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Praying About Personal Needs and Desires, Part 2

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard
The Cross Radio
January 26, 2021 7:00 am

Praying About Personal Needs and Desires, Part 2

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard

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January 26, 2021 7:00 am

Understanding key biblical principles and guidelines for making personal requests when we pray; forgiving those who trespass against us; based on Matthew 6:11-12. (Included in the 5-part series "When You Pray".)

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Marriage is relationship building is okay if you so use all their name in lights when you were walking down this great I don't care what experience you have that knowledge, you're going to get through some things besides play to learn how to fight fair, all you had to learn how to sacrifice. It's been said that the family that prays together stays together, but to have the best marriage and family life.

You possibly can. You have to do a few other things along the way. Hello and welcome to Destin for victory with pastor Paul Sheppard, senior pastor of destiny Christian Fellowship in Fremont, California. Prayer is a powerful weapon not even prayer can solve everything. Sometimes we have to roll up our sleeves and do little hard work today pastor Paul reminds us that when it comes to finding a spouse in building a healthy godly marriage. Prayer is a great place to start. But it's only a start. Today's message comes your way. Next stay with us now if you can remember you can always go to pastor to listen on demand. That's pastor Paul here is Pastor Paul. Today's Destin for victory message praying about personal needs and desires. John 1413 Jesus said, whatever you ask in my name I will do why that the father may be glorified in the son. And so I taught in the last message about the importance of being mindful of praying and his name was that mean that means to pray in his authority to play in his stead, to pray on his behalf.

You get to be a powerful prayer is what Jesus would've asked when he was here. It's a prayer in his name when you're asking in his authority and I talked about the fact that we need to learn that Jesus is not a genie in a bottle and he has his own agenda, his own plan and purpose for our lives, so we gotta get in sync with his main.

The second guideline. The second principle that you need to keep in mind is to be mindful of corresponding passages never take one Scripture and not that I could speed the statement about that topic because there are corresponding passages throughout the Bible, will I mean their cross-references so when you look your best to cross reference it when you study your Bible and say what else did Jesus say about this or what else the apostle say about this. What else does the Bible have to say in general and cross reference so that you get a full understanding all the will of God.

Okay, make sure you understand now that you must be mindful of corresponding passages. What I said last time many true statements you select one and follow it blindly it will become a falsehood and you a fanatic, so you want to learn how to study and study correctly.

Mindful of the name of Jesus. Be mindful of corresponding passages number three be mindful of the choices others have the right to make when you pray you don't get to usurp somebody else's authority about their life. They have a right so when you pray you don't get to say God I want you to do this and that this, you're asking for.

Makes their decision for them. You don't have that authority. I gave example of marriage. I said that when I was young and single. There were several people as I was a young evangelist preaching youth ministries around the country. In all, there were several single systems and wanted to get married and certainly not wrong. We want to get married but some of them were praying and maybe I come to their church preaching as a young evangelist at the same time there praying about God. I want to be married and so I show up and distill them right what I was fast he came and preached and so what that meant to them will also.

God is showing me this is my husband. Now, he's not because that makes my decision for me. You see what I'm saying I got to choose who I was going to marry.

There were a lot of wonderful people throughout the kingdom of God. I could imagine bit in the will of God, but I got to make that choice. You can get in your prayer closet pick me and my wife told me as I started preaching and talking about that kind of thing from time to time USENET example one time. She's a baby the next time and from now on whenever you tell that story about all the people around the country and in our home church who want to mentor you.

Please tell them I was not one of them. Caesar please let me know I was not in the Paul Sheppard sweepstakes. She was there and she was available and all photocell she liked the brother my brother and said he's mind two different things because she figured, and rightly so. I call somebody of mine who hasn't called me that there's no call you my new card will sell some else you lose because it's your life to live there, but understand that. So I'm telling y'all now. It's only reckon she's right here that she was not one of them. Yes he did, like me, but she was waiting to see what I was going to cease only date of the people in the same church for years teenagers all and so she saw a little beaten and what have you, and she just said okay whatever people do with what she can put her life on hold. She would sit around waiting so many nights I sit by my window waiting for someone to sing me a song. I admit when I showed up with a plan now see new okay that is what Eagle do all right, we don't know, but she was like she had the right position. That's what everybody is that you can't make decisions for other people were not authorized to do that in effect I sent a shocking thing. I said, not even God was go make a decision about who I married and not shock some folks, but I need you to understand that now I get it. There are some people in the kingdom who like to believe that marriage is a created heaven in eternity past that God is on high. Some people believe that these eHarmony on high or black folk get together on high with the name of that was what is it black people on high. He's not old or why people meet. Is that whatever the all.I know I got a broad multicultural audit now will you be involved in your decision-making.

Absolutely will be partner with you in anything you say Lord I want to be sensitive to go well because they are things the Lord can steer you away from. If you trust them. I know people were all in love with somebody. And because they were prayerful about it the more told them marry him. I know a few folks who had a testimony to the Lord said don't do that. Bless you because one of the systems that had a testimony. She said we working days invitations out in the Lord told me not to marry him and she broke it off because the Lord just gave her a very clear sense. This is the decision you will need to make only to find out later on that man had an incurable disease and he checked out here in the Lord spared her a whole lot of stuff and so missing he'll be involved in your decision-making. Remember him serving when Abraham was old and he said to his eldest servant, he said I want you to swear me that you will not find a woman for my son Isaac to marry from the Canaanite nations, and he told him. I don't get to do it, I'm going to be with the Lord but I need you to do this and his servants will and when the servant said Lord I don't know how to do this, but I want you to honor that man that you chose is your servant, and he said to honor him, Lord, you send me where I need to go so that I can make the kind of choice Abraham would've made for this still ahead. The second half of Pastor Paul Sheppard's message praying about personal needs and desires to listen to any of Pastor Paul's recent broadcasts. Stop by Pastor any time to listen on demand. That's Pastor we can contact us for prayer shop or online store or make a safe and secure donation to the ministry there online and up next. Pastor Paul outlines three ways that people go about the business of finding a husband or wife joining the studio after today's message. So stay with us right now. Let's join him for the rest of this message, praying about personal needs and desires simply is you get to choose your spouse. Now when it comes to styles of how that happened.

We married basically in three different ways. There are some people who believe in the Cinderella.

I call it the Cinderella theory so you'll just have to believe there was one person on earth you're supposed to hook up with.

I get it that's what you believe. God bless is not true but you believe it call is one person said that's a nice romantic I did.

It is one person on earth who is your soul mate and some wonderful romantic idea is not in the Bible so but if you want to knock yourself out looking for that one. That's the Cinderella theory because you know the prince was born around with this glass slipper and how he got to find a foot that exactly fits this going around trying on all the different feet looking for that one and when he found her in the devil was trying to hide or yell.

Remember that back in the devil trying to keep the place but but you know on the gates and and so founded may got together wonderful lots of people believe that some when you find who you think is your one and only person there went to do the work to make that happen. That's my one point I really need to drive home you can think they would only person in the universe. He was both American but I promise you I know several folks thought God gave me the exact one, and I have counseled them. You know the point I'm making marriage is work relationship building his work don't care if you saw you saw their name in lights when you were walking down the street. I don't care what esoteric experience you have. Make that marriage walk you're going to do some things besides pray to learn how to fight fair, all you had to learn how to sacrifice you had learns okay we don't do this your way this time.

Next time we doing it my way.

You gotta figure out ways to make it happen compromise because marriage is if you know people say we've been married 23 years and we have never had a fight, walk away, walk away because you know what that means somebody is holding a whole lot in 23 years now hold the whole lot in and when you are not going to be anywhere when they decide yes I know you want to kill them know we won't catch a case today.

Are you hear what I'm saying is going to work regardless you can romanticize it all you want. Romance doesn't replace the work it takes to make this thing happen and happen. Well, I don't care how much God was imminent. So we all believe the Cinderella but you still want to work some of you all are like me the feeling that you marry based on.

I call it a good size 8 will do they already know people you could Marion be in the will of God. You decide which one you want to greet him. You just saw the executive pastor has chosen his bride to be. Not only are you going home praying against what it would be funny if it were true, full, who had meetings against wedding yes yes because they don't want these two people believe to the right one. I believe that devil Santa doesn't get spooky in the worst way of seeing people marriage to the side whether these two people get married decide whether to get married and you can go to just that Lord give me the grace to smile be happy for them because when my day, I won't folk happy for me. When you do it you want to be blessed be a blessing to somebody who is blessed don't get mad when the blast get calls to celebrate them so that you show when you blessed me to and they are number folk you could marry. The trick is 1251 – 01. That's why you want to make it work well.

You don't get to trial on various you throughout your lifetime and be in the will of God. All past the present Bible to you.

I know we live in a day where full just trying on the bow like that they got all walk around for a while that is not right take that off.


God wants us to my one person one man one woman for a lifetime. That's the ideal yes their divorce happen sometimes, but it shouldn't happen because you and I aren't doing things the way God wants them. The only three people by the CD but this time because I'm hurt my feelings. I took the fantasy away but I'm trying to dictate I'm committed to the truth you find the right size 8 works for you style you like something like he'll somebody don't like sneakers don't buy sneakers looking for heals all Pastor trying to help you. I want to hear you about whales. Don't try to change somebody wants to get this she was healed.

You bought us. The other thing is more than half the people who marry on the planet today, Christians and non-Christians alike.

They marry through arrangement bridges. You don't think just in terms of the Western Hemisphere where the ones that are hung up on romance.

There are places in the world where people get to say nothing about it. Their parents, their loved ones. The elders and their family.

You will marry. I got a memo discharge right now. He went to his country of origin to meet his wife, his parents introduced him to his wife get to know what you will spend the rest of your life with more than half the people God gives that you see a lot of exactly what I was doing. I will now go find your wife because wife got him find a servant and gave him the guidelines and the servant without prayer and service and Lord tell you what to put out a fleece on a standby does well and I want you to send a woman to this well and she will offer me water to go take good care of me and Lord W sign you are Abraham's desire & I will know who to pick and God read your Bible. Isaac was mourning the death of his mama and during that time of bereavement. Here comes a servant with a woman, and he looked up and saw his wife hadn't said thank you Jesus. But again, it doesn't mean you don't have any trouble trouble free to what you said about Rebecca. That was nice. Of those, my soul got but once they got pregnant he come the drama Jacob and Esau see where may God see if I'd married) know they would just dysfunctional.

Rebecca, the one shop better than the other child is functional. My point is we have to learn to respect the decisions of the people have the right to make the Bible says Paul said in first Corinthians 7 marry who you will accept.

Make sure there were in the Lord, now let me just flesh that out a little bit marry who shares your values and your vision because some folks are kingdom powers, but they got a different vision for life and you have on the mission field, and I see myself in the good old US of what I'll pray for you out in the jungle, but no call, so that's what I mean. You gotta make sure there's compatible visions. You gotta make sure there's comparable values, lifestyle is compatible. Some people just have a very different view of life and you do not fast about whether you get married.

I got work for you right now was no thanks so much for being here for today's destined for victory message prayed about personal needs and desires before we send you off. Pastor Paul has joined me from his studio in California pastor. Thank you for your time. We started this year with a couple of messages that look toward the future. In fact the book were offered to everyone who gives such a generous gift right now is, it pays to serve Jesus. Let's talk about the booklet and what Senate houses could be helpful to us. Yeah, I'm glad to talk about this booklet it's based on a series that I did entitled, it will be so worth it and it's a series where I look at the encounter Jesus had with a man we call the rich young ruler, and he came to Jesus really eager to find out what it would take to receive and enjoy eternal life. And when Jesus told him what it would take.

He walked away sad because he was unwilling to part with his many possessions in order to gain eternal life. After that encounter the disciples said, well, we've given up everything in it, made them rethink okay what we get out of this deal we gave up everything and what we have to look forward to. And Jesus response is what the series is based on Jesus said no one gives up everything and he listed a number of things he said who doesn't receive in this life with persecution 100 fold. And then they'll receive eternal life thereafter and I'm helping people understand that an eternal perspective must always be in focus. The fact is, it pays it really does pay both in this life and in the life to come. It pays to serve Jesus but it calls us to sacrifice and to surrender and those of us that are willing to do it. We're going to see God bless us in wonderful ways.

Great word of encouragement pastor. Thank you and would love for you to have a copy.

This booklet based on the message you heard today. Consider the words of our Lord in the Gospel of Luke verses 29 and 30 truly I tell you, no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times more in this age and in the age to come eternal life. Well, this is a promise from the very mouth of God.

And as you dive into this resource from Pastor Paul you be encouraged to remember that every promise God makes is a promise. God keeps again the booklet is called, it pays to serve Jesus and it is our gift to you by request for your generous gift to destined for victory today.

Call 855-339-5500 to give over the phone or visit Pastor to make a safe and secure donation online. You can also mail your gift to destined for victory PO Box 1767, Fremont, CA 94538 well kinda what you gotta read the context what's the time that you will abide in me and my words abide in you is because it abide in him is not abide in you is what you desire God to do it. That's next time in Pastor Paul Shepard's message prayed about personal needs and desires, but until then, remember he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion.

In Christ, you are destined for victory