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Is Saturday or Sunday the Sabbath?

Core Christianity / Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
The Cross Radio
July 14, 2021 1:30 pm

Is Saturday or Sunday the Sabbath?

Core Christianity / Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier

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July 14, 2021 1:30 pm

Episode 749 | Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions.

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Questions in this Episode

1. In a previous episode someone asked about Isaiah 53 as it relates to sickness and healing. But how do we understand Matthew 8:15-16 in regards to our physical health because in that passage Jesus is quoting from Isaiah 53?

2. My wife and I were praying so that we could buy a home and we ended up closing on a home really smoothly. However, we keep uncovering more and more problems with the house now living here for 3 or 4 months. We prayed that God would prevent us from being able to buy the house if there were things wrong with it, and he didn't do that and there are a number of issues with the home. So how should we think about this house now? Is it really the blessing we prayed for?

3. If God made everything good, where did evil come from?

4. I have heard from some Christians that even though Jesus rose from the grave on Sunday that this doesn't change the day of the Sabbath. Is that true?

5. I feel as if many of today’s churches give the entirety of their attention to Jesus and Jesus alone. And while I completely and fully accept Jesus’ rightful and truthful claim as Divine, my question is, how are we as Christians to properly appropriate the persons of God - Father, Son & Holy Spirit - in our daily walk, particularly with regard to worship, prayer and when encountering the very presence of God? 

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The following is a prerecorded version of Christianity is worshiping on the Sabbath biblical that is one of the questions will be answering on today's edition of core Christianity hi this is Bill Meyer along with pastor Gabriel Sanchez and this is the radio program where we answer your questions about the Bible and the Christian life every day. You can call us right now with your question. At 833 the core that's 1-833-843-2673.

You can also post your question on our Facebook, Instagram or twitter accounts and you can always email us your question at questions at core, first up today let's go to Edwin in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Edwin what your question for pastor atrial. Thank you. My question is regarding the previous episode when someone asked about how we are to understand Isaiah 53.5 regarding physical health and what I'm asking is how do we understand Matthew 816 and 17 in regard to physical health because this quote from Isaiah 53 form five Edwin thank you for that question for bringing Matthew chapter 8 into play here in this discussion.

Some previous previous episode. You know I was having a conversation with someone about Isaiah 53 and how often times in churches that passage is taken, and sort of in a in anemic claimant fashion. You know by his stripes we are healed. The idea that we know word were declaring healing over ourselves on the basis of the atoning work of Jesus Christ. And I said well that's that's taking Isaiah 53 out of context it's using it in a way that it was not intended to be used for because that the focus of Isaiah 53 is the atoning work of Jesus Christ and the putting away of our sins are justification later in Isaiah 53 it talks about him by his one offering making many righteous and and that's that's the beauty of Isaiah 53 is this prophecy of the sufferings of the Messiah, but then you look I you brought up a good a good passage of Scripture for us to consider Matthew chapter 8 verse 60 number to read beginning in verse 14, when Jesus entered Peter's house. He saw his mother-in-law lying sick with fever. He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she rose and began to serve him.

That evening they brought to him.

Many who were oppressed by demons and he passed out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick. This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah. He took our illnesses and bore our diseases and I think that's that's probably a quote of Isaiah 5553 verse four may be from the Greek translation of Isaiah 53 referred to as the Septuagint was it was the diversion the Bible that probably Jesus and the disciples most most frequently use Isaiah 53. Four surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows, yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. So I think I think is what I would say I think that there is a way in which we can talk about the atoning work of Christ being for our full healing I mentioned on you on the previous broadcasting is the healing of our soul but but if there is more to it than that because we are looking forward to the resurrection of the dead, which is that the healing of our bodies as well. God cares about the body. And we ought to pray for healing for physical healing is nothing wrong with that, James. At the end of his letter, as if anybody's feeling sick and let them call the elders of the church, let them anoint that individual with oil and pray for healing. So something were even called to do as Christians. My concern is when we take passages like Isaiah 53, four and five, and we use them to try and demand something from God, like physical healing and that's that's the danger that I see in how sometimes people use Isaiah 53. I think that would be a misapplication of Isaiah 53 a way in which it wasn't intended for us to be used. So that's how I'd I sort of parse those things out and when does that clear things up a little bit for you. Thank you and appreciate you listening to the broadcasts and thank you for giving us a call with that question. God bless you brother.

Thanks so much Edwin. Nice to have you as one of our regular listeners here core Christianity let's go to Jason in Wichita, Kansas Jason, welcome to the program.

Thanks so our story short, got more involved in our church and on and so now I know we were able to get a house and then it back couple months I just turned around oil water line out the doctor sure about. We are praying for the house for a house and lined up were able to purchase the things Rex is both a bit better spent somewhere. For an and in my life story is been talking back and forth about the longer, longer and finding more and more sure I really know his current one more thing that the seller covered up about it and think that I know about… Okay well about this before it pulled through.

So we asked them to block it. I was one of the things you put an offer on the house.

I block the business and wrong is a lot of things wrong with it, but it and blocked it yet is it is a blessing and how how might a look at this this situation now. Well, we certainly believe Jason that God is absolutely in control providentially and I think those were great prayers to be praying Lord, if you don't want to steer block in the wound it's it's the challenge here is you know we were thinking about decision-making in the will of God. Sometimes we want a clear sign from the Lord God, give me the sort of neon lights to know do I buy the house or do I not by the house. Do I take this job or do I not take this job and really what we have what we have that we do have. Sometimes I think providentially the guidance of the Holy Spirit in unique ways through the body of Christ that can think that a lot of times were doing Jason is were just using wisdom and prayer, and the word of God to try to make these decisions and the questions were asking our is dishonoring to the Lord. Can I honor the Lord with with something like this.

Purchase this house purchase. My intention is to honor the Lord. My intention is to take care of my family may be to have a love that you were saying you guys are getting plugged into your church. Maybe it may be a host home group or that kind of a thing be hospitable. You know, those are all good things and I think if you went into it with that mindset wanting to honor the Lord and prayer, prayerfully trusting in him.

I think that's that's good, that's the right approach were knocking to have the sort of answer from heaven you know ordinarily where the largest is yet you pull the trigger on the house by that kind of a thing were using an Excel like you guys were using wisdom and prayer, but then what happens when we do that, you know we we use all the wisdom that we have and were praying and something happens like you and in this situation you guys get the house but it turns out to be different than what you were expecting more difficult. Well I would say Jason continue to give thanks to the Lord for what you do have and trust that somehow he is going to use this for you and for your family is good.

Now I don't know long-term what's what's going to come of the house that kind of a thing or what what you know. Maybe the next decision is for you and in your family but that's something that you guys are gonna want to be talking about just because something is difficult doesn't mean that it's not in God's will. Sometimes we think God's will in a whatever does this mean think everything's in a be really easy and smooth sailing. That kind of a thing I think of what the apostle Paul said in first Corinthians chapter 16 and verse nine he says a wide door for effective work has opened to me and there are many adversaries like this like a there's there's been this great big open door that the Lord is provided for me to preach the gospel and to do effective ministry.

But guess what that comes with challenges with difficulties and so just as there are difficulties, just as his house is in exactly we hoped it would be and it's, it's, you know, kind of providing some challenges that doesn't mean that this was the wrong decision necessarily. Now you have to think about what the two of you want to do next but I can't say to you in this time.

Continue to give thanks to the Lord continue to get plugged in. More and more in your local church to serve there and to ask God for his continued guidance as you think about what to do as a family. In this situation, but you can't go wrong continuing to praise God for everything you have in your life even even the things that pose challenges so I want to encourage you to do that brother and I thank you for listening. I pray that you continue to grow in your faith and that the Lord blesses your day and really asking this when it comes to Jason and his wife. What about the feelings of betrayal, especially if the sellers of this home were believers and they covered things out they weren't honest in their business dealings. That's got to be really difficult.

Yeah that's got to be really really difficult in and of course there's a bitterness that can begin to creep into our hearts, and nine and so we have to know how to how to deal with Elina. What's a godly way to handle some of those emotions is okay to be angry if you've if you've been betrayed if somebody us has done something to take advantage of you have sinned against you, and in some way. It's okay to be angry. Anger in an elf itself is not a sin. Jesus was angry when people were taking the worship of God in the temple and turning it into a business or member.

He sees flipping tables over in the temple during the time of his triumphal entry, so I the I think anger is not necessarily a bad thing.

It is not letting that grow into bitterness and causing us to to act out in ways that we know we shouldn't act out as Christians we take those things all the things to the Lord and if we have been taken advantage of it think it's okay to pursue.

We ought to pursue reconciliation want things to be made right and so I think it's important to make those things known and to have those difficult conversations. Good counsel.

This is core Christianity with Pastor Israel Sanchez. Here's our phone number if you have a question. By the way, you can call us 24 hours a day and leave a voicemail at 833 the core that's 1-833-843-2673. You can also record your question on our website at core, just look for the microphone icon. Click on that and you can leave your message there is a voicemail we received from one of our younger listeners will will will will high-availability so much for giving us a call me and I've just been preaching on the creation account in Genesis 1 and two and you said it, you know, when you read that story. One of the things you you take away from that passage of Scripture in Genesis 1 in particular is that everything that God made. He made good after each day of creation. You know God.

God sees what he makes in it and it's good. And then on the on the sixth day in a sort of looking over everything that is made nieces. It's very good. God made everything good. He's like this skilled master craftsman who is just creating the universe and it's good and beautiful and wonderful and yet we know that when we look around at the world today there is a lot of pain and hurt and sin. Now where did sin come from well available. The apostle Paul in the book of Romans chapter 5. He says sin entered the world through Adam when Adam chose to rebel against God. Sin entered the world, and death entered the world through sin and and God allowed Adam.

Adam and Eve to have free will. Free choice to follow him or not to follow him to obey his word, his command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or to disobey it and they chose to disobey. And ever since then.

You know, we've also often times been choosing to disobey God, but that doesn't mean that God is evil or bad, or that he's the one who is the one who created or authored sin and evil. No, not at all. God is good and true and beautiful and wonderful. He made all things good. It's our own choice.

Essentially Adam's choice that led to sin and evil in the world and so that's where we say that evil came from, not from God but from us and Jesus himself said available it's from the heart, that evil proceeds no evil thoughts, ideas, those kinds of things from our own hearts.

We often times, you know, we think of the evil in the world and we we point the finger at others sale it's it's that person's fault. We can all do this, Jesus, as we look into our own hearts. And that's why each of us need the grace of God, the forgiveness of our sins we need the new heart that Jesus gives to us through his gospel and so they lie.

I love that you listen to the to the program and may the Lord Jesus bless you, thank you so much for your question, give us a call again sometime with another question.

God bless love hearing from the kids who listen to our program or their parents there just it's beautiful there learning about God's word is truth. Every day, which is just so exciting. This is core Christianity with Pastor Israel Sanchez and one of the things we know is that there is a lot of depression and anxiety going on in our country right now and if if you or someone you know is struggling with depression. We actually have a free resource that we would love to offer you today. It's over at our website. Core, and it's called nine things everyone needs to know about depression. It's free for you when you sign up for our weekly newsletter is a resource that we put together really to give you a foundational understanding of what depression is and how you as a believer can encourage someone help someone who suffers from depression. So head over to core to download nine things everyone needs to know about depression.

You can also call us for that resource or any one of our resources at 833-843-2673. Again, that's 833. The core let's go to voicemail. We received here yesterday that they love that you and we want and that they and resurrect the day the claimant change it now. What is the church, but that thank you for that question are groups that will say this, that will say that in less you're worshiping God on Saturday, the true Sabbath will then you're not really worshiping God and so all you churches are worshiping on Sunday like telling your church sister and instantly the church I pastor we we worship the Lord on Sunday that were not doing it the right way and in fact there are some groups that even go as far as to say that that's completely apostate that if you worship on Sunday. That's equivalent to receiving the mark of the beast that kind of a thing in and so this is a real serious question. It's important for us to get this right. You mentioned that the creation story that the seventh day where God rested. Genesis chapter 2 verses one through three I just preached on this blast this last Sunday and so it really is important for us to understand what's going on there. God rested. It was interesting. There is he he blessed the seventh day, the day that he rested because because he didn't do any work on that day and he called it holy. He set it apart, many did you set apart for himself really was for the people is people like this picture of the fact that we are as Christians called into the rest that God gives.

Now let me just stop right there and say, doesn't that sound wonderful peanut know about you but each one of us. I think I think have a lot on our plates. We were were were wrestling with all these different things and in so many things going on in society right now, challenges, difficulties we want rest and God says I want to invite you into my rest into my Sabbath rest. I want to give you that deep spiritual rest that that you can't find anywhere else in this world that only I can give. That's what the Sabbath was supposed to be.

Is this this rest of God that is giving it to the people of God. Now when Jesus came to earth, he promised to give us that rest, he said in Matthew chapter 11. Towards the end of the chapter come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. The ultimate true Sabbath rest comes in and through Jesus Christ, in effect, this is with what the author the Hebrew says you know the output of the Hebrews in Hebrews chapter 4 he talks about this he says, and in Hebrews chapter 4 beginning in verse one. Therefore, while the promise of entering his rest still stands his rest, God's rest. God Sabbath rest. Let us fear.

He says, lest any of you should seem to have failed to reach it for good news that's gospel came to us just as to them, but the message they heard did not benefit them because they were not united by faith with those who heard not get this for we who have believed enter that rest bears were being told here that you enter the Sabbath rest of the rest that God gives to his people, the rest of the seven day how you enter that rest, enter it by believing the gospel. The work of Jesus.

Jesus Christ died accomplishing our redemption rested on the seventh day was laid in the tomb and then rose again from the dead on the eighth day the first day of the week. Sunday we might say.

And ever since then sister the apostles the followers of Jesus began worshiping on Sunday not on Saturday. Why, because that was the day that Jesus rose again from the dents or called to worship God but but we do that in the same way that the apostles themselves did we worship God on Sunday were were declaring that Jesus Christ is risen, that we have entered into the Sabbath rest in him that we received it from him that that's what we need to to emphasize a lot of times people get caught up in going back to the types and shadows of the Old Testament in a worshiping as the Jews did under the old covenant doesn't work call to worship were called to worship according to Christ's word and and in imitation of the apostles.

What they did in places like acts chapter 20 in first Corinthians chapter 16 it says that they were gathering together on the first day of the week is sometimes people will say Sunday worship that was something that was that was instituted in the fourth century or something like that. I just always point back to first Corinthians in the book of acts and say no, actually it's what the apostles themselves are doing so. If it was good enough for Paul and Peter and John, who has his vision of Jesus in the book of Revelation on the Lord's day on Sunday will, then it should be good enough for us and so you don't have to worry that you're doing something wrong worshiping the Lord on Sundays with the apostles did. And every time we gather were declaring Jesus Christ is risen and in him I have Sabbath rest. Thanks for your question in Memphis is core Christianity with pastor Israel Sanchez. Here's an email question that came in from Matt. He says I feel as if many of today's churches give the entirety of their attention to Jesus and Jesus alone. And while I completely and fully accept Jesus rightful and truthful claim as divine. His own words remind if it remind us of his purpose in revealing and restoring our relationship to God the father and later the purpose of the Holy Spirit.

My question is how are we as Christians to properly appropriate.

The persons of God father son and Holy Spirit in our daily walk, particularly with regard to worship, prayer, and when encountering the very presence of God make you get will we come to the father in Christ and through the Holy Spirit.

So we have this personal relationship with the holy Trinity, and I think that your you're right that a lot of times we can as individuals and even as churches focus on one member of the Trinity 11 person of the holy Trinity and fill in our worship we want our worship and even our prayers to be Trinitarian Jesus said this this gets to the heart of worship, talking about what he called the church to do going to all the world and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you. This sort of Trinitarian language, the language of father son and Holy Spirit is all over the place in the New Testament you think of the benediction that the apostle Paul gives in second Corinthians chapter 13 verse 13 the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all and so I think at least in the context of worship on a Sunday morning.

We should be singing in praying and and worshiping the Lord in a Trinitarian fashion father son and Holy Spirit glory to the father to the son into the Holy Spirit. I think that that relates to how we pray to the songs that we choose to sing.

We want to expose the church to the God we worship the holy Trinity through worship and in our lives. I think it just it just having that recognition when we come to God when we approach the Lord that we can only approach the father through Jesus the son that the only reason why he's our father is because we been adopted through the work of Jesus Christ and by the grace of the Holy Spirit see if you're Christian you don't just have a personal relationship with Jesus personal relationship with the father and with the Holy Spirit and and that should be reflected in our prayers and in our worship. Thanks for listening to core Christianity to request your copy of today's special offer. Visit us at core, and click on offers and the menu bar or call us at 1-833-843-2673.

That's 833 when you contact us. Please let us know how you been encouraged by this program and be sure to join us next time. As we explore the truth of God's word together