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Sec. of State Pompeo Calls John Bolton “a Traitor”

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
June 19, 2020 1:00 pm

Sec. of State Pompeo Calls John Bolton “a Traitor”

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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June 19, 2020 1:00 pm

Sec. of State Pompeo Calls John Bolton “a Traitor”

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Jay Sekulow live a strongly worded statement from the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calling John Bolton trainer live from Washington DC.

Phone lines are open for your questions right now called 1-800-684-3110 one 800-6841 10 and now your host secular folks. One of the, if not the most strongly worded statements in history by Secretary of State about another American and former US official former national security advisor John Bolton, secretary of state Pompeo.

We can put this up on the screen for everybody. So they see.

This was officially released by the US State Department, in his capacity as Secretary of State last night. Here's the quote and statement from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. The headline is I was in the room to remember Bolton's book is called the room where it happened. So the statement is I was in the room to an Pompeo goes on to say, I've not read the book but from the excerpts I've seen published.

John Bolton is spreading a number of lies fully Spohn half-truths, and outright falsehoods is both sad and dangerous. The John Bolton's final public role is that of a traitor who damaged America by violating his sacred trust with its people to our friends around the world. You know the present Transamerica is a force for good in the world again. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calling John Bolton's final public role that of a traitor who damaged America that yellow these are obviously very strong words by the Secretary of State trader is a legally defined term.

One that turns on their country harms their country intentionally so he's obviously very upset about the allegations that are in John Bolton's book that involve him and I understand why he would be upset because it appears and we can we can dealt with this on the periphery during the impeachment proceeding.

It appears, and again it appears I read it so II don't know what what's in it, but it appears that there's a lot of information that's in this book, and according to the pleadings that have been filed that violate national security. Individuals that violate national security of the United States of America that can be treasonous activity. Now, whether reaches that level or not is for a court to determine, but again what might Pompeo said there is to be clear as lawyers that litigated the impeachment case and had to deal with the book again on the peripheries, but those are very strongly worded statements, but Andy treason is a very high legal bar also.

| Treason against the United States is a capital offense today trying to call somebody a traitor means that you have violated the sacred trust of the people of the United States by selling them out to foreign enemies that could actually undermine the Republic and as I said at the capital offense of the Secretary of State has come out guns a blazing calling in the crater.

I don't think is wrong as a matter of fact, because this Bolton is an opportunist and an adventure who has taken the position of national security advisor and twisted it for what monetary gain.

J yeah I might play obviously and IIII think the secondary station a great job as a friend I think is not a great job.

Obviously, he was also in that room, so he knows what was going on and obviously there's a disagreement as to what was going on but as Andy just said. I mean let's face it, this book was in the works. The moment John Bolton left the administration, I daresay, probably, was in the works while he was at the administration folks we come back anymore to you that it fit the crime of treason is the only crime defined by the US Constitution and article 3, section 3 of the Constitution. It's also been codified in the punishment is death commits a serious charts and if you look at Blacks Law definition treason there traitor being a traitor against your own country. If you look at this statement vital role damaged America by violating your sacred trust with its people will be back taking your phone call 2000 684-3110 if you're watching on Facebook and periscope share this with your friends and family because there's a court trial set for 1 PM today on blocking potentially this book temporarily.

The challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now in our freedoms, our constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades now. ACLJ has been on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do her work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms than remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you. And if you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is certainly contact. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn, called mission life will show you how you are personally pro-life battle supports and the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/Jay Sekulow live. If you are just joining us. I encourage you to if you watch on Facebook and periscope click that share button share this with your friends and family because this is in many ways historic because of the statement from the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in response to at what has been reported about John Bolton's book the classified information member.

There is a a lawsuit by the Department of Justice against John Bolton and David now included Simon & Schuster to get a Temporary Restraining Order on this book that hearing is set for 1 PM Eastern time today at Judge Royce Lamberth who was was appointed by Pres. Reagan will hear that at this again it's it's for a Temporary Restraining Order in the Justice Department argues that again. They want this to go through the regular review process is not because he just says mean and nasty things about the classified information and what the Department of Justice argues is the that John Bolton submitted his book for publication without first getting permission from the government through the prepublication review process and that it contains classified information and knowing that that it's written in a way into a narrative that makes it traditional kind of scrub of a cookbook quickly. Very impossible is actually so because of the knit that narrative way it's written so that not only do we have this very strong statement from Secretary of State Pompeo calling John Bolton, former US ambassador to the UN, so that conservatives respected I say respected.

I don't think that many of them do anymore. Even people who disagree with some of his interventional and more interventionist foreign policy respected him as a diplomat and then as national security advisor. He obviously had issues with the presence worldview when it came to foreign policy, especially. I think Bolton's clashing on the interventionism and always willing to kind of intervene that there's a report that he was in not wanting to strike Iran and was not in favor of the North Korea talks things like that wanted to stay in Syria full-scale but you have dad, Secretary of State Pompeo issuing an official statement from the State Department in his role as Secretary of State saying that Bolton's final public role is that of a traitor who damaged America yeah and these are again these are very strong words coming from our Secretary of State now again I don't know what's in the book he probably does know because of the releases office does because of the intergovernmental review that's going on here. I suspect I don't know that.

But obviously, there's language in that book are things in the book that the secretary state binds to be beyond troubling. So to use that phrase traitor is a very it's a loaded word and it's a word were very cautious using by the way, the ACLJ let me be clear and is my role was counsel to the President very cautious about saying the words traitor, but the fact that Mike Pompeo used it and said that it's treasonous. Basically gives everybody pause because that's a very strong and very direct statement and one that has serious consequences know whether it will reach that level in a courtroom where the leave and proceed that way is one thing but again I I just want to underscore as Jordan said and Andy alluded to the only crime defined in our U.S. Constitution entity is grace that try to end treason is a capital offense. Someone to give aid and comfort to the enemy.

Some of the damages the country someone who intentionally does something that is going to hurt the nation and this book is full of national security, top-secret information because Bolton did not wait to go through the full clearance process of prepublication and I think that when you're looking at a 500 page manuscript. It's obvious that he began writing this diatribe against the President and the nation when he was probably still in the White House keeping notes about what was going on and then pending for this book to come out. This wasn't just a last-minute thought that came into his head. He had decided that he was going to put this on paper and attacked his ex-boss in this fashion, but in the process of attacking his ex-boss.

He is attacking the nation and subjecting the nation to national security, disadvantages, and concerns. I hope Judge Lamberth take that into account in making his decision on whether to grant a TRO in this case, and I know he will you it's interesting because when you look at that again you look at treason. What is the legal definition of treason. Black's Law dictionary defines the word traitor as a person who commits treason. So then you go to article 3, section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist in this is old and it actually defines what treason is. So what is it to be a traitor.

What is it to commit treason shall consist only in loving loving war against the United States or in hearing today are the enemies, the United States, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court gives Congress the ability to declare the punishment for treason and that is done in 18 USC section 2381, of the US code which says whoever owing allegiance the United States, levies war against them, or here's their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years, and fined under this title, not less than $10,000 and incapable of holding any office under the United States Army it it's it's serious because when you use this term. It's important that historical legal criminal law term and of course it's the only think about this. The only crime the Constitution identifies, defines a specific it's that that's the only crime is this a very strong statement and that that to get to the court cases well go start taking folks phone calls at 100 684 31 two that's 100-684-3110. That's today at 1 PM so right after were on the air. There will be audio that so people can can listen to it will have some of that for Monday's broadcast. The judge is going to have to make a decision pretty quickly here the temporary restraining order because this book is set for release Tuesday on Tuesday the 23rd. That's right so there's a TRO hearing that's actually set for today so we may actually see it correct Temporary Restraining Order issued is a very hard to get, but that this is the kindest owner Bob national security matters. That's the kind of case where you would get it so that hearings in the take place today. There is a scheduled interview already with ABC news that scheduled I think for tomorrow so that's in place obnoxiously Sunday. So look, I mean I think the fact of the matter is the review process should have been completed and former ambassador Bolton should've complied with the request from the department. Many of the people reviewing this are career government employees that are reviewing this to make sure there are no national security issues that are involved fact that he's having discussions with from the President also to me is another point Jordan, Mandy, and that is this is a situation where you have the President of the United States seeking advice from us with most senior advisors national security advisor and that is delivered a privilege it is executive privilege.

John Bolton is a lawyer and I don't think would reach a level of attorney-client privileges, we would have, but my goodness and it touches a lot of the governmental privileges that are put in place to protect the communications between the President and his advisers while you can't cross that your national security advisor than to keep his mouth closed about deliberations and conversations that you had with them and you, the President of United States than who in the world and you trust President companies being put in this and in position that he is talking to somebody who is his most trusted advisor on national security affairs will essentially now has turned on him and said I'm going to give you a tell-all memoir of everything that transpired between me and the President plus other people and that affects the security of the United States now the standard before the judge in Jordan is did is the publication of the book likely to create an imminent danger of irreparable harm to the United States and the government has no adequate remedy at law. That's what the Justice Department has got to prove and to me when you have the national security advisor disclosing state secrets that is imminent danger of irreparable harm to the nation really writes in Psalms 2064 3110 at 2000 684-3110. I was go to Scott calling from Colorado online to scot welcome to Jay Sekulow life okay day in Jordan, thanks for my call. You know, Mike commented that where character anymore even if it stems from policy disagreements when summary like an ambassador. Bolton has a grudge or personality conflict with the President, invariably, that the vote for the other side and the other side is far worse than the Democratic Party been hijacked by the left and Marxism and oppressive socialism and any not really thought through this I mean it. You know you're selling yourself out to the other side teaches that you're selling yourself out. Scott he could write a book. My dad's written books.

I read the book fans written books. You can write books get paid to write a book you want to sell yourself out to write the book without that's what he's done here regardless traitor treason. If there's a TRO if it ever gets published or if it comes out on Tuesday he sold himself out your exactly right.

You hit the nail on the head and what he's doing is setting a dangerous precedent that this is not 30 years removed 25 years removed. This is a current White House dealing with issues he's writing about now classified information. Continue take your call to update to on the justice act there some movement there some positive movement there. We encourage you to keep calling those 13 Democrat senators that there direct phone numbers. There seem call their offices asked them to vote yes on the motion to proceed with the debate that will be likely next week only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn. It's called mission life will show you how you are personally pro-life support in the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now free to insert constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success.

But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms than remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you.

And if you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing work, become a member today ACLJ Jay Sekulow like this Jordan secular. We are take your phone calls, 1-800-684-3110 a legal right to for a minute before he take more calls on Bolton Secretary of State. Pompeo's statement I calling John Bolton a traitor because remember yesterday we launched a grassroots 188 petition online in support of the justice act. Again, the justice act. We believe that we can stay silent, that we have got to get this to move forward in the U.S. Senate so they get past that motion so they can begin debate. What is that mean it means seven Democrats have to join 53 Republicans in agreeing to that motion just to begin the debate now than he could pass with your 50 votes plus the vice President but but it needs 60 fan to get to the point to have a debate and we've got a blog It's titled, the Senate can't stay silent. It's time to debate the justice act. In that blog we have the link to sign our petition.

We encourage people to call both of their US senators and asked them to vote to begin debate on the justice act, but we also want to go through.

We've we've labeled in your government affairs team and as Dir. of our government affairs team 13 Democrat stupas to specifically target. We need to at least get seven to get this move forward.

Tell people about those 13 and any new updates about where this is going next week.

Yet journey do need seven Democrats to join with 53 Republicans Stephen begin debate on the bill technically is called invoking cloture on the motion to proceed.

That really is an important Jordan. What's important is you have to have a bipartisan agreement even begin debate on this. Not a good update that I have for you from your McConnell leader McConnell had previously said this would be the first piece of legislation that the Senate would consider next week. He is sticking by that Jordan, but he is actually announced that the first thing the Senate is currently scheduled to consider will be cloture on a nominee for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, Cory Wilson, now let me let me tie. I want people to be encouraged by this announcement because this is what it tells me I want to be clear, this is me saying this not leader McConnell's office, but I've been around these negotiations well enough to know what this means Jordan. This means that he has traction with Senate Democrats and he is trying to find the seven votes that we talked about on yesterday's broadcast to get that 60 vote level. There's a there's a moniker in Washington DC when you have the votes take the vote. If you think you can get the votes don't call the vote until you have been. That's what's happening right now. Jordan, I think there are Democrats in the United States Senate that are considering voting for this motion to proceed to get on this bill, and your We've compiled a list of 13 Democrats in the United States Senate that we think are gettable on this boat.

It's an interesting mix. Jordan it's those who are more moderate Democrats who are used to crossing party lines for votes like these and then it's some really hard-core liberal senators torn because these are senators that had been outspoken on this issue had been asking leader McConnell to put legislation on the floor and now that he has done that, we think they are gettable their telephone numbers there direct dials are in that blog that Bo can still be as early as Monday. Jordan. It also might be later in the week as leader McConnell continues to try to get the seven votes he needs for folks to take action. I want you to assume that it will be Monday. Right now, so make sure if you can make those phone calls. We encourage you to do it there set 13 that you can call the US senators we've got them out listed for you here. They are Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey, and for each one. It's not just the Capitol switchboard number that we provide you. We provided you the phone number to their office in Washington DC so directly goes to center Booker's office.

I Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware Sen. Camilla Harris of California Sen. Doug Jones of Alabama Sen. Tim Kaine Virginia Sen. Joe mansion West Virginia sinner Jackie Rosen of Nevada Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont Sen. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire sinner Kristin Cinema of Arizona Sen. Jon tester of Montana and Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

So again Esan said in a unique mix there.

All Democrats because need seven of seven Democrats to move this forward to get that 60 votes because all 53 Republicans are expected to vote yes. I encourage you.

Hey, if you can make five of these phone calls.

Six of these phone calls all 13 of these phone calls, do it and we got all the information they are what you need to say be courteous, be nice at ACLJ.ort that's the name of the blog and where those that's listed it's the Senate can't stay silent. It is time to debate the justice act and get only to write back to the fold, one 800 684 31 timber type at the matter to with John Bolton that the case at 1 PM Eastern time today writer for on the air. I think it think about this. The Wall Street Journal editorial board picking up on the last caller wrote quote we also have to wonder what happened to honor in public service. That's the Wall Street Journal editorial board. Let's go right to the phones 164 3110 Chris in Nevada on line 5 Chris, welcome to Jay Sekulow live hi thank you, undated.

The definition of treason that you mentioned earlier Jill Biden act with Ukrainian China fall under it. Look you have to. I want to be clear on something I think we need to be clear that the phrase treason in the legal consequence of the legal definition of what constitutes treason is a very high bar, so to say it's one thing to say. I think your activities are treasonous. It's quite another thing to prove that that act was treasonous in a court of law.

So I'm not gonna start speculating whether what would the vice present Biden was doing was treasonous or not or whether the actual actions of particular individuals constitutes treason. I do want_that are Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been very clear as to what he thinks this is and he has said that it's really unfortunate that John Bolton's last act in the administrator or as a leaving office is treasonous or as an act of treason.

Both are very very strong words were reporting those words because obviously that Secretary of State was in that room to and obviously has a very different recollection. Andy of what took place.

Pompeo's recollection over Bolton's look old and proven himself to be an opportunist who is out for nothing but to sell books to the national security advisor to the present United States, whoever that President is this such a position of sacred trust and you are invested with such information, sensitive nature that really underpins the safety of the security and the continued existence of the Republic, Jane Jordan, this is not just somebody who's just a minor bureaucrat, the national security advisor is someone who is right got the ear of the President and after you finish your tenure whether you have been terminated or whether you will resign or whether it's just by the natural sequence of events that you retire from the position one is expected to maintain honor and basically do something very simple. Shut your mouth you know it seems extinct because in the state. The statement to itself mean it's just I just use the exact words because it was the statement comes from the State Department website is put back on the screen and this is this is serious stuff. So you see it from the State Department website and the official capacity as Mike Pompeo was Secretary of State's came out last night. He says I've not read the book but from the excerpts I've seen published. John Bolton is spreading a number of lies. That's a strong statement right there. He's lying fully, spot, half-truths, and outright falsehood is both sad and dangerous that John Bolton's final public role is that of a trader damaged America by violating his sacred trust with its people.

Remember, this is John Bolton a few days ago try to embrace the ACLU and the ACLU index he tweeted out a tweet from the ACLU that didn't go so well for him. Then the ACLU actually said hey now that we have your attention, John Bolton. Please also see the ACLU statement on your atrocious human rights record. So you see this selling out of John Bolton's not going so well for him. See how it goes in court and how the book sells very back. Second of our coming up for decades. ACLJ is been on the frontline protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member.

Thank you for your thoughts. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and secular Jay Sekulow live in the second half are the broadcast we are, take your phone calls.

We hundred 61 to let me set the stage for you. So we have the Department of Justice is sued John Bolton federal court to block publication of his upcoming book that's on scheduled to be out on Tuesday, June 23. That book again is is called the room where it happened and he's trying to give us about it supposed to be a memoir of his time at the White House. Courses during this while that White House is still in office while at present is still in office. Interesting enough, it's fallen. It's in the top 20 on Amazon but you think a book that when it was given this much to be number one but tapping at a time in the country. Where is this really what people are paying attention to maybe not because of all the unrest happened in the country and important conversations that were having about race and police reform and what were to be launching on Monday which we talked about yesterday and people sir bring up is how we need to really reform our schools and schools in the in in the hurting neighborhoods in underserved communities and voucher programs, weathered vouchers for religious schools, private schools, charter schools, secular private schools that needs to be improved upon it were to be launching a big effort at the ACLJ on that on Monday and we had callers bring that up on their own so we had Harry Hutchinson address just some so a little bit a bit about that. Those of the big issues happening right now in the justice act, but this is this is still very important because you have a Secretary of State who is called the former national security advisor under present trump in the former investor to United Nations for the United States under President Bush, John Bolton, a trader. He said he lies in the book is a trader and he did this in its official statement from the State Department website as Secretary of State. This was, I get a serious statement wouldn't take your phone calls on this 100-684-3110 but you want to just kinda reset this for everybody. I'll start that I mean this again it's it's not the case. It's good to be over the judge and I mean that in 1/2 hour from now if you listen to is live and this is the kind of case where the decision could be made today right is a Temporary Restraining Order or request for a Temporary Restraining Order TRO we call it in those move very quickly. Usually, you argue the case and is either granted or it's not and usually granted or not. While you're there. Shortly thereafter, sometimes are told they need. I've done they sometimes are told don't leave the courtroom because that that orders them to come out quickly not love their doing this other probably doing this over the phone is usually because of a situation with covered 90 and restricts things that are in place, but nevertheless the have the lawyer is available TRO was traditionally move quickly, but also need to be clear, heroes are not easy to get know they're very difficult to get you because you have the move that show certain things wanted imminent danger of irreparable harm, and no adequate remedy at law. Another words, a civil lawsuit where you going to get, damages is not going to compensate the move and the person seeking the TRO and now you've got to step in a court of equity, which is what Judge Lambert would be sitting as and say look, there's imminent danger that's going to occur to the United States.

If this book is published in its entirety and spread around the world and that's the standard that the Justice Department has got to show and as you say usually the decision on whether to grant or deny a TRO is granted is made by the judge on the spot or shortly thereafter so will note today work on the note today.

That's my prediction as to whether or not a TRO will be entered by the court's we come back retake your phone calls 100 684 31 two that's 1-800-684-3110. If you hold on the line, Jerry, Julie, David and Rita. We will get your calls, we come back will start taking those in and your comments on Facebook and periscope as well share this broadcast. If you're watching on Facebook and periscope click that share but now bring more people in the broadcast and into the conversation going on during the broadcast that you all are having lower live on the air. Remember to take that grassroots action for the justice act. You can do that by signing our petition Got the list of 13 Democrat US Senators free to call.

We encourage you try to do that today and Monday because FO could be as early as Monday challenges facing Americans for some time in our valley freedom or constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades.

ACLJ on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you.

If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ.where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ only one.

A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn, called mission life will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership in his empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/secular. Then we got my dads with this Jay Sekulow 08, Endicott was with the stand, but it is with us and I do not just up the right to go to the phone calls important moment this weekend.

The first political rally of the general election season I present trump holding a rally on Saturday tomorrow in Tulsa Oklahoma. You've heard the reports about your million people requesting tickets to that. I think they've got two outdoor stadiums next to each other to have this rally and be there expecting 40,000+ people. I think when you combine the two ideas outdoor so the time of covert, 19 being outside is supposed of course limit exposure. Of course, people have their making their own personal decision to what has to go to this rally but significant. Also, because I used to.

You're starting to see a schedule come together of present trump back on the campaign trail in that setting. That did it did so well for him in the 2016 election so you got this June 20 tomorrow in Tulsa and then on Tuesday scheduled to be in Phoenix Arizona and then in July we know will be back in Mobile, Alabama. And remember, that was one of where he did his first major rally in 2016. It was huge and now that I remember. You could see dad at these rallies. That was when he and his first big rally kind of after he made the announcement he was running and we went to Mobile it was it was gigantic and you realized that this this candidate Donald Trump was for real. Well, he took a different kind of approach to campaigning and the course in light of what's going on right on the countries had a scale that bad but now they're ready to go do it again with precautions and that I think look the President on the campaign stop. I think Joe might start getting out to.

I think they have to. Here's what it's getting really close to the time when you're looking at now, what, four months away from a general election for President of the United States.

So we get that kind of situation you are going to have to have campaigning activity and I think that's about to start so I dads were to update you on that.

So that is beginning this will be the first general election political rally and will have a lot to talk more about politics and courses. These races I get closer, but again I think a lot of people retuning in because also tour the first large events I gatherings in the country since covert 19 solicitor back to the phones, though one answer people's calls be put on the line Jerry and Rhode Island hey Jerry, thanks for hold on your on the air every life, everything.

The publisher are they going to be exposed to particular putting out treatment thing after Pompeo the accident back on it and is very caring going to be said that under part amendment things if they don't TRO at the publisher clear to publish it, but there's no temporary restraining order dated publication was already met and that's what the law isn't that I thought if the government doesn't meet its burden.

Now the question is going to be yes it is. The publisher is now involved in the Simon & Schuster and the question will be in the BC but the judge does with this weather, this reaches the level of improvement project, put the treason and trader stop on the side for a moment and focusing instead on is there information in there that's national security information that would be inappropriate to release. In other words, classified material, Eddie. That's really what can I go on in this hearing did not make a determination as to whether John Bolton committed treason. That's not what's up in these hearings no of course not. That is just the Secretary of State statement that has nothing to do with whether or not this book is going to be published. I think the judge is going to say to Bolton you had a contract with the government is been argued to the judge. He had a contract with the signed exit agreements. He had a contractual obligation to allow the prepublication review process dictate light to its completion, which has not yet been happened have occurred and until that happens, the book cannot be published. And if you publish it, then there is no way that the harm that's going to be cause can be compensated. United States in terms of monetary damages.

It's going to be a harm that only an equitable action that is a restraining order can cure that's going to be the issue before Judge Lambert this afternoon is go back to the phones David college in California online, for he David Wagner Jay Sekulow lives. Thank you very much for checking my call, you know.

Usually I agree with what you say and I very much admire what you guys do you know I voted trump reluctantly but I really believe that what John Bolton, a different ending different than flight back to tell her think that what James Madison dad what John Kelly is saying what that Republic a shift in Secretary of State just designed yet.

I mean, they all have similar second here let's make sure all talking about the same thing. What a criticism against I don't like the President's policy on such and such. If someone were to say that separate rate Rex Nelson Weber, Rex Tillotson did not give away information that was classified and and I said David from hearing right you not saying that it's okay to give away classified information.

First of question.

Do you think if the information by our government is deemed classified by career professionals in this security institutions in our government's classified information. Do you think in basketball has the right to disclose classified information to the public without authorization. I think that John Bolton is a Yale trained lawyer. I know I don't care if he was a Yale trained lawyer masking a really basic question David if the information in the book is material that is classified and deemed classified by our government agencies that are in charge of this you think a person has the right, whether John Bolton or not to distribute classified information to the public when it's not been declassified. I don't believe the information the closing of classified I read the book but the I have read that you not read John Bolton's book so you don't know what's in it. I don't know accident by career professionals in our government know what's in it and they're saying it's classified information and you don't get to distribute classified information. It really is that black-and-white that clear and I don't really think David you think it's okay to distribute classified information. I don't think that this is an affidavit of David and you haven't read and it's an affidavit go high. Does not to decide what's classified what's not.

The US government has a process for this in part of the allegation, David.

If you're still listening and for everybody out there listening is the John Bolton didn't even submit this for that review.

So how would you know if there was a classified information that if he didn't even submit it to the correct review process and then he wanted a rushed review done when he realized away. Maybe there is something in here.

I do need to actually comply with the rules of getting this reviewed by the White House for classified information in any wanted to rush review by the way, dad. The White House is not saying they don't they want him to never build to publish this book is not saying it because he can't be critical of the President you can't say mean things about the President you can't disagree with the President's decision-making or or publicly known foreign policy decisions. That's not the issue. It's classified information is not being nastier mean to the present know and what I don't seem to understand that the last caller is.

He has not reviewed material. None of us have an Andy. It's a very simple thing. If you want to have had classified information in your possession and you distributed it publicly, you would be prosecuted in the caller. I think wanted to say answer the question the right way, but just couldn't bring himself to say it and criticize the Yale trained lawyer will let me tell you something that Yale trained lawyer ought to know a great deal better than he does. Not only does he have a contractual obligation to let the prepublication review process to take place. But he got a moral obligation of good faith and good dealing with his country and that is why I think the Secretary of State used that powerful word. In looking at that this Bolton's book calling him a traitor. I'm not saying whether he is a traitor not I'm saying he needs to follow the law and the law says prepublication review before that will get down and you don't know what it is I don't know what it is in the caller sure Shirley did not what it was.

Three. Phone calls are coming up to take more of your cause 164 3110. In fact I listed this word I quickly I read it in Missouri same cancer.

This went on line 5 Rita welcome the Jay Sekulow live when you tell us what we can do at the grassroots level and my question and dead for need from the following sanitary and other state asking them to finance at Bell yes it does hundred percent you called both of your senators Republican or Democrat to make sure that they know that their voters want you to vote in favor this the Jordan. This is a national issue and it's also important for all 100 senators to know that the entire nation cares about this and by the way Jordan, we have 13 senators on this list but agreeing to proceed to a debate on a topic of this relevance and magnitude. During that vote should be 100 to 0 every day of the week right folks, we encourage you go to you can take action.

Call the senators we have the direct lines, not just the Capitol switchboard with a 13 you should call call as many as you can. Simple message to vote yes on proceeding. The debate on the justice act to cultivate be voting yes next week and you need to get those calls. A decision can sit will be right back only one.

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Thank you for your thoughts. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ listening to us live.

The trial begins on the Temporary Restraining Order from the department of justice against John Bolton and his publisher, Simon & Schuster is before judge Royce Lamberth. It begins in about eight minutes. That's it again on a temporary restraining order.

The book is set to be released John Bolton's book is set to be released on Tuesday and I want to underscore and dad that the government is not seeking to ban this book. It's not seeking this book never to come out or never to be released there argument is it because of the way it was written. It's been very difficult to do the rushed review because he didn't submit it the right way the first time so there's a pleat preclearance review process that you normally go through. He did not. The book is almost 600 pages, not any and I have written dissertations that were very long and published by major publishers, but 600 pages to go through and verify. Let me tell you, that is a lot of work for anybody, and we are dealing with classified information so that the process was going for.

And these are career people within these agencies that are doing this so it's not the know would argue it's partisan when you see affidavits of the been filed in court or have been filed in court by those that review the material same is classified material in here. These are not all appointees. These are also career people so I think that you gotta be clear here that former ambassador Bolton is real I mean he obviously has a bone to pick Andy with the President. That's clear. I mean okay see Policy disagreements, but to reach it to a level where the policy disagreement becomes as in this case a lot of other policy disagreement for publishing what is being deemed by the government to be classified by think that's a totally different matter.

John Bolton look, let's face it, named Jordan, this is nothing but John Bolton sour grapes that he was terminated as national security advisor and he was gonna write a tell-all memoir of what happened in the White House and now he was wrong but now he was right and how everybody else was wrong and now his policy should have been followed and President Tom didn't follow those in the nation was harmed as a result of that, etc. and in the process he puts in classified information as you correctly point out has been reviewed or is being reviewed not by political figures, but by career people in the security agencies not out to keep them from publishing his memoirs or criticizing the President let him do that all over the place.

She's done it since you left. Book the White House okay the thing is you got to follow the procedures that you contractually agreed to do so and that's what the court should hold them to do is go to Julie's call to see on line 3 Julie Walker the Jay Sekulow Lodge on the air, is the legality and brainstorming session at critical tool next Cottonelle University and you probably on a daily basis.

(And were encouraged at when you're in a brainstorming. It's not a problem with them really being ID out of the box.

I hands exactly. And a lot of them are dead and a lot of them lead to good solution.

You really good point and that's why in the under our constitutional framework we have what's called when the conversation Of the present President is the President will have different views and listen to different views coming in and that's the way it should be and what you have happen is it's called the deliberative process privilege for exactly that reason Julie so that you can come up with other ideas, things that are out of the box.

They may completely be discarded as an idea number not use that.

But it gets people thinking to now have that disclosed to the American people when it was conversations with the President or deliberative process, or in this case also classified information. Deliberative process was based on classified information. Really dangerous really, really dangerous. Yes, let's keep going through phone calls 164 3110. I take these that I think we can take the final to cause the day Troy and Paul go to Troy first in Pennsylvania online to Troy. Welcome Jay Sekulow life hi Jordan hi Dave, thanks for taking my call and thanks for everything. A sale date does on our behalf really appreciate.

My question is this. Let's say for arguments sake, the judge decides to rule in favor of the granting the TR in the book release. But isn't there some legal jeopardy that John Bolton could be facing. Given the fact that he may have released that transcript already is a lot of discussion about that and of the firm limits and here, but this idea that the information that was in the book we share with publishers and lawyers that may not happen again. May not have had the appropriate security clearance. You can't do that either. That can be problematic.

Andy Jan of the government has also asked that a constructive trust be imposed upon any property that is made already in favor of the United States from this book so he could be punished by having any money that is made for any profit that is earned be forfeited to the government so that is something that he faces as well as keeping his book as it currently stands from being published sake, final call, the day that also were getting up to speed to get on some action items you can take today throughout the weekend and on Monday as well for the justice act.

We got that a new petition up in, as well as those Democrat sinners that we need you to contact will tell you how to do that will have then tell you how to do than just a minute, but I would take Paul's call from New York online for Paul welcome Jay Sekulow live your on the air contorting going today I just I just understand that this is being even allowed to be published because classified does not mean confidential yes that's what I lied.

I mean now I'm going to allow something confidential to be published.

Shouldn't that be deemed a legal and unlawful. This great Jordan were talking about classified because this is a situation that is even a higher state standard, then you would just say confidential information which also is is protected but classified classified information is information if shared would be detrimental to the United States. It would harm the United States that that's what this is about harming the United States states weathered state secrets a decision-making foreign policy decisions that are the classified because the disc of discussions that went on things that may or may not have happened but the fact that they even were having like let's say seven example that year that the President and John Bolton were talking about country see and they were talking about. Should we go in with this bomb should be going with this many troops, or should we just come try to do some kind of economic deal punishment. Whatever option they chose. I'm having a conversation about like bombing a country or taking military action the country even if you never took the action would be classified. Of course, and it is so it's more than confidential classified information is information that cannot be disseminated that by its nature. That's what it means.

So yes there would be consequences for that as well. To quote again. Sec. Pompeo about John Bolton, a trader who damaged America by violating his sacred trust with its people think quickly tell people what to do for the justice act I get on a website called in sick Democrat sinners reach out to your senators in the 13 Senators listed in just tell them very simply, you favor a debate on the justice act. They can decide how to vote. In the end the Jordan they need seven Democrat Senators join with Republicans to have this important debate that Bo could be as early as Monday. So those contacts Jordan.

They need to happen today and over the weekend and into Monday right folks again, we encourage you go to take action if you can support the work of the ACLJ financially do that, make that online donation it's how we bring the show every day to donate today for decades. ACLJ is been on the frontline protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member. Thank you.

If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us or you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ