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Authentic - The Transforming Power of Giving Thanks

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram
The Cross Radio
July 8, 2022 6:00 am

Authentic - The Transforming Power of Giving Thanks

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram

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July 8, 2022 6:00 am

Could it be that life right now is not what God intended for you? Is it possible that some of the pain, struggle, frustration, and conflict in your life is there because of something you might have overlooked? Chip shares a tiny piece of wisdom that has revolutionized his life - and may unlock a whole new way of looking at life for you too.

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Is your life not going the way you want. You desperate for change will stay with me.

I'm going to give you a little nugget of wisdom. A profound secret that God showed me years ago that completely transform my perspective, especially when things were going very well.

That's today don't go away. Welcome to this Edition of Living on the Edge with the mission of these daily programs is to intentionally disciple Christians the Bible to just a minute, working to highlight a single program more popular series authentic how to be a Christian without being religious today triple sure important lesson you learned, radically changed his life and unpack how you can apply that truth to your so with that lets joint your pores talk. I have a passage I like to read and set a very familiar passage, but one that I think we sort of skip over that of Luke chapter 17. Beginning in verse 11 it says as Jesus continued toward Jerusalem.

He reached the border between Galilee and Samaria. As he entered a village there. The 10 lepers stood at a distance and they were crying out Jesus master, have mercy on us.

He looked at them and said, go show yourself to the priests and as they went their leprosy disappeared. One of them. When he saw that he was healed, came back to Jesus shouting. Praise God I'm healed he fell on his face down on the ground at Jesus feet, thanking him for what he done. This man was a Samaritan author adds that they were the mix. They were the despised. They were the group that a good Jew would walk 50 miles out of his way to not even go through their land and then Jesus asked three questions. This brief little story question number one. The facts didn't I heal 10 men answer yet. Second question of amazement where are the other 9/3 question is commentary does only this foreigner returned to give glory to God and Jesus said to the man stand up and go. Your faith has made you well. Quick story as your reading to the New Testament may be reading to the Bible in a year you can in a 567 verses read that yet to be more thankful. I guess you know what those other nine were thinking and just go right on, let's let's let's take a minute and just plain out a letter wasn't despised and the alienated person a social outcast of the disease more in such a way still works but because of the gnawing of the nervous system. Often they would lose fingers disfiguration in the face.

They had a little bell around them, and that day so that when a leper got near you.

You had morning.

They often lived in caves together in and in very despicable situations totally set apart now from their family social outcast.

Often the colonies were built near garbage dumps because that's the only place I could find and they heard about Jesus, they forgot the miracles a free, maybe preacher heard people talk to me from a distance MA my minds.

I am unsure it happened like this but you know how you get close enough to a man like Jesus with all these followers and his fame is growing and is raising people from the dead and the blind see and think of his need and they want to get close in my minds eye and thinking maybe 10 of them said, you know, okay together guys ready. He's over there on 3123 writing Jesus master mercy on us. We how you get his attention in the Jesus out of his compassion did what the law prescribed if there was healing thought to have happened. You were to go to the priest and show him to authenticate what occurred as of the 10 of them.

You know there like us when you have no other options is not really hard and so they made their way toward the priest and as they were going back to faith Gillis.

They were healed.

I can't help but think that some of maybe had one or three or four fingers gone and as their walking boom.

Joe Joe this is amazing. I can see her bill safe forget your hand. Yeah, thanks to I mean if you ever seen pictures of leper deterioration around the nose and the mouth.

I mean they were broken people. Social outcast. They been totally healed. They been made whole night at this picture people if it was appropriate back then to high-five one another. I can't believe I can go home and see my family. I can even Jewish restaurant now know about the belt on the ground person.

I'm changed. I have a whole new life. I was in the darkness and I'm in the light no more garbage dumping, no more high now in case within the text says that only one canine.

I like to suggest that all 10 felt thankful. How could you not they felt thankful in our day. I think we think feeling thankful is the same as giving thanks in their worlds apart. It takes energy it takes intentionality. It takes a stopping of what's happening and saying yes I receive these gifts and I'm thankful for the gift but see thankfulness is in a feeling it's an act for you go back from the gifts to the giver and you acknowledge he gave them the credit, the honor and glory needs to go to the one who gave see lichen very day. I think often, God does a lot for us. Doesn't most of you, you know, anybody worry about not eating this weekend probably not many. Most of you drove here many of you own homes. Although there are some that have great physical problems. The majority in this room are healthy. You actually have people that like you people that love you you live in this prosperous nation in the world. If you're a Christian, your sins have been forgiven as far as the east is from the west. The Holy Spirit dwells in you. You been given spiritual gifts God is actually using your life you whole new life, but the danger is that we get moving out on the gifts instead of going back to the giver. I like to suggest that our response to this passage in Jesus is very different. As I read this. Initially I read it through my cultural American New Testament eyes and as I saw the problem here.

I thought to myself, my response would be, oops, shucks, you know those nine really should come back when it's the least they could have done what they did was impolite, inconsistent, not very nice and socially appropriate. Why, because in our culture. We've grown up thinking that Thanksgiving is either just a day to remember once a year or sort of social etiquette. It's important. It's something that's taught to young children. You know like your uncle Ned or a Judy you're three years old. They give you piece of candy. What did your parents say ship what you say uncle Ned thank you uncle Ned and Neil a pat on the head right or they didn't. Then you get a little bit older and not someone sends you a gift. Call your grandparents telling your thankful okay to get a little bit older and get married and what you have to do right out the thank you cards. Why, because we know it's very socially inappropriate not to give thanks but that flows more from a sense of violating the social standard and much theology and much sense of the deep meaning know what I like to suggest is that when those nine did not return. Jesus was not thinking.

Oops, he wasn't thinking, shucks, 1/10 is not bad. I want to suggest that he was disturbed that he was shocked that he was flabbergasted that that statement is only one foreigner come back and give glory to God that he was actually angry and a theological statement he made is that when we fail to come back to the giver and give credit where credit is due. According to Jesus, the lack of giving of thanks is robbing God's glory see to Jesus accepting the gift of neglecting the giver was robbery to Jesus.

The failure of the nine was spiritually scandalous to Jesus, the giving of thanks is very serious business back in sort of read some of your minds you think and you know what I did listen real carefully chipper.

I did as carefully as I could in the six or seven verses I think you get a lot more out of there than is there.

I mean, he's angry, spiritually scandalous, those are really strong words you get all that I mean are you really telling me that Thanksgiving and the giving of thanks is that important to God.

Aren't you pushing it maybe thing from you a little hyperbole here little exaggeration to help us. My answer no. In fact, brief summary of the New Testament reveals that God takes the giving of thanks, very, very seriously and just a few minutes as well like to do. I want to give you sort of a New Testament survey only go to four passages very briefly and only give you exhibit A exhibit B exhibit Z exhibit D okay boom boom boom, and I want you to hear just just think taste just taste, but the New Testament says about Thanksgiving and see if my evaluation of Jesus serious view of Thanksgiving is inaccurate. Okay.

And then I think there's implications for us first passages in Romans chapter 1 exhibit a. It says for since the creation of the world God's invisible attributes are qualities, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from that which was made so that men are without excuse note notice verse 21 for although they knew God general revelation. They could see God in creation, although they knew there was someone bigger than themselves. But there was a creator, they neither glorified him as God nor look at the little phrase gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Did you notice that their thinking became futile when they didn't honor him as Creator and they didn't give thanks. They enjoyed the gifts of life, but they didn't look they didn't give thanks that the a lot religions talk about the total depravity of man I want to suggest that the lack of thanking God and recognizing that he's our creator is paired with this concept of the rejecting of who he is, that serious second passages in Ephesians chapter 5 verses 1 to 4. It says be imitators of God, therefore, is dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. In this passage opens up with the book of Ephesians is how to live this brand-new life. First three chapters are doctrine and truth, beginning in chapter 4 it says walk in a manner worthy of Christ live up to this new calling your brand-new your old man sign human co-resurrected co-buried you have a brand-new life to live a supernatural holy, pure life, and so he's given them a number of instructions in chapter 4 in the chapter 5 says walk in love.

That's relationally walking in light that's morally got be pure yeah live in a way that reflects the nature and the holiness of God. Notice now verse three in verse four, but among you brand-new born-again Christians should live a new life. There must not even be a hint of one sexual immorality or of any kind of two impurities or three greed because these are improper for God's holy people doesn't even make any sense but notice it goes on, nor should there be obscenity for foolish talk means fully sexual talk or course joking, which are out of place, but rather did you get the giving of thanks. You see, it seems in Scripture when were told to walk in this new way of life that when were said ovoid.

These sins six things pretty heavy duty once in my mind on any balance he should have told us six different things we should do positively to walk in the light, but he didn't.

Betty, the giving of thanks is paired over and against walking according to the flesh.

Immorality is tied with the lack of a thankful heart you know what, it's pretty hard to commit immoral acts of any kind. If you're presently giving thanks for who you are and what you have right where you're at.

Take the list is pretty hard to lust after someone else or commit adultery if you're married when you're saying God, thank you for this great woman every day.

Thank you for this great man always got a problem. She's got problems. We got struggles yeah will come to life.

But thank you thank you thank you when that's your attitude.

You don't end up in bed with someone else when Esther attitude you're not trying to surf the net to find out what images can satisfy lack of intimacy in your heart when Esther attitude you're not looking for what the world can offer. But the moment you stop giving thanks for what you do have, where's your focus go to what you don't have for what you think will satisfy so the giving of thanks. Not only is paired with rejection of God in Romans one. It's paired with living a holy life.

It's the beginning point of the slide, third passage Ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 to 20.

It says don't be drunk with wine, for that is debauchery or leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled, controlled or literally to ideas and be drunk, be saturated be controlled by what the Holy Spirit beef filled with the spirit be controlled by the spirit be saturated by the spirit. In other words, let him control your life. Your thoughts, your motives, your money, your time, but the Spirit who lives inside of you live out Christ in you, moment by moment every dates in the present tense and then he says there's evidence. When this is occurring speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs sing and make music in your heart to the Lord always giving thanks to God the father for just the good times for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ see in Romans one when I give thanks.

I honor God as Creator Ephesians 5, the first portion when I honor God by thanks he's my provider. When the spirit of God is raining in my heart in your life.

The overflow will be Thanksgiving because he is your Lord he's calling the shots and the lack of thankfulness in your heart will let you know he's not Lord right now and it's hard to do sometimes isn't. But the Bible pushes it even farther. Theologically, first Thessalonians 516 through 18 it says rejoice always not sometimes rejoice always at the choice doesn't always feel happy, but the choice pray about everything in everything give thanks, why, for it is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.

And this is the slaphappy to praise God praise the Lord, you know I'm a good friend who has cancer all praise God. I think I know none of this is that sense that you can only do in your heart as you walk intimately with your Savior where you say, my marriage isn't what I'd like it to be my finances are more I would like it to be.

Some of my children aren't where I want them to be.

I would like to be married and I'm not.

My body isn't working the way I wish it would, but I understand that I made for eternity.

Not simply time by an act of the will, knowing that God is good, knowing his sovereign and in control, and knowing that he is faithful. He will give me grace to endure and he will deliver me through this for her. Deliver me out of it or he'll deliver me unto himself because his primary role in my life is not to make me happy to not make me a successful American to not get me ahead and middle class American life.

His primary objective is to cultivate intimacy between me and the father and to make my character, my heart and my motives more like his son Jesus.

That's one concept to in your life and therefore by faith at any given moment. Regardless of your circumstances. Regardless of mind to say thank you God is evidence of not only being under his Lordship, but saying God. It is a fallen world. I heard this is difficult, but I trust you. I thank you for this cancer.

No, but that you work in for this marriage. It's hard to right now but I want you to change me and I'm staying in it for the son or daughter yes because your sovereign God, as I pray you to work in their heart, and there are grown up and you have to make decisions. Life isn't easy. It's not a fairy book.

It doesn't always come out were not made just for time were made for eternity and so giving of thanks, according to Jesus in the New Testament is serious business. Why let me do a brief review first and acknowledges all that we are and all that we have comes from God when I say thank you.

It honors God as creator. Second, it keeps us from evil, because it forces us to focus on what we do have instead of on what we don't. Thank you for that. Bummer of a car you have will keep you from anything other people's cars third reveals in every circumstance, the extent to which the spirit is a control of my life. It honors the Lord as your Lord and Master and forth. It demands we live by faith in every and all circumstance. In summary, according to Jesus.

Thankfulness is the barometer of your soul not your church attendance is important not your prayers. Important not your gifts is not your activities not your service if you want to know where you're at with God at any given moment of any day you can just like you put your finger up and test for the winds coming from.

You can ask this question and no where your heart is with God. How thankful am I right now in my situation.

Honestly, from heart Francis Schaeffer set a quiet disposition and a heart giving thanks at any given moment is the real test.

To the extent to which I love God in that moment. And so Morgan to come is that leper to say to God were literally to get our knees before God and say got all that we are all that we have the hard, the good the wonderful work in us in the work through us. We want to give you the thing on the shipping room will be right back with this application. This message transforming power of giving FedEx, which is from a serious authentic how to be a Christian without being religious. For more information about this ministry or are many resources go to or call AAA 333-6003 that's AAA 333-6003, or will trips with me in studio, no insured before we hear your application talk to the person out there who connected with what you taught today and is interested in learning more about the Bible and God, but doesn't know where to begin to take a minute and highlighted tool we've developed little help them get started will. Thanks Dave.

I would love to do that.

If you have a difficult time studying the Bible. Honestly, I think you're like in the great majority of Christians that I know and often I hear people say I don't know what it means.

I don't know where to start timing.

It's a really thick, but again there's a lot of names I can't pronounce and there's a lot of different countries and times and let me just tell you the word of God was written by the Holy Spirit through the apostles and the prophets, and it was designed for everyday people just like you and me and so here's my offer.

I will teach you how to study the Bible for yourself. Meet with you individually. It's called daily discipleship, woodchip, and it's not just going through some passages of the Bible. I'm gonna go through in a way where you'll actually learn to study the Bible to make observations to discover that, you know, just like a piece of literature you can know what was happening in the author's life and when they derided and what was the purpose of the first century and one of the principal that apply today and more importantly you can hear God speak directly to you. So join me one-on-one and let's learn to study the Scriptures together. Now let me tell you how this works for each series, I begin with a short teaching video no longer the 10 minutes and then there's a little assignment that I can ask you to take 10 minutes on your own and do some study and here's what I know people that have done this with me who make it a habit just to spend 20 minutes with me day after day for somewhere between 10 days to a couple weeks they learn to hear God's voice, they learn to discern the spirit, God begins to change them from the inside out. This is a habit that you cannot afford not to develop click strip what you're looking for a practical way to deepen your faith. Let me encourage you to sign up for daily discipleship with Chip this free video resource will really help you learn more about God and his word to sign up for any of our daily discipleship sessions.

Just go to blisters top discipleship will now here's strip with some final thoughts to share as we close today's program. I don't know if you've ever thought about how important it is to be thankful but boy oh boy. When we go through this passage is here in the New Testament, you realize like I did. I mean the first time I studied this. It was like are you kidding me me to meet literally, thankfulness was like what you say before you eat a meal and at Thanksgiving. It's really important, but it's a lifestyle.

And here's the thing. This kind of a lifestyle not only gives God glory. He wants to be thanked for what he's done. It is the biggest attitudinal change or I mean it will revolutionize your experience when you start thanking God for what you do have. I don't care where you're at what's going on you start thanking him for what you do have, instead of inwardly or even outwardly whining about what you don't have your circumstances won't necessarily change but you will change the testimony of thousands and thousands of people. As I've shared this with them was I had one guy. I mean, he told me the saddest longest story of I mean schooling and health loss and financial loss. And you know a maid that walked out on him and I mean it was just like it was like I was about crying mother, got to it he was know you understand.

He gets to the end his email with me and he said you know II heard this message on thankfulness and I realized all I did was focus on what I didn't have and it was a choice and I didn't feel like it. I didn't want to but I started thanking God for every situation.

The good the bad the hard, the ugly God your sovereign God your good and he said you know what I'm looking to tie that everything completely turned around. But I'm telling you, I'm a I'm a completely new man and I just want to encourage you. If God is good and he is if he's an absolute control and he is, regardless of the evil regardless of why or how you are where you are if you will habitually by faith say Lord I want to thank you for what I do have the car I do have the health I do have the job I do have, or where I'm at. Without that that the grace I do have. God will begin today to work in your heart and your life may be like never before.

Let's end by saying, Lord, thank you great were Chip Franks will before we go. You know a great way to get more out of every program is to use chips message notes while you listen, but includes outline all of the Scripture references. Lots of fillings to help you remember what you're learning. Use them personally, or even with your small group there a quick download of under the broadcast strap at blisters Fill in notes while in Celestine this is Dave saying thanks for listening to this edition of living all the