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The Devices of the Devil | Part 1

Love Worth Finding / Adrian Rogers
The Cross Radio
June 10, 2020 8:00 am

The Devices of the Devil | Part 1

Love Worth Finding / Adrian Rogers

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June 10, 2020 8:00 am

Our enemy is very cunning and methodical. But we don’t have to be ignorant to the devices of the Devil—the Holy Spirit is our ally. In this message, Adrian Rogers identifies the devil’s methods in Nehemiah 4, so that we may stand against his attacks.

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The symbolism behind the ball and walls in the book of Nehemiah listen to Adrian Rogers about Nehemiah is rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and today we are rebuilding Walters walls of orthodoxy have crumbled preachers today with humanistic tendencies that deify management, deny the Lord in the five along and the file the land walls of decency have grown and the demon possessed sex crazed money mad world that we live in is right judgment and walls of freedom are crumbling and the news is getting tighter and tighter as totalitarian regime around the world are flaunting how and what we need today in this church and in our world are so modern-day Nehemiah and welcome to love worth fighting.

Adrian Rogers was a beloved pastor and convicting Bible teacher stress the importance of rebuilding spiritual goal centerline in the book of Nehemiah.

The walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt despite the enemy's opposition. Our enemy is very cunning and methodical, but because the Holy Spirit is our ally. We don't have to be ignorant about the devices of the devil.

Not only can we know his methods. We can stand against. If you have your Bible turnout of Nehemiah chapter 4 is Adrian Rogers reveals the devices of the devil.

I want you to take your Bible squeeze and turn if you would please to the book of Nehemiah Nehemiah chapter 4 hours talking to my about his Majesty's Satanic and final Majesty, who is the god of this age.

The premise of this world and the message tonight really is to sound an alarm to warn you that you have an enemy and you need to know about him. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Now our enemy is very deceitful Bible tells us in the book of Revelation that he deceives the whole world is very cunning in crafting. For example, in Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 11 alternative but to stay there and Nehemiah, but in Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 11. The Bible says that way to stand against the wiles of the devil, and the word wiles methyl neon is the Lord we get our methods from that incident was very methodical. It is awarded by happenstance, not willy-nilly. He has a strategy to stop this church. He has a strategy to ruin your life Bible space allows of the devil and in first Timothy chapter 2 in verse 24. The Bible speaks of the snares of the devil.

That is, he has laid a trap for you now remember that a snares hit when you want to snare somebody if you going to snare while beast. For example, for the snare on the ground and under covered with leaves and strong or whatever. So somewhere sometime when you least expect. There is the snare of the devil is Mathis while the snares and then the apostle Paul said, however, in second Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 11 for we are not ignorant of his devices. That's the third word wiles snares and then devices now. Thank God we don't have to be in ignorance concerning what Satan is up to you see their friend and how poor our intelligence department Holy Spirit tells us exactly what our enemies up to. We don't have to be so many people are saturated with ignorance concerning the work of the devil, not in the book of Nehemiah. We're going to see what I would call tonight the devices of the devil. Now these are not fantasies in the book of Nehemiah is not written as mere history is biblically recorded.

Truth and it is more than an episode of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.

It is indeed didactic in that God has given us this book to teach us that we would not be ignorant of Satan's devices about what it happened is this that God called Nehemiah as a builder. God called Nehemiah to go return back to Jerusalem and build walls, rebuild the walls of Jerusalem that had broken down and so Nehemiah has gone back to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem that anyone work for God will receive Satanic opposition. Satan works against July they wanted on working days. Maybe we'll don't congratulate yourself you have met the devil is cozy and the devil are going in the same direction you turn around, my dear friend and you have a head on collision with Satan. He stands against anything that is good and godly at home, but thank God we do not have to be ignorant of his devices. To be forewarned is to be for our and I thank God for this book of Nehemiah. Now Nehemiah is rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and today we are rebuilding wall walls of orthodoxy have crumbled Satan today in the world has developed an educated and polished juice. List the name brand of preacher and minister preachers today with humanistic tendencies that deify management, deny the Lord and defy the law and the file the land walls of orthodoxy have crumbled walls of decency have crumbled, not since Manhattan Island was sold for $24 has so much filter and so so cheaply is right here in America and the demon possessed sex crazed money mad world that we live in is ripe for judgment and walls of freedom are crumbling and the noose is getting tighter and tighter as totalitarian regimes around the world are flaunting how and what we need today in this church and in our world are so modern-day Nehemiah.

Now let me mention what the devil did to try to stop Nehemiah and what the devil will do to try to stop this church try to stop you. I'm going to mention some things.

The very first thing is what I want to call the region.

Look, if you will in chapter 4 verse one, but it came to pass that when San Ballard heard that we build the wall. He was entering great indignation and the Jews you see that I just underscored he mocked them that he is keen to write in them. That is the last of them, that is, he ridiculed and he spake for his brethren, and the Army of Samaria said, what do these people choose will fortify themselves. Will they sacrifice will they make in in in a day will they revive the stones out of a heaps of rubbish which are burned. Did you hear the sarcasm. Can you hear them providing withering scorn in the mouth of this man named San Ballard who hated the work of Christ about what is happening. Is this the devil is trying to laugh God's people away from a work for God. Have you ever been laughed at for your faith have to fire. I've had people since I was a high school kid the left of me because of the things I do and would not do. You see, you might as well admit the fact that true Christians are going to be the laughing stock of this world. I mean, have you noticed any of the situational comedies on television where they make fun of Bible believing Christians. Have you noticed that if there is a minister of the gospel. I mean, if he is a Bible believing preacher. These may look like some food, some freak, some fanatic all true Bible believers in the eyes of the world are going to be called do-gooders blue noses Puritans fundamentalist fanatics.

Whatever it is they're going to try to left us away from work for God. My dear friend, I want to tell you that that scorn is the work of Matthew save Rogers there must be something wrong with us if they laugh at us. They don't respect us. My dear friend, the servant is not better than he is Lord and they mocked and laughed and ridiculed the Lord Jesus.

One of the most poignantly sad verses in all of the Bible is found in the book of Mark chapter 5 in verse 40 when the Lord Jesus was getting ready to raise a little girl from the dead and the Bible says listen to it. They laughed him to school.

I'm talking about Jesus holding this high literally the Lord of glory. Can you stand up under that kind of ridicule. Can you carry your Bible work 11 life can you pray over your meal and let them laugh, it's time ridicule has a staying in the devil knows it now responsive Nehemiah's crowd was a wonderful response. Notice what they did and chapter 4 verse six. So, Bill.

We all and all was joined together into the habit thereof. All the people had limited what you want to do when people begin to laugh at you for what you believe Joss go to work for the Lord Jesus Christ and before long you'll wipe that laughter off their face notice, but when it came to pass that when San Ballard and Tobiah and the Arabians and the ammonites – the Knights that the walls of Jerusalem were made up and that the breaches began to be stop by were very wrong. Laughter.

Now my friend there people in this city who would laugh at the faith that we hold as a church, but we just need to have a mind door. Just keep on doing what God has called us to do and before law when they see what God is doing.

Their laughter will turn to anger. Notice in verse nine. Nevertheless, we made our prayer unto our God and set a watch against them day and night because of them.

I love it. Here's the laughter and the people at a mind work in verse six they had a heart to pray in verse nine. They had to walk in verse nine and so they went on and built because they were more concerned about the approval of God than they were the ridicule of men. I just thank God for men were not ashamed of Jesus Christ and I will some of you Lilly livered so-called Christian men out here to be bold for the Lord Jesus Christ don't you let the devil laugh you out of work for God, they lasted. Jesus let them laugh. Just go to work now. The devil tried to ration and that didn't work, so he's not finished yet.

Now he tries discouragement. Look, if you will, in verse 10 and Judah said this is Nehemiah 4 verse 10 and Judah said the strength of America's burdens is decayed and there is much rubbish. No, listen to this next phrase so that we are not able to build the wall. Now Judah was inspired of the devil, because they were able, but here's a man who says we are not a case seems that the devil always put some into the ranks of the believers who say it can't be God deliver us from the Judas, it will be done, but no thanks to them.

These people are like a drink of water to a drowning man. I mean, dear friend. I've seen them in every church I pastor I remember down in the little church that I passed it on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, we decided we need a little educational building. I was pastoring that church is a seminary student.

We cleared off the spot and poured a slab of concrete to build educational building.

Oh I remember one of the members of that church and came to me and looked at that foundation, and was literally a and that person said what foolishness is this what business is this that we will build a building moment/what a waste of God's money, you go down there today. You see that building moment/my dear friend, because there was an individual who said it. God said to my heart. It will be done and it was done. I remember the same thing in Fort Pierce, Florida the first church I took after seminary, we decided we needed some space. We needed to raise some money. I remember a dear man, bless his heart. 11 but he came to me and expression law. These isolates say it is voice would crackle he would say elected that he said will never do it. I said myself by the grace of God we will my dear friend. We did we do try always to put someone around who says they can't meet some of you get to Sarasota Sunday school teachers ready to quit that Sunday school class. You got a class of bad laws to say those boys are incorrigible quoting thing needs a Sunday school teacher is not incorrigible boys. I'm indifferent that why God put you in that class you sailor so much rubbish where you can build all rubbish but remove the rubbish of anger and pride and temporary they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Discouragement is one of the greatest tools of Satan and God deliver us from those ministers of discouragement. Those human wet blankets.

The Bible says in Galatians chapter 6 and verse nine. Be not weary in well doing, let me give you 1/3 device of the devil. If duration would not do it and discouragement would not do it. Then he uses actual danger look in verse 11, and our adversary said they shall not know me the Sica we come in in the midst among them and slay them and cause the work to cease.

Now the devil is not against physical intimidation. The devil is not against actually causing bodily harm to the children of God. He would like to be more dainty if he could, but the devil will actually threaten you and I have been threatened in the ministry. I've had my very life threatening. I have received threatening notes and letters and all those things and every child of God who will stand up to the Lord Jesus will have someone who will say I am going to do you bodily harm. It's one of the devices of the data. What these people do they react to what the devil said that he was going to do what they did three things.

First of all, they remember the Lord.

Look at your will. In verse 14 and the Bible says here and I looked, and rose up and set into the nobles into the rumors into the rest of the people, be not afraid of him. Remember the Lord, which is great and terrible. That's the very first thing you need to do when somebody intimidates you remember the Lord. He is greater and animated a little boy asked his dad that help is the devil is that so I really don't know he said was bigger than I am in the data set was on.

I reckon he is. He said what that is, a bigger mommy said yes. So I think he is batting is a bigger than you. Dad said yes I'm leaving will boys get very frightened. He said daddy is a bigger than Jesus but dad said no son is not. When the little fellow said that I'm not afraid of it.

I like that greater is he is in you than he that is in the world and what is Nehemiah say to these people who make threats. He says remember the law. Remember the Lord to not only remember the Lord. Remember, your loved ones look in verse 14 and I looked, and rose up and set into the nobles into the rulers and the rest of them. Be not afraid of them. Remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons and daughters Joe lives in your house. Remember the Lord and not fight in order to be about Ignatius not fight in order to take more ground light ones will be not afraid, remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons or daughters or what and how does this all that we hold dear is at stake and in the balance. And don't you let the devil intimidate you. You need to intimidate him. The Bible says in James 4/7 submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Well, the devil is not finished yet.

Let me give you another of the devices of the devil not only danger but discord look in chapter 5 in verse one. It was a great cry of the people, and otherwise against their brethren.

The Jews now the devil says well if I can get at them with derision.

If I can give them with discouragement. If I can get them with danger that I'll get at them with this goal will divide up the body and I will put discord in the ramus that I am this particular chapter. If you read the discord was over money. Many churches have been divided over discord over money, but it could be over anything the devil loves the church for us. But the Bible says God hates him that sows discord among brethren.

One of the great truths of the deity of Jesus Christ is the unity of the church Jesus prayed in John chapter 17 that believers would be one that the people of this world owe anyone that the people of this world would believe that God the father had sent the Lord Jesus Christ. John 17 versus 20 and 21 now the reason we must stay together is very easily seen if you look in chapter 5 in verse nine here's what Nehemiah said to these brethren. These brethren who work at one another's. Also, I said it is not good that you do all you not to walk in the fear of our God because of the reproach of the heathen.

Our enemies said we must we must stay together. My dear friend, as your pastor, I will save you.

We must we must stay together. Now I'm not going to divide with you and you not going to buy with me and when I go divide with one another over the color of the carpet of the placement of the origin of the size of a building on a incidence enough in a budget or anything else. The only thing that we would never ever have to take the vision would be Bible doctrine and moral standards. My dear Frank, we cannot ever let Satan in any way rival wage into our fellowship and the people said and you are our fellowship with your very life.

The devil is so divisive.

The Bible says God hates him. The sows discord among brethren will what happened, how do they handle this if you will in chapter 5 verse 11 minimize and restore to them. Even this day, their lands living in scallop yards and the house is also the hundred part of the money handle the corn and the wine and the oil that you exacted them and they said we will restore them and will require nothing of them do as thou sayest, and I called Reese to both of them that they should do according to this promise.

Now what happened is this there was a problem that could have caused even greater to school. They had spiritual leadership. They got together and there was repentance there was restoration there was a resumption of the work. Let me tell you something different. There are no problems too big to solve. Just people too small so we can solve almost any problem. If we attack the problem rather than one another sold almost any problem. If we attack the problem rather for one another is that hit home in your life today.

Oh you don't want to miss part two of this message coming up next time and if you have questions about who Jesus is what he means to you how you can give your heart and life to him right now, go to where discovered Jesus you find resources and materials that can answer questions you may have about your faith again go to and click discovered Jesus help you like to order a CD of today's message in its entirety.

Call us at 1877 love God and mention the title the devices of the devil's message is also part of the powerful series turning problems into possibilities for the complete collection all eight insightful messages.

Call us at that number 877 love God or go online or you can write is it love worth finding box 38, 600 Memphis, TN 38183 thanks for joining us for today's lesson. Christians today don't be ignorant of Satan's devices know the word of God filled with the spirit of God and don't be afraid.

Be sure to join us tomorrow for the powerful conclusion of this lesson on love worth buying glycerin, Tennessee reached out to our discovered Jesus page online and share this message of encouragement. She said this is my first time contacting your ministry. Although I've listened to it for years. I love listening to Adrian Rogers straight clear direct way of teaching it makes it plain and very easy to understand and relate to my own real life. Thanks for continuing to spread his word to those of us who need to hear it. God bless you as our great honor to provide the constant profound truth of the gospel. Simply stated by Adrian Rogers in any season is why this month as a thank you for your generous gift to send you out over comers booklet collection request. This bundle when you call with the gifted one 877 love God or you can give again thanks for your generous support. Love worth finding