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R1210 One Thing Contiuned

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Cross Radio
June 18, 2019 8:00 am

R1210 One Thing Contiuned

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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June 18, 2019 8:00 am

The Daily Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton

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We all can use some encouragement and will find it on the Tuesday edition of The Encouraging Word featuring Dr. Don Wilton is excited today to pick up where we left off yesterday talking about one thing and the one thing that can change everything that's coming up in just a moment, but Dr. Don Wilton remind you we are here for you. We can connect keyboard keyboard on our It's a long URL but once he can't get a hold of it. It's okay. The Encouraging pick up the phone and call and we would love to speak with you to pray with you to help connect with resources that help you grow in God's Encouraging Word every day at 866899 word that's 866-899-9673 mallets open our hearts and God's word together with Dr. Don Wilton so yeah we all God is saying to us, don't covet one thing you will not find ourselves all the time saying if we could just have one more thing. Just one more if I could just have one and what what God is trying to say to us to see sighing he saying you need to be safe, free from from this insanity will last that you have in your heart to accumulate and to have what everybody else has and we are being bombarded everybody looks at the television screen. That's why these shows are so popular and I'm not criticizing all these reality shows. Today all the order of the day on thing it it satisfies a something with in us, but it leaves us unsatisfied. We want to look like somebody else there on models of excellence and so so we become absolutely crazy about it.

If you take something like health. There are some people who go absolutely ballistic over any insanity will desire a last to have sculptured bodies. Now I know they're all just hundreds of men looking at me right now saying if I could just have a body like Don not be made. I did.

I know that what God is saying is be satisfied with who you are, but that being satisfied with who you are, does not in and of itself, say, will you know what I'm this is just the way I've made you know when when God made me.

I just have a propensity to put on weight and to get out of shape and to be unhealthy. Therefore God made me that way. Therefore, I don't care that's equally sinful in God's side to God's not saying take care of yourself. He saying something about it. Take care of yourself but don't develop and in some cable unhealthy design to do something that somebody else is done or that somebody else has and step outside of the parameters that God has made you to be so guess how I want to present this to you today if that being the case, that shalt not covet God looking down upon the people he's looking at us down in our cities and in our homes and I often wonder to myself I wonder what it is that God sees when he looks at us today folks. I know this is a tough statement to say we all so materialistic in our world today. Materialism is not doing us will in America if you want to know and see how much we have just get on a plane and going to a mission trip to some other parts of the unit go to Haiti go to India go to Africa.

You don't even have to do that you can going to the neighborhoods of almost every city in America and you will discover right away when it comes to people who have less than you have and we live in a world today that we are so driven by the homes and the cause and the things that's why we so deeply in date. We just can't stop ourselves if I was to do a survey here today, which obviously I'm not going to do. I think it may surprise us. How many people right now listening right now seriously in date you're in is exceeding your out. And you're not succeeding you in your spending so much more than what you take in. And the reason you're doing that and if the reason is that you're doing that is that all you doing it for is in order to have.

You need to ask yourself this question about covet. So what does the 10th commandment do for us.

Why would God have said, you must not covet lust often don't try to possess things that don't belong to you that are not part of God's plan for you. Why be content with where you are and who you are.

This is why this is what the 10th commandment does for someone, it warns us God's issuing a warning.

It's a very severe warning and God does that. He warns us, just like parents would turn to a child insider child, listen, see that fire over. They don't stick your hand in that far because if you do, it's going to hurt you. God loves us. He loves you. He's warning us.

He saying don't fall into the trap of covetousness number two it equalizes us.

It equalizes us this 10th commandment equalizes us. It puts us all.

Not on the same label economically it doesn't put us all equal. On the same label materially. What does it equalizes us in terms of how hard sees us equally.

God loves us. God loves you. The Lord loves you.

You are not off. Feel free wonderfully and uniquely made in his presence. Number three.

It alleviates us, it lifts a burden from us now, I'm just saying this on a personal level and I want to show you how I think you can do this you need to be safe and free from this this monument here alleviates you, it will lift burden from your heart. It'll stop you from being sober selected all the time folks listen you know how many dads they all who are so driven by covetousness in their work habitation that they neglect their sons and daughters. It's one reason why some of you never take a proper vacation and I challenge you in that some of you today.

You've got you got children who need you to get down there and to give them unbridled focused attention. The reason you don't do that is because you are so comforting materialism you got to have more at any cost and so you devalue your children and that's horrific is an is if you got to most people today inside you devalue their children might say you silly but your actions are showing it and when you do go on vacation you can put down that computer review go to the beach. I love to go to the beach during the summer time you go to the beach walk along the beach and see how many people particularly dead, but not exclusively sitting on the beaches with big gadgets. I mean, it is one person after another and they had these little children, that little girl little boy building sand castles and dad sitting there on the phone what he's doing can't get away from those emails. Some of you people are even going to watch your kids play board games go to the ballgame and watch the number of parents sitting up there working on the cell phone sending text messages your kids know that you're not watching and you know where that comes from. It's a desire it's it's just you and are so driven by everything else by wanting to be everywhere. By making more by barcode.

I really think the Lord gave this to us to warn us in equalizes a leader, but it also affirms us the 10th commandment affirms us what is it affirm us because what God is affirming here is our individual worth. It affirms us it holds us it holds us intact when when I asked the Lord to remove this insect evil desire of mine to have more and to be more and go more into a commute commit accumulate more and accomplish more that that unhealthy design not talking about ambition but to my desire not to dissatisfaction. I'm not too mad striving. I'm not talking about incentive. I'm not talking about doing my absolute best to improve my standard in my lot in my station in life, I'm talking about that I'm healthy desire of mine, which is why so many of you come home so late night, often not often.

Not often that you need to draw a line in the sand and some of you, God has blessed you so much. You are blessed and you still never stopped to smell the roses because you are so perceptive about having to get more that's coveting and and what God does is he holds us.

It's time for you to draw a line in the sand and be satisfied with where you are. Actually when you get to that point, you actually end up. I don't know how it works but you end up getting more anyway. Doing more accomplishing more God's law, but when it's an unhealthy desire. The sexual energy so what is the 10th commandment, it holds us. It values us because it takes us back to God's purpose for every single one of us.

It focuses us on Christ. III found in it that that that you and I have to keep on saying, Lord, I just want to look I want to be focused on you, like Peter on the sea of Galilee. You know, looking around folks there are sharks everywhere, waiting to gobble us up. So how do you respond in a godly way to a commandment like this I what I want to know is how can I respond in a godly way to this issue of coveting to having an unhealthy desire to have what everybody else has. That's not mine to have someone pray you might've guessed that one I talked to the Lord about it. Number two take inventory, take inventory, take stock. Only you can do that nobody can do that for you. Take stock Oscar self Oscar self what it is you're trying to do where it is you going. How much time you're spending what time you leaving to go when you coming back, what quality of time are you spending with your family. Don't be basaltic man Uni you need to just chill out a little bit stop this mad rush that you ring life is not just about making money and having more motor cars and some of you are so covetous you cannot stop yourself buying new clothes every week and you don't have the money to do it. That's coveting every time you going to the store you get out the plastic. It's so easy to just put it on a call coveting can you afford it.

Do you absolutely need it and I got to the point. So what if somebody writes me a letter and said you know you war that taught two weeks ago.

So Rudy 222. Don't let, don't let the wounds squeeze you force you to do things that you don't need to be doing, don't get yourself tied up in the not folks, this is not a pageant. We living. This is real life. Pray take inventory number three determined to be satisfied determined to be satisfied your listing to The Encouraging Word broadcasts at each and every day. It's our joy to share these teachings.

Dr. done with you and begin a conversation. It's the first volley, so to speak. As we converse together about God's word and how it is a fuel to the way we live our lives, spending time in God's Word every single day is mission-critical for us at the ministry and so therefore we're very busy making opportunities for you to do the same thing. One of those is the day The Encouraging Word I mentioned it at the bring of the broadcast didn't have time to take all the details. This special email absolutely free. Of course, and there's even a hard copy for those you like to have it of your visor and carpool line or wherever you like to stick in your Bible you want a real copy a physical copy write to us at The Encouraging Word PO Box 2110, Spartanburg, SC, or go to our website. The Encouraging that's probably the easiest way you can even call us at 866-899-9673 and ask for your copy, or if you like and if you love to text for just a second. It won't take but a moment to text the word daily.

The 30500.

All of this about getting God's word in our email box every single day and let it be an encouragement to you. I can just text the word daily to 30500 and will send you a quick link you'll sign-up you receiving those emails from Dr. done every day, or if you like the physical copy. Call us at 866-899-WORD 9673.

It's absolutely free. Now back to today's message with Dr. Don make that decision today.

Lord Jesus, I am making a decision determined to be satisfied. Number four refresh your vision you see coveting is not about vision God's word says without vision. You going to perish. Vision is a God-given ability to look ahead and to strive to be where God wants you to be so refresh your vision. Number five. Develop your strategy, develop a strategy about that house that you want some of you young couples be very careful. You don't have to have everything. The day you get married, let me just run that by again. You don't have to have the house three caused double garage and the yacht down at Hilton Head.

The day you get married you don't have to have and if it means you go to lose the Joneses will then lose it because you don't need to keep up the Joneses with all due respect to the Joneses in our church develop a strategy number six. Try the bowl if I had a big old Georgia. Then we told my coveting now how to how to approach this in a godly manner because God said don't covet try the door by the way God opens doors.

I've had all lot of questions and how to know the will of God. So I'm going to be looking at that in our series coming up but try the door, God opens doors and he closes does if it's open walk-through if it's closed say okay Lord it's closed not give me something I'm gonna bash this door down. Try the door number seven accept God's decision just accept what God is done and number eight moved to action by the way action for the Christian involves three things.

It involves refining where you've come from. It involves accepting where you all and it involves claiming what God has put before you saw this refining days acceptance and there is claiming when it comes to doing what God wants you to do. That's not coveting so I want to bring the soul to give and give you the three golden rules cannot do that. They all three golden rules number one golden rule number one be satisfied with who you are, God said don't covet so the golden rule number one is be satisfied with who you will. You are one incredibly special person in the side of God.

All of us individually, just be satisfied with who you are number to be content with what you have me tell you my friends, it doesn't matter what you and I do, they will always be those who have more than you and me always because were all individual people and for those of us who know and love the Lord Jesus.

There are some have a little bit more and a lot more and some have a little bit less and a lot less just be satisfied with what you have be satisfied with who you all be content with what you have. You don't have to boot that new house. Do you you don't have to drive a brand-new spanking call.

You spent all these years paying off the one you've got, why have you got to have a brand-new call and get another payment if you can't afford. If you can afford it going get your new call be satisfied with who you are, be content with what you have and number three the big one. Be grateful to the Lord in everything. Just be grateful to the Lord, you know, I know this sounds very simplistic. You know, God said, he said look come up on the mountain don't covet, don't covet your neighbor's positions don't don't lust off to don't have an unhealthy desire for things that you don't have that don't belong to you, but be the best you can be. God will just lift the burden from your heart, you just set you free.

Actually, I think it's a spiritual irony.

I think the more you and I and listen to this with the more we relax in our faith.

The more we are satisfied with who we are on the more we are content with what we have and the more we express just deep spiritual gratitude to the Lord Jesus for everything that he's done. Lord Jesus, I just I'm so grateful to you. Thank you for giving me life. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for giving me my home and thank you for for my family and thank you for the sub just to get an attitude of gratitude just telling you so what am I willing to do. I want to be satisfied with who I am and content with what I have and grateful to the Lord, Lord, I want to be the absolute best. You know I'm going to lay it down. I'm going to sit down. I'm not going to ever tire because I want to absolutely go to the finish line fulltilt Lord please help me not to have an unhealthy desire to accumulate and to acquire and to be everything else to everybody else. So what's important to you today. What is the thing that's driving you this week. Jesus said just come to me. I think he had in mind God on the top of a mountain, saying hey all CMOS Southerners good to say all of you people that are made and created why don't you just listen to me come appear on the mountain when you step up on the mountain you going to lay aside everything else and I'll tell you what I'm going to accomplish in and through you is going to be something that you couldn't even begin to imagine. Because if I'm full you who can be against you don't covet be cool. Give your life to Christ you the best as a major he's got great things in store for you, Lord Jesus, I joined with a lot of my friends today people everywhere today Lord just all meaning business. It's so refreshing just to get back to base back where we need to be Lord you help us. It's strange how you take us up on the mountain and yet the same time you lead us down and you hold our hand you God thank you Lord has spoken to you to our pastor today. I pray that you would not let this moment pass, taking next.

The Lord is leading you to draw a line in the sand to make a decision that would change the way you live out tomorrow since the way we lived out yesterday. God has done that I would just covet with you that we could pray you through that next step. It's our great joy to get connected. Whether it's keyboard to keyboard on our or on the phone at 86689.

The word I talked to friend the other day who call into Joe. I never thought I would call in some radio preacher and were much more than just a radio preacher where a ministry that are committed to encouraging you 24 hours a day.

Whether you're listening online listening on the radio, watching on television. We have a network of team members that it 2 o'clock in the morning we stand right or take a call, because we believe in the power of prayer.

We have been changed by what God is doing in our lives and we are so excited to share how God can change he was, well, let's talk 866-899-9673. I know sometimes you go.

I read ago keyboard to keep her we could do that as well and before get away want to say thank you to so many are standing alongside with us. As a matter fact, Dr. Don has a special message for you.

Are you ready would you pray this prayer with me right now. Dear God, I know that Jesus loves me and that he died on the cross for me today. I repent of my sin and I can face my sin to the Lord Jesus, and I give him my heart and my life in Jesus name I pray, amen. If you prayed that pray from your heart and you giving your life to Christ. I welcome you to the family of God. You are my brother, my sister in Christ. Let's get engaged together because we are connected together for ever as believers in Christ and don't leave whatever you do is I'll be right back after The Encouraging Word broadcasters over there still a wonderful place to connect 24 hours a day.

It's The Encouraging You can visit our message archives download Dr. Wilton sermons or sign up for our weekly podcast of favorite button on our website is the prayer request, but you can share a prayer request or personally. You have a praise report or testimony. Let us know so we can rejoice with you as well.

You can also sign up for our daily Bible guide and have devotion sent to your email every single day. If you have a question about your salvation perhaps questions about how to share your faith with a friend. Let us walk you through the steps to a personal relationship with Jesus and the ability to share that with others you're looking for a book from Dr. Wilton or maybe a CD or DVD. We have resources ready to send to you at the click of a button. No matter what the reason we help you connect with us today hello my friends I wanted just personally speak to you for a minute today from my heart to yours. I hope you having a great day today. I don't think that there's ever been a mold. It will perhaps important time for us to respond to this wound, by standing up for righteousness. I know that you agree with me. In fact, with this in mind, I'd like to invite you to become and encourage a ministry partner with me. Together we can impact lives, both now and for all eternity. The daily Encouraging Word is a viewer and listener supported ministry and to know that you are standing with me financially, enables me to move forward with confidence to do the work God has called me to do so, please let me or skew to call the number provided at the end of today's broad costs and site I want to become an encourager.

Thanks so much for helping me the number. Dr. Wilton was referring to is this one are 866899 word number your jot it down or storing your cell. We would love to stay connected with you to pray with you, pray for you. Hear from you about your opportunities to become encouragers at 866-899-9673 once more. 866-899-9673 beloved pray with you and hear from you. Let's get connected until tomorrow's edition of The Encouraging Word have a blessed day all brought me down