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I Choose Peace - In Difficult Circumstances, Part 1

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram
The Cross Radio
March 31, 2020 6:00 am

I Choose Peace - In Difficult Circumstances, Part 1

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram

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March 31, 2020 6:00 am

As we travel, we understand the horizon is always moving. The same is true in our desperate search for peace. In this program, Chip tells us peace is not a thing to be achieved, but a secret to be discovered.

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Is it possible to have. I need to be content in the midst of the verse challenging and uncertain circumstances, the Bible would say yes. The question is how that's today welcome to this Edition of Living on the Edge children Living on the Edges of international discipleship ministry. The Bible. This program should continues a series I choose peace with the 1st to 4 principles that will help you hang on the face, even when everything around you is falling so let's jump ship orders message from chapter 4 I choose peace in difficult circumstances. What you think back to what is that you believe would really help you be content in the clear that you can get on that. I believe the more powerfully got to speak to because in human terms. A problem with contentment is that the horizon is always moving. I mean, there's a time in your life would you say you know if I ever get a car any kind of car a beat up junker, just a car that I be happy you get that car you want one that really runs and then you get that car in and pretty soon you will one that it runs and looks nice and you get that car. Pretty soon I want two cars and you know it goes on and on and on and on the horizon always keeps moving.

If I ever get married got an arrest for another thing three years later all God. You could ever work out this marriage and the rest for another thing, if you give me a child. Oh Lord, how did you bring that last one you know the horizon keeps moving and so being human nature what it is. Philosophically people over the ages have tried to solve this contentment issuing into drastic ways. One group has the taken that contentment will be found by conquering achieving acquiring until satisfied. That was sort of the Roman empire. You know what we got part of the world to get the whole world you're working own, acquire, have get bigger, better, more and then as soon as I get that there's got to be just a little bit more and when we do them will be content, but we kinda know from our personal experience that that doesn't work. A group called the Stoics, turned around and said working to desire less and less until it doesn't matter. In fact, Eastern and Buddhist thought goes along these lines, I want less less less less and so the Stoic philosophers got where they could emotionally detach they would take up a vase or a cup that they liked and as a part of the process of their thinking. They would throw to the ground. Watch it break and say it doesn't matter. And then they would literally allow this is historical, they would get a pet that they were fond of and kill the pet and insect it doesn't matter. The only way to have pieces get less and less and less, and then when one of their children died or something happened.

Woody can impact me TR Glover said the Stoics made the heart a desert and called peace and I don't know about you but you little problem here is getting more more more more can never bring contentment if desiring less less less then the question is how can we be satisfied today and the answer to that is from the apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit and he's going to tell you and he's going to tell me how you actually can be content, not when this this this you can be content today. You can actually live your life in a way empowered by the spirit of God, so that when things are great or when things are terrible. You can say and mean it is well with my soul and you know learned today. In fact, when I when I got thinking about this, we should charge people to come in. I mean it could have such a profound impact in terms of the whole world looking for happiness and today God is going to teach us his children how you can experience a it is well with your soul 20 473-6524 hours a day now. It's a journey doesn't happen all at once. Let's find out where that answers found Philippians chapter 410 to 13 here's the occasion. The occasion is the apostle Paul is in prison so you gotta remember he's he's writing a letter and this church, the Philippian church that get this great relationship and it's that the theme of this whole letter that he writes to them is about Julian date started in such a way where they get a lot of problems in this church, one may little relational problem for the end but he he's built this bond with him and things have gone little bit south for him. He's ended up in jail is in a Roman prison and I'm not exactly sure what all that but I know that every 4 to 6 hours. A new guard is chained to him. The food is not real good.

He's got scars on his body. He said a very difficult life. This is for the latter parts of his life.

So you got bad food.

It's cold, it's damp, there's rats are probably the smell of excrement. I mean his situation is really bad, but he pack for died is one of the church guys found out finally because they lost track of one another where he was and they came and brought in the gift and what you get a read is his literal thank you note Jesus writing a thank you note to listen what he says in verse 10 he says, I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned but you had no opportunity to show it in Circle if you were that that word renewed this word renewed is used for when a flower or a plant that has been dormant is now beginning to bloom.

Apostle Paul is saying, you know we had this great times together, and God birthed the church and we were that band of brothers and sisters and then I ended up in prison. We lost track of one another.

I knew you cared about me but now you have opportunity and is like the relationship has bloomed again and notice the phrase I greatly rejoice unhappy sit in this prison, I greatly rejoice in the Lord and then notice he's going. It clarifies motives is not about you in a sometimes if you help someone. This is the only church we know of. Early on, financially supported Paul was the first one. And so, you want something out.

Now this is not like one of those thank you letters thank you for this great contribution to the ministry. Now let me tell you how much money I need next. He says my motives are just from the heart picking up in verse 11, he says I'm not saying this because I'm in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances, because on site. I know what is is to be in need. I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in one that would you go through and take the word learned and put a box around it and then skip down where he says I've learned again. It's very interesting. This is in a tense of the verb. It's not present tense. I am learning to be content. This is a tense of the verb, its punctilio are seeing something he basically is saying in this journey with God. I've had mountain peaks in low times.

I remember when I had a lot I was a young man he some say he was maybe the most brilliant mind of his time he got his MBA in his doctorate at Harvard business school of his day and and graduated number one. He was a Pharisee. He came from an uppercrust family. He was a Roman citizen. She was from the this place called Tarsus.

Barnabas early friend was very very wealthy. He knows what is like the dry, the nicest cars have the nicest clothes be esteemed by people live in a nice house. Go to any restaurant whenever and have a fat 401(k). He knows what that life like, but he says I've had plenty, but he also says the ups.

I've also had downs night and a day in the deep.

I've been beat within an inch of my life.

The 39 lashes three times I've been left for dead. Once in this current situation.

One of his closest friend name Dimas betrayed him and left.

He's by himself. His body is marked with the scars he's been times where he is had no food for days at a time. He's lived as high as you can live in his day, and he's lived as low as you can live and in the ups and downs. There is a thread that connects all of them and it's a supernatural relationship with Jesus and he says he looks at that whole thing and he says like he's taking a photograph snap. I have learned that this is this is what he saying like I learned to ride a bike okay I'm not learning to ride a bike, if you put a bike appear trust me I can get on it and I can write I can get better but I have learned to ride a bike you what he saying here.

I've learned to be content means as possible. I've learned to have a ton of money in the bank go to the finest restaurants have everything on my way, and I've learned when my physical body didn't work. My closest friends betrayed me when people walked out of my life when it seemed like things could not do any worse.

I have learned already out of my relationship with Christ to say and actually experience. It's well with my soul. No fake no artificial and then in verse 13 he tells us how it occurs. He says I actually can do everything through Christ who gives me strength. So this is by way of of an overview of what's happening in by way of conclusion.

Contentment is not a thing to be achieved, but a secret to be discovered, as were here today. You can actually discover a secret. There is a way set I've learned the secret and he says I've got it. I am content. It's not something to be achieved. There is a pattern of things that you can learn that you can walk out that door or one of those doors out of this and you could start a journey and you could come to the point in this life that regardless of your circumstances, you could be fully satisfied, content not want for anything else and be satisfied and content with who you are where you are, what you doing and the question I want to ask is how do you get that coming.

Paul knew was a moving target.

Paul knew from his experience in getting more and more and more wouldn't do it. Paul knew I mean the philosophers of his day. There were multiple Stoics, he knew, pretending that relationships don't matter and sing less and less is in it. The apostle Paul on this morning on this day in your life and mine is Sam to share the secret. I will show you in this text he saying to us how you can be content. So let's begin four principles and four practices K this is an idealistic. This is like one of those messages somewhere someday. He's going to walk you through and walk me through four specific practices that there's a principal behind them that if you understand the principle and start to progressively begin to practice it, you can come to a day in your life where you could say I've learned to be content just like you can say I can write a bike just like you can say I've mastered this or that you can learn to be content pretty exciting questions about your listing to Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram get back to chip in just a second, but if you're new to us Living on the Edge is a teaching ministry dedicated to helping Christians really live like Christians to hear more of chips, teaching, download the free shipping. Remap without airstrip with the rest of his message. Contrary to the lie that I'll be content when my circumstances. Align with my desires.

The first secret of contentment is learning our contentment. Principle number one is not dependent on her circumstances. See unconsciously what you've been taught what I've been taught what the world teaches us what each commercial says is here's your circumstances over here and here's your desires. Someday some way through lots of things when your circumstances and desires align then you can be happy then you can be satisfied. I call it the win then syndrome. Here's the win win I get married, then I'll be happy when we have a child when we have more money when we have a second house when we remodel the bathroom when I make the cheerleading squad. When I finally score this unless I teach when I get this college win win win then then then then fly the people that have the van are not happy. And yet we like cats chasing their tail. Just increase the speed of the win then, but Hallie Paul says the answer is to break the power of the sly, and he gives us the practice be grateful develop the discipline of thanking God for what you do have, instead of focusing on what you don't have, you understand that billions of dollars each year.

Coming across the screen in every magazine ad, are designed specifically to make you what this content. Paul says human nature as we focus on what we don't have don't have don't have.

He says here's what I've learned. I habitually relentlessly obediently thank God moment for moment for what I do have jot down if you will. First Thessalonians 5 verses 16 through 1816 says rejoice always.

17 says pray without ceasing 18 says Ford giving thanks in all things for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. The giving of thanks in all things, and for all things.

It's God's will. Let me give you a picture by the way, Christian or not you can be a Christian to be a very ungrateful crumbling person and can be very, very subtle and destroy you contentment. I married a wonderful wonderful woman named Teresa sitting over there and we had no premarital counseling and she loved God and I love God. Within six months we were in seminary and everything about her was she's east on West North on South Main. We don't really have to take one test on all those inventories, whoever takes the test and whatever that person is you just put the exact opposite. That's what you are safe. Love time and so differences a track I mean it like two magnets. It was all man this is awesome but about nine months into our marriage or year year and 1/2. As we kept going those opposites. She was very very faithful. Now she's rigid she has great integrity. Now she just picky over little things and so you know I had a list after about six or eight months in our marriage unthinking you know if this is as good married but I focused on the 5%.

I just kinda unconsciously said you there's five or six things that she can improve her when she improves what a great marriage. I started the self-help program of how to make trace who she needs to be if she was little more that way little more that way a lot less.

That way if she would do this. Stop doing this.

This is gonna be great so you know it's a project to do, which is both to do. So I decided to focus on those areas, you need to develop now. A lot of times I never said anything, but this is what's going through my mind and it comes up my habits and pretty soon where were you know what we really love each other.

We really love God and I'm in seminary preparing for ministry were making each other nuts to tell you something.

Not only did God provide some wise pastoral counseling and we went to some counseling and work through some of our baggage and we learned all that will take the heart of it, and I still do it in almost no. 27. 30 years later I still do it. I begin the process of being grateful and thanking God for what I did have in my wife and stop focusing on the 5% that I didn't have it will change your world coming to this day all still got to coffee shop and sometimes just one struggling emotionally every everyone doesn't have these little kind of distances in your marriage. I will often get on a napkin to start writing that she is faithful.

She's an awesome mom and she prays for me. She's beautiful and I just write down all the things and all. Thank god thank God. Thank you thank you what happens.

My motions change when my motions change I treat her differently when I treat her differently.

That 5% keeps shrinking what your situation what relationship, what issue in your life. Are you constantly focusing on what you don't have instead of thanking God for what you do have the apostle Paul says if you want to experience contentment. It is well with your soul practice number one. Be grateful.

Second, secret to contentment dispels the myth that contentment is a future event.

Somehow in America and in multiple places around the world.

We think there's some future event not just a win then, but it's sort of like there's a lotto out there. The lotto might be a person. The lotto might be the actual lot of 35 billion zillion dollars but there's this event and when it occurs. Notice what the apostle Paul says principle number two. Contentment is an attitude we learn, not a thing that we achieve a single word to get that will look at verse 11. I have learned. Look at verse 12. I have learned you might circle those if you have contentment is not out there. External contentment is God doing something in you through you. So it's in here Epicurus said to him, who little is not enough.

Nothing is enough. The practice be teachable if you really want to learn to ride the bicycle of contentment as a way of life.

You learn to practice gratefulness thankfulness and then be teachable. Ask God what he wants you to learn in your present circumstance instead of telling God what you want them to change people that are content first say thank you Lord, not pie-in-the-sky. Thank you God. It's hard it's difficult. I don't like it but I choose to say thank you and then teachable God because of the circumstances.

What do you want me instead of asking you to do something out there.

What is it you want me to just joining us, you're listening to living on the shipping chips message today is from his series, I choose. If you're feeling the burdens of life, pressing you the thought of a little more peace. Sounds good. This series I choose peace will help you get there to order your copy of I choose peace or to send a set to a friend. Just visit us online at Another easy way to assure this program is with the chipping remap or if you'd like to talk with someone over the phone. Just give us a call at 1-888-333-6003 Betz 1-888-333-6003.

I'll be right back with some very specific application about today's message but I want you to know that the very things I talked about at a new level Living on the Edge were personalizing them right now for what were all going through as a nation, and specifically you and your family and your life. I we push the pause button it Living on the Edge and we said, how do we enter in and take this very difficult time where people. Many are stuck at home or have uncertainty about finances or really have long to be together as a family and now find themselves where while we are really together as a family were calling it Living on the Edge or literally load at home and were doing three things number one I'm doing a daily Bible study to actually help you get into the Bible in a way where God can speak to you. Second, were providing a daily time for meals that you can interact with one another in a way that will build deep and great relationships. And third, once a week were doing a Facebook live where whatever questions whatever is going on in your life. You can ask them and will let you know what were learning from other people.

It's called load at home, go to the website go to the app just Chip Ingram at the app store and we will help you make it through this time and learn to be content, regardless of your circumstances will find load at home when you go to or the chipping remap the mealtime ideas for fun spiritual encouraging times around the table are right. There will also see personal coaching from Chip on how to get into Scripture in a way that makes sense and you'll see updates on our Facebook live events which are a way for you to interact real time encouraging one another to live out your free from these times of stress and hardship.

We can't wait to meet you there load at or on the chipping remap as we wrap up today's teaching I want to begin practicing with you the process where you'll learn to be content in every circumstance. There's two practices that I've learned over the years. In fact, I learned them from the apostle Paul and number one is to be grateful.

I mean this isn't something that you know I learned once and I put in a message this morning the Lord awakened me very early. I have a lot of my plate.

You know all that jumbling in your mind demands right and I open my journal and I just started thinking, okay, God, I want to thank you for and I listed a moment, my wife and I had yesterday. Then I listed the but a little time with my son and my granddaughter and then some staff members who were just so gracious and then but it was just thank you thank you thank you thank you in a puddle star by each one of them, and what I want you to know is jumbled. Emotions began to settle as I am grateful for what I have is I'm grateful and look at that through the lens of gratitude. It's amazing what God does in your heart.

The second step that we learned is be teachable.

In other words, when you're going through difficulty in and when you don't understand things are when you're frustrated or even when you're angry at someone. Here's the question. Lord, what do you want to teach me in this show me how you want me to respond instead of God. I want you to do this.

God I want you to do that.

Got it. Once you do this and if you don't do that if you can surrender that demanding spirit and ask him for help. The third tip I want to give you today is, it's a practice has been so helpful is get with God.

First, getting his word be teachable and be thankful as we learn to choose peace. We do some positive things, gratefulness teachability then we eliminate some negative things too much TV, Netflix and social media. See if the spirit of God doesn't use that starting today to bring you peace but strip really helpful. While we have a great way for you to get with God first. It's one of our new load at home tools you ever wanted to know how to open the Bible and get something out of it. This is your opportunity chips taking the time to meet with you as a personal coach to show you how he learned to be in God's word in a way where you can actually hear God's heart and have them speak to you directly. Just go to our website or the chipping remap and look for load at home full until this is really for everyone here saying thanks for listing this addition of living on the