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Every Spiritual Blessing: Part 2-2

Delight in Grace / Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
The Cross Radio
October 17, 2022 10:00 am

Every Spiritual Blessing: Part 2-2

Delight in Grace / Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell

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October 17, 2022 10:00 am

Against the dark backdrop of humanity's brokenness, God's great love shines vividly bright.

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Lincoln light increase the teaching ministry of Rich sparrow, Pastor Grace Bible Church in Winston-Salem. Have you ever lived in the company or work in the company of someone for whom you could never please them. You could never do anything right. The precedent and yet how many of us know God that Christian understand something you are forgiven. Those that against the dark backdrop of humanity's brokenness, God's great love shines vividly bright in this message. Titled every spiritual blessing part two. Pastor Rich talks about the history of Christ's redemptive work and all that we have gained through his lavish grace because you don't have to live constantly under the shadow of the judgment of God, who every time you step out of line to put you under his own not the God of the Bible continue listening to this message on Ephesians 1739 when the Scripture say through his blood. This speaks of a transaction is the transaction of the cross. The cross is the standard Christian symbolism. But remember this cross was a brutal form of Roman execution and it was designed for maximum shame and maximum pain. Jesus was nailed to a cross and whatever anyone would read the phrase like through his blood, the idea that blood is shed it's the understanding of sacrifice of the forfeiture of life where someone gives their life or their life is taken from them, but through his blood, the forfeiture of life happened, as Jesus was nailed to the cross and he cried out my God my God why have you forsaken me, the infinite holy God of the universe of Brendan's perfect son. What is that Jesus Christ took on himself all of our sin and the flow of God's necessary holy wrath in your place in my that's the word propitiation probably also all of us read it probably maybe 1/3 of us knew what that word propitiation means.

Jesus took the full blow of God's wrath on himself in your place.

Redemption through his blood is a high cost of our release and our freedom. We must never forget how high that cost is in the transaction is described by the same author in second Corinthians 5 in verse 21 for he God has made him Christ, who knew no sin to be sin for us, there is a transaction on the cross all of your sin and mine was laid on the shoulders of Jesus Christ and then he cried out my God my God why have you forsaken me because that's what our sin deserves alienation from God. That's the wrath of God. God made him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in him you see that as the prophet Isaiah says that he has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Listen the cross of Jesus Christ was a collision of the holiness and the love of God the holiness because God is absolutely holy and he necessarily must judge sin and that sin runs right through the middle of your heart and my and yet the cross was a collision of his holiness and his love and so what is he do he puts his son on the cross and pours on him, the just do of God's holiness and he does it in your place. See the love of God people the gospel and he did that so that his righteousness can be made available to us because our sin has been dealt with. That is why when Jesus was on the cross he uttered three very meaningful words. It is finished.paid in full.

Paul continues here another phrase for this is the forgiveness of sins, and he continues with the theme of letting go because forgiveness means to let go. The dismissal of something something is really rereleased from something release from what release from the demand for payment. In ancient days they would have debtors prison if someone could not pay a debt money that he had borrowed he would be taken to prison and he would stay there until that debt was paid off and then when the debt was paid, then he could be released but here the debt has been paid for and we are released from payment of that debt and that debt is to the righteous requirement of a holy God as one who is perfect, the forgiveness of sins is something that every human heart. At the very core of your being longs for that forgiveness, because you know that you have imperfections and how much of our time and energy and resource is spent covering up imperfections just hoping that people don't find out what I've really done what I really like but in Christ we have forgiveness we have redemption. We've been released with been set free. I want you to know is something to it says the forgiveness of sins.

If it were sin singular.

It would probably work hamartia but it's not.

It's is forgiveness of sins, which is what he means trespasses plural.

What does that mean that means that we are released from sin past, present and future Christians in Christ, you are justified before holy God, you are accepted by him. Listen to me, nothing changes that you can earn his love, there's nothing you can do it. Make him love you more or less and yesterday we talked about this seminar in our care group Sunday school this discussion.

Do we still sin yes because you're walking with God you been reconciled to God. Your justified him and you can walk with God and enjoy him.

But you know what sometimes we still see things that glitter and we drift away from him and we stumble.

Did you know that's forgiven. Did you know it. Have you ever lived in the company or worked in the company of someone for whom you could never please them. You could never do anything right suppressive is and yet how many of us know God. That way, Christian understand something you are forgiven you have been released past, present and future know that know that because you don't have to live constantly under the shadow of the judgment of God, who every time you step out of line. He's gonna put you under his thumb. That's not the God of the Bible you have been forgiven. You have been released. You are free to walk with him to learn from him to enjoy him versus trading in fear or slipping up and getting judged. You see, redemption and forgiveness are present possessions. Psalm 103 12 let's read this together as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. You need to know that you need to memorize that and meditate upon that. How is this possible. What is this this grace that God has lavished on us, and now in the next couple of verses the apostle Paul is once again going to focus on the profusion of God's grace, he says, according to the riches of his grace in him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace is the wealth and the abundance of his kindness and favor. Titus 34 but when the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared, according to his mercy he saved us the kindness and love of God appeared. He's acting according to his character and this means he paid a debt.

It was my dad. It was your dad. He did not owe this debt, but it was a debt that you and I could never pay any did so. According to the riches of his grace. What he says next year is very interesting.

Verse eight which he made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence.

What is this mean Rich Powell translation.

He lavished grace on us. This word to abound means to provide in abundance. God has poured out on us oversized grace, knowing that we had a debt that we could never pay that we are unrighteous to the core. Everyone of us and we in that unrighteousness experience un-unquenchable thirst and we so desperately need the grace of God, and we would think that God in his kindness as it talks about his kindness and the word of God and this is something that the apostle Paul wants to clear up once and for all. We would think that in that in that debt in that unrighteousness in that unquenchable thirst that in God's kindness, he would give us a small trickle of water to bring relief and this is the grace of God.

You would think of Luke chapter 16 verse speaks of of the man who fared sumptuously every day and then he died. And then Lazarus the beggar died and he went to the bosom of Abraham and the man who fared sumptuously every day was living for himself and then he died. And then he was in torment in this unquenchable thirst and he says that Abraham please dip your finger in water and just put a dab of water on my tongue so that I can get some relief and we think maybe that's how the grace of God is for us. But no, God doesn't give us a trickle of water.

He lavishes grace on us. Listen we have been overwhelmed by his favor and his goodness. You see the profusion here Paul is gushing forth in pleasing doxology because God has gushed forth upon us in extravagance is what he says in Romans 520, where sin abounded, grace abounded much even listening to the lighting grace the teaching ministry of rich Powell pastor Grace Bible Church in Winston-Salem visit our church website to see upcoming events or to listen to more messages at GBC. to discover how to live by grace to you in with us on weekdays at 10 AM