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Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
November 24, 2019 5:00 am


Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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November 24, 2019 5:00 am

Matthew 25:14-26

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Did you notice the word I use is profit is not just do the best you can.

Christians all across our nation in the West are doing the best they can, so Mr. can means I want to pay every bill that I have. I will take all the vacations I need. I will indulge in every hobby and every nice thing I want to have what's left over, maybe sort out the have to make Rolfing building God's kingdom portion of the upcoming message titled abundance Dr. Robert on show your church including our goal is to make Christ visible everything we love you worship with us.

3485 Oxford Rd., Henderson, or visit us not doing this for the rest of this week's message. How many of you parents talk to parents this morning I've ever given your kids money for lunch or field trip and then told them bring back the change and never came back. He was not Hansa going up and if your kids do bring back the change. Please let me know what the secret is because ours don't have in today's message were going to learn that our heavenly father also gives us all the money that we have in this life that we may work we may create businesses. We may invest and make money, but ultimately our heavenly father is the one who's giving us all that we have, but unlike our earthly parents.

He doesn't just want the change back. He wants us to make profit. He wants us to invest and return back with more and then he says to us, well done good and faithful servant. What we have done is we have taken that line to mean I haven't anything really bad in this life and I go to church every day and I read the Bible not serving various ministries.

I need to hear. Well done. That's not when Jesus use that line is when you make profit in building God's kingdom. That's when you hear well done good and faithful servant. In fact, when Jesus returns, he is going to take in account of what you did with his money and that is the time of our message today abundance because to those who make more in building God's kingdom. He gives even more for those who don't.

He takes what you do have and give to the one who is and they have abundance. It's a missing truth in the church today in Christian lives are Bible tells us about it in Matthew chapter 25 verse 14 in our series on the parables of Jesus and become for the parable of the talents. Let's all stand once again as we read this parable for the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them and to one he gave five talents, to another to N2O. Another one, to each according to his own ability and immediately he went on a journey that he who had received the five talents went and traded with them and made another five talents. Likewise he who had received two gained two more but he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord's money.

We will see the meaning of why he did what he did but listen to this verse 19 after a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them. The first and the second receive the same commendation which is verse 21 his lord said to him, well done, good and faithful servant your good father you are a good mother.

You're a good husband wife your good church member.

That's great, but well done good and faithful is not for that is when you make profit in expanding God's kingdom is when you hear that line well done good and faithful servant. You were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord, but how about the third one well, listen to verse 24 then he who had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not shown in gathering where you have not scattered and I was afraid and went and hid your talent in the ground. There you have what is your see I didn't lose it yet and lose I got it right here. No harm done and what is the Lord's response. Verse 26, you wicked and lazy servant this morning.

Parables are like mirrors that reflect who we are. So are you the first two servants who doubled what God gave to you or are you the wicked one, the lazy one who went up again hid that money that God had given to you to use to expand his kingdom and satirical Lord I kept safe. Which one are you what commendation will you receive when Christ returns.

Well done good and faithful or you wicked and lazy servant. Are you saved, you cannot save today's a day.

Give your life to Christ. Today's date to ask him to save you come into your life so you can start building his kingdom and make profit last week and we look to the first parable, which was the parable of the 10 bridesmaids five were foolish and five were wives, the wise one, were prepared.

They were waiting for the groom to come. They had plenty of oil. What is that mean it means that they were ready, spiritually, the question to you this morning is is that you or is that what's gonna happen to you at the last moment you try to make up for lost spirituality when the groom comes what is it say listen to Matthew 2513 watch therefore, for you Norm ought neither the day nor the hour, which the Son of Man is coming. Jesus is coming.

Are you ready for him or will you try to play catch-up at the last moment, so that was the first parable, but right after this parable Jesus gave the parable of the talents. Hear the message of the first one was be prepared.

Jesus is coming back at any time.

The message of the second parable, we can look at this morning is going to stand there use the money.

Use the resources you have to build God's kingdom and make profit. This is the message of this parable. So Jesus told a story of a businessman, entrepreneur who goes to a far country, but before he leaves. He gives his three main guys some money in the way the Bible says it'll Jesus said it, he gave the first one. Five talents the second 12 talents in the part 11. Talent sometimes we be since we don't know what those words mean. We think talent must've been like five bucks to bucks and one dollar. That's not what it means if you remember a message up free sometime back in the series where I explained to you what it talent is so was a talent I will talent was about 60 to 90 pounds of a precious metal. Depending on what it is gold, silver, copper is 60 to 90 pounds worth of whatever that metal was how much was one talent of gold. Listen 6000 denarii as quarter of $2 million he gave to the man who got one talent is a lot of money. How about the one who got to talents bodyguard is doubled that so were looking at how much close to 480 right close half $1 million to gave a lot of money to them right and how are the one who got five talents will you have to go doubled this and then add this and it comes to $1.2 million is a lot of money he gave them, and what he did.

Then he goes and what didn't. Servants do the first one doubled it. So let's say this one is the 51 so what is a 11.2215214 means 2 1/2 million dollars. He comes back and says here you go have another one here have a million becomes 1 million but this guy had a another plan. So what does the master say to the first one he says here we go. He says well done. I can see why you said handbrake you all this guy reviewed well close to 1 million amazing well done good and faithful servant. You were faithful in a few things.

Listen to this. I will make you ruler over many things that a lot of business owners here on how would you love to have a guy works for you and comes back and said boss I just doubled everything like role really bad. Let me let me give you some more stuff to do enter into the joy of the Lord which means this hey buddy, you have access to everything.

Now you have access to my lake house you have access to what you know my my credit cards go out there doubled that, whatever you need is yours. While I was not even here. You can try to take over the business. You can try to usurp my business, but you actually came back with this then comes this guy right here.

What is he say listen. Verse 24. Now, he said, Lord, I knew you to be a hard man right there is his first mistake. I know business owner boss supervisor likes to hear you are so harsh that's what it means. What a dummy. Sorry kids don't ever say that anybody want to dummy right he is calling his boss. I name the worse. Claire Ross means you're so harsh you're so cool, you're so merciless and he even came up with an analogy. What is the analogy you you you reap what you have not sown means you expect things that you have not even given us the resources to make it happen and you gather what you have not scattered in a semiauto who are in positions of authority with you supervisor the business on your like your smashing your teeth you want to fire the guy right like it about a year to get her out of here and listen to this. I love this next he blamed his own fear listen to this. He says, and I was afraid and I went and hid your talent in the ground. There you have what is yours for me. I felt so pressed I made sure that you would not beat up on me when you came back. So I just went ahead and hid this here is the harm done. What is the bosses reaction, but his lord answered and said to him, what is a you wicked and lazy servant is the bosses turn to label him. You label me. Listen to this Q like you and lazy start the word lazy is the word Ochsner switch which is more than just lazy.

It means you hesitant and reluctant servant. If you ever hear someone say men seem like Jesus always against the rich.

That's not true. You haven't read the Bible read the Bible carefully to what you see is he he. A lot of business people around him supporting him helping him in the ministry and so he is right in saying this parable and they're going you understand we get it.

Let's keep reading is that you knew you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. So what should you have done. You should have deposited my money with the bankers. The word is to represent case which means a money changer because you would've made some interest on at least you could have done that but no you didn't do that and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest and just when you think the boss would said all right I guess it is what it is.

At least I didn't lose anything. Listen to what he says. He said you wicked and lazy servant in verse 28.

He says take the talent from him, and give it to him who has 10 talents 90 understand why because God doubled it. You know when somebody says hate which is a good business book out there a lot of good business books out there you can read and I read him to Harvard business review. I read it. But here's the thing folks do you know in the Western world all those business books are operating from a Judeo-Christian foundation, expertly coming from echoed from the Bible.

So don't go. I'm not saying don't read those business books don't subscribe to Harvard business review what I'm saying is read the Bible you might get a whole lot more. Why would you invest in somebody who did not do anything is a no take it due to this guy right here.

I listen to the principal.

Verse 29 for to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance.

The title of our message, but from him who does not have, even what he has will be what won't you do the same. What is the message very quickly. Jesus is the businessman and entrepreneur who has to go away after Jesus rose from the grave. He spent 40 some days and then he ascended into the heavens temporarily.

He he moved away, but he gave us an assignment.

He gave us incredible amount of money and resources. And he said go build my kingdom and make profit go out there not a question to you is, have you done that. Having done that is await what what money when it wears monies under clear views. It may is it what where is that hose did you know that the money you get paid and are is given to you by God you believe that you believe that that you may go to work and put in your time and you may build a business from nothing and make profit. But here's the question.

Who gave you the strength to work God did give me the mind and the acumen to to to create a business to make this God did. Who gave you the ability to build relationships who put you in this world at this time in history, living so luxuriously you could have lived in some of the part of the world where people still don't have running water, they still don't have electricity. Somebody is done in the somebody is God.

You may ask about people who don't believe in Jesus and listen. Same thing for them to God is the one who helps them to, but they just don't acknowledge it. You acknowledge it, but then you say this is my money I earned. It is not visit me Mark.

Did you notice the word I use is profit is not just do the best you can.

Christians all across our nation in the West are doing the best they can, so best they can.

Means I want to pay every bill that I have, undertake all the vacations I need. I would've indulge in every hobby and every nice thing I want to have what's left over may be sort give to God.

You have to make profit and building God's kingdom is not just leftover change that you drop in an offering plate. Many of y'all be ready on regarding tithing. Now keep in mind we have people here at Clearview go above and beyond the time. Okay, but you really honest. You haven't given anything worth anything really Yuletide. Forget profit you're stealing from the master and all he says is 10% of that's even old testament is grace giving right should be above and beyond what is that mean to make profit, listen means find creative ways to drop all the spread of the gospel which means take calculated risks.

These men took risks to expand and make profit. A lot of business people here. I have enjoyed taking risks. Why is that when you come to church. Nobody wants take a risk. This should be the most calculated risk taking place in the world you know that every business matters because God's business right, especially the Christians is God's business of the church is really God's business. We should be the one taking the most recent yet what's happened in our world today. Tell me, what happens in our churches today we protect everything and we hang onto it. You never know you might just leave the past really living will fall apart really I am the neighbor challenge given by hundred dollars on the cross and said blog devotional less risky is not risky. You never know, all of whom expect with you the real money folks. Everything is risky.

Samaritans purse the shoeboxes risky somebody might put a bomb in their risky what you do.

You don't do anymore. Verse 25. What is he say I was afraid Christians are the Morse scaredy cats have ever met in my life scared to death what you think will happen if we continue in this week and I hear exactly what this man here which is you wicked and lazy Christians. I don't have too much time. Time is running away too many bills to pay out to me things to do about you saying pastor is right. I just don't have what it takes. Listen to what Jesus said in Matthew 631. He said therefore do not worry what to lead worship we drink, what shall be where, for after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things is God. There work hard, work smart but don't worry, why what he supposed to do. Verse 33 but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness in getting to the last line with me all these things shall be added to you.

Postman Jesus said this. This is not the first time he introduce this concept. This is what he said to his disciples. Hey listen, go out there and work are your fishermen. Go fish. Are you a tent maker go make tense but keep in mind, don't worry about these things.

You'll build my kingdom, you make profit. I would take care of what you need.

Well already. I'm taking care of what what I need. I think I have everything I need in the to do a little bit here and there. I want you listen to these verses right here.

The first one is Proverbs chapter 10 and verse 22. Listen to this. The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and he adds no sorrow with it. The blessing of the Lord makes one but he doesn't have sorrow with it yet. A lot of sorrow in your life you give, you know you working harder spikes and how do you know I'm doing all this work for the Lord. He won at sorrow with it is another one. Psalm 127 verse one and we use this at weddings, but this is a verse that we need to read it in church unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it unless the Lord guards the city, the watchmen stays awake in vain.

Listen to this is vain for you to rise up early to sit up late and eat the bread of sorrows for so he gives his beloved having trouble sleeping. Start working for the master of the amazing how you had that pillow and be out and you work your tail off you build your business. You will get promotions at work, but you will have a deep sense of peace and satisfaction knowing that you're not doing for these things you working for him and he's got you a good night sleep and people asked me sometimes a man passed show you your pastor big church.

How you sleep at night sleep very well. Asked Nicole only thing get me away was a dissertation and things like that but those are, you know, odd, situate I don't stay up late going home and wasn't happy with the church.

I one bit Isis I'm working hard and so is our team. By the way they are the hardest working people I know and in the world. Honestly and every time we come up with some of the project for the church, the staff I'm talking about the whole staff always ready go hey listen, we can have a day for the kids hard. What can we do double it last. I think we had like hundred kids can get 200 when you have a youth program. What can we do to double that a Kindle ministry. What can we do double reaching like ill for five houses working on how can we get 10 houses to have a Christmas play here. Did you know that the language in the wardrobe.

CS Lewis display will be done right here. Did you know that the next day would have three schools children from three schools coming here and watching the play as a gospel. Amazing isn't it. What if one of you doesn't work out, what would it advocate slips and hearts go home, especially those of you came from small churches were that's how you live is hard to change that mentality, but you have to you have to.

I'm not taking St. take just risks calculated risk knowing what you're doing.

Knowing this, for the Lord, knowing that this is what he has commanded us to do this is not optional.

This is not optional, not here's where it gets a little harsher listen to verse 30. What did he do with that unprofitable servant right here. Just when you think God would say you know what I'm going to demote you, you're not going to get any more assignments. Listen to what he says. He says, and cast the unprofitable servant into the darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

What is that mean weeping and gnashing of teeth. What is that place is hell. Which means this. If you have been unprofitable in the kingdom of God. You haven't done anything with what God has given to you and not just anything you just returning back what you got. Like our prayer. Sometimes garbage is given back to you what you given to us. Stop praying that you start praying. Lori doubled it. What is your reward of folks I don't understand how it works. But somehow your eternity is dependent on how you spend your money or God's money down here. Is this in the Bible while I told you a lot if you steer. Is this in the Bible. That's what Jesus said you think he was just exaggerating where they were to be stop using. He was just kind of start to scare them where to be stop because the whole Bible tells us to take risks to go out there use what we have, to build God's kingdom.

The question for use are you doing that with your resources are using your money to build God's kingdom. Rory only self preservation just sitting preserving the sitting on what you have. What would Jesus say to you when he returns will he say well done good and faithful servant. You may profit or will he say wicked and lazy servant take what he has given to another and throw him into hell. Folks I don't want any of y'all to be thrown into hell. I want any of y'all to be thrown to hell because you did nothing for the kingdom of God really give back what God gave you what will he say thank you so much for joining us for this week's message. As believers we are called to use the gifts that God has given us to make profit for his kingdom. For more information visit our website at clearly be that orgy for this sums note, check out Dr. Shah's you can also come worship with us this Christmas season. A Christmas play the lion the witch and the wardrobe will be on December 8.

Doors open at six in the show starts at seven also will be having our community Christmas concert on December 14 and 15th doors also open at six in the show starts at seven. For more information visit our website at clearly BC that orgy