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When God Judges A Nation

Moody Church Hour / Pastor Phillip Miller
The Cross Radio
January 31, 2021 1:00 am

When God Judges A Nation

Moody Church Hour / Pastor Phillip Miller

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January 31, 2021 1:00 am

When the cup of iniquity is full, God will pour out His wrath. In the Old Testament, foreign armies invaded and looted Jerusalem, taking the people into captivity. The United States may soon feel that same wrath if we don’t learn the lessons from a nation long ago.

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Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer

When the cup of iniquity is full, God pours out his wrath. Judah felt that wrath is invading armies looted Jerusalem and took the people into captivity.

America may soon feel that same wrath today. Lessons from the fall of the nation long ago from Chicago. We welcome you to The Moody Church. Our weekly service of worship and teaching under the ministry of Dr. Erwin lutes are on this broadcast. We continue a 10 part series on the church in Babylon unleashing the power of the spirit filled witness later Erwin lutes returns to the book of Jeremiah to talk about when God judges the nation the Moody choir comes now to open our service will will and when I began this series of messages. I warned you that these were not feel kind of messages. This is not the kind of message you might hear somewhere else about how wonderful you are and all the good things that God is has an estimated there might be a time for those messages, but this is not one of them. One day somebody wrote me a letter and said that the elders in their church before the Sunday morning service, pray and say Lord help us to have fun today in the service. I would be disappointed if our elders pray that because that might be appropriate before a picnic. This sermon is not going to be fun.

As a matter of fact I'm not preaching a sermon to you today is much as I am preaching my heart today. I'm going to end up talking about the great United States of America country that I greatly love most of you of course were born into the United States.

You became citizens at birth, I chose to become a citizen because I was born and raised in Canada and lived many years.

Here is a Canadian citizen. I eventually decided to join y'all, and I'm very proud of it. I'm glad to be an American gay man but today were going to look at the book of Jeremiah as we conclude the Jeremiah portion of this series is going to continue on the on that but we conclude the Jeremiah series by giving you some history telling you what happened and then were going to have nine lessons for the United States of America.

It's my heart to yours today I'm going to preach with a somber tone because what I'm going to share is somber but you need to hear it and at the end of course I'm going to give you hope when I gonna leave you here today hopeless, but we have some territory to encompass before we get there to remind you what Jeremiah is all about little bit of history your member after the time of Solomon. The kingdoms are split yet the northern kingdom which was known as Israel.

That's confusing to us because today we call the whole land. Israel the northern kingdom was Israel.

The southern kingdom was known as Judah with headset capital in Jerusalem the capital of the northern kingdom was Samaria in 722 BC the Assyrians, and a judge of the northern kingdom and they take about 20,000 people to Assyria and that's called the 10 tribes. Some people say the lost 10 tribes. Some people say that the 10 tribes have been found, but that meant that the southern kingdom continued for over 130 years before Babel and came and took it away to see Assyria began to decline in power Babel and began to increase in strength and for 40 years or so. Jeremiah was warning the southern kingdom you don't repent. The same thing is going to happen to you is happened to the northern kingdom Babel in this time Bill is going to come and carry you away and you are headed for severe judgment, repent that's what introduces us now to the book he gives some warnings and these are warnings that I'm going to give to you.

I could turn to almost any passage in Jeremiah to give you these warnings, but I'm going to point out one, for example, was he saying all of you are – you're not listening to the voice of God. For example, in chapter 7 and I don't expect you to keep up with me and all the passages but when we get to chapter 52 will look at that together and then sharpen your pencil because we are going to get to the nine lessons but this is what God says no because you have done these things, declares the Lord, when I spoke to you persistently. You did not listen and when I called to you. You did not answer. Therefore, I will do to this house that is called by my name, he means the temple. I am going to do to it as I did to Shiloh, namely, destroy it, and I will do it because your death Jesse and I approached about this in a previous message.

There were false prophets that were telling the people exactly what they wanted to hear everything is going to be good God's okay you're okay I'm okay were all okay. Jeremiah came along and said you're not okay God's okay and you'd better repent and the people didn't want to listen. They took Jeremiah and they threw him into a pit they had a plot to kill him and what what harm did he do. He was saying things that people did not want to hear. We don't want to hear judgment and so that's how they treated them maybe a little bit like killing the weatherman because you don't like the forecast, but we would want to hear it.

Now I have to talk about the United States.

Early on, even before we get to the list. I'm speaking specifically about the issue of same-sex marriage.

As you know, approved here in the great state of Illinois, along with other states and if you aren't concerned about this. I don't think that you understand what the issues are. Now I need to say that many of you who are listening here probably struggle with same-sex attraction. You know that you're welcome here.

You know that everybody is welcome here and so I speak to you today from my heart.

The original bill which I read very carefully gave no protection to any church. Except if you were a pastor or a teacher. For example, if a secretary were to say that she is going to marry her same-sex partner and you were to as a result of that. Ask her to leave the church I there would be an instant lawsuit because you have no right to do that. There was no protection for Christian bookstores, Christian institutions.

The only thing is that the pastor and a few of the teachers would have been exempt from a lawsuit if they were asked to leave because of their connection to homosexuality and homosexual marriage.

The implications are huge. Now the more recent bill.

I understand tried to take care of some of those issues but that's where this is going. But here's what I want to say, the city Council of the San Antonio was debating this ordinance. No person shall be appointed to a position if the city Council finds that such a person has prior to such proposed appointment engaged in discrimination or demonstrated a bias by word or deed against any person, group, organization, color, race, sexual orientation and gender identity etc. now what that means is this, that if you in any way speak in favor of traditional marriage and are opposed to same-sex marriage.

You would not be able to serve in the city government. I think of the implications somebody pointed out that this would mean that all businesses the city would be barred from doing business with anyone who fails to expose the politically correct view of same-sex marriage. One pastor says this probably means that if you attend a church that opposes gay marriage, you could be disqualified from getting a city job while but here's the point I want to make you know it hurts me most is not all the lawsuits that this is going to bring about not even the destruction of the family to which it shall so greatly contribute but the fact that from the White House all the way down. Our country is celebrating something that God has condemned, that's what hurts me the most and and my point is simply this. People don't want to hear. They say you speak something different than what we want to hear you will be disqualified. Be quiet already.

Just like ancient Judah America does not want to hear the truth, and as a result of that, we've stopped our ears was in a George Orwell who said that in a day of universal deception in a day of universal deception, speaking the truth is a revolutionary act. Why, just think I committed a revolutionary act because the truth has to be spoken so that is one indictment of Judah you're not listening to God. You're not learning you're not hearing second indictment that I referred to is God says you've gone too far judgment is inevitable. I mean, you understand why this message is burning in my soul you know what God said in the next verse, and I'm actually in chapter 7 here, he says. As for you Jeremiah do not pray for this people lift up or cry or pray for them and do not intercede with me for I will not hear you. God says judgment is coming. It's inevitable.

He says in chapter 15 verse one. He says though Moses and Samuel should lead me I will not change my mind judgment is coming and what was the response of the people. Chapter 18 verse 12, the people said it is vain. We will follow our own plans and we will everyone act according to the stubbornness of his evil heart. Uses no matter what you're saying. We're going to keep plunging in the direction one to go. I have to say it again while third judgment is that 10 and I'm not going to take time to walk you through this. Wish I had an hour today, but I don't let me say that what Jeremiah does, as the judgment begins to come after 40 years of ministry, he talks to the king, he talks to the leader of the nation whose name is Zedekiah and Zedekiah actually calls for him and he has three interviews with Jeremiah so interesting because in the first interview, Zedekiah says Jeremiah I pray for us. That's almost humorous.

Would you say a prayer for us because were in trouble. We have no intention of changing our ways no intention of turning to God.

But you've got clout, pray for us.

He says second interview, Jeremiah says, why am I thrown into the pit. You know, he was thrown into a dungeon and he then warns the king that judgment is coming third interview Jeremiah actually says this to Zedekiah. He said Zedekiah even at this late date. If you were to really obey God and surrender to the Babylonians. That's what Jeremiah was recommending is no use fighting. He said if you were to surrender to the Babylonians.

He said, your life would be spared and actually the city would not even be burned.

It would be taken over, undoubtedly, but it would not burned one invitation even at a late hour course. Zedekiah said I don't I don't like that. I'm going to make a deal with Egypt. I'm gonna try to escape.

You know how we ended he ended by having his eyes gouged out. First of all, before they did that they killed his sons in his presence so that he could see it was the last thing he saw his eyes were gouged out. He was taken to Babylon. You know sometimes you we all know the Bible is accurate but sometimes it almost takes your breath away when you think of how accurate you know what Ezekiel prophesied. He said that Zedekiah is going to go to babble in but not see it your rated new sale. What's that all about he's going to go to babble and not see it without the reason is because the prophecy was fulfilled. His eyes were gouged out, so he went to babble and but he didn't see babble. Now what I'd like you to do is to turn to the end of the book and that is in Jeremiah chapter 52. Can we just look at how this whole scenario ends want you to ask understand the suffering and then we will get to the great wonderful United States of America.

You'll notice in that chapter 52. That's go right to the end of the book, let's go to verse 28 of Jeremiah chapter 52 you know, the Babylonians came in all described that in a moment, but this is the number of the people whom Nebuchadnezzar carried away captive in the seventh year, 3023 Judeans later on he comes back and there is 832 and then 745, but all the persons that he mentions here are 4600 you can see that there in the text at the end of verse 30 actually even that is total if you go to second Kings were there is even even more detailed description of what happened. The first deportation was 10,000.

So as scholars have worked through this apparent discrepancy. They've concluded that there were a number of different deportation. There is deportation number one number two number three in all the way through until you get to this number. These were minor in comparison to some of the others probably the total was 14, 15,000 people taken from Jerusalem and its area all the way to babble. I just want you to use your imagination for a moment and understand the suffering that the people endured. For example, in chapter 52 where they are now working to turn back and just see what they endured.

It says in verse six on the ninth day of the fourth month the famine was so severe in the city that there was no food for the people of the land. The next sermon in this series that I'm going to preach is actually the book of Lamentations. I want you to read that book ahead of time so there's going to be another very somber message. Jeremiah's visualizing himself as he's walking through the rubble of Jerusalem and he's just weeping. He's overcome his eyes cannot stop crying, but he describes what happens. He says the tongue of the nursing infants sticks to the roof of its mouth for thirst. The children beg for food, but no one gives to them those once feasted on delicacies parish in the streets. Those who were brought up in purple and brace as sheep's happier were the victims of the sword than the victims of hunger.

He goes on to to tell some things here that I hate to even read in public that went on while what you just for a moment to enter into their pain. The little children the starvation and then secondly, in chapter 52 can read it there on your own later. It says that the temple was destroyed totally destroyed was burned, they carried off all the gold and the silver, and so forth all the way to babble. It's all they are now the Jews are going to have to live without attempt and are going to have to live in babble and when I began this series of messages I actually intended to begin in babble in and then I realize know we had. We should really look at Jeremiah 1st so that we understand why they were there. So in the future we'll talk about that, but the point is that 10 they suffered greatly and then think of the suffering. Along the way. 15,000 people in all.

My parents were refugees they were refugees, and they know what it's like you're going along there going about from Jerusalem to Babylon is about 500 miles as the crow flies, but about a thousand miles because of the winding roads.

People die along the way. They just bury them and keep going all the way Babylon can you just imagine the suffering in Jeremiah for 40 years is said it's coming and they said we want to hear it you know what the Bible says you are believing deceptive words, God says your believing the false prophets you're not believing Jeremiah at every prediction that Jeremiah made came to pass, while now for the great United States of America. But before I read about test the nine lessons for America you civil quinine lessons. Why not just three.

I can't help but I look at the text of Scripture, and these things just pop out to me one after another, so I have to give them and that since I'm preaching I have that opportunity and I hope you're listening listen to this.

You maybe heard about this during a U.S. Army training event and Army instructors cited evangelical Christianity and Catholicism as examples of religious extremism along with Al Qaeda and Hamas. So here's the list. Number one evangelical Christianity under that the Muslim brotherhood and then it goes on from there.

There is an assault being made on Christianity here in America that none of us could have ever predicted because when a man does this, he's getting his instructions higher up. I can assure you now with that nine lessons, some of them are going to be encouraging some of them not encouraging but here we go number one lesson number one will you remember that our present situation.

Our present situation is not new.

It's not new. You look for examples throughout history and you discover that to all kinds of people have suffered. I mean our present situation here in America we still have it so good.

We have freedom I just said some things that are politically incorrect and that's okay for me to say as long as it's within the walls of the church. I stayed outside the church that could be something else we could be called names, etc. but we still have a lot of freedom. Her situation is not unique look at the Christians who are suffering in Egypt. Always remember that here in America we still have wonderful privileges and the history of freedom of religion. I once gave a lecture on the history of freedom of religion in Europe. Did you know that Europe didn't have freedom of religion until the peace of Westphalia in 1648 did you know that more rebaptized service because they believe that one should be baptized upon profession of faith baptized as infants, but then rebaptized. Did you know that more of them were massacred after the time of the Reformation, 15, 1600s, then Christians die in the persecutions of early Rome, the history of the church is littered with martyrs who believe that there was something more in life than being politically correct. So number one will you remember that our present challenges are not unique number two standing for truth and righteousness can be lonely, standing for truth and righteousness can be very lonely. There were hundreds of profits, but there was only one Jeremiah and my, how they railed against him. Folks standing for truth and righteousness in America is going to get more difficult as time goes by. Rebecca and I are in touch with woman and her husband, who have an organization proclaiming justice and she was telling me the other day when I was talking to her on the phone that there's estate in these United States southern state where she is involved in a textbook controversy in this publishing house and she gave me the name of the textbook in the publishing house and the whole bit published a textbook that gives 35 pages to Islam. Islam gave us liberty. Islam help the dignity of women. Islam gave us culture 13 pages devoted to Christianity and the chapter is entitled, the Crusaders now. She has been objecting to this, and even some changes have been made, but this is what I found interesting. The pastors in her communities it all yeah we have to do something we have to be involved. We want you to lead this Crusade so to speak, believe this charge and she did bravely know pastors showed up to support her, but there she was, and then a Muslim on the committee said I'm going to make sure that all of these textbooks are pro-Islamic and if anyone opposes me.

I'm going to call them three things racist, homophobic, and intolerant. Is there anything in America that is worse than being called racist, homophobic, and intolerant. I simply tell you today that we are paralyzed as a nation because of political correctness and standing for truth is going to become more difficult as the days go, but blessed are those who like Jeremiah, God says Jeremiah made you a bronze wall. I had made you a strong pillar and I'm going to be with you and even if everyone is against you. You speak my word. May God grant us many, many Jeremiah lesson number three the faithfulness of that view is no guarantee that a nation is going to turn to God under Jeremiah previously under Josiah few generations back, there were reforms, they found the book of the law. They began to read the book of the law and people began to go to church so to speak, they began to go to temple and they repented of their sins and all, but the reforms were too late to little by the next generation.

Everybody had forgotten them and everybody was into their idolatry into their immorality and into their own way of life. So there is no guarantee. The reason I mention that as I was speaking at a conference this summer of homeschoolers several thousand homeschoolers in Denver and they assigned me the topic of how can we turn this country around my my opening line was. I have no guarantee that we can when it comes to the culture wars. Clearly, we seem to be losing those one at a time.

There dominoes coming all the way from the White House across the nation regarding certain things and therefore we have no guarantee what we have to do is to ask a different question. What does faithfulness look like in a nation that is under judgment. That's the question that I wrestle with all the time and how can I prepare myself, my family, my grandchildren, and the wider Christian community here at The Moody Church.

How can we be strong and courageous at a time when even our freedoms are being closed in upon so I hate to be the bearer of such bad news. I wish I could say that I see revival breaking out everywhere were praying for that I prefer that I was on my face before God.

This week praying for this nation because I love it and I grieved at the direction that we are going but we have no guarantees. Number four and nation can reach a point of no return and nation can reach a point of no return.

That's what God said about Judah. He said even though Moses and Samuel pray don't bother.

He's a Jeremiah don't bother praying because I'm going to judge this nation. It's gone too far. There's no way now that your prayers are going to hold back the reins of judgment while when Rebecca and I were in Niagara Falls about 40 years ago my word. I don't even feel 40. How could I say that we are in Niagara Falls 40 years ago I remember we're standing there with a guide and he said you know you see those rocks over there. Some pointed something out.

On the other side of the falls.

He said that's known as the point of no return. He said if you ever get this far.

At the speed of the water. The power of the water will take you over falls so boats should never get close to the point of no return. Are we there is a nation. I hope not.

I'm not a prophet. It would take a prophet for us to understand exactly how and when God is going to judge America in the future, but it does not take a prophet to know that judgment not only is coming, but judgment has arrived judgment has arrived and you know the way in which we must understand that sometimes people say Pastor Lutzer, do you think that God will ever judge America. I usually try to smile you always want to try to smile when you give an answer like this. You say my dear friend, God is judging. America you see every sin has some immediate judgment and then in the future as God wills. There is accumulated judgment for all nation but we are already reaping the seeds for the destruction of the family. God says in Deuteronomy 28. If you don't follow me.

I'm going to destroy you, and then he goes on to say that the families will be destroyed and 20 million children going to bed tonight with only a single parent in the home that's part of the destruction and then the increase in the breakup of the family were the governor of Colorado can sign a document now. The children can have more than two parents, of course, why not. I mean, and in all that because the families been destroyed now is just a collection of individuals that come together for sexual reasons and other reasons and so it's all gone. The point is this that is part of God's judgment, but only a part. There may be a time when there is even future judgments more severe that our national and their scope but I don't know that and I don't know whether we've reached the point of no return. Many of my friends think we haven't. They believe that there is a great massive revival now to tell you. Very honestly, I cannot see a day when the same-sex marriage as it sweeps this country would be reversed unless there would be a massive great revival in the United States of America for which I pray but I don't believe we have guarantees, so a nation can reach the point of no return. I trust that that's not true of the nation I love so much. The great United States of America number five and this blows me away number five God values the human heart, not buildings and institutions when I was thinking about this. It really. I realized wouldn't have been graded.

Solomon's Temple had not been destroyed.

When that be wonderful. I see Mary Whelchel here, who leads tours to Israel.

Wouldn't it be great if we could lead a tour to Israel and say, come with us and see Solomon's Temple you can imagine what that would do to the tourist industry in Israel. Beautiful temple.

It's up for a couple of hundred years. I think God destroys it and then something else even worse to take him that temples destroyed centuries later. Of course you know you have the small temple under Zerubbabel. Herod comes along and builds this massive temple massive you've seen pictures of it and Jesus is sitting there on the Mount of olives looking at and says to the disciples, you realize that every stone here is going to be thrown down. Why because you didn't know the date of your visitation. All my the temple isn't even finished during the time of Christ is finished in about 64 A.D. begun in 19 BC it's finished in about 64 A.D. talking about what 70 or more years, 80 and then six years later. 70 A.D. the Romans believe that there is gold in the stones they dismantled it stone by stone in there, it's destroyed and I think think of all of the work that went into building this beautiful temple and it would still be standing today built with greater rhodium stones of time, some of which still exist goddesses means nothing to me you didn't know the day of your visitation is beautiful structure is destroyed. You see my heart today Rebecca and I were in Washington DC this fall.

The National religious broadcasters drive down Pennsylvania Avenue you see these beautiful buildings in Washington. Many of them have snatches in verses of Scripture engraved on them, and to know that we are consciously as a nation turning away from that heritage.

Turning away from the Judeo-Christian ethic which gave us unity, and in its place, replacing it with a kind of relativism and the acceptance of immorality and God may keep those buildings. They may be inhabited eventually by other people by other nations by other religions, but to see that you say this nation. Whatever. I know that there is argument about how Christian the founding fathers were.

I can't get into that, but there was a historical Christian Judeo ethic day certainly can't be denied to know that all that is that in goddesses. I don't care about your build I could destroy them in a moment of time. If I don't have your heart buildings don't matter number six when a nation is judged when a nation is judge the righteous suffer with the wicked the righteous suffer with the wicked. You see when this nation was judged and yet all these people going to Babylon. There were righteous people, among them. That's why we're going to be looking at the book of Daniel. Eventually, and so forth because Daniel is one of the ones was carried off into Babylon and there is living for God in the pagan cultures, Shadrach me shack in a Bendigo those guys living for God in the pagan culture they don't bow before the idols of their culture. That's why what we need to do is to learn that so they themselves experienced temporal judgment, not eternal judgment.

I mean, that's the thing. The city of God in the city of man are concurrent only in this life. Eventually they will be separated after the final judgment righteous in one place.

The unbelievers in the other. But the point to be made is that we also suffer if a nation goes downhill economically because of an overspending government we all suffer as a result of that/.

Just an observation to be made true historically true today.

Number seven God uses evil nations to judge his own people. God uses evil nations to judge his own people. Now you have to think about the book of Habakkuk member Habakkuk, he's writing during this period of time. Habakkuk is saying oh there's so much wickedness in the goddesses `you haven't seen anything yet. I'm raising up the Babylonians to come against her nation. Habakkuk says you've gotta be kidding. Now this of course is the paraphrased version he saying you can't be real. God there worse than we are God's as I know there worse than you are and I'll judge them for their evil, but I'm using them against you to destroy your city because you don't turn to me while Europe is understanding this. I know that most Muslims and I hope that many are listening right now we don't paint Islam with a big brush because we know that there are many Muslims who don't want sharia law. The ones that live near you. I'm sure want to live peaceful lives, and they make good neighbors. But Europe, some of the countries there the game is over. I've talked to historians because of the birth rate in all the time will come. You know what God said and that the 28th chapter of the Deuteronomy he says as a judgment, just catch this for a moment. He said as judgment. Your children will worship other gods how what is that say about generations and what you're going to find a sharia law begins to gain steam in some of the European countries that are totally paralyzed, completely paralyzed by political correctness will see there what happens.

Oh, we're not as bad as the people who fly planes into buildings and kill innocent ones. God says yeah but those are the kinds of people. I use when a nation turns from God. Number eight the Lord had isn't it time for hope after all this I think so, how many of you say pastor at Stivers a motivator. All right we have a I. I don't know if that's a quorum, but I'm going with hope right now. God gives us promises to live in a pagan culture God gives us promises we haven't looked in detail in the book of Jeremiah bending means, but remember it is Jeremiah 33 three that says: to me and I will answer the and show the great and mighty things, which thou knows not. You know there's a man in the book of Jeremiah, and I wish I could tell you his story. He pulled Jeremiah out of the pit and even had pads under the ropes so that the prophet wouldn't be hurt and you know this man who was an African is from Ethiopia. He was scared with the coming judgment is why am I ever scared you know what God said to him, God says I am going to deliver you.

This is in chapter 39 because you trust me there's not anything that's going to happen to you, you're going to survive this not because he was good, not because he was courageous goddesses because you trust and God gives promises to his people, you know, when you pass through the fire. I'll be with you when you go to there. The floods will not be overcome.

God always stands with his people in a time of trial. Tony Evans great African-American preacher friend of mine. I was actually with them last week, leaving and that he tells the story that I love. He and Lois's wife were on a cruise and over the intercom came the thing that you know were headed into a storm so buckle up. It's going to be rough. Lois didn't like it so she calls the captain and talks to his assistant instead of were going into a storm. Why don't we just stay here. Let the storm blow over and put down anchor here and then we can go into the storm assistance it'll get back to you in a moment I'll talk to the captain.

He calls back and says two things. Number one, and I'm sure number one was said very diplomatically. He wanted me to remind you that he's in charge and you're not. I would be a good thing to be reminded and then number two you set this I want to give you a sentence that I never want you to forget on your deathbed should be able to quote this ready for it all in the balcony wherever your listening. Are you ready for the sentence he said tell her that this ship was built with this storm in mind.

And when you trust Jesus, who died on the cross for you sin and took God's judgment and was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven, I tell you that ship was built with our storm and minded you agree with that, a down God's going to walk with us through this lesson number nine. We must not be passive because we have work to do is see you are born into this generation because God says I want you right now and I want you to be able to spend your life telling about the excellencies of God and the redemption of God, the nation might not believe what your neighbors might and what you need to do is to be able to witness to the glory and the forgiveness of God because during times like this, God is calling out a people for his namesake and he's calling out those people and is using me and you to do it this past summer teenager committed suicide left a note and said I'd messed up too many times I was actually at a Bible camp talking with one of the professors there and I said tomorrow I'm preaching a message on why he didn't have to commit suicide. Never preach that message of Moody Church see I don't get to preach here as often as I could. That's actually somewhat of a joke since I preacher all the time but I pointed out that if he understood the gospel. Nobody ever has to commit suicide mess up. We've all messed up Jesus died for people who messed up. Aren't you glad for that. That he died for people who messed up you realize something of the judgment of God's message. I mean just judgment. God says I'm going to become the enemy of Israel. I'm going to destroy you.

God says I'm going to do it. I'm going to use nations to do it but I'm doing it how to scare you typhoons not to scare you.

Tsunami sought to scare you about the terrifying nature of God. That's why this world needs the message of God's grace and the message of Jesus, you member the days when Perry fires used to devastate homes and homesteads what the farmers used to do when the wind was blowing favorably is to start a fire around their homestead burn at all was far maybe 1/4 of a mile or whatever and then they knew that if the fire came, it would not come to them because their homestead was standing on the ground that had already been burned. The Bible says it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God. But when you come to Jesus. Your standing with the fire of God has already struck with the fire of God has been burned and Jesus took my hell that you and I deserve so what we do is we proclaim the gospel to everyone. Those of you are depressed.

Those of you other religions you common believe on Jesus, the Savior of the world. We invite you to do that and that's why we're in this country now but were pointing people to another country to a greater country to another city builder and maker is God. Right now, wherever you are. You can trust Christ as your Savior.

However, you are listening to this Internet radio whatever you come to Christ and he will forgive you and accept you and you will be exempt from the wrath of God to come. That's the message for America today may tens of thousands believe and if you will let us pray father in a time of universal falsehood.

Someone has said the truth is there, but it is often so obscure that unless we love the truth. We won't hear it. Help us to be truth lovers. We pray that for a great nation.

We pray that for ourselves and we pray even now it is this invitation is gone out that many people will believe on Christ. May they be terrified to fall into your hands on prepared but to know that Jesus paid the debt and if they believe they will be exempt from many to yourself today. We ask and even as we sing about the greatness of our God. May we sing with worship and adoration. Love. We ask in his blessed name just in his recent on today's church. Our Dr. Erwin insert spoke on when God judges the nation the fifth of 10 messages in a series on the church in Babylon unleashing the power of the spirit filled witness next time on The Moody Church.

Our return to the book of Lamentations and hear about morning the destruction of the great city church in Babylon series shows us how to live during times of spiritual darkness. The series is imprint is Erwin Blitzer's book the church in Babylon.

A copy is waiting for you as our thank you for your gift of any amount to The Moody Church. Our just call us at 1-800-215-5001. Ask about the church in Babylon when you call 1-800-215-5001 or you can write to us at The Moody Church 1635 N. LaSalle Boulevard Chicago, IL 60614 online go to that's join us next week for another Moody Church I work with Dr. Erwin Lutzer and the congregation of historic Moody Church in Chicago. This broadcast is a ministry of The Moody Church