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I Choose Peace - In Financial Uncertainty, Part 1

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram
The Cross Radio
April 2, 2020 6:00 am

I Choose Peace - In Financial Uncertainty, Part 1

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram

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April 2, 2020 6:00 am

A scouting report is designed to provide the inside scoop, the lay of the land, accurate conditions, so our tactics, in a given circumstance, will be successful. In this program, Chip tells us we need a scouting report when we pursue peace.

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One of the greatest danger during financial uncertainty is a hidden monster called greed. Think only about ourselves. It poisons our soul. Now is the time to be free of greed that we might help others. We are the salt and the light of the world. How does that really work that's today welcome to this Edition of Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram Living on the Edge features the Bible teaching of Chip Ingram on this daily discipleship program. This program Chip continues his series I choose the very linear step-by-step way to overcome several sometimes not-so-subtle temptations all around progress in technology have brought up, but the downside is the constant drumbeat of bigger, better, faster, more it's an endless cycle that can be mesmerizing, even dangerous if were not careful you will be with us after the teaching to talk more about how God helps us navigate through all this, so be sure to stay with us for that you have a Bible open it now to Philippians chapter 4.

Let's join Chip for his message. I choose peace and financial uncertainty.

How many people know what I'm talking about. I say a scouting report what the scouting report you look at the film you watch the other team and what you do you figure out what their strengths are, what their weaknesses are. So you come up with a game plan. If you have small children and someone says can your little girl come over and stay overnight with our house and it someone from school and you don't know them. What you do you make phone calls to find out about these people. You go on the Internet and find out if there's any you know sexual offender predators in that neighborhood.

You check out what's going on, and students. You guys do scouting reports you see that girl and she got catches your eye, or that guy. He kinda catches your eye and you think yourself. You know might be sorta one of those and so you asked so-and-so who asked so-and-so and so-and-so you find out all about her to see whether that's worth on a less slight note, I had a very very good friend in my years in Dallas who I was a squad leader in Vietnam and he would take 12 to 15 men out and they would do a little of circular about 3 to 4 miles and make a loop and he said the most terrifying thing because he was the leader and he about 10 to 12 minutes care and he said we would go out and we make this loop, but just not every day but very frequently we find ourselves worried we'd be in jungle jungle jungle and they would have to go across the space of about 100 yards maybe 200 max and would be wide open.

Just rice patties, but your completely exposed and choices I get a couple of my scouts and they would literally I mean get down belly with their rifles go all the way and he says when they made it had everything checked out. They get up on one knee and and motion us and he said I mean you watch guys with packs.

We would we would run across there as fast as we could with our hearts pumping because we know the exposure and at hundred yards and said we had a good scouting report wasn't a problem, but he said there were times where I ran across there and then I heard about bop bop bop bop out and I would watch as one of the men I was responsible for. I would be hit and we would all hit the ground and I had men with bullet holes and blood coming out of them that died in my arms because the scouting report was inaccurate to talk about contentment's greatest competitor talk about how to beat in the apostle Paul, inspired by the spirit of God is good to give you a scouting report and the scouting report is just in fact it's more serious than my friend in Vietnam. If you got a bad scouting report, people could lose their physical life.

The scouting report that you're gonna get. If you don't understand it and heat it, you can lose your soul.

You can lead your kids and your friends for all eternity off the wrong path. So this is a serious message.

The apostle Paul gives us a scouting report in first Timothy chapter 6 verses 5 to 10 at a good scouting report does about four basic things it says will cruise the flow.

How formidable is the foe, what are his tactics and then where we vulnerable.

So let's follow along. The context is some false teachers are moving through the church and so he says in verse five. False teachers produce men of corrupt minds, that's the product of false teaching, who have been robbed of the truth and think godliness is a means to financial gain. That's the context Paul is writing to a son, Timothy, and he writes his letter, he says, Timothy, when you receive this you can understand these false teachers are going around they been robbed of the truth and what they teach, they actually teach. Can you believe this Timothy that walking with God serving God loving Christ as a way to get rich. The reason you walk with God is he's going to make everything turn out great, and you'll be wealthy and then he'll give us thesis.

By contrast, godliness with contentment is great gain. That's our word. The fact the matter is walking with God and knowing God loving God, when there is a sense of supernatural sufficiency in Christ is a great gain and then you give to fax why is this true first for we brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing out of it. Timothy these Kaiser promising and people are wasting their lives. But Timothy, you need to remember you come in. Is this little naked baby and you go to relapse downs, but you know what they may put clothes on you and I put you in a big expensive casket or wooden box or burning up and put you to earn. But you come in with nothing and you leave with nothing and it's 100% true for hundreds and people so doesn't make a lot of sense to follow these false teachers. The second fact you need to remember is that if we have food and clothes. We will be in and circle the word its outward content. If we have food and clothing put a line of the word clothing because literally means covering the apostle Paul says their teaching doesn't make sense. But if we have food and covering the ideas covering for your body close to keep you warm and a covering a roof. It could be a tent. It could be an RV.

It could be a housing to be a condo but if you have something over your head to protect you from the elements and you have food with Christ.

Paul says you need to give you more great be a wise steward of it.

That's all you need to be content with that. And then verse nine, he's gonna get the scouting report. In contrast to that mentality. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires and what to those harmful desires. Do they plunge men into ruin and destruction will why and how does that happen.

Verse 10 for the love of money is not the but the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager to get rid sure eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many grease nice set a good scouting report answers.

As for question. Let's take this text let's answer this for questions. Question number one who is our foe. The technical name is Phil oh Gloria little phrase there who want to get rich. The phrase a love for money, eager for money, the root word behind those fellow love men like Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love, Philip fellow, Maria agreed the street name is just materialism, greed, the belief more more more got I have that will satisfy a lot of money. Age-old that's who our foe is how formidable is our foe. If you have a pen pull it out.

I want you to circle a few words to tell you how formidable this foe is circle the word plunge circle the word rule and circle the word destruction circle the phrase a root of all kinds of evil.

In other words, the love of money is not just a financial problem, 60% or more of most marriages that fail are rooted in some financial issues. It is a root of all kinds of evil. Circle the word wandered circle the word pierced and circle the word briefs.

This foe is formidable.

It is a deeply deadly powerful ruthless enemy that wants to destroy your physical life your emotional life. Your family life. Your spiritual life and take your soul. That's how formidable what RX tactics put a box around the word temptation put a box around the word trap put a box around the word foolish and put a box around the word harmful desires and you will see the tactics the word temptation what's temptation. Temptation is simply usually offering a good thing. The bad way. Temptation is missing the mark. Temptation is a temptation that uses a parallel word allure the word for lure or trap here. It's that shiny thing. The deficiencies the gets its attention. But behind the shiny little lure is a hook and so money promises power, position, popularity, self-image, money will give you this money you can live like this, people will love you.

They will like you to be together, you'll be of value to you. Chase money in it for the word is and that hook will plunge you into destruction in relationships. It'll alienate you from God it'll like Jesus said, it'll be like the worries of the world and the deceitfulness of riches, it'll take the work of the Spirit of God and the word of God in your life and little by little it will strangle you. But notice the tactics did you notice some of the words trap temptation, foolish, harmful desires and then the product is some further, eager lover money, have wandered in the passive voice. You don't wake up and make a willful decision. One day so you know I love God, and you I like being a student at the school and I want him to really use my life for you. I'm married or I'm single and I'm glad God's giving these kids and this is what really matters. You know what I'm just tired of living is what I think I just chase money and throw all that away and I I'll go hogwild and try and get rich.

No one wakes up doesn't member what what did Jesus say it's the deceitfulness of riches, you understand what deceit means.

It means that when you are loving money and when you are wandering away from Christ.

The only person that doesn't know it is you the have wandered from the faith. It's a picture like two people talking about and there's a current in the stream and they get talking and that there in a good conversation, as are talking the dock is right here and is there so engrossed in the talking, but the boat is being pushed down the stream and when they stop talking they look up and there 2 miles away from where they thought they were. That's this word you just wake up one day and you're far away from Christ and your priorities are out of order and this tension in your marriage and your kids are seeing things in you and you are driven and work is totally out of proportion and things and what's new in what you gotta have in your debt continues to rise and to grow and pretty soon you have rationalize your way and you have pierced yourself with many a grief that serves tactics and where you vulnerable. First and foremost, the heart is deceitful above all your listening to living on the ship will be right back. But we want you to know that we have a convenient way for you to access chips teaching the chip and remap delivers daily programs, chips, interactive message notes and much more will now your strip with the rest of today's talk the issue this morning is not. If you have a problem with the local ria.

The issue is not if you're being deceived. The issue is not if you are greedy or just to try and found out how greedy you are and how greedy I am all right we are living more vulnerable. Not only our heart but when you are living in a culture and I'm living in a culture with every commercial and every magazine and every advertisement in every new style in every new car. We are the people. The goal of an advertisement is to what produced discontent. Those old shoes are good enough that old car is not good enough you don't want that house. Those kind of sinks aren't anymore. You know what the skirts are too long. Other too short not to go to the metal heels are high another flat.

Now the red and other white pages in this year. Light was coming next.

Your lime green really come in closets full of stuff that we don't wear. That's good because we been hooked and deceived. So the issue today is not you greedy.

The only issue is to what extent is the hook in your mouth and what are you can do about it. One of my gonna do about it because the implications ruin plunged pierced destruction. You might John the bottom of your notes.

Luke 1613 through 15 when Jesus took the whole area of spirituality.

He said you know what, there's basically two options you can either worship me or you worship what he called mammon or money or greed or materialism or consumerism.

You are either in this Or that camp and so what I want to help you by God's grace and his spirit to his word. I want to help you and I want to help me break the grip of greed in my life and yours. This isn't something you can just grow into someday, some way, it is possible to come to a point spiritually where you can say when times are terrible or times are great, as I learned to be grateful. As I learned to be teachable.

As I learn to be flexible. As I learned to be confident I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. It is possible to be completely content in this life by the power of the grace of God to your relationship with Christ. I mean, that is really priceless. Working a look at the Philippian church and how they related to Paul and they will model how that you can break the grip of greed from your heart and life and how I can do it as well.

So after saying he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him. He's going to say here's how to break the grip of greed develop personal compassion see at the heart. What greed does it harden your heart what what your focus on money does is things things things things become important in God not gotten people people don't and so the only way to combat that is you gotta get your heart tenderized so it's soft toward God and soft towards people so you care how you develop compassion by putting others needs ahead of our wants potato you take some of your wants and you find someone who has a real need, and you say I'm gonna let go of that want to take the time or energy, or money for that want and I'm gonna give it to this need. Watch how the Philippians model. This verse 14 after he says he can do all things through Christ to give me strength. He says yet it was good of you to share in my trouble. Moreover, as you Philippians know in the early days was about 10 years ago and best you can piece it together. The churches planted ± around 10 years ago. So they built this bond and this is a this is the real connectivity because it was good of you, literally. It was beautiful it was when Summit was a was a thing of beauty. The way that you were to corn India with me. You shared with me. We became partners and he said when you become partners in my troubles. In order for trouble. There is a technical word in the New Testament for the afflictions or the pain would come on person's life for sharing Christ and he goes on to say you know you member the old days when you were first acquainted with the gospel and then I set out for Macedonia. Not one church shared her literally partnered with me in the manner of giving and receiving.

Except you only, and Paul basically is saying is you know this is a thank you letter handy pack for Titus brought the financial gift and I'm prison and I just want you know. Thank you so much. I've learned to be content so I didn't really need it. Yet it was good of you to help out, and then he goes on to say here that moreover you know you were the only church to share you with this poor little church and use all my need and you generously gave to supply my needs.

You put my needs ahead of your want and that's how you do it this this idea of giving and receiving. It's all to the New Testament of those who supply spiritual food for us giving need to receive financial provision so the ministry can go forward, as will Paul will make the point all the churches and I thought to myself how, where, or how did this most profoundly get worked out in my life and I was in Dallas seminary because when you when you see a principal like this you think yourself well you know what I really get a lot of excess that I can help some other people but you know what what you know is that everybody is mentally middle-class.

You do know that I don't care what you make. Make $100 million amoeba people billionaires there. Rich, not me right you make 80,000 you make 30,000 somewhat.

I don't care what you make.

Whoever makes more there Rich and you're gonna in the and so I thought of a time when I learned this when in my mind at least. I was very poor and so were in seminary and on making just under $1000 a month. I have three kids and go to school full time and a guy comes to chapel. I'd never heard of the group called world vision and he came in there was about a thousand students in this chapel and he showed a video thing where you know my crying and think of these poor kids in St. well wish I could help them but I mean I can barely pay my rent and other guy gets up and he said you know you probably wondering why I would come to Dallas seminary to show you this and I'm thinking, yeah, I'm wondering, I mean first of all, I'm glad I know now, but I thought for sure would love to help him but I mean I can't and he said a lot of you are probably thinking that you know you got two jobs you barely making it. Your wives are putting it through you don't make any money so why would I come here and he said before I answer that question.

Can I just ask you a quick question here in the group. I still remember this, he said, how many of you I know you don't have hardly any money, but how many of you just as a little treat, maybe at least once or twice a month. Take your families out to McDonald's and like 95% hands when I went up on me that was big, mean three kids to have happy meals. We split the cheeseburger and what he gets water I can get out here for 1416 box mean and that's you know well hey kids there we go right Ronald Britt have fun golden arches of me that was that was the moment and I'll never forget and then he clicked the button and put a picture of what I'd seen and said, you know, if you go to McDonald's twice a month you I'm asking you that's a want. Would you be willing to give up going to McDonald's once a month and take that $16 to feed and educate that child and I'll never forget walking home that was 30 some years ago now, I think, and bring a little picture of a little girl her little boy. I can remember now and that started probably a 30 some year journey that I thought yeah decision among a good McDonald's twice for that kid get to eat one's seat compassion your heart get soft when you take your wants and sacrifice your wants someone else just joining us, you're listening to living on the shipping chips message today is from his series, I choose. If you're feeling the burdens of life, pressing you the thought of a little more peace. Sounds good. This series I choose peace will help you get there to order your copy of I choose peace or to send a set to a friend. Just visit us online at Another easy way to assure this program is with the Chip Ingram map or if you'd like to talk with someone over the phone. Just give us a call at 1-888-333-6003. That's 1-888-333-6003 will chip at a time. A lot of people are feeling fearful about their finances. This was a pretty strong message about being generous could you give us a little perspective because really people are feeling afraid not knowing what's coming will Dave, you're absolutely right, and what I want you to know is that that's where the church has shined in ages past mean it is been when we didn't know if we would have enough for us.

We have given that we give of our time. We give our talents, we give our money, you know, in the early church.

Those that had helped out those that didn't have in crisis all across the globe we seen Christians be generous and often generous to the point of radical radical sacrifice. I think were in one of those times and that's why I felt like we actually needed to teach this. I understand it's scary to give when you don't know if you're even going to have a job where if it's going to be coming in, but if you have a God that is absolutely in control and promises to take care of you.

Isn't it really time that we would reach out and help one another. Thanks Chip really appreciate that well were living in one of those momentous rubber meets the road situations and so maybe this is an opportunity to be bold and ask God where he would have you give to help someone else, even though your finances are a little shaky right now. When God prompts us to be generous. Obedience is always the way to go well here. Strip with a final word in this message. Were talking about choosing peace in a materialistic culture and as we wrap up today's broadcast. I just want to remind you of something.

How is it that you develop a heart of compassion and answers really easy to say but it's really hard to do its practice putting others needs ahead of your wants and I told a little story of how I begin to learn that even when I was a very poor seminary student.

Here's what I want to remind you of when every you start being compassionate.

Whenever you start did choose to put other people's needs ahead of your wants. You can expect opposition, here's what I want you to know as we learn to choose to be compassionate. We declare war on greed and we discover God's peace in our heart what she does try that in some little things today and see what God does in your life. As we wrap up today. One of the ways we want to help you.

Have fun and connect during this time when families are spending a lot more time together as a tool we've called mealtime conversations is a guide for thoughtful ways to interact with each other around the table. Real-time conversations is one of our load at home tools to help you make meal times more enjoyable to check it out.

Just go to or the Chip Ingram map and choose float at home until next time.

This is really for everyone here say thanks for listening to this Edition of Living on the Edge