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Something Needs to Change

MoneyWise / Rob West and Steve Moore
The Cross Radio
July 29, 2020 8:03 am

Something Needs to Change

MoneyWise / Rob West and Steve Moore

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July 29, 2020 8:03 am

You go to church every Sunday, or at least attend online, you take sermon notes and give your tithe. But are you still missing something? For many of us living here in the US, it’s easy to get complacent and forget about the physical and spiritual plight of the rest of the world. On the next MoneyWise Live, hosts Rob West and Steve Moore welcome author and pastor David Platt who will invite us to make a difference. Something needs to change on MoneyWise Live at 4pm Eastern/3pm Central on Moody Radio.

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Go to church every Sunday, or these days attend services online digital donations we give our ties and offerings faithfully, often getting even more to missions but is something missing for many of us here in America it's wasted with the coronavirus pandemic first and air hose from West speaks with David Platt about the physical and spiritual plight of others around the world today's programs prerecorded calls but have some calls all lined up for legal benefit from hearing on Steve Moore get ready for track into the high Himalayas. That's next living life right.

Many of our list is no pastor David Ladd as the senior pastor of McLean Bible church and author of the New York Times bestseller radical, but now he has a new book out designed to shake us out of our complacency titled something needs to change and I'm quite confident Steve it's going to do just that. David, a true delight to have you with us today on moneywise.

Here they did that much of your book. Relate your experience while trekking in the Himalayas with a couple of teammates and it's an incredible story.

I can't wait to dive into it, but that's not actually where the story begins.

It started with wanting to bring a child into your family.

I'd love for you to start today by setting the story up by telling us that formed our family we heard in particular about one country over more than just a high percentage of child mortality, trafficking, and show God's heart pursue option from that particular country and we got all the way out word document shall child and multiyear process just praying every night time for a little to be country and for children. My country and then the adoption fell through at that point the country closedown Georgia and options and so we just knew got it. This particular country. Part of the moral are and know what and not long after that there was a guy) came through pastoring and the time for worship gathering.

One thing that came to me afterwards and introduced himself. He starts talking about where he served in that particular country and together tomorrow and so we made the next day in my office. She basically not just statistics but a lot more color on some of the serious realities that desperate need in your country and they would do it willingly, and feel yourself is no question so that page for now. It's been multiple tracks and involvement and work and remote villages high up in the Himalayas. Well, the book really details the experience the track that you had through the Himalayas. It's incredible. And what God did in your own hard in the message that you have for the church today that came from.

It is profound love for you to talk just for a moment before we had in your first break here about what makes this part of the globe. Such a huge mission field. Let's just focus for the moment, spiritually, and then we'll talk about some the affliction and other things going on there.

After the break I would say traveling the world particular collision of urgent spiritual and physical means, show sermon on the spiritual man so will talk about some of the domains but most people out of millions of people in these mountains have little to no knowledge of Jesus were talking to the trails account to somebody and say what you know about Jesus and that like you're talking about the money provided by that is no idea about the good news of God love juice know about it ever told. It's pretty baffling. It's pretty humbling that that there are 2000 years, and all technology resources we have Bozo and they do not represent any in the world who have little to no knowledge of Jesus name everything out just a little bit about it but not actually the truth of the birthplace of Hinduism is explore this and even talk about how this relates to your finances. Just as spring pastor and author David Platt with us today. We discussed in his brand-new something needs to change. What is that something in the apartment or moneywise live this money and life run on the same track. Unfortunately, sometimes it seems like your money is heading in a different direction from your goal, and never enough three keys to financial contentment. Author Ron blue helps you to break down all your financial options to a basic floor and then shows you how to keep it all chugging along in the right direction on the same track never enough three keys to financial contentment available when you click the store our friends and sound mind investing have been helping Christians reach their financial goals since 1990 with step-by-step guidance for investors. Just getting started making choices in a 401(k) or getting ready for retirement all grounded in consular SMI slogan is financial wisdom for living well. More information is available online. Sound mind investing that SMI website also includes a common money and investing sound mind do you remember that old ad from the 1970s, the chitinous, it's the drink you have when you're not having a drink on Benny done claims is become part of the language Clayton's drink looks as though it's alcoholic, but really it isn't Clayton's anything is something that looks real seasoned question. Is it possible to have a Clayton's person person is not really a person biting his mother's womb is that the chitinous person. Or maybe the street people. We walk around on the footpath. Only smelly Clayton's people's work is in the factories across Asia make the toys and kids play with the clients we we offer a few cents now I chitinous people. Jesus said I've come to bring good news to the poor and to set the captives free.

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Back to moneywise. The host is Rob West for joining us today is Pastor David Platt is the author of the no it's not. It's a great book titled something needs to change. Published by Multnomah to find it for sale at Amazon or you can visit their website directly radical.that/something needs to change. David, I'm so glad you're here today.

This is an important know I would say a critical message for the church today what the Lord has allowed you to share through this brand-new book and it really comes from the track you talk with a couple of teammates through the Himalayas and what you experienced what you saw the people you interacted with just really caused you as a pastor and a Christian leader to think deeply about some of the key questions we all wrestle with about our role in taking the gospel to the ends of the earth and being a part of really helping to meet their physical needs of those in such desperate situations around the world and certainly no more than right there in the Himalayas.

You are just describing the spiritual condition. Obviously, the birthplace of Hinduism and Buddhism where Christianity is hardly found talk to us about some of the realities of their physical needs that you experienced in this part of the world research where I found that children were dying of their before their eighth birthday. Like I've got four kids blowing about adoption on my greatest fear that something happening that one of them.

I can imagine that being expectation for half of them and in their dying preventable duties of accounting where the child gets a cut simple ointment I can put on my mind. Sounds hand or whatever she did on that show that that cat turned into him affectionately and take over the body drop of unclean water that were cholera outbreak that just instantly can almost take out an entire village like one that we encountered so stream poverty and then to file traffickers pray on that poverty and doesn't take a lot of convincing for catheter to go into the village see family struggling to provide their daughter. We can take her down into the city on generative education like a job or she can send the money… Help you and your family also come back and periodically family will send their daughter down and she will never come back and she will not get an education and you will not get a good job surely put in a brothel where she broken and abused, made to do whatever I was just back there a couple months ago we were therapy and English.

And delivered out of trafficking and an eight-year-old girl in that room just able urgent physical so when I say but like urgent spiritual and physical made colliding so people are in urgent physical me like that and never even heard Jesus like Lee. That's why the company to change right when I first came to recognize mountains and my buddy were still important listening to. I don't know exactly what I do know that something needs to change that changing is not an ability change and me, my family, my church to be part of affecting change their thinking as I was reading and I can only imagine looking at these people in the face being there on the ground.

What God did in your hearts. David, you saw some of the religious practices unfolding before your eyes, and it really gave you a picture. Perhaps in a new way of the spiritual realities of even help talk to us about that pretty overwhelming knowledge to come to maybe replace Hindu holy river where within 24 hours a friend or camera dying during the body to this river, and by clicking on the funeral pyre over the river of light it on fire and – they believe is helpful for incarnation and so standing there looking at seeing people wailing bodies are burning.

Imagine, like the thing I smile and he realized, but based on what the Bible says you realize you're looking at a picture of a spiritual reality that the people who died in an apartment from you and are separated from God. Now forever and it's true that most if not all the people never had even some I tell them how they going to have to find so it's one thing to talk about the truth like in the comfortable confines like a church building for me to stand in front of the church about your measureless to meet the thing to come take the wrestle through okay. I put the Bible teaches for my life and how I make the whole love and eternal life. Jesus known all throughout the mountains and not just their show many places.

But, let's turn the corner because one of the other experiences you had on your trek through the Himalayas there in South Asia was experiencing the church that was there and in many cases this house church people went to incredible lengths just to be there. You had the privilege of teaching these believers that why you are there. Give us a sense of of what happened so beautiful after hiking for day and hardly heard about. You need to get Carter down the mountain and you start to more people and and you got this one village under small church people have heard and believed in years are gathered together and just say we went out at night and we climbed up this really high mountain whole deep mountain it with our client and that we went out and we saw the little like coming up that trail we gone out and guy who or where believers come together as church and I thought church members in the world like always. But then we gather together in this tiny little room and it is people of all ages. It's kids to been carrying their kids on the back. Grandparents gathered together in this room tiny room I'm on the lightbulb all crammed in and just not sure into worship this symbol in the way they were encouraging one another and talk about how they were sharing the gospel with people around and how it's costing them and some of the challenges and persecution they were facing… Like the church simple picture of the love for God's word and the old oak love one another and work together with an encouraging word for us today, and also a challenge. Something doesn't need to change in how you can find that time with your money.

David Platt with us today and moneywise I will have more. Do you know if you have enough money of house. Do you know how much is enough. If not, one blue can help with this book. Master your money a step-by-step plan for experiencing financial contentment. Learn how to save and invest and give wisely create a long-term financial plan and how to get out of debt. Find it all in master your money by Ron blue available when you click the start button moneywise.

I work to which the gears for your quiet time in prayer steel been about loving people people people need first we being put back on our thinking to go green believe in reincarnation 20 friends and I want to get something more. The financial wealth you leave behind could be the best thing that ever happened to your loved ones or the worst in splitting hairs, giving your money and things to your children without ruining their lives. Ron blue explains why it's important to make these decisions now, instead of forcing your heirs to do it later.

Splitting hairs will foster a real appreciation for the precious resources that God has entrusted to you, and it's available. Click the start button moneywise love is not speaking with David that you probably know that name is first at national exposure, radical fact, you can find out more about him and his ministry at radical.nets today were discussing his latest book something needs to change. David you've begun to just scratch the surface on this incredible track you had through the Himalayas and just before the break we were talking about the privilege you had of teaching those believers in that small house church after they had trekked up the hills. In many cases several miles and you know as you progress through this God really began to stir in your heart that something needs to change. That became the title of the book and what is it that the Lord has impressed upon your heart. That's the message for the church today to be really careful not like 123 when I would never come back out and party wishes I could take a bottle and my down conduct I can do that to Clay to bring to face-to-face with those Tory to say okay what need to change in my life family to church on the part of that process I began working through and really in some ways still at work.

If you like it or not careful like we can convince ourselves the world looks like what we see right around 20 just not true. And so all that to say at the end of the trout walk through okay. How can we work hard to help well managed urgent for me around the world unpack okay what does that look like, how to use the resources got into a fight right where we live, not just the memo is like right we live in an apartment and then how can we work hardest to spread the gospel and managed urgent spiritual need.

I mean this is where the other people in the gospel so how can I use my life, my resources, my family pictures are part of. Now can we be part gospel to them and right around the reality is we can be a part of meeting people's most urgent spiritual need today) lives and so were in the bugs.

Try to think through okay what Shane think that happened in our hearts and our lives. Routine use of resources. Family churches in order to affect change in a world urgent near I love that we need to work hard and we need help. Well David, as you know this program is about biblical financial principles using God's resources that he's entrusted to us wisely and faithfully, what is that look like as a pastor. How would you encourage us in that way we can get so caught up in thinking about what's happening with our 401(k) are we saving for retirement in which the next biggest house were going to buy. How do we wrestle with living in this culture. In the time of greatest prosperity the world has ever seen here in America, recognizing some of us to have an abundance in some of us are struggling there hearing my voice right now and yet in just about every case we have more than we need. So how do we reconcile that with what you're describing. I play and everyone in our hearts why God here in one of the well in the history of the world and you mention I know people are figuring out different levels of well the same time, like the fact we have clean water close shelter. We have the gospel I'm in so many things I would most like why was I not born the mountains going to the place where I've never had to worry about dying of preventable disease or clean water. Why like I heard the good news of God's love and in the day I was born I had nothing but sheer grace of God and I can explain it like why would I not born in the mountains so I don't know the answer that question but I do know that like I've been given grace for a reason not to spend my life and myself like it should not have been created for something so much greater and so much more wonderful to be a part of bringing hope to girls are being trafficked and get out of that situation. I bring the greatest in the world never heard it like I that's far more important that your house or more comforts, greater luxury natural.

That's where would get perspective like what about 10 billion years from now and what we cannot to be a part of today in the world, spreading the greatest news in the world, bringing hope, joy, life be like this is you can't put a price tag on that so much more I want. I think that's where tell stories all throughout this book is to people who realize that and are you leveraging resources.

Given that can make it goodness down in a world urgent need and once we start to take what that looks like now he realized nothing in this world can come bear witness to enjoy following you and you dare resources for his glory. Others good in our joy and incredible David, I'm so thankful that you were with us today.

We've obviously just scratch the surface but as I said at the outset. This is an important message know it's a critical message for the church today. Something needs to change and we appreciate you taking us on a part of that track with you through this book in my prayer and hope is that each of us listening today would think about our journey.

Each one is different what his God entrusted to you not only your financial resources, but the knowledge that you have of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. What can you do with that today and what is your part. That's what each of us need to do and think about deeply and David were delighted to have you with us. David pledge brand-new book something needs to change around. I can tell that they're reading this book as you've done, I can tell this is impacting it's really about being open to where God has called us to use our resources time in her talents and how we take that to a world in its different for everyone, but we need to stop thinking and pray and ask the Lord for us what needs to change, needs to change. That's where you'll find the book will be right back with more money wisely investing is more than just return. It's an expression of who you are and what you value is the way you invest your money reflect your identity as a Christian, and even tightly designed investments for performance and a better world so you can invest with the confidence to reach your financial goals while remaining truly are Christian values and commitments.

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My name is Aaron production assistant at Moody radio Moody radio versus the week is found in Mark 1124 25 therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received yours and when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone father in heaven give you your 1120 radio first week 11 radio. This may be the only opportunity. Somebody might know that the gospel change lives and so that's why it's important to change lives change lives that will follow Christ. Call one 800 visit Archie family is like this month somebody likes magazine were giving your family since closer together and closer to true financial freedom, practical advice to shrink the financial mutation in your marriage is more budget friendly family activities and a lot more free money wisely magazine subscription is waiting for you when you work/site from John Scott Gordon Gov. Gary Brown users, but religions will been guarding the US Courthouse during violent protest in downtown Portland, Oregon will begin withdrawing in the next 24 hours for reporting more than 9400 virus cases in 216 deaths today that eclipses the daily death record set a day ago.

The state health department reporting more than 6300 total confirmed deaths, but new numbers raise the average number of deaths reported daily to 142 that second only to Texas. Overall, heavy rains, pummeling the Eastern Caribbean due to a weather system headed to Puerto Rico storm could turn into a tropical storm and unleashed flooding and landslides Federal Reserve keeping its benchmark short-term interest rates back near zero but out-of-date gaining 160 points. This is SRN use and minimize live with Rob last time Steve Moore was taking calls from all across the country, so let's continue geographically up to Chicago, Illinois Mario, thanks for your patience. What's in your mind by next five years or so I have about $20,000 in loans between a car loan hundred on one thing at Beckel should be month.

Should I pay down the loans first or I can make the payment and my income toward the house, but should I just pay those off I can 100 or should I just keep making a payment to keep her out.

That's a good question and you know I think is your savings for emergencies typically would say you can stop at the 1500 mark. If you're trying to pay off high interest credit card debt. If you don't have any credit cards were just talking about student loan in a car.

Then I would really actually drive that savings up to three months worth of expenses. Do you have a really healthy emergency savings account for anything unexpected.

Beyond that, we got a determined we want to pay off the car or student loan or save for the house. You know I think that's really a decision you have to come to prayerfully. My preference would be that you go ahead and be really aggressive on the student loan and try to pay that down and knock it out completely, just because those content to linger and I think right now if you can keep lifestyle at a minimum, and really focus on knocking that out after you get your three months expenses you'll be thrilled you did.

And then perhaps at that point we continue making the monthly payment for the car, but we take all the money you were sending to student loans and redirect that and really all the margin that you have toward the home savings and the goal. There is can be 20%. I realize that that is going to involve you, perhaps renting a bit longer than you may be planned or that you'd like to, but that's gonna get you in a position where you're nearly debt free except for the car you'll be adding the mortgage but you be doing it with 20% equity right out of the gate again. There's no hard and fast rule on that lesson if you said we want to knock out all the debt for save the house or were comfortable that working to pay the students loans off within at least 10 years and we want to go and savor the house. I wouldn't argue with you it's just if it were me, I try to knock out student loans first and then then say for the house some extent yeah Mario you are in pretty good shape. Actually, you know you said you have $6000 in student loans. We talk to people who have 10 times that amount or more so, what may look like a big number but you can do it and were pleased to hear that you're moving in the right direction. Thanks for calling today. Alright buddy S18. I would just about give the phone number I should do that. Should I we have every recorded today.

So if I give the number and you dial it all you'll hear is a busy signal so yet don't call in today we are pre-recorded so that Rob and I could take the day off Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Tim. Oh what are you thinking about today, I'm calling about my wife and security okay credit short of getting anything I put on figuring and we don't know whether go back to working the public. And they don't take any security out. I prepay whether she should go back and be calm like a full-time girl and get her a credit worth it for her to go back to work, or which you get something on my end, when she retires at 62 yeah well I would love it if she could qualify for Social Security benefits and perhaps you could go visit with the somebody at the Social Security Administration just to get some very specific advice based on your situation and even a projection of what her benefit would be. But basically if she were to try to make up these eight credits that you believe see she is short, it would likely take her a couple years you can get up to four credits per year.

You get one credit for each $1320 of earnings and that amount increases goes up slightly each year, but roughly in a couple years time, so long as the work she did paid into Social Security and wasn't excluded from Social Security. Some teachers are based on qualifying for teachers pension doesn't sound like she be in that situation. So if she could get these eight credits over a couple years time, then perhaps you could qualify. But before you make that decision.

I encourage you to either make an appointment at the so security administration and just get a few more details or perhaps do some legwork yourself that they have a great website that would be helpful to you, but it sounds like that may be a good option. Okay I think are your content electrical thanks to Rob we have an email here this one is from Pat and it says Ecclesiastes says to divide our portion into seven or eight. Does that apply to money we have in an FDIC insured bank.

We have all my money at one bank.

We are well below the FDIC insurance limit, but should we use several banks, not just one yeah well Pat is referring here to Ecclesiastes 11 two. It says divide your portion to seven or even to eight for you don't know what misfortune may occur on the earth.

This is where we get the idea of diversification that we would apply to investing, which is essentially saying don't put your eggs in one basket. I don't think the same principle applies here.

We were talking about cash. Notably, because there's a guarantee. If there's FDIC insurance, it means it's backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. Now there's limits to that. Essentially, the FDIC has borrowing authority in the treasury up to about 30 billion.

But remember in 2008 when we had the credit crisis, Congress removed that limit temporarily and basically the FDIC had a blank check.

So at the end of the day.

So long as Congress approves that the FDIC has unlimited resources to make sure they can restore confidence in the banking system in the event bank defaults or many banks default but I think as long as urine in cash and you have that FDIC insurance there's no need for further diversification just based on the kind of asset that it is okay with that. I think we have time for one more down to Fort Lauderdale Florida held via a year with Rob West talk. We help you think you I know I know I might name so he picked me.

My question is if I die like that to connect yeah I'm not an attorney but let me just talk to you, generally about how this works normally accounts like that would be handled through your will. Now certain accounts allow for a beneficiary to be named on the account and if the beneficiary is named and it doesn't just have to be one.

There can be one or more if there's a beneficiary named it would pass outside of probate. It would go directly to the beneficiary, but with accounts other than investment accounts up for a typical checking account that would pass according to your wills of the key would be to make sure at least every 3 to 5 years if not sooner that you have your will updated because that's going to handle how your personal assets and property is passed at your death, it would go through the probate process to those named in your will. So I'd encourage you to take a look at your will and make sure it's up-to-date. Is there a difference Rob between the beneficiary and a signatory if you will a signatory would be some he was actually on the loan. In this case she's just wanted to make sure that these assets in this account are passed to an error and again you can either do that by naming them in the account as a beneficiary or you can just make sure you have an up-to-date well and held via. We hope that helps you would lead to call today.

Thank you very very much appreciate that you're listening to moneywise live with Rob West will be right back after this.

Please many people are experiencing financial challenges such as credit card downsizing that in jobs, savings, more than half of all divorces are the result of financial pressures at home money counts biblical financial expert Howard shows that the Bible is a veritable managing your finances will discover the profound relationship with God, your money counts is available when you click the start button moneywise. I got a wire I'm a car guy here to help you understand the urgency and how fun it is to share your faith in every opportunity. Almost everyone is upset or worried these days of editing to everyone else is being upset. For those of us living in God's protection that makes every conversation an easy opportunity to uplift people and moving closer to Jesus.

Most to expect to be just as upset as they are and when you're not set you apart from everyone else is talking to is not natural to be happy today it's supernatural and begs the question why how can you be happier. So what's going wrong you not following the news whenever people asked you that kind of a question they just give you permission to tell them about Jesus and anything you say that connects your peace with your faith will have huge you have what they want. There's nothing more exciting. Knowing God just use you to at least somebody join and no moment is called owner I can't remember the last time I said no to something and said I always just added in. Maybe that's my problem. At that moment.

We got to the root of Stephen's issue. Like so many today feeling spread thin and unsatisfied. Can you relate it's possible that like Stephen busyness overload feeling some 27 four says one thing I have asked of the Lord friend was the one thing that God is calling you to build your life around. One thing I do know is wherever we are.

God is calling each of us to disciple people. So in the frantic multitasking. Focus your life, a life without focus is alive without leg. Learn more about American resources many people adopt an attitude toward marriage and finances that it'll all work out somehow. But sadly, it often doesn't financial woes can devastate a marriage but there is a better way. God's way, money and marriage God's way by Howard Dayton will help you discover God's approach to growing your finances strengthening your relationship with your mate and cultivating godly joy, money, and marriage God's way is available and moneywise this is a segment of the broadcast. We previously accorded think so much for being with us today and we hope will stick around and enjoy the rest of the program.

Thanks much for joining us today and moneywise, live talking with people all across the country about what concerns them financially why do we do this well because God's word talks a lot about money and finances are not just about giving and being generous but all sorts of practical things like cosigning, saving and investing in a two thirds of the parables talk about money or finances in some way, form or fashion.

In a surprising well let's what Rob we just received an email, it just came in from Sherry when we jump on this. While I have it up in front of my screen or on my screen.

She says dear Rob and Steve, I have a credit card with a large balance in a high interest rate would be wise to take out a bank loan to pay off the credit card at a substantially lower interest rate. Have a wonderful day yeah thanks Terry you know what my approach to this.

First of all is to go back and identify the cause of the credit card debt in the first place. You mentioned you have a large balance. A high interest rate. Let's make sure we've done the hard work of saying what got us to this position were we living beyond our means. Was it an unexpected emergency was a large medical expense. What was it, and have we corrected it because so often when we take the pressure off by re-financing it. We deftly don't want to take unsecured debt secured to the house, but assuming you mean an unsecured bank loan with an interest rate lower the pressure comes off and then often what will find is a year later you've got this new bank loan and the credit card debts back because we treated the symptom and not the problem. So start by really being honest with yourself. What got you here. Second, let's put a spending plan in place. Where were tracking the flow of money in and out and we're doing that in a Detailed Way, #3. I'd rather see you debt snowball this if you have a couple of balances.

Let's go lowest to highest balance and just go after those, and free up as much margin as you can on a monthly basis if you'd like to make a balance transfer one time for a 0% interest rate. I would be okay with that but I wouldn't do it more than once and to the extent that you're not able to pay it and you incur more debt, I wouldn't do it again, and I'd really stay focused.

The last thing on my throat is a debt management service you could contact repay Christian credit counseling and see if they can help you, but I'd really start with that budget, then surely we appreciate hearing from you and if you have a question for Rob you'd like to send along by email instead of calling the address is go out to Davenport, Iowa. Next, Ruth.

Thanks so much for holding. How can we help you well just have to wait three months ago and I find I minute financial situation that is brand-new to me having a rather large and I'm really searching to what I should do with that delight give inheritance to children before I die each year to the Mac. Should I put a settlement and a ladder D different banks. There, there's probably going to be $200,000 that will be coming to me fairly be settlement will be coming probably over the next year that my health situation is rather precarious. I had lots of heart problems. I do not have lawn care term insurance. So what would you advise in that case was first of all them really sorry to hear about your husband's passing and I appreciate that you want to make sure you're honoring the Lord. With this being a wise steward and making good decisions moving forward.

First thing I would always do in a situation like this. We've gone through the tragedy of gone through a major life change. Certainly with your husband passing away. We don't want to do anything in terms of major changes quickly.

You want to take your time at least six months, maybe as much as a year and really just process all of this work through the grieving process. Get some wise counsel and not make any major life changes, but as you get some clarity about what the Lord would have for you moving forward. I think that's the time to begin to really think about where you want to live in, and what decisions you want to make moving forward and clearly having some wise counsel as a part of that is going to be absolutely critical.

The Bible talks about the need for a multitude of counselors in the wisdom and having godly counsel and that's certainly what you need to avail yourself above and basically what they will be looking at a financial professional is first of all, what is God doing in your life and what plans as you pray through this next season. What is God have for you what daddy you can eat heavy plan to use your time where you want to live. What are your goals in terms of the giving that you might want to do in providing for your kids now and and and and at death and I just looking at all of these issues and then as he or she that financial professional of the team of professionals begin to understand that then I think it's just a matter of positioning your assets properly to take full advantage of what God is leading you to.

How do we protect the money. How do we take care of it on a tax-advantaged basis. Our how can you be a wise giver. What is the estate planning decisions that have to be made it what is it a trustor. What about updating your will. Looking at all those issues and what risk do we need offset through something like long-term care insurance if it's available to you based on your your current health and any other risk that needs to be addressed through insurance anything from of course your your property and casualty, but but even beyond that. So I think that's really the direction you need to go in the short term. Ruth, you can absolutely take any of the proceeds that you're receiving and put those in FDI. See insured account and that FDIC insurance will go up to 250,000 and you can do that that multiple banks and so you would have 250,000 per institution right now as interest rates are rising, you have the opportunity to earn a little bit of money while you're still just try to get your plan together so you can earn between 1 1/2, and even 1.8% annually with an FDIC insured high-yield savings place to find some of the best options out there would be bank and whether that's an online bank or even a local bank or credit union, but you'll find the higher rates with the online options and then I think it's a matter of if you don't Artie have one finding that trusted professional that's gonna walk with you through this decision-making process. If you don't have an advisor or you're looking to make a change. I think you could go to and search for a certified kingdom advisor.

I'd interview with at least three and is a part of that conversation. I would also begin. If you don't Artie have one find estate planning attorney who can help you work through the estate planning needs that you have into your pointer or question about inheritance. I think you can absolutely once you've done the planning and and really feel confident about that. You could even begin to in addition to the giving. You might want to do now. Go ahead and and start taking advantage of.

For instance, the annual gift exclusion of 15,000 per child.

If you wanted begin to pass some inheritance now so I think there is a lot of moving pieces. There think the key is to go slow and really put your team of trusted advisors in place that you can lean on for counsel along the way, thank you so much. I really appreciate that night. Well, I appreciate you calling today and then we will ask the moneywise community to be praying for you. In fact, would you mind if we pray for you right now and be great okay and father. We just left Ruth up to you. She is your daughter and let me trust you with her. We just ask that you would intervene miraculously. Lord, you tell us that you are near to the brokenhearted and so we just asked that the peace that passes understanding would descend upon her and Lord, that you would guide and direct her steps moving forward or that you bring trusted counselors and advisers around her. You give her wisdom you give her clarity about this upcoming season and more that you would just use her incredible ways in the people around her, and for your glory in whatever you have. Lord, we again trust her to you and I just thank you for the opportunity to speak to her today and mascots in Jesus name, amen, amen.

And I bless you Ruth thank you so much for calling you back, and will ask your listeners to remember Ruth as well.

Her husband's only been gone three months and this is a very hard time for her. I'm sure Rob, we began today talking with David Platt about his book something needs to change. Yet we sure did. Steve and I would really encourage all of our listeners to pick up a copy of this book, incredible story around David Strack with his team through the Himalayas really seeing such a huge mission field. Keep in mind this is the birthplace of Hinduism of Buddhism Christianity is hardly found anywhere in then you got the physical need, just the disease. The collar of that's rampant half of the children die before their eighth birthday widespread hunger. Of course their sex trafficking. It's a really dark place and yet God is doing something there. As believers are really going to great lengths to come together and worship the Lord and you know this is a reminder Steve that we all need to be financially content we need to manage God's money wisely. So we are in a position to respond to incredible needs like the ones that are being identified here in this part of the world. So pick up a copy of something needs to change, by David Platt well said while speaking of financial contentment, author and teacher Ron blue helps you break down all the financial options available to you today and then helps you find financial contentment. God's plan for your life. In his book, never enough three keys to financial contentment find this volume when you visit our website moneywise when in our bookstore, never enough three keys to financial contentment Thanks for being with us today. Have a great remainder of your day, then join us again next time