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Jesus Unfiltered - Love - Love... Trusts!, Part 1

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram
The Cross Radio
June 9, 2020 6:00 am

Jesus Unfiltered - Love - Love... Trusts!, Part 1

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram

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June 9, 2020 6:00 am

When bad things happen to you, when life comes undone, have you ever wondered whether or not God really loves you? Is it possible that God loves you even when really bad things happen? Join Chip as he explores this very important question.

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When bad things happen to you when life comes apart.

Do you ever wondered how deep does God really love me. How do you respond when you know God loves you your circumstances sure don't seem to show welcome to this Tuesday vision of Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram trip survival teacher of his daily discipleship outreach by Babe Ruth that you picks up or he left off in a series is unfiltered with volume 3. Love. This is number 374 volumes in which Chip takes us through the entire book of John want to do a little catch-up find volume 1 believe the first five chapter in volume 2 follow the next five chapters all on the Chip Ingram okay if you have a Bible.

Handy open another John chapter 11 let's join Chip for his message.

Love trusts as we returned to our study of the Gospel of John. I want to address at least for me, the most difficult question in the Christian life. If God really loves me. How can we let this happen. Can you fill it in. God really loves me of Jesus is really for me.

I cried out I prayed. I asked him I was sincere. I may have fasted, oh God, please, and I've had times.

Nothing. Nothing.

In fact, if God really loves me.

I've had times where God didn't allow it to go from bad to worse. He allowed to go from bad to impossible.

And the only thing I could hang onto was the promises of God and the character of God, that somehow someway. He's working in all of this like you to think about where that is in your life right now. I mean, when you're honest to me. We push it down and we try and forget some of that not deal here if God really loves you. If Jesus is committed to you. If he's for you if his promises are true, then what's the biggest thing that really doesn't make sense if you open your nose ring. A walk through a new journey, but I want to remind you this was written by a certain man at a certain time to really live and what I want to know is that the apostle John was the apostle this very special relationship. He wrote also the book of Revelation and in three short letters for second and third John and as you look at your notes. Here's what the challenges I want you to go on a journey, especially in our day word you don't hear someone else. You don't take someone else's word but you asked these questions.

Who is Jesus.

Where did he come from, why did he come. What does he want for us and what does he want from us. We look at the first five chapters. I call that volume 1 is about believing in chapter 1 Jesus said that he created the road and he came to reveal the father full of truth and grace in chapter 2. In his first miracle that I came to transform the world and people from the inside out. As he turned the water into wine. In chapter 3 we learn together that it's not being religious. It requires a spiritual birth and we learned about Nicodemus. In chapter 4 we learned that he's for everyone and woman that had five husbands and was living with someone who was far, far from God experience his grace in chapter 5, we learned that when we get hurt in an impossible situation. He healed a man and demonstrated his power as the Messiah and God answered the question was, what will you believe there's all this evidence will you believe in this historical Jesus.

Next we look at volume 2, and that was around the theme of follow and so is is the young disciples were following him and in chapter 6 he says on the bread of life. I'll sustain you. He fed 5000 in chapter 70 at the great feast of Tabernacles. He would cry out in the midst of it fulfilling the Old Testament history if any man. First, let them come satisfy your soul. Chapter 80 said on the light of the world and he would forgive a woman caught in the very act of adultery in chapter 9 he opened the eyes of the blind and said if you're blind, follow me. In chapter 10, all your good Shepherd will lead you how kind you all help you and now in chapter 11. The next five chapters in the talk about the love of God is going to be sort of a door that swings both ways, working learn what it looks like for him to love us and then he's can answer this question, what is it really look like to love him. What's it look like that of a personal relationship with the living God and love him so you ready to go. Be ready to examine the question how can we really believe that God loves us when sometimes he doesn't just let it go from bad to worse. He let your life or your family or your health or your relationships go from bad to impossible.

Let's pick up the text. It opens up in chapter 11 with a problem now man named Lazarus was sick and he was from Bethany, the village of Mary and Martha, sister, and this is the Mary, whose brother Lazarus now lay sick. This is the one who poured out perfume on the Lord's feet and wiped it with their hair so the sisters sent word to Jesus Lord, the one you love is sick. All I want you to get is that the text is going to be very clear in the next five chapters will be sprinkled here and sprinkle here and sprinkle there. This love everything that's going to happen in this chapter is because Jesus loves Lazarus, Jesus loves Mary, Jesus loves Martha and everything that happens in your life and mine is because he loves you, but sometimes it doesn't feel that way. Here's the application. The application is love trusts Jesus and difficult times see it, tells your heart in my heart when you go through a separation or divorce, or you find out you have cancer or you lose someone that you love or is it had a close friend whose son in high school, and of his junior year. One of his friends was killed in an auto accident what what their modeling is we have a big problem.

We know you love us, our brother Lazarus is on your closest friends were there to bring our problem to you.

Love says I'm there to trust you and it's really hard but that young man after his friends killed in auto accident.

He answer the question like this. If God really loves me and allows one of my best friends to die in a car accident.

That's not a God. I can follow and he turned away from God, never to return. See how we respond to adversity and what we do with the pain in her life tells us a lot about what we really love we really love. Do we really trust. The story goes on because after the problem was brought to Jesus as he responds to it and this is one of those times where you know you read through this you think this doesn't feel very loving when he heard this, closest friend Lazarus is sick. He says the sickness will not end in death know it's for the glory of God that God's son may be glorified through it and then just just because it doesn't make sense.

Notice he emphasizes now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus can read the so when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days. I don't know about you, but if I was Mary and Martha and Jesus have been in our home, hung out with us.

I mean, Mary. I sat at his feet. Martha, I cooked all the meals he would go on these ministry tool needed little R&R. And, you know, Lazarus and Jesus and be in the back room, hanging out put their feet up. They were kind of rose you could tell that this real close relationship. All right, we know he really loves her brother, you send a message, Lord, will you please help. The messenger comes back. So when you say is he one of those long-distance miracles. You know what just speak it happens, like with the centurion slaver is he coming back and reading into the texture, but the messenger basically had to commingle you decided to stay where he was couple more days. What will learn from the taxes. Lazarus must've shortly died about you, but that doesn't feel very loving. It just said he loved Mary and Martha, and Lazarus in his responses he stays two more days now the end of the story. A lot of it will make sense but I just want to remind you, it didn't make any sense to Mary. It didn't make any sense to Martha and I would just tell you personally. There's times in my life didn't make any sense to me. The application is love trusts God's timing, even when it doesn't make sense in 2005 goes back a little bit. I made like a decision that really change the course of my life actually change the course of this church's life and in 2005 what II realize was while we I'm I'm not teaching the Bible anymore, but I'm just can keep pressing ahead by 2007 I was leading an organization that was doing stuff all around the world and I've become a CEO, but not a Bible teacher I was traveling all around the world all the time and if I was awake my my job was mostly raising money and going to budget meetings with seven vice presents with separate P&L's didn't match up, and I'm not a CEO. I did go to Harvard business school anything I've learned about business or leadership, read books, and smart people. The Peter principle had finally come to fruition and I been promoted right out of what I was good at and I was miserable and so 2007 clearly led by God, I took that one of the biggest steps ever and I said to the board. You need a president that's a good business person. I'm not teaching the Bible anymore.

I need to go back. God, I mean it wasn't a gentle nudge God is reprove me I need to be in a local church and teach God's word and he can decide where he wants to take the message and all that sounded really really good and you know I've had number friends and say wow if you ever get free from what you're doing and I know you love the local church, be our teaching pastor do this or do that and so I just thought you know to be 2345 Monsen I'm taking this big step of faith.

I'm afraid I don't have a job was can happen. Living led houses can work right now and let you know when you obey God. Great things happen right now.

Will they do eventually and all I can tell you is you ever had a time in your life with the Lord that you like in limbo from 2007 to 2009 God miraculously launch Living on the Edge will thank you Lord's anemone Monday night and have a salary night and was can happen and then I'm driving around on Sunday mornings for two years church shopping like I'm on church look for church pastor. Most my life. And then I realize what most of you experience like there's some really wonderful churches. That's not good ones at all.

Okay and and then you would come home and how you doing honey okay. You know, I teach here there and can I tell you something, God's timing isn't my timing.

There's certain things that happened needed to happen in my character and my life. There's certain things need to happen that I didn't know that he was going to develop a Living on the Edge into a small group ministry never happened. And if you remember but in 2007 the exact same month September, a couple churches merged in those two churches merged in from 2007, 2009.

They sorta need to figure out how they were to work together and so I was over in Atlanta with God going. Here's what we need to work out and here's what work through and over here.

There was a church and you know what I wasn't ready to be the pastor and the church was ready to have one kind tell you that no matter what it feels or looks like God's timing. He loves you is for you, but it just doesn't feel that way in the third section.

Jesus announces there is a plan to solve the problem and so in verse seven it says that he said to his disciples, let us go back to Judea, but rabbi they said a short while ago. The Jews there tried to stone you and you are going back then Jesus doesn't like a calm and Jesus is, you know, here's the deal. The last time they were there. They tried to killing me. This is like going back to Chicago and is a contract out on you and you will Chicago and in your sort of the followers and and Jesus answers these fears like casino unit we followed you.

We left our homes. We left our businesses were totally committed and will believe you the Messiah almost got killed last time you go back you know everything and use going. This is not a good idea. This is not a good plan. I know you got notice rabbi teacher your the authority were followers of you, but and then Jesus answers that deep emotional fear was something that I think was really helpful. Initially I'm joking or they're not 12 hours a day like you think. Of course, anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble. For they see by this world's light is when a person walks at night, they stumble, for they have no light. I'm thinking right about now.

Peter privately was looking at John going to get killed he's talking about daylight right course, they'd understand Jesus just told him earlier. He's the light of the world and what he wants to tell them what was to tell us is a lot of circumstances. There's a lot of issues and a lot of logical ways. Were you think I got forgot should do this or that and you know what when you're in the will of God when you're walking with Jesus. You are in the light that's the safest place in the world and the wisest place and so he then he explains what they're going to do and why he says after he said this, he went on to tell them our friend Lazarus is fallen asleep but I'm going there to wake him up. His disciples replied, Lord, if he sleeps to get better translation. We don't have to go. Jesus had been speaking of is that what his disciples thought he meant natural sleep told him plainly, Lazarus is dead, and for your sake. I'm glad it was not there. You might underline that your notes for your sake. Jesus motive in not going his love. Jesus motive in taking his disciples into a scary, scary dangerous situation is love so that you may believe he wants you to believe he wants you to trust want you to believe this character not on circumstances and what you can see he wants you to believe and trust him all the time. This was going to do something to help them to help us. But let us go then, said no and later as didymus's aggressive disciples, let us also go, that we may die with him and I think you can read this is false bravado, but I don't think so. Later on, he's gonna realize that he needs more proof than the average person, but we've been following him we said were loyal. He's going to go back to go with him. If we die we died because that's what we signed up. If he's the Savior of the world is the Messiah. If he is the only hope that we have to follow. No matter what.

And here's the application love trusts Jesus plan even when our security is threatened to follow regardless of the cost of the laws change your follow.

Finances change your follow your health changes follow people betray you, they let you down. They follow when the price goes up of being a follower. It's hard and you're afraid and you follow. I think of one my favorite characters is a very very courageous woman in the Old Testament, and it was a time in Israel's history where there is an edict for all of God's people to be annihilated literally. The Persian government at the time had been sort of whispered some false stuff and there was a day coming when every Jew would be killed, and there is a very beautiful beautiful good looking gal named Esther who no one knew she was a Jew and she ends up through a set of circumstances of being the Queen and her uncle Mordecai says this is the Chip Ingram translation sweetheart. I think God put you in the palace for a time like this. Go tell the king that you read you and that were all Jews and this is a really bad idea and were alternately massacred unless you step up in a course like she was very afraid, and basically said don't you understand like if I go in without being invited. If he's like having a bad day, I get killed and I think he said you know what were all going to get killed and maybe God. Maybe God has you here at this time and she begin to process that realize her own personal fears, but following was something she had to do and she got for such a time as this.

I'm God's woman in world history, and I thought about our country and I'm just thinking you were you live me where I live for such time as this is a time when God's plan seems like it might be dangerous to your promotions and jobs might be dangerous to some family relationships might call some even persecution rejection.

I think this is the time where we like her say such a time as this. I believe I love God, so I trust his timing. I love God I don't get his plan but I'm still on the like, I'm the one with him.

Regardless of the circumstance. And then what's beautiful is in the very next section, Jesus, you know he's guessing you went got bigger and better plan.

Some of the processes hard, you may not understand, but if you hang in there with I want for you and what I want for you is bigger and better than you can ever dream. And so we pick up the tax and he has a better gift than fixing the problem.

Martha and Mary fix the problem right you know she'll Lazarus and what yours, what is it that if you can write it on the card and ship it directly up to heaven like God deal with this one you know I'm single I'm tired of being single. Let's get this straightened out now or I'm married and I really wish I wasn't married right now but I'm to stay in the admin fix her fix him or one of our kids and how long we can pray on this and he's not getting better. She's not getting better. This is the third time in rehab. What is it in your life that you been Sandy God God and is like this here don't bail out of the process. Don't assume your timing is his timing and don't assume just because in your mind. This is the plan in this house will work, but he doesn't love you because your plan is coming about notice. We find got bigger and better purposes. On his arrival, Jesus, Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days now Bethany was less than 2 miles from Jerusalem and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary, to comfort them in the loss of their brother. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet him, but Mary stated home and now you get some of the raw portions of Scripture that I love Lord Martha said to Jesus, if you had been here, my brother would not have died so I know when the last time you pray like that. It would be pretty healthy for your heart and soul.

God can take our anger and our hurt and our disappointment and she's pretty bold. Now the very she sorta couches it with. But I still want to stay on your good side. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask but she's honest I don't get you need to tell God appear in this. I don't get it.

If you really love me. How could you let this happen. If you would have come. I know you love us. I mean you said in her home. I heard your messages.

I said you we entertained you.

I thought we were friends. You said you love this, I was aware of her I was there when you fed 5000 people first hand stories you raise people from the dead.

I know you have the ability and when we were together.

It sure seemed like you cared so why and notice what Jesus does.

He says your brother will rise again and Martha answered, theologically, I know he will rise again in the resurrection of the last day menu not I think that was sermon number 32 in our backyard.

I believe that, and then he does something seeking he wants to do more than fix her problem.

He wants her to see and know a person in a way that she has never known will be right back. If you're just joining us, you're listening to Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram chips message today.

Love, trust is from his series, Jesus unfiltered volume 3, no one ever demonstrated love better, or more fully than Jesus beloved people perfectly giving each person exactly what they needed the most. In this series.

Chip reminds us that that's what Jesus wants to do for us to sometimes it helps to listen again for these truths to really sink in an easy way to do that is with the chip and remap if you prefer CDs or if you'd like to send this out to a friend, you'll find all of the Jesus unfiltered volumes on our website check out the discounts on our current volume number three. Just visit us online at or give us a call at 1-888-333-6003, which I know you have a great application for today's teaching but before we get to that. You know we've all been dealing with all kinds of unforeseen really challenging circumstances in the past few months as you reflect on that.

What's the Lord putting on your heart will that's right Dave. In fact, I would love to share what's on my heart and what's on my heart is I want to say thank you you I believe we have an amazing team here Living on the Edge, but we also have amazing partners at your prayer and financial support during this crisis has been an amazing encouragement to me because God is working in so many people's lives and because were able to minister to. So many people and we couldn't have done that if you had not continued to give generously, even in the midst of this crisis and I do know right it's a real time of financial uncertainty, but I will tell you this, God's word is not uncertain it's powerful, active, sharp with a two edged sword, and he's using it. In fact, you know, as we've done some new things here in the last few months people have written in an emailed in a doctor and his wife, who happens to be a nurse wrote me and said your messages keep us encouraged and feeling supported, as were on the front lines. Thank you so much. Another lady wrote you I learned so much about God and how to interact with him through Living on the Edge and she's talking about the daily discipleship that we didn't and still another person writes Living on the Edge has changed my life.

This is what I'm hearing over and over it's changed my life. You have been like the mentor when I needed one the most and all I want to say is this is a really tough time for people all across the world but is sovereign and a good and compassionate God specializes in taking the worst of times and bringing the good out of them because he is all-knowing is all-powerful, reminds me of the story of Joseph near the end of his life when he would say to his brothers. After all the evil that he went through and he would say to them, you meant this for evil but God meant this for good to bring about this present result to preserve many people alive and without diminishing the heartache and the pain and the even death of this virus. What I want you to know is the response of the Holy Spirit in this virus is people were coming to Christ. Christians are awakened in the open and listening and responding like never before and so I want to thank those of you who have given and allowed us to respond. I mean literally turn on a dime in order to minister to more people because people were stuck at home and we wanted to create brand-new resources that would help them in the midst of their difficulty and so thank you thank you for being on the team and for those of you that might be listening right now and say wow I had maybe no idea. You all have done all that and you've been ministered to and you been help. You've never given. Could I invite you to join the team. There's never been a better time because this month all month. Every dollar that you give will be matched dollar for dollar. Yes you. You heard that correctly we have a small group of friends of the ministry that this time each year that we all come together and we say you know what, when, inspire people.

So every dollar they give were going to match and that's going to be critical for us to keep doing what were doing. So if you have given. Thank you very very much. If you have would you really pray about that and act on it today. Thanks so much.

Well of God's been ministering to you through Living on the Edge you want to get in on ministering to others. Now would be the perfect time to join the team. Every gift during our June match will be doubled thanks to the generosity of a group of ministry partners to send a gift either call us at 1-888-333-6003 or go online to

Thanks in advance for asking God what he would have you do and then partnering with us. However, he leads. Well here's chip with his application. As we close today's program.

I ended the teaching time with some pretty penetrating questions and I like to just pause, just you and me here and ask you out where in your life right now does it feel like God doesn't care that your intellect says you know Jesus died for me. The Bible says he cares but if he cares how could he, and then you can fill it in. I mean how could this issue in your marriage continue. You know how why you still single.

I mean how how is it that the way you've work that you lost your job and you can fill it in and what I want you to remember is sometimes sometimes God allows our difficulties to go from bad to impossible, because he actually wants to give us something better. You know I like the, the rawness of the Scripture were both Mary and Martha really called Jesus on the carpet. If you would've been here, my brother wouldn't of died in and he can take that and I think sharing your motion honestly is really important and that the essence. I think we want to do exactly what they wanted to do. I have a problem fix it.

I have a problem fix it and I just want to encourage you that God often wants to do something way beyond fixing your problem and give you something better. He wants to reveal himself. He wants to change you in the process as I was reviewing this I have to say that this chapter is a lifeline. As I shared in the message. I lived in this chapter for weeks at a time and it was a time that I was frustrated. It didn't seem like God cared, and here's what I want to leave you with by way of encouragement. What I thought was the worst difficult, most frustrating unfair season of ministry that I had ever experienced. To that point in my life was actually the door to get me to where God wanted me and the work he wanted to do in my heart so don't give up. Don't bail out trust him. He's going to reveal himself will just before we close. Would you take a minute to pray for people who are struggling right now. Anytime God wants us to trust him.

We experience an inner battle, trust, or bail.

So would you take a second and pray for them and if you're the one who's having a hard time you have more people than you know. Praying for you to rest in God's goodness, what hope you'll join us again tomorrow for part two of chips message love trusts told them this is the same. Thanks for listening to this Edition of Living on the Edge