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Delightful Memories Your Children Won't Forget, Part 2

Insight for Living / Chuck Swindoll
The Cross Radio
May 5, 2020 7:05 am

Delightful Memories Your Children Won't Forget, Part 2

Insight for Living / Chuck Swindoll

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May 5, 2020 7:05 am

Biblical Parenting

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When the history on your household is written, what stories will be told what your children recall with fondness. The fun and laughter you generated will they talk about the safe harbor of kindness they found in your care today on Insight for living. Chuck Swindoll teaches from Psalm 127 we read, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward, like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so our children are ones you how blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them before we start the message Chuck leads us in prayer the beginning of another week. Our father, we pause for the most important possible thing we could do that is to speak with you and then to listen. You speak through your word to us how grateful we are for your matchless grace given to us what we can never repay and do not deserve. Thank you for your favor.

Granted to those so unworthy. Thank you as well for your mercy that endures fresh every morning with compassion as you were touched with our needs are weaknesses you are there to give us strength and to provide for what we cannot give to ourselves and that is the ability to press on victoriously triumphant in Christ, we thank you as well for your forgiveness, which is constantly hours the very moment of confession as far as the east is from West you remove our transgressions from us. Finally, our father, we thank you for your love always unconditional, never base on our response to you constantly hours to clean and to be refreshed by your love in the name of your son, we pray. Everyone said a man to search the Scriptures with Chuck Swindoll. Be sure to download his searching the Scriptures. Studies by going to Insight another message called delightful memories your children won't forget like arrows in the hand of a warrior's or the children. Once you great word picture asked a question ever take it up archery. If you haven't. I have good counsel. Don't know why, oh it is like throwing rocks friends. The reason is it is a very very I called delicate sport. Specially the kind of of arrow in the hand of the warrior that's in the Psalm is mine.

This is not bow hunting with some contraction, you carry with you is your euro hunting for some animal.

This is the bow and arrow. You must use it very carefully. You must aim it with precision you. You must focus on the target and the slightest move.

You will miss the target altogether. Clearly it's a picture of a parent guiding a child with meticulous interest planning on the trajectory that will be involved during the growing years so that it ultimately causes the child to reach the target that he is in front of the children learn their important when they realize that they are those we are guiding through life when things happen, we take the time to explain why that may have happened. We even will tell them at times. Your mom doesn't know why this is happened were going to get through this together. You know, it may be expensive for you to go to that school. But I tell you what were going to do our very best in your gonna work hard as well and were going to pray that there might even be a scholarship provided because we would love to see your goal met guiding the child guiding them along the way. Remember the verse says they are the children of our youth.

I was at Whole Foods the other day shopping for Cynthia and I was sick I jumped at the checkout counter and a look at the counter just beyond me. There was a young mother. She had a child mother part holding on. She had another child that would not hold on to the car standing.

She had 1/3 child sitting in the little infant seat in the chemical grocery cart. She had 1/4 baby in her arms and if I wasn't mistaken. She looked pregnant, but I never ask and I never ever do that here C is absolutely no lighting kit. She is smiling and having more fun.

You know how it is with her at the text that detects the depicted picnic that detected a sweetheart all right. Nobody is denoted with pick up three of its role matter. The children of our youth takes energy want to guide them carefully wanted to be a time of joy and happiness.

Though admittedly it takes the right attitude for it to be a happy time, but that's God's plan.

Did you miss it. First, one of chapter 128.

How blessed is everyone who fears the Lord blessed is back in verse verse five of 127. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of the same word usually in the Hebrew the word blessed our blessing is in the world.

How blessed many times over is the one who has these children under his care.

First two verses are mentioning blessedness and happiness verse four behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord, the Lord bless you from Zion. There it is again.

It's the word is the word for happy Eugene Peterson captures all of this in the message. Listen to his rendering.

Enjoy the blessings revel in the goodness your wife will bear children is a bind bears and grapes. Your household lush as a vineyard. The children around your table is fresh and promising as your knowledge shoots stand in all of God's yet. Oh how he blesses the one who fears God enjoy the good life in Jerusalem every day of your life and enjoy your grandchildren piece to Israel. All of this brings me to the third point children will remember that memory when they know that you understand happiness and joy that accompanies their present how rarely do they hear words like you bring such joy to us your source of such delight. It it's it's it's great to see how your growing up in your becoming your own person. It it it makes your dad's heart beat a little faster to realize that you see this is about the atmosphere we build into the whole.

My mother used to have an interesting saying about other homes. She said you will learn as you grow up son that every home has its own smell that you've heard that maybe you smell that it it it isn't the stench it's an aroma. Think of it that way that a nice way to put it when you come to our home. There's a certain smell. That's not in your home.

When I go to your home.

There's a certain smell that's different from your neighbors home same is true of an atmosphere. Think back to your music into your Museum of memories and recall the atmosphere because you see children learn what they live and they carry that atmosphere with them into their adulthood.

Dorothy Lawton Notte rights.

If a child is with criticism. He learns to condemn if a child is with hostility. He learns to fight. If a child is with ridicule. He learns to be shy, if a child lives with shame. He learns to feel guilty if a child is with tolerance. He learns to be patient, the child is with encouragement. He learns confidence of the child lives with praise. He learns to appreciate the child lives with fairness. He learns justice child is security. He learns to have faith child is with approval learns to like himself. If a child lives with acceptance and friendship. He learns to find love in the world. Show me a reluctant shy, fearful, adult, and I will be able to describe for you the museum of his memories. We don't learn to be shy and reluctant and fearful things are going great we learn that because we grew up in fear.

We grew up in an insecure setting. Often were the parents are angry so much bullying going on today.

Obviously, it's an outgrowth of angry home where child is learn to fight if you live with Shane.

My heart goes out to you because you were taught to be guilty as you grew up. I know a man who tells me that every time he was around his father. His father was telling him what he did wrong but a tragic waste of time.

Put a terrible atmosphere to create when I come across a secure, outgoing, strong hearted individual.

I know it's in that Museum. I know right away that they were reared as a healthy olive tree, and I know they're not just by happenstance secure is the result of their growing up in a secure setting is like this little girl. I read about his name is Martha. People need an atmosphere in which they can specialize honed their skills and discover their distinct the biographies of great or sprinkled with accounts of how some teacher or some kindly employer look closely enough to see a spark. No one else all and for periods at least believed in their ability to perfect that gift when no one else did the Taft family. For example, was evidently good developing their children to cut their own swath and defied the specialty of which to be proud when Martha Taft was in elementary school in Cincinnati. She was asked to introduce herself to the class. She stood tall and said my name is Martha Bowers tact.

My great-grandfather was President of the United States. My grandfather was a United States Sen. my daddy's ambassador to island to Ireland and I am a brownie.

I love that I am around. How would you introduce yourself.

Is that interesting. It all goes back to your memory. It all goes back to how the olive shoot was cultivated in what kind of atmosphere.

The little olive plant was allowed to grow up quick review here. When parents acknowledge that each child is a gift of the reward. Believe me, the children learn their important when parents recognize that they must give time for guidance like an arrow shot from a bow. Children learn the reported they taken time for you because they see you with valuable I heard from a father just before our second worship service began. He was telling me about his son that is getting ready to go to New York for a period of weeks, for he will sing with New York Metropolitan is a special class where out of hundreds of potential. They chose 30 and his sons, one of them. It wasn't. It wasn't shameful or shameless pride. It it was it was a lie when he said my son is 30 great.

He has helped his son by guiding him toward his goal of becoming a soloist singer. Children learn their importance when they see that we give time to their guidance. Third, children learn the powerful role of happiness and joy when they are reared in an atmosphere during the growing up years of joy, not thought about the investment of time and energy in our children and I go back over the same Psalms and I find for things that that we long for.

As as we grow will and all four are sandwiched here within or between the lines of these two song first. We long to remember that our parents made time for us were like that will not only is the statement made. It is vain for me to build a home without the board in the center. I also read words vein for me to spend all my time at the office or at the shop or in the business or in our career to tell you something. There aren't many occupations like ministry that can take all of your time. All of it because people always have needs because there are always things to do when it relates to a growing church or something on the mission field or something related to a counseling ministry.

Whatever may be your ministry. How how this speaks to me.

I need to remember that as my children are growing up. They still need to know that I have time for them to read a sad letter in Robert Raines's book creative, brooding. It's written by a young man to his family. He by the way about them was a juvenile delinquent listen to his letter dear folks, thank you for everything that I'm going to Chicago and try and start some kind of new life. You asked me why did those things and why I gave you so much trouble and the answer is easy for me to give you but I'm wondering if you will hear me and understand. Remember what I was about six or seven. I still want you to just listen to me.

I remember all the nice things you gave me for Christmas and my birthday and I was really happy with the things about a week. The time I got the things, but the rest of the time during the year. I really didn't want presence. I just wanted all the time for you to listen to me like I was somebody who felt things to because I remember even when I was young, I felt things but you always said you were busy mom, your wonderful cook and you had everything so clean and you were tired so much from doing all those things that make you busy but you know something mom I wouldn't like crackers and peanut butter just as well if you would only sit down with me a while during the day and said to me tell me all about it. Maybe I can help you understand how they all the kids were doing so many things grown-ups are tearing their hair, worrying about are really looking for somebody that will have time to listen. A few minutes really and truly will treat them as they would a grown up who might be useful to them.

You know polite to them.

If you folks had ever said to me, pardon me when you interrupted me, I would've dropped if anybody asks you where I am telling him about looking for somebody with time because I got a lot of things I want to talk about.

Love to all of you, your son, I don't read the letters simply to stir up guilt or shame.

I read the letter to prod to awareness. Maybe you didn't have the time. In years past, but now, now that you understand a little better having these years that it passed. Maybe brought you into your grandparenting years are your years with adult children, it's time to rethink some of that. I'll hit on this later in the series but maybe it's time for very sincere apology of never met a child who held an apology against parent ever.

I've always found that an apology resulted in a greater respect.

So first we long to remember. Parents who made time for us.

Never underestimate the value of time. It's a treasured part of the Museum of memories. My dad took time. He took time to show me how to tie a mantel on a Coleman lantern to teach me how to light and not to touch it because it became an ash my grandfather took time to show me how to crank up the Evinrude motor and how to catch redfish and speckled trout in the Gulf in the bay. My dad took time to flounder with me as we long walked along the knee-deep water and talked about whatever you talk about when you flounder and it's dark in your swing in the lantern over Clearwater. Stick time. Okay, maybe they didn't okay forget. Are you a grandparent. Now is your chance. If your children didn't have your time now is your chance. My wife takes time to have lunch with one of our granddaughters every week, every week, just the two of them have their own little table with their own little restaurant. Since he always says we have to get there early so selfish people who have taken our table away from us that a great life.

Time for a grandchild had two grandsons I took to breakfast the other day we went to IHOP there still trying to bring back enough food to supply the place when the two boys left. Are you ready one of the 17-year-old got the breakfast sampler which is three of everything.

Everything ham, bacon, cheese, eggs, toast a hashbrowns could have extra-I'm sure church is about the way I would really like French toast. Could you bring me a plate of French toast he said is this for you are just some is there someone else at all. It just for him than the other one had a T-bone steak for breakfast. Oh, plus extra hashbrowns delivery. Remember the food and never forget the time the rent at head to laugh with them. Have fun with them watching him as he squirted on the catchup model their name on the plate.

I don't know why that was fun, but it seemed funny at the time because I don't want to get a letter like this from a grandson or son. Neither do you. There's no shortcut spending quality time with those you love your listening to Insight for living in another message from the 12 part classic series called biblical parenting.

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Visit us online Insight is possible you been mulling over Chuck's closing comments and feeling a measure of regret about the heaviness in your home. Maybe it hasn't really been a fun place to live and you're ready to make some changes. While this is one of the many issues woven through Chuck's classic book on the family called parenting from surviving to thriving with 12 chapters in nearly 300 pages. Chuck addresses relevant topics such as cultivating a life of self-control and understanding how your child was made, whatever issues you're facing today. We are confident the biblical wisdom in this book will help you and it's available for purchase. When you go to or if you're listening in the United States. Call 1-800-772-8888 please remember anything you can give beyond the actual cost of the book will go directly toward providing Chuck's teaching here on your station and we truly need your partnership as the distractions caused by the coronavirus have impacted charitable giving. Even so, God is pleased Insight for living in a strategic role these days. While churches have been required to curtail their worship services, radio and the Internet have proven highly effective with those were either self quarantined or searching online for hope and inspiration. In that sense we are never close down and God is using these channels to reach families around the clock, so please remain faithful and consistent with your contributions to Insight for living Chuck inside for living is a family were all about the life of one another, which is what we call our program Insight for living during the season of social distancing and self quarantined were especially grateful to receive your letters your emails, and social media comments. Your messages break the deafening silence of isolation and remind us that were going through this pandemic together just like a family very recently, one of your fellow listeners left this comment on our Facebook page. Here's what she said Chuck it was 5 AM and I was on the way to work as a registered nurse. I was sick to my stomach thinking about what I might encounter. But when I turn the radio on your teaching on Daniel, you said no matter how dark and scary. The lion's den is our God is bigger. That was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for the reminder that fears can be changed when you give them to God.

Her comment touches me deeply God is using Insight for living to deliver courage to this woman who battled the virus and serves your community on the front lines words so dangerous. I'm grateful she's a part of our family well. Just as listeners around the world need inside for living. I can assure you that we certainly need you less not allow the current crisis to become a barrier for bringing fresh hope, encourage, to those who need a calming reassurance. They were in this battle together as a family and as you are able to give a gift to Insight for living ministries. Please do that, your contribution will make all the difference. They will give our contact information now and I look forward to hearing from you today.

Thanks, Chuck respond today. Call us if you're listening in the United States dial 1-800-772-8888 that's 1-800-772-8888 four. Give Wednesday. Chuck Swindoll describes how to create delightful memories children won't forget, right here on Insight for living. The preceding message, delightful memories, your children will forget is copyrighted in 2012 and the sound recording was copyrighted in 2017 by Charles R.

Swindoll, Inc. all rights reserved worldwide. Duplication of copyrighted material for commercial use is strictly prohibited