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R805 Standing Firm In Difficult Times

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Cross Radio
February 7, 2022 8:00 am

R805 Standing Firm In Difficult Times

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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February 7, 2022 8:00 am

The Daily Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton

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God has an encouraging word for you and me today to the Bible-based teaching of Dr. Don Wilton message call the heart of a leader, whether we realize it or not. All of us for both of those roles.

All of us are leaders at times and followers, and today we had to Romans chapter 1 with Dr. Don Wilton well-known author evangelist and pastor to study this passage and understand what it says about what it is to be a good leader as we study the word know that we're here for you connecting on our website right now. DEW all that's TEW so it's excitement about this 31 days of prayer for my husband for 31 days of prayer for wife resource is all drop by today. While you're there, be sure and sign up for the daily email from Dr. Don that's online and large now.

Romans chapter 1 of the site.

I thank my God through Jesus Christ all of you because your faith is being reported all over the world, God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the gospel of the son, is my witness how constantly I remember you in my prayers at all time and I pray that not lost by God's will. The way might be open for me to come to you. I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong. That is that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith. I do not want you to be unaware that I plan many times to come to you, but have been prevented from doing so. Until now, in that I might have a published among you, just as I have had among other gentle I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and to the foolish.

That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are at road. I want you to consider something for about Paul was about to lay upon the church of Rome as he indeed does for us. The most deep and incredible theology. The width theology is about God.

I believe that the letter to the Romans is the Magna Carta of the Christian faith.

In fact, my father picked me up at the airport last night and I turned to him and I saved him dead. I said that I been studying further running Romans. For example, beginning at verse 18 where the Bible says that the rock of God is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and safety and dad just through the end of chapter 1. There is so much richness. There is so much to know about God that I don't believe that I can ever get through chapter 1. It's just too much pull Garrett writing this letter under the inspiration of the Lord is about to make the phrase lay deep theology on us.

We going to be learning about God. What incredible subject, but before he does that. Paul says before I teach you about God, let me tell you about myself.

I want you to think about that for a month. I'm one of those people.

I've studied a lot of theology. I should imagine relatively and I've appreciated all I've learned from textbooks and from great professors and seminaries, but the greatest theology that I have ever learned has come from people just like yourself.

You are the greatest textbook about God that I have ever studied.

We are very familiar with the concept of being interviewed.

Just think about. I remember when Neil Phillips, the chairman of the Boston search committee of this church and that team appointed by this church came to interview me many years ago about the potential of being considered to become your senior pasta. We had a dialogue. It was in the monologue. It was a dialogue, they turned to me and said to me Don Wilton tell us about yourself. Then I said, will you tell me about your self and we began to learn about one another. I was not here, you would lock with me.

I was not with you but what we put up front was also not consider this pool had never visited Rome, but even this extraordinary letter and he tells them not to me that he loves them and longs for them. But he tells them unbelievable things and he's going to get pretty upbeat about approach you want. She's gonna if we could use a Martin price is going to lay the smack down when it comes to God's not going to beat around the bush that we gonna feel very uncomfortable at times we gonna feel very ecstatic. At other times, God's going to speak to us, but before he doesn't he says let me just tell you I and he gives a race. You might've been so I want to speak to you this morning about the heart of the leader. When I study this passage I began awesome.

With each one of these 10 characteristics that are found in these verses, I began divorce myself if I am going to be the kind of leader that God wants me to be.

To what extent are these things true of me whether I'm a Sunday school teacher of mother, father, a business owner with Rama pasta is matter what my position is I'm a Christian man Christian woman Puts all mass, the heart of the leader. He says to the church of Rome.

This is who I am and when you know who I am. You got understand how I operate and why I do what I do because pool was not going to be engaged in a popularity contest. As we read in God's word like the statement he said I'm not here to be a man. Please sit on an assignment from God.

I want to be a God, please, so he's laying it down there and again to bring that pricing is line the smack down. What is he say to us number one that the heart of the leader always thanks the Lord's number one always thanks the Lord folks write these things down, put it in your Bible.

I'm telling you this is gonna bless you today number one the heart of the leader always thanks the Lord will cite first. I thank my God, he said now love that it's a real challenge to me because basically what Paul was saying before he says anything about what he believes related to who God is, collates everybody know that everything that he's about everything that he has everything that he hopes to be gives thanks to the Lord pull saving a stranded he signed. Listen, even if I'm shipwrecked I'm going to thank the Lord even if I'm arrested and put in jail. I'm going to find global if I'm given $1 million. I'm going to thank the if I'm surrounded by friends. I'm going to thank you Lord, if I bought a beautiful motor car to drive a mentor thank the Lord. If I get to go on a trip to London.

I'm going to thank the Lord. If I have plenty to eat on going to thank the Lord, and if I don't have anything to eat. I'm going to thank the Lord.

Principle number one the heart of the leader always thanks the Lord number two. The heart of the leader always commands of now love this point in verse eight because he says I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you. Yesterday I had a few moments again was Steve Skinner who direct mirror image quieter and is obviously not you and Brian. We appreciate so much you stepping up into the front leadership. As always, we love you so much was making a statement about leadership. Leadership always commands the other person. Leadership always buys somebody else of Coke leadership always gives up her seat to seat somebody else. Leadership is a young man who stands up on the train and says no use about leadership always gives way in commendation of others. Number three the heart of the leader always serves with a whole heart. Look at verse nine God, whom I serve with my whole heart. Now that's a very interesting statement that he makes because that would be a means that he is given complete. Now some of you going to shoot me for saying this and that's fine, but some of you in the distant parts might've watched that movie called Greece, going off for a show of hands. Yet it was at front it looks just like me, John Travolta.

That's right, John Travolta and Olivia Newton John was at a nine Australian girl, Olivia Newton John and and course Greece became such a classic you know of the 50s and the young people of those days in the early 60s and and the.

It fascinated me when I watched all the antics and the motor cars and you know the Brylcreem and everything you know. That's why look like I do.

Folks and the but there was one song that John Travolta sign you remember what it is he say of the song was entitled totally devoted to you right romantic song. That's what we want to say to each other when when we fall in love and when we get married I'm I'm totally devoted to pull actually was making the same statement but in a deep spiritual sense, just what he was saying he signed this God has called me he saved me number one and then he called me to serve him and what I'm going to do is I'm going to be totally devoted to him.

I'm going to serve him with all of my heart that is incredible leadership principle folks, you know you can't talk to the average mother, I guarantee you moms will tell you if reality were reality that so you know I don't always necessarily feel like doing what I'm doing with my child, but I do it because I'm totally devoted whole heartedness is not swayed by time, energy, circumstances with your up or whether you're done pool here puts incredible leadership principle.

It applies to me as a dead as apostate as a friend as a husband always serves with a whole heart.

Number four, number four, the heart of a leader always praise an old time. I love that in boosting how constantly I remember you in my prayers at all times. I don't know what else to say folks, you know I got up this morning at 5 o'clock start to get ready come over the church. I discipline myself have a lot of things on my mind. I tried to say Lord please help me to pray for our young people die they start to get up right now. I pray for the chaperones. Pray for the orchestra and the band members who were there playing instruments can guess what he says he sees the heart of the leader always praise at all times. You know there's one thing all of us can do all prior number five, the heart of the leader always yearns for the will of God. Look at verse 10. Again, the latter part. He said, and I pray that now lost by God's will. The way maybe open for me to come to you all wanted to go and visit the folks in Rome. God had not opened that way, but it certainly did not prevent pool from constantly and continually saying I want you to know my dear friends that what matters to me is the will of God. I want to be at the center of your will.

Someone said to me one time Dr. Russell Bush retired' Main St., Baptist Church in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. He said to me many years ago, dear man. He was a dentist all his life, and at the age of 66. Dr. Russell Bush laid down his instruments and God called him to be positive. Main St., Baptist Church in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Great man of God, wonderful preacher and he was there for about 15 years.

He looked at me one time and he said to me, Don Wilton. If you want to know that you're in the will of God. Just decide that from this moment you're in the will of God because you're a believer you love him write that in your heart is a principal God will honor that.

Number six, the heart of the leader always loves with the purpose. Look at verse 11. I long to see you.

Can you feel the love and I long to see you but for the purpose. Watch this so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong. Now all of a sudden the purpose with which he loves, is tied into the impartation the cultivation the carrying in the exercise of spiritual gifts because pool is going to teach us and he does in Corinthians, and in other places that non-Christian is gift all of us are being given gifts that were 26. He says the purpose with which I love you is to follow because if you are using your gifts number one, you are going to be made strong number two. We're all going to be blessed.

That's the purpose of gifts and in this juncture.

He said I'm going to love you with the purpose because I know that when my love is direct it and it has a purpose in it. God is going to receive the glory and you going to be blessed. Now watch what happens. Folks, this is interesting. I can show you in any congregants. The strongest people in any congregation of those people who are using their gifts for the glory of God the weakest people in any congregation of those who are not using the gifts for the Lord.

Now that's a theological statement forgive the eruption will be back with the rest of today's message in its entirety from Dr. Don Wilton in just a moment. If you haven't been to our website you can find this message and so many more resources available for you right I mentioned earlier in the broadcast. The 31 days of prayer for my husband or 31 days of prayer for my wife. Wonderful resources right now on our that's TW now back today's great teaching with Dr. Don Wilton the Bible say is when you use your gift you all made strong, it benefits you use number one in line to be blessed of the Lord. If you don't use your gifts, you will become a weak Christian incredible statement. So what is he signed the heart of the leader always loves with a purpose. Number seven the heart of the leader always includes himself well. Look at verse 12 and leads on, he say is I long to see you as my purpose to impart to you some spiritual gifts so that you would be made strong. Verse 12 that is so that you and I may be mutually encouraged by one another's despite you know what you do for me, folks, you encourage, but will assign more than that Paul is saying simply list that the heart of a leader always includes himself in every expression of who God is. For example, Paul didn't get up and call everybody else's.

He said I'm the chief said forbidding Silas and it's hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way will never said listen, with the exception of me you will make a stop now.

We say those things sometimes with a little humor in it we understand what were trying to say but sincerely from his heart as a man of God included himself in everything that he was about to teach concerning who God is. Paul was no exception. Number eight number eight the heart of the leader always cries out for the harvest.

Now watch with me at verse 13. The latter part of verse 13. He puts this ride will he say is these things I pray would happen in order that I may have a harvest among you by the way, that would they harvest they literally means that we might bear fruit together we will identify with fruit and pull rights not Romans and needless to say, in many of these are the letters he talks about fruit and fruit has three biblical usages number one, it refers to aptitudes. For example, in Galatians, Paul says that the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering that prefers to attitude that's the harvest that's the fruit number two. It refers to actions actions.

For example, when we get there. In Romans 622.

He says the fruit or the benefit which you reap leads to holiness. He's talking about the essential ingredients of a believer's work.

In other words, the fruit of my labor leads to accidents, fruit refers to my exit number three fruit refers to additions.

Additions you remember in the book of acts, the Lord added to the church daily such as would be say. Paul says in Romans 16. Five he talks about the increase or the harvest all the fruit of a believer's work and so no wonder as a principle of leadership.

Paul here says he says the heart of the leader always cries out for the harvest always looks for fruit right thought that is number nine the heart of the leader always ministers on the obligation.

Look at verse 14.

I am obligated that would this is I am compelled.

I do it because I'm obliged to do so. Yesterday morning we got up at the crack of dawn.

8 o'clock we were in a prison. That's early folks, especially off the day before and out the corner lot, I noticed one of our students didn't look too happy. I can't explain, but I looked over, then the student just look black, he or she was recovering from Brooklyn treatment. I mean, you could see it just not happy so I kind of very delicately. I kind of sidled over to this person and I said I see that a man has a good I said okay. Will that that's fair enough.

I said are you sick this person said all know Dr. Bond I'm not sick, I say to you sure because we can give you an antibiotic or something not know know I'm I'm not sick. I said will good because if you're not sick what seems to be troubling. Well I'll tell you when not dispersing this I stop right there.

I said I don't care if you've been keeled hold. I don't care if somebody took the loss done not at breakfast. I don't care if you got what you cannot drag upside down. If you got doused with water. I don't care if you have to borrow someone else's toothbrush. It doesn't matter if you're sick we can deal with sick but I want to tell you something. By the way, this was with a lot of love.

I said I wanted tell you something that you have an obligation to God, to a group of people that are in the dregs of society. These people are run down.

They've got nothing like desperate and we are here because we are under obligation.

We are compelled. It doesn't matter how you feel what you've done, whose toothbrush you have to use what whether this happened, it doesn't matter. Let me see that smile on your face. A little one timers is not good, not under met a real smile. I wanted tell you something, folks. I watch that young person in that presentation.

They were radiant they would transform. They ministered like you cannot begin to imagine. And I went up to this person often, everything was over all these people guide their hearts to Jesus and I walked up to this person gave them a big bear hug and I sit on. I'm so proud of you. I said you know what I know what it's like to step out of the wrong side of the bed and that's okay and I tell you I know what it's like to man to have to use somebody else's toothbrush and I know what it's like you know when just life goes down. But I tell you one thing, when you do what you do because God is called you to do it. You've got the heart of the leader and number 10 the heart of the leader is always eager to serve is always eager to serve always listen folks, he carries out his assignments with eagerness look with me right there in that loss. Verse.

Verse 15 that is why I am so eager to do what God has called me to do for I'm telling in that incredible eagerness eagerness is not dictated to by human feelings of circumstances, you know, we don't do what we do this because we got nothing else on his great teaching from Dr. Don Wilton. That's what you been listening to here on The Encouraging Word.

You heard Missy's teaching from the pulpit but now as he steps in the studio. Open your heart to what he wants to share next are you ready to give your heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Why don't you pray this prayer with me right now. Dear God, I know that Iverson and I know that Jesus died for me on the cross today, I repent of my sin and by faith I receive you into my heart. In Jesus name, my friend. I welcome you today into the family of God.

This is exciting news to Jesus Christ, praying with Dr. Wilton. Moments ago, or perhaps throughout the program. Dr. Don has triggered something through God's word more important spirit to heart to change. Oh how we'd love to celebrate with you. As a matter fact, if you gave your life to Christ or we dedicate your life to Jesus today. Dr. Don would love to put some sources in your hand again after the free 60s out next days or so at 866899 the number down 866-899-9673 share how God's moving life choice of Dr. Wilton's hearing how God is working for the ministry of The Encouraging Word in God's word in your life. Feel free to write to them, DO, and that TW would like to hear your story love to pray that's done, DO and FTE double before getaway up into the mirror all the details about the pray for your spouse opportunity. The Encouraging Word easy to celebrate Valentine's Day by buying candy and flowers last actually spouse join Dr. Wilton as he unpacks a powerful message on the forgiving family. You will receive 31 days of prayer books for my husband and wife. This offer set will help you to support each other to prayer how important forgiveness place in the family not only our marriage is under attack. Family is also under attack. Support your spouse to prayer, and see what God does in both of your lives. Commit to praying 31 days for your spouse commit to praying 31 days for your spouse.

Let God change your spouse. Let God change your family. Call us today at 866-899-WORD word and request the February offer for your gift of $25 or more percent.

Thank you for your support of The Encouraging Word.

What a great day of teaching in the next edition of purity word will take us exit chapters 13 and 14 for this message.

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