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1 Corinthians 12:8 - Part B

Connect with Skip Heitzig / Skip Heitzig
The Cross Radio
September 9, 2022 6:00 am

1 Corinthians 12:8 - Part B

Connect with Skip Heitzig / Skip Heitzig

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September 9, 2022 6:00 am

The Bible tells you that if you need wisdom, you just need to ask your heavenly Father. In this message, Skip shares how receiving God's wisdom makes all the difference in your life.

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Sought a reservoir of wisdom. It's an episode of wisdom, it's where God gives you the wisest thing to say at at that time. How does one get well and you see the Lord will give that the Bible tells us if you need wisdom, ask our generous God will give it today on connect with Skip Skip share so God empowers you with his wisdom want to tell you about a resource that will inspire you to even more unity with others in the church. The most recent U.S. Census revealed that our population is much more diverse than ever before. In fact, over the past 10 years. Our multiracial population increased 276% which presents new challenges here Skip I think the say that this nation is divided would be a gross understatement but I am not going to take sides political I am to take sides, morally, spiritually, and biblically, to raise the conversation to a different level to a higher level to a biblical level because the issue is I see it is not a skin issue is much as it's a sin issue to help you understand this divisive issue from a defined stack to $20 or more today to this Bible teaching ministry pastor skips booklet the church and racism is teaching.

Teaching conversation with pastor Tony Clark get these relevant resources today when you get online securely or call 819 to 1888 chapter 12 for today's let's join Skip all told them what was going on that had occurred.

You know you a non-Jewish.

The laws of Moses have been circumcised, but they believe that you have these legalists.

I know you have to go through Julia's so Peter stands up and exercises. I think a word of wisdom, followed by James standing up and also speaking a word of wisdom, Peter says, why do you test God and place upon the disciples are yoked which neither our fathers nor we were ever able to bear.

So then James that leader of the council in Jerusalem says let's send a letter to the Gentiles in Antioch and say abstain from things offered to idols abstain from blood taking blood drinking blood.

I want to explain that. Now I have in the past. They didn't like them abstain from animals that have been strangled and from fornication.

If you do this you do well, that's all they said those were only the things they said you believe in Jesus Christ. Don't offend your Jewish brethren, by just stay away from these things. If you do that you define. It says when they read the letter. They were greatly encouraged by that letter so there's a few instances right there of the word of wisdom just the right wise thing to say to quell the disturbance or to give a witness for the gospel is another example of the word of wisdom I believe and the reason I'm giving you these examples is because unlike the gift of prophecy or tongues which are written about in detail and profit, prophecy, tongues in a couple of others miracles and of those are written about in detail in the Scripture.

These are just mentions word of wisdom, word of knowledge, etc. so I need to kinda take you to these different portions of Scripture. That's one Avenue turn.

Here's another example in acts 23 when Paul is in Jerusalem and he there that he's been arrested and he's been arrested because they brought an accusation saying that he had brought in Ephesian Gentile into the temple courts of the court of the men. It was a false accusation anyway. Paul gets arrested and is brought before the Jewish Sanhedrin and they are ready to tear into him the Artie started beating him up. The Romans took him and now he's standing trial again before the Jewish Sanhedrin. It says in acts 23 Paul perceived that one part was Pharisee and the other part were Sadducees and so he said this man and brethren, I am standing here today because I believe in the resurrection of the dead faith in the resurrection of the dead because I am a Pharisee and the son of a Pharisee and I am being judged because I believe in the resurrection of the dead. Well, at that point, the Pharisees that witness any problem with this guys a Pharisee son of a Pharisee and that Sadducees who deny that there is a resurrection denies spirits deny the miraculous. It says the group was divided and instead of trying to kill Paul and fight against Paul.

There was a division between the Council itself.

The Pharisees and the Sadducees, and that this division caused them to fight and argue with each other so that sort of weld the disturbance. As far as Paul was concerned, and the Roman soldiers could extricate Paul to safety. After that, so he said just the wisest thing to take the spotlight off of himself so that his life would be spared so that he could continue in his witness for the gospel and that set them at odds with each other. So I think all of these are examples of the word of wisdom again is not a reservoir of wisdom. It's an episode of wisdom, it's where God gives you the wisest thing to say at at that time. How does one get such a gift. Well you ask for, and you see if the Lord will give that to you. In fact, I'm guessing that some of you have exercised the gift of the word of wisdom before your testimony in your witness. In conversations with people in a some kind of a teaching capacity and you really weren't even aware of it while you were doing it, but the Lord like somebody asked you a question.

The Lord just gave you the right answer and and maybe you walked away from that situation, one I was really good and you were really good but it wasn't because you were really good is because a good God gave you the right thing to say at the time so you ask him. The Bible says that you have not because you asked not.

And so, like James says you you ask. Like Paul said, you you at Romans chapter 12 you dedicate your body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to him, which is your reasonable service. And you see what gifts God will give you but it seems that this gift is given for the ability to give testimony a testimony of faith to the unbelieving world or to quell arguments among the unbelieving world in the church like we see in the examples so that I believe those I believe are examples of the word of wisdom so that takes us to verse eight, the second part so to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through this same spirit, the word of knowledge. Now you know that there's a difference between wisdom and knowledge.

Wisdom is the application of knowledge board is amenable word of knowledge was interesting. I have in my study and I went and looked just to make sure I counted how many books I have on the Holy Spirit. The doctrine of the Holy Spirit. The gifts of the spirit, the Holy Spirit in the life of the church, etc. I have a section in my library of 64 books that deal with the Holy Spirit and many of them the gifts of the spirit and when it comes to the idea or this gift of the word of knowledge.

The scholarship is evenly divided on one hand you have people who say the gift of the word of knowledge has to do with the application of a Bible study and teaching. It's associated with the gift of teaching and preaching and it's the ability to analyze and to summarize and to systematize Scripture.

It's insight that God gives you knowledge that God gives you of the word of God.

That's how some see this gift. I do not others. In those 64 books that I have say that the gift of the word of knowledge is a supernatural enablement of knowledge a spiritual endowment of knowledge. It's not knowledge you acquire by study or by normal acquisition. It's some knowledge that God gives to a person they couldn't know any other way.

They couldn't get up.

I study they couldn't get a by natural acquisition would have to be spiritually revealed to Eileen. Toward that.

I lean toward that because of the context of the rest of the gifts and I is also see examples of that in the Scripture, and by the way, Dr. Vincent, who wrote some of the best Greek word studies that are available called Vincent's Word studies in the Greek New Testament translates know that was a different gift. I think he was translating but but yet he sees this way I can even tell you exactly the translation. He sees this as a supernatural endowment inability that God gives you at that moment okay now let me give you some examples of that. Let's go to the Old Testament first followed was not unknown in the Old Testament, even though it's before the age of grace is before the dispensation of the Holy Spirit, we might say in the Old Testament there was this unusual prophet by the name of Elisha Elisha SHA ELISA J Elisha in the shop.

In Hebrew, was the protégé of Eli job the Tisch byproduct.

Remember one follow the other will Elisha seemed to have the ability to know things that were happening that he couldn't know by study was just given to him by God. So in second Kings chapter 6 when the Syrian king then had dad is attacking the Israelite armies, God revealed to Elisha where the enemy was posting their position and he would tell the king of Israel. So every time Ben had dad and the Syrians would mount an attack against Israel. The Israelites would be ready for the attack. With this really bothered king of Syria that had I got a rat on my staff somebody's feeding information to the enemy who is which one of you been ratting and telling the king of Israel, where I am and one of his advisors. That is not any of us were all loyal subjects, but there's a guy in Israel by the name of Elisha and Elisha the prophet in Israel, tells the king of Israel, the words that you speak in your bedroom okay. Nothing is The secret he knows it all. He's the guy second Kings chapter 5, we have another example of Elisha having that kind of knowledge there was a Syrian by the name of Naaman who had leprosy and it comes down to Israel because he hears that Elisha, the prophet can heal people of leprosy and and you know the story probably how he tells them to dip in the Jordan seven times he comes out whole and when he comes out whole he's he's well he's healthy. Naaman says to Elisha man this is amazing. This is a miracle. Let me reward you and give you lots of gifts and money and you as you keep your guess I don't want anything. This is a gift of God. Don't don't give me anything, so he sends him away, but this servant of Elisha's name to Hayes. I and to Hayes.

I got my master just like didn't take even an honorarium into a contract and take a gift of nothingness like we can got got a lot of money out of this guy would at Maybank, but he didn't ask him for anything, so he didn't tell Elisha but you Hayes.

I ran after Naaman, the leper and Naaman sees the servant of Elisha coming is yeah are you doing what's up comes out from his chariot and the ghost can I help you with something as well yeah you know there's a couple of profits that have come to my master's house from the mountains of the Froman it be really need my master asked if you would mind giving us a couple talents of silver and some changes of clothes and the names of yet no problem.

I'm happy to do it as a game up a bunch of money in new clothes and and he was lying. Of course you Hayes. I was misrepresenting Elisha didn't send him but she gets back to Elisha's home. And Elisha the prophet sees his servant to Hayes I coming is gazing word you been nowhere.

What if you and he goes was in my spirit with you when you asked Naaman for those gifts is now the time to be taking close and gifts of silver. He knew everything that I've gone on. Even though he stayed home and the servant went out and was lying in second Kings chapter 4 and I'm sorta working my way backwards our sinking ship for there was a woman who had a son who Elisha had predicted that she would have a child. This child had died and it Elisha did not know that she had a son. The died she knew that she had a son he knew that she had a seven know the son died in an this woman comes and rushes toward Elisha to save my son died. My son died and to Hayes ICs this woman coming of Christ. Assure her away from Elisha and Elisha says no and I don't know let let her come in and asked me whatever it is she has asked me because look at her. She is deep distress and sorrow of heart. Listen to what he said and the Lord has not told me her problem. He has not revealed it to me and analyzer was in shock not just imagine being so tuned into God that you are actually shocked when God doesn't tell you that kind of knowledge that you could only know supernatural and he was shot. I can't believe that this is happened guy didn't tell me and course.

The Lord used him to provide healing that is a gift of the word of knowledge. Now we come to the New Testament in the New Testament.

Once again, you would expect Jesus to exhibit knowledge because again he is filled with wisdom and knowledge.

It says in Colossians and of course he did.

Classic example when when Philip found Nathaniel and said I found I have seen the Messiah, the son of God.

We we know who it is it's Jesus of Nazareth and the Daniel says can anything good come out of Nazareth member that Lori and John chapter 2, and so later on. Nathaniel meets Jesus and Jesus sees Nathaniel coming and our Lord says behold an Israelite, in whom there is no deceit and of annual sort of shaken by Jesus words to him because they've never met before. And then this is what how do you know me and Jesus said, before Philip talk to you when you were under the fig tree, I saw you was a private experience he had at some fig tree.

Jesus knew all about it. Told him all about it and all you are the Messiah, you are the Christ.

You are the son of God.

He said you said this because I saw you I set aside one of the fig tree, stick around, but it was a lot more amazing things in this but just that kind of knowledge. Now, you would expect the Lord Jesus to have to but this is the kind of gift. I believe that the word of knowledge is and how it is exercised back to Vincent and his word studies Vincent in his Greek word studies calls this all a wonderworking ability now let me give you couple more examples Peter in Matthew chapter 16 member. When Jesus said who do men say that I am who do you say that I am.

And Peter said you are the Christ, the son of the living God and Jesus said your blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my father who is in heaven. Peter you didn't study this in the book. You didn't learn this at seminary. My father has revealed to you who I am now I don't know that that was necessarily a spiritual gift of the word of knowledge, but I wanted I wanted you to see here is Peter usually think about peters. This bumbling disciple and puts his foot in his mouth and says dumb things alive and he did quite often, but here's a guy at that moment, who had the perceptions spiritual perception that none of the other disciples had and Jesus said the only way you could know that is for my father to have somehow revealed that and Peter knew it was revealed to Peter later on in the book of acts. I think you have an actual working example of the word of knowledge. It's in the early church when Ananias and Sophia.

Russ sold a portion of land and gave the money to the early church in Jerusalem. They sold it for a certain amount, but they kept back part of the proceeds no problem with that. The problem was they miscommunicated and misrepresented what they had done to the church.

They said they sold it for this amount and that they gave the entire amount to the Lord's work, but they had Backed a portion of enough they said luck was sold to keep some to live on you to give the rest of the church, not a problem but they live and they said yes we sold it for this about a week were giving this to the Lord with all of it all will be without wow what a spiritual couple so they come before Peter and Peterson Ananias, did you sell the land for this amount.

Yes, and you gave it all to the Lord's, and then Peter said Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit.

You have been lied to man you have lied to God. Peter knew what was going on behind the scenes. The only way Peter could have known that was God giving him a word of knowledge. That's why I say I don't think it's just insight into the Scripture or acquisition through normal means, or the ability to logically systematize spiritual truth. I think it's the ability to know something supernatural about a situation or about a person that you could know by any other means. Another example is Paul the apostle when Paul is traveling to the area of Asia minor and he comes to Lysistrata and Derby, so this is found in acts chapter 14 again I pray marked it so I can read it to you. It says and olestra a certain man without strength in his feet was sitting a cripple from his mother's womb would never walked this man heard Paul speaking now listen to this Paul observing him intently, and seeing that he had faith to be healed, said with a loud voice, stand up straight on your feet, and he leaped and he walked Paul know that this man had faith to be healed. He just looked at him intently and said guy is faith to be it.

Was it a hunch was it was that some strong impression. Don't know but it was some manner whereby Paul knew he had the knowledge revealed to him by God. This man has faith to be healed and he gave them a command stand up, grabbed her by the hand and lifted him up and the man was healed now. Here you have an example of several gifts working together you have the gift of faith.

That's what Paul has you have a note of that. That's what this man has the gift of faith is faith to be healed so you have that the gift of faith given to this man that God is going to heal me today. You have the gift of the word of knowledge. That's what Paul is exercising you nose the man has the faith to be healed. You have the gift of miracles and you have the gift of healing. All of these four gifts working in concert together to do something supernatural. So there are. I think several examples of the gifts of the word no conclude Skip a text message expound first Corinthians few Skip to share.

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