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R1237 Why the Bible is True

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Cross Radio
July 5, 2019 8:00 am

R1237 Why the Bible is True

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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July 5, 2019 8:00 am

The Daily Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton

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If you've ever wondered why I presented Jesus to you is because Jesus died for you on the cross. He's God's son. He is God and God so loved the world that he gave us the Lord Jesus, and Jesus came to this earth, and he lived on this earth. And then he was taken and crucified on the cross and when he died on the cross. He took upon himself. Your sin and myosin and he died and when he died.

Your son and myosin died with him. Then, by the power of God.

He was raised on the third day, so that Jesus now is alive and when Jesus came out of the grave. He didn't bring Allison with him.

Allison remained in the grave. We are so excited about the Friday edition of The Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton and his message why the Bible is true in just a few moments Dr. Don Wilton well-known author and advances will be opening the Bible itself beginning our day in prayer. As a matter of fact as we launch the wonderful Bible study on why the Bible is true, perhaps with some friends of yours would like to hear this text him now and invite them to listen along during these moments together.

We want you and I would also love to connect with you keyboard keyboard on our that the Encouraging would love to speak with you as well and pray with you and for you at 866899 word's message why the Bible is true with Dr. Don Wilton open your Bibles first the Boulder second Timothy, I want to show you something. Just incredible today.

Second Timothy and I'm going to be in chapter 31. Read to you two passages of Scripture as we tried to cross the Christian why is the Bible true or why the Bible is true, what is it about this book, the Bible that is so remarkably and singularly significant. Why is this book, unlike any other book.

There is not another book in this world that was ever that can ever match God's Word, the Bible and it is absolutely true.

We are going to share God's truth without searching will so just to put it on the table. Let me read to you two passages this first of all in second Timothy chapter 3 and I'll just begin at verse 14 Paul says this but as for you, continuing what you've learned in working firmly believe nothing from whom you have learned and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred right which are able to make you wise for salvation through Jesus Christ. All Scripture, all Scripture, every single word from Genesis to Revelation is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God that the person who knows Christ may be complete, and equipped for every good work and so Paul says to Timothy, I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is the judge of the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom preach the word P ready in season and out of season, reproof, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. Now watch this America.

I think what we are about to read has arrived for the time will come when people will not endure sound teaching but Ronda, having itching ears they will accumulate to themselves. They will follow after Babel joined churches. The time will come when people will no longer want to hear sound doctrine, they will no longer want to go to church, especially when the word of God is preached as truth but Ronda, having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions and will turn away from listening to the truth, and will one roll into myths very quickly. Let's go to one John go to one John chapter 5, probably one of my favorite passages of Scripture one John chapter 5 getting read to you. Just one verse, verse 13. If there was any verse I wanted us to hold onto. During these 31 weeks. It would be this one. One John chapter 5 in verse 13. This is your verse it's my verse, God gave us to the this verse because this is God's story and God gave us his story because he wanted his story to be my story to be your story. This is what he said I write these things to you who believe in the name of the son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life's want to say this to you. How can you be blessed by the Bible. Yes, I'm going to just give this to you very quickly as five things that you can do someone plant you want to be blessed by the Bible planet. Now we back to going to 31 week journey together.

I'm just telling you my plan. You don't have to do this.

Karen and I we've already started every chapter in the book the story covers a certain section. We got a look at that section were going to say goes from Genesis 1 to this chapter. Here, and that week. I'm going to divide that span in the Bible on the site. We brought seven days to read through that section. Some of it's going to be a tall order. I've already told Karen the famous Bhagat passages I'm going to be get very quickly you can to you can be get very, but quickly it will still mean the same thing but every day when I stand here on Sunday. I'm going to have personally read actually God's truth. The first thing planet. You need a time decide what time you going to do that and stick with it. Not was easy for me on holiday because I didn't have to coming to the office. It's not so easy for me for the whole year because I'm a pasta sob go to accommodate that are going to make allowances my calendar I get home most nights at 10 11 o'clock at night sometimes I leave my home at six in the morning. Sometimes I leave at six in the morning. I don't get home until 11 o'clock at night.

Many days a lot. Sometimes I do so I need to understand is our planet that are going to be very flexible but I cannot compromise on that. So for me and Karen in our lifetime lifestyle we put a kind of on a daily basis the night before say tomorrow.

This is going to be the time number two read it planet read read actually read it. I sat there with Karen and I actually read it. I mean out loud, I just read it just read just read the word of God you going to discover something you don't even have to say anything just read to see what God does member, it's God's word and every but it's true. Okay. Number three feel it. Be prepared to feel it.

That's the food that you want to be blessed by the Bible planet read it, feel it just just gone move begin to speak to you, just through his word and I want to tell you how that happens. It it will amaze you. I just read through the book of acts.

I've been preaching for over 35 years. I promise you friends, I came across verse off diverse passage off the I promise you I never seen them before. I don't how to explain it to you see I would get out my notebook say we cut now. I've never seen that before.

I'm not saying I've never read it before. I've just never seen it before. It's never jumped out at me and God would jump these things out of me, just through reading number four prayer prayer.

Prayer is the key.

So what Karen and I did. We planned it.

We read it we felt it and then we prayed that pray what you feel because what you feel in your heart is what God is saying to you for that moment. So prayer when you pray Lord Jesus, thank you for your word we just read about how to pull stood up in front of these people, and spoke about his Christian faith and how he made the Lord Jesus pray that pray that just prior pray back what God said to you and and and then number five live it friends because the issue don't just read the word and feel it and pray it be obedient to it. It's time for us to be obedient. We don't have the privilege of picking and choosing what it is that we will decide to be obedient to enough of the you're listening to Dr. Don Wilton our teacher here on The Encouraging Word broadcast. I pray that you been blessed so far and there's great deal more to come. Wonderful content from Dr. Don Wilton, but if we take this pause will remind you that you can sign up right now for a daily dose of encouragement from God's word straight from Dr. Don Wilton.

You can sign up right there on the website. Or you could even text right now the word daily to 30500.

That's daily. One word daily to 30500 will send you a quick link and you be ready to sign up for the daily Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton is not effectively launching the weekend. Dr. Donald be quick to say.

I pray that you're going to be involved in the gathering together of God's people.

The verse in Hebrews reminds us, we should not forsake the gathering together of God's people and if you don't have a place to be. Let us try to help you. You give us a call at 866-899-WORD we have partnership churches all across the nation. Rest matter-of-fact all around the world that we love to connect you with so that you can be in church this weekend. Again, the numbers 866899673 or me this online The Encouraging hello my dear friends, I want to speak to you personally today from my heart to yours. I don't think there is ever a better or more important time for us to respond to our world by standing up for righteousness. We living today in a day and age in the crossfire of multiple crosscurrents that you and I know full well or challenging the very fabric of our faith. We must stand strong in our conviction The Encouraging Word broadcast ministry is doing just that. And we are supported by viewers and listeners just like you who want to make a difference in our world for Christ. So please call the number and request my life-changing message standing strong in the crosscurrents. As a result, you will be empowered and blessed. Thank you for requesting my message. Your financial support enables us to continue to shape God's truth without searching will now back to today's message why the Bible is true with Dr. Don Wilton. The time has come to many people no longer want truth I don't want sound doctrine. It's all well is this politically correct does the suit my culture is this going to allow me to be elected well I just got I don't care what the Bible sound is a leave that part out you don't have that privilege just live it.

Just be obedient to the word of God. As you ready planet read it, feel it, pray in light of it, live it what what I have found even over these last few weeks is that the living it was made so much more possible.

As I read it and felt it and prayed it and came out of it for that day I found myself being so much more inclined and prepared and ready to obey it. God was doing something in me he was strengthening me. So the question is how will you know that this Bible is true that parodies I'm going to just I'm just giving this to you how. How will you know that the Bible is true that this is not a fable or just some other book. There are four things that will Walsh show you as you read the Bible that you will know that it's true.

Number one, you know it's true because the Bible tells you about a sovereign God and you will note, you will know that the Bible is true because when when you planet and you read it and you live it and you pray it and you feel it. This Bible the story that we are going to go through will tell you about a sovereign God. He's the only God, he will make himself known to you and you going to discover that that he is the one who created the universe and he is the one who made you and he is the one who designed the plan for your and my redemption. He's the one who gave us the means of salvation. He explains the invitation to us. In all these ways, he is sovereign and it just affirm, affirm, affirm, affirm, it's not going to be a preacher it. It's just the Bible is going to tell you about a sovereign God and and you will note number two because it tells you about a loving save save you and you will not just about a sovereign God and you will know it, but it will tell you about a loving Savior and you will feel it, you know that that great Methodist preacher John Wesley when he came to know Christ. He penned those most famous words at Aldersgate in England. He said my heart was strangely rule, you know, I just read again and ask about Paul.

He was sort of process persecuting the way of the Lord in the church and he was on the road to Damascus of all places. That is under such scrutiny these days and and and all of a sudden he was confronted by this blazing light. He felt this loving Savior. When you read the story Jesus is going to just rise up out of the pages of God's truth and you going to see this loving Savior with these arms outstretched being crucified for our transgressions upon a cross. You gotta feel it going to be deep inside of you. Number three because it tells you about a powerful spirit and you will believe it. That's how you will know the Bible is true you because this story. This Bible, this book is going to tell you about powerful spirit and you will believe me tell you why because it's God's spirit who will convict you not going to convict yourself you cannot convict yourself. Only God can do that God is going to convict and when you read through the story.

This story is going to scream out this powerful spirit is the third person in the Trinity, God the Holy Spirit who convict us of sin and of righteousness and of judgment. I tell you something else. This bird does. He reveals the truth to us.

So when you read the spirit of God in The very words of the Lord is going to speak to your heart and you going to believe it. And number four you gonna know that this Bible is true because it tells you about a list people and you will be this story will tell you about a blessed people and you my friend will be Lord Jesus. The Bible is your story. We know it's true. Lord, because it tells us about a sovereign God tells us about a loving Savior and tells about a powerful spirit tells us about her latest people that every one of us for whom Christ how grateful give your life to Christ. Come and surrender your heart team pray for your friends.

I'm going to ask you to do the same today. Savior is waiting for you. Be blessed. My friends, God loves God loves you and please don't miss out on this truth. The Savior is waiting for you today. All I pray that you would let us speak with you.

Let us pray with you.

Let us answer perhaps some questions that the Lord is stored in your heart. Would love to talk with you right now at 8668 again at the phone number jotted town stored in your cell 866-899-9673 also find that number and other ways to connect on our know were not done yet you're still more to come from Dr. Wilton. But first let's hear from his heart about perhaps the most important decisions we need to make coming up next. God has spoken to you hesitantly and you're ready to give your heart to Jesus. I'd love to help you right now. Would you pray this prayer with me and accept Jesus into your heart and life. Dear God, I know that Arneson I know that Jesus loves me and died for me on the cross right now, I repent of my sin and I confess my sin to the Lord Jesus Christ coming to my heart and save me today and forgive me for my sin. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

If you pray that pray we'd love to get along side of you and celebrate with you and send you some literature and help you as you begin to grow and I want you to know that I love you very very much by the way, don't leave, don't go away. What ever you do is I'll be right back after The Encouraging Word broadcasters over there still a wonderful place to connect 24 hours a day. It's The Encouraging You can visit our message archives download Dr. Wilton sermons or sign up for our weekly podcast of favorite button on our website is the prayer request, but you can share a prayer request or personal need.

You have a praise report or a testimony.

Let us know so we can rejoice with you as well. You can also sign up for our daily Bible guide and have devotion sent to your email every single day. If you have a question about your salvation perhaps questions about how to share your faith with a friend. Let us walk you through the steps to a personal relationship with Jesus and the ability to share that with others you're looking for a book from Dr. Wilton or maybe a CD or DVD. We have resources ready to send to you at the click of a button.

No matter what the reason we help you connect with us today

You know I I want to say something to you personally ready for this. Thank you. Powerful word isn't small one powerful.

I want to thank you you see the sun hardly rises or states in a day that we don't see people come to know Christ through this bold cost ministry every day and you make that possible through your prayers.

Most of all, and through your financial giving. God is doing something great and in our world today. This medium of television very important folks. This is very very important. God is allowing us to going to more and more homes across the United States of America. Thank you for helping us make this possible. And let's never stop praying that people would come to know Jesus. God bless you, Lord, is spoken to you through the teaching of Dr. Wilton earlier from the pulpit or from those moments right here in our studio. I pray that you would be ready and willing pray you will know that you are able to call us and talk with us about that decision. Let us pray with you and for you at 8668.

Again the number is 866899673, not just now during the broadcast, but got the number down having your cell so that perhaps if you find you need a 2 AM friend someone to pray with someone to lean into maybe answer some questions about God's word.

We are here for you that number again is 86689673 or if you'd rather go keyboard to keyboard.

Let us meet you on our website that The Encouraging is you dropping the website you'll see all this excitement about take a stand wonderful message from Dr. Don Wilton as a matter fact before get away closing thoughts from Dr. Wilton himself. My friends, I wanted just personally speak to you for a minute today from my heart to yours.

I hope you having a great day today. I don't think that there's ever been a more bitter, or perhaps important time for us to respond to this world by standing up for righteousness. I know that you will agree with me. In fact, with this in mind, I'd like to invite you to become and encourage a ministry partner with me. Together we can impact lives, both now and for all eternity. The daily Encouraging Word is a viewer and listener supported ministry and to know that you are standing with me financially, enables me to move forward with confidence to do the work God has called me to do so, please let me or skew golden number provided at the end of today's bold cost and site I want to become and encourage thanks so much for helping me. Well I served on the phones here during The Encouraging Word broadcast about 10 years and during that time I had many great experiences. The one that I really remember well is a one Sunday a very sweet lady, her name was Lisa from Virginia area of professional woman working on the Virginia area. See and share with that she was pregnant. Her mother, she was here visiting them. Even though, and she was going the next week to have an as we talked and prayed she was a believer and we went through some Scripture tells you a couple things a loving way and prayed with her phone and figured well hopefully that has about a year and 1/2 later I was working my office one day and I got a call with a lady there to see me and she had contacted the church ask if they could tell her who Chuck my name conversation a long time back I was about the only Chuck involved in the telephone ministry and she shared her story and make directed her to me at Christian supply and she come to visit me and she had with her baby and she introduced me to her baby that she decided to keep after that call, and the Lord used it in her life. She prayed about the right decision and she entities me to her daughter, who she named Charlie and after Dr. Charles Hood can't counsel her on the phone and not had many great experiences many great stories. Many times the laypeople and for the salvation but it was literally a life. It was not just changed with saved recalled Encouraging Word heart number again is 866899 word 866-899-9673 or let's connect

Have a blessed weekend and know that we are for you at 866899 word