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Constitution Day: Lincoln's Greatest Speech Americans Have Never Heard

Our American Stories / Lee Habeeb
The Cross Radio
September 19, 2022 3:00 am

Constitution Day: Lincoln's Greatest Speech Americans Have Never Heard

Our American Stories / Lee Habeeb

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September 19, 2022 3:00 am

On this episode of Our American Stories, Vince Benedetto, founder of Bold Gold Media Group, tells the story of the Cooper Union address-the greatest speech of Lincoln's that Americans have never heard, and the speech that made him President.

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Grooming that first sermon at Farmington without making a neighbor.

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Americans have never heard the speech that were talking about is the Cooper Union speech given on February 27, 1860 a critical point in America's history without further delay, here is Vince with the store early winter. In 1860 in the country was at election point makes today's division seem it wasn't merely slavery that was on trial.

Not quite two decades shy of our first Centennial, the founding fathers vision itself hung in the balance. A growing segment of America's population were claiming that the authors of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were fighting to advance the lives of only white men. The founders, a growing chorus of revisionists maintained had no room in this new nation for black people but one man took it upon himself to write the unitive response to these long simmering claims.

The world knows his Gettysburg address. It was Abraham Lincoln speech at a new technical College in New York City that helped propel him to national prominence in the mid-19th century. A large number of Americans, particularly those in the southern states advance an argument that our founding fathers never intended to end slavery or provide equality to anyone other than those born with white skin. They also accused Americans in favor of restricting or abolishing slavery of betraying the founders intentions. Lincoln knew both of those claims to be false and set about improving his Cooper Union address this challenge was daunting because the founding fathers were themselves a large group of individuals with divergent views, could we truly know their intentions regarding slavery and race if they wanted to exclude black people. They surely would have written or said as much, if Thomas Jefferson when he wrote the sacred works we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal meant for only those works apply to just white men.

Why did he write Lincoln knew Jefferson was a man of precision. When it came to choosing his words, so much so that Lincoln in 1859, said this of Jefferson and the declaration all honor to Jefferson to the man who in the concrete pressure of a struggle for national independence by single people at the coolness forecast and capacity introduce a merely revolutionary document in abstract truth applicable to all men in all times and so to involvement.

There that today, and in all coming days, it shall be a review and a stumbling block to the very harbingers of reappearing journey and oppression. Lincoln understood that if the declarations only purpose was to make the case for separation from England didn't require the bold language of liberty and equality in its preamble simply listed the grievances against the tyrannical king, even prior. In 1857 Lincoln in his condemnation of the Supreme Court's infamous Dred Scott decision wrote this about the founders intentions they did not mean to assert the obvious untrue. All were then actually enjoying that equality, nor yet that they were about to confer immediately upon them.

In fact, they had no power to confer such a boon they meant simply to declare the right so that the enforcement of it might follow as fast as circumstances should permit they meant to set up a standard maxim for free society, which should be familiar to all revered by all constantly looked to, constantly labored for, and even though never perfectly attained, constantly approximated, and thereby constantly spreading and deepening its influence in augmenting the happiness and value of life. All people of all colors everywhere. Far from being hypocrites.

Lincoln believed our founders were forward thinking visionary with all that is background. Lincoln began his address by asking a question who were our fathers who framed the Constitution then went about building an airtight case in defense of the founders using the tool he'd used is a prominent trial lawyer evidence. Lincoln prepared for months with his primary source being Jonathan Elliott's multivolume debates on the federal Constitution. He scoured the official record of the proceedings of Congress like a detective. Lincoln followed the founders actions to determine whether after they affix their names to parchment. They endeavored to limit or abolish slavery or contribute to its preservation and expansion. He started by taking the audience back to 1784 to life under the articles of Confederation three years before the constitutional convention, the issue at hand was land in possession of the federal government known as the Northwestern territory and you been listening to Vince Benedetto giving a rendering of the story rewrote about the Cooper Union address that Lincoln delivered in 1860 in New York at the aforementioned technical College that had literally just been mentioned didn't give a speech at Columbia or Harvard or Yale with the new forward thinking university dedicated to technology by the industrialist Peter Cooper when we come back.

What happens next.

What is Lincoln's case, what is the case for the found the real case will find out more here on our American story books. If you love the stories we tell about this great country and especially the stories of America's rich past. Know that all of our stories about American history from war to innovation culture and faith are brought to us by the great folks at Hillsdale College placement.

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Lincoln reveals the bill for this act was reported by one of the 39 Thomas Fitzsimmons that a member of the House of Representatives from Pennsylvania and went through all its stages without a word of opposition and finally passed both branches without gaze and days which is equivalent to a unanimous passage in this Congress.

There were 16 of the 39 fathers who framed the original Constitution, George Washington, another one of the 39 was then president of the United States and as such approved and signed the bill during Jefferson's presidency. The Louisiana purchase of 1803 was a big deal to constitutional signers. Lincoln noted present in that Congress as the government further restricted slavery. Lincoln moved to the Missouri question of 1819 and 1820 with two signers of the Constitution in commerce. One voted to prohibit slavery in one voted against prohibition by Lincoln's calculations 23 of the 39 signers of the Constitution had a voting record on the issue of slavery of the 2321 and overwhelming majority voted to prohibit or limit the expansion of slavery. Of the remaining 16 signers with no voting record.

Lincoln's research revealed strong anti-slavery sentiments if we should look into their acts and declarations on those other phrases as the foreign slave trade in the morality and policy of slavery. Generally, it would appear to us that on the direct question of federal control of slavery and federal territories. The 16 if they had acted all would probably have acted just as the 23 did. Among that 16 were several of the most noted antislavery men of those times is Dr. Franklin, Alexander Hamilton and Gouverneur Morris will there was not one known to have been otherwise unless it may be John Rutledge of South Carolina. Lincoln was just getting started.

But what about the argument that preventing slavery violated slave owners property rights under the Fifth Amendment or the rights of states under the 10th Lincoln's argument was devastated is surely safe to assume that the 39 rumors of the original cost to ship in the 76 members of Congress which frame the amendments thereto.

Taken together, do certainly include those who may be dearly called our fathers who framed the government under which we live. In so assuming I defy any man to show that any one of them ever in his old life, declare that in his understanding.

Any proper division of local from federal authority or any part of the Constitution forbade the federal government to control as to slavery in the federal territories. Lincoln with those words destroyed the notion that our founders intended for slavery to expand in America. Further, the notion that they did not intend for the federal government to use its power under the Constitution to prevent such expansion was false. A Congress that voted concurrently to prevent slavery in the new lands of America and for the Bill of Rights decimated the Southerners claims Lincoln demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that our founders attacked slavery as a moral wrong. Neither the word slave slavery is to be found in the Constitution nor the word property even any connection with the language colluding to the things slave for slavery. This was done intentionally. Lincoln noted to exclude from the Constitution. The idea that there could be property in man, the product of compromises and consensus. Lincoln surmised the Constitution and the declaration were designed to be great freedom documents and weapons against tyranny a great 20th-century visionary concurred with on July 4, 1965, a southern preacher delivered an important sermon in his home church in Atlanta.

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. he preached never before in the history of the world has a sociopolitical document expressed in such profound eloquence and unequivocal language dignity and the worth of human personality. We can and should debate how we apply the founders vision to our modern society, but for anyone interested in the founders intention on slavery and race read Lincoln's Cooper Union address, the man who prosecuted the war with the southern states and emancipated slaves made the most authoritative case in American history, it remains as true today as it was when he made in 1860 and that is why Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Union address is his greatest speech that Americans have never heard it's the speech that made Lincoln present the speech that saved America once and it's the speech that can save us again have a terrific job on the editing, reduction and storytelling by Monty Montgomery and a special thanks to Vince Benedetto, founder, president and CEO of old gold media group from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and he's also an Air Force Academy graduate, and though not a PhD in history knows as much about history as any PhD in his action of this material in a special thanks to Ms. Reed for allowing us to perform the piece.

Vince and I wrote there. It's By the way, all of our histories are brought to us by the great folks at Hillsdale College who teach all the things that matter in life and all the things are good in life. If you can't get the Hillsdale bill still will come to you with a free and terrific online courses. Indeed, I learned more about the Constitution in their Constitution 101 course that I did with three years of the University of Virginia school of Law. It is that good. Every family every kid in this country know the story of the Constitution and of course the Cooper Union speech says it all.

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