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Lessons from the Pasture, Part 3 (cont'd)

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard
The Cross Radio
June 8, 2021 8:00 am

Lessons from the Pasture, Part 3 (cont'd)

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard

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June 8, 2021 8:00 am

Examining the life of David to understand how God prepares His leaders in obscurity before He elevates them to their calling in His own timing.

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If you are waiting on God to take you to the next level.

Consider this, he might be waiting for you hello and welcome to Destin for victory with pastor Paul Shepherd, senior pastor at destiny Christian Fellowship in Fremont California. Thanks for making this part of your day going your way next Pastor Paul returns to the story of David in his message lessons from the pasture. First he joins me know from a studio in California will Pastor June is a month we honor our fathers and before we get to your message today.

I thought it might be great for listeners to hear what you learned from your dad would you say is the most important lesson you learned from your father absolutely thanks for bringing that up when my dad meant so much to me. I was blessed to be raised by a man who got saved in his teens. He had a godly mother who raised him and his siblings and she ended up having 10 children on nine of whom survived and she raised them. In short, she had a man who didn't get saved until he was in his 80s, but she learned how to let her light shine and she raise my dad. She told him later when I was pregnant with you.

I laid my hands on my belly and I said, Lord, I want you to make a preacher out of this one, and he was the only preacher of the nine siblings that she had and he preached the gospel faithfully raised his five children. MB a church along with of course my mom and I love the legacy and I think of him often. He died in 2008 as an 81-year-old man, but he was such a blessing to not only to me but to thousands of people as he shared the gospel and I thank God this month in particular for the legacy of a godly father such a great reminder Pastor Paul. Humility precedes almost every good thing God longs to give us, including our salvation in Jesus Christ, thanks for the great word of encouragement.

Speaking of fathers in the wisdom we gain from them. This month we have two very special gifts to share with you yours for your best gift of $25 or more to Destin for victory. The first is pastor Paul's book why God created dad's an insightful and inspirational look the subject of fatherhood through the lens of Scripture.

The second is the audio CD about pastor Paul's father titled attribute to my dad a message delivered by Pastor Paul following the death of his father. Men and women alike will be inspired by these timely resources.

That's why God created dad's and attribute to my dad our gifts to you this month for your best donation of $25 or more to Destin for victory. So, call 855-339-5500 or visit Pastor to make a safe and secure donation online. You can also mail your gift to Destin for victory PO Box 1767, Fremont, CA 94538 again that addresses Destin for victory. Box 1767, Fremont, CA 94538. God wants to take you somewhere you can't handle yet gives you responsibility every gives you increasing your vocation to something that would be able to you ready to handle it because it will turn into pride and destroy you will. God wants to promote you but he won't do it until he's prepared you see this in the life of David who waited 13 years to become king.

You also see it in the life of Christ was tempted 40 days in the wilderness before he could begin his ministry today on Destin for victory. Pastor Paul shares more the life of David as well as the temptation of Christ. So now to share his message lessons from the pasture is pastor Portia God's job is not to make you happy. God's job to teach you how to find your peace and your joy like yourself that the prerequisite that the foundation and all the give you the desires of your heart got some of us right now with what we want to be a blessing. It would be a curse right now you got what you longing the get out when you had the chance to move out away from God.

Now every gives you your dream vehicle you and I get in my car. So God says I'm not in the business of giving you until you're in the business of the lighting yourself and me and he said I'm here to teach you that you don't live by bread alone, you live by what comes out of my mouth. Your call did not wear out your fee did not swell during these 40 years. No man in your heart that as a man disciplines his son so the Lord God disciplines you see, we often think of the brain only has to do with the correction of error that part of discipline but discipline.

Look at the main structure learning system exclusively.teaching you how to live teaching you how to prioritize the kingdom teaching you how to be sad by him before you get the desires of your heart. And the Lord will teach you through the wilderness seasons lessons that you must learn and he goes on to say observe the commands of the Lord your God, walking in his way and revering him for the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land some good things you want to say okay so they have a good land, a land with streams and pools of water springs flowing in the valleys and hills land with weed and barley brine and fig trees, pomegranates, and honey will not be's and you will not be in a land where the rock so you can out of the hills. That's what I'm talking bout now listen to it when you buy the Lord your God for the good land is given you.

Be careful not to forget the Lord your God right now unto you and him until your heart is resolute on him and the bad times. Unless you first learn the discipline of premium from the way you feel. If you can't praise God in bad times.

You can't say thank you my help, my strength God when you're going through a season of challenge or illness given you a negative report that will you believe you have received this blessing provision. When you get the job.

So God says I got some things you gotta learn in the wilderness. I'm driving you into a willing vessel in the wilderness, and so in the case of Jesus.

He's anointed spirit of God is come upon them and the Lord drives them into the wilderness and he fasts and prays for 40 days afterwards.

He's hungry and the devil shows up and puts them through three temptations which parallel what John talks about in his first epistle, first John chapter 2 where there is a verse that says you've got to love not the world, neither the things that are in the world for all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life. They are not of the father, but they are of the world and it's interesting that Jesus was tempted in those three areas.

Lust of the flesh after he's hungry. Satan walks up to him and says you're hungry want to take the stones right here command them to be made bread on any break your fast. The problem was a meeting when you break a faster suppose the when the past is over. That's the thing to do. The problem is it isn't debating the problem is who's creating a menu. The fact that you have cravings in your heart you have long been designed in your heart is not evil. The question is how you have been fulfilled, nor cravings, your desires are themselves able.

But what you do about the helmet determines whether or not it is appropriate and Jesus said he quoted what we just read.

He said to the devil. No, I don't live by bread alone, I live by every word that comes on my father's no. The father didn't tell me to take the stones and make them in the bread so he planned the feed me somewhere else.

That's what some of us have to learn when the devil float something by you to satisfy a craving in your life right now you gotta say no. This is in God's plan for taking care of this need in my life. You know I have a have a sexual drive, I'm a natural human being, you know, past and I'm single and in the Lord has given me a husband or wife, and so you know what Thomas Bolden do when I go to the gym and had no and I see other folk and they start talking to me are go to the job with me, some by one of my spelled you're supposed to do what Jesus did. He said no. This is God's provision for me and I God's provision for me. You don't know Jesus. You not love him not doing as well you not serving them. You're not living the life that pleases him to Be a blessing when God blesses you will be sent got the dust off and scrape often beg to come to church with you that is not a blessing.

Pastor I been amazed at what Pogo tried to make into a blessing drive some and look at it that can be a blessing… And hates you.know how to stand on me how you doing father you want to look at the member ministries we all know about it with you here. God knows what he plans to fulfill you and Jesus said no I'm not he met your request, I meeting when the father instructs me. I wheat where he wants when he wants what he wants.

Second temptation he takes and shows in the kingdoms of the world says I'll get you in the glory of them. If you will bow down and worship me. Lust of the eyes. Jesus passes that test by quoting Scripture again. The Lord says thou shalt worship him only serve him exclusively so he defeats the lust of the flesh with the word he defeats the lust of the eyes with the word then Satan takes him up at the pinnacle of the temple and says since you're the son of God wanted to catch yourself down. And now that the devil knows this is a swordfights of the Bible is a sort of spirit.

So since he held his sword fight Yuki whip out your sword every time until you do so.

So the devils I can play that game to do you know the devil knows the Bible to want to cast yourself down. For it is written, he will keep his angels Lester – your foot against a stone tried to sell them a false promise that if you do something out of the will of God. Gotta protect you any Jesus said it is also written Bible enough to say it is also written Scripture by using got a point there, go away were only about halfway through today's testing for Victor message with pastor Paul Sheppard who was senior pastor of destiny Christian Fellowship in Fremont, California. If you love what you hear on Destin for victory every day. We know you'll enjoy some of Pastor Paul's best video clips subscribed to pastor Paul on YouTube for more details. Be sure to visit pastor that's pastor can find links to all of the social media has God hit the pause button in your life today could mean he's gotten you in a season of preparation so that at the right time to take you into a period of promotion is Pastor Paul. The rest of today's message lessons from the past.

You all can't wait to contact Jeff the five something where you know about the Bible say the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Also written enough to get you also been trouble at all you you have to learn that the word of God have a formula for your victory lessons to be learned in the wilderness and God is not ready to launch you yet you're not ready for greatness. Yet, you're not ready to be in the center of his will get in terms of activity in serving and helping all the recalls in this season of on fulfillment this season of desolation this season where you look around us and what in the world am I doing here, especially with the name resting on me.

I remember well the years in Philadelphia. In fact, the Lord gave me a word back in 1980, through a missionary Viola Brazil she got up to minister at our church and she ran her Scripture and gave her title, and then she said you know the Lord is telling me to do something it's unusual but I better obey God before I try to preach and then she said Paul Sheppard come here.

I was over by the organ because in that season 1980. I was my daddy's organist.

I wasn't in vocational ministry.

I knew there was a call I got all my life I finally stop running from it, but I certainly didn't think it was going be pastoral didn't wanted to be pastoral and so I was playing the organ in my daddy's church and hear this woman is calling me up saying the Lord wants to say something to me and I'm walking up there thinking, what have I done to think of what was my latest sin that I'm bout to be read.

I'm bout to be read in front of my whole church, and I stood up there to serve the Lord told me to tell you there's an enlargement coming into your life. God is good and larger ministry in an amazing way and she said now they're going to be times when you say Lord when will this happen. Don't be intimidated by the people, successes, God knows what he's going to do in your life, wait on him be like Abraham, she said stagger not at the promise of God go entirely, wait for it, for it will come to pass was in 1980 and 1982 I became the associate pastor my home church in Philadelphia and for the next seven years. There were many times when I saw my other friends and colleagues called ministry going out and serving and pastoring and what have you hold in my home church trying to impress folk who knew me all my life and you know in case you don't know. People will know your your life are not that impressed by think you will know you cross the country until you prove yourself among people know you until you so well until they say this house and we see God's hand on God to send me out unproven, so he made me go visit the sick and take care folks and little spiritual babies want to be grown by now and he made me treat Fulbright who were disrespecting me because I had that hometown profit syndrome you know Jesus and the problem is not without honor except in his hometown hometown is Paul and the Lord said, be faithful prove yourself. Love these people serve these people learn how to be a shepherd of my sheep and for seven years. I said, Lord, when is this going to happen when you will send me out.

I'm anointed hope would come to watch people trying to push you out before you season people, you know what you need to start your own church fathers. On the other side of his time and you need to start your own church and I said get the behind me Satan because God knows what he's up to in my life and I gotta wait on him and let me tell you some of you are in the waiting season. Whether it's in your job and your family situation your vocation to wait on the financing the change. No waiting on some major changes that happen in your life. Gotta send some right now that you must bring you into another season. I want to get somebody to say Lord I'm going to wait on you now. Rather people now rather be happy now but God I'm going to wait on you because I believe that your timing is all important was on that God went back to sleep now. But God knows what he's up to God. Also know can you handle the anointing.

Can you go: that's why when you see the prerequisite for Bishop when Paul writes in first Timothy chapter 3 overseer the house of God. He said make sure it is not a new convert. He said because a new convert can handle that level of responsibility.

They would get lifted up in pride and principle applied not only to people in vocational ministry God was to take you somewhere you can handle. Yet you responsibility every name every patient began to increase in your vocation. Something that would be proud about you ready to handle it because it will turn into pride and destroy you, God, so that the teacher some things in the wilderness. My daddy told me the Lord is going take you up slow. So when you get to the top you will be busy and I learned I saw it come to pass in my life. God people up who zipped up who are boss and was never a good follower boss who never followed anybody they will drive you insane. What about obey them, and they never knew how to do the same when they work where you will trying to get some land on the top people at the top. They know how to handle it if they got there. If God hasn't promoted you, he's not done preparing you he want you to be spiritually mature enough to handle that higher calling without thinking too highly of yourself.

Thanks so much for joining us for today's message lessons from the pasture to find out more about the destined for Victor ministry or the special gifts we have as a thank you for your best gift this month. Visit our website pastor that's Pastor tell you that God wants to use you some gifts to you but it is up to you to give God a return on his investment, natural and spiritual potential abilities and endowments we must take them and develop them.

That's tomorrow and pastor Paul Shepard's message lessons from the pasture. Until then, remember he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion. In Christ, you are destined for victory