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Encouraging Prayer - Praying For Authority

Encouraging Prayer / James Banks
The Cross Radio
October 3, 2020 12:00 am

Encouraging Prayer - Praying For Authority

Encouraging Prayer / James Banks

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October 3, 2020 12:00 am

It's EASY to pray for our families and friends - but what about our prayers for those or are in AUTHORITY over us? 

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We explored manhood within Jesus Christ your chosen Truth Network podcast starting in just a few seconds. Sit back and enjoy it. Sharon most of all, thank you for listening and choosing The Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network encouraging prayer, God offers opening the patient for his people to talk with him anytime about anything urgent prayer.

Dr. James Banks selling and many other books on prayer provides weekly insight help you learn to mom and now, vital topic of her timely topic praying for those in authority over us.

James take it from here. Good for us to consider Scripture twice on this topic, especially during an election year, but it matters all the time because this is the word of God. We need to heed its counsel and what were referring to here is, of course, second Timothy chapter 2 verses one through four rights and let me read that force. I urge you, first of all to pray for all people asked him to help them intercede on their behalf and give thanks for them, pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.

This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth that just listen.

How strong the language is here first. I urge you, it's really important.

Then notice the phrase right after that first of all, what does that mean in New Testament Greek. It's an expression of priority policy and enumerating things 12 getting a three point sermon.

There is a second point is saying this matters more than anything else you need to pray there are seven Greek words for prayer used in the New Testament and just in one verse Paul uses for right here and he says to do this for all people, not only for those in authority over all of us, but that shows again how we really are to live a life of prayer because all people. A lot of people there's a reason for this you see in verse four.

Listen carefully. God wants everyone to be saved and to understand the true so we are to live with the kingdom vision.

Everything we do as we go through life every day including, dare I say it. Politics. Let's talk about that when you see a lot of politics and personal instruction these days, which generate really more heat than light on a true but but notice that there are no qualifiers here on on what the spirit is telling us through Paul is not saying pray for some and not for others. He said pray for all those in authority and and we may struggle with that sometimes because we think. I really don't like this or that person and what they stand for.

But that doesn't matter. Get this. This is really important who was in authority in Rome when Paul was writing these words. It's around 80, 63, and that means it was Nero and little bit Roman history. Nero had been in power since 8054. He was a particularly bad man, a megalomaniac who did horrible things to Christian started the first really widespread persecution of Christians. That's the guy, but God's Word still tells us pray for, that's amazing.

If you really think. Of course Jesus said pray for those who persecute what exactly in and here's the reason he gave for that you may be children of your father in heaven. So that's what you think about it. Vital so as to what Jesus laying out here is very clear. There's something more important than any political leaning or passion or inclination, and that is we are citizens of heaven. First of all we really need to come to see this as a matter of obedience to Jesus. We need to come to that standpoint. I'm certain the kingdom first, and that means I'm going to love and to pray regardless of who is over me or my feelings about them in those fields may be well you know reason because God is over all his kingdom is my priority.

I'm going to keep it that way that's timely advice Jameson and underscores first Timothy 22 were to pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity mean it really is all about the kingdom right in the next verse says this is good and pleases God our Savior, so you want to do something that pleases God pray this way James what would you say to the person who thinks this one little voice. What difference could my purse possibly make the subject's lot with such large forces at work. Well, it's not a matter of how smaller voices are but a bigger God is, and that's where focus needs to be just one little person can have a lasting impact to their prayers, because in an and I would dare say, it may well be the smallest voice you don't.

There are faithful people we've never heard who have the greatest way with God so so think of it this way. I I believe God wants us to pray because he knows the way into a human heart that no one else does. You and I actually have access to people in the highest positions of power to influence them through God's spirit to change them and use the first purposes. You and I could talk to person for years and never change their mind. You know, we could try and try to reason with them, argue with them but God can do that in a heartbeat.

And that's what we need to pray. James, let me that's encouraging and so encouraging as a matter fact you might want to name a show encouraging prayer. It's actually really good reminder for us to pray for anyone. God is always he can change a heart that we never imagine exactly like a proper 21 one which says the king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord. He turns it where ever he wishes that verse and I think our listeners will find today's discussion really helpful when we wrap up this time by praying together for those in authority over us right now. I'll start and you finish looking Jesus, our hearts trendy right now is this very moment. I know that the presidents struggling with covert and so we pray that you would them healing and that you would give his physicians wisdom and understanding in such a time as this. What needs to happen for those around him to come in and support the government with the things that need to be done or he can't be where he normally is. We pray for those who all are running for the election that are in in places of authority all over the place and in a time that probably feels desperate to them. I pray that you would come that you would show them real answers.

Real truth and help them to turn to you for discernment and I just pray really I love what Jane said that your spirit would come in and guide our country and I assess myself in Jesus name I join in. In this prayer that you would move in the hearts of those who are running for office. You know ultimately who will prevail that we pray that your spirit will prevail in their minds and hearts, we pray. This is certainly for our our national government or Senate or House of Representatives cabinet.

We pray this for our state and for our local Lord please moving heart through them to you. Use them for you working help us love like Jesus hear more from Pastor James by visiting the website James or by visiting these church in Durham, North Carolina. May God bless you and encourage you.

You pray this is the Truth Network