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New Life With Paul Cardall

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April 29, 2021 7:11 pm

New Life With Paul Cardall

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April 29, 2021 7:11 pm

From Mormon to Jesus!  Real, authentic conversations among former members of the Church Of Latter-Day Saints.

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Your right and him and welcome everyone to the other brings podcast Paul here. We were very special guest on today's episode, Paul Cardoza successful pianist and recording artist whose albums of talk to the Billboard charts. I recently saw a post on Facebook alluding to the fact that Paul had posted on his musician page about his own journey from Mormonism to faith in Jesus Christ. Over the past decade, I reached out to him to ask if you would be interested in coming on our podcast to share his faith journey, fully expecting that his schedule would have been too busy for little podcast like ours so when he responded that he would be happy to come on the show. I was super excited Paul Accardo is really kind soul with a fascinating story and we were happy to have him join us. Leaving Mormonism presents challenges socially, psychologically and theologically. His music has been important to me as I made my transition out of Mormonism is quiet, peaceful and beautiful and I often listen to it on Sunday mornings when I listen to his album of latter-day St. hams.

It reminds me of my youth, and allows me to connect with my past and enlivening healing in healthy ways. Even though I no longer believe that Mormonism is an authentic movement of God. We here at the other brightness podcasts are interested in sharing not only our own faith journeys, but those of others as well.

We may not take the same path or have the same views we wanted to give a platform to our guests Paul Cargill to share his experiences and ideas freely, even where we may disagree to see our understanding of topics such as salvation.

The gospel of the Trinity, etc. we recommend you listen to those previous episodes of the podcast miracle of award-winning life brings to something even greater story is in fact a testament to the human spirit determination to live expressed action and are born with the profound severity could undergo critical surgeries. The first one hours after his birth through beyond his childhood. He lived with his heart. Not surprisingly, fully aware of mortality augmented by the shock of losing his closest friend auto accident when she was just 16° and asked the central question two gruesome real convictions and optimistic personality led him onto a path out from despair and music, click the way down with the piano as its foundation created, performed and recorded original pieces, some of them intimate others buoyed on orchestra links success came his way.

In 1994 author Richard Paul Evans invited him to compose a musical dictation of his number one New York Times best-selling novel to Christmas box. The resulting album mentor ship sensually helps lodges professional recording career in 1999.

It all sounded stone Angel music became the platform from which to release his problems independently eventually going on to debut at number one on Billboard charts and solidifying a worldwide engineering following the pianist has impressively earned over 2 billion streams on Pandora loan, then in 2009 another miracle living in a Children's Hospital composing for and sharing experiences with parents of children suffering from congenital heart disease could always notified it. That heart had become available to belong to a young man with taking his own life after his family had returned to Mexico. The normal functioning heart was incurred.

All's words like I had to drive in an old truck all my life and that was all I knew then doctors gave the keys to a Porsche. I had to calm down a little bit.

He joked my brain was receiving normal oxygen flow for the first time in my life and I was like computer rebooted to full power.

Adding lower my body temperature for surgery. So many times throughout my life that after the transplant with my newfound energy. I actually had to relearn my music clearly card all is still not path that his experiences had opened much like most likely integrate a variety as well as in charitable areas beyond music now 10 years after the transplant card all story is continuing to evolve as an artist, author and humanitarian's upcoming album.

The broken miracle which will be available for preorder. This number was inspired by Katie Meadows biographical fictional novel based on real events in the artist's life from being born is only half a heart during a series of surgeries, which culminated in a heart transplant.

While waiting for a donor heart.

The pianist brother was tragically killed. The album will feature several award-winning guests including David Archuleta Teixeira and Don Thompson square young tresses Terry Glenn and more afraid of writing.

I'm on the highest level of his Victorian mansion office building like the Catholic Church try to smear the big cross so that higher-ups with the lightning hits yet across will do for me. I welcome everyone to the other brightness podcasts. My name is Paul and my cohost Michael and Matthew. When I started this podcast with the goal of sharing our faith journeys. Active, faithful Latter Day Saints to join in biblical Christianity. Our goal is also to show those who may be questioning or re-examining their faith, but the life outside of the LDS church, albeit scary at first, can be filled with joy and excitement and freedom in Christ is ultimately through an in Christ alone. We have found our greatest hope and new life for spiritual rebirth is the name of our podcast outer brightness today were very blessed to be joined by Paul Cargill on the podcast will give an introduction to him in his work in them will dive in to see him sharing his faith journey to Christ. Paul welcomes the other brightness podcasts good to be with you guys right so you been through transition recently but want to restart the beginning of your story would you share with our listeners something about your upbringing.

Were you were reborn.

Races latter-day St., and what will be God and religion play in early life question I grew up in Salt Lake City and now I do genealogy. I still love doing genealogy. If I look at my ancestry. Every single person in my line came to Utah because of the church majority of my ancestry were, for example, a great-grandfather great great great grandfather in Ireland and he said my father made me read the Bible way too much so he ran away ended up if I recall right, met this Scottish girl who introduced her to Mormonism and she and him got married and came you know across the way that our ancestors came across and that's the one story of many. My ancestors were in the Willie handcart company.

They survived it from Hanks rescued them and so John Taylor my great great great John Taylor, 48 years old, was introduced to my great great great grandmother who became his seventh wife Margaret young.

She was 19 years old and so, everywhere you turn in my world was Mormonism and people been using the term Orthodox Mormonism lately to describe people who are very patriarchal people who are very involved find that to be an interesting way of phrasing it. I just grew up in the lifestyle church is everything we have our purpose we know our our mission. We know we know based on the narrative that was told us exactly what were supposed to be doing and everyone had strong even to this day. Strong testimonies of prophets. When I came into the world. In 1973. My father just got a job Harold B. Lee wanted a religion reporter and I may be a little off your but might what I remember my father got a job with the L which was the church owned new station so my father's job all growing up was to travel with the brethren and report back on the news everything that's going on. He was with Pres. Kimball in Israel when your snide Memorial was dedicated.

He was in the tomb with Pres. Kimball when he asked the question is this where Jesus was laid to rest and present Kimball said it doesn't matter is not here and I love that response and then he's he broke the story in 1978 about the priesthood. They would go to over the males. He was very involved in getting that message out to CBS CBS news and he was the one in book so and I idolized my father. I still do. I think my father is fantastic. He comes from a pretty challenging childhood. He didn't have a father to teach him how to be a good priesthood father, and he's done an amazing job, so I have all the siblings. There's eight of us and everyone grew up in Odessa Bishop very involved real better Eagle Scouts before the age of 14.

Scouting was a big part of everything all my brothers and I served missions my sister Rebecca served a mission and everyone married in the temple, except to two of us so not even one third so it was just a beautiful childhood and my parents.

They provided the very best and it's ironic now knowing some of the things I know about how the church came to be that basically it is you know it's it's that grief that you experienced when you start to go wait a second there's a real problem right here and so it's it's a matter of inner experiences that we have in our life that lead us to where we are desperately in need of healing. We want God to come in and heal us, and I think most people that have left Mormonism have cheek and basically just been seeking what we've been told is that there is space available. There is joy, but I also feel that you have two types of people. If you guys read prodigal God by Timothy Keller. I think that's one of the most important books for somebody who doesn't know about the Christianity exist outside of Mormonism is what it does is it introduces the parable of the prodigal son. It was the only parable that Jesus never finished he left that question to us of what is the elder brother going to do and you have two types of people you have a son who wants his inheritance. Now he wants.

If the father give him his portion so he can go out and explore.

He's a seeker he's not rooted like the elder brother who is a moralist who does everything right because he knows he's can I get father's inheritance.

Meanwhile, the prodigal son goes out you know the father has to sell a portion sell his share of the property. The land which decreases the value then so when the elder brother finds out he's like what just decrease the value of my inheritance and the father was away a second year inheritance, and the course, the younger brother comes back and all he wants the father he just wants to be a slave to the father. Let me serve you. Let me help you and that's his obsession is the father because he Artie squandered because we can't manage ourselves. We think we can but we all need a higher power to help manage our lives and the elder brother Christ leaves that leaves that parable kind of in the hands of the Pharisees and the Sadducees of what will you do.

Those of you that are moralist those of you that are doing everything right. That's great but what about your brother, why don't you go to your so concerned, and what you've got going on and what you going to receive. You know you want to meet the father. So both are wrong though moralist and the one that goes out and seeks and squanders. I kinda compare it to moths and butterflies butterflies are really beautiful and there around midday and everybody loves and everybody draws them moths come out at night.

Moths have shorter antennas.

They have a little bit further on them. They can fly around the darkness to get all their food, but they are so obsessed with the light. But if they get too close to it. They die and so what I've discovered personally is that the moths among us struggle in organized religion because they are seekers and their passionate they're not like the elder brother, you can just do everything that is required of them because they are going to get exaltation. You know, so it's what about the elder brother and I tend to go in and in organized religion. They go after the people that are not in the family, but there's people in the family who are hurting need help and when religion gets so big it's from their summary growing pains of how do we help those we consider misfits, outcasts, creative's moths know it's beautiful out. I haven't read the product prodigal God by know was a big influence on Michael right I read the book I was transitioning nose like man would invite you know, I just sacrificed my salvation.

You know that I read that book and it just really slowed everything out like totally understood the gospel after reading that is like man like yeah always thought that the older brother was righteous until I read I read Tim Keller's book on Michael.

He wasn't righteous in all you want to go into the feast of the end because he was so upset with his father because he perceived them as being unjust. He couldn't stand that he was merciful to the younger brother after what he did. So yeah, it's deftly a powerful book. I recommend it to anybody. Frustrated, I love your love your analogy about the moths when I was when I was in the last area of my mission was to come in on spring and summer of 1999 in Budapest and it was hot and humid amused. Keep the door open door balcony.

There was no screen and so moths would do that, you know, kill them on the ceilings and I when the afternoon brothers and sisters going to meet after Angela and I got married I wrote a poem about that and and your home also attracted the flame in the middle the lecture fly into written kind of thing in your analogy is just to discover mods without the poem because I was thinking along those same lines really like, why was I was I killing these creatures were so beautiful. You know the minimum and soon analogy to to misfits within within organized religion is out like up.

Yeah, it's Joseph Smith was a was a month. I feel like he was a moth because he was so fascinating. Everything about them is just mind blowing and then you have Brigham Young was the elder brother there so that story so interesting and so the prodigal God sat on my toilet for 10 years I was a was given to me by a friend of mine who was so his name is still Crossway and steel was in a rock 'n' roll band and toward all over the world open for Sheryl Crow. You know, was also created all these guys and I knew him in 2003 when I was working on faithful record, I wanted to do a worship album in 2005 I did that worship album and we had steel sitting on it and everything I was doing on that album was worship Christian music that I loved and you know that the song on there that people all know is Redeemer. That's probably my most downloaded piece of music, but I met steel with little conversations because I was so Mormon and so pro the prophets that I love the prophets could have been around. I know some and I just it just so I thought he was such a wildcard, but I loved how passionate he was about God and Jesus was like where you get it, thinking it's like a drug for you like in your addicted to it and you can't get enough of it and I'm like I'm getting that is like will read this gave me prodigal God. I put on the back of the back of the toilet under the book of Mormon and it was I think that 10 years later about eight months ago I was given a copy by a counselor who counsels musicians in the Christian music scene and country artist on your natural that accompanies the organization's supporters call reporters.

They were there to be available to somebody needed help in the Catholic Church. So he gave me this book that I started reading it and I was like oh I know this book assists one steel give me Cytec steel is like what to do. Read it yet to get you your copy back and read that I read this one and my wife and I purchased what I loved about it was that it reinforced things that I believe that not all Christians believe and that is that there is a place to table for everybody and I feel and believe that were all going home. We just some of us might get there before others. But you know you know that analogy of how there's a table and there's a place at the table for you and pastors are big at promoting this this idea in the story that come to the table you come to the table. You see there's a place for you and you're just so grateful that God did what he did to Christ and empowered you to be there. You know, his grace is enough and you there had been the instrument so I feel the more I study the life of Jesus Christ through not just I don't just read the I read like eight different Bibles. I've been studying the event the court expect Thomas, which is the earliest known codecs that they have the Vatican just barely released that is online that you can read about 380 and it's got the Septuagint unit.

The Septuagint obviously you guys know this is the earliest known tour and the Christians were using in the first second century for the five books of Moses, so, so, I read all this stuff and as I'm reading all this stuff.

I go to get to this table be so grateful you were there and see that the elder brother and me talking. I think I just can't beat the table.

I know I would be the table so that way to get that table and then we can recognize there's a lot of people that aren't there and I just know we can be looking at Jesus and easy to look at as it is going to be like spoken. Let's recklessly tear down do whatever we have to do to go get him. Which of the elder brother's other brother would you associate yourself with prodigal. I tried to be elder brother for 45 years, but I came out as the prodigal because I am an artist, artist, and to be a little narcissistic issues that were made.

I came to point my life to a series of a lot of personal tragedy tour. I don't care that exultation. I don't care about you know like all these things that we've been promised no powers.

Dominions always take.

I just want to be in the same vicinity and just watch Jesus do is think I don't want anything else I not even capable of managing my own life. Why would I want to be a king. I want him to be the king a minute so is that basically saying that were not good enough to just to be what the early people hoped and thought were promised through the revelations given to Joseph you know how and when did music come into your life. How did it soothe your soul with soul. See so always love music.

I took piano lessons hated it when I was eight I would say that as an 11-year-old I started listening to the radio and loved the you know the countdown night I recorded on my boombox and I buy music by lot of music and at age 16 I do friend could play the piano and I sit down and try to figure out and play in New Age piano music was really popular at the time George Winston Yanni and you Yanni would flip his hair back, when were going to grow my hair like Yanni and play some pool arpeggio notes.

Maybe I'll get a girlfriend or something. So I looked all that music and I just couldn't figure out how to do it but then my friend Dave died in a car accident and easily we play all the time so that living my parents piano. I just sat there trying to figure out life as he had been born with only have a hard surgery day one and a lot of my life was evolved out of that there was a purpose that I was alive and present how to be on her way loved and there's a guy constantly preach Jesus and he gave me a blessing and a blessing told my parents I'd like to be a man which you know are still waiting for that to happen and I survived that surgery so growing up, it was you got blessed by an apostle. You're here for reason, keep the commandments, and you prosper in the land famous book Mormon scripture and the prosperity basically meant health and wellness. We never associated them with finance like Joel O'Steen or some these other prosperity gospel guys. It's more about you were born with a purpose and I love that because it's you know that's that's something that later in life when I met my wife worked for Rick Warren who wrote purpose driven life resonated with me a great deal that we have a purpose lead. I think purpose lead over purpose driven purpose lead because we want to be like we don't to be driven so I basically just started playing and planning planning planning at a job in the Joseph Smith Memorial building and at the restaurant in the Nordstrom's people asked me bad CD I made sign of affection and then was asked to make Christmas box by Richard Paul Evans that led to the hymns and the him started just like everyone was on the mission bought the hymns and I was beyond my control. I just remember going to does your book and say what you people want and they said what they want hymns so I just made an album called hymns and that's what started selling in the church started playing the music, the LDS church or play music on their temple grounds and became synonymous with the mission life and people that are trying to get closer to the Lord during the week, but I noticed a trend when Internet happened that majority the people that were buying the music or not and did not know anything about Mormonism. So I felt like I felt like I had a responsibility to use music as a teaching tool to bring people to Jesus. That was the agenda at the church bringing to Jesus first and then he'll lead them where they need to go as far as church every week Doug will be before we started recording the II didn't immediately recognize your name I'm probably insulting Breanna because she's a huge fan girl of your work, but I do remember your name immediately, but I was like man sounds familiar, though it is not. I listen to your album all the time on my mission. I remember listening to it at the MTC doing laundry to the laundromat. They have at the MTC. So yeah yeah Regina Dozier that that album so they has to get. How did you like to do like you she experienced. Matthew I mean it was great.

You know I will.

I was probably the hardest time in my life at that point, just because those is just difficult.

I was very after learning the language like a barely people told me I could speak okay but literally when they would talk to me in French. It was just a bunch of gibberish in a French is a very smooth flowing language in its it was hard for me to parse out the words you struck. I struggled for at least six months to like you, I could pick out one word here that are out hear them say daughter or sister to be like oh sister like you know, do you know about our church. We love families like anything so is a struggle and then you know like with companions you know it's it's it's it's it's it's a different experience living with someone all the time and getting along with people different personalities but I feel like a mean somebody would will agree.

Usually when they talk with the missions as you grow a lot. You learn more about yourself and about how to be, you know, independence, and how to be assertive and deal with tough situations and turn to God when you need that support. So I mean I have no known negative feelings about my mission. There was hard times, but I feel like God use that for two to for his purposes. I love that.

So true, so true, so in a sense, did anybody else want to talk with her mission experiences or poles interested. Yeah, Paul sought. I love my mission as well.

I mean, I am in Budapest is beautiful. I spent most of my mission there. I do have a few couple stands outside of Budapest, one in a city called you to Charles which is in northeastern Hungary. I'm in one in what may rival Budapest is the most beautiful city of fiscal cited call the sunrise city is beautiful in southern Hungary right, right on the border and I really came to love the Hungarian people have they been through a lot in their history in terms of being subjugated to two other peoples from when the wind of the Turks to men in the mid-15th century and kinda tried to overrun Europe, you know, Hungary was, right on the front lines than others. And there's a book about a battle that the Council editor there and Hungary that is fastened and called. So what is an English document with English titles agreed to let go can vary in its the stars of the amended of course. After that he got the Austro-Hungarian Empire where the Hungarians were really kind of stepchildren amount Empire amend no communism with with Russia after World War II cemented them as a people are just been through so much and that I really identify with that. When I was there with M&Ms and really learn to love them because those experiences have come a long cultural memory. Hungary and so you see a lot of what I was a result saw a lot of older people who have been through the Communists in terms of the 1956 revolution the. Where they hope they were going to do and regain the freedom I didn't know that there were a lot of people elderly people who are just some bitter towards God and so was it was a very interesting interesting mission to be there but I'm like Matthew noted that was it was something that God used within my life to helping me to Christ wasn't. I wasn't really a follower them in the way that we should be one as a teenager and your God will use my mission to bring me to the place so it's great the wife is Slovenian so I've been over to Hungary quite a bit and I did a fireside about three years ago to the stake there. That was it was a cool experience. Good people for sure.

Yeah that you missed. I wish mission.

Oh man my admission was fantastic. You know Californian. It took a while to learn the language, but yeah I mean I met a lot of great people there was like super shy. When I went out on my missions. Obviously, I don't know what I'm doing to myself like a huge introvert house.

I like talking to people, but I kind of have an older brother is what I would relate to him for sure Sonia liked the structure and all the rules and all that stuff worked out really well for me. By the end of it. I just really liked it, but he want to go home and I spent probably four or five years having these vivid dreams. I was able to go back.

I would wake up and so I'm not on my mission anymore. So I loved every minute of it was.

It was great. It was like an adventure. You know like oh my gosh about my own and in doing all this crazy stuff. I like having deep theological discussions with people and making those those connections you know something I really missed when I came home use.

Don't have that same opportunity as post missionary anymore true true the interesting you mention the dreams because I think everybody I've ever met has these recurring dreams that their back on their mission or they have to go again.

It's like being back in school. Yeah, those dreams of backing elementary school in a can opener school.

I can open my locker combination and then you have the strange words like your missionary like oh to go do it right this time. You know I won't have a Blockbuster card.

I will anyways day on this tepid stuff you in California to look for dirt roads to drive your Toyota Corolla on his report attracted the entire area twice. Yeah, go scrape.the reason I liked it is because you could study the gospel and and you have to focus on language and all my brothers speak Spanish. The Ulster Spanish-speaking and my brother-in-law's all served missions and speak a language I never did. I never did.

So it's like, but I was able to study church history, and ironically our mission president was the manager at church curriculum in the 90s he worked very closely with Bruce McConkie and Joseph Fielding Smith early on, and he's the wonder of church history in the fullness of times and I loved him because I learned the narrative in such a powerful way that when you start to deconstruct the narrative later because of Joseph papers themselves they reveal so much and people know that they know no one can read the papers to publish and put them out. There's only a couple guys. It originated and women that are to be upset, throw tantrums and leave so so but it's interesting because it's all there, and he was such a man. He was such excretory and that when we got to be zone of the month.

He would sit us down and unlock the book of Revelation for us based on what Joseph Smith Joseph Fielding Smith, Bruce R. McConkie at some of these other guys very popular. You know she can have two dynamics and more medicine you have the two different ideas and philosophies of church you have the Talmage's and you have the. The oil on to say the beach Robertson that in the rigid grants totally different, totally different. Joseph Smith's Joseph Fielding Smith's and the Talmage is the the Irene's the hero intellectual people that are in our questioning things primarily because they are recognizing from their colleagues that there's problems with some things in there. There concern is there and to me that's like dear Butte Roberts go and call his emergency meeting with them that the first presidency about some of the problems that his colleagues at these procedures citing schools were studying no archaeology and anthropology, evolution only sizes that are considered taboo in her that time. Christianity for him to go call his emergency meeting and you guys don't want talk about emergency meeting and in 1921 he wrote this is book about problems with the book of Mormon and presented up to 12 right. Basically, yeah. So basically you know EE was one of the first PhD's out in Utah. He had to.

He had to get permission you have to get permission from the first pressing on the 12th to go to an Ivy League school back and it makes sense because we can't look at history through our lens. Today, we can't so back then you tongs were still afraid of the big world out there because all the stories of the killings, the violence, and there was a lot of problems people just crossing the plains that problems even nonmembers crossing the plains had problems. It was just a wild time.

You know was I deadwood it was like a scene out of Deadwood.

It was it was just it was not the way we tend to look at it and think about it you know the stories of these cute houses with white picket fences. It was the wild West. You know there's a lot of fear so Butte Roberts pretty much was the first row to get speech Jeannie comes back and all his buddies who is given a book of Mormon to start to go wait a second, the sciences are basically telling us that there's no horses there's no these vegetables. This of this business and how did the Indians come up with over a thousand different dialects in such a short period of time. If you know and and so if you start to see this major shift in 1921, you start to see a law firm come about, protect the church and then in the 80s when beach Roberts writings were able to finally come forward because the family sued was able to get those. His writings came out and pointed out a lot of these challenges and problems, but by then they done such a good job of preparing the church to just kind of ignore all that stuff and really reinforce the narrative of the first vision and have the book Mormon was come about, but 1985, Mark Hoffman, all these writings started to come forward out of obscurity and the intellectuals sought is a serious problem if they really tried to help the church understand these issues presently was deceived by Mark Hoffman. Ironically, I taught Mark Hoffman's kids.

I was a young men's president over his son and helped him on a mission to Germany so I knew the family and my father was involved in the story, and he was reporting the story and I'm going back to Kirtland with my family and not of you and my dad as a journalist was telling the LDS church that the salamander letter was a fraud at that church was using the salamander letter which basically said that Joseph Smith's son would become the prophet, and there's actually it's a fact.

It's a historical fact that Joseph Fielding Smith, his cousin, Joseph Smith, the third you know they got until those arguments in the 1880s over polygamy because Joseph Smith's son was told by Emma that there was no polygamy, so he set out to try to defend his father's legacy is even his father in that famous discourse told everybody in 1843. There is no polygamy doing none of that answer, Joseph. You get you get into Joseph Fielding Joseph Smith the third's mindset as a boy he six years old. He's taken to liberty gel. It's wintertime is trying to understand why his dad in jail is told that his cousin was a newborn baby. Joseph Fielding Smith had also been taken in the bit jail by his mother Mary and blessed by Hiram and then Lyman white was in the jail with Joseph and all the guys said that when they brought Joseph, son Joseph, third, that they laid hands on him and Joseph the third did pronounce him to be the year to like defiantly likely.

I Nephi Abraham and Isaac to be the next prophet of the church and then fast forward when he's 11 years old and a red brick store Lyman white again records and John Taylor was there.

Brigham Young was not any of this report say Cindy Reagan was reported that his son got a second blessing, a double confirmation that he would become the present, the church, so he's 11 years old and he knows this and that his father goes off and gets killed and to the best of his knowledge is an 11-year-old. He never sees any polygamy. He never sees any polyandry. Most do not do. Never did.

They kept it under wraps until Brigham Young publicly announced the revelation like five or six years later and so you have all these challenges with you know, and I've always tried to look it life to other people's lands of what they have experienced what they're feeling. I have such compassion for Joseph's. Smith's son, because he was told so many lies and his mother tried to protect him tried to try to even preserve her husband, her ex-husband's legacy by saying there's no polygamy and she knew and so he goes out to Utah Joseph.

The third is the prophet of the reorganized Church and starts telling people that he in no that is fine. There is no polygamy and Joseph Fielding Smith goes out in interviews 40 to 45 women were married to the prophet Joseph Smith that are at the time, now married to Brigham Young and get sworn affidavits that they were so if you imagine being just filling Joseph Smith son cueing that finally realizing his father is not.

We was but a ministry and goes back to Naboo and eventually to Independence, Missouri dots ring is tragic. It's so tragic. And those of the stories that affect me in such a profound way than like something's not right here, but it's in every organized religion, there are problems in it. You can take any religion and you know which is why the Savior.

I believe that's why he was a key came and fulfilled the need for the laws and the prophets because he'd given them so many opportunities with prophets with priests you know they had.

As Paul talks about in Hebrews 7 talks about the addict in the priesthood and the and the need for the erotic priesthood and how they've got trying to put these people and these people kept failing and failing and failing and failing.

Family finally sends Christ to fulfill the law and to usher in the dispensation of grace to where anyone who is a believer in Jesus Christ is no part of the church and we are members of one of the largest churches in the 3 million Christians and when we we we talk about you know what about the gathering. What about this in the coming together and happening all the time his daily Christ comes and encounters people and brings them in like fish in the church is growing and growing and getting bigger and bigger and ironically I believe a lot of Latter Day Saints are part of the church. No stuff that's good stuff that I tend to agree with you on that, but limited my lips. Those that are my story Matthew estimated whether I thought I was a Christian before I left the LDS church or after the fight.

If I look back at my life and curvature where where I believe God was active in working in my life. There's no question that I think I was born again before I left the LDS church. I think I've reached a point of of realizing my helplessness without Jesus. And so I know I place my my point been born again before I left yet and I think that I think there are a lot of Latter Day Saints one morning Christians.

They have relit because you know them by the fruits you know them by their fruits. They are the most Christlike and they know that Jesus is the only way and that he's provided enough is enough.

They're not even worried about all that other stuff because they're so sure in their knowledge of Christ because he's encountered them and pick them up and and I believe that he keeps people where they need to be for certain reasons, which is why probably plucked you out long before to tutor you to mentor you to guide you to where you are able to be in all an asset for him with all the talents you've been given the gift you been given to bring even more people to Christ them and God's sovereignty is so supreme but I recognize that my life so yes so that's a question that people ask me a lot to you know the decedent Villa the corner me in as a domain. Do you believe Mormons are our Christian and is the tough question there and it's like what it's not about what religion your so it's not for me to say it's about your relationship with Christ. Whether you trust him fully for your salvation. You know, but you know anybody anybody could be an ice. I agree with you Bob called a lot of Latter Day Saints are born-again Christians, 110, jump in here you contact about your your mission a little bit what was life like for you when you came off of your mission. It was with marriage and family and calling some things like that, I was all in. I loved it. I loved I was probably the biggest advocate. You could be for the church and I devoted my entire life to it and I had surgery that infant had a Fort at age 13 animals died and I've had a lot of near-death experiences I've known Christ, since I was 13. As III was obsessed with the afterlife because I was going to go there any any day now with this bad heart so I II could feel him and his presence in his love around me and when I had to go back a year later for reconstructive surgery. There he was again right there in that moment him.

It wasn't the father wasn't use him and I could feel it and I have dreams and I would use to do these documents for my mission and I had to go get a pacemaker replaced because the battery was dead and so I remember going to the hospital and I was on the Gary on the day operating table and they were trying to bring me back from just a simple procedure that are Checking my heart pressure.

Everything, and I started suffocating and I couldn't breathe and I thought I was dying and I remember being I was being backed and they were bagging me and he was in that moment that I my mind went right to the cross and I saw Christ standing not on a platform that he had his legs on the sides of the of the cross with the mail going through his ankle through the wood how to the other side with it simply screwed onto his feet so is bolted in and then he had deceivers appear with some rope. There was a nail in his wrist and one in his hand and for me that was like I in that moment I I he was suffocating. He was suffocating.

I was suffocating I was trying to figure out the whole scenario. The purpose of life and I knew that if Christ suffered and hung on that he wanted me to hang onto and so I kept working with the medic and they told me was two hours of breathing exercises until I finally came out, came back from the dead. Really. And it was because of Christ in the vision of the cross. So I've always from that day forward, seeing the cross is extremely valuable versus the garden, and I know the garden is essential and important and we went there we don't know if that is when the process began, but it is where you start the prayer to the father and then back up on the cross so point is I have that relationship with him early on and everything after my mission was I just wanted ice wanted to help people had their hearts healed. I want to make music as a resource for God so Jesus can come in and heal them. I just happen to be a member of the Latter Day Saints church and I I've never really been outside of Utah.

I didn't.

I traveled and seen things that were so spiritual and significant to make me go, we don't have a monopoly on the gifts of the spirit.

We don't have a monopoly on love. We don't have a monopoly on so many things. It's not until I started to travel in my eyes began to, you know that Paul talks about the veil of her eyes and up until then I had every time I heard the gospel had a veil over my face as the New Testament says when he came to Christ.

There was, I knew Christ so I just began you notice using music to and I think I has to do firesides because of my heart problem I ever set that out and I probably have spoken to you add up the audience probably 10 million Latter Day Saints. Some of those people probably heard it again again again but I would suspect, about 10 million people that are Latter Day Saints heard on my firesides newest usually all about how Christ fills our hearts didn't driver you never travel with Richard Paul Evans from firesides to do I do early on with Rick because he ask you to write music for his book the Christmas box. I saw him bruise. I also some fireside here in Cincinnati.

Cash was probably 2007 or a timeframe you will be probably warmer than them. I I member come through Cincinnati with Richard. I can member when it was that it was like 9897. That was before that or for that millennium. So Richard was my mentor for advertising and marketing and he was when they gave me an opportunity that album where I had a couple minutes to go in and record the in's record as is in a jump in their real quick to just you talking about about the cross.

It really resonated with me because I guess the point of why transition was where I saw the power of the cross myself and I arose of the cross was a temple. Basically, you know like Christ was on their vicariously on my behalf and and I she was really touched kind of reading about your your story. Getting a heart transplant and what that was like for you and it kind of drew a parallel to the gospel for me and I just it's always out there like your thoughts on it but kind of thinking about how Christ in a way, as is our donor. You know that he went there and he gave us his his righteousness, and as long as were trying to perfect ourselves. It's kind of like reparative surgery for problem is just not really going away but then when we accept Christ raises. It's like he's donated that the new heart to us spiritually on I just hadn't gone that parallel and so I was reading that story. It's it's beautiful that it that you see that because I was waiting for the transplant is a difficult time. I had a three-year-old and I married a girl who I'd known since I was in high school were very close, but was very hard on our marriage, not just transplant.

We had a lot of miscarriages and problems and weird the two type of Latter Day Saints where it's like to positive magnets. Think we Just and but we were like best friends, but we just couldn't like the great married couple and so then we went through the transplant. She thought I was gonna die.

She's a nurse so she seriously thought like you are you gonna die moment died when she was little, so I don't hold that against her. It was more of. I need somebody tell me you can be okay, but she was a realist and no and I had to climb she would change my bandages. It was a beautiful experience. The two of us had and then her daughter, sacred experience, but when I was waiting for my transplant. My younger brother who had served his mission. Spain came home from his mission and said I think I'm done. I think the churches the beginning of the Catholic Church in a been in Spain I've seen what happens in families fall apart in any way Seattle these other intellectual challenges. He was an ecological geneticist and at the time the church was kind of against evolution even though we know majority the 12 agree with the evolution and the whole concept of all that stuff and I think it fits within Christianity there still a lot of Christians that don't.

But that's topics that are kind of irrelevant debt how to be a good person and so I go through this thing in brother dies while I'm waiting for my heart.

He had a mental breakdown and was killed so there was a phone call today. That happened everyone knew that my father was a journalist and so I came across the feed on queso radio that the sun so-and-so had died on my answering machine at home so people thought it was me, so I heard all these messages on the machine of people giving their condolences to my wife that I died so I got to hear what people actually thought of me so I could have time to greet my brother. I just kept owning. Finally, my younger brother brought Craig, who is to create hard-working good man and he gave me a blessing and I I like blessings. I think they're very valid. I don't think it matters what faith herein. Anytime you pray over someone put hands on them. It's beautiful and I think it's acceptable like the widows might. He basically said in that blessing because of my organ donor and we do know that would be because of him and his sacrifice and the sacrifices family makes your to be able to live longer, but because of Jesus Christ, who voluntarily lay down his life. All of us will live forever is the greatest organ donor spiritually, physically, and when God says change your heart. I took that very serious.

So not only is my rep in change literally, but he's been changing it spiritually over the last 15 years. Good observation because that's it's totally true. That's what he is.

He is a heart changer beautiful 20% in the poem very very touching and tender memories. The plaintiff or the so I came across across the post of yours on fit under Facebook. She recently where you wrote quote over the past started. My life is dramatically shifted away from Mormonism towards Christ.

Growing up I believed in him and knew him because I relied on him desperately. With every illness I give God the credit for guiding my medical team on raising from the dead temporarily like Lazarus and fixing me for organ donation. Jesus change my heart literally and began changing what are spiritually these past few years."

So you've alluded to that journey.

What what has that journey been like how to begin what what is going on in your life over the past decade that has brought you to this moment of sharing your faith transition publicly obviously transition from tradition to new tradition is not easy and I cycling through divorce. I think it's very very challenging for people like me who have experienced divorce who are misfits in a way because we are creative's. It's hard to understand us and it's hard to to feel normal. Within the church because it's such a family centered thing and I believe it's the most beautiful organization on the planet. But the blueprint of what they're doing now is something I was waiting for 15 years ago I had been in. I'm still wrapping my mind around it. I you know, it's more of what Christ does in here and you can explain it. There's no words you just have to go where you feel compelled to go and you don't want to necessarily change what you have to for your own survival. Mentally because when I went to the transplant. I never in my wildest dreams that I would get divorced and going through that process of divorce I ended up having this discipline disciplinary counsel and I was able to use section 42.

In my defense.

Anyway, as a testimony of Christ can't get excommunicated for anything you can get this or that and it's tragic because if you know your scriptures. You can control court and control the outcome. I feel that those that go in there, unaware of the doctrine that was laid down in the defense of the sinner they just thrown out one of the things that really threw me off was anywhere in in in the Bible where they held the court to get rid of somebody of the church. There's nowhere in the New Testament where Jesus says that accounts anything with Judas.

He said go do what you gotta do.

He never said hey guys we got all the court right now and disfellowshipped Judas, and anything ago and do it we need him to do. Even when Paul know they have all these councils units decide the next one of the brethren or however that's all formed.

But there's never counsel to to to try the worthiness of an individual of a child of God, and granted you have to protect the church because it's a corporate entity from the walls. The creep then you have to publicly say we don't affiliate with this guy that's leading this so there's so many different did not dynamics and philosophy around what to do in the situations but I found the church court system to not be a righteous act that it's deeper it it it damages families further in my opinion because when the guys to go to church with are not professional therapists and their giving you advice based on what they feel is revelation in your trusting that I had sorry I got some of the worst advice when I was going through my divorce I had stake presidents tell me they're just learning how to love their wives as their wife's been mean to them.

Or, you know, life is not easy and you gotta fix all this you can you can fix it.

You can fix it. You can fix it. Not once did anyone say that the Savior took care of it. And there's took care of it or take care of it, and in Mormonism. It's more they say he took care of it. But it's he'll take care of it after you do these things that we feel you need to do. There is power in knowing you are redeemed and left. That is more powerful and that is the motivation I started to realize that skinny make me want to go to the sanctification process, you know, because the sanctification process is pretty much faith in Jesus Christ. Repentance and on and then the cycle you want to be a good person you want to keep Pam Mitchell to love others want to be like Christ. There's no motivation there's very little motivation. That's unique to do this sin that's it's it's like just reverse states but because you have exaltation hanging over you, and you might not get the full 100% lightbulb you know you hear hear hear your ear falling short falling short then you guys come out making excuses like that's not exactly what they mean after all you can do and no grace. After all you can do famous Brad Wilcox message.

I love Brad Brent's fantastic, he's telling everybody about the grace of Christ. It's a hint it's a hint of the second 20%, while lightbulb of what's available when you actually pull your head out and the veil is removed from your eyes and you see Jesus for who he really is, which is he's on your side he's on your team.

He will give you everything he's got care about that.

He just wants you and use 101, so I got countless experiences after the prayer to the transplant working with steel and other Christians on the songs of praise album. I loved worship music I just loved it.

I know it's redundant it's I'm in the music business, so I know how music manipulates and a lot of worship music is keywords that we used to sell product and so you have a lot of Christian artists that create these experiences with the pastors there very beautiful rights that you can take a you could feel the love God, but in the long term. One of the challenges I have right now. If Christianity is when crap hits the fan is coming to rescue it. Screaming that all these wonderful Christian churches and worship until life.

But when crap hits the fan, because you rescue so that's the kind of Christianity that Mormonism has correct that's what that's what boggles my mind is the quality of care in embouchure, leisure, homosexual or you know getting better at that letter to Saints but to you know I haven't been enough churches are plugged in enough to see that kind of care that the Pioneer system created and just looking after each other and help each other and that that's the gospel during the week as you guys know of the Christian church out there that comes to you during the week that's one of things I think a lot of Mormons leave struggle with is that nobody's knocking on their door that I think there's some truth in their way. I have experienced some some love like that from the Christian church we attend shortly after we left, I was so sore that a friend of mine just basically stays encouraged encouragement than brainless podcast to fruition, but the first time I walked into your Christian church and coming up to know people are and were going down to pick up my daughter from from children's church and she was down there checking children out and she saw me know. For the first time the vision sinner since we had met at a Wednesday night Bible study and I mean just came up to me and you dinner. The biggest hug and Bella big.

I am 6 foot seven and Jason Jason's probably all of 510. So it probably looked really funny but just an embrace from from a brother in Christ was was amazing, amend your my wife had a health issue not long after that and Jason's wife and some others did like like letters instead of the signed up for mill no plan for renewals to to us for a week and so Sue might have been the one my father-in-law passed away last year were coming up on the year on November 23 battled cancer for four years and as I saw there. My mother-in-law's Baptist Church rally around her, both during his illness and end, and afterwards so it since there would be writers, but something about the belt look the letter sent faith. It is beautiful. It soon. I think the same experiences what you talk about where you know you do have your community of friends within the church is in the support but when you show up to church.

It's always welcome. The first time and they spend 15 minutes doing the same thing every week I get that I get that there's just this. I think I think the thing with the Latter Day Saints system is our ancestors and our people are just really good there just good people everything they been through everything they thought through. They just knew had to rely on each other and that kind of tradition passed down and more organized by the women of looking after each other.

Obviously really setting the beginning was to conceal gossip.

But it evolved into this amazing organization so people. The people in the way they responded neighbors. For the most part, for the most part are are some of the most Christlike on the planet and and I can't even though I have a problem with the narrative that continues to be propelled that most priesthood recognize is falling apart and needs to be restructured. The vast majority what's happening is I and I talked to a lot of Christian friends of you guys have had the same conversations but we see the Latter Day Saints moving more towards Christianity in the sense that God knows the hearts of the people. God knows the hearts of that machine and what is possible and I'm not a pessimist I'm an optimist. I try to think like house you can use this for the greater good for his purposes. Everything on the planet. He uses for his glory is purpose is value to bring people to him and churches need to come together right now because I mean it's getting pretty crazy out there and it's beautiful to see the gathering in the this Gospel dispensation of grace church is starting to work together even Latter Day Saints and years ago. The Catholics were considered Christian yet coming to you guys from the music world. Some of the Gospel music Association so there's poets and prophets going to the guys that are down with the people and going through a lot of crap and then we write about it in the prophets pick up on it because the people are singing songs in the prophets going praying get the information you know Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, these are prophets. These are people that are done incredible things to change society for the better with Christ in their heart and Christ motivating that all so I just see so many churches you know when we get together at the gospel music Association events the award show why was it last last year. All the artists you like it so good. We got back to this Methodist, Presbyterian Catholics and a Latter Day Saints and me and this guy that guy this woman. It was a view of the world. Christians and we never once said on your doctrine and your doctrine and it was like let's focus on the big picture just being nice to each other loving each other on the two great commandments because impulse a whosoever loves has fulfilled the law he echoed. When Jesus was saying, so really just comes down to first emulate the Savior and truly sanctified.

We just need to love everyone unconditionally, and judge. Nobody sets it's interesting when especially with what you said with the world as it is nowadays, there are a lot of social issues going on that people are very aware of that's at the forefront of all the media, another meeting right now I've got the you know the lockdown and everything is going on in it. I think the doctrine is. I personally think the doctrine is important.

We can just put it push all under the rug right and say we know were all the same, but the same time we can still stand with people. Despite her disagreements and say here's a common cause. We can all over comers our common goals.

We can all work towards and I think, and I agree with you I think that's I think it's important that on some that all level even even despite her disagreements, we can all come together and further for the good of society, especially now that we see there's a lot of push to remove any kind of religion from the public sphere from politics from the educational system that I think there is there is some value there in saying incoming together and saying we aspire differences we still agree on many things in terms of morality in terms of, you know how we should teach our children to raise a mentor belief system so but BM can rambling up but Matthew. The thing that makes me nervous is called the prosperity gospel probably seen the documentary on Netflix Matthew Chandler referencing other guys putting this together eyes a little pessimistic, but at the same time it reveals why it's so important to just focus on these two commandments love God and love others as that is always in Christ, we through my research and studying opinion.

Christ came was because of love and then to teach us to love everything else is all around getting and helping to do that so that's why the doctrine aspect of it. I used to be really concerned about doctrine, but it's just a consistent thing for the New Testament if you love me, keep my commandments. What are the two great commandments love God, love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.

If there's ever a time that everyone is a narcissist. It's now Galileo would've said the world doesn't revolve the sun doesn't the world doesn't revolve around whatever the world revolves around us and he would been correct love lefties counters everything to me.

Christ encountered the misfits that people that were obsessed with how things are supposed to because they read Scripture did not understand Scripture because they wouldn't treat the Samaritan woman will open it and they wouldn't treat the leper with respect. You know, and granite.

Christ can go up and touch (market leprosy in the Kaiser like we you know intimate, so every encounter Jesus had was with a person who sent different. They were months for me that teaches that a lot of the doctrinal stuff is important but it's comes down to how we treat people and who he wants. We have no power.

You know there's if there's a saying I don't talk a lot but there's just story. I love that explains religion versus God. A group of people go up to the pearly gates and there's Paul and Peter in their checking people and his two witnesses and I show me your signs and they people get but then Paul expired music here you really know you know how all these people getting into heaven, and so PJs James. James, can you take a couple guys. Luke Timothy met you guys want the premise of heaven. And please tell us how everyone's getting and I think there's a leak, a tunnel, what they're doing. They're not supposed to be here. They don't know the signs and tokens and all that stuff so meanwhile they walk around the premise they come back like three years later because it's seven and he never was there so and they come back in there like United related we found Jesus. He was on the other side throwing people up over into heaven over the walls. So I love that story because when the apostles are you making lists and the pastors in the precinct priestesses and everybody are going down the checklist. Jesus is sneaking people in and so I like the analogy because it's just it's the Jesus I know that I've come to love and understand because there's no orphans in God's kingdom known as everyone is welcome to the table if they're not at the table. Let's go get that. I think there's definitely a challenge for for us as followers of Jesus to to recognize that if we believe that the food the salvation comes by grace alone through faith alone and that that gift of a new heart. That regeneration comes from God is not because of anything we could do to please him as were all were all in need of that that new heart. If we recognize that. I think there's there's a there's a challenge to us because sometimes we want to say I think God is working.

There were not working here. No unfortunately were fallible.

We don't know that if someone looked at me 15 years ago. They might've been certain that that I was to be lost forever. United I lost kind of a conservative orthodox belief in Mormonism.

Towards the end of my mission and took a detour through dialogue and some stone time Mormonism and really thought I would stay there for the rest of my life and really were that was leading me was towards agnosticism and pessimism in and in disbelief just about everything but God reached down and brought me out about God reached down and then showed me Jesus in a way that was that was clear and beautiful. Not enough talk about that on my my episode of a podcast. You know the dream that I had of Jesus and of the way the bedroom is connected to us to a particular place that I encountered and in Budapest and so the challenge to us not to be too dogmatic about where we think God is and isn't working with thought on that is so all you are talking about the prosperity gospel, and I tend to think that the prosperity gospel's probably the biggest threat that Christianity faces from within its own walls because any Christ said to take up our cross and follow him and to me that's a very different message that the prosperity gospel which is you know you name it and you claim it, and God wants you to be wealthy and happy in sight. While Paul was writing these letters from prison and I think that that that that gospel weakens us as a body of Christ, and that it should be called out.

You're not just to say like oh you're wrong for the sake of saying you're wrong but I think if it weakens weakens our our faces of the body of Christ. And it's not pointing to what Christ actually taught that it should be. It should be expose… My my opinion on that. But yeah, I do worry about the prosperity gospel quite a bit myself very, very popular, and it's the reason the federal government wants to charge churches, taxes, because when you have parishioners sacrificing finances to get there faster jet nice one. You know that's something weird about that. Not right about that. I do like for 10% insisted that the LDS church has. I think that it's I do believe in tithing. I think it's important, but I think that you don't actually have to tie to a specific given on the church.

You can choose organizations that you feel God is working through to type II but we should be generous but yet prosperity gospel is such that it's the pyramid scheme of religion you know do this and this and this and you rise in your prominence and we get carried away.

I think in the Latter Day Saints church. You can kinda carry rain that because men love data calling, which means they don't have to go home. They don't have to put the kids to bed. They don't have to clean up after the dishes.

We think there's a lot of women and one of the main things that led me away is the treatment of women in the treatment of homosexuals and that's where you know, we may have different ideas on things that I believe God wants everyone to be happy and everybody deserves a covenant relationship because that controls the morality, it also allows people to achieve the full measure of their creation and enjoy.

So it's tough. I feel like women are the most powerful most important creatures on earth, and that men are nowhere where they are and yet men run the world and in Mormonism. It's tough because early on. Women were just so many different stories they levitated. They love it.

They hated you know all of that stuff is used frustrating even think about and learn about and then to see that there's no position for women to really lead in church is beyond me because Christ surrounded himself with more women than any historical book of that time. Before was so revolutionary. You know the first woman to ever experience mortality's eve.

The first ever experience mortality or witness that is Mary Magdalene, the mother of Jesus gets no respect by a lot of Christians. I just am a big believer that until we give women more prominent role in life and in things that this world is going to continue to go where it's going is a lot of people, women, trust the same time. Yeah but at the same time.

If you know what I'm saying there's we suppressed the talents and the gifts of women and and I've seen I want into my family, but I've seen sacrifices made by women that it breaks my heart. You know, having the meal ready. Having the castle ready cash. There's enough might cater it guys at your appointment off the hook Gatorade or do something.

Get involved. That's that's that's just a minor thing compared to some of the other frustrating things I see doubts during your mission. All doubts like that the church may still be the church, wondering if it would be worth it, leaving you know I just I baptized my daughter about four months ago, there was the last hat I had to baptizer three times as I did wrong and that was that straw that broke the camels back because that's not the Jesus I know he doesn't look for failure. He looks for the heart of what's happening, so when you have to get to the technicalities of the gospel think it's so absurd, so ridiculous, so patriarchal intrusiveness that I just can't keep supporting that behavior. And yet I love the person who had me do that with all my heart and the biggest thing obviously when you leave is people you're more worried about people you know you worried about the feelings of your parents, family, and I built a whole career were there's Latter Day Saints that have strengthened their testimonies of the prophet end of everything because of the music. So I have a responsibility. That's why the post that I did was carefully thought out because I don't I I still believe the Church of Jesus Christ.

Latter Day Saints is evolving into where Jesus wants it to go. II haven't given up on that church as not a Christian church. I believe they are Christian church. I believe there on the now meant to say at the misogynistic church and when we repent. The church needs to repent from the polygamy Landry.

It needs to set the record straight with the narrative about Joseph because you have summary churches that have been planted on the grounds of Christ and Christianity.

I feel that church packet is redeemable in allowing Christ to be the center instead of controlling what the center is if that makes any sense to me. It makes it makes perfect sense and we were just talking about with with that baptism to him in baptism is the very symbol of resurrection and us being you having this new life and then them putting technicalities on that is just basically saying that you have to be perfect in order to to be born again and sets crazy wording the worthiness. Are you worthy to go to the temple. Are you worthy to bless the sacrament. Are you nobody is there's only one good being and that's Jesus Christ absolutely say were not worthy undervalues his sacrifice in the entire purpose. So had to say someone's not go to heaven. You just basically drove another nail in to everybody qualifies and Jesus will literally love the hell out of them all. This analogy of fire and brimstone fire is a purifier is a great song from Leland's new worship record.

He says that God is turning things to gold and this fire is hell, damnation, editing the book Revelation. A lot of Christians believe it is a literal place. I believe it's a process of love when someone is loving you so much.

Eventually you give in and your unit, except that I love you to take that long ago, my gosh, what are you looking so much hidden through his whole process of eternity and we were going. It's can be beautiful encounters of Jesus putting his arms around us and saying you are amazing. You will wonderful you are incredible. I love you. Thank you for being here, you mean so-and-so doesn't like you. Hey so-and-so, get over here but you know so for me everyone is redeemable and we see time through this like well everyone is to get to the top of the mountain at the same time. Please is a process for you. I'm never climbing Mount Olympus. After my transplant Isaac will climb a mountain. I was the last line people Got they got to the top. I had a heart transplant. So it's like I got a I got a get there.

Everyone was waiting for me to get up there. They only make some of the kids went up to three times bitterly experience but sit there and they come down there like you. The view is amazing but you know I was enjoying my time walking up with my father and I am listing want to get to the top because I was enjoying the time with my father. The walk and then we got to the point we were so hard I couldn't get up any further. He grabs my hand the polls via so I went to that refiner's fire of never being able to hike because I wasn't worthy. I because I didn't qualify except that Art Carlson I got a new heart and I could send that mountain to some people. My father was there.

My father grabbed me.

My father took my hat, my father stayed with me and we got to the top together.

There so that's how I see like this whole process of being born to all the beautiful things God wants to do for his story and you know what pages on that story that is definitely some beautiful full imagery within the pages of the Bible in terms of know God restoring Eden in the end, and no one at one of the challenges is a is a former Latter Day Saints. Been trying to preach the gospel to Latter Day Saints is that, as you've noted there for Latter Day Saints. There a lot of distinctives right. Joseph Smith is a stint of the book of Mormon is a distinctive document covenants the pearl of great price. The whole idea of exultation temples. There's there's a lot. Just a lot of distinctives that Latter Day Saints own and resume with associates are rated born and raised Latter Day Saints. What I found when I came out and and became a member of a Christian denomination, the one I belong to is a is an independent with the part of the independent Christian churches/churches of Christ, so that's the Alexander Campbell movement familiar it up with with that man from Mormon history book so there's there's a lot of a lot of early Latter Day Saints Parley P. Pratt, among others, came from the Campbellite movement is a lot of interplay between the Campbellite movement and early Latter Day Saints teaching and for that reason.

For that reason, among some Christians, members of of denominations that are better that have their history and in the Campbellite movement kind of Judas is outcast for various doctrinal positions that are generally taken with the with the Met tradition and so I attended the seminary and a message in an degree from from society Christian University, which was associated with with other independent Christian churches and so I definitely know study the history there, and assume that there's there's certainly distinctives their as well. And one thing that I noticed in your diving into Facebook groups that are that are related to my my own particular Christian denomination is that there are people there who can get really hung up on distinctives and that can be challenging within the Christian faith. One of the things that that that we share is the three of us is that none of us belong to the same Christian tradition right Obama Campbellite, but I wouldn't say I'm a Campbell item, Christian right, but Matthew is a reformed Baptist Michael is something his ministry. Is Mr. good but we have these conversations are podcasts we don't always agree on everything doctrinally, but what were what were united on his Christ. Christ says in Christ alone saves and that that allows us to have a level of unity that I think there's there's room for that within within broader Christianity and you've touched on Paul a couple times during our discussion so I that in various ways that that there's a big big opportunity and I and agree with a huge opportunity within Christian and Christianity in general for discipleship within churches and by discipleship I don't mean to sick a lot of times of the charges. Discipleship means kind of indoctrinating people in our in our distinctives right and what I mean by discipleship is a huge opportunity to teach people the gospel which is all of us are helpless about Christ and therefore let's go out and bring others to Christ right and so I think that the church is doing a good job of having people leave, I think. Secondly, I'm with you when people leave any particular faith. They do become agnostic because they been let down and the dead.

Everything that they were told to do and it good friend of mine who is actually the author of broken miracle JD Neto.

He's from Brazil. He belong to this massive mega church in Brazil, but he has different ideas, and so they threw him under the bus visa when it's been writing my story and we've had so many discussions in writing this book because because religion play such a role in everyone's lives, whether they want to admit it or not. And there's so many people that have been heartbroken because of the way they been treated within a church and I think we have to recognize that no church is perfect and people are far and that's where we you're a Christian, I think the biggest I think it's a horrid responsibility to be the Christian and that oversees the benefit of the doubt of others and sees the value in others the way Christ actually did because he approached those that were not of the faith. Those that were not doing what I'm used to question them all the time you will be doing you know and even Timothy to Paul and Luke to Paul and constantly asking why are you waving credence to these people. These people these people were with Jesus were like when you doing with these people so silly because life is too short and were on the sandbox together a strange essay I made you different, you know, look at all the different flowers and now I don't know which I posted which lowers the one and only true flower to give to your wife. You know know we could come up with the same flower used mostly roses. Because of this and this and this notice was into its because of this, and this is known could even decide and it's kind like so much. It is so beautiful you want to give your wife a flower like that's what Jesus was sent anyway. Flowers, that's great, but we nitpick and accuse, and what I don't want to do is say will want to. Church is totally wrong because you can say that about any church that church is wrong because they don't have Christ presence in terms of him saying you know what, that's not right. This is correct. This is not correct.

This is that it's just all a matter of faith and trust. So for us to head for us to Stephen try to explain our our old faith to people we have to be really cautious because it is our God put us into that heritage reason God put us into that for reason we have to ask, why did God do this to us when this to go away what is contrary to teach is why is he processing us through this system. Maybe it's because he's got to get us to where he needs.

Hold on one second I get a drink and not the kind you guys think.

Yeah, Matthew not that kind of dream. Now identify men cut it.

Michael sorry effort for history is what columns of Mr. Pitt's we we record late nights, usually on sunset on Fridays into Saturday morning sabbatical past midnight 1 o'clock so we always joke that when he's in a good Moody's Dr Pepper but then around midnight 1 o'clock. He turns in the Mr. Bibb's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing since but since leaving you guys were honoring the word wisdom before or did you have your first light copier after you left or is that one of the things you did that drove the spirit away. Hello you just felt I alluded to the fact that I wasn't really a good teenager and so that was was made during high school, skipping seminary to go to Denny's to have breakfast with my friends and drink coffee during third period release time and get to the point of my summer teacher had them in the class present to get me to come to class, probably reading church history where it sent that copy sexual stimulant plan did I'm leaving because I have school head to meet some people tried coffee in high school because I was gonna say way I was was active but I kept falling asleep in calculus and I hated the taste of coffee Oedipal you know it was like one part coffee to like 10 parts cream and two parts sugar so you know you know I did that I was like I should just drink Coca-Cola or something because that's technically not against what was the right. The church came out ending in 2013 is strictly 14 and said go to school but that's only reason why a broker that in like the taste of it because I just try to stay awake yeah yeah the most rebellious thing that I did was drink post stillness you do you you were set on the neighbor Sanka. That's worthy of outer darkness.

I think the thing that's unforgivable sin is thinking, post them. What's interesting is Larry Pallotta, Latter Day Saints.

I talked to that of left they felt more guilty about tricking coffee and having sex before marriage sounds kind of things. It's like and if you look at the graph of how many times they mention coffee and conference versus Jesus Christ you know or how many times they mention started was like I try to laugh about it but it's like she's a lot of people in a resume I can pull up. It's all good. Yeah, I remember like the longest time and I even for several months after left the church is like, you know I still want to be. I think it was like a social pressure you know as I got I don't want to leave the church look like. I just wanted become anti-or ex-Mormon just so that I could, you know, get drunk or drink all the coffee you wanted such artists to stick to that and then over time you not as I was sitting in understanding Scripture is try to be a good Brion and read and understand and I thought you know really there's nothing in Scripture against any of those things you know there's you know like Jesus drank like he said he less whiny drink wine so I said whatever comes it's not what is put into the mouth, but what comes out its corrupt is what Paul been digging in to Paul.

I will pull issues. That's good. It's it's it's funny the way we we would beat ourselves up, though. What I was, so we we left in May 2010 and May 20 is our anniversary salute gone out to an Italian restaurant for anniversary and we had yet made the decision to leave and my will know my wife is likable know you and have a glass of wine with me. She comes from a background before joining Mormonism where she drank and so she's I do have a glass of wine for anniversary an remember just sitting there like sweating physically, sweating, worried that someone from our ward might wander in and the chances of that in Cincinnati are pretty low, just given the demographics and no one from sitting there sweating just worried that can also listen to coming to see me but I enjoyed her so remember there is any of my cancer from Cincinnati that I dated can remember. You would probably know the family is a lot of Cincinnati went to yeah I know it's interesting the whole dynamics of which can can't do in things you worry about him as a teenager your sense of how far can I go you know so many of these things there. Such pressure.

There's enough pressure as it is in our world for teenagers but you add on top of that, it's interesting and my daughter and I was 14 is in seminary and I love what she's learning.

And we have a lot of conversation and shield shall say things to me like I don't know about Joseph Smith. There's something off. I sit world focus on Jesus read look for all the Scriptures about Jesus and really soak that in and she says I just it I don't. I haven't felt this.

I haven't felt the spirit in a long time and when my doing wrong. I said will you want to feel it. She was yeah I want to feel it.

I said okay let's close her eyes and I just started describing the cross and Jesus on the cross and you know it's a pretty gory thing when your teenager and you learn about a man hanging on a cross in the net where she started to feel the spirit was.

I started reading to her some of the Scriptures in the New Testament about him taking our place the Peter and Paul about the Savior making amends the dates that we would. We should be on that cross.

But God comes down and in Christ suffers on the cross for us and she started to feel it, and now to this day it's been about a year.

She tells me every time she's discouraged and you can feel it in church, she thinks about the cross and so I know I'm not going to go and sail look look at all this stuff about the past. I trust God to lead her where she supposed to go and I'm not the Mormon generation parent that has to constantly parent make sure you got your temple recommend your doing this this and this and this current probably still be in thing. That's the thing is what Paul's approach to if you read all of his epistles in the New Testament, Jesus constantly boasting of the cross pointing people to the cross, preaching the cross.

That's, that's his whole focus, and so that really is a struggle for me as an artist D say because like you said, there's so many periphery aspects to it. So we organizations summary calling so many requirements and it is like and and so many general conference addresses their that I'd I feel personally work focusing enough on Jesus Lord just are just sitting in fast and testimony meeting and you know that the travel logs and you know like people talk now about their week was it's like I'm not saying that they should express that, but I just felt like a drought is a drought of Jesus. I was just in a desert and I was just complete parched and and you just you just want to drink of Christ.

When you find out that there is grace available that there's just this huge untapped well of grace, and you just been wandering around the desert. Your whole life is just such oh, life changing experience. I felt I felt all that in the church. I thought all that and I've always felt that I was unique and different from other people because I never send an elders quorum presidency bishopric elders quorum president like this. I work with other bed nor on one by one got him his first number one Billboard album and and so like I've had all these crazy amazing experiences I'm interested in meeting with all these_presidents hand the prison was talking about Christ and feeling his loving spirit and I was like when you get a 750 is loving or that you lack the spirit of you like this. It and I was confused why I was always feeling it. In Jesus, but it's because I had that experience of seeing himself on the cross while I was separate and it wasn't something that may be different from those guys is just that the experience I had and I wasn't any better than aback I wanted to be like those guys but but it's you know, so I think there's a lot of people within the Latter Day Saints church a lot that know Christ and Christ knows them and they feel that an I can't say honestly that God wants to lead them out. But when somebody leaves I have to go. There's a reason for it and it's for the greater good, because in the end you, the victor is his.

He's arty one you know the devil's days are numbered.

But we pretty much create these like MacGyver moments that it's the end of the world for not doing this and this and this and this, so that one of the most most important experience I have is sitting in my mother-in-law's Baptist Church were gone.

Therefore, some type of service. I remember what it was some reforms in Easter service or what it was one evening rejoin them there and we were so LDS in my my oldest adopted daughter went forward when they had an altar call and no milk there with with one of the deacons from the church and prayed she was probably nine or 10 at the time and I remember taking our son out and walking the halls and just kind of freaking out like what is happening here where we are warm and that's not supposed to happen you know she just was baptized a year or so ago Mormon. She's not supposed to go forward for an altar call to Baptist Church.

What's happening here and remember that experience vividly spaced so distraught by that and then thinking on it later.

Like why why was I so upset she's she's going forward, expressing a need for a Savior right and it really kind of turn things upside down for me. I remember we were there at the same Baptist Church for several years later, and a new the new minister there was preaching the sermon and end he was doing a similar altar call and she made the statement you know that we here at bed at Friendship Baptist Church we don't we don't.

We were not calling you to be a Baptist Sunday church the states you. Jesus Christ saves you and that when he said that it did to change that ended realize you know while you I sat in the same church and walked its halls and freaked out over my daughter going forward on an altar call and for nothing because she was she was feeling that needed for Jesus that we all have. I love that you know I after my divorce married Tina, who was Catholic, and when we met on a cruise to the holy land.

I was one of those LDS celebrities with all the Idaho retired people going on a cruise and I met her, and I thought she was Mormon because she didn't drink coffee and she's very healthy and didn't swear in sheets to something really pure about her that she was Catholic. I was like beside myself like what ethics have a smell Of a smell I can sense and I was like, then she told me she worked for Rick Warren Senna church and she was in charge of helping him develop the Daniel plan, which was a word of wisdom for that church because the pastor look down and see shoes what he had to teach about Daniel so is like oh no I got it healthy so I can preach a healthy sermon and she can help with that. I remember going to mass with her for the first time and she cried and I was annoyed by mass. I was like I'm not a sacrament meeting, you know, why is he the musics almost as boring as ours. Why are we here, and I was there to support her and her mother and she was crying. She was tell me how much she felt God's presence and I didn't feel it. So I said I thought something was wrong with me.

I was I being such a jerk, but then she would come to Mormonism and I do some greater testimony about the Savior and I cry and she would. She can feel anything, so it open my eyes to Lake why is she having a spiritual experience and I'm not and I am and she's not when we are in Sri Lanka and the first time in kind of a predominantly Muslim country and I had my opinion of Islam because of Fox News and CNN member watching on TV and there was a gentleman look like a terrorist in a car and he was on a walkie-talkie talking to another person in a car on a walkie-talkie and they look like they were racing.

I was sick. This is a terrorist activity was going on while they were calling in to report where their camel was the race. He was a camel race but my American mind said these are terrorists, but that was false. I had false doctrine from the news from America telling me these are terrorists when in fact they were just coaches trying to win the game for these camels from Dubai. So then then we go to this Hindu temple and here we traveled a lot I been in almost every country since married to teenage years ago and we were in this Hindu temple.

And here's this beautiful couple fully dressed in other colors like white way we hear this Hindu temple. They believe and like always, God's like it's I do wish there is this young couple and had a baby.

This couple was so in love with each other and this baby they gave the baby to their priest and the priest carries dressed just accounting and he's burning incense and he's offering up fruits and vegetables you not like there's Cain's offering right there fruits and vegetables and yet they present this baby and tears on the moms face and on the father in the family and everybody numb like this couple is so committed to that child. They want to give that child a home safety, love.

I thought this is the most Christlike thing right now is love and so right there I was like Christ. As is and somehow in this situation.

Even though he didn't create the new doctrine that the church, but there in that moment is Christ, and I feel like we have to recognize things that are foreign to us there sacred to others has potential Christlike moments for them to Christ as is and in guiding their life because the love that child.

The love those parents could lead them what's leading I miss. Love it's the fulfillment of the lot right there. So what I found to be a problem as a Mormon was I was always looking it things that were not part of us has wrong and it's it's all through the eye of the beholder, and you have to go that person is a child of God what is God doing as a sovereign God in their life. Users of the micro I was gonna ask if if that would be the message that you would would share with Latter Day Saints. If if they're listening think for Latter Day Saints because I know Latter Day Saints or listening is they need to. Everyone should pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ and let him lead them. Hebrews chapter 7 is very clear, not just in the King James version, but all the different Bibles that that Christ is your high priest, Christ is the one that is guiding you and leading you let him lead you don't go on necessarily how you feel all the time go on applying things he taught and seeing the good in everybody and I try to teach his disciples how to love other people and they struggled. They did not do it but he kept persisting in Processing. Here we are today. Again, 3 billion Christians. The gatherings happen and it's happening more working to get everybody is that love is the major essence of what Jesus is about and were judging other people and were questioning whether doing this or that of her business.

We have to go God is in control and our job is to love unconditionally. Everybody no matter what hold no judgment hold no courts and offer our whole hearts yeah know that that is beautiful and I just kinda brought me back is one of the things I used to say over the pulpit.

When I was giving talks in sacrament meeting, not not long before I transitioned out of think God was working on my heart but I used to say that no one, when Christ was on the cross. It wasn't the nails that held him there was love and guide just I think the Christ him and what he did on the cross. That's really what Christianity is about and when you put the more things that you put in between, you know, the, the seeker and in that message.

It's just distractions. At the end of the day is diluting the gospel message of the gospel message is simply that Christ died for us on the cross and and he's he was there as our donor to the was a new heart and to bring us to his kingdom simple and and it's beautiful and nothing that we put in between is going to be as beautiful as that message now. I think that I think that the last general conference unit is a part of me and says they're using Jesus 322 get away from things they need to correct but then at the same time majority people have no idea about the history and so I praise them for putting Christ back at the center.

Getting rid of the engine running on the temples and I think that that's done, they're not do that anymore. Putting Christ in the conversation and everything but there's always that little bit of me that goes okay talk of Christ is a preach of Christ a rejoicing Christ, but do they believe Christ and I believe him because I'm a horrible person. I am sinner I cannot manage myself. I got to the point where I was desperate for healing. I had been in priesthood leadership. I was a young men's president was Heller score prison I worked in the bishopric I was and I've had every position. Most middle-age white guys the golf in Utah.

Do you know I had the doctors I had nice white shirts and everything. I love to but I was I was kind of a controversial young men's president because I created a video to inspire the guys to admissions. Using Michael W Smith music and skillet and Crowder comes you are and I getting these weird conversations with the priesthood leaders about scouting and how we need to focus on scouting. Unlike scouting can be gone. It's so irrelevant to Jesus you know and I will if you drop a got a guy off in downtown and he has to get the merit badge it over IRS taxes merit badge.

These are actually beneficial.

Other than being on survivor alone. Great shows, scouts would never survive, but it's likely to focus on spiritual stuff and I get telling Tina my wife. We need to focus more in Jesus we need to go down to like just two hours of church and they need to put a message in the home that's all about Jesus and we had to get rid of this Mormon name is Mormon is not even a real guy and you know it's kind of young Christ. Christ. Christ never seen all this because I had read BH Roberts blueprint the way the life you know that was suppressed and and put in the first presidency's archive and no one was allowed to read it until 85 so I think there's a beautiful way to tell the story of Joseph as he was a sincere pious fraud. He wanted his parents to get along. They belong to different churches started church leader and he's a charisma attic enough to get everybody to participate and be part of it you know it uses the King James version that the King James version from 1769, was later corrected as there were a lot of false translations in their those translations to remain in the book of Mormon.

Even though those that transcend the King James were in error when they did at the everything that's in italics and that version and the note was on and on and on but I think we just have to look at the heart of people's intentions and love them unconditionally for what they want to do and achieve that storm treat me over there for you, close here to to the glad you you survived driving talking nonstop by apologetic I know if this is help anybody. I'm sure somebody's gonna find it out there has been good. We really pursue going on. I you know the one thing I really appreciate this conversation is, is the whole is all the Campbellite live in Nashville, Tennessee, and this is the headquarters for the Church of Christ, and Alexander Campbell lived here, I've read so much of his works and his you know his cynical review of the book of Mormon. I love and you know David Witmer is one of my favorite people. His testimony was so profound and so beautiful. I spent a lot of time reading all the apostles and abandon Joseph that are considered apostates in Sons of perdition and all the six I've read their material in and of the novel expository but there's some bad stuff in the novel expository but you got admit the sincerity of those men begging, pleading, hoping asking Joseph to stop what he was doing. I go back to the pre-plural.

The pre-polyandry you know Cindy Rigdon left not because he had brain damage from getting tarred and feathered in his head hitting the rocks behind a horse. The prophet tried to marry his 19-year-old daughter love letter is in Joseph Smith papers members, the church can read that Cindy Rigdon was so offended that Joseph would try to seduce his daughter. That's why he left. That's what he comes back and basically tries to stand up to Brigham Young and say Brigham Young will continue this practice and the likely talk about but then Sidney you know he takes off and starts his own church and it dies out in James Strang who was a 31-year-old who came to try to get the church after Joseph confronted Brigham Young even translated Scripture and try to be like Joseph Smith and people like I like this guy because he translates the Scripture and Anza and Martin Harris joins his church. James strange ends up getting murdered like Joseph by two guys that were members of his church there were offended, so the noun Brigham Young was used to smooth is like Al Swearingen from my deadwood.

If you have received yet.

It's a deadwood script show is like Al Swearingen from deadwood is is the bar manager yeah so you know when Brigham Young went on his mission to New York, he took church money and invested in a tavern and he would go around in and by businesses is very smart, calculated, and he's the one that had a hard time accepting the book of Mormon because he was a big and Alexander Campbell. Then he had a hard time accepting polygamy the guy. Once you get them on board, even when suitable for you. So the guy is a genius, but I think a lot of what the church is no dealing with now is a result of what Joseph started and Brigham Young propelled my answers. John Taylor, who I love, but I also am like so present it's so bizarre the whole thing but I did live back then so the whole idea of widows there being too many widows you know 14-year-olds are not widows that are just nice window dressings. I guess I don't know this is specifically hard to come hard to come to terms with everything and you might family goes back to him. Gardeners might great-great-grandmother came from Denmark and across the plains and among the one had a tape that's a really inspiring story ratios from Denmark scrub pulls a handcart across the plains to Utah ultimately settles in Idaho and but but then this distorted issue. She left behind a sick husband in Denmark. You know, so it was with that you know that is just it's hard to come to terms with everything and I remember remember early on in my time after my mission, having conversations online and talk into a good friend of mine whom I will venture by men, but he was kinda making the case to me that he did never leave Mormonism because of his ancestors and the like. I come from a family were at the Pioneer stock of my mom's side. My dad is a first generation convert and so I look at things a little bit differently and I was like well if if if God is taken elsewhere got a go you know so and how do you know that's not your ancestors encouraging you based on what they know now the hearts of the fathers both turned to the children the hearts of the children will turn to the fathers. That is the spirit of Elijah.

You know, I think the temple the family search. I think all that beautiful. It's become a spiritual thing. Part of the religion but people do that all the time in your ancestors.

That's one of the things that I was told was how can you walk away when your ancestors sacrificed so much and I said it's precisely because I am a pioneer and I don't know if you've heard Carolyn Pearson spelling that I posted.

But she says that my ancestors were Mormon pioneers and God came along and dropped the feather of truth almost people and the bird hasn't come by to. I don't know how she says it but says that the bread hasn't come by to drop any more truth, but it's okay I'll be fine because my ancestors were Mormon pioneers.

So it's his beautiful analogy of you know Mormon's the one thing God does with Mormon just make them very confident and they can achieve a lot in life, so I think he's doing a lot to grow the Christian world by having by handpicking people out of that faith for his purpose for his reason. I don't understand it all. So thank you for taking your time to talk to us about all this and share your experience, ensure that it's been difficult.

I hope the nobody's been too negative with your announcements or order your your faith change but just like to thank you personally for coming on and expressing your expenses your ideas or thoughts of thinking. Thank you yeah was helpful to some people are so much more. As you guys know there's like psych out. He had explain 15 years of God putting you through that birth canal again. You know it's it's a beautiful Exodus and ironically people been amazing. That's what crazy people been absolutely amazing so that were coming to a close here and just want to ask you how cool would it how can people who are listening and the podcast today. Find out more about your music and your charity.

Where can you do. Thanks yeah if you want know about. I music you can ask Alexa you can ask Siri my website and when I transitioned out I started a faith block on Instagram was called Paul Cargill blog I share Scriptures sin sermons and inspire me every day and just got a visual diary yes just put my website back. I have I have a newsletter.

If you sign up there's a free song that's not available anywhere on its aversion of pocket will scan it that people and that's quartet stated I didn't arrangement of it so you get that because I do newsletter once a month you think you could to talk to you guys honor. I've been such a huge fan for so long Lake when I found out about you coming on. Think and not normally on these podcasts but my husband told me about and I was just like so yeah I need to make me ask you guys to stemming receipts that I was like totally in did you find out like I did find out is as old.

Here is I found out from your posts okay so I'd I saw someone post about John Bowman's Mormon stories and I was like that happened. So I'd I went over to your page and saw the post and that's when I reached out to so I didn't realize the community is so large, I really 70,000 people are leaving here is from Utah guided know these numbers that France leaves and I've been like angry at you stain the ship stay in the boat was another boat and that's that's kind of a restart about gases because it's so common for people to reject God altogether reject religion or Christ and so we wanted to kind of fill that space of showing how you can. You don't need to stay in the church.

If you feel you if you want to leave.

There's there's better is better way. You, you can still follow Christ.

You don't need to be. You need to reject the baby with the bathwater enough to throw it all out that you should cling on to what's good and you know it reject what she didn't know what was not good. Essentially love that. I think what you guys are doing is amazing because yeah I am concerned about members leave and become agnostic and audacious's grief process to going through but I do not trust like you guys that Jesus is going to encounter them. Even Elizabeth Smart in the worst circumstances said you can escape his love. I love the picture. Thanks again. We really appreciate it yet. Thank you, thank you for tuning into this of the out of love to hear from you. Please visit the out of rightness free to send us a message their comments or questions by clicking send a message of the pain appreciated the page life. We also have an out of rightness and others can also send this rightness here. Subscribe to the out of rightness podcast on campus cast box cast cast the modified stitcher. Also you can check on YouTube channel. If you like it shortly right please give us a great also connect with Michael just one logs, and sometimes Poland as well. Music for the out of rightness podcast is graciously provided by the talented Breanna Flournoy and by Adams Road. Learn more about Adams Road. By visiting their ministry page.

It Adams Road

Stay bright fireflies to show though and they may be the key you will and in and you and all that and