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Representing Jesus Everywhere We Go

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard
The Cross Radio
April 30, 2021 8:00 am

Representing Jesus Everywhere We Go

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard

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April 30, 2021 8:00 am

Learning what Jesus taught about the influence believers should have in this world.

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People by meeting their needs. When Jesus lived people. Jesus people really hope you have the ability to give them joy to peace. We better say that he found them.

He lifted people will be known as full others. Be imitators of God is dearly beloved children and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you hello and thanks for being here for today's destined for victory with pastor Paul Sheppard does it mean to walk in love, as it look like in real life, as will see today. It looks an awful lot like Jesus, whose example we should try to mimic today's message comes your way.

Next stay with us here or listen to the podcast on demand investor that's Pastor right now. Let's join Pastor Paul for today's destined for victory message presenting Jesus everywhere we go. Jesus means in practical way language was starting to use that terminology in some ways in the body of Christ because of books like Gary Chapman's book the five love languages. Some of you read that where he, set forth the case that people have basically five love languages I don't know that there are only five a, figure more, but I get his general point that people have various love languages and he is trying to help us to love people in a language they speak because you can have love in your heart, but unless that love is communicated in a way that it is received.

On the other end.

The recipient will never feel one number sense your love will never benefit from your love. A couple of examples like he says one language is gifts. Some people need you to give to them and that's the way they receive.

They know your love loving toward them. When you give to them not only said that there are two categories of I see it when it comes to people, giving or are gifts love language that some folk who like to receive this just based on the back that you were thinking about them is not nearly as important as what is behind the get and so some of us like that.

It's the thought that counts kind of people married to one.

My wife is very much and that is the thought that counts on never get years ago the first time I had to pretend Grand Cayman kids were younger in school. She couldn't go with me and I was on this beautiful island I was running the Bible preaching at night and during the day I went down to the Taurus area down with the cruise ships come in and they have all the shops and what have you and I went down there and was looking around and saw something I knew she would like and I picked it up and calls about 10 bucks brought it home with me from that trip and what I thought I had given that woman a flawless diamond. She was no account that I was clear across the ocean thinking about her and stopped and bought this thing just meant the world to her and thinking man, that's a big return for 10 bucks and dollars thing you know you know account.

I mimic some other people want to know.

I know don't like it is thought that counts.

Let me see. All right which it is that so much legal brother that counts. I know you appreciate all but now my question is what exactly were you thinking you want to bless me now, when now I don't have anything like that don't you know know know example of love languages. He talked about the fact of the matter is you learn to love people in a way that means something to them. That's exactly what Jesus did when Jesus people desiring their need and he met their need. When the children came to him on one occasion, parents were bringing their children and the disciples all these children come to Jesus and they tried a short getaway. They thought he was too much above them come to me baby doll love them and doesn't have an ulterior motive. And so Jesus tops little children because that was a felt need for them.

They needed someone to say I love you.

When Jesus came across sick people reach the sinkhole right the gospel to be like Jesus.

There are moments there are times we see everything clearly. But those were predetermined times he was going to begin to speak the word of God up on some mountainside around the seashore. When you see Jesus navigate through the gospel preaching everywhere he goes he is meeting people at the point of their felt need and he's loving them by addressing their needs. So when they were sinking and tell them about the love of God he healed them and show them the level and somebody's got to represent him by meeting the needs of individual when people are where they are when they are going through what they're going through. That is a time for them to know and feel the love language that means something to. In fact, sometimes when people are going through is expressly not the time to preach at that point they need to feel love and affirmation. They need some help please for me call somebody you see somebody sitting there obviously, and wondering all day on attic and I don't want to enable know what that is like when you gotta come to discern what you're dealing with here but every now and then when I come across someone and they asked for food and I'm not quite sure whether it's an addiction to try and say what we right here by shot want to come on in here with me. I'll buy you some okay I see where you are in our global mobility. Don't feel guilty, but if they so would love them. I thank you so much, but I think my own and is not the time to preach crank you when you hungry hungry.

John 316 speech E let him know and then you can say you know God loves you has a plan for your life and you can share your faith I'm doing this because I know how important it is for people to feel the love of God and and I'm just a child of God been saved by his grace.

Whatever you want to say but don't believe what gospel lien when meeting felt me and so Jesus met people at the point of the needy Tufts children who needed a touching healed people who needed healing and he was their greatest lover.

He was the lover of man's soul people are longing to be there is a yearning to be love in our world diene for love literally dying for love. Starving for love and we've got to go out into the world and left people, we gotta be nice to people. Jesus was just flat out nice to people.

That's all just nice to them when they saw him, he wasn't scary. It was nice to people he spoke to people who didn't speak back to him represent.

We do the same thing you can do on you call some people don't have the love of God. If you have a new gotta show it when you get to work. Not always bring to your friends think that a person who has never spoken to you since you been working there and all just doing one time, do it every time you see I got a neighbor. I have yet to have him way back when I wave, keep all wave. I know you looking at me wondering why I married you because I do.

That's why I bring in your property value down back my house look better than yours, but you just have to love people because they are people loves and is way way better came along. You wonder what they're thinking. But listen, if you're going to love people just love them for no reason other than God loves them and you are his conduit and so does love them because God loves and I'm here to tell you that Jesus love people without an ulterior motive. He just be love.

Not only your friend but Jesus taught us to love our enemies. See that's not a natural instinct got it to me say God I want to be available to you for your use. That's not a natural tendency you don't like me out like you. You stay away from it. We will have a problem snatcher. We all start their represent Christ you have the goal toward the Bible says why we were here means Christ died for us. You can just react to people you love them even though they are hateful toward you, and in so doing you show the love of Christ you know if you're just religious but don't show the love of Christ will be as hateful or more hateful than seven will be right back with more of today's destined for the true message from Pastor Paul Sheppard who senior pastor destiny Christian Fellowship in Fremont, California listen to the broadcast on demand. Pastor that's Pastor There you will find a host of great resources that are online store. Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself. Someone immediately asking the question who is my neighbor may know the answer, but it's always good to be reminded. So here's Pastor Paul with the rest of today's message representing Jesus everywhere we go to holy people, so-called holy people who were just flat out mean oh I know what truckload of not just holding me so smile solely they can crack a joke so they can be anywhere near anything ungodly to holy Jesus because Jesus was holy enough world war. Now some qualifies if you want someone smoking around you because of the impact of secondhand smoke. That's fine. I understand that that's a health risk way to communicate that.

So you and I would really love you want a cigarette and I'm concerned about secondhand smoke when you're done with that we set out until the end that way they can know you're interested in them you have a concern about the small but don't make it your testimony of Jesus that you will be a little smoker. Somebody got along that you don't deal with somebody who have alcohol on their brand. Somebody's got to love them, you will deal with somebody who does draw some and so Jesus loved people.

One day when he was teaching the great commandment he said love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself, and somebody asked them well. Now who is my neighbor because you know that we try to get technical, we, God, I will be okay now love my neighbor as myself. Okay, define neighbor. They were hoping that that there something That we can still treat the way we want to treat how Jesus responded to the question within the context that he gave us what we call the parable of the good Samaritan. Remember that story and Jesus said, well, there was a man walking down the Jericho Road and he was accosted by some robbers who beat him him strip them half naked and wounded him severely and very is laying there bleeding and wounded on the side of the road and he says that a priest comes by cesium passes by on the other side wants nothing to do with so Levi comes by cesium passes by on the other side wants nothing to do with that represents the religious folk that represents the people want to worship God and praise God and represent God but here is a person that God loves in desperate need and somehow their religion allows them to ignore them. And Jesus said, but then along comes a Samaritan you know why he chose a Samaritan in the story because Samaritans were despised by Jews. Jews thought they were better than he Samaritans the Samaritans going deserve for us to speak to them. They are halfbreed people that are not fully fledged Jews.

We really don't have to associate with them.

In John four when Jesus is at the well and the Samaritan woman comes to notice her shock when he speaks to her dynamics.

She said I'm a Samaritan you are and you she couldn't figure out why he was even speaking to her left because of the love of God and Jesus and the Samaritan comes along would've been despised had that man laying there been well and had his stuff and not been beaten half to death. This is a Samaritan eyes and the only thing willing to help them is somebody he doesn't like the Bible says Jesus said that the man dresses his wounds on his donkey and Wally left the man lied on his transportation takes him to a local in and says take care of this man continue to get him well let him stay here as long as the means to an order for him to get well and when I come back I will pay you Jesus said now of the three who do you think was neighborly.

You see when Jesus says love your neighbor you… I love your nice neighbor and is easy. Love you nicely talk about love your hateful neighbor love the person who would have nothing to do with you love the person who rejects anything from anyone that made this love them intentionally love them in a way that speaks to their heart issue and when you see a person in need. Do not shut up your bowels of compassion but meet their need and we got to understand how this works.

We got understand that God has called us to be people who represent his love. God loves everybody. He loves the despised of the world. We gotta stop categorizing people. We got to see all the abusive people of God's love, and they deserve to know us that there was a God who loves me despite how I do what I Jesus love people. What else did Jesus do he not only loved people by meeting their needs.

But Jesus lifted people. In other words, when Jesus found you. By the time he left you. You were better all than when he first came to you Jesus people have the ability to them.

Hope you have the ability to give them joy to give them please leave them in better shape than he found them good people will be known as full others people our attention because they know we're only going to do them harm the words that affirm the words and build up that help them.

I know Chris and the only thing they had to say is something condemning specially the unbelievers always reminded people of their sins. Jesus can do that what Jesus reminded people is the Savior who came to free them from this is a very different dynamic.

But Jesus says no I'm here to convince you to a higher place and so are we going to represent his kingdom in the world. We gotta get the condemnation condemning sinners will be in sinners that their job center. That's what I do. Don't condemn people for being who they are. Don't condone what they do. That's out of the will of God, but rather by your love and by your propensity to lift them convince them that God has a better plan for their lives. Convince them that the day is coming when we will all stand before the Lord and they have the opportunity to stand in the righteousness of Jesus, a bona fide child to tell you my friend that God wants to love people through us not just nice people, not just kind people he wants to love the world through. I will let you know.

Jesus also wants to people's lives and he needs us as his agents.

Thanks so much for joining us for today's message representing Jesus everywhere we go.

Always glad to have you with us will every day here on Destin for victory. We ask people to stand with us financially. That's because we are a listener supported ministry_there for just a moment.

This means the only way we exist is through the prayers and financial support of people just like you and in 2021.

Our prayers that you might consider if you've not done so already becoming a Destin for victory partner partners are special group of people to give a monthly gift of at least $20 if you can make that commitment. Today we have some special gifts. I'll tell you about in just a moment but pastor Paul take a moment and tell us why partners are so important to this ministry you I'm glad you brought that up when partners are really the lifeline of this ministry without those people committed to giving regularly. We literally could not continue doing what were doing. I guess people hear that a lot, but it is really true without partners. We simply can't get the gospel out to the world. The gospel is free but the plumbing cost an awful lot of money and we want to continue preaching.

As I've said in times past we've got generations to reach that have never heard the gospel and they misunderstand when they hear people talk about things like serving the Lord and we need to make it plain to them. The only way I can do it is with my partners, helping us reach them through their generous gifts. I'm so grateful for every single partner and I'm playing in 2021. That God will give us thousands more. There are many more outlets and many more opportunities we could take advantage of in our ministry but the only thing that holds us back is lack of income.

So I'm praying that God's going to touch the heart of many more people to realize that with just your gift of $20 or more. You can help us remain strong on the stations and outlets were on and reach many more with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Right thanks pastor that's what it's all about reaching more people with the gospel.

If you make that commitment by pledging $20 or more per month to help us do that will send you with our thanks a couple of great gifts including one of Pastor Paul's most popular CDs.

The best of let my people smile.

It's a compilation of some of Pastor Paul's most humorous illustrations and stories, something that will be sure to make you laugh and learn at the same time, call 855-339-5500 or mail your gift letting us know you wish to become a partner. The address is destine for victory PO Box 1767, Fremont, CA 94538 course you can also sign up by clicking become a partner right at the top of the and if you're already a partner pastor. Paul and I want to say a heartfelt thank you and challenge you to consider becoming a legacy partner. These are special ministry friends are able to support us with gifts of $2500 or more each year.

The details are available at the website. Pastor or by calling 855-339-5500. Now if you can't become a partner today but would like to make a generous one-time donation to Destin for victory. We would like to send you by request Pastor Paul's booklet on a solid foundation that's built on a solid foundation.

This book from Pastor Paul. Our gift to you by request for your gift to Destin for victory is all the time we have for today but join us next time pastor Paul Sheppard shares his message in praise of godly women. Until then, enjoy your weekend and remember he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion. In Christ, you are destined for victory