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Holy Ambition - Experience a Broken Spirit, Part 1

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram
The Cross Radio
March 19, 2019 6:00 am

Holy Ambition - Experience a Broken Spirit, Part 1

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram

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March 19, 2019 6:00 am

Do you ever wish you could hear the voice of God? Join Chip as he describes how to turn up the volume in your spiritual ears so you can begin to hear God’s voice loud and clear.

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Did you know there is something that can block your relationship with God. It is a barrier that will keep God from hearing your prayers.

It's a barrier that will keep them from blessing your life, it's apparent that he wants to remove so we can know what that barrier is welcome to this Tuesday edition of Living on the Edge with shipping Living on the Edge features the Bible teaching of Chip Ingram on this daily discipleship program today chips in the series called holy ambition, turning God shaped dreams into reality is in the process of laying out six necessary conditions for the first condition is having a dislocated heart is that you'll find it on our website just click listen now in this program. Chip shares that knowing the will of God is not only possible, but it's something believers should actually expect from Nehemiah chapter 1 here's chip with the second condition experienced a broken spirit for the eyes of the Lord go to and fro throughout the whole earth, and you might strongly support those whose hearts are fully here's what an invitation given to a prophet but an axiomatic principle. All through Scripture God is looking for a man. God is looking for a woman he's looking for a student whose heart is fully his, and some have a little. Some have a lot. Some have been between the God is looking for regular ordinary people who are all in that he might strongly support you give you what ever you need wisdom, faith people staff finances. What ever you need to fill the job. These major to fulfill. The question is why does it take to make a difference for God and what kind of person does he promise to strongly support their six prerequisites you open your notes only do a quick review. The first prerequisite for the God of the universe with all wisdom, all knowledge, unlimited power and a desire to support and help you is to look at your life in your heart and say do you have a dislocated heart you really care. Is your life really open and available to say I'll get beyond me. In my world and my stuff and my thing to really extend if you would want me to do care about other people are models. Nehemiah we read these words last week in the month of Kislev, November, December and the 20th year, which was the king Artaxerxes of Persia while I was in the Citadel of Susa. Hannah and I want my brothers came from Judah and some other men and I questioned them about the Jewish remnant that survived the exile, and also about Jerusalem. They said to me, those who survive exile are back in the province there in great trouble and a disgrace bad God's promises God's people. God's plan for all practical purposes, downhill the evidence. The gates been burned with fire. The walls are broken down and then here's a dislocated heart when I heard these things, I sat down I stopped. I wept deeply demoted anymore and for some days and then he acted. He had no idea. He's a business guy is the right hand and the king, he takes the wine he takes the foodies living in the lap of luxury and is thinking what can one person do so. He fasts and prays for three months and he finds a small group of people that have that on their heart.

Could you find it. He asked God early to listen to the prayer of your servant, and then later in the chapter listen to the prayer of your servants plural and he says God what can I do a dislocated heart is a God-given concern for others that propels us out of our comfort zone.

It's a passionate concern for God's agenda that supersedes our own personal desires for personal peace and prosperity and I will tell you that is counter intuitive to counter the flesh and unfortunately counter most churches. We said there are three great examples. Jesus in Philippians 2 Paul in Romans nine and then you we talked about individual stories. It's something that you're passionate about, that moves you out of your comfort zone to love and care for other people how to develop it talked about an honest evaluation of sink do I have one or not.

We talked about genuine repentance were to the level that we don't. I shared, my story you say you know something unknown that I'm to turn around and we talked about a careful consideration, not some knee-jerk emotional something goes up quickly, but what does God really want me to do and then to asking for now get a look at the second condition when these six conditions. When God finds these in the human heart. I will tell you this will strongly support you.

The second is a broken spirit and we need to do a little theology lesson before we talk about how to develop a broken spirit because in Scripture. You need some backdrop about what a broken spirit is in Scripture there's one thing 100% of the time that God is 100% against when he sees it in a man when he sees it in a woman when he sees it in a child when it happens in the Old Testament.

What happens in the New Testament he sees it in the Corporation. He sees it a nation. It's not like he's unhappy about it. It's not like he's mildly dispute displeased. He's against it becomes against it brings consequences. He hates it, and that one thing would be pride. Pride. Pride can be as strutting your stuff I don't need God. Rebellion or pride can be self-reliance and doing your own thing is that God doesn't exist.

But the good news is there is something that whenever God sees it. If he sees it in a man or woman, or a nation or a country or company Old Testament or new when he sees this one thing in the human heart. You can you been to prison you can of murdered people. You can have committed adultery you have had two or three abortions. You could've lied. You could've embezzled.

You could've stiff arm, God, you could've blasphemed God no matter what you've done, but this one thing happens in your heart. Heaven rushes to connect with you Scott. A broken spirit. Let me give you the biblical evidence here on pride. Proverbs 813 says to fear the Lord is to hate evil.

I hates notice the strong word I hate pride and arrogance and evil behavior and perverse speech in the New Testament it's James 46 but he gives more grace.

That is why the Scripture says God opposes and any of the little word anti-like against that word for opposing Greek. It starts with that anti-he's against the proud but gives grace to the humble. But notice Psalm 51 it's David's confession is Amanda really knew God well love God wrote the Psalms valiant warrior musician.

But like a lot of us was at the wrong place at the wrong time. He let his success swell his head instead of doing what is supposed to be doing ended up walking around wise nation was battle and look down on a very beautiful woman who probably should have been bathing where she was and he commits adultery with Bathsheba and the commits murder with her husband and Psalm 51 is him pouring his heart out before God, knowing that the consequence he deserves is death, and he writes in Psalm 51, 16 and 17. You do not delight in sacrifice or I would bring it you don't take pleasure in burnt offerings, the sacrifices of God or a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart of God. You will not despise. See, we have this idea that you know I've done something terrible. God can never use me I did this or I did that. So try and be good person and all trying to do more of this and shall be kinder to people and had this works mentality. It doesn't work when when we are far from God weather like this are like this.

What allows God to come in and forgive and cleanse is when we understand were spiritually bankrupt and we have a broken spirit and we just say God I messed up. I don't have any excuses. I blew it. What I did was wrong. How I did it how I said it. Would you please forgive me and have mercy upon me, I'm desperate. I deserve nothing. Isaiah 5715.

This word actually is only used in two or three places and all the whole Old Testament but assess for this is what the high and lofty one says he lives forever. His name is holy I live literally the word is dwell. It's where his presence is where God can be God there's only two places in the universe where the manifestation of all of God being God can be in and here's the first one I live or I dwell in a high and holy place, but also with whom him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite. I'm always amazed when I read the Bible because I never read it grown-up, but was a Christian. Growing up, I thought all Christians are crazy and I had some good evidence that we know II think of the great heroes of the faith and you have Moses is a murderer and you have David is an adult to earn a murderer you know you have the apostle Paul was a murderer and somehow we get these little Bible stories.

We act like they're just sort of stained-glass people. They were very evil people in windows of times that did horrendous things that broke God's heart and then they repented. They recognize the distance and how they've violated a holy God, and they didn't try and cut a deal, then try to earn their way back into his Grace HS said oh God forgive me. I don't deserve anything.

When God sees that in your heart to rush to meet you and will start you on a journey, not just forgiveness but restoration and healing and repair. And guess what later on this Psalm. He says he says God I want you not only to heal me, but I and forgive me.

I want the day to be that you actually restore the joy of my salvation and I would like to be an instrument yet again of teaching sinners your ways is he sure understands what it means to be a sinner. So those are two timeless things concerning God and the danger when we begin to think about developing a broken spirit is of watch this happen fact, I've read some books, some even some very good devotional books but there's a sort of what I call it warm theology towards him to have a broken spirit all of a sudden what I must be a terrible person. I can feel really bad about myself and that's right I'm going to think of anything I've ever done in an sort of the spiritual wet noodle to shame shame shame shame of the better you know, and his sword. I'll get myself worked up in some emotional, terrible, terrible person. You know what that does guess where the focus is on you arrogant.

You don't develop a broken spirit by beating yourself up. Let me give you three keys to developing authentic, genuine, broken spirit, so that when the God who made and created all that there is looks inside your heart will say this person has a dislocated heart, and number two, they have a broken spirit number one it's begins with the restored view of God were to learn key number one number two that will lead to an accurate assessment of yourself and later will learn.

It'll cause your agenda of your life to get aligned with God's agenda and his purposes is a where you get that we get from Nehemiah again. Now imagine he's living in the lap of luxury right you know he's got his nice chariot is nice close, nice food, but he's heard about this is got a dislocated heart and it says he prayed and fasted for three months will learn when you like to be just like a little bird you know like he's praying like a wonder when he's praying you know like I'm on the actual words, what did he actually say what are the kind of prayers that really get through to God, you got it right here we have a sample.

This is when I heard these things, I sat down and I wept for some days in a morning fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. Then I said, there's his actual prayer.

Oh Lord God of heaven. The great and awesome God who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and obey his commands. Here's the request. Let your ear be attentive in your eyes open to hear the prayer of your servant is praying before you notice the intensity. This is in some little. All I had a liver quiver. This is night and day for your servants the people of Israel. We put a box around the word, oh Lord it's it's his covenant name. It's all Yahweh, the I am that I am the ever existent one the all-powerful one. The personal one. The God of all the earth put a box around God of heaven. These creator put a box around the word great. These all-powerful put a box around the world. Awesome in the old King James has the idea of terrible or fearful or holy. He is in a totally different category and finally put a box around the phrase who keeps his covenant of loyal love. A broken spirit begins with a restored view of God, not a beating up of yourself that your view of you notice the high view of God, Yahweh, creator, powerful, fearful, holy, loyal, loving God, here's what you need understand we all have issues and problems right. Some people need a job.

Some people in a difficult relationship. Some people have money issues you know some people have kids that are driving you crazy and some people have parents are driving them crazy. Some people have a secret sin that you never shared with anyone. And every time you come to church, you feel really guilty and you want to draw near to God. We have all the stuff going on inside. But whatever the problem is the human tendency is to focus on the problem focus on the problem focus on the problem focus on the problem and then pretty soon you look at all of life in all relationships in all circumstances to the problem in life stinks and so you drink stuff you shouldn't take pills that don't help you watch too much TV and eat all the time looking for pleasure in trying to put something in your mind, your heart or your body to keep you away from those bad feelings to you either have really big problems in a really small God, you have a very big God of very small problems similar to options. Nehemiah saw a huge problem.

He had a dislocated heart, and he had God centered prayers God centered prayers are yours. God centered our mind, God centered. We just whine and complain before the throne of God. What about this. Oh God, what about that you have done this, you know this and this keeps happening. What sometimes we just worry out loud and call it prayer and we don't think you're talking to when Nehemiah prayed, he said, I am speaking to the I am that I am I'm speaking to the one who spoke in the galaxies came into existence. I'm speaking the one that has all power and all resources I'm I'm speaking to one who keeps his covenant of loyal love and starts by beginning to get a high view of God review with Majesty's powers. Wisdom is love, his justice and his holiness love what Koser says I've read probably at a chapter of this book.

The first 15 years I was a Christian, probably every day and then I cut a cut back to maybe a chapter once a week because it's just about this is the tiny book called the knowledge of the holy and just about God.

What's godlike toes rights.

Modern Christianity is simply not producing the kind of Christian who can appropriate appreciate or experience the life in the spirit. The words in Scripture. Be still and know that I'm God mean next to nothing to the self-confident, bustling worshiper in the middle. Of the century. But the alarming thing is is that our games are mostly external, and our losses are wholly internal and since it is the quality of our religion that is affected by internal conditions.

It may be that our supposed gains are but losses spread over a wide wider field. We've never had more TV nevermore video nevermore mega churches. Nevermore presents Christianity has never had quote the external affluence and influence, but all the while the quality of the kind of Christians we been producing over the last 50 to 70 years or less and less and less like Jesus there less holy and there less loving and they have less faith in the name of Jesus we thought, personal peace and prosperity, and the average gospel going out in many parts of the world is Jesus as your self-help buddy and life is really about. You know what make my life work out and if I ever get cancer or my marriage is in trouble or my kids have a problem or have a financial dip. Hey God, what's the deal you think you are.

Don't you understand on the center of the universe and then we get mad we get mad and we get disillusioned with the God of the Bible because we don't understand who he is. Koser goes on to say what comes into our minds we think about God is the most important thing about us. If someone could register banning the word God comes to your mind. What's he like who you really pray to that my friend is a most important thing about your entire being a low view of God will produce an anxious striving frustrating life and a high view of God will produce a life that has issues and problems, but will see them in view of his wisdom and power in the sovereignty and the responses to stress ship will be right back with some additional thoughts about but if you're just joining us, you're listening to Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram and the message you just heard experience a broken spirit is from chip series.

Holy ambition turning God shaped dreams into reality.

Of the six part series helps you discover how an ordinary person can do extraordinary things for God in it. Chip spells out six key conditions for anyone who longs to make a difference longs to know God's will for their life and then how to accomplish it. If that's you or someone you know this series. Holy ambition is the perfect place to start. Chip walks you through a step-by-step process that will bring clarity and intentionality to your life. There are several holy ambition resources available and are discounted right now. Not only that, but we know not everyone is in the same place on their spiritual journey. So when you go to our website look on you were made for more to find all of the resources were currently discounting. We want to help you discover your spiritual gifts and what's next on your faith journey. Give us a call at 1-888-333-6003 or visit us online at for holy ambition and you were made for more. Will Chip I know just a second, you'll be giving us more practical application from today's message but before you do that, I think it would be really helpful if you take a minute and talk about the process of addressing the pride in our hearts and how that relates to developing a broken spirit well. Pride is something were all going to deal with until the day that we die, but it's really a journey of the heart, and in one of the things we've done what we trying to enter resources as we try to arrange some of them we can go on a very private individual journey so I mean that's the book and CD sets listening to a new car or downloading the MP3s reading, underlining, and you're really going through privately with God.

You know this is this is where I want my heart to be.

But then the fact the matter is, is that it always flows out and real spiritual growth happens in community and so that what we've done is a brief small group DVD series so that you can get with a group of people. And when you start talking about as I have, you know, but I really found that I was arrogant, but I was arrogant in ways I didn't even know and when I could share that with the group and kinda get some things on the table.

Then some exciting things happen so the tools are really designed to help people in their private journey and then to take into authentic community clinics trip will whether you're ready to begin a more private journey with the book in CDs or ready to meet with some other people will find all of our holy ambition resources at our website so now would be a great time to get a few friends or your Sunday school class together and dig into holy ambition as a small group pursuing a holy ambition is not for the faint of heart. It will take determination, perseverance, and a group of people to support, ensure you on so let me encourage you go to your website. will find the holy ambition video resources either DVDs or online streaming with study guides and get your group started. If you'd like further information. Just give us a call at 1-888-333-6003 would be happy to talk with you on outer strip with some closing thoughts about today's teaching.

It's an amazing thing isn't that the God of the universe wants to use a very ordinary and regular person like you and like me, and yet as we approach him. We all have to admit that those two timeless axioms cut to the core of our being to think that every moment of every day God is against pride. I mean, he hates it and I realize in my life I get preoccupied with me. I get arrogant I get proud. Sometimes I don't even know it's happening and God hates it, and yet the wonder of the cross is provided something that ushers us immediately into God's presence and intimacy with him. The moment we come with a broken spirit.

The moment like David, we own our stuff.

The moment we realize were spiritually bankrupt and were willing to just lay it all before the Lord. He says he'll never ever despises in today we started the journey of learning will you develop a broken spirit begins with a high view of God will learn that that will lead to an accurate view of ourselves and then, finally, that will lead to a renewed commitment to God's agenda, but as you listen to today's program I want to ask you question what is your view of God. If you would close your eyes and just write the word of God on the whiteboard.

What comes to your mind. Is he a genie in a bottle, raising the high holy God of the universe that is created all that there is who keeps his covenant of love was terrible and holy and awesome and yet is eager to be your friend. You know a high view of God doesn't mean that you where Rober have to have an extra large black Bible or you have to light candles.

If those things help. I suppose there great, but a high view of God involves thinking accurately and likely about God and what you learned was that that comes when you get into the Bible on a regular basis and get your mind renewed so that you have a biblical view instead of a cultural view of God.

Secondly, it means there must be periodic regular times of worship were more than just reading your Bible, or asking God for things you focus on his character, and you worship him. Isaiah heard the angels in the temple cry out, holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty and he got a right view of God, which led to an accurate view of himself and it transformed his life and in the life of the nation, may I encourage you to worship today to behold your God as we close today's broadcast. I just will remind you about the Chip Ingram map the free shipping remap delivers daily broadcasts like our program today.

Special offers ships interactive message notes and much more to download the Chip Ingram map.

Just visit Google play or the app store today well I hope you'll join us again next time when we continue our current series chip and the entire team. This is Dave Gurley saying thanks for listening to this Edition of Living on the Edge