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Faith on Trial (cont'd)

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard
The Cross Radio
October 7, 2021 8:00 am

Faith on Trial (cont'd)

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard

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October 7, 2021 8:00 am

Some signs that distinguish real faith from a mere profession of faith; based on James 2:14-26.

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True faith goes beyond belief is that you believe something you live according to out belief in your everyday life. What can a tightrope walker teach us about faith. Find out next on this Thursday edition of Destin for victory hello and thanks for tuning yesterday's program pastor Paul Sharp reminded us that faith is far more than what we say. Consider what God himself said in Isaiah 29 verse 13. These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from so faith in Christ goes beyond word.

It also goes beyond belief. Today pastor Paul explores the subject further aided by the fascinating story of a tight rope walker in 19th century France stay with us now. You can always stop by Pastor to listen on demand. That's Pastor here is Pastor Paul.

Today's Destin for victory message me on trial cycles anymore.

I went down when a training course they said listen, you gotta be very alert at all times. You can got to think about all the stuff that went down at a lot of my mind if I thought back to the training I want to know is that I just tried it. I didn't realize I was too preoccupied until it was too late. I woke up briefly see myself being inserted into an ambulance, 2007, inserted into an ambulance. I remember thinking I was on my way to a Warriors game because the Lakers were playing that night and I woke up briefly and I remember in those few moments thinking now Colby is the ligament path back out when I came to again. I was coming out of that machine.

That MRI machine in the hospital but it was the day I should've been right because there is no margin of error.

They told us we were training in a car you make it. Don't don't negotiate a turn right call may crash in the sun. They said if you want a bike.

No margin of error and the life. I know that I can trust you and so I will let you know you love to ride with you. Go back to my daughter. She flew in from Phoenix when she heard that he went down with my flew in from Phoenix came to the hospital still can picture came hug me.

You know you have been making them if they hurt and so she loved only for about a minute ratio so I misuse it. Now this get substrate you are never riding a motorcycle again in your life by your mother said CCC is I can't speak for mom and then do it. I'm telling you what done. I heard that daughters have a trump card that can play on their fathers. I heard about that but I never I never had seen it so she would done and there was no negotiation in 1000 motorcycle get that off your mind, and I have looked at the many motorcycles going down the road since all at the end of the day is not about what's in your head. It's about what you're willing to place full trust and we place trust all the time in things that we have no business place interesting, life place, trust you see him build you all know what faulty pieces are in their yeah but I have recalled no trust games last time you got too busy like on the job talking instead of working.

We will read the stories of grasses that had no driver was well, but we place our trust in it when somebody please address anyway and they lost their lives. We place trust in things we technically shouldn't place full trust. We live life.

You gotta trust somebody sometime life and everything else they start your trip. When I would have to take a trip in the car they would say let's have a prayer site and even drive when they will go on a trip to say.

Let's pray we pray and ask for travel and mercy will summary all in the driver.

No major mercy when he is out here. We all think so, please have mercy on us while we track with one of my best friends is a polyp and when we get in the plane.

We pray we are not well, you know, stuff just happens not a believer in Jesus make me understand everything.

I still have mystery so do you know is I'm going to die putting my trust in him, that subject. God says who's getting the will is the question because true faith goes beyond belief in the last point is that true faith goes beyond comfort and he hands the passage verses 20 through 26 by telling us about two Old Testament characters.

Abraham and Rahab what he said in verse 21 was not our ancestor Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar. You know that story, God waited till Isaac was up in his teens, Abraham's enjoying him. And then God says now want you to sacrifice him and while person human sacrifice was never God's will. Back in the day when he was establishing his covenant through Abraham, he tested him.

He tried his faith by giving him an unbelievable command to do what God did not command anybody else to do so. I want to sacrifice your son Dr. just coming to your Bible. Please note story is God did not allow the sacrifice to go through. He never wanted to go through but Abraham could know that in advance because he was trying his faith source and I want to take a teenage boy putting to death as a sacrifice to me and Isaac had to be laid on a altar of sacrifice and Abraham had to lift his knife.

Knowing this is the covenant son is the one God promised me in the Bible.

Comments later that Abraham knew that if God allowed him to kill his son, it's only because God will raise him up again.

That was why he was ready to do and of course the story ends with God saying to him. This is in Genesis 22. If you've never read it got same him.

No, don't plunge the knife into his chest.

He said I was just testing your obedience and God's test of obedience often take us out of our comfort. I'm here to tell you true faith goes beyond what you say goes beyond what you say you believe in true faith goes beyond comfort. If you gotta be comfortable, you can't be faithful. Write it down if you must be comfortable, you cannot be faithful, it's impossible to be faithful and stay in your comfort zone because God's will will always have those times when it takes you out of your comfort zone. Without exception, God won't let anybody stay in Yolo and please him go pull you out.

Of that group and so look at how far he tested Abraham's obedience on the kill the son of promise and Abraham had to have a willingness to actually do it and then he mentions in the same way. Verse 25 was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them all in a different direction as the body without the spirit is so will be right back with more of today's testing for Victor message from Pastor Paul Sheppard to listen any Pastor Paul's recent broadcast. Be sure to stop by Pastor to listen on demand. That's Pastor genuine faith in Christ goes beyond words, beyond belief. It also goes beyond comfort. Stay with us after today's message Pastor Paul joins me from a studio in California. First, back to the rest of today's message faith on trial when he talks about Abraham is about him having to consider the possibility of killing the son of promise and in case she was a resident of Jericho story and she one just a resident she's a businesswoman in Jericho had a thriving business in Jericho and two spies had come into town from his room to spy out the land that God was going.

Word got out that there spies will come into town and Rahab the prostitute got him to come in, but not for normal business. She said listen, I'm a woman who does deals I know how deals work. We will make this a win-win proposition. I will hide you and then after those who are looking for. The spies leave I will let you out secretly and then when they come to ask about them I'll tell them y'all were here but you live and I'll send them in the direction you're not going. She said that's my side, your side of the deal. This is a pagan woman. She said we God has given you the city, and there's nothing we can do about that when he know God better than believers to know God is giving you your God is stronger than any resistance we can put she said, so your side of the deal with Sage allies and send enemies in the wrong direction and let you get out of here. You have to promise me when you show up, you will spare me mom mom and them all. That woman landed in the lab and when all the godly men and Jacob mold right now because he believed God was real. She was powerful. Three people when I love the spies reaction. They said we can do but what is the have the BS and I will hear no because we don't see we will spare everything in that house but tell you, they better be home.

They came out all all all the you will be a believer means you will go beyond your words real action that represents Jesus go beyond belief and you put yourself in God's will better wherever he takes you just going along for the job. Just take the form arrive God's faith US yet you have experienced God's yet you got a bad report and you said I gotta run that by my maker. First, I can't take your word for what I know your real good doctor got a great reputation, but I can just take your word for testimony. Just this week of a lady who was stage pancreatic cancer on the on the way out here and went to a person with healing services. I just want pram asking God. I want to stay longer want to do God's will want to kill and lay in the playoff faith was and God healed her complete you will have an live until you get a scary report or scary vision God tells you to do something that makes no sense at all. I know been there when I moved to California. This didn't work out on paper at all.

When I got here and find out how much you will pay just to live somewhere like oh this is a different world back then. This was 1989. You can imagine some I got back in 89 for that economy.

It was still every bit a leap of faith to come here and start before when I heard the leaders of the church. It took me around to see where my live once we move and they had me over and free monthly citizens housing present mineral hit and miss that when the church will we will be here helping you some places where asking God to give them a house fund $1000 when I heard back in 1989, praying that I'm going to put down roots here. If you're worried about what will stay stay because God called me to the area. I can buy a house right now charge a small charges but it was $60,000 a year, but give me 24,000 that my opening compensation and they asked me to promise that I would not be by vocationally so we want to be a full-time pastor from day one I used to preach faith, but when I lived in Philly.

I didn't have to really worry about it because the bills being paid like a love I had a good package compensation package. My home church in Philly church. Remember that the time may well come out here to take a pay cut $24,000. Okay solicitous clear up this on my house now get one later suppressed by now. But I heard Joe say you got a new mouse $1000.

They see the rest of the Lord to bless you rent that will cost you less than $1000 a month, way, way out here. You gotta ask God to give you a house under $1000 a month to yes and if it happens it will be God and I found out then that I had been pushed way out of my comfort and I learned then that what I used to preach in Philly worked in California that if you take care God's business take care you let God scan you and if you been scared before know that he probably go skating again and listen. It's a wonderful thing to not know how he's going to always see the visible sign you will remember looking at except the God who is controlling the wheel back when you look at their will be scanning will be blowing you have to learn to put your trust in the one who's in control promise you if you put your trust in you.

Make sure that you are never your faith is on trial. Make sure there's enough evidence. Thanks so much for being here for today's destined for victory message finding the right part for any of Pastor Paul's recent messages online on again that's Pastor right now, I'm pleased to welcome Pastor Paul from his studio in California pester you minister to us each day on the radio and with the various online sources for destined for victory and so encouraging one more thing you do you feel very strongly about this is the monthly encouragement letter goes out to everyone you want to talk about that for a moment. Yeah, absolutely. The one letter I feel strongly about making sure we produce every month is an encouragement letter and so I take some time and based on some teaching of that month, and occasionally is not related to the teaching just something that got put on my heart and that particular time I write a letter to let people know. Not only are we preaching messages but were really trying to impact your life and help you with application because again, our ministry exists to help people know God's son apply God's word and fulfill God's purpose in my encouragement letter is designed to help you know him apply his word fulfill his purpose and so I feel strongly about it and I would encourage people who are not on our mailing list to please take a moment and let us know. Hey, I'd love to get the letter. It's absolutely free is no obligation for no obligation at all. We will take care of the stamp and everything.

All you gotta do is let us know. We can reach you. We'd be happy to send it to you. We can also send it to you by email. And it's important for you to be encouraged month by month and so please let us do that get in touch with us. Give us your email and your mailing address so we can get in touch with you on a monthly basis. While the word encouragement means to give someone support confidence or hope. Sometimes all three is what Pastor Paul seeks to do each month with these letters of encouragement go to the website. Pastor that's Pastor and sign up today you'll be glad you did enter something else for you when you make a generous gift today. Be sure to request a DVD from Pastor Paul called get your hopes up. This is our gift to you each month by request for your generous gift to destined for victory. Call 855-339-5500 or visit Pastor to make a safe and secure donation online. You can also mail your gift to destined for victory PO Box 1767, Fremont, CA 94538 again or address destined for victory. Box 1767, Fremont, CA 94538 know what's going on in your heart. Pay attention to what you're saying.

It's an indication out of the heart the mouth speaks. Your mouth isn't acting on its own is expressing what is in the heart that's tomorrow in Pastor Paul Shepard's message.

What did you say until then, remember he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion. In Christ, you are destined for victory