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R1369 What the Resurrection Means

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Cross Radio
April 10, 2020 8:00 am

R1369 What the Resurrection Means

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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April 10, 2020 8:00 am

The Daily Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton

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Good Friday and Dr. Don Wilton is prepared a special message for this remarkable day in history the word featuring the Bible-based preaching of Dr. Don Wilton, well-known author and evangelist Pastor today as we celebrate Good Friday we don't celebrate what happened historically, what happens in each of our lives when we move through this process of being more like Jesus. Being that one willing to do whatever it takes to take care of whatever God calls us to do as we receive that challenge. We want you to know that you're not alone and that challenge part of the body of Christ to pray with you and pray for you at 866899 word that's 866899673 or You know we we so many times, don't we, we, you know, we look out there and we see, will things that are going on and we consider our world format rule about you.

You know Jesus before I even open our Bibles today. You know Jesus lost one of the most incredible questions. The disciples were together and he said will you people out there say that I am what I think about me and one of them said all they will cite you John the Baptist and Jesus might've looked at him and said, why do they do that well you know you your fearless and and you know you you're a powerful preacher, and an enemy. And Jesus would've said yeah let's rock. I I am and then someone said 9999. So you John the Baptist. I say you your Elijah will why would they say, larger, well, you know, just like a lot. Joe called on God and defied the profits of bail and look what God did and and and you just remind them of Elijah and Jesus would most likely sit your rock.

I am like Elijah, I do come against the pagan gods of the world and then somebody else and some you and Jesus then turned to them and he said, but who do you say that I and you know that's the right statement with one of the disciples said you you the Messiah you the son of God, you are God you the only one you the only Jesus one so you know while it it's wonderful to be together today.

I want to you to know that I'm just so praying for you.

I love you so much. Just thank God for you and I'm really asking the Lord that that God would speak to you in your will. That's what I want to speak to you today about what the resurrection mean this is the most incredible news, you know, it is just my ugly it's wow backwards and front towards it. You cannot describe this that Jesus is alive and I want to show you something in first Corinthians chapter 15. I'd like to invite you to open your Bibles and look there with me. You might want to get actual my paddle your phone your cell phone. Whatever means you got today go to that little app that sees Bible and click on Bible go to first Corinthians chapter 15 and just take a look at this passage with me for just a few moments this is incredible. This is what happened. First Corinthians chapter 15 in verse three. This is what will save to a group of people just like you and me, for I delivered to you as of first importance, this which I have also received what you suppose must've been so important that it occupied first know when I read that I said to myself if I had only one thing that I could say to you old today that I could share with you what would be so important. It would occupy first place. I just have to say this is what he was saying… First, first, this is it that Jesus died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures that he appeared to see fast. Then he appeared to the 12. Then he appeared to more than 500 brothers at one time that was over a period of 40 days, we know according to acts chapter 1 verse three spent 40 days did you get this off to.

He came alive. GE paid to them and then you paid the 500, most of whom are still alive. Many of them pulsate of God.

Then he appeared to James and Bailey appeared to all the apostles and Jesus. Jesus hung around. Often he came out of the grave and evidently Paul knew that this account of Jesus and his burial and his glorious resurrection. So important that it was more important than anything else and it was the meaning of the resurrection. Jesus had completed his assignment to God, incomplete fulfillment of all that was necessary for you and for me, and yet he waited often. He came out of the grave for 40 days and he appeared to all these people we know it was well over 500 people we know, he walked down the road to Emmaus. He went to the Sea of Galilee at breakfast with the disciples. He told he he did all kinds of things. Often he came out of the great what is the meaning of the resurrection.

I think when Jesus gathered his disciples together long before he went to the cross, Jesus knew everything, because he is God. He gathered them. They in the saints that have little or lack of money, church service, to talk about Easter Sunday and Jesus said, tell me about the world out there, what's going on with me was divorce me today, but a lot of talk to him about think God talk to him about politics, about the President of the United States who's going to be in the White House on God talk to him about the global market. I talked to him about refugees who are suffering I'd talk to him about Cuba… Think God talk to him about Cuba admit many wonderful Cuban-American people.

They are some of the finest people you'll ever meet, but it's snowing all around the world that ever since Fidel Castro invaded his own country that the Cuban people have been oppressed and they suffered greatly that that hasn't been a nice place live thousands of people fleeing you know, thousands of them flayed thousands of them lost loved one member, the Cuban missile crisis way back then in the 60s with Nikita Khrushchev and Pres. Kennedy Cuban thing is is is you know but you know something really interesting happened.

I came out of my seat, my boys, the Rolling Stones went to Havana to make good, like I used to do it because I can't get no satisfaction but I've arrived in Cuba.

Now you and I cannot imagine I will only Keith Richardson was a no boil. These guys are getting old man they are good boys are little on the old side, you know, keep taking a good look at Keith Richardson blessing my friends that you could drop a quartering any part of these fights and little disappear. I didn't say that a friend of mine said they getting a little long in the tooth. But here was the interesting thing about the stones. One of the Cuban amendment was interviewed by the state. This was a statement. This is not easy. He said on time you this is the best thing that's ever happened. I have waited my life with this.

You not wish that I could set down next to that man and told him what the resurrection means to me a couple of things about the resurrection what it means. That means that we can know God, see everybody's trying to find God today God is being defined and redefined by every culture, every person, every nationality, every country, every religion, the resurrection means that we can find God.

Again, see our sin has separated us from him because Jesus was born, went to across and then was raised. It means that through him we find him. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man can come to the father but by me. Some years ago I was in a foreign country, a communist country and I was at a huge banquet with some very high implements and one of them. The main one very high up in the country began to speak to me when he spoke to me. He spoke to me through an interpreter, because he couldn't speak English and then I had to speak to him through the interpreter and he said this to me. He said to me, what is a Christian.

I said well a Christian is someone who has found God. He wanted to know how that happened and I said to him, Mr. Amb., you know, when you spoke to me a minute ago, you didn't, so to speak to me but you did how did you speak to me you spoke to me through an interpreter who spoke to me it was you speaking to me, but the interpreter made it possible for you and me to have a conversation that said that's Jesus.

That's the meaning of the resurrection means you can find God means you can be forgiven amazing people everywhere are looking for forgiveness are leading the way to lead the way, I will tell you that I missed sinful man. I was born in sin.

I need forgiveness I need forgiveness in order to be saved to come to know Christ to have peace with God and I did that I can face my son Jim and I gave my life to him, but as a believer I need forgiveness because I'm a Cinnabon nature in the Cinemark choice.

This is what the Bible says Bible says if we confess our sin is faithful and just to forgive us our cylinder claims is from our unrighteousness. Forgive the interruption will be back with more Dr. Don Wilton. Oh my goodness is that when this powerful Scriptures that we just embrace and take great joy and pleasure in know that if we just confess that with God's calling us to do to confess our sins, that God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all by no means am I asking you to call and confess us planting you if you want to call and pray that sometimes the most important things we can do is just say pray for me about this and just give us the tip of the iceberg. We don't need the details by youth pastors a bit sometimes just to shut up and pray we would be thrilled to shut up and pray just for the direction you feel like we need to pray because it could be that this this truth of Scripture that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

It could be that this Good Friday we could be a part of together watching God, cleanse, and give you a fresh beginning in your life. I phone number is 866899 word that's 866-899-9673 connects right now during the broadcast. Also, any time day or night will ratchet you to one of us would be honored to pray with you and pray for you would be thrilled the connective resources. Well that's part of what we do but the key while we have this phone number and the way to connect on our website TW is because when we began his ministry. Years ago, Dr. Wilson said we must have an opportunity to make this more than a presentation to be a conversation so we'd love to hear from you.

866899673 the phone number of meters online that's TW for the Encouraging Word TW Now back to today's Good Friday message what the resurrection means Dr. Don Wilton what is the meaning of the resurrection means that you can be forgiven for anyone listening, excuse me, I how is your anyone needing forgiveness today you not forgive.

You cannot have peace with God. Only Jesus can do that. What is the meaning of the resurrection. It means that you can have peace see when you find God and you are forgiven you have peace, but what about you, do you have peace of the bombs going off in your own heart. How is your marriage doing anger. The search, the conflict what what what triggers you, how quickly does it take for you to go ballistic.

I didn't say that you were I'm just Jesus said but who do you say that I am so very well for the world out there to say that I'm the salon that not but what about you. This is the meaning of the resurrection. You can have peace. The resurrection means that you can live meaningfully, meaningfully, that that was my life. You know what when I was growing up I had an adventurous life. No doubt about it. I understand motorbikes and surfboards and beautiful places and wonderful beaches. I even married a the love of my life but I tell you, even in my mid 20s.

It was it was the meaningfulness of life that was missing. CI was one of those many of us, if Jesus had said that to me will don you say see if if he was there. Then I could've popped it out there because my daddy was a preacher accuracy. Well, seeing your asking that question. You then. Some people think that some people you know and all they say you're a great you're a good man man I bought to that point in my life when Jesus looked at me and said say that I and when I said yes to Jesus meaningfulness time and yet I wish that I had some very special way to describe it to you it's it's an inner sense of purpose. Do you wake up every day. Without meaning, you know, maybe you can even look at your own life today so you know what I unblemished. You can be blessed but not have meaning you can have fantastic motorbike and you can have surfboards you can have grandkids wonderful spouse in the Holman live in a beautiful, but you can do now you can live in a place as beautiful as this and still not have meaning. That's why the resurrection is unbelievable. Folks, I think this is why, perhaps posted.

This is a first importance you can have meaningful life.

You can live meaningfully.

What is the resurrection mean means you can know God, and you can be forgiven can have peace you can live meaningfully, you can begin again through to you. How is your world, you can begin again is the anyone today that needs to come back home. Need to come back home.

You know most of us most of us stray. We get off track. I'd love to stand and say you know I've always just been rocked the exactly where I need to be for the Lord. But you know something I haven't folks you are not astray we go our own way. Sin gets in our life. We begin to look in different places and and and we get to decide what's been pulling you aside. Has your church life. Union Church are you involved are you getting Feodor you being inspired by bonds with the magnificent singing today. Can you give two hours a week to the Lord Jesus in a way like this that will give you so much fuel that you know that every moment you living for him.

See, the resurrection means that we can be in again. I want to say something to somebody who ever you are somebody today that you use so far from God that you really believe in your heart that it's it's over. It's not when you look at Jesus when he came out of the grave he conquered sin and death and the grave. You can come back again and I want to tell you something. You are welcome in this place.

You know what what this does to us, pasta folks with I see people all the time from the front seat to the middle seat to the back seat to the Odyssey. I watch it all the times like just a movement you know what it is, as people begin to become affected by the things of this world things that are not good things that are okay but not good as they begin to move away from God.

One of the first casualties as they stopped coming to church. Listen if you are living out of harmony with your wife you're going to do everything you can to stay away from home as long as you can you make up readings you will extend your work hours you go to work earlier. That's what you do if you not in harmony with the person that you love. You don't want to spend time with. So you keep making then you come home and you throw up Road Barry as you walk into the house to put on the television safe walking ways. The remote control. I just got to see this. Anyone can just go to do this. I just got a do this and what you do is you you psychologically you throw up barriers in order to prevent yourself from that beautiful house communication with this person that really you do, love, and you know sometimes do you feel that love you make all and you. It's like you want to but you just can't the resurrection. The living room. Jesus enables you to begin again.

I want to in his name invite you make that decision with him, the living Lord Jesus.

What does the resurrection mean the resurrection means that you can go to heaven you can go to heaven.

You don't have to go and kill someone in order to do that. That's not what Christianity is because someone was already killed in order to enable us to do that. He took our place. False religions turn everything back to front. False religion sees I have to do something to somebody else in order to justify my acceptance into this place called Paradise, by whatever definition the empty tomb, the resurrection tells me that Jesus took my place.

He gave his life so that I am set free. It's not about me it's all about him and it's his gift for me to receive I receive that gift. The Bible says, for by grace are you saved through faith, not in yourself.

It is the gift of God not of works lest any of us should boast or brag or think that we deserve. We know it's all about him. The resurrection means.

I wish that I could go to this Cuban friend of mine whom I don't know. I'd love to go inside man.

I hope you enjoyed the stone.

I'm sure they do, but I would something. The first import.

Jesus is alive. He is risen from the and that means because he lives I can face tomorrow morning is the great classic him because he lives I can face tomorrow. It's the truth. And for me I saying that him for many many years because I knew about God and knew how good God, I didn't know in person. I pray that you wouldn't let the traditions of Easter for your habits of being in church and being connected to Christianity.

My testimony to the times just going to the motions to Jesus Christ's. Perhaps today's questions let's discover the answers together phone numbers 868998668999673 or maybe the question that you have is what docs about the answer you give your heart, God has spoken has you ready to give your heart to Jesus. I'd love to help you write you pray this prayer with me and escape Jesus into your heart and life.

Dear God, I know that Arneson I know that Jesus loves me and died for me on the cross right now, I repent of my sin and I confess my sin to the Lord Jesus Christ coming tomorrow often save me today and forgive me for my sin.

In Jesus name I pray, amen. If you pray that pray we love to get alongside celebrate you and send you some literature and help you as you begin to grow and I want you to know that I love you very very much if on this Good Friday you've given your life to Jesus Christ. Or maybe you've rededicated her life to Christ. Please let us know about it. Dr. Don has some unique resources completely free available for you if you just let us know.

Let us pray for you. 866-899-WORD is the phone number to call 866899967. Survey will not just now in 24 hours a day to connect with one of us happy to talk with pray with you baby connect with resources to help you grow, but just know more than anything else we would be excited to see what God is doing in your life and how we might could partner that took to encourage you in the next steps to find a lot of resources online as well. TW is our website that TEW and I think there's a lot of traffic right now focusing Dr. Donald yes Dr. Don wrote a wonderful book. I'll see you at the finish line here all the details. The world is rapidly coming to an end, we are seeing the Bible been filled almost every day careful, you watch and listen to the world of false prophets hold to the word of God in your heart to Jesus join Dr. Don Wilton as he revealed truths about times in his neck since a picture and end times you will receive finish written by Dr. ministry resources will be sitting for your gift of $25 to The Encouraging Word you will be inspired and encouraged. The race set before you 866-899-WORD 96732 request picture and end times in his book today The Encouraging Word you are listener supported ministry trust God to supply our needs. People think you are listening today about what a great week at times wrapped up for this week of The Encouraging Word daily broadcast. You need to know that Dr. Don brought you into this more than any other right great praise and worship. Our mantra here and prepare a small serving exercises, finding solace in 99671 being inserted. Celebrate Jesus