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Breaking: AG Barr Asks US Attorney to Investigate Unmasking

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
May 28, 2020 1:00 pm

Breaking: AG Barr Asks US Attorney to Investigate Unmasking

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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May 28, 2020 1:00 pm

Breaking: AG Barr Asks US Attorney to Investigate Unmasking. We discuss this and more on today's show.

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Jay Sekulow live Atty. Gen. bar expands US attorneys misconduct to criminal actions live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow John Durham as part of the application been looking at the issue. The Atty. Gen. determined that they needed to be reviewed separately for support to gendarmes and John shot when our US attorney did just that. Phone lines are open for your questions right now. Call 1-800-684-3110 inherently wrong. Certainly the frequency motivation and reasoning behind thing can be a problem and your holes. This third US attorney.

Now that's been appointed by the Department of Justice to look into potential criminal misconduct of those high-profile's bid John Durham who was leaving the trial the investigation and your criminal investigation. That's why you point US attorneys you could do Inspector General's reports on these, it may have gone wrong you can do even if you're not using the IG world self self studies if you thought it was just maybe we need to change our policies but you do this when you suspect there may have been about some kind of foul play involved that the government actors were misusing their position of power in a way that is potentially criminal. Now I get. This is unique because in this matter. Again, it's a US attorney outside of Washington DC so they're not in that DC world all of the time that is been passed with specifically looking at the unmasking so that I think I would like to for admitted in Washington DC because they had. This is unique part we been going through this we been at as we discussed the unmasking it with those names were declassified with the dates of the unmasking just with Mike Flynn. That's what we saw is the snapshot of Mike Flynn's unmasking request a week.

The final request that we saw there was declassified was the request made by Joe Biden.

It did. It was Joe by Chief of Staff sort like imputing that Joe Biden it literally said Joe Biden on the on the document and and now we have a US attorney who big test with specifically looking at this issue yet. Joe Biden made the last request and then Pres. Obama's Chief of Staff made a request I would say on his behalf, Jordan, but look what what this breaking news tells me is the significant focus that the Atty. Gen. Bill Barr is putting on this and you mentioned the three US attorneys.

But when you take a an investigation is comprehensive, is gendarmes had been, which is looking at the broader investigation and with in that the Atty. Gen. finds the need to appoint another US attorney John Basch to specifically look at the political operatives that were unmasking and you couple that Jordan with the fact that next week on June 3. The Senate Judiciary Committee, the first witness that there can have after the issue the subpoenas from Lindsay Graham is going to be the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who Jordan went ahead as you know, and appointed the special counsel even though we now know from the 302's from the FBI that he knew at that point that Donald Trump was not a suspect when you look at the totality of all of those pieces Jordan. What this tells me is that the Atty. Gen. is extremely focused on this and I gotta tell you, I think there are gonna be indictments and prosecutions that come out of this, and specifically, we are gonna see the political operatives that misused their office to unmask were to see them come to light.

Just last example Jordan, the ambassador to the United Nations Samantha power why she have to be doing this. That's what John Basch is the asking gets better it's it's it it again department justice through a spokesperson there correct. They said yeah it's not that the is we play the music set the unmasking is inherently illegal, but that doesn't make all of the unmasking request legal and they are highly suspect because of the timeline, why are they doing this days before they leave. They before they leave the American people decide who they wanted to run the country. Next, you have a transition that is part is kind of a government process. Turkeys security briefings classified briefings up to speed, but your reports are good, have different policies. That's up to you. You were chosen by the people, especially the world of foreign policy, were you have the most power as the commander-in-chief and forced his appointed advisors to advise the command back to your phone calls, one 800 684 31 challenges facing Americans or substantial time with our Valley freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court and conversely it in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do or work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms than remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member.

Thank you for your thoughts.

Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing work, become a member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition life will show you how you are personally support the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists.

The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later, planned parenthood's role in the Obama care means to the prone life in many ways your membership is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/watch it on Facebook periscope share this broadcast with your friends and family that share but now we, there's a lot to break down here because you have Rod Rosenstein testify next week to testify before Senate Judiciary committee and Chairman Graham and this is again a hype high-profile person because he authorized the appointment of special counsel. He said Jeff sessions recuse and Rod Rosenstein is the Deputy Attorney General for the special counsel, but he had access to a lot of information and so he's a request about this this a public hearing by the way next week so this is not so this behind closed doors. This is public and again it's all about building kind of figuring out all these pieces here to the various parts and list you realize with the Obama ministration up until the last moments. If they were in power they were utilizing their functional government to undermine the incoming present, whether or not it's illegal is what the US attorneys are looking at, or is is it laws need to be changed.

Think about this Pfizer is debt realize that for a minute that I want to go to West Smith in above exactly as comments of Faisal and his comets of the class but the fact that the Pfizer has not been extended and it Nancy Pelosi pull that the present United States because there were not enough safeguards put in as we talked early on. This is again it's a story that is breaking through a little bit in the news but because of covert, 19, of the other issues affecting the economic use effective both. It's not getting as much attention.

It would have if this was a normal due cycle, but it is that is a huge deal that has just died Capitol Hill. Yet prison. Trump tweeted out that he was vetoed the Pfizer reauthorization and that effectively killed it in the House of Representatives as there were not enough votes from Democrats alone, even Democrats, Jordan and the United States house realized that there's a problem with FISA to the extent that is not to be reauthorized. Look, there's a couple of components to this but ultimately I think it's important for people to understand that despite all of these abuses Jordan, the White House was willing to engage in negotiations to get FISA reauthorized because it recognized that there is a legitimate role to play, but look their concerns on both sides of this from the law enforcement side and also from the from the side that it has been abused, but ultimately at the end of the day the protections that needed to go into the program did not get in there sufficiently and the President felt the need to issue the veto threat and you're right Jordan.

They had to pull it from the floor of the house and I gotta tell you, once you pull a boat like that from the floor of the house, it becomes very difficult to put it back on. They tried to put it back on today Jordan, but then they did a whip count of account did not have the votes to pass. So as of this moment. Yes, the reauthorization it's dead that ended that every right to West Smith West with your military background classified information we we kind of gone through this before the you at all this together that the country and represents from you have but it was both.

By the way his bipartisan opposition was some of the most progressive left leading members of Congress, the progressive Caucus with some more conservative members of Congress coming together in light of present Trump's comments and think this is not the way were going reauthorized this court system and discover the same day that we find out a new US attorneys appointed West to look into. Specifically, this unmasking which goes into the whole point of getting the spies warrants getting these wiretaps and on on these phone conversations in the first place in the Faisal Lowell served a good purpose. Know this was really about 9/11 and it was designed in order to protect the citizens.

The homeland of the United States. The lowest very very clear there protections built into the wall that protect US citizens who are incidentally caught up.

Indeed, the surveillance schemes and that's what has been violated your faith and trust of the American people has been violated along with the FISA law because the law is also very clear. It is against the law is just not is not just unethical, it is against the law to use a FISA warrant for political or personal purposes. You read through the law unmasking even is allowed been disallowed in the same way that classified documents are allowed to be read, and that is there has to be legitimate national security concerns but also the person requesting the unmasking has to have a legitimate need to know there is no way that all of these people in the closing days of the Obama administration had a need to know they were unmasking this case general plan. This corruption is absolutely incredible in each day that goes by and more more shocked as a person who served Terry and who had a security clearance. Thank God for Richard Burnell who is bringing a lot of this into light because part of what went on in the closing days of the Obama administration. They did not think that Donald Trump going to be the President. They assumed Hillary Clinton would be the President and none of this would ever come to light, so they really really work. It wasn't a matter that they objected to breaking the law or do something shady. They just figured they never get caught. What you what's interesting is, of course, this gets highly partisan, B and C got fan sinner Mark Warner's criticizing record now and in record now fired off another letter that is now been unclassified and he said back to him declassify those who sought to unmask is no risk to that sources or methods you we hear about that a lot and especially all these hearings that have but sometimes become closed-door supplies, public now a thing and ended he tells me about what you're complaining about declassification of I didn't entities of by the way, can these are people like Joe Biden. These are people subject to free of information act request and and it's it's again saying it's puzzling that your letter initially complains about the declassification of the identity of a Masters declassification posed no conceivable risk to source the methods only to then request the declassification of actual intelligence reports, yet very strong letter from Margaret Grenell to Vice Chairman Mark Warner Judge Ernie went on to say cherry picking certain documents for release while attacking the release of others that don't fit your political narrative is part of the problem the American people have with Washington DC.

I gotta tell you a for my money in the few weeks the record now was the director of national intelligence.

He did an incredible job of sorting these two things you do want to protect sources and methods to the underlying intelligence reports are the ones you want to be most hesitant to release and you want to shed the most sunshine on which elected that the children were engaged in which type of nefarious activities going back to what West talked about why does the deputy mission need to have the identity of general plan. Why does the Treasury Secretary Knight need to have the identity of Sec. Gen. Flynn Rick Grenell Jordan did a very good job parsing those two things and releasing the appropriate things. I will tell you, it now looks like the under lot.

Well, the underlying transcripts of the Gen. Flynn's call with the master kiss lack have now been declassified and will be up to the incoming director of national intelligence, John Ratcliff to determine whether or not those Oregon be made public.

I don't think any of the left in Washington DC is sad to see Rick Grenell go but I will say this I know John Ratcliff a little. I don't think there to be very excited to see him come in either website go to you. I think the canals of the right thing here. He is an active United Kingdom, but he was confirmed as investor Germany and he has said no he's not.

He's not stepping away. He declassified the next round of this which are actually the phone. The phone call transcript between Mike Flynn and the Russian investor. The time to the United States and what was unmask.

So what they were reading and utilizing for basically the basis of what led to special counsel even impeachment. You could say and to me. The fact is they know John Ratcliff is because they were they were scared of him. The first time he got nominated for this position and distance lent itself to just blatantly really really ugly partisan politics in Tripoli as a fingernails done the right thing. I think Ratcliff will continue to do the right thing is this. These documents are released in more more info comes out like a said those of us who been around for a while. A really truly sharp. For example, the things that got released last week was that in a White House briefing with outgoing Pres. Obama. The FBI director James Comey advises the outgoing President of the United States to withhold information about Russia from the incoming national security Dir. Gen. Flynn. I mean, that puts the national security of the United States at risk. He's advising the President to withhold information on the this is absolutely unheard of and and this was done in the Oval Office with Pres. Madonna. Obama and his close his age as you uncover more and more of this. For example, John Brennan did a really hiding the fact that that Gen. Flynn had legitimate reasons to talk with the Russians because he was incoming national security record only known and known. It's really shocking and I think we have to get to the bottom of this and this is what else do such a service and I think Ratcliff can go to and that is because people US citizens need to be reassured at some level that they can trust the government. We need to also protect the integrity of our elections and so liminal we have to go to trust intelligence if were going to ultimately reauthorize something like five evening I've been somewhat perversely advocating absent of this radio broadcast if they would like a short term stopgap, very short-term, but the long-term nothing. It reauthorize is not only recently done processing course that will take bipartisan work, but there was enough bipartisan opposition, and as of right now, Pfizer is that Dennis initially good for the intelligence community, long-term date they got to prove to us now.

We can trust what hundred 684-3110. Talk to us on the area comments and questions 100-6431 10 only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life.

We've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition like it will show you how you are personally pro-life publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission in life today online ACLJ/challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now free to insert constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. Here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms and then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you for your thoughts. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ Jay Sekulow live 164 31 etc. you to meet in the next few days, even next week Monday we have that deadline. The judge in the Flynn case is got to respond. He's got the attorney I guess writing responsibly. This is very bizarre and we got into that will get into a more we have more information thereto to analyze on Wednesday of Rod Rosenstein, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday the can vote on subpoenas on the sedition committee at Rod Rhodes. He does what is public that is not behind closed doors and think about the issues that have arisen since we had no impeachment inquiry the way that we get all the different issues we learned about allegation of 25th amendment and is he tried to vote. Is he wearing a wire nose checking me no doubt Mike Flynn was set up that's very similar way, in a very simple and that even that the kind of way that the mother team was looking at present truck was also similar. They knew they had nothing to realize the entire second volume of the motor report is about obstructing something that you didn't do we think about that for a moment's a fan to me. This is why Bob Mahler's legacy is that potentially the Pfizer court will not be reauthorized which may not be good for the country. Long-term.

If we can't figure out how to get our intelligence committee back on track in a bipartisan way that your progressive liberals and conservative Republicans are not that they are coming together say no there's not enough perform here to trust this in the hands of anyone, especially because you had threats like considered Chuck Schumer saying you threatened that Intel committee will take you down. It's also why next week's testimony from Rod Rosenstein's can be so interesting Jordan because Rod Rosenstein knew exactly what you just said when he appointed the special counsel to take a look at this heat.

We now have seen the 302's.

We know that the FBI had briefed Rod Rosenstein and told him that there was no there there that Donald Trump was not a suspect, and yet even with that information.

He went ahead and appointed the special counsel Jordan, that is gonna be in my view, just an impossible question to answer when he's in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee and I would tell you this I mean I have been around these sort of dances between the legislative branch and an executive branch officials a long time and I don't think it's any accident that Rod Rosenstein is coming the day before that the vote in the subpoenas is supposed to happen. Remember, one of the subpoenas is for him and for his documents.

Jordan I will tell you I think his performance next Wednesday.

Depends whether or not he is in that listing gets a subpoena and if he is not forthcoming Jordan if he doesn't answer those questions at your posing.

If he does not provide the committee. All of the information that they need. I suspect the subpoena for him and his documents will still be issued and he will have to come back again and answer those questions will see on Wednesday we get our first look West Virginia, the sites will remind people what Chuck Schumer said because I think it plays into everything.

These legacies these long-term members of Congress.

I think what they are doing is actually destroying the Intel community center.

Working together, but these threats that they made are so extreme. Take a listen. This is back in 20 7T we totally drain the swamp does not happen in six months. So tell you that you take on the intelligence community. They have six ways from Sunday at getting back at check. So, even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman. He's being really dumb to do this you know what it is glasses that he was bold enough to say bring it on and I'll take your incoming he did that impeachment the molar investigation, the, the, that came out to nothing and it now. What you really are able to step back and put it all together. Wesley, your comment like that you realize what Chuck Schumer saying is that they'll just make stuff up about you and take try to get out troops instead of even though they will build approve in in any kind of legitimate legal way that you actually did what they started the investigation over the get you on obstructing an investigation that of the of no illegal conduct which is the Mike Flynn issue is that in his situation.

It was packed. Can you mislead the FBI if there's no purpose what they have guys even asking you about. If you believe what Chuck Schumer saying I believe much of what he says most of the time if the Intel community is doing this kind of thing that is not a reason not to investigate them. That's the reason to have the moral courage and some political courage and to investigate them. The bottom line is this Jordan that is investigating law enforcement agencies judicial review and congressional oversight, which is what were talking about all of these are part of the checks and balances that we need in order to make sure that individual agents and individual agencies do not violate the spirit and the letter of the law Phone call I Denison Oregon online to central non-young near Jordan my call whole thing up pointing this new guy to have the case of the unmasking.

I'm thinking of wind sessions with heavy before he had recused himself.

Didn't he appoint a US attorney. I think from Utah to check something and never I've never heard about the taxi crises played by Atty. Gen. sessions at the time, former Atty. Gen. I and he leaves the US or you touch at John Hoover. He was look at two things he was against the Clinton never all the nuclear issues there and uranium on all those that did that deal and whether not there was enough information and remember they're looking at criminal actions, not necessarily bad conduct.

They could even lead to your removal from your job or recommendations from like in Andy McCabe's case from the professional that the the office there of personnel at the FBI recommending his firing over over the leaking of class of information so he would forget that. Plus he he did start the investigation to the origins of this Russia issue that was hit. His investigation closed John Durham moved it and he took over that that the Russia part of that. But what what the Department of Justice let me play their spokesperson sports post a spokesperson for you because what they're saying is they wanted US attorney with John Durham looking at this giant now you realize the amount of people I mean if there are six Treasury Department officials. The amount of paper you're looking at, and the we we talk about other high-profile names. There's a lot of folks in there to the one you like okay the deputy that deputy was also putting these request to so he wanted to give this specific task, about unmasking happen right before and right and then of course after the election leading up to the inaugural that comment alone for me. The fact I can make that comment. Based on fact that what we know is been already released the Intel committee so it should send shivers down the spine of of most Americans is wide moat members of Congress came together in a bipartisan way to oppose Pfizer's reauthorization at this point. Take a listen to the department just a spokesperson John Durham as part of the investigation.

Looking at the Atty. Gen. determined that certain aspects I asking the right hand separately support to gendarmes investigation Sampson John – at one of our US attorney toxicity just to clean out asking inherently isn't wrong, but certainly not the frequency and motivation and the reasoning behind him asking can be problematic. West I would get your final comments on this 45 seconds left their signifiers coming up 164 30 wanted to talk to us on air. That's 100-684-3110 people deal with a lot of issues right now to pay out what state they live and what phases of realty but these big issues to be. I think we got it decides a cultural right come back we grab a second half hour, 100 684 31 two that's 100-684-3110.

Take your calls and Jay Sekulow live second half hour coming up very important news and returned it break this down for you?

Not getting this much analysis anywhere for decades ACLJ has been on the frontlines protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member thinking.

If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us or you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and secular to your phone calls 164 3110. Let me just cut reset the states reproduce joining us on Jay Sekulow live is her second half hour and would take your phone calls at 1-800-684-3110 what your thoughts are the stew in light of you where you are. The country were on it. Basically every state in the country people deal with lots of different issues you where you are wary where your business is located. Even inside your state what city. Could be impacting you a significantly now, but these issues in Washington DC have not stopped the US attorneys don't stop the department of justice does not shut down. Neither of these of the estate central activities and functions of our government. Certainly they've looked a little bit different that the past couple of months but as were starting to come out of this at a more nationwide level and in out that about 44 states that are there's significantly along the way in. In some kind of reopening to some extent, is that you start have that that the hearing is back up that should just take committee and whether it some of those sinners are not there. Whether there's I don't know if they do we know yet if this will be all in person or is it still gonna be like remote because this again is not class it's not behind closed doors in a classified setting so they would have the because a public hearing. Should this is Rod roasting to be in Washington DC.

He lives that area he was.

That's where he was before is a a US attorney so I was I guess he could make that trip easily. But what what is the kindest status of those hearings.

It's not set in stone yet in our Jordan and some that conversation is ongoing. Of the people I talked to this morning said their expectation is they do expect Rod Rosenstein will be there in person as well as chairman Graham are they expected participation from the Senators know Jordan will be a mix of both. Some of them will be from satellite and again that's a little bit fluid and probably won't be firm literally until day of go back to West Smith here because Wes, I look at that all of these issues and break it down for folks that you do have to put it back together The puzzle to me what happened with FISA specifically was another moved by the kind of save the kind of Washington DC insiders Nancy Pelosi type, as Republicans are part of that world to the thought because of what's happening in the country. We could just had to get this on through and I was going to really focus on this. The presence focus on other matters economic matters and suddenly know that they work yeah yeah this is definitely the deep state at work for sure in the thing about this whole this this FISA abuse and that's what it is that misled the FISA court. They unmask people without warrant and hold in on the list is gone, it violated not only the FISA law, it violated not only the faith of the American people is all of this comes out but also it puts our national security at risk because we need to be able to investigate foreign terrorist and that's what the FISA was in order to investigate people who would do us harm from foreign countries are for nurturing the condo United States and so by violating this and then there's the difficulty with which we were able to do passing new FISA legislation.

It puts our national security at risk. We don't need FISA violated. We don't need the corruption that is nominal but we do need to be able to investigate people who are a threat to the United States, which is why FISA and the FISA court are set to begin with you going back to part of this part of what Grenell and all these documents and of coming out just very quickly Jordan that I was so shocked at his well was that whenever James told me and Brandon and Klapper were briefing the incoming administration. The truck administration.

They did not brief them about the secret investigation that was going on regarding the truck administration. I don't think anywhere in the history of the United States has there been an ongoing investigation that they say is of critical importance where you do not brief the incoming President. They deliberately this goes back to Pres. Obama.

They deliberately withheld critical information regarding national security from the incoming President because they were actually going to investigate. They thought they ran the world you see how and when you when you see that they have this whole time. Until recently, the rock copy of Twitter the CNN commentators and they were denying all these things because he never thought that I help people hey what were they up to particular causes. How important is this issue to you and how your members of Congress responding to 1-800-684-3110 at 2000 684-3110 challenges facing Americans or substantial time with our value, our freedoms, our constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades. ACLJ on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success.

Here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member.

Thank you for your thoughts. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ.where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice defend the rights of life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn, called mission like it will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question free copy of mission in life today online ACLJ/as we get into this is great Garretson functions of the watchers on Facebook. A periscope or to share this with you for the family. But if you're not.

He said it' we focused a lot on Mike Flynn Odyssey because his was the most high-profile because actually tried to bring threatened him with a criminal charges in the this kind of issue.

As we know now. They wrote their notes hey what's the purpose to go in and we just want to get them fired.

This would've ruined his life. We want to get them in. You know to to misstate something about phone calls were listening into that we have the transcript of that he doesn't. By the way we think about this for moment in the incoming national security advisor get to talk to people getting classified briefings at that point the President has chosen you, he was elected. He is a President-elect at that time and aggregates you happy other people. What we also know the President states because this is all to get to him. Ultimately, because the special counsel Jacoby said it. Remember, he said, I I leaked my notes where all his notes here I was, that's what I want. I want to know where are Jim Toby's notes that no other members of Congress wasn't talked about this, but if he was willing to leave those how to get to refuse a subpoena on on his if he did take these notes all the time and he did just make them up when he was under fire so that he could get a special counsel pointed I would love to see his notes on when you know when Pres. Obama started briefing the, the Deputy Attorney General, the time the same person that Rod roasting Sally Yates who became acting Atty. Gen. for a short period of time, and until she said she would not carry out the function of the duly elected executive order that was found to be constitutional. Of course by the Supreme Court of United States you put this all together west so I beat it is again. You realized the other folks who were targeted here. It's the President of the United States. The American people elected, they were using Flynn and anyone else that they could to try and get it Presidents' Day and think about that Jordan. What did they want to do a first of all, they did not want him to get elected, but then after he was elected. These are legitimate supposedly legitimate law enforcement and intelligence community officials who are trying to actually usurp a duly elected President of the United States that can be on the face of it, this criminal as well as being unpatriotic that they were trying to share with your connection to try to reconnect Olusegun what time we'll see if that works 164 3110. The phones Gary in New York on line 3. Gary thinks her hold on your on the air to the court and on your thinking on my question to you is so much of the things that are going on started with the initial filing in the FISA court with all false information. So the question is why aren't the judges holding them in contempt of court. Listen, this is all they looked at NASA why the US attorney that US attorneys involved two still involved one who's kind of system you have folks like Susan Rice writing emails to herself. Two weeks after a meeting saying everything. The meeting was perfect.

It's bizarre. They were using their timing deals done literally the day of the inaugural everything to me.

This is what is so absurd that so much of the media has just accepted while you know that so much the media except what Chuck Schumer says, which is that the Intel community should somehow be able to I guess ruined lives take beat Presidents out correctly elected by the people, but but maybe this is their own worst are doing because they now don't have those powers been stripped of the powers of FISA so they try to do anything like that right now would be illegal they be violating the law, the end of the fourth amendment. There's nothing special of the law for any of this.

Now, because of their action. We that's right Jordan, we got the documents to prove any. Some of them came from the public investigation. Some of them came from the private for investigations that we and others have done during limiters piece. Three of these together and we've got this document from a July 31, 2016 of Peter Strock opening crossfire hurricane and then we've got the FBI memo on January 4 right here dinner for 2017 by the FBI field office recommending closure of crossfire razor which was the look into general Flynn and then the meeting the very next day that we have a human you mention Susan Rice's memo that was written on January 20, but it was written two weeks after the meeting in question which happened on January 5, 2017, the day after Peter Strock overrode that recommendation from the field office and and Jordan. We saw that that debate back and forth between Peter Strock and Lisa page on how to edit out the other FBI agents 302 from that from those interviews Jordan, I don't think that's an accident.

I think in that January 5 meeting inside the White House with Pres. Obama and VP Biden. This was the topic of counterfeit strict conversation and Peter Strock felt like he could override the FBI field office because of what happened in that meeting, and Jordan. That is why two weeks later on January 20. Susan Rice felt it necessary to go back in after the fact and rewrite the history of what happened in that meeting we got the documents.

Now they have to answer the questions folks were starting to see the culmination of all of this. I think the fact we come back to we play were submissive. The KT referral invites.

I'm sure this is someone else get a wee time at the victims of this policy disputes leading to people being pressured by the FBI's are somehow need to be removed their position because of policy disputes elicit the present United States can decide if he doesn't want someone is advisory board because of policy disputes sets must be the Intel community. Taking people out undermining the President's own advisors because they don't like their policy views and now look at what they've done. You reap what you sow you reap what you sow. The fact is that I didn't even think we get to point where FISA FISA could not initially get through with reforms something even if it was renamed I thought Williams company with new net income of new processes and you realize what they've done and writing their own swab now because you realize how bad actors. The art was to go see Katie before asking for it was filed December 29 phone: general Flynn talk to the Russian ambassador asked why not.

We know it was recorded. We know there's a transcript of it and if it wasn't en masse by the NSA who did the recording, the CIA, the FBI a lot of unanswered questions that I hope will find the answer to soon.

This is again it goes to all the points and fan. I just what your reaction because folks I actually his West was back with us. Wes you excuse people I KT before they also experience this. They were part, they were also the victims of this policy disputes with these intent. This Intel world they decide to try to take them out and like they all said if it was just getting them removed. That was good enough for them if they could go further like to do with my Flynn that was great.

Talk about career people that are supposed to be professional disagree with date with the Presidential and the restrictions policy or their officials are trying to actually undermine the element apologize for the back confessionals to guide what I was saying whenever another is that think about this. They did not breach the trumpet ministration four days before he was inaugurated on any aspects of this investigation and the recent reversal that's unprecedented in American history.

You always on all matters of national security. The incoming ministration has a full read on everything they did not breach the trumpet ministration on many parts of this part of the reason for that was they were actually investigating the incoming President of the United States.

Using Michael Flynn another try and get dirt on the new President. Unbelievable. Discuss past partisan politics to me, this is kind of old Washington new Washington type present trouble certainly new Washington. He was there.

He was elected by the American American people chosen by the America people shake things up to change the status quo, draining the swamp. He was public about it. The swamp includes both sides of the aisle, but you've also seen in this time. Some some new Republicans come to town some who've also realize what this is like an out-of-control who have been there for longer, and even with FISA. I'm sure did making of progressive happy but they really couldn't justify their positions if they if they did go along just fully reauthorizing this with no major forms. There's been an awful lot. Jordan of the Washington institution protecting the institution at all cost.

Even though it when there is every reason to do reforms and look when it comes to FISA. Look, I after what has gone on and how many people were involved. I really do think the reforms maybe need to go too far initially and then maybe you can build it back as trust is earned and you know for my money. As you look at this. I just don't understand why we wouldn't have an advocate for the target of a FISA application in every single hearing they can see every single piece of documentation.

The abuse has gone that far turn. I actually think there's a real case to be made of the FISA should actually exclude US citizens altogether as well. Think it should certainly exclude candidates for federal office. Look eventually Jordan once they prove they can handle this authority a little bit better. Maybe you can build it back, but we we know this type of abuses occurred a shame on us if we don't reform it. To the extent were US citizens are first and foremost protected by folks come back will take your phone calls 100 684 31 tenants 164th 110. Take your calls of Jay Sekulow live sent today to and all this work on AC that's AC] take your phone calls, questions, only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice as is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition life will show you how you are personally support the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to the many ways your membership is empowering the right to question a free copy of mission in life today online ACLJ/challenges facing Americans for substantial time and or value freedom sort constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades.

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Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us AC where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today AC LJ we now know that we can confirm now that Sen. Graham Chambers judiciary committee of sure there'll be other suitors to but we know sooner. Graham and Rocco Stu will be in person. Some people watch that next week it will not be always kind of got used to seeing whether sub TVR art in a broadcast using utilizing zero, but it's good to be in person easy to follow and I think in a time when I get people obviously you got deal with economic issues people are facing and what kind up with her at the country but also people I would stop caring about these issues because that's why if they are supported present trouble for.

They wanted to see him take on the swamp and I did they realize you what the what that entailed, should never gonna get to see Sen. Graham and other members a cut cost is in person again which also I think is a is a good thing for the country's intern. I think it's important for this hearing. I mean look. I think the Deputy Attorney General showing up in person to answer questions in person about why the need the origins of crossfire hurricane. Why the special counsel I was appointed even though he knew that Donald Trump was not a target. I think that happening in person is a good thing.

And yes of the Senate Judiciary Committee has confirmed that he has agreed to be in the room. Chairman Graham will be in the room. The committee is still good to make accommodations for other senators who feel better. You know, participating remotely, that will be an option for other senators, but for me, Jordan, at least, knowing that those key questions will be asked in person and will have to be answered in person. I actually think that really is important, and it adds to the gravity of the situation. The gravity Jordan which is is appropriate. I mean these are serious questions, the former Deputy Attorney General has to answer nice. I'm glad he showing up to do it this issue question Francina Facebook Rhoda Georgie think this is a positive thing that we see a lack of Public movement this case because more information is being gathered to potentially bring greater charges if the high bar you when you point US attorneys do not appoint them right molar reports thing to me that that is important you you you appoint them to look at whether or not there's criminal charges. I think Atty. Gen. bar. Unlike the former by the way, people that were previously these positions has a high bar for that is that were not you you jobs you can change policies receive that with the FISA issue play out as well and it's not like some like Sen. Lindsey Graham would be totally opposed to reauthorizing FISA at the same time because he's he worked in that national security world sees these Top issues for him at the same time, they are realizing the abuses that went on here and at but it still it sets a high bar you would not utilize US attorneys. In exchange, Washington. I mean look at how silent these folks have gotten except for those accredited forced to respondent explained themselves, the rest who were acting high and mighty no longer doing it. Yeah I Jordan I personally do see it as a good sign. There hasn't been much publicly because look, if you're gonna try to slap on the wrist and those people who were involved, you might have not had the need for so much privacy, but if you're going to address the severity of the abuses that we saw here appropriately and fully you would need that secrecy.

You need that privacy to build the evidence to build the case and look like I come back to director Comey if he is going to so flippantly and arrogantly abuse the powers that he had released the memos of the Private conversations he had with the President then go on national TV and laugh ha ha ha that I just sent a couple of guys over to the White House because I thought I could get away with it and again ruin the reputation of an American citizen.

Even though I didn't have any information during the severity of those abuses art are so significant that I do think this investigation is warranted and the one other witness during that I'm really interested in seeing if he talks.

Is this FBI agent Joe P and cat who went over to do those interviews with Peter Strock wrote the initial 302 and then had Peter struck rewrite his work. I think that agent knows an awful lot and Jordan, I don't know anything about him but if he acted on the up and up. I would think he would be desperate to clear his name and right those wrongs and I think he would have a lot of stories to tell and they would be firsthand. They would not be speculation. Yet this is where Jim Comey I think really stepped into it because he did the interviewing goes on MSNBC. Take a listen by 11 ice want to reset this for you because this is not true. What he said. By 11 o'clock tonight until FBI diagram I sent them something we probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away with in a more organized investigation organized administration in the George W. Bush menstruation. For example, really about an illustration that was processed and so the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview senior official you would work through the White House counsel and the discussions and approvals and who would be there and I thought it's early enough flesh to send a couple guys over for there was way askance a dog again who the way Jacoby, I'm sure.

Don't do because he was part of the Bush administration. He is a well-known high profile Washington DC attorneys work for the RNC's work for private counsel for mega law firms case vis-à-vis the party wash it would know each other. Jacoby, what a no doubt began. It was it was name already, so she would present trouble during the transition became White House counsel involve you with additional judicial nominations.

They knew he was he was there they decided not to follow the rules, the game. This is one of the most offensive soundbites I can literally imagine Jordan for first of all, for the reason that you point out, Don McGann was the White House counsel. He was there for this precise purpose to consider these type of matters. A James Comey knew that full well. He knew it was his obligation to submit their Don McGann. She chose not to because of his arrogance in his hubris. And here's the other part of it that really bothers me. Jordan even if what James Comey had said was true, which was not but even if it wasn't if there wasn't the proper protocol to go through to the White House that does not mean that he has free reign. It was James Comey's job Jordan to protect the right of American citizens.

It was his job to make sure that Gen. Flynn's rights were protected under the law. Not only did he not do that.

He intentionally didn't do it and then he bragged about it afterwards Jordan. That's why I believe that he should be the primary target of John Dern's investigation right living at Amy's phone call I to Amy Welker Jay Sekulow Lodge on the air have a question about the timeline here on what treasury I am wondering what then underwrite and find what the admonition is a part of that timeframe. This the these requests were made of the Obama administration that this was happening the request that we know about it.

Again, this is what they have decided to declassify the US attorneys also getting information said say take a candy stool molten more than dual actually to divorce at Senate Judiciary Committee that house committees to this as well. In the last few years, but were now seeing a much different picture come together so much that focuses on molar initially and then it was about a phone call. The President had wick with 30 other people listening in any Ukrainian President that they tried to do before the hearing life of the Adam shift types of the wealth and these days might be the first good movies made in the wild or not, I would be talking right now to but I bet you he won't be able to resist for long. I bet you will hear from them of a note into the caller's question, the secretary of the treasury that made these unmasking request was Jacob Lew and Jordan. The dates of them were December 14, 2016 and January 12, 2017.

Why would the secretary of treasury a week before inauguration need to unmask the identity of Gen. Flynn.

I think I can guess the answer I folks where fathers closely were were awaiting the President's executive order to finalize that tomorrow on Jay Sekulow live wanted almost to information on new cases working on are often discuss for those tomorrow as well on the broadcast flanker to check out and support the work of the American Center for Law and Justice arteries working hard folks throughout this entire process and around the country around the world. will talk tomorrow for decades. ACLJ is been on the frontlines of protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side.

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