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R1530 Now That We Know

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Cross Radio
July 10, 2019 8:00 am

R1530 Now That We Know

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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July 10, 2019 8:00 am

The Daily Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton

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Now here it is all about Simpson everyone of us is a sinner. The only way that you can have a relationship with God, our heavenly father is through the Lord Jesus because he's the way he's truth, he's the life no man can come to God, accepting through Jesus because Jesus is the one who through his death and resurrection makes it possible for you and me to be forgiven of our sin, because when we trust him when we confess our sin and repent. The form and give our hearts and lives to him and he comes into our lives, our sin par stains is present tense, forgiven because Christ has already paid the price. He did that for me has an encouraging word for you and me today to the Bible-based freezing Dr. Don Wilton in a message: now that we know sometimes we think we know more than we know when we dig a little deeper, we discover there's a lot more to know all that's going over just a few minutes with Dr. Don Wilton well-known author evangelist and pastorate C opens God's Encouraging Word together with us, you need to know our phone lines are open, not just now but 24 hours a day to encourage you through the power of prayer, 866899 word is the number I pray you jot it down or start yourself to know.

We would love to pray with you anytime, 866-899-9673 or Now today's message, now that we know with Dr. Don Wilton without doubting your presence. We shot the victory because we know that when we all get to heaven. What a day of rejoicing that will be father even on a day like this when we celebrate the history of God's work in this place. We think of so many of our grandparents, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters. You are rejoicing, seated at the feast table of the king and we shall all be together. Bless us, Lord Jesus, as we study your word together. Jesus nine. Amen. Want you to open your Bibles with me to the book of acts and chapter 10 I need your Bibles will be in the book of acts and chapter 10 now that we know now that we know alright so yes my question.

Now that we know you know you believe you know that the tomb is empty and that Jesus is alive, alright, now that we know.

I know that while these people that the Bible tells us about found themselves in exactly that position. So one can only imagine what must've gone on in their hearts and in their lives. Having watched this absurd. These were the people that had seen the risen Savior. They looked at the empty tomb. All a lot of them admit with Jesus on the road to Emmaus on the shoulders of the Sea of Galilee. You remember even on the shores of the Sea Galilee Jesus told those fishermen the costly nets on the other side of the boat and the he court by they court exactly 153 fish that's with the Gospels tell us ever wondered why the Bible takes the trouble to tell us that those disciples when they did what Jesus told them to do on the shore of the Sea of Galilee court, 153 fish well the Onset to that lies in the fact that in Jesus day, there were 153 nations in the world and what Jesus said to those disciples right off the said feed my sheep go out there and love people in Jesus night. Was he telling them to go to the will member Jesus said, going to all the world and tell people about Jesus that presented a real problem, especially to the Jewish people of Jesus time to the Sadducees and the Pharisees.

They had a very exclusive attitude and approach anything about God, you have to be a Jew you have to follow the customs and the Lord. They believe that anyone who had access to God had to go through the high priest office sacrifices that God was not interested in anybody else. It was an exclusive religion. But Jesus went to the cross and he died by the power of God.

He was raised from the dead, so that all people regardless would know that they can know that they know that Jesus Christ is Lord, and have been names written in the Lamb's book of life that you that you that's me that's rich people and poor people. That's black people and white people. That's Hispanic people that's Chinese people.

That's people in prison and people have never been imprisoned. That's the worst of the worst and that's what you and I would consider to be the best of the best Jesus made that very clear when Barabbas was presented Barabbas you go free.

You condemned to die. I Jesus and going to take your place, what have you done today, who are you and what would you say if God came to you right now and made it clear to you that Jesus died for you is why I'm inviting you to give your heart to Jesus not based upon your church membership all on your political affiliation. I know this may confound the critics. Jesus died for both Democrats and Republicans to God for all people.

Everyone so here we have in the book of acts.

How this began the work itself out and in the book of acts chapter 10 we have an incredible story that begins with a man by the name of Cornelius. Now Cornelius was a Gentile. He was not a Jew fact he came from Italy. He was really affiliated with the Romans and he was a believing man he prayed to God in the Bible even tells us he was very generous. He was like so many that I'm looking at today.

He gave his tithes and offerings of the Lord's work.

He was a good man, but in the eyes of the Jews. He was not included in God's family and so God St. Peter.

Now we all know about Peter. Peter was one of those that stood on the shore of the Sea of Galilee and Pete understood what God's grace is all about, because he had denied Jesus right there at the foot of the cross, Jesus didn't even chastising him for. Pete understood Peter was there when Jesus ascended into heaven. Peter saw the empty tomb in you. So God St. Peter to play school dropout Java they say over the JI FFA and our tongue dropper J OPP I if you know in the modern city of Tel Aviv is on the Mediterranean Sea city of town of dropper is right next on the Mediterranean Sea. Interesting place dropper because that's the very same place you will remember when God told a man to go out and go to Jonah and he went out from Joppa member, he decided he wasn't going to do what God told him to do and he ended up in dire straits. Storm came up because he disobeyed God and they threw him overboard and he got swallowed up by a whale by very large fish. Interestingly, he was in the belly of the whale for three days and eventually he was thrown up on the beach and he obeyed God in the winter.

None of it. Many people came to know Christ as result, that's the place that's Joppa lot of things happen the dropper when Solomon built the temple he went to chop down trees up in Lebanon as the trees they were so good. He shipped them down to Joppa and then they carried them from Joppa to build the temple on the Temple Mount build the temple of God, but God St. Peter to drop. Went to gun study with a man by the name of Simon the tanner and ease house the school they write on the Mediterranean Sea and while he was there he had a dream and a vision and in that vision. God showed him a picture of all kinds of animals and reptiles, and in his vision dream God told him to kill and eat. That was horrific. According to the Jews because they had all kinds of laws concerning kosher food and I don't have time to get into the background of that but you couldn't possibly follow God and eat things that were not kosher. Even to this day. And so the strict laws of the tour of the Lord of Moses was being ripped to shreds in this vision because Peter was a Jew and he was being told that God makes everything and they you eat what God puts in front of you, but the spiritual thing was that God presents to us all people of all time. And we ought to love all people, and so it is Cornelius got to hear about this in the same for Peter because Cornelius was in Caesarea merit team Caesarea by the sea, which is up the coast toward Martin-between Tel Aviv and Haifa just below Mount caramel where larger battle the profits of bail so Cornelius same for Peter and they went and got Peter and they brought him from Joppa to Caesarea, which would be the same place where Paul later would go off to with the gospel to all the nation want you to connect all the dots here hundred and 53 fish Peter being told that all people are included goes up to Caesarea to tell a Gentile what it happened. Let me read it to you going to be in acts chapter 10 I'll begin in verse 30 and Cornelius said four days ago about this all I was praying in my house at the ninth and behold, a man stood before me and brought closing and said, Cornelius shall pray has been heard your arms giving has been remembered before God seemed therefore to Joppa and Austin for Simon who is called Peter use lodging in the house of Simon the tanner, who lives by the sea, so I sent for you at once and you're being kind enough to come now therefore we are all here in the presence of God to hear all you have been compounded of by the Lord to tell us so Peter open his mouth and this is what he said truly, I understand now that God shows no favoritism. God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right and acceptable to him. But as for the word that he saved Israel, preaching the good news of peace through Jesus Christ is Lord of all, you yourselves know what happens throughout all of Judea beginning from Galilee, after the baptism, the John proclaimed how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power and he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil.

God was with him and we are witnesses of all that he did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem and they put him to death by hanging him on a tree, but God raised him on the third day and made him to appear not to all the people but us have been chosen by God is witnesses you ate and drank with them off the he rose from the dead, and he can bonded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one appointed by God to be judge of the living and the dead to him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his mind and that an incredible passage of Scripture. They knew that Jesus was alive. No I know you know we celebrate the empty two now that we know that Jesus is alive. What was it that happened as result of that. Now that we know that Jesus is alive. Number one.

See the level playing field you been listening to Dr. Don Wilton and that unique South African brogue is something that boy just makes my heart sing because I know that if I began to hear his voice. He is going to point me to the cross of Jesus Christ and God's word is coming alive.

As we study the word together, but we also know that there are things that cannot happen were studied together, perhaps there are unique situations and circumstances that are brought to mind. And so Dr. Wilton insist we remind you where available right now you can give us a call at 86689. That's right, you're not missing anything.

We got Dr. Donald Paula, so to speak. And when we come back. I dive back into now that we know the message were doing today. But you need to know.

We would love to pray with and for you again that number is 866-899-9673 and for some of us would rather go keyboard keyboard will be happy to do that as well.

You can meet us on our that's the Encouraging online you can sign up for the daily Encouraging Word email so many are doing that. And if you're on the go and don't have time for the email of the phone call just text the word daily. One word daily to 30500 will send you a quick link and you available sign up for the daily Encouraging Word email from Dr. Don Wilton right there. I can just text the word daily to 30500. Now that today's message with Dr. Don Wilton. I've said many times, and no doctor said the same thing when Jesus went to the cross he labeled the playing field. It's a beautiful full God loves you and he loves me. Many people who feel most unloved.

You know a lot of people who don't feel worthy of being loved even more who by virtue of the sun in your life, of which we Olson you feel that there is no way that God would love you but Jesus went to the cross just for you and for me and for all who would know him and all who would believe in him. This message is for all people and it's a beautiful thing to come to grips with. Now that we know that the tomb is empty. That field has been labeled, there is neither Jew nor Greek. Now the male nor female on the bottom. No free roll one in Christ. Now that we know that Jesus is alive.

We understand God's divine purpose. Verse 36.

There is really a quite explicit. The Bible says. As for the word that he sent to Israel that God specific purposes that through Jesus Christ. The word of God's peace to all people would be made no so what is God's purpose we know his divine purpose is that people like you and I should have peace in our hearts and the quest for peace for real peace. We search for peace don't we spend a lot of money trying to find peace. We look in many different places wanted joy in life we experience so much joy so much happiness in many ways we love to do a lot of things together.

We travel and we have families hello to people who are constantly looking for peace.

You never find spiritual peace. You never have peace with God. Unless, through Jesus Christ our Lord, and you can have peace with God.

You can become justified by grace through faith. That means you are declared just in the presence of God because of the tomb is empty if the tomb was empty was not empty. Jesus did would be meaningless because it would've just been conquered and he left behind buried in the gray and arson taking upon himself the sin of the world.

Every sin parsed every sin present and every sin future hard for us to come to grips with but it's a beautiful truth, and Peter understood this and he went to report to this Gentile by the name of Cornelius Wright at Caesarea America team right at the opening of the mouth of the spreading of the good news as it was beginning to be catapulted from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the world. When we know that Jesus is alive. We we value the power of changed lives, and that's what the word tells us about. For example, in verse 38 how that God anointed Jesus he went about doing what he did and as a result of that changed lives in turn become witnesses for him. It's about planting seeds, sewing scene, sharing the love of Christ.

Talking to people about their personal relationship with Jesus we are witnesses of all that Christ does yes when we know that Jesus is alive. We know the urgency of what needs to be done. Just take a look at verse 42 of chapter 10 Bible tells us, and he compounded us to preach to the people and to testify that Jesus is the appointed one, because we know that the tomb is empty.

I think that Peter arrived in Joppa and he knew he just didn't know how to really come to grips with this until the commander-in-chief gave them word.

I think Peter with all his bombastic ways and you know he had seen and heard need them by Jesus, and you did watch all of these Americans you know you got to remember pizzas the same man that walked on the water toward Jesus took his eyes off Jesus began to sink turned his eyes back to Jesus and Jesus reached Dottie Zalman lifted him up, this is Peter.

And right there at the home of Simon the tan on the beautiful shores of Mediterranean ocean right at the mouth of the great commission, God gave to him this very clear picture that Jesus died for all people.

Yep, he knew you'd seen the empty tomb and what he knew most of all was that we celebrate forgiveness through his nine I think one of my most favorite verses in Scripture's verse 43 of chapter 10 for him all the prophets bear witness to Jesus all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name. Are you ready to die. Have you considered Jesus. This one who came and died on the cross, the likes of me and you and who came to give us life, forgiveness of sin, peace, hope, joy, so you don't have to worry. You don't even have to be afraid when Jesus comes into your life makes all the difference.

Would you pray this prayer with me today. Would you accept Jesus in your heart right this prayer dear God. I believe Jesus is alive.

He is the Christ tomb is empty lot know that I miss her and I'm not ready to die today are saying yes and you you died for me. I confess my sin to you, believing that God raised you from the date and I receive you into my heart. If you prayed that prayer today.

I would be so honored to pray for you. Thank God for you. The empty tomb. Jesus is alive all those barriers being torn down.

That's why this place is the place where everyone can invite anyone to come here to encounter living. Tracy powerful message from Dr. Wilton. The Lord is Sturgis not to just take it in not just receive the message. But to see it. Take root and for change to take place. Let us pray you through the next step, whatever that is with him to speak with you. Pray with you right now at 18668 or that's our toll-free number 866-899-9673 or perhaps you'd rather go keyboard to keyboard will do that

It's a long URL but take a breath. The encouraging

Once you get a hold of it.

It's a great place to discover more insight from Dr. Wilton and always a place to get someone to pray with you and for you before you get away very important thought from our pastor Dr. Don Wilton are you ready to give your heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Why don't you pray this prayer with me right now. Dear God, I know that on the center and I know that Jesus died for me on the cross today, I repent of my sin and by faith I receive you into my heart. In Jesus name, my friend. I welcome you today into the family of God. This is exciting news and by the way, don't go away because I'll be right back in just a minute got stirred your heart, let's talk about it. Let's pray about it. 866-899-WORD is the number again that's 866-899-9673 feet rather will connect keyboard to keyboard on our and one of the joys of this ministry is watching every single day lives being changed.

Thousands of lives across the country and now across the globe and are friends of the become encouragers are standing with us in prayer support and financial support, and you need to know we are very very grateful if you're wondering what encourager is you can discover more or some more thoughts from Dr. Wilton hello my friends I wanted just personally speak to you for a minute today from my heart to yours. I hope you having a great day today. I don't think that there's ever been a more bitter, or perhaps important time for us to respond to this wound, by standing up for righteousness. I know that you will agree with me. In fact, with this in mind, I'd like to invite you to become an encourager ministry partner with me. Together we can impact lives, both now and for all eternity.

The daily Encouraging Word is a viewer and listener supported ministry and to know that you are standing with me financially, enables me to move forward with confidence to do the work God has called me to do so, please let me or skew call the number provided at the end of today's broad cost and site I want to become an encourager. Thanks so much for helping me. If the Lord is spoken to you about perhaps partnering with us. The number again to call is 8668. That's 866-899-9673 you'll discover more, but you'll see that the roots of this ministry has been around longer than Dr. Wilton. I've been alive. The Lord called our church out of the radio and television ministry in a very unique way the Lord has now grown this develop this into a remarkable opportunity across the globe to share the love of Jesus for you, consider getting involved. Details are gives a call now and let us know how you'd like to participate, at 866-899-9673 I thank God for Dr. Don. I remember back in 2002.

Boys cannot called me and told me while listening to Don preach to get his heart to God that he wrote on a letter and on Reddit in the service. I pray for 20 years.

My dad, I think you Dr. Don for doing God's will that always wanted to meet you but his health would not let them get out. He passed away three years ago and he watched Don preach every weekend