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Taking Away Our Excuses (cont'd)

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard
The Cross Radio
October 12, 2020 8:00 am

Taking Away Our Excuses (cont'd)

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard

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October 12, 2020 8:00 am

How God views and uses our weaknesses and the things about us that are unremarkable; what it means to "wait" on the Lord; based on the life of Gideon. (Included in the 8-part series "From Worrier to Warrior".)

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They that wait upon the Lord, are those who have finally come to figure out. I can't make it without him that that's not just some little huge sounding statement that is the reality of my life that I needed him desperately that I knew him every day that I need them every moment of every day they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall walk and not faint. Hello and thanks for being here for this Monday edition of Destin for victory with pastor Paul Sheppard. We hear that familiar verse from Isaiah.

We may think weight has everything to do with time, as if God is asking us to sit around idly until he asked before we move forward in faith today pastor Paul explains of the word weight in the original Hebrew text is nothing to do with time. It's relational not chronological, stay right here, or download the podcast on that's modify or wherever you go to get your podcasts down here is Pastor Paul. Today's Destin for victory message taking away our excuses means to be together so on until you can't distinguish the part they that wait upon the Lord, are those who have finally come to figure out. I can't make it without him that that's not just some little huge sounding Christian sounding statement that is the reality of my life that I need him desperately that I need them every day that I need them every moment of every day that I not get through a single link can change my life.

I left my weakness and capabilities abundantly above all that I can imagine it is when I recognize my weakness that I can bind myself to God. So you hardly can tell me.

Apart from him because I'm holding on with him him every day. What happened God himself was going to have to do and I going to tell you that that is exactly the place God was bringing getting into and that is the place he wants to take you and I to he wants to take us to a place where we recognize exactly what we cannot do we recognize our weakness and ability so that we can brand In the God in history once in New Testament illustration of the gospel illustration of it, suggest or go to John chapter 6 don't turn that now but note the passage and read it when you get a chance in the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John I 13 verses tell you the story of Jesus deciding that there was a great multitude that he wanted to feed, and the Bible says that he decided he was always using life as a series of object lesson for his disciples and so he uses this occasion as a training occasion and he leans over to one of the disciples and says to him, what would it take for us to feed all these people and attacks even gives us a commentary and it says Jesus asked this question to test him because he already what he was going to do you know that God already knows what he's up to in your life that he's not making this up is not writing the story as a go. He already knows what is going to do in your life.

And so when God asked your question is not because we need you to give him the answer to feed all these people so the disciple whom he asked said well you may not pull out his calculator salary wages wouldn't freeze all of these people application seems to be the disciple is saying, well, you know, this is so people that would be so much to handle. We had eight months worth of salary to go buy food with so Jesus said, go get some food. Let's see these people and what has come back is we can't do it. We don't have enough money.

Look at what God is setting up here. He's got people disciples who are not much he's giving them a task that is too great and he says well what do you have and what they come back with is not enough. They said well we found a little boy and he's willing to offer this for sandwiches. I know you looked in John six, and you said I don't sleep for sandwiches and look again you will see that the boy had barley loaves and fish where I grew up and where you grew up no-name Drive that makes this I would have been put together yet. But that's just a formality, because you don't know we made it on many of which I know you. Some of us had a wish sandwiches I wish I had some hair we found the boy he's willing to give up his bread is so the disciples not much are given a task to great and what they have to work with is not enough. What you do when you're not much and God's calling is to great and what you have to work with is not enough.

You do what the disciples learn to do give it to Jesus.

They said you said you wanted to get what we could. But this is not but this is what we mean. But this is in the lesson they learned that day and blessing. Gideon is in the process of learning the lesson God wants you is that it doesn't matter that you're not much. In fact, God calls you're not much, and it doesn't matter that the task is to great and it doesn't matter that what you have to work with is not enough reasons that God has you where you.have you have put you in that corner God has put you in a place where you can't be you will not want to hear God himself. Where we can look at your life right now.

You'll find some areas of your life where you are. Not much in the task is to great and what you have is not and I came to tell you this because God set you up and he set you up so that you would learn more. I want to make a presentation of my life and what little I have the offer to you and I just want to be available. God is not looking for your ability in this time in your life. He's looking for your availability. He's not interested in how great you are. He already knows how great you're not, you got understand that no surprise God, which is why when you get in touch with your weakness.

You're the last one in the relationship was in touch with God was already in touch with your weakness. In fact, he knew more about you before he called you that you've learned since he called you and God puts us in a place where where not much in the task is to great what we have to work with is not enough so that when he comes through. He gets all were coming right back with more of today's testing for Victor message from Pastor Paul Sheppard, senior pastor, destiny Christian Fellowship in Fremont, California.

If you love listening to Pastor Paul here in Destin for victory will certainly enjoy watching his best video clips watch those by subscribing to Pastor Paul at his YouTube channel winks to all the social media can be found in the website. Pastor Paul, have you ever felt like you didn't have enough of something to accomplish God's will and enough strength enough talent resources. Believe it or not, that's exactly what God wants you is Pastor Paul with the rest of today's message taking away our excuses, and so what did Jesus do with those disciples when they brought to him. Not enough. He took not enough and worked a miracle with he blasted and then he began breaking. He took some bread and he started breaking bread and as he was breaking bread God was supernaturally making very and then he would distribute what he made and then he take something that was left in there and he started breaking that and as he was breaking that God was making more and then he took it and distributed, and he kept breaking bread any Making bread and he kept distributing bread, he took the fish and he was breaking fish and he was making for anyone and you said makes sense.

I don't see how that's possible. Well, listen, this is not the time in your life when you me to start trying to figure a supernatural God out trying to figure out who God is able. The Bible says to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or imagine what that means, that means he is about capabilities of your imagination. See link above my friend John Jenkins says it means that God says I can do beyond beyond document only do beyond what you think I can do beyond beyond what you think God is able to do more than you can believe that when we kiss when I really am. I learned to take my weakness and supernatural God so the disciples found themselves they are not much task to great what we started with is not enough, but we gave it to a God who works miracles and now we find ourselves feeding thousands of people and they fed them so much unpeeled that was left over the air about his whole place baskets come back and they took up baskets full of leftovers started with not enough wood to much.

How does that happen. God enters the equation and when God enters the equation of life should shift of your priorities are different calling patient when God and what you don't tell God what you have is not enough. You're not in the not much of what you have is not enough for you and bring it to him. When you give it to God. You'll discover that God not enough and make too much out of and he said my grace is sufficient for you, Paul, and he showed that illustration years earlier to his disciples and centuries before he's teaching that lesson to Gideon, you said your week and you come from a long line of weak folk and I'm telling you, that's exactly why I've called you because I know that when I work in your life you will not rob me of my glory. You will learn to be so hopelessly dependent upon me until you will always give me the praise for everything I do in your life and what happens after that.

Let me just mention it now be done after that. Gideon says well yeah but I want to be sure, I love this guy.

There were times in my life when I was a little bit cynical about him. I recently decimated the soul, but I have lived long enough to get in touch with my Gideon stuff y'all live long enough to find out how much like Gideon you really are all conversation with an angel and he says yeah I will know he said I need a sign and find out if this is the last that he needed is just the first of a few keys I need this let me go get an offer and I want to prepare nothing for you. You're here representing God and I want to worship. He says let me get all freaked you. You will grant me a and here's what I love that I wait right here you need to understand something. God is so in touch with who we are on to we don't offend him with how jacked up we are good moves that God is where that you stay only after you encounter super natural being and God doesn't get mad that they don't notice believe you came to him him to get you believe God sent him that's not God.

God not being the voice of your adversary the voice of God will bring conviction God will bring the pension he will bring discipline into your life, but human nature. God wants you to be in God is not condemning us is for us that he came in. So the angel says meet stuff towards offering comes back and so things are to meet on a rock. Nobody put it on a portable phone, portable, and then the angel took the staff and tested and K and come so that same moment, the text says in the angel disappear. How's that for sign and then look at the humanity of Gideon.

He had a full Angel, but he will also sign this is offering angel given the sign of consuming the sacrifice, meaning that it was accepted by God and the angel disappears. Then Gideon gets scared.

He's all me that really was angel. I'm going Bible to prove it. Also angel that means I'm not going to live and God had to speak out of heaven called Angels gone and God said don't be afraid piece beyond the I'm not doing this to trouble you. I'm trying to bless you and I'm trying to use you don't get afraid because I am at work in your life, and Gideon then built an altar and called it Jehovah shalom, that means the Lord is my peace and I want to tell somebody. God is saying to you. You are in the most troubled time of your life.

Your life feels like you're born out of this world backward sometime you don't know whether you're coming or going. You don't know what in the world you're going through.

But God says don't be afraid piece beyond you. I am at work in your life too willing to do up my good pleasure and your weaknesses are crafted and custom-designed to bring you to me and and it is in that desperation that you're going to discover exactly how great is your thanks for joining us for today's message taking away our excuses before we wrap things up here in Destin for victory pastor Paul Sheppard is jointly from a studio in California best. We know that many of her listeners have been adversely affected by the recent pandemic and our hearts to go out to those that are hurting right now, but were also aware and very grateful for those of the Lord is uniquely blessed might be able to step up breakdown stand in the gap for those who can't give.

I think it's always been that way in the body of Christ.

When we read the book of acts we find as early as next chapter 2 right after the day of Pentecost as the church began to sort of organize stuff in the congregations in the various regions and one of the things which hold toward the end of acts chapter 2 is not only did they continue steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and breaking of bread and clear, and those sorts of things, it says that they gave very generously and very liberally and then when you move over and ask chapter 5 find people giving so generously that Ananias and Sophia Rook wanted to be counted among generous but they didn't have a heart for generosity and we all know what happened to them but the fact of the matter is God loves those of us who are willing to step up and, feeling, and when people are suffering and unable to give as they would like to. There are those of us. God raises up in the body of Christ who have the resources and if you feel that if you feel the hand of God.

Just moving you in the direction of increasing your generosity. It is almost certainly because is using you to make up for people who want to give more but don't have the ability to give more. I'm trusting that that's the way God's spirit gusting for victory that are donors who already are faithful will step up and get even more to help us cover the deficit when some simply can't give during these times.

Thanks pastor in the season uncertainty, more people are open to the gospel and friends, your prayers and gifts help pastor Paul share the good news of Jesus Christ with the world is our way of saying thanks for your generous donation would like to send you a booklet called little is much when God is in it. Written by Pastor Paul. This is a great reminder that God can use you to impact those around you and he can do it. Despite what you lack. That's little is much when God is in it our gift to you today by request for your generous gift to Destin for victory call 855-339-5500 or visit pastor to make a safe and secure donation online. You can also mail your gift to Destin for victory PO Box 1767, Fremont, CA 94538. Again, the address Destin for victory.

Box 1767, Fremont, CA 94538 one. Talk to you in this message about the importance and the necessity of identifying and destroying the roles in our lives. The things that actually prevent us from honoring God and giving place and God and loving him and worshiping him and serving him. We are called to do better next time and pastor Paul Sheppard's message taking down her vitals. Until then, remember he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion in Christ, you are destined for victory