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Why Does God Allow Evil? (Part 3)

Leading the Way / Michael Youssef
The Cross Radio
August 30, 2019 1:00 am

Why Does God Allow Evil? (Part 3)

Leading the Way / Michael Youssef

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August 30, 2019 1:00 am

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There's a book that if you haven't read document for you to read by CS Lewis called the problem of pain in the book he tells us that evil always manifest itself in suffering and in pain is pain and suffering. Actually that causes us to ask why, why doesn't God just snapped his fingers and evil will disappear.

All of suffering will disappear.

Although the pain would disappear.

The good news is that he will one day and maybe sooner than you think is to those who see pain-and-suffering as CS Lewis puts it as God's megaphone of speaking to the believers. They not only will see pain and suffering as God steppingstones for their good, but they will persevere because they know that one day God will collect his fingers and pain-and-suffering will disappear.

They keep on trusting God in spite of the?'s, in spite of the difficult circumstances because they know that all of the pain and all of the suffering is but for a moment, but that same megaphone that God uses to speak to believers through the pain and through their suffering that same megaphone causes nonbelievers to rebel against God, and to reject God and reject that megaphone and the question the goodness of God and the love of God, but the question that a lot of people are asking is this what is the origin of evil when it come from. That's a question I'm going to try to answer from these Scripture both old and New Testament. We know several facts about evil and evil one whose name was Lucifer, from which we get the word mystified meeting.

The light bearer or the shining one. He was among the highest ranking in the angelic hierarchy in the angelic beings. God is the one who gave him lots of power and lots of authority. The only thing that God did not delegate to Lucifer is his own throne. No one considering the throne of God except God himself is a God created Lucifer as one of his principal's servants angelic being. Lucifer was the seal of perfection, he was filled with wisdom and beauty easy. Lucifer being a created being. He's not perfect, not perfect as God is perfect, he reflected the perfection of God. He was not the source of light. He reflected the light of God. He was a matter that the source of life, light never originated with him, like originated only in God. He merely reflected that light, he was over some of the angelic being has authority over the was a senior engine. If you like he was right up there with Michael and Gabriel was among the highest level in the heavenly hierarchy.

He was privileged to voice praise to God. He was privileged to voice and bring worship to God. He was privileged to look upon the glory of God, something Moses could not do not take this information under the built in your brain in your mind okay because when I come back to it because it really is a foundational information docket away is going to help you to understand why he is the most dangerous adversary that the believer has, especially if a believer tried to venture without Jesus and the gutter business for themselves and they think they're strong. They think they can do things now want to explain this to you from a human perspective.

I want you to imagine a person whose number two in the CIA and that number two guy in the CIA defects to the enemy.

Think about this it affects to the enemy's camp. He knows all of the protocol. He knows the secret codes he knows all of the old contacts that you understand why the apostle Paul could say in second Corinthians 1113 and 14. He could say for such are false apostles is talking about false preachers. He said for such a false apostles, deceitful workmen there working in the church their workmen present deceitful workmen there are masquerading as an apostles of Christ. And no wonder he said, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. Satan knows exactly how to appear as an angel of light.

That's what is taken too many pulpits in America today. If you have not read my book.

Know your real enemy are recommended to read it. It will help you, but I want you to remember this, Satan who is the source of evil was created by God. Don't forget that he was created by God. Just like Adam and Eve were created by God and God created Satan or Lucifer at the time to worship the creator. He created him to praise the creator he created him toward nor the creator, but there's more. God delegated to him some executive authorities.

He assigned some of the angelic beings to him to be under his authority to serve God's purpose throughout the universe. One third of the angelic beings were under his authority is or how many of these we don't know even when kids talk about zillions zillions will even do it justice to in Ephesians 612. It tells us that there are numerous ranks and classes and grades of these angelic beings again in human terms.

Lucifer was a top executive assistant forgot if you like he was acting as an intermediary. He was a middleman. If you like, he would gather, worship, and bring it to the throne of God. But being a middleman is never easy being a middleman is probably the hardest job in the whole world.

It requires humility. It requires supernatural maturity. It requires supernatural loyalty. Why, because the closer you get to the top. The more ambitious you are wanted to go over the top job but in this case the golf between the creator and the creature is unbridgeable. The gap between the creator and the creature is impassable and yet Isaiah 1413 and 14 tells us that that's exactly what happened. Lucifer pride entered into his heart.

Pride and arrogance.

He wanted to unseat God and take his place in his room five times in those two verses five times that I will I will I will I will I will I will ascend out exalt myself sit on top. I would ascend to the highest I will be like the most high God, what happened to Lucifer to become proud of his beauty to become proud of his intellect to become proud of his capacity to become proud of his attainments and he sees to recognize this and careful believers. He seems to recognize that every thing he has was given to him by God, and he wanted to be worship instead of worshiping God and that is why God through him out of the heavens. It Jesus who coexisted with the father before all worlds in the Godhead, one God father son and Holy Spirit. Jesus, for whom and through whom the world was created. He said in Luke chapter 10 verse 18 I saw Satan when he was thrown out of heaven. I saw Satan fall from heaven like a lightning.

He said now back to the question and I want to Transamerica. Did God know from the beginning that pride is going to capture Lucifer's heart card is omniscient, meaning that he knows everything ahead of time. Now organize the second question. If God knew that Satan, Lucifer was going to rebel against him and fall.

Could he have stopped because God is all important meaning that he can do anything now I know the third question is in the mind of many of you as an elastic myself at some time in God knew that Lucifer was going to rebel. If God could've stopped what he now on the face of it, had God stop Lucifer from rebelling against him.

He could've saved all out of trouble. Not just for us but also for God as well. Right because that rebellion costing the blood of his son Jesus on the cross.

So what is the answer, the closest that and so that we can come to in this life until we go to heaven and see it clearly.

The closest we come to whether angelic beings or human beings. The closest is that God placed an element of free will, within his created beings otherwise will become mechanical machines or robots are 000 would become puppets on strings will become computer just what what sin comes out. But listen to me. God wanted his created beings to freely love him he wanted his created beings to choose to love him. God respected his created beings enough to place that element of free will inside of them is a paradox of Scripture presents is the sovereignty of God above all in the free will of man to the Bible gives us both the Bible answers the whole both intention and the reason people fall in an era is when they elevate one above the other, and they get into trouble and they're falling to heresies, beloved, my friends, listen to me.

We must have the humility to accept this paradox. Now his affect Lucifer sin of rebelling against God of pride in his heart is reproduced on a regular basis not only in history but the guy it was reproduced when Adam and Eve listen to Satan. Smooth talking, that brought down to the mind about the authenticity of the word of God.

It was reproduced when Israel arrived into the promised land. After all that God did for them plagues over Egypt, protection of them crossing the Red Sea. All of the stuff that got both of them the moment they get into the promised land, and they get blasted turn their backs on God. It was reproduced again by those proud Pharisees who refused to believe that Jesus is the Messiah that there's been waiting for.

It is reproduced every single day when we see pastor after pastor after pastor decided to buy into that now about inspiration and the infallibility of the word of God. It is reproduced every single that it is reproduced again and again. When people see themselves on the judge's bench and want to judge God instead of submitting to him as the most perfect judge of all, we see the evil that the evil that originated with Lucifer is being repeated every single day among many professing Christians how by thinking more highly of themselves than they ought listen to Revelation 12 nine. The great Dragon was heralded down, that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was heralded to the earth, and his angels with him. This is one third of the angelic being. How is he deceiving the whole world listen to me. First of all, he deceives himself if he liked so much that he believes his own life and secondly, he deceives by never coming clean. That's why Paul said of his devices were not ignorant. Sadly, many Christians are ignorant of Satan's devices. That's the sad part.

If Satan would come out in the open and tell you that he's here to deceive you.

None of us as believers will ever fall into temptation if he came out and up front… I am Satan, and by the way, he doesn't have those horns and pitchfork and Hollister man. He is the guy that walked out of the GQ front page is smooth talking miserable operator. He subtle his conniving his maneuvering is manipulative, he appeals to our lower nature and above all, he appeal stop pride that is most favorite door. Think of the person who says I cannot believe in a loving God who allows evil and suffering and pain in the world what is happening with the person Satan is really worked him over just like he did it when he cantered in the garden. He did not come out in the open and out of nowhere to say don't believe God, but trust his word. Don't take him at his word. Eve would've kicked them out seriously. She knew better than that, for she fellowship with God she got. She knew what God said.

In fact, when he tried to misquote God she corrected him. She said no. He said of all the trees you can eat except for this one. So this coming creature began to choose his words very carefully after he gained their trust when it comes to the abdomen.

Did God really say that. Did you really here God correctly then you really understand exactly what he meant by not eating of the squad that God really meant what you think you meant did God really say what you think. He said he said this in his conniving smooth talking made it possible for Eve to debate the truth of God's word in her head. Be very careful debating the truth of God's word in your head that let me tell you why is that Genesis chapter 3 verse one says the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals know what this is saying is saying that Satan really appear to be trustworthy.

Did he just didn't come out of the blue and start talking to her that he's been there for a while and the they begin to trust and then he moves for the Limited in illustration, a pastor who preached for 20 years and when he started he was preaching the truth. And boy thousands of people flocked and become his friends. Thousands of people flocked to see thousands of people began to hear the they become to trust his words meant to trust what he says and slowly but surely, in the course of 20 years. He slowly but surely shifts his position all the way to saying that we can't really be certain if the word of God is really the word of God, of his own.

In spite of his infallible or not we could really be sure if these stories are really true stories on the so this person is been trusted by so many people when they hear a slight shift in his position every single day shift shift shift like the frog in the cattle temperature slowed arising people in the pews, saying we just learn to trust him with friends so they listening to these untruths and is still sitting there. This is how Satan worked in the garden. He was prudent he was smart he gained their trust. They trusted in his wisdom while he was and he gained the trust first before he really sucked at the today there are deceivers who would say all, let's not just talk about inspiration of the Scripture is just not talk, let's talk about the quality is not talk about these doctrinal foundations that you heard about long time ago-year-old church. Let's rethink church rethink church rethink Christianity.

Let's talk about discrimination not free choice whether to kill a baby on her.

What is Satan doing is getting us to exchange divine knowledge with human reasoning is getting us to exchange obedience to the word of God for independence. He is getting us to exchange trusting in the authenticity of the word of God for being accepted by people outside of the church. After all, you can fill a big arena if you speak the truth bluntly, Satan's deception always appeared to have human logic on its side, listening what I'm going to tell you is really about a most important. Don't miss it because if Satan manages to get you to debate biblical truth in your head. He knows he's about two thirds of the way in. And here's the truth. Eve was cooked before she looked at the fruit if you get you to debate derived on the wrong emotional entanglement with somebody else outside of marriage of a house one has been one wife. If you get you to debate the truth about monogamous marriage is two thirds the way the if he gets you to debate in your head the wrong on the right use of the gift of sexuality that God gave us outside of a monogamous marriage. He's two third of the way there. The moment he gets you to debate in your head. The fairness of biblical marriage is two thirds of the way the why because these issues beloved friends have been settled in the word of God long ago and they don't need to be debated that only to be divided. This is the origin of evil and the evil one will presented in such deceptive way people begin to question and doubt and debate the word of God in their heads. Something else that many believers have you know that God has forgiven you, that all of your sins, past, present or future under the blood but you not able to forgive yourself. You know what that is pride really goes on, the evil one. If God forgave you. Who are you not to forgive yourself.

That is the thing that he tries over and over and over to get you to debate things in your head debate. The truth, and he gets people suffer a confused reverence for the snow fungus said that and reverent super duck said that River well you get so confused you throw your hands up and there is a lot on all of the truth and that's what it wants. How do you defeat how does a believer keeps the enemy not only from attacking the people on the run. It really very simple. The answer is found in the infallible inspired word of God, not for me and it's in James chapter 4 verse seven. Let me read it to you as it ought to read submit yourself to God and the devil will flee from you. Because the sentence construction. Not only that those two things connected with each other but they depend on each other. Listen careful and living brother) important successful resistance emanates from successful submission. What will make all serpent of old Ron from you is complete trust in the goodness of God and his word is a complete trust in the plan of God for your life, even in the tough times. Even the difficult times even when you have question marks in your head but you trust the word of God. I conclude what I began with CS Lewis's book the problem of pain, for he explains that after all of the trusting in God.

After all of the clinging to the word of God. After all of the standing firm on the authority of the word of God. After all of that, you end up in heaven and there you will say in our court, beyond all possibility of death here at last is referring I was made for." Beloved you a believer in Jesus Christ. You put your faith in him as your only Savior and Lord. You are made for heaven your mate for heaven. You made for heaven. Don't ever forget.

The Bible said that the lake of fire that God has prepared. He has prepared for Satan and his demons, and therefore the only ones are going to go there are the ones of rejected the gift of God, of eternal life from the plan of salvation is one single person here who might not have received the gift of eternal life, and have never really understood what it means to stand behind Jesus Christ and have faith in and complete trust in the power to defend you and give you victory today. You can do that today can do that for those of you who know the Lord love the Lord, I want to tell your stand firm. Stand firm father how I thank you for your word. How effective your truth how I thank you that all of your promises. All of our true and I thank you that father one day with all of the stuff we going through right now is going to appear is nothing because we trusted strengthen every single person here for remind us of your word and the promises so that we might continue to stand until the day in Jesus name, amen. Thanks for listening to this message from Dr. Michael.

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