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Is FISA Dead?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
May 29, 2020 1:00 pm

Is FISA Dead?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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May 29, 2020 1:00 pm

Is FISA Dead? We discuss this and more on today's show.

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Jay Sekulow's five Washington DC the FISA court has to fix their problems internally.

The bill was trying to do some forms didn't go far enough. Early but at the same time there was more work that needed to be done and then you throw in the fact that there still has been no accountability. Phone lines are open for your questions right now. Call 1-800-684-3110 has to be accountability for those people use the FISA court that did other things illegally within the FBI so those people need to go to jail and I think once that happens, you'll see an ability to come back together and get this program back on track and now your host Jordan secular 100 6010. As we discussed yesterday, briefly, in relation to all of the issues involving the actors will say and what could occur next week is a reminder, you know, we have Monday. The response is due from the judge in the Mike Flynn case and the bizarre nature as we discussed earlier in the week about appointing a outside counsel to represent you, and then put that forward and so these issues that's happening on on Monday were back on the air with you.

And then of course later in the week really hear from Rod roses is testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee in person.

We know that us as Sen. Lindsey Graham Richards ectomy will be there also voting fan on the ability for the subpoena power. You've also got on the Pfizer issue. Specifically, we know the legislation itself, and Pfizer as we know it I think is fair to say is that and what the house in the city of come up with is a compromise that they'll come together and ache to try and come up with compromise legislation was interesting to me is it basically the part of justice that if you need the outside counsel. You basically cannot utilize something like Pfizer anyways and they could just use will be better for the use the laws they already have for intelligence gathering surveillance to come up with five so it's been interesting to see how the responses have been what is clear and Washington DC is the folks are not ready to just give this blanket power back to the executive branch right now because of the issues of Jim Comey's use Andrew McKay views Peter Strauch choose you go down the line. These individuals we said may be remembered as those who actually are the reason why FBI Department of Justice and tells me that does not have these extended powers that they received in the post 9/11 world. I really do. This is a good development. Ordinarily new and interestingly enough, there was, not just folks on the right.

It was, not just the President. It was also certain members unless though Lofgren was one of them and during the concerns about the reauthorization do come from different quarters. Like you said there were some inside the law enforcement agency inside the Department of Justice you didn't like some of the reforms as far as having an advocate in the courtroom of a Jordan, I think that what the point that you made is really key here. Department of Justice said look, if you take the time to get this right, we can still secure the American people using the other tools that we have now. Eventually we need to get something on the table. We need a patchwork in place where we can have some of these tools but Jordan, this is the opportunity to do it right and I was glad that the Department of Justice acknowledge that look the White House diamond or just there's just no way that you can refute the concerns that they have. This process was abused and in the idea of reauthorizing it without making sure that those who abused it are not only held accountable within that future.

People can't abuse it the same way Jordan that absolutely should not happen.

So I view this coming together to do a conference committee between the house and the Senate.

I viewed as absolutely great news for the American people right and again as were going to scraper to your phone calls about this answer questions about Pfizer answer question about what is it me that the house the senator coming together.

This can this joint committee there. There is bipartisan opposition to this reauthorization is not just Republicans as Nancy Pelosi lost control of her own caucus, which is not happen that often in this House of Representatives where she's lost the controls the point where she cannot get legislation through, even on a partisan basis that the minimum you like the 218 and instead had to hope to rely on Republicans to save this they were not willing to do that without major reforms and reforms that that again. I think probably do need to be debated and discussed with the Justice Department, but even a short-term reauthorization and were not ignoring what's happening in our country as well and in the George Floyd what happened there in that situation which everyone is contained in said it looks horrible needs. The investigation, but now Christie's risers pretty were praying for our country will be back the challenges facing Americans or substantial time in our value our freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. Here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms event remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ only one.

A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally pro-life publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership in the is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/Jay Sekulow like this is Jordan sick you feel we have been why would you route whether we are broadcasting from our homes. Now back in the studio here and then is able to be our Washington DC office.

But honestly, it's against them for the most part that's because of the media broadcasting that office because of where it's located is not fully and totally reopen every state and city were target from across the country are dealing with different situations. People are also daily and so we've met. We've never ignored the covert issue and of course the legal issues that it arise from it.

I will tell you the ACLJ's been working on those, and will be more to discuss some of that next week as well on the broadcast and and so and these are very state to state specific and and so we are working on that. I will also say that with what's happened with George Floyd and Joyce in their in in Minneapolis.

Whether is why I didn't go immediately to her on the broadcast was because there was nothing to debate. Yeah, there was nothing to disc to debate about that incident and I thought it was very clear from both sides of the political aisle both sides of the law enforcement individuals that looked at that and said from what they can see it looked very bad. You know I did it and in this on-time company or someone one who we've got. We have law enforcement officials.

It's and many of our offices at at the ACLJ and and and course work with the law enforcement community but but also were not ignoring these situates are happy in our country.

Whether it's a riot in Minneapolis or in other cities where some of these protests have turned more violent and in response, and the fact is that most people protesting are not coming from that that position and I think there's been widespread and I'm not. I'm not asking us to debate this on the air because I don't think there's anything to debate. I think what you can do for your country mouse.

Pray for your country. Whether it's the situation this boiling over in some of these communities that have not always face these issues head-on. I will say that and then in other places where again, people who have people that also is not been able to work people about their business. Close attention. There's a lot of tension right now were not ignoring that on the broadcast, nor have we to wanted to honor but we have tried to do anything.

This report is, you Congress is still working on these issues, which may not be directly related you like Pfizer big issues and we don't want people to have no attention on that because I think that's what Congress was king and they thought Pfizer could just not what I see they on-time account of the old school Washington DC both sides. The island Cemex to some extent, but even like the explosive that I can just get this the right now because no one is focused on and that is not the case because there are enough folks like us like we were to ACLJ thin where we understand what our role is and in the issues that we specialize in focusing on the net and then we bring that to be that the folks out there, and members of Congress didn't feel comfortable just giving this of a blanket thumbs up to this power took back to the FBI, DOJ. I specifically totally great in your you know my heart breaks for George Floyd and his family. My heart breaks for Ahmad Arber. He and his family.

My heart breaks for those who lost their lives in these protests and look what's happening is not honoring to the lives of those who've lost and I and I think speaking and giving our thoughts and prayers. What's happening is the right thing to do but I did a Jordan. We have been focusing on this abuse from law enforcement from a different perspective. For a long time down the nets with this by said abuse was the American people turned over a sacred authority to surveilled. In some cases US citizens through the FISA court and gave that sacred power to a set of bureaucrats and a set of law enforcement officials and Jordan just plain and simple, they abused it a day used information that they knew could not be substantiated to surveilled US citizens to surveilling incoming President that the American people had chosen and reforms have to be made and I said on this broadcast yesterday Jordan I really do believe it is it is much as I think the FISA tools are important for for law enforcement. I think the reforms are actually gonna have to go a bit too far. Initially, in order for the FISA court or whatever it's called.

Eventually, I like your idea actually of rebuilding it from the ground up, calling it something different. Jordan they're going to have to build that trust back. So, for a time do we have to give an advocate not courtroom access to all of the information in every case involves a US citizen and let then defendant that US citizen until they build trust back in my view Jordan we do naturally at the center of this debate right now. I think that's where the White House is the Department of Justice and some inside might have a slightly different view but again Jordan going to a conference committee. This is actually regular order and it's that kind of nuanced disagreement or debate. That's what supposed to take place. I think it's a good thing. This is the issue with FISA. Pfizer was created in response to 9/11 and it was a broad power because we needed to deal with something quickly that we knew was going to be an issue. It has been an issue. It's still an issue.

It's been an issue in the past few weeks we've we've learned about while Pfizer was active. Sally's infiltrated their Air Force to come to our country to carry out the attack on one of our bases in it that took a year that Pfizer was working during that I am I we don't know how much that was utilized because a lot of this was found that after the terrorist attack occurred. So I don't think they were monitoring that group not to be. That's questionable at the same time they were using Pfizer to try and take down the President of the United States and they hid behind that that that was there like whole justification they lied to Pfizer. Remember, they lied, they use the steel dossier. They knew what was wrong, but they use that to get there. Pfizer spy warrants and then they shall see Pfizer approval. We did the promise Pfizer was a rubberstamp. We had 99.9% approval.

The only way that works in in a innate any kind. The legal system is either there. The FBI has no issues at all and they are one of percent accurate. They were only dealing with foreign terrorist and foreign actors, but suddenly you realize their focus was how do we get it.

Americans by utilizing Pfizer and Americans, we have different rights because we have those rights guaranteed to assist citizens by the Constitution that states listen to Steve Scalise. I get this that that Republican whip in the house and he's dealt with these attacked by an American sit by another American.

He's dealt with is directly that shooting attack on the on Republicans and and so I think that to hear from him directly on this, and how this was abused is the truth and it's not the field agent is off 74 Washington DC bad actors but as Stan said, because they had so much power in this very DC centric process that they will now lose out at the field level approach you actually need this kind of authority to act to combat terrorism because of the bad actions that were to botch it would. They went too far.

So I think we have to go that much further to give them even a chance at having anything like this again listens to Scalise by two FISA has been used successfully in the past to track terrorists abroad.

It's why the law was created. It was a very narrow scope in the way it was used was supposed to be in and in a way that only applied to pterosaur Americans were abroad fighting with terrorist not just by on a candidate for President or people working around them realize they can stop them utilized candidate, which is outrageous enough to consider your major party candidate. Any party candidate actually doesn't matter because it shouldn't matter.

To the house raised Senate race statement when you don't visit, but he was. This is the most high-profile. The fact that they thought they could get away with doing something like this. By utilizing the farce of FISA to the unmasking all of this for political purposes for political gain is what is the worst of the worst of of of law. It is to use that against weed we dealt with out of the IRS and and we now are dead are dealing with it and and the ramifications of it for those agencies render the IRS was basically gutted after what happened with Lois Lerner and and their their oversight powers were gutted and people and they been very direct about that. We thought that was the case, you to basely bring down the IRS to rebuild from the ground up during this is such an important point for people to understand the authorizing statute here is literally called the foreign intelligence surveillance act. The entire purpose was to have a tool to surveilled foreigners. Now there were sometimes Americans were picked up and it but that was supposed to be secondary Jordan.

In this case they turn that absolutely on its head. The goal here was to surveilled and target American citizens, including the incoming present United States, including his aides, his advisors, and they used a foreigner or interaction with a foreigner and legitimate interaction at that case, Jordan to target those yet they turn the purpose of the act on its head.

Now why did they didn't they do it for the reason that you just said it was a political agenda.

They were trying to accomplish a political end and they did it in a format where the target had no way to defend itself just just quickly Jordan this this Amicus. This advocate inside the room that supposed to defend the target.

This was in place when this was happening that that was enacted in 2015. The patina problem is that advocate did not have the authority to see the evidence that was in question here. This was abuse of power.

Plain and simple. Yes, this is the issue that is saying this not like your attorney because you would know if you were speaking such as this, or if your Ford accepted this, but again the information is to be direct because what they started doing is saying what appeared American, who we suspect is actually become an agent for a foreign government.

Suddenly you've lost all of these potentially lost all these rights, at least for surveillance purposes and we see how this leads people's lives being or at least attempted to be ruined. Retake your calls, 1-800-684-3110 we went back only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is certainly is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defend the rights of life, we created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you are personally pro-life publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later, planned parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership in is empowering the right to life question for mission life today online ACLJ/challenges facing Americans are substantial time and or value freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades.

ACLJ on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do her work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member.

Thank you, are not well this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJay Sekulow library satisfies the issue. I went out to members encouraged her to be a little bit more specific about this, but if you're not watching Facebook appears to be menacing to see Rubio is now taking up the mantle as chair of the Senate Intel committee and because of consider Bert decided during his investigation of financial issues.

He was.he wanted like distract the committee so he talks of Serbia move up and these beginner folks you but we also for a member Congress and former intelligence agent who said you it's not again that they don't want this ability in the hands US to deal with terrorism but Mike Flynn in a in that situation was never about tears.

It was not about. It was about policy disputes legitimate policy disputes about American people decide who to elect and those those people who we elect decide who they want to advise the you get to decide every four years, the case the President every six years the case of center every two for members the house and again your governors at local and you get to decide if you don't like who they have advising them and their policy positions you decide to remove them.

But if a law is being abused where the IRS decides they're going to silence a grassroots movement in the US that they don't like tea party or a political party or candidate in their advisors they don't like the case at present trump and Mike Flynn and a whole host of others, or associates with them.

To me it's getting back to terrorism getting back to fighting terrorist attacks getting back to the idea that yes there might be someone who was radicalized, who is a US citizen and there should be some ability to do that so that we get ahead of these attacks, but it saying that it didn't seem like that's ever been where the folk.

The focus was so much on that seventh floor Washington DC of taking a present trump. You wonder how you know how these attacks are still happening and that we hear about a military bases yet what it's because there can they been completely distracted, which is why.

Maybe this is not the right time for them to have this power during the seventh floor took their eye off of terrorism. They did date they took their eye off terrorism and put it on politics.

I think that happened in the IRS situation where they got outside their mission decided to advance a political agenda. It happened here, and Jordan. I go back to something that Marco Rubio said in the sound you played a minute ago. He talked about how it wasn't necessarily the process that was broken but how the process was used and Jordan look I'm really not that concerned if the intelligence community goes into a secret process and has picked up a foreigner that is engaged in terrorist activities, whether or not that person has a a forceful advocate in the room but once an American is picked up, especially if it's an American of that it is part of the incoming administration.

If that person is roped into the process. Jordan, the idea that that American would not be afforded representation inside that room and look out taken a step farther. Let's say one of the Americans that picked up has become radical radicalized has become associated with a foreign a person. It's still a good idea to have an advocate in the room to make sure that we pursue prosecution of that individual in a way that won't be undermined in the future. And I gotta tell you, I think a court and even the intelligence community. I don't think they would hurt be hurt by that and will and in the slightest. Now I get there dealing with the reality that I can have this power carte blanche again. It's not can happen. It's already gone it's been gone for over a month now and they were not able to sneak it back through without any major changes with with Congress and what that what department just been doing the same cave. If you do this change realized I can really utilize this process. So how do you go about that.

I think you have to be there has to be flexibility, but DOJ FBI and all that we've learned this is their fault. This is their fault. They should take the blame Jim Comey should be remembered as the reason why Pfizer expired. The reason why spies expired Bob mother is because of you because you made up these allegations by a foreign agent in the first place.

Christopher Steele, who then use other foreign agents together his info.

We have eyes on him. How many people do we have Pfizer's on this is why they don't even want the onion. Peel back in my opinion because you start peeling it back and you start realizing weight. The focus is foreign and yet their whole idea was how do you get how do you utilize foreign to Americans in a political context because of Russia I meet. We may have policy foreign policy differences with Russia presence been clear about that. Discussed that you know in China today later on today. The President discussed that to with what's happening Hong Kong policy dispute, differences, disputes, discussions, debates, none of that should warrant should warrant to the level of utilizing phis actually if you look at the purpose at least what Congress intended to do with phis that's important release is called California lie where Lisa takes a hold on your there, you do follow with you are long time. Ellie wound up in one embodiment, here, pointing to a family man and American can embody in their advocate who would they be back advocate and would company that how do we protect that person's right so you would not disagree on the site appear to plan a very much more serious version like a public defender except for you would not know because unit. This is not criminal charges that are being brought against you, but as they brought out pointed out ultimately to bring those charges in the long run, which will ultimately be to stop the tears attack you to actually apprehend the person that you believe is getting. Her second. You can't be violating all their rights they may have as an American, but they still have rights facing criminal charges and whether were discussing what happens when you get arrested in Minneapolis and whether your rights were violated. There, or after you get arrested and whether your rights were violated in the process. Then it happened when when they were surveilling what they base their charges on so it causes serious problems for law enforcement long-term. If we don't have these changes and exculpatory evidence wasn't at least considered so the information about the steel dossier wasn't something we found out through media leaks, but instead was something they never got to this point where it's with should have never gone to this point our country. The FBI got out of control department just got out of control and we know that from their own Inspector General's. If we sure this outdoor and I'm absolutely convinced it will actually do a better job of prosecuting terrorism through the FISA courts than we did in the past. Look, there has been a what is called an Amicus inside this system since 2015.

In this but the problem Jordan this Amicus is supposed to advocate for the target of an application, but it's only triggered when the court actually invokes it so it's at the court's discretion while in the cases were talking about now. The court had no idea that there was information that was not valid that was being used to, they wouldn't have invoked it. My view is that that Amicus needs to be expanded so that anytime there's a US citizen that Amicus is invoked, and they have access to all of the information adorned.

There is a legitimate concern on the part of the intelligence community that if you expand this too far. Other countries won't share intelligence with you and this goes to the college point. I think that's why it does need to be something somebody that is not appointed by the target. Jordan needs to be somebody inside the process was on case after case after case, but they have to have access to all of the information I actually think that's a way to tell foreign countries. Your information is good to be more secure now when Ben was in the past because look at an outdoor Internet information is all over the place. Clearly we failed in securing a foreign countries Intel that they shared with us folks ringing to take her phone calls. Second half hours coming up on on Jay Sekulow live. We again monitor the situation in Minneapolis and across our country. There is now got national guard involved as well and again the response. I think by the country was correct were in unison. It what they could at least see on the video appear to be wrong and it was widely condemned, but then of course were now dealing with some the aftermath of those who try to take peaceful protests heard by decades.

ACLJ is been on the frontlines protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us or you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and secular second Jay Sekulow live calls your comments to him.

Pfizer will enter as much as possible.

This year there's been a lot of questions about the and I thought it was interesting to see with the Department of Justice was pressed and I get that give their position. This is to also there fighting for their powers were to be restored to some extent, and whether the good actors on that may be in place now, but we yeah I'm really here to be like Rod Rosenstein to who have been accused of things in the media.

Like all where wired to the White House and will invoke 1/25 amendment and civic things and I'm sure want to respond to, but we knew that this was happening at a level that got to the point where at the present by firing Jim, who by the way Hillary Clinton also thumbs no good actor and most Democrats. That was a no good actor that he got way too involved in politics on both sides of the aisle seem to be trying to begin. It wasn't so much Republican, Democrat, it was it was putting pressure on Republicans Democrat Jim Comey wanted at the same power over Hillary Clinton.

He thought he could try to have over Donald Trump and other FBI directors in our past to utilize which is we have this on you, so don't press me hundred percent Jordan, this is about Jim Comey thinking, and he was above the law on the intelligence community. In some cases, following his lead and again I think it happened mostly at the leadership levels. Jordan two quick points. One of the bipartisan opposition even the conference committee members will now negotiate this on the behalf of the house, Jordan, I think largely break it towards the side of creating more reforms for US citizens because you got a Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes would definitely be on that side but you've also got so Lofgren is one of the three Democrat conference committee member. She was one of the ones that was the most concern from the Democrat side about adding these protections adorned to your to your point about the Department of Justice concerns. These are legitimate concerns.

They were concerned about some language that was added by Senators Lahey and Lee amendment that I actually think is a good one that that does give the the Amicus inside the court access to more sensitive materials but the Department of Justice Jordan was legitimately concerned that those sensitive materials needed to be better secured so that they didn't lose access to intelligence from foreign countries Jordan. Both of those things can be true in one moment, and that's why you need to do this carefully is why you need to increase reforms to make sure the abuses don't happen but then Jordan, you do have to be able to make sure that those sensitive materials that are shared with the advocate don't leak out because former US officials think Jim Comey that's what they did. Jordan listen, this is this is to be directly on point in the election 2020 having there's a lot of issues you can go to go to just the unrest in Minnesota right now that has spilled over into the entire country is a national broadcast.

I thought your today we need to at least address one. Why there was no debate to be had a couple of days ago and I understood the reaction that was happening in many of the protests when they turn violent and you start to see some of this additional violence in other cities as well. I that is not good because the majority of folks are peaceful protesters who were getting their message out loud and clear to the point of probably not got out his lead and clear before and you know I have lived in cities where these protests have occurred and I'm not lived in one where it's gotten to this point. Level violence with but I will say that some of these bad actors who try to seize on the situation distracts from the from the national issue, but but then we also these kind of issues.

If we fast-forward ahead five months and at depending on what's what state you're in. That may feel differently. But for a lot of the country.

We we may be back to hundred percent open and politics is going to play points will get back to his back to think about your phone calls we come back on Jay Sekulow live.

We are take your call 1-800-684-3110 but one VP choice of starting to two get more attention yesterday. Her image was Kip was on Fox news today. There's larger pieces supporting her is Susan Rice was involved here in this specifically so we must recall not to confirm as Secretary of State so estate on this advisor again throwing that out there. 1-800-684-3110 is not like doing either left starting to push her in the more mainstream left additional washing challenges facing Americans or substantial time with our Valley freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms event remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you for your thoughts. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing work, member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition like it will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later, and their role in the Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right to question your free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/the Atlantic. I saw her picture again. I have no idea who Joe by the vice President. I can think of.

I was going to be the nominee.

I think it showed she was still even with the changes that were made. The Democrat nominating process because the way that they Iowa and from the start. It was a mess. It allowed him to kind of continue to serve as they realize then I got very nervous of Bernie Sanders so again they know that by the way, to say a bad thing for Democrats of the government that they that they show the Bernie Sanders not to be the voice for their party necessarily progress but is it going to be a repeat which makes very relevant. You know, usually you kind of move forward, you wouldn't be hearing a President for years and Nestlé talked about the previous present. The investigations will initially be going economic move for the country.

This became so bad that it what member they can stop after present on got elected as bad as it was before. They still were going after. Even after he took the oath of office a letter to Muller. It led to than impeachment and very divided country and now were dealing with real crises coded that the that the the discussion. Even the tapping on the Minneapolis. These are real national situations that you got a deal with is a present and and that the issue with Pfizer. There were tight right now. The fact that Congress though the Washington crowds vote in a bipartisan way that we've usually see when it came to intelligence issues and thin and in these cabbage wasn't enough so that Nancy Pelosi maybe for the first times I can. I know of. Since she has had the house majority back could not get something through on a partisan voting yet tried multiple times during this is on the calendar a couple of days in a row and yesterday was on the calendar a couple of different times.

Later her try to put it up and passive in a bipartisan fashion couldn't do it. Try to put it back up.

Try to pass with only Democrat votes couldn't do it because of dissension inside the ranks and so ultimately Speaker Pelosi had to admit defeat and this is a good thing though Jordan may look the. The only way. In my view that FISA reauthorization happens in a way that is beneficial to the American people is if we get this dance between law enforcement and protecting the rights of the American people are correct. I frankly don't think either the house bill or the Senate bill did that. I hope if you go through a conference committee which I just want to reiterate Jordan. This is not an unusual thing.

This is how we used to do it in regular order. The house would pass one bill. The Senate would pass another they would come together and they would try to iron out their differences. Jordan either.

They need to pass a bill that will protect American citizens in a law enforcement or, quite frankly, they need to just not pass anything yet. What was interesting to me is now 60 Susan Rice tame come back in the Joe Biden world and this basically even those inside his campaign is with the Atlantic's reports of salon in the coming from the left side on the issues there saying that even if she's not chosen for a position like vice President, which she said she's in the running for but is is maybe too controversial and maybe does have nothing like state political experience and national on the on the front line and also was not someone who by the way was so great media interviews because they and their time at Hertha Dixie Secretary of State yet Pres. Obama decided not to try that with the process because as our UN ambassador to the UN sheet she was part of the whole Benghazi lie. She went on all those morning chosen, lied about the origins of Benghazi, which led to that investigation and so she was can have a problem getting confirmed a second time at, but now there's again maybe bring some like this to me it's that this is like the protectionism coming back of of the Washington swamp. This is their hope is is again that they can get that they're kind of actors back in place will continue to protect wrongdoing during the VP spot might literally be the only high-level position.

They should consider her for because it doesn't require confirmation because if you had a confirmation hearing would have to reenter airing of all the Sunday shows after the Benghazi attack. She falsely blamed on the video Jordan. You would also had intense questions about why she wrote that memo on January 20, 2017, the day Pres. Trump was coming into office to memorialize that January 5 mean I just want to remind people Jordan all of the conversation is about how Pres. Obama Jim Comey and Sally Yates back to talk about surveilling Mike Flynn. Why did Susan Rice write this memo.

Two weeks ago, is because there were two other people in that room with those three and it was Joe Biden and Susan Rice. So to me. Jordan picking her as his vice Presidential candidate. It might be his way of making sure that they each continue to watch each other's back regarding that January 5 meeting pilotless get back to the Pfizer still want to continue answer folks calls go to Jerry and Rhode Island line 3 Jerry thing for whole year on their team illuminated the Amicus a friend of the court was in the fight, but I never was there and if we did have some zealous integrity and maybe who says no we don't do that.

I'm glad to hear that. Is that what man thinks is the answer or the we've advocated is it very likely needs to be not.

I don't think of this. They like Atty. Gen. bars issues with Pfizer because I think he stood up to a lot of this is trying to do something about that that wrongdoing but you have to look at it past that and the Senate and even the housekeepers who are reluctant to your basis.

They understand that the Senate especially that's really their role was as folks who get elected through through through the election process even more staggered process and you look at you say okay but imagine if this goes right back to whoever Joe Biden decide they want to choose for Atty. Gen. and they now have all this power 100% back in. We believe that that advocate decisions be much more struck much stronger get much more info when it comes specifically to specifically to American citizens, even if there be listening for matters, and honestly Jordan, I think if this is your one chance at it, because remember that technically this Amicus position has existed since 2015. It existed when the Carter application page application was moving the differences Jordan, the court did not invoke the Amicus to engage in this and the Amicus did not have access to the information I think in order for this position to mean anything on both sides of this letter.

They have to be involved in every case involves a US citizen and they have to access all of the information now. On the flipside of that door and the only way you can do that the only way you can. Given Amicus access to sensitive classified information is if you make sure that the information is secure inside the process. That's the portion of it, the DOJ's concern about, and rightfully so. Jordan that's why you have to make these reforms carefully and you have to seize this opportunity were tough reauthorization to get it right. Otherwise the point that you been saying repeatedly. Jordan it absolutely can come true.

This law enforcement tool.

It's can go away completely and it's good to go away forever, so I also would let people know you know this situation to we've been contacted you can imagine. They said they bill out to churches about their rights and roles their First Amendment rights department justice came right out and said he of the First Amendment rights of over 19 with these specific rights of freedom to worship the freedom to exercise our faith, and that these are right. You cannot just override and there's not exceptions in the Constitution to those rights specifically which are different than then business which are different than again. The economic side of these issues, but that the Wii if you have these rights as individuals that these cannot be AAA saw what happened in Wisconsin you saw he saw base of the court commitment get rid of all restrictions in Wisconsin with Cove 19 and so we can contact before I would let folks know we are sending a letter today to Nevada into their governor, specifically in Nevada. It's not on behalf of a specific client or specific church would be contacted by a number churches in Nevada because of their one of their actions and orders. This Nevada specific, and again this is state-by-state. Sometimes it's at the more local level. So states have been generic and they've allowed municipality so invalid it's it's the governor's office and again I think that the ACLJ sending a letter to Gov.'s lack of Nevada regarding a discriminatory treatment of churches proposed under the governor's face to plan for reopening the state so early this week. The governor Nevada released a statement and announce the Nevada would would move into phase 2 of the states. Nevada United roadmap to recovery plants under the plan as a host of public services and indoor establishments are permitted to open up to 50% capacity. That's a bit with her lot our country. Maybe you may be 10% in your your where you are you baby 25% capacity may be at 50% you might be at 75. You might have not known no restrictions at this point. That being said, it's so it's a permission is something you have to do anything.

It's a permission but this was included but not limited to Jim's fitness facilities, movie theaters, art galleries, museums, bowling alleys, indoor malls, but under the same plan of places of worship were not ordinarily prohibited from opening of the same terms.

There limited to no more than 50 people per service and strongly encouraged to keep their doors closed.

This did not and it didn't matter the size of your church and how you could even distance people so the governor's plan was discriminatory is discriminatory, Wiley's constitutional rights of everyone in Nevada and so the ACLJ is demanding response for the next 24 hours, so I don't folks have ever wondered if if we got involved these issues and you been very deliberate in the legal processes that we follow laws have more to report.

I think there next week that would let you know that's happened while we are on the air while we are talking to you at the on Jay Sekulow live in keeping you updated as well. It that's we can come back looking to take your phone calls 100-684-3110 but I do want to understand the ACLJ we've been hard at work are folks around the country render different offices regardless of what the rule they are the rules may be there.

We continue to work towards continue to function may be different.

That was before but continues to function. If you can support the work of ACLJ Naprosyn was in a position to do that. I encourage you only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold mission like it will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ Jesus were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists ramifications of weighing 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right to life question free copy mission life today online ACLJ/challenges facing Americans are substantial time and are now free to soar. Constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades. ACLJ on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. Here's the bottom line we could not do her work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you, are not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ684 3110 is his report that I want to make clear folks really sending today a letter to the Nevada Gov. and I wanted to let everybody know that he is the because we we got a lot of questions come in throughout the weeks obviously can imagine a lot of contact by churches and we try to work through that again because apartment just very clear about these restrictions and rules that really there was no there's no exceptions to the rights guaranteed to Americans in the Constitution and the First Amendment and not I don't think anybody thing either was sent you before these some of these protests turn violent. I believe it was the constitutional rights of Americans to come together and protest their freedom of speech and utilize their freedom of speech and notes. And while you can group gatherings over tenant and Minneapolis, so it's the same thing to me it's all rights are guaranteed to us or First Amendment to keep our check on the authority to keep art art rights to practice if we believe that the faith that we choose in the way we see fit, and and I think adding some teeth to these rights has been good so were taking this action in Nevada, a son, on behalf of a specific client.

It's it's because of what a number of churches. Let us know about a restriction that says hey it's 50% open for your casino but it's only nifty people for your church.

Regardless what size it is and what decision the church makes even though the church has constitutional protections. The casino doesn't absolutely write your name in estates begin to reopen. This is been one of the things that we've known for some time is to be problematic churches and places of worship absolutely have to be treated equally and they've quite frankly during they really have to be at the leading edge of reopening they have to make sure that they're treated equally with other nonreligious entities in your knife on a key moment in making sure that states comply with this because we have seen state started to move in and in a fashion that's been inequitable and one of the key moments was when the President this week came out and publicly said that churches are deemed essential and that government governors better follow that direction and if they didn't, that he would step in because you're right, Jordan, churches do have specific constitutional of freedom. I think the church is that by and large, did a very good job at heating of public guidance tutus to shut down two to go satellite but as states reopen Jordan.

They have to be at the leading edge. They have to be treated equitably and with the ACLJargon to make sure the governors do just that. This gives you back to the idea was that I think the country was extremely unified on coming together to fight back on this virus when we didn't know exactly exactly specifically what to do so would we say was it best to do is we need to limit our contact with people that are not in our homes.

Okay, so we did that to but we also been doing that for two months and we sought different states, people having different experiences different cities are having different experiences. Obviously, more rural area, more urban area and and you've also experience the virus differently depending on where you are in the country and to me it's not. It is again.

It just shows you I just for people out there are the what mortar report Monday. I will keep people updated this only 24 hours a we've given the governor to respond here so that churches have time to make decisions by Sunday and in no what can a decision they be making so that that's in Nevada. Specifically, I just want to let people know the ACLJ is hard work on these issues and these constitutional issues we focus on of the American Center for Law and Justice, and religious liberty which is something that is all he confronts in it the merciful and just look at Sean's call is at the code over time of the spies issue. Just to update you up before we go right to chart is. This is now going to go to the house and the Senate to try and come up with a compromise so he spies a debt as we know it. I think so. I think it's fair to say, as we knew it in the post 9/11 world. In this last 19 years. It is that it will not come back in the exact same way whether it has a same name or not is one thing, the rules that will be more fully implemented by Congress in a specific way are to be a lot more direct, and it may have to be that way is then said we have to go because we want so broad. One way response to 9/11. We get almost 2 decades out from 9/11 and we start say okay what what do we need to update our laws house technology change has this changed what target who are our enemies who will be dealing with who's at the forefront. Okay, so what we do to combat combat that. Do we need the same process to renew somewhat different process.

Sean you're on the air from South Dakota. They call all acute in order to keep from being abused. That like you were saying earlier about the third entity that really needs to be an outside entity that does the investigation someone that does not have long authority they only have the they only have the authority to do the investigation.

So we had to come up with someone and there like you know we didn't get that person tended to this third-party third-party event being that it is a reasonable person to be investigators on and then they conduct the investigation. From that point and I want to gather the information.

Then they send it back to the NSA or the FBI that takes the total control of the beyond interface and for being able to use the files that yeah and it's got to be independent from prosecutors data cannot be the same office is got to be in out somehow outside office, but also that you do not give the classified setting and and I believe that to expand the role. It is all we have. You know we we have lots of different agencies including the Intel world. They all have to deal with IG's they ought to deal with investigations. It's not always as high-profile as one document right now either. These kind of issues that come up on a smaller scale involves the rights of Americans would involve people politically targeted because the policy positions they advocate for it. It is again. It just goes to me it's underscores you've got. You cannot have someone in their whose only role is if the judge decides because it's putting this up to the judges. A lot of people that's quite the judge getting in trouble.

They don't know what what info they should be asking for at the point like if you get info from the FBI. If you can't trust that you have someone outside to the judge who can actually put that Ford and it could be outside the prosecutor's office, but still part of either congressional oversight or executive branch oversight you agree with that door and I agree with the premise of what Sean is saying I disagree just a slight bit with that how we should be implemented. For this reason you're absolutely correct that it has to be separate from the prosecutorial team. If it's can actually stave office in the these abuses. It also can't be up to the court's discretion. When that advocate gets involved. They need to be involved. Every time there's a US citizen involved and they need to have access to all of the information and that's why disagree with Sean a little bit that it can't be an outside entity, it has to be someone Jordan that we can give classified information to and if we give classified information to an outside group, then the concern that your hearing from DOJ becomes very relevant.

What are you going to get less of. If you do that. Jordan you're going to get less of that information that intelligence sharing from other countries.

So, in my view, totally separate from the prosecutors, not at the court's discretion. But Jordan inside the system and someone that would have clearance to act site access that classified information within. Ultimately, Jordan someone that would be accountable.

If a target of surveillance was not adequately defended. That would be their sole job to do it. That's how I think it should be set up as opposed Ricky to update you on all these matters I think take some time to pick regards where you are in the country right now what your city may be facing what your state may be facing what you may be facing.

Pray for the country.

It's a time to get it. This virus and how it's affected every body to some extent, whether it's a loss of life, whether it's a loss of business, whether in an orc situation with George Ford need to pray for our country, but we can't ignore and ignore those issues at this time and we also can ignore constitutional rights. Whether you're a protester peaceful protester or an American involved in a lyrical movement can ignore that old stay update all these issues including what's happening on Nevada with churches there document for decades. ACLJ is been on the frontlines protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ