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R1292 Out Great High Priest Continued

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Cross Radio
September 19, 2019 8:00 am

R1292 Out Great High Priest Continued

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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September 19, 2019 8:00 am

The Daily Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton

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All people who are with him are going to come.

Those who are alive and remain on this earth which tells us, by the way, that man will never be able to destroy himself, not a nuclear bomb, not a major catastrophe. Man does not have the ability to erase to eradicate to vaporize himself on this earth.

Only God is going to terminate what you and I know to be the order of this earth we can do a lot of damage to ourselves and we've seen that and we can see a lot of loss of life and we've seen that but when Jesus comes. The Bible saves those who are alive and remain will be caught up to meet those you already in the and so shall we ever be below that unique voice you just been hearing is Dr. Don Wilton we are The Encouraging Word featuring the Bible-based teaching of Dr. Don well known author, evangelist and pastor continuing today in message we began yesterday about our great high priest, God is ready to intercede for you on your behalf himself, his son Jesus Christ is our high priest, and as we discussed, that together today, you'll understand the biblical basis on how we can trust God in this study. Another were available for you. Would love to pray with you and pray for you right now at 866899 word that's 866-899-9673 or

Now Dr. Don Wilton in Revelation chapter 19. Once again, I saw heaven opened, this time there is no discussion about a goal in Revelation 4 heaven opens in order to receive believers into heaven in Revelation chapter 19. Heaven opens not to take us up into heaven but to let Jesus and all believers of heaven, you with me now.

We've got a picture up there somewhere where you are not better understand we know it's not because Jesus went up when he came out of the drive.

When he ascended on the Mount of olives, Jesus went up we know heaven is up and we know he went up to be seated at the right hand of the father. Now the Bible is about to tell us something. I just read to you something. Jesus is our high priest because he parsed through the heaven the temple that is spoken of in the Old Testament and leading up to A.D. 70, which was 14 years.

Often Jesus died look something like this. It was an elaborate structure and surrounding temple worship was every kind of conceivable effort to try and come into the presence of God.

For example, they would wash themselves. It was cold, ceremonial washing, they would bring in all kinds of sacrifices by the way you meant when Jesus came into the temple. What was it that he found he found money changes right he found those that sold sheep and oxen and doves. Why were they selling sheep and oxen on the because that was part of temple worship and from the time of Aaron, only but only the priest could go into that part of the tape. Only the high priest, there were only about 63 high priests elected or appointed from the time of Aaron until the time that we are talking about right now. Now there were many priests thousands of priests but only one high priest, only one chief priest and he was the one who would go into the holy of holies he was the only one, and he was the only one who could have direct access to God. And when he went into the holy of holies, he petitioned God in the half of the people. That's how they came to hear from God.

And that's how they came into quote unquote into contact with God and so once a year to make for the people, the high priest would entering the holy of holies what any dude he would into the optical he would go through the holy place, and he would go into the holy of holy. The problem loss that Jesus came because man could not. He could not satisfy the requirements of the righteous and holy God. It was not enough man kept fighting in his pursuit to have peace with God. And so God so loved the school that he gave his only son, the Lord Jesus to come down to the server and take upon himself the son of the world, yet he himself knew knows and he went to the cross and gave his life he gave his body to be broke, he gave his lap. His blood was shed, so that through him when cry when God raised him from the dead through the resurrection of Jesus. He conquered sin and death and the grave so that when you and I give our hearts and lives to Jesus. When we confess our sin to him and repent of our sin. As the Holy Spirit draws us into the heart of God. So it is that we are brought into a reconciled with God which allows us to come and approach the very throne of God with confidence not the tabernacle therefore became only a limited copy of the real thing.

Jesus said this cup is the new covenant in my blood. This is the way you do it. You no longer go through the temple. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father but through me. This is the better way because I am the Christ.

Now I you know how much I love Israel love the Jewish people love Israel, I go there every year I go six times if I could.

I think that the whole nation of Israel. Everything about God's children. They is so tied into eschatology, and in times and walking with Jesus, will we know these things, but you know that 40 years. Often Jesus died in A.D. 70, that temple that I showed you was burned to the ground. It's never been removed. It's no longer exist there on those sacrifices there anymore. There's no temple, the only place the old covenant could sacrifice.

There are no priests. The only person who could sacrifice according to the old, now we know that every year the Jewish people celebrate your poor heard of that before Yom Kippur very important.

I'm deeply respectful, deeply honoring of our Jewish friends in they celebration what are they doing. It's a very holy day to put it commemorating the day of atonement, but there is no priests there to offer sacrifices and there's no temple in which to offer that sacrifice and they will never be any need for another high priest or another temple because Jesus Christ is our high priest. Let me tell you how he did it he parsed through the heavens, not just take a look at that. I'm going back to the book of Ephesians Bible says in verse 14 of chapter 4. Since then we have a great high priest who has parsed through the heaven well what the Scriptures teach us here. There are three expressions of heaven number one you ready for this. The atmospheric heaven.

Now I'm not going to get into software. It's dangerous for me to go because I know there's a lot of experts in matters pertaining to the atmosphere that I put it in our terminology gravity. Gravity is what goes up must come down. All board members tried everything he can to defy gravity. We send spaceships and all those other kinds of things. The atmospheric heaven is the first heaven. It's this zone in which created man dwells. It's this and that we breathe. It pertains to the human spirit.

It's essentially about us. So what's the second heaven. The second heaven, otherwise known as the Stella space so you get the atmospheric heaven then you get the Stella ST LLIR heaven. That's the second heaven. The second heaven is spice. I've always thought I'd love to do if the church would just sponsor me I'll go and visit with those Russians get on one of those things I just like to have that floating feeling you watch astronauts. They do that has to do with the Stella heaven, it's that place up there that exists that man can see but man does not fully comprehend nor understand.

Even though we try very hard to it's the floorboards of heaven. Its outer space. It's this boss Galactic orbit. You know, when you look at all the stars you think about the fact that this great God hung the stars and the moon in place. The majestic magnificence of God's created universe, but you know God doesn't live there.

So let's just say two things right now. God does not have his throne on this earth. He owns the same Jesus down to this earth and just by the way, and I'm gonna come back to this, just in case we concerned about that in John chapter 7 just before Jesus died in the garden of his betrayal. Jesus actually spoke to God the father and he said father in heaven. I have completed the assignment you gave to me to accomplish concerning the redemption of mankind on this. Would you restore me back to my place your right hand in heaven. I'm coming back to be with you. You're listening to the Bible-based preaching of Dr. Don Wilton art teacher on The Encouraging Word and he'll be back with the completion of this message in just a moment, but if you'd like to connect with Dr. Wilton baby on social media, or in other ways go to our website, The Encouraging, you'll find Dr. Wilton's Twitter handle as well as all of our points of connection to Instagram iGTD Facebook whatever you're doing. Socially we are as well and sharing the love of Jesus Christ right here at The Encouraging Word again. The website is the resource to connect with everything the Encouraging Word.Encouraging or all school is good with us as well. We love to speak with you. Pray with you on the phone at 86689866899967, through connect with one of us 24 hours a day and at any time.

We would love to pray with you, pray for you and maybe connect to some resources that will help you grow in your faith. One of our favorites is the daily Encouraging Word with you can receive it physically or email if unlikely. Connect with God's word on a daily basis and it will revolutionize your life.


You can sign up right there for your daily Encouraging Word email or you can text us right now at 30500, just text the word daily.

That's right. One word daily to 30500 will send you a quick link and sign you up for the daily Encouraging Word emails from Dr. Don Wilton. Now back to today's message with number one we got atmospheric heaven number two we got Stella heaven.

That is, outer space, you're ready for the third one this is the big one. The Bible tells us about the throne of heaven three heavens atmospheric heaven Stella heaven and the throne of heaven the throne of heaven is God's abode. It's the Galactic place we've gone dwells.

It's where the throne is in second Corinthians. For example, chapter 12, the a possible speaking, they speaks about the third heaven. In fact, even uses the designated phrase paradise. I like to think that the third heaven which is the throne of heaven is the place of paradise. Now hold on everybody hold on okay so let's go on a journey you and I a part of atmospheric heaven number two there is Stella heaven outer space the moon the stalls, minus gravity which applies only to the atmospheric heaven.

Then there is the throne of heaven.

The place with God's now watch this. Get your Bibles quickly are going to show you go to Revelation chapter 21 just quickly turned to Revelation 21 as quickly as you can, because in Revelation chapter 21 folks.

Please just just look at me one more time before the book of Genesis before.

This is in the beginning. This is before the beginning because God always is everything outspoken about atmospheric heaven Stella heaven and the throne of heaven were just one.

Everything was where God dwells. Then in Genesis chapter 1 God made the heavens and the earth.

So God in his creative genius spoke into the separation between atmospheric heaven Stella heaven and throne of heaven. God did that and in that scheme he gave to man this earth to live in the midst of atmospheric heaven perfect place, but man destroyed through sin. Jesus came, paid the price so that man could once again be readmitted into the presence of God.

And when he gives she gives her life to Christ becomes a new creature when Jesus comes back again to this earth. Revelation chapter 19 and verse 11 when Jesus comes back to this earth, he brings with him all those who are in heaven, he never goes back again. He never goes back up again because the picture we have at the end of the Bible is once again of the re-created creation of God's original purpose for all mankind.

We become one in him and the picture we have of God is of one we see him once again as God always is three but in Revelation 19 Jesus the Christ is released to come back to the suit to finish final businesses. The battle of Armageddon is a great white throne judgment there is the incarceration of the unholy Trinity. This the separation of the sheep and goats judgment.

All of these things, and when we get to chapter 21.

Let me read it to you folks. There is watch this. Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth did you see that because the first earth had tossed away and the sea was noble. The word see that literally translated, there was no more separation between atmospheric heaven Stella heaven and the throne of heaven. No more separation and so the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down all heaven watch this and from God as a bride adorned for her husband and I heard a loud voice, with the voice coming from someone tell me where is that voice coming from from the throne. Remember, the third heaven is the throne of heaven. Yes the boys the boys coming from the throne saying this is God speaking and what is God say, behold, the dwelling place of God is from this moment on, with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people. What happens when God at the end of the world comes down so to speak, to join with Jesus in Jerusalem and with all believers in Christ. All of a sudden we go back to before all the book of Genesis, because we are not going back to the beginning. The beginning is being fused now with in this is the essential meaning of what it means to be made brand-new with going back to the garden of the wood going back into a full and complete beautiful relationship with the holy and a righteous God, and God is gonna walk among us in the breeze of the air there again to be trees and fruit to eat and is going to be rivers and lakes and they going to be cattle and sheep in the there are going to be everything you and I can ever possibly imagine.

Just as it was in the garden of Eden, and there is going to be no more separation between the atmospheric heaven on the Stella heaven and the throne of God, heaven, because in Jesus Christ we have all been made one, and so shall we ever with the Lord Jesus. And that gripe I haven't even started explaining this to you but somebody here today doesn't need any more explanation because you know that Jesus paid the price for you.

You know, it is our high priest. This is why we can come before him with confidence when we come into his presence. We find mercy we received grace. This is who he is. Do you know him you know this, Jesus. Have you trusted him as your Savior. I beg of you today. Open your heart to Jesus. Give your life to Christ invite him into your heart today. I will is a precarious place. Not one of us knows when Jesus will come back. Only the father does not even the angels.

But I tell you the operative question is are we ready gone to speaking your heart. Give your life to him today. Say yes to him today. You can pray a simple prayer say Lord I know I'm a sin I just I just give my heart to you. I just invite you to come into my heart today just doing give your life to Christ is no greater peace in all the world you can know today.

One day when you dive Jesus were to come back first you going to go to heaven you to be with him for you going to live in this re-created paradox ever ever ever, world without end, it will never stop. That's the eternal blood of Christ. He's a high priest, you can go straight through him.

He's the way he's the truth he's the life no man can get come to God the father accepting through him.

He's the one give your life to him today. It is a forever day at opportunity see God do something remarkable in your life know that we love to pray with you and for you the way to connect his keyboard keyboard on our if you like. We love to take a phone call from you right now at 8668 Chinatown down stored yourself. We answer this 24 hours a day, 866-899-9673 would love to speak with you.

Pray with you connect with resources that will help you grow in your faith before you get away. Our pastor is perhaps the most important thing to challenge us with next. Are you ready would you pray this prayer with me right now. Dear God, I know that Jesus loves me and that he died on the cross for me today.

I repent of my sin and I can face my sin to the Lord Jesus and I gave him my heart and my life in Jesus name I pray, amen. If you prayed that pray from your heart and you given your life to Christ. I welcome you to the family of God. You are my brother, my sister in Christ.

Let's get engaged together because we are connected together for ever as believers in Christ and don't leave whatever you do is I'll be right back.

If you've given your heart to Jesus Christ today.

If you rededicate your life if you come home to a personal relationship of this loving Jesus, yours and mine. Great high priest and you need to tell somebody and why not tell us we would love to put resources in your hands that will help you grow in the next step to get deeply rooted in the power of God's word God's in Encouraging Word. Give us a call at 86689 were.

That's 866899673 would love to speak with you to pray with you again and put things in your hands resources that will help you grow in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ again that phone number is 866-899-9673 or meet us and that website, The Encouraging will connect you with a world of resources.

Resources like the books of Dr. Wilton's written one of my favorites. Totally secure is Dr. Don with details about this particular book. You know, in all my years of sitting at the feet of Dr. Billy Graham.

He said this to me. He said Don the most important thing in life is to know that you belong to Jesus and then he said the second most important thing is that you know that you belong to Jesus. He encouraged me to write this book totally secure to help you find the answers to these important questions. That's why he endorsed this book of mine. I want you to have a copy of this book. I want you to have the assurance that you are going to heaven. Please pickup of telephone right now and call the number on the screen and request your personal copy of totally secure The Encouraging Word board cost ministries supported by viewers and listeners just like you want to make a difference in the world. So thank you for requesting my book totally secure your financial support enables us to continue moving forward. Christ the number to connect with us is 86689. That's 866-899-9673 inch unique opportunity is routed to us, even in the middle of the night 2 AM.

Would love to be your 2 AM friend to pray with you and for you.

Feel free to call us anytime.

That's 866899673 or meet us Thank you for your partnership with The Encouraging Word, God's doing great and wonderful things I want you to know that I want to pray right now.

In fact, you can see that number on the television screen.

We bought people 2007. Praying for you controlling the prayer requests at any time any price. Dear God, I want to pray for my precious friend, someone pray Lord Jesus, please touch. They live lacing today and every right wrong wonderful night of the Lord Jesus.
