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Breaking Through Life's Biggest Barriers - How to Overcome Boredom and Blues, Part 2

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram
The Cross Radio
January 15, 2019 5:00 am

Breaking Through Life's Biggest Barriers - How to Overcome Boredom and Blues, Part 2

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram

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January 15, 2019 5:00 am

How do you overcome the blues? Is there a way to take those dreary, depressing feelings and drive them from your mind and heart? Find out by joining Chip, as he teaches: “How to Overcome Boredom and the Blues.”

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Authentic is it singing a song is a stained-glass electric guitar. I believe authentic worship is one of the most misunderstood concepts in the body of Christ today would you like to hear exactly what Jesus says authentic worship is and how to do. Thanks for joining us for this Tuesday. Addition of living on the Living on the Edges of international discipleship ministry featuring the Bible teaching of dripping chip wraps up our current series breaking through life's biggest.

If you missed any of these programs along the way many time online flipping on the dot option would be to download the chipping remap. If you're Living on the Edge whenever you want.

Now let's get going with part two of trips final message for the series we find in John chapter 4 verses 21 to 24 Jesus ends up talking with a lady, a Samaritan, she was despised woman Jews and talk to Samaritans is unusual conversation, and the historical history Samaritans are: Jewish Breeds. They have 1/2 Jewish blood and have Samaritan immunoglobulin and they had a real tussle between the Jews and the Samaritan so Jesus is tired of the fellows go into grab lunch, bring it back. He's sitting by well and this lady we find out ladies later has a pretty checkered past, Jesus looks beyond all that, and he struck up a conversation. Jesus declared, believe me, woman, time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem I got talking about worship and she said will you know our fathers do it here and you Jews doing over there you Samaritans worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews, yet a time is coming and has now come when true worshipers. That's what we want to be right. I do true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, not notice this line for they are the kind of worshipers the father seeks you would be close to God. You want to experience God. You see God do things in your life about people that you read about in the New Testament. The Old Testament is seeking. I mean, he's got the spiritual x-rays and probing looking for men looking for women looking for students who would worship him in spirit and in truth. He's the hound of heaven belongs to have a relationship with you. You are special, but he won't interfere like people dancing you know it's rude to rip someone else and say I want to dance when you're plywood.

Either you tap them on the shoulder and another person steps back and you step in this is what God does. Day by day moments like this he comes to you and he taps you on the shoulder. He says excuse me, can I cut in and you say well I'm worshiping this house right now. He says I know he said not a good dance any cash on the shoulder and says kind I'm worshiping my career to go to school to go to grad school and I had to do this and he says I know can I cut in C.

He seeks after people who worship in spirit and in truth. Why God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and truth, question is what right one in the world does it look like the Holy Spirit will aluminate our minds. Do you realize that the father will be seeking you very interesting in verses 21, 22, there talk about geography and location. Authentic worship can happen anywhere. Now that were more open to that. But in that culture that society had gone to show up at the synagogue Jesus at a time is coming when location means nothing. See worship is not about form. It's about function. It's not about location. It's about purpose.

Worship can happen in the church building nature quiet moments, the human heart. First Corinthians 6 1920 says no you not that your bodies are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in you, God. We are told in Scripture doesn't take up residence in things made by human hands.

But what in human hearts.

If you know Christ as your Savior. If you turn from your sin believe on his death on the cross and his resurrection and inviting Christ to forgive you sin you trusted in him and his energy or life into his family. The Holy Spirit is within you. You are his sanctuary can happen anywhere. It can happen as you walk, you can happen is you talk to can happen is you think every single moment of every day anywhere. Worship can take place, but begins at a point in time when you say I want to worship you as a living sacrifice. This is me. Second authentic worship flows from the heart. Did you notice that phrase happen two times worship in spirit. Everyone wants to know. Should there be a big ass fair or little asking alike in spirit is a big ask the Holy Spirit or in spirit out of the human heart from the context it seems clear that it's a small essence. It's from the heart because the Holy Spirit having been given yet, but as we read our New Testament what we know as both are true is the Holy Spirit who teaches us how to pray as the Holy Spirit leads and guides us into all truth about the idea. Here Jesus is saying he's living in a world with religious ritual. Jesus is saying true worshipers have to be people from the heart. Any time you get honest any time you're broken anytime soon.

God I need you and you come just as you are there on Meacham is looking for people who come honestly from the heart. God has room for people that have blown it deeply really messed up morally and they repent and they come back broken and God has a place to forgive other consequences sure, but he needs and whether you want to father who seeking and pursuing you. First of all, realize worship. Worship happens anywhere take advantage of second authentic worship flows from the heart third authentic worship is rooted in an accurate view of God and of ourselves. Notice in truth it's in spirit from the heart entrance. Scripture is the standard for our worship.

John 1717 Jesus is in the car and he's praying. She's writing a check out of the planet. Remember, sanctify them a price to the father sanctify them by thy truth by word is the truth.

We wanted to know what the object of our worship should be. What did Jesus say I am the way the truth and the life.

If you have authentic worship.

Jesus needs to be the center of it.

What did Jesus say if I be lifted up one I will draw all men to myself. You see, worship is gone be much more than experience an emotional experience, even religious experience. Religions have all religious experiences.

It must be in spirit and in truth. The truth of Christ.

The truth of Scripture. The truth of the resurrection, the truth and the character of God.

What is reduced our worship in our days, God has gotten so small because we we don't think about God as he is God used to be so far away that people can get close to them and in this whole evangelical Christianity came in and we swung the pendulum in our day were God's everybody's buddy Lord hey man upstairs in the five-man is for you and is for you. He's a holy God. When the people of the Bible see a holy God say fall on their face and every time we open the curtain and you look at heaven. Isaiah 6. Revelation 5 anytime you get a peek at heaven. You know what you see.

You see, worship and use the exalted angelic beings flying and they cover their eyes and there, their feet because they are they are all of the holiness and the otherness and the sheer power of the holy God created all that there is we are so glib with the God of the universe and we don't think you can do much because we have shrunken down to our local size and made him our little best friend Jeannie who work out our life and we print out parking spaces on prime for that in relationships and money and this and that and you know what, when's the last time you thought God and you worship him for who he is and then to think that he would grant a parking space or a life mate or financial need is humbling that one so transcendent, so powerful even know you won a parking space, let alone answers that you know what he is. He's in his caring, compassionate, and so he'll just take me and he'll take you where you can meet you where you not worry on right view of God in a right view of ourselves. That's what truth does when you look at yourself. You're full of dignity because you made an image of God, that you are fallen, and I am fallen and we are sinful and the heart is desperately wicked above all else.

When you worship you will find something happening. The closer and closer. The closer you get to God.

You will not have any problem with humility because God's will and is expanding what happens. Your sinfulness expands see most of us we think and write on the car percent pure all the time cursing in my weaker moments, many of them I find someone who's a little less holy than me and I compare myself to them. I think what you elsewhere anymore.

And doing this letter that I get before God that he lets me see some of my motives in ministry and then he lets me see little things to come out of my mouth review a heart so selfish and then lets me see some just junk and there's times when I have a great time praying.

I just think God had even put up with me. He says Jesus taught put up with everybody. He loves you. He died for you, he paid for that sin that I just pointed out in your lifelong process of him renewing and transforming well are you a worshiper that the father seeking you worship anywhere does your worship come from the heart is your worship revealed an accurate view of God accurate view of yourself. Let's move on. How can you experience greater intimacy in your worship. Let's get real practical.

Let me give you some tips if you will from people who walk with God a lot longer than me a lot longer than most here, I think one of the greatest problems in our worship is lack of balance. We tend to get into ruts very quickly.

Certain forms whatever form we grow up with.

We think that's the way it's amazing people. If you grew up with hymns and God spoke to you through hymns.

You think hymns are what we are saying some of us that came to Christ through courses many of courses were set some of you came to Christ with electric guitars, no blood type.

God is God can be in the building is electric charge on because that's how you came to Christ there. Some of you think that you're not really worshiping lets you raise your hands or somebody think if you do raise your hands please. The worship next me for some people. Unless the organ is flying in a stained glass and there's that sense of absolute silence when you walk in and that's the way to worship and there's others that field musters the joy of the Lord Lester celebration happening in the room and there's not worshiping you you're all right but so easily what we do is we get in a rut. We think it's form instead of function and we slide into very gradually making our needs, our lives, our agendas instead of God. The focus of our time of worship, private worship, I believe is our declaration.

Our declaration of driving a stake to refuse to become little gods, to the extent that you worship privately you are driving a stake and say I'm going to have something in my life on a daily or at least almost daily basis that forces me to stop and let go of all the plastic all those beads and remember who is Lord King's offer boss and private worship is a declaration of my refusal to be God. And when I don't have time to worship when I'm too busy to worship you make the parallel. How could we not have time for him who made us an oxymoron. Unless we really believe were God or were worshiping something else in your private worship, so that you don't get in a rut.

This was taught me early on, but it's been very effective in fact when I do. Sometimes I have a hard time concentrating and I've really hard time praying I feel like my prayers are getting anywhere.

The other big problem I have in worship in time with the Lord as I lie a lot I lie to myself. I pray prayers.

I don't mean I say things that sound good night here and I think, and so I write them down.

I don't know why but when I see it in print until Ingram who you fool them is not true right now is really true, and often in my journal. All right, down the letters a CT and S because if I'm under a lot of pressure. All I do is S supplication, supplication, supplication, the a stands for adoration in your private time with God. Read some passages about who he is or think thoughts about his character.

Second is confession. This is an easy part to skip in a hurry and every time I skip it. My spiritual skin gets thicker and then it's harder to hear God voice but all right see on my paper and then I'll sit quietly say God you bring anything to my mind that I need to confess anything that's produced a barrier between me and you or me and another person.

I sit quietly and I assume that what God brings to my mind, not vague.

Now if you get a vague feeling like you are a jerk that is not Godtrue the Scriptures very clear. The Holy Spirit's job is to what he illuminates in order to draw you near that conviction is conviction is the opposite of condemnation condemnation makes you feel bad, and what one makes you want to go away from God. Conviction is hey I really love you and there's a little problem between us why we get this taken care of so we get closer and you sit quietly in go show you.

Third is T4 Thanksgiving.

I find it multiple mornings I don't feel like I don't feel like being shipped on a Filipina pastor. I feel like doing anything. I maybe you can agree and you know than you think was a couple coffee and then after my 2nd cup of coffee. I still feel the same way. I realize maybe have an attitude problem and it's amazing to sit down and fill half of the page. God I'm thankful today for an eye, I start with my wife start with my kids. I begin to list things I'm thankful for in about five minutes.

My attitude changes and I offer them up to him this little acronym acts a CTS. I think it's a great way to learn to worship the final one is asked supplication.

What I do is I just take my concerns all right.

I'm concerned about and then I listen and then at the end of them I determined prayers God, would you take this one would you take this one would you take that with now. You don't need to write all that out I'm just a slow learner and it helps me because the other thing I've done is like it's complicated and it is a joy, sometimes I'm feeling really even less motivated than what I thought before then. What I do is I just flipped back my journal three days ago and I see the checkmarks the dates the answers to prayer, flipped back a week. Checkmarks check for check for checkmark dates answers to prayer and you know it reminds me God is still on the throne.

Ingram you not the center of the universe, lighten up, buddy. I got it all under control had a control last week got it now. Got it next week if you hit my milk truck.

Life will go right on and you know what, that's a healthy thing to remember in public worship. Let me give you three peas by way of practical experience. The first one and not take take this role of winsome heart okay take this from because we don't practice this well all is his preparation. If you come Saturday night. Slow down earlier in the afternoon to come on Sunday. The night before. You can stay out till 2 o'clock in the morning and have effective worship 911 mL what you ask is this is the most important thing to get into is like the NBA shaving ship gained the Super Bowl game guys are not run around the hallways at three in the morning, you know, playing cards, and there a special diet and are thinking the focus is days, the big you know why because that's what they worship. Know what we worship when we prepare you to come emotionally low keyed and focused to come rested. You have prayed for the service.

The people involved in it.

You are to realize that the first 15 minutes is not fluff time.

It's when we sing in adoration to God. So coming here not on time at 5 to 10 minutes early to interact and maybe share what's going on and encourage someone actually being here when it starts in Seaview Unicom with an attitude of to hear from him. He's good to meet you. Second P is for purpose. The purpose of worship is not to evaluate if Jim had a good night if you like the music and if so and so is here that you hope would be here. The purpose is to not get anything. It's to come to give it your opportunity in community to focus on the sovereign living source of all life and tell him how you feel about him how much you love him how much he thanked him and so your purpose is to come to give to offering yourself and your praise to him that would change then how you listen. That would change how you say third P is participation church is not a spectator sport, nor is it a spectacle to come and observe. Now we know that many people that don't yet know the Lord and God is bringing they can spectate. That's fine. But if you're part of the family, it may be hard to sing.

At first it was from singing out loud was like weird I never knew that my life and I became a Christian I got down on all these Christian sing and ice go and little by little I warmed up and I realize the spirit of God works as we sing. It's a place to pray for reach up, reach out and listen with an ear to say the truth, I must obey the truth see real worship always ends in participation once you see who he is here changed. Now you looked into the mirror. The perfect law of liberty.

What specifically are you going to do and am I going to do to put into practice the truth. God's revealed to us until we've done that we not worshiped John down and for your own Luke chapter 512 11 read that through with eyes of worship and see how Peter worships and how he ends up following Christ conclusion. Worship is not a service you come to, or an activity practice worship is a lie focus and expression of your deepest longings, passions, and devotion to whom or what you love the most, worshiping God. Generally, maybe as you listen, you discovered habits or things or perhaps even a person is taking God's place in your heart.

If so, you may want to take time to think carefully and talk to your heavenly father about changes that will help you make sure will be right back. But if you're just joining us, you're listening to living on the roads with Chip Ingram this message is part of Troop series called breaking through life's biggest barriers in the series trip tackle some of the most common obstacles to personal growth.

You learn how to overcome the feelings of loneliness and isolation will discover how to conquer personal stagnation and you'll find out how to defeat the thoughts of inferiority and a low self-image is a series that will bring hope and give you the tools you need to build a better future.

Based on the truth of God's unfailing love. This series is available for a limited time at a special on-air discount price to order Troop series breaking through life's biggest barriers. Just dial 1-888-333-6003 or visit us online at

I'll be right back in just a minute to talk about today's message but as we close the series about breaking through life's biggest barriers.

Let me ask you to stop for a minute. Just think of the things we talked about everyone deals with loneliness and boredom are stagnation, I mean we all have barriers and God's Word gives us clear direction about how to break through. If you been listening to this and realized I should get the MP3s or listen to the CDs I should digest this. I she got on the web and you know download the notes and do it.

Okay today's the last day to get them at a special discount but but do it. God wants you to bring to these barriers.

Now the balls in your court take that next step like strip will today is the final day for our current series.

So head on over to to pick up the discounted CDs or free MP3s of breaking through life's biggest barriers while you're there, take a look at chips brand-new online video course called how to hear God's voice in Scripture.

These five short video sessions with Chip are absolutely free. Sign up today and learn how to experience God more deeply when you're in his word. You'll find everything online that when elders trip with the final application as we wrap up today's message. I just want to remind you that boredom isn't bad. Boredom is simply the evidence that were trying to scratch an eternal itch with the temporal back scratcher is the reason we have music and noise and we stay busy busy busy is because we don't want to get a loan and realize that were worshiping something far less, than the God who created us and so authentic worship we learned today. It can happen anywhere, not just in church at your life. We learn authentic worship. It's got a flow from your heart. It's not external it's not just form and we learned that authentic worship is rooted in accurate view of God and ourselves, so by the way, let me give you disk those keys I gave on private and public worship is this week I want you to give that a world number the acts acronym a CTS I'd like you to set aside 15 or 20 minutes. Just this week and adore God. Confess your sin.

Give thanks and then supplication, pray for some others.

Have you got that a CTS do that for 15 or 20 minutes every day this week and see if it doesn't superpower your worship to a new level.

You know a great way to stay engaged and connected to chip living will be judged is with the Chip Ingram app will get free access to all of Chip's recent messages is message notes and much more. Not only that, but it couldn't be easier to order resources or call or email us directly from the app download the Chip Ingram up when you go to Google play or the app store and then maybe set a timer for a couple of weeks and let us know how you're doing tomorrow. I'm Living on the Edge trip will begin a new series culture shock waves to join us for courtship and all the staff here, this is Dave really saying thanks for listening.

This edition of living on the