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Get Your Shine On…As You Give (cont'd)

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard
The Cross Radio
March 10, 2021 7:00 am

Get Your Shine On…As You Give (cont'd)

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard

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March 10, 2021 7:00 am

Practical lessons from Jesus regarding why, how, and what we should give; based on Matt. 6:1-4.

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Understand the heart of God sent Jesus. That's because the heart of God is not just about having your motive right and having your map and ride Jesus say it also matters how much you give watch the based on your ability to do this with second Corinthians 96 says about giving whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully hello and welcome to this Wednesday. Addition of Destin for victory with pastor Paul Sheppard while she didn't offer much only a few pennies.

Some would've said she'd given sparingly.

As you'll see today. Jesus knew her circumstances, he saw her face, and he told his disciples that she had out given everyone in the room. Pastor Paul's message is coming right up. Stay with us here or visit pastor any time to listen to Destin for victory on demand. You can also download the podcast at spot of fire or wherever you like to get your podcasts must join Pastor Paul for today's message.

Get your shine on as you give glad that we live in America we live in a country that at least now allows us to get Jim for our charitable giving included to churches and ministries.

I'm so grateful for that. Sometimes I want to focus a pastor I don't do envelopes and stuff and I don't want a record because it is not does not want given and I think what why don't you let us give your record because you can use that to get some money back but something just feel like somehow that's a conflict with them how one.

I don't want to do so.

Okay. And I will give you your receipt if that's what you want fact of the matter is no tax adduction way.

So since I then asked what I'm going to do, but here's my point. The bank comes in America where they no longer get most charitable deductions for giving to the kingdom of God and that they could come the more secular people begin to think more. It's a possibility. I hope it happened in my lifetime but it's a possibility happens. We no longer get any charitable did the kids guess what I'm giving shouldn't change one bit because we're giving so that God's kingdom is advanced, and so our Lord will come from him. Amen. But I just need you to know that God is looking motive and is looking at the method don't do it to be saying.

He says don't do it because it's about men, he said, give with the right heart and give them a very low-key way. Now let me just clarify one more thing I've heard people say all I don't like it sometime when there's a building fund or something going on. They'll talk about some churches I've been to churches would've called him names of the biggest papers so they just gave 25,000 and $50,000 to the building for $100,000 to build whatever it is and something like that at all. Well when you get to be sure not to call my name, but the fact of the matter is it's a wonderful thing because sometimes, since your heart is right and you're not getting to be seen what your gift can do though is motivate other people to give you something as a man who now as I said, has a media ministry.

Sometimes large donors say I want this to be a matching gift. There are people say I will give you ministry $10,000 if you will challenge other listeners in the case of Destin for victory other listeners to do by the end of the week and have other givers combined. Get $10,000. Then I'll send you an additional 10,000 so they put it out as a kind of challenge and is nothing wrong because it helps a lot ministries you him on the broadcast and for all. We got a matching gift.

How much is it but I need you to get this week so that we can match this is subject to be received. I don't have anything wrong with that. I wish somebody would give me some big money and say less set this up as a matching dip. I will be all set.

All I got a matching gift, but the fact of the matter is you want to watch your motive and you want to watch your method motive and method are truly important life because why we give matters to God sucking point was how we give matters to God. I want to spend the rest of this message talking about what we give to God what we give matters to God.

Now the fact of the matter is what we give matters to God what is given to ministries given to families in many different individuals matters to God because if you're giving God's heart. God never gives them a stingy way.

Now if you drop out. I brought five segments with me in my pocket. I'll just pull one out and I'll keep on going. So if you drop out to just go ahead on and drop out, but what should give what you talking about giving the help somebody in the way, given to a family when you come by giving to a charitable organization, given a Destin for victory, given the density Christian Fellowship matters what you did because Jesus is teaching us here if you're giving to let your light shine the light and so you're giving come straight from my heart and he says I'm not a stingy God. How many of you all know that if God had ever been stingy with you all. Come on church.

Think about this God had been stingy with you that God had ever decided not given him that much. I don't feel like given him that much. I just give him a little bit may be all right all how messed up.

Would we be if God works intentionally stands he would love us instead read your Bible, you will see that God is love on us… Love also little bit God will choose his love on us all that the prodigal son is not about human relationships. It's about how God feels about you and me and we are the son who went out to sleep and wildly and got rid of all these wonderful resources broken messed up and then finally we made our way back to the Lord. When you get back to what God shows us the father of all was getting for the sun and when he saw the sun while the sun is walking toward the father is aimed toward the sun. That's the lavish love of God. God will use to us to show us how much he loves us and then when he gets there. What is he doing embraces him. He kisses him.

He does not allow himself to save his board without it disrespected me and made embarrassment of our family. God him with low watch in this service ever been covered by the love of God: now that God's love just well you just to the polls you were bad but God said no child people thought you should never be received by call. But God said that is my child. Well, maybe you'll be a worker in the field and also notices my son. Not only am I bringing them home. Look what God did he die waiting he gave them sandals for his feet and throw him a party. That's the lavish love of God. That's how much God loves you so we give matters to God.

If you don't believe what we get matters to God. Have you ever noticed that in two of the Gospels is recorded in both Mark's gospel and loops.

Let's look at Mark's gospel chapter 12 something Jesus stated in verse 41 of Mark 12 now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury.

Stop right there for a minute now. Jesus said I he tells a story of I was looking at the offering talk about politically incorrect. Jesus said I was sitting where I could see what the people gain he said and I watched them as they put the money into the treasury to breeding were rich put in much that looks like that's going to limit government rich people and they gave a lot. Praise God for that verse. Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make up quadrants that was an ancient Roman coin.

It was literally like 1/4 she came around and dropped in what we would consider 1/4 look at verse 43 Jesus called his disciples and said shortly.

I say to you, this widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury rate.

This lady dropped the quarter in Jesus called his disciples that I want you to know.

She just gave the rich people who gave much medicine you need to understand the heart of God. So Jesus said that's because the heart of God is not just about having your motive right and having your method right Jesus is saying.

It also matters how much you watch this based on your ability to do the rich have a lot well in there giving. It was lots.

Jesus called it gave a lot, but they have a whole lot from whence the give.

He said, by contrast, this little window meaning in Jesus day. She has no husband to support her. She doesn't have a job. She doesn't have a way to constantly generate additional income. She has very little to live on and she gave of what we would call 1/4 and Jesus said she gave more than they did.

Why verse 44 out of all of their abundance. They gave bears, but she out of her poverty. She put in all that she had her head livelihood. Reminds me of that reminds me of the widow observed that back in first Kings chapter 17. Remember when God said Elijah first by the book he drank from the broken and the ravens fed them and then one day the boat dried up and all the Raven stop flying in and the Lord spoke to Elijah and said I'm going to keep providing for you, but the wind will do at this time is ongoing do it through a window in 05. He said I want to go to her and ask her to feed you now walk by faith as a man of God, Lord, will send you to some widow and tell you tell her God said you supposed to feed me coming up next. The rest of today's message get your shine on as you give with pastor Paul Shepherd, senior pastor, destiny Christian Fellowship located in Fremont, California. If you've never stop by our website pastor I invite you to do today you find all the pastor Paul's recent messages on demand is a host of great resources or online store, including books and DVD messages from Pastor Paul pastor is also a great place to learn more about this ministry and all the great things friends like you are doing for your prayers and financial support to watch selected video clips of Pastor Paul subscribe YouTube for more details and links to all the social media visit pastor sewing bountifully isn't about how much you care if it's about how much you give in relation to what you have is pastor Paul with the rest of today's message get your shine on as you give even imagine. I can't even imagine showing up at somebody's house saying the Lord said you supposed to give me some food in a drought and famine.

I will eat.

I can't even imagine the Lord sent me I have to do it but I sure hope he never pushes that, but I don't want to see the look on her face when I show up to my God, said media look at what Jesus said. He said this woman gave all she had and that's the same thing.

God told that widow observed that the do because the text also tells you that she knew in her heart. God had commanded her to feed the prophet so we got to her house. She wasn't surprised.

She had a sense that something was going to test their faith soon as she heard his word. She knew in our hearts. This is God. And so she had and she has a son of the last food she has.

She feeds the man of God and when she did that. They looked over and Neil was flowing out of the barrel, and an oil was was flowing out of the jar and she made it for the rest of the famine God supernaturally supplied it. Why because she gave all that she had the matter is, when I called to give all that we have every time she does making the point that you give generously and as an act of obedience is extremely important to God. I need you to know that is why in today's world we have a whole lot of people who rail against especially churches like ours that teach that you should give generously to the kingdom. All the years I've been a pastor every now and I want somebody who's in the ball is in New Testament and I hope I would focus with tithing as the weather's New Testament something say tithing is in the law and will not under the law. Well, tithing predates the law. The first time there in your Bible is Abraham. Abraham and his son Tai Isaac tied tithing predated all it's not a law thing.

It is an act of worship when seeking to be generous and to say thank you Lord for giving me the ability to sell into the kingdom of God. But let me help you understand something, even if you want to fight against tithing.

And that's not New Testament you want to say I said the people to use. Okay, let's set aside tithing. What is the New Testament standard for giving and they say get whatever you decide in your heart to give. That's what Paul said to the church at: read everything he said to the children: the other thing he said is he that sold generously will also reap generously. So don't just tell me is whatever you decide your heart. The apostle Paul said and make sure what you decide in your heart is generous now. Now, brothers and sister let me just help you because I'm trying to help you get blessed with high priest, tithing. When I preach, giving generously to get from young trying to help you understand that your shine on by giving sets, you will be blessed because Paul said whoever so generously will also reap generously. I hope you're like me and you don't mind.

Reap in generous blessings from the Lord. I want generous blessings from the Lord. So it is my pleasure to give generously, not only in the New Testament the first time. Look at the law enforcement to the first time you see giving in your Bible.

It's all the way back in Genesis chapter 4 and what is it about it is about Cain and Abel. Genesis chapter 4.

Let me just walk you through this real quick. I'm almost done. I want you to get this look at what the Bible says Genesis for beginning in verse two.

Now Abel was a keeper of the sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the Lord. Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat Mexicans.

The Lord respected Abel and his offering he did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell and I love verse six the Lord said to came you angry. Why has your countenance fallen and then verse seven if you do well, will you not be accepted. In other words guys all know what you got attitude for the one who gave stingy set yourself up to be blessed what you all downcast about why you angry with your brother he gave in a way that please you had the same opportunity. Let me save you my friend my brother sister God wants to bless you and bless you to let your light shine in this dark world already set you up to.

If you give right from the place.

If you get right from the measurement place, and if the amount of your giving is what God wants you to give so generously giving whether your giving to the kingdom that all to be the first in the highest priority. Why because we want to give in order to advance the kingdom. The kingdom is the only organization that is dealing not only with time, but with eternity, but we also want to get to the needs of other people.

We want to give the folks in me.

If you know some people we need to pray all the times and was reaching a pocket.

Sometime we get spiritually belongs. I will let me pray about it is when you want to say, Lord, what should I do only good news reaching your pocket is what you need here. Let me let me bless you with this. Why, because the more I release God's resources have open hands for him to give to me. I want to save you say you want to get your shine on, but you stingy let God. Let God deliver you from stinginess right now.

Let God love you. You know why because you're blocking your own blessing. Just like Cain you're blocking your own blessing by giving just some of the fruit of the ground in the course of time, no dip systematically give generously give intentionally killing Dave in a very haphazard manner, but his brother Abel. Look at what is said gave him the first fruit of his blocks and he gave very very generously and lavishly, and the Lord respected his offering. I hope you like me and you want God to respect how you give to the kingdom and how you give to bless other people make sure you know that you're given isn't just about what people see what people know you're giving is an act between you and God goes to people goes to organizations goals to establish goals to individuals, but it comes from the heart of God.

And if you will give from the heart of God. I have seen God. Not list goals check their motive.

Make sure the why is right and all is right and what is right. I've never seen the righteous forsaken.

Here's God's promise to you today from Luke 638 give, and it will be given to you good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.

Thanks for joining us for today's destined for victory message get your shine on as you give if you need prayer, please visit Pastor and use the contact feature at the top of the homepage to share your request with us the ministry team here destined for victory considers it a privilege to join you in prayer so contact us today and when you do, be sure to ask for Pastor Paul's monthly letter of encouragement. Yours, at no cost or obligation. And here's something else. A booklet from Pastor Paul called your purpose is calling if you're seeking God specific will for your life. This will be a great resource for you, one that will give you three directives to help you discover his unique plans for you. That's your purpose is calling our gift to you by request for your generous gift to Destin for victory call us at 855-339-5500 to give your gift over the phone or mail it to destined for victory PO Box 1767, Fremont, CA 94538. You can also make a safe and secure donation for my website. Pastor thanks in advance for helping keep destined for victory on the air. Believers in Christ should be people of prayer. But why we praise every bit as important as what we pray is Pastor Paul. We auto examine why we pray and Jesus said, make sure you're not praying to impress anybody that's his point here. Make sure that you are not trying to impress people instead you need to pray because you need a face-to-face encounter with the Lord every day of your life.

That's next time in Pastor Paul Shepard's message get your shine on as you pray. Until then, remember he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion. In Christ, you are destined for victory