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October 24, 2018 12:39 pm
As caregivers, we often miss the simple things we can do that will improve our lives. While our circumstances may seem overwhelming, the way we push back doesn't have to be.
Such is the case with Henry. When his wife called the show and talked about her full-time caregiver, (her husband, Henry), I asked her to put him on the phone.
Henry shared his weariness, so we delved into some basic things. Turns out, Henry takes a pill to sleep at night. Yet, he drinks Sweet Tea into the evening.
Sometimes, it's being willing to look at the simple things.
Healthy Caregivers Make Better Caregivers.
This go to Shirley in Texas early how you feel grateful for your feet will tell me what's going on with okay I have neuropathy and fear any really my 100% correct.
Your husband is your caregiver Rye right so why is he: will will put them on the phone. Okay. This shows hope for the caregiver.
That's what the show was about what how how far away was he surely oh okay, back problem. Nor I will put a mode rope W names are. My name is Henry. You take care your wife how you feeling today well am feeling good about you and there were what are you doing to help you. Well not working mostly well.
Have you been to see your doctor lately.
So my doctor lately. I was doing fine but will consider different doctors done so, what you doing fine. Well when I get back. Home when the work start yes it does this do you have anybody help and you will surely know their free. I won't nobody go is somebody that could hear about it. Yeah, I who is that person we are. I let one of those kids come over and share the load. Will you little bit rest on the red yes you do.
That's I can hired a horse RK get rid without ticket from Carla about PO 12. If I don't take that I'll be up all night long.
You could not you coffee go out for Draco. Would you cut off time that the day for coffee without a driver quote when I get up in the morning and then. Are you not drinking the night no, what about sweetie sweet. Mark it out right that all the time will what would you cut off time for sweetie after that one would cut it off little bit before dinner because you can stay up all night because the sweet tea, then you gotta take a pill to go to sleep the house at work 40 were met.
Go out you could make what I do go to sleep but I will yeah take up now if you take a pill you go to sleep much more's. How much more sleep if you're able to back off so that sweetie are mostly about my Univar bag out this week.
Yeah, you think you be able sleep a little better without a pill.
Well, I have never tried it. Hey you know what this put everything on the table to see what we can do to help you get to the night without have to take so many pills you doctor says you doing well but you drinking sweet tea all day long and you have to take a pill to get to sleep at night right now I got to you Bob, what about your doctor if he doesn't know the whole picture or what's going on with him because if you ever take a pill at night but you're loading up on sugar and caffeine take in liquid sugar and caffeine. But you take a pill to go to sleep that upset like a good combination doesn't like Walt know but that's was going on and you must allow so that all occurred well you're tired all the time soliciting toothless take two things was to two things work best is to simple things.
Let's see if we can't back off on the sweet tea and the sugar don't have to get it completely out of your system.
What we did get her overnight you not to get out of it overnight. But let's see if we can back it off and not drink it after certain time of night. Maybe after 6 o'clock at night you're done with sweet tea caffeine and sugar right right and let your body just normally going to sleep with and see if that could start up that you may have to take a pill for little while you may get a little bit of a headache as you start back in at all. But eventually if you can start substituting water for sweet tea.
You will probably find your body is going to react differently in and feel better about this is going take a while because you trained your body in a certain way right in the second thing is let's see if we can get some help in here to help you. Take care, Shirley working all my ever so outgoing and help me out with that not enough well is asked to step up a little bit was asked to step up now. Surely this little sheep, she may give you little bit of pushback on that's okay until Charlene is a look, if I if it went see some Henry if you were to go down today if if something. Have you had a heart attack at a stroke you not doing well. All those things. Anything happening you get a sprained ankle. What's going to happen. Shirley will be putting the girl really there you go, so we have what we try to do on the show list is to help caregivers understand that the priority is for the caregiver to stay healthy emotionally, physically and financially, spiritually and professionally. All the above. That's not selfish that stewardship that you would you taking care of the one person that stand between her and even worse problems right you follow me here are probably all right to listen you every theirs.
I want you if you can. My book comes out next month the bookstores across the country you get a rundown Amazon is noble. So for this call. Seven caregiver landmines and how you can avoid when you will land man. It's a very simple book is so easy could read it in the bathroom because that's where I wrote it.
My reading that so what I want you to do. Henry is start backing off on you trying to do everything you possibly can wear yourself out of the take a pill at night to go to bed if you can start making simple changes in this just to back off a little bit back off of that caffeine and sugar little bit in the evening times and start reaching out and asking your daughter and and and other chill out and having children. You have but asking them to help share the load little bit like I've got to take care of myself because if I go down you guys get you guys get mom all by yourself right and Ed, they may get both of you in the mixed write about. So that would much church situation. Are you going church were wearing going to church right now go.
What about you, you go to church.
Well, I can yeah yeah I want you go. Good it I think it is good and you can get away for about an hour hour and 1/2 and you go to church and get you. You not only get your your your good to carry stuff with your body.
Now you can take your stuff with your spirit right okay to hear here's the deal. Healthy caregivers make better caregivers. In order for you to be healthy. We can just look at one thing we got to hit a lot of markers here. Your body, your spirit, your wallet, all those things have to be healthy. I got a break.
Gotta go to break every game. Listen to the show. Okay, okay. All right, this is over the caregiver this this is the nation's number one show will be right back