root them out. It's all there. It's all black and white.

It's all real. Okay, that's amazing. This isn't some conspiracy theory talk all that's really find it, go do your own research you'll save over saying is indisputable. Really, that that is the backbone of the history of that organization that people can change their point of view and they can change what they do with the version ACLJ the my brother and I run is good be different than the version the ACLJ that my dad created. It's just how time moves on, but again it doesn't if you're still doing the same stuff inside the same building is not in a manner that commands like making a big difference. You know what small with small when negative knowledge affected their racist that's good.

All right you know what wrapping of the show here what you support or to the ACLJ visit right now with the show is over do that.

Look around to redoing their also find the Logan Sekulow reprogram all of your favorite social media platforms follow me on Sekulow reprogram describe it that fell show each and every day Facebook Facebook group next to the American; just as were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be now $10 gift becomes 20 oh $50 gift becomes 100 could make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you and your family. Give a gift today online LJ