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Priceless Christmas - Teach Them to Manage Their Money, Part 2

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram
The Cross Radio
December 5, 2019 5:00 am

Priceless Christmas - Teach Them to Manage Their Money, Part 2

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram

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December 5, 2019 5:00 am

When it comes to gifts, who doesn’t like getting cash? We can all use more money, right? The question is, what are you going to do with those dollars when you get them? Chip gets very practical as we look at how to manage our money and at the same time give our children a priceless Christmas gift this year.

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Did you know there is an alarming number of college graduates that are declaring bankruptcy. Our young people don't do, how to handle their money and are you ready for this your child's ability to handle money will be one of the most pivotal and crucial things that will determine their entire future.

The relationships their job. Here's the question.

Are you teaching your children how to handle their money wisely, if not stick around to get help today. Welcome to this Thursday edition of living on the head with Jeff as our Bible is international discipleship debris today. Chip continues a series of voiceless Christmas. Very practical.

Were talking about how to give gifts to our kids and grandkids money can't buy chips, building on some great ground work related yesterday so few listed it's available on the chipping roadmap. Now, if you have a Bible open it now to Luke chapter 16 let's join trip for part two of his message.

Teach them to manage their money out of the dinner. I don't know number of years ago when there was a young man who was young in Christ is probably in early 30s he become very successful.

Got a lot of money got this calling on his life was really growing spiritually. I did some good things with his money and in his new role in his new job was not to be at all in the same financial ballpark where he came from and was one of those real fancy dinners. I was sitting here and I think they asked me to come to like prayer something in very high-powered people from all over the Silicon Valley were there and he and I got talking. It dinners we had about 45 minutes or an hour under Belton. He found out I was a pastor new little bit about what I did. He said, ask your question.

I said sure. He said you know I used to be like really really really rich and went public cannot got this new calling and I really want to do exactly what God wants me to do, but I still want to be really rich, so what should I do. And so since I had like a whole hour of relationship with him felt the freedom out of this deep bond.

I said I can tell you, God's will on this one is great. What is it I said repent, and he looked me on what I said repent, said what you mean.

I said your desire to want to be wealthy and want to be rich will be your downfall.

Your desire needs to be do what God made you to do be a good steward of all his resources and what I can tell you is, in the case when you give off the top. When you save appropriately when you stay out of debt when you treat people well when you do business in a way that honors God and you fulfill his calling in just like most cases, not all P usually blesses you financially, but wealth becomes a byproduct of a life, especially in Old Testament and evidence of blessing, but if you make attaining and gaining wealth. The point almost always leads to death, looked at me like the rich young ruler said all, how many of us have unconsciously set up our children by either what we said or what we've modeled, or how we work. Basically maybe hasn't come right out and said it, but said what you really need to do is make sure that your wealthy financially and then how many of us have broken relationships with our late teen or adult children because they've actually pursued the very things we talked on by our life or didn't teach them by our words and now there little workaholics who have lines going crazy.

You cannot violate the principles of truth in God's word about financials without cratering.

Eventually we have a world economy and national economy in individual people's lives that are cratering because they don't have a stewardship of money finally notices says there's a New Testament command to ask you to open your Bibles with me on this. Open your Bibles to Luke 16. I want to give you just a snapshot and I don't get very very practical and by the way, here's what you need understand some your body language.

It has me concerned. Okay some your body language is all my lands Christmas season.

So glad I came. I was going shopping after church, but now I'm thinking you know and some of your looking at me like you and I didn't do this with my kids. I feel like a terrible parent which I had things you just described. I'm experiencing here's the deal.

Failure is never final got God did not bring us together to beat you up.

God brings us together so that we can know the truth and the truth can set us free, and that means it in every area of our life.

There's times were removing a direction some out of ignorance amount of willful choices sometimes like me growing up I was just stupid. Everything I just shared with you. I never heard about it. So he calls us to stop to repentance means you turn around and sell cam can make some midcourse directions is to take some time some repairs to do, but the one who created the heavens and the earth set I'm with you I'm for you all help you all help you in your world and your finances and your dad with your kids and the people you want help in your small group but this just starts one person at a time.

But here's the New Testament command I want to pick it up at about verse nine to give you little bit of context and as you look at that. Here's what I want you to hear Jesus has just given another one of his parables, and as you read the New Testament you realize Jesus you're killing us all you ever do is talk about money money money but is really not talking about money or asking people for it.

He's talking about heart issues is talking about mission is talking about values and in chapter 16 is the parable of the shrewd manager and I'm not gonna read it, but the gist of it is a man manages the portfolio of his master, and back then instead of 401(k)s and you know all these kind of remainder trusts. It was just you know all of oil and wheat etc. and so his master finds out that he's cheating so he tell the guy looking to get fired. You can't manage my my my portfolio my money anymore. And the guy comes to the conclusion you know I'm too weak to dig. I'm too proud to beg I could come up with a way to use this little window of time from the time he told me him to get fired to the time that I actually get fired to set me up financially, so he pulls in one of the creditors and says how much Joe my mastery says like you know 800 barrels of olive oil. He says quick put a line through it. Let's make it 400 and how much we DO about you, not a thousand measures you cut it in half or 800 will will do that and so basically what he does as he takes his tiny window of time between getting fired and being out of a job and what he does during that time as he sets himself up for future stability and prosperity, and his master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. He didn't commend him because it was right or good or moral. But it was smart. And then Jesus said, for the people of this world are more shrewd in the dealings with their kind that are the people of the children of the light, but he makes this application.

I tell you the truth here's here's what Jesus says to do with your well using worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it's gone you'll be welcomed into eternal dwellings another Jesus of heaven eternal perspective about wealth you live in joy that God gives you stay out of debt and then use your money during this little window call time to generously promote what God is doing so that when you enter into eternity.

There's a large group of people saying I want to high-five you. Your generosity was a part of me getting here and then he makes the principal. He says whoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted. Also in much. But whoever is dishonest or unjust with very little will be dishonest in much you haven't been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches and the true riches is talk about a spiritual riches and relationships and things really matter if you haven't been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own and then here's his command, and this is so cut and dried it so clear and will talk about how to apply no servant can serve two masters.

People either love the one and hate the other, or will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. Both the Pharisees, the religious elites of the day who loves money heard this, and they were sneering at Jesus and he said to them, you are ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your heart not listen to this. What is highly esteemed among men is detestable on the side of God so much of the prestige the security the stuff but what we drive with who we want to impress highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God. So you need to hear the spirit of the living God.

Specially if you have younger children, and especially if your children are still in the home, but even after put his arm around you and say I'll tell you what, let's get on a journey and give your kids or the people in your small group this Christmas a priceless gift and the priceless gift is you teach them to manage their money biblically and here's the gift they will hold in their hands they will learn to manage their money wisely and now what I want to do is tell you how to do that. I'm getting it just started and talk about some specific ways that are available that you can learn in a more in-depth way. But this will get you started number one. The principle is that they can't handle money, they won't handle true riches and it says he was faithful in a very little thing circle that phrase in your notes little thing and write about the money. That's what is talking about these saying to your children. If your kids aren't faithful and can learn to steward money a little thing they won't be able to steward anything and so that's why it's your tool parents. It's like the greatest tool in the world to teach values and priorities in faithfulness and accountability in and build character will how do you do that.

Number one. Help them recognize the three purposes of money are giving saving and spending, giving, saving and spending just what you do with money when the real small, the way we did it, and I suggest you do it with something different probably break now but we just took those old mason jars that people can and we had a Canon three cans or jars on all of our kids love dressers and then in big bold letters would be printed giving spending and saving and so we gave them little jobs and we give them 10 you know 10 dimes for doing this job and just kept it simple. Early on, they can learn about proportional giving and investing later, and at one time in the giving and one dime in the say think and eight times. You know, in the other jar and then later you get $10 and you put one dollar here and right and then they think they save up and they buy something they really want, but you teach and then when I get older you get a Excel sheet or you have them put it on their phone or their mobile device and you have you teach them to track their money where it goes in you a lot of your kids. They have no sense of money and for some of you because you have been out in the world and on things you shake your head and you can't quite get it like that.

I don't. I mean really, you just don't get it, like $150 for this.

Change is really a goodbye right and you're gone hello and then it goes to, but that everybody else has one of these and the contracts not that much and you know mine is like three weeks old and it is as it is and appoint a lot of conflict in our homes here. Here's what I tell you. Here's what poor people, here's what poor people are rich in faith. That's what the Bible teaches it easy to discipline your kids in teaching the value of money when you don't have any. When my my three boys working on my kids are pretty well spread apart you know there like 13 years from youngest to oldest and so we were really really poor and when my boys came to me. Here's the answer. No, how come all and eventually I wanted to help him so you know, back in those old days you know Michael Jordan was the biggest name in all of sports. And you know if you got Michael Jordan tennis shoes. You were so cool but they cost $120 is like you know what here's some really really good shoes that don't have his picture on it for 65 sign all pay 65 if you want Michael Jordan shoes keep mowing those lawns do whatever you need to do will guess what they did and that the Michael Jordan shoes, but they realized it was like eight lawns into babysitting jobs. The next time they want to get shoes. I can tell you they had comments like this that I don't think Michael Jordan shoes are all that cool. I think they're out what they learn that why they learn because we didn't have any money.

Later on my daughter. She's 13 years younger than my oldest boys and you then my middle son.

I had like three in college. The student have any money but little by little, you know, things got better. My daughter is like my wife very organized, very compliant. You know, really smart and you know she just never wanted a lot was way too easy to raise, but he was God's gift to me and so middle of her junior year.

We live in Atlanta and we were shopping and doing something she asked something I can't member the exact setting, but I realized while she doesn't ask for hardly anything, but she doesn't have a clue about the values of money and I went home Drive I said threesomes in the cars that honey we've blown it with Annie. I think we did a good job with the boys they get it and I said I want you to figure out how much money do we spend on Annie every month. I mean make up close camps everything and so she you know went through and did all that and we had a little meeting with Annie and I apologize. I said Annie I'm your dad and as a spiritual leader of our homeland.

I'm supposed to teach you about the most important things in life and Jesus.

They want the most important things in all of life. It is how you handle money and being a steward and your great with that.

You don't ask for hardly anything your low maintenance. But I haven't taught you and so we figured out we spent about this much money a month now working at the first of the month with a write you a check for that amount of money you set up a bank account for you.

You back then member the old days when people use checks to get a checking deal bottle. I encourage you the last year or so.

Your kids need have a credit card or debit card and why they live in your home to actually learn how to use it instead of going to college and get a T-shirt get their own and have $5000 of debt you did know about and so then we said okay so any so the camps are gonna come up there's a ski camp and there's this all pay half and then you can buy whatever kind of makeup you can buy whatever kind of clothes you have this amount of money and you know it's really interesting because it was a conversation about a blouse or something and I'm sort old school and it was this one or that when they look about the same. This one was like $60 more in her comment was, I think this was prettier and I'm thinking I've raised a daughter that doesn't look at the right side of the menu at restaurants. It wasn't her fault.

It was my fault that was really resting later. You were out shopping or doing something how dad what he is what he think this is all is really not something with it all looks look at their charge, and XXX. Just let little. Everything we buy that I'm thinking you know I told her I said if you want to buy a crate.

It's not wrong it's not bad, but you get to spend your money and steward it however you want, and she was always generous and always gave but she learned now here's my daughter get this. It was from the middle of her junior year, roughly, and all of her senior year when she went away to college. She had like $3000 of my money in the bank. Why could she learned to become a steward if you had the money talk with your kids. Teach them to recognize is only three things I can do with it. Second, teach them to commit to honor God with the firstfruits of every paycheck to remind them that it's his money, not theirs. Proverbs 3 not attend says honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your crops was always meant to be a faith issue then notice God's promise to those Old Testament saints, then your barns be filled with plenty, and your vats will be overflowing or brimming with new wine but teach your kids when they get the allowance when they get a little gift from someone you to write down James 119 every good and perfect gift comes from above everything they get. You just want to get God gave it to you. It's God's you're just a steward so teaching early on, it's easy to give it time. It's easy to give a dollar 50 to give $10 out of $100.

It's easy to give 1000/10,000 but when those numbers get higher and higher and higher you what happens we start balking you teach them early and by the way, this is not a message about tithing or this and that that if you kids get the generosity heart what the realizes he'll do that and then we'll see a little kid that does have any food with compassion international or world vision or someone on the street and they'll start being a generous person and you want to teach them that it's his money and the reason that we give first off the top is because left to ourselves.

All of us forget that we think is ours and so it's just one of those things that God puts in place to keep your focus where it needs to be because the reason we have that is we think things will give us and deliver security and happiness and all the rest. And if we pass on the debt mentality and the reason most people say they can't give generously is because there debt servicing with their money, giving spending and saving was God's goal. Now you have to pay taxes but in most homes in America, Christians included the debt service is a huge chunk of every month of every paycheck, so you're actually paying for stuff in the future some 21% on your credit cards if that was your money and you want to do. Not smart stuff with your money.

That's one thing it's not your money. That's what you're doing with God's money, and sometimes the consequences and the loving discipline of God is because some of us aren't using his money very well and he wants to get our attention. The third way that we help our kids is encourage them to make time with God. Their number one priority Villa know how to invest the time, talent and treasure entrusted to them. See at the end of the day. How in the world do you know should I buy this or should I buy that. Should I do this or should I do that, should I go into this field are going to that field. Should I take my vacation over here over here. I want you know this is not a secret. God promises in his word what to say my words a lamp to your feet and a light into your path.

You want to both model with your life and you want to help your kids sure family devotions around the dinner table to sit down with them before they head out to school for small and pray together and that as early as possible. You want to give them some sorta easy, approachable program where they began to read God's word on their own but not just like okay I read two chapters I don't feel so guilty. No, it's got you speak to me, I have a question about this boyfriend is he the right one could have got the calculus test. I'm really concerned about it. God, you know, I've got a big game and you don't feel a lot of pressure would you give me the grace and the confidence not only be a good testimony, but to play the very best I can and you teach them to depend on God and you teach them that he will speak to them and give promises to them in his spirit will uses work and then to have the wisdom to make the right decisions about the time that pound the treasure. Some of us feel like I would love to do that and teach them but I'm too busy in Mark chapter 1 is the most intense busy day recorded in all the Gospels of Jesus life I mean he heals. He teaches it's early morning to wait into the night in Mark chapter 1 verse 35 it says in very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus arose, and went to a lonely place and he spent time with his heavenly father. If the Son of Man who was absolutely perfect and without sin, being fully man felt the need in the dependency to say father said I think I know when what he prayed. I think I think he prayed father. I'm exhausted.

Number one father number two is that everybody wants a piece of me and sometimes we get this idea that Jesus was sort of did. He was fully divine. So it was easy he live the Christian life the way he model for us. He depended on the father in the power the Holy Spirit didn't turn on his God side and he felt every pressure that you and I feel he had every temptation that we have and I think he said oh God, will you help me get clear on my priorities, because when the disciples came because I couldn't find him. They came and said you were a hit last night. I mean, you're like the new rockstar people come in from all over, feed him again. He limits great and he said no. I must go to every village and preach the gospel he got clear. His mission and that's what you want for your kids. Here's the life message that God wants for your children and it's a priceless gift in the life message is very simply your life is a sacred stewardship boy that'll change how they do everything it'll change who they date it will change their time.

It'll change their money to change their future change the rotation. Their life is a sacred stewardship.

God is not longing to make people feel bad or guilty about what you have it done in the past, or what you're not doing in the present. He wants you to say okay, where did he speak to me. I mean just right now where did he speak to you what specific midcourse change. Do you sense, you need to make when will you do that who most of us when we want to make a change and this is one. It's so easy like it's not like I think I'll pray deeper well how do you measure that money stuff you can measure pretty who would help me who's a trusted friend who who would help me take some steps that I would feel free saying you know what I need to personally take steps to get out of debt or I need to start meeting with my kids are the daughters come home from college and we need to have sort of a parent daughter talk and begin this journey because I care about their future marriage and I care about their future debt level and I care about them fulfilling God's will. I care about them and so even more than the sex talk. No matter what age should write back if you're just joining us, you're listening to Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram and ships message today. Teach them to manage their money is from his series, a priceless Christmas in this series strip unpacks five key life skills that tend to make or break us and gives us biblical insight and practical steps for passing all of these key skills to our kids or grandkids. Or maybe someone or mentoring in these five messages you learn what God's word says about handling money making wise choices suffering well. Working unto the Lord, and that failure is never final.

As a parent or grandparent you want to give your child every advantage in life. This series a priceless Christmas gives you the tools you need to help your child develop godly character in all of these areas.

So why not order a set of CDs or download the free MP3s as a gift to yourself and your family for an amazing new year of growth in the Lord were discount details just visit us online at or give us a call at 1-888-333-6003, a priceless Christmas. Get it today will chip since were talking about managing things today and or the questions people want to know is how do you measure success at Living on the Edge that the number of people who listen. Maybe the number of new resources, you create a what you consider real success will Dave. That's an easy one. Of course we keep track of those things.

But let me tell you what success is. Success is a change life and it's the reports of literally thousands of change lives. But that happens one person at a time.

I used to think the people didn't listen to the radio anymore and we learned recently that we have more than 100,000 more listeners this year than last year and you know as people listen on podcasts. They download the app.

What I will remind people is what happens. Candy rights and says to put it simply, Living on the Edges help restore my family. At one point my husband and I both thought things were so bad there was no way to make it better, but thankfully Living on the Edge was there to help point us to God's will for our lives heard one of chip sermons on the radio that spoke directly to her situation that I found out I could download the Chip Ingram app on my iPhone and listen anytime I wanted.

So I did.

I started listing on a regular basis. A year and 1/2 ago and now my husband listens to, through God's transformation in our lives, we started seeing restoration in our family because the powerful impact your ministry has had on us.

We decided to come monthly donut your broadcast ministry. We realize that if your ministry helps save our marriage, then it can also bless and help others do the same. Thank you for all that you're doing to further God's kingdom. May God bless you abundantly in the years to come.

You know what I want you to know what these matches are really about its helping the candies and families of the world unite think about rescuing the next generation. This is where it starts. I mean, the great majority of everything that happens that shapes our lives. It really begins in our family. Here's my request.

Would you partner with us this month enjoying this match that we could help thousands and thousands of more families become different kind of Christians that change the world. Thanks so much. While that is a great testimony.

It's thrilling and humbling to see God work will you're already partnering with us. Thank you. The story is part of your story and if you're looking for a way to make a difference. Let me suggest that partnering with us would be a great way to do that. Especially right now because, thanks to a handful of friends of the ministry. Every gift we received between now and December 31 will be doubled to send a gift.

Just call us at 1-888-333-6003. That's 1-888-333-6003, or if you prefer, you can donate online at, let me thank you in advance for your generosity as we close today's program. Let me give you a couple thoughts that I mean is December 5. Christmas is coming, number one let's rethink how much stuff are going to buy our kids and what were going to buy a number two if you have smaller kids get the three jars out. I mean make them decorative but get a savings jar a spending jar and a giving jar, and put them somewhere and at least start the journey in the process and something I've done with my adult children. I did this just last year's debt around the holiday times, Thanksgiving, Christmas, you know you can decide the number but I gave each of my adult kids. I think hundred dollars and I said you know I gave him other gifts. But I said would you pray as a family and decide specifically where and how you can help someone that might need loved or helped and then you know when we get together and share little bit of time around Christmas.

I'd love to hear what happened and all I wanted to do is just inspire them and kinda create that generosity that heart for caring for others which I know they already have, but I wanted that stewardship idea of well here's 100 bucks I have that I'm just looking around for someone to love those are a couple of ideas that might make this Christmas more priceless. Do you wish you could hear Living on the Edge when it fits into your schedule. You can for those of you want to listen to Living on the Edge whenever, wherever you want. Download the free shipping. Remap will find the chipping remap at the app store will be with us again tomorrow when Chip continues his series priceless Christmas. Tell them this is the say thanks for listening to this Edition of Living on the Edge