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Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
February 23, 2020 5:00 am


Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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February 23, 2020 5:00 am

Proverbs 6:16-19

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Rising paralyze says I am good because of me. I am great because of me. God says I hate. I hate that the technical I hate that because you are giving yourself credit for who you will what does God want from us that he wants to go zing. I'm so sorry. I'm just I'm just work without all God's great wonderful. Now he wants for us to student, to be honest and recognize yes I am good at this, or I'm good at that and thank God I he wants us to recognize the simple user portion of the upcoming message titled out of bounds by Dr. Abbott on shot here Clearview church in Henderson, North Carolina. Here Clearview. We seek to make Christ visible in everything we do.

Whether that's how we worship, or how we serve others we love to see you here.

One of our services at 3485 Oxford Rd. in Henderson. For more information on our church. Check out Clearview for now, the student this week. Some every game has its fowls has its penalties in soccer can be offside or handball in football again, beholding illegal contact delay of game whatever whatever and ice hockey.

Still haven't figured out how the valves and penalties work there. No one knows unless you are from up north in basketball. We know and others holding the charging unit out there is such double dribble and then of course out of bounds so many ways that you can foul you can cause a penalty in the refereed umpire depends on the game is responsible for calling those files are calling those penalties so also life is a game that has its fowls that has its penalties. The Bible the word of God is God's rule book on how to play this game of life in God is much more than just a passive rule maker is not just the NBA executive committee that sits back and makes the rules and amends the rules. He is also the referee. He is also the umpire who calls us out when we failed to follow the rules and unlike the earthly empires saw referees. He does not have to go and do a video review.

I can't stand those things just call and be done with it.

He doesn't have to go and say wait a minute, we may have made a mistake. Okay no basket or no foul.

He doesn't have to do that. He calls it right every time, and this morning we are in our series for those who are visiting with us or hear.

After a while is a miniseries from the book of Proverbs calls skillful and this is not heard.

Message is called out about the next service will be our big basketball Sunday is as a lot of people will be here about kids will be here. This is a message directed towards them, but also to words. All of us who are here this morning you had to Bibles with you, turn to Proverbs chapter 6 just like in any game.

There, referees, and you get to know the referees.

This guy doesn't like this don't do it, or this empire will be here man. This is his pet peeve. Do not try that God hates certain things in this morning he actually gives us a list of things he hates, yes.

He hates these things. Let's all stand together.

Proverbs chapter 6 starting in verse 16.

These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to him. Why does it say it that way very quickly. It's a Hebrew way of doing things. Six but seven. You know, in a sense it is. The list is much longer. But these seven things are very important. That's the way they would say it yes six but seven means this is not an exhaustive list, but these are the worst, solicit verse 17 what does God hate number one a proud look number to a lying tongue number three hands that shed innocent blood number for a heart that devises wicked plans number 5 feet that are swift in running to evil. Number six, a false witness who speaks lies in number seven, one who sows discord among brethren. These are seven things God says I hate and I will call you out and I will eject you out of the game. Question for us before we look at this list carefully is how are you playing the game of life. This was a tough message for me to prepare because I examined this I had to ask the question have been making the same fowls. Nobody else is going to call it out. My team is good to be in my favor. The opposite team may have missed it but he hasn't. He never does. Can you hear God's whistle. Can you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in your heart sing it at this list represents you what this thing of this these two things three that she and do you know Christ as your Savior. If you don't right now.

Would you bow your heads never give your life to Christ.

The simple prayer.

This is Jesus I need you in my life.

I need you to forgive me of my sins, I need you to be my Savior. I believe, to the best of my ability that Jesus Christ is God's son, who came and died on the cross for my sins and he is my Lord and Savior. I believe that he died buried rose again and I want him to be my Savior. My cake the book of Proverbs from which we just read a few moments ago was written by King Solomon. Many of you have heard that name, King Solomon was the son of David, the great King of Israel, I encourage you to tell your children, your grandchildren to read the book of Proverbs chapter a day you will have the wisest man next to Christ. Of course Christ is wisdom himself. You will have the wisest man sitting down and having a conversation with that what you like to have that the most successful, the richest man talking to your children one-on-one and giving them advice on life and that's what the book of Proverbs is, but I want you to pay attention to how Solomon opens this book visited Proverbs 1 and verse one the proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel first two to know wisdom and instruction and to perceive the words of understanding right from the get-go. He says this is my purpose son is talking to the son. I'm going to teach you wisdom, understanding and instruction in life.

I can say a lot about this and I've done it before and the previous messages in the past, Solomon uses many words for wisdom in his book, but if there was one word that he uses more than any other is the Hebrew word hope, hope no one is a word hope my me this and carefully it means skill in living skill in living everyone lives life, but not everyone lives life skillfully when you play the game of life. There are certain founts. And God says that's it your God, and seven are the worst. I mean this is a list seven things God hates what you want to know this morning.

One of the seven things I want to do the seven well, you blessed your here this morning we got a look at those seven founts file number one arrogant eyes, arrogant eyes, listen to verse 17. What is God hate number one he hates a proud look.

Now we can misunderstand this so let's look at it in the Hebrew what is the Hebrew translation say literally in the Hebrew. It is God hates a rising pair of eyes rising paralyze means when you look up like this.

God hates it.

Does that mean he walked out looking down the whole time I'm even run into things. What does that mean that God hates it when you look up not look up towards heaven, but you just look up doesn't mean that you cannot recognize of the world around you doesn't mean that you cannot recognize your own abilities. No doesn't mean that you cannot compare yourself to other people.

Keep looking down know if if we believe that we can need to shut down all organized, professional sports because sports is about. I'm better than him or our team is better than that team that's not what God has in mind with goodness there's an example in the Scriptures where this phrase is actually used and is found in Isaiah chapter 10 and God uses it. This in Isaiah 10 verse 12. Therefore, it shall come to pass, when the Lord has performed all his work on Mount Zion and on Jerusalem means when God has done what he wants to do for his people that he will say I will punish the fruit of the arrogant heart of the king of Assyria and the glory of his haughty looks is rising pair of eyes away in a minute. What did the king of Assyria. Do verse 13 for he says, by the strength of my hand. I have done it, and by my wisdom, for I am prudent always make sense now you know of the rising paralyze. This is not knowing that you are good at something, or that you are better than someone or your team is better than some of the team skeleton do with that rising paralyze says I am good because of me. I am great because of me. God says I hated I hated that the technical I hate that because you are giving yourself credit for who you are.

What does God want from us as you want us to go zing. I'm so sorry. I'm just I'm just worthless, honest, I'm a loser.

All God's is of great, wonderful loser that what God wants from us now what he wants for us to stoop to be honest and recognize yes I am good in this rhyme good at that and thank God I am he wants us to recognize him in a simple, I love it I love it love it love it when athletes or actors or artists of whoever when they're getting an interview because on at the dinner there really stepping out on a limb and the do this.

I love it when this say I give God the credit for this. Don't you love that you love it when somebody says that hey you know that we won the game, or man. This movie was a hit or the song was a hit, but I could not have done it without Jesus Christ. Do you know that's gonna cost him some deals but at that moment, God says, I love it. Keep playing keep playing, and by the way, you cannot go around looking at others so known in this message while glancing does he have a proud eyes.

Note this is for you to examine for yourself. Do you have and by the way, the worst pair of arrogant eyes are the spiritually arrogant eyes when you think you're better spiritually than someone else. When we have that spirit God's as I hated that's a technical foul number two Val number two uncontrolled mouth. But does that mean uncontrolled mouth. Well, listen again to verse 17, God hates a proud look, but he also hates a lying tongue. Now this is not just about fudging the truth we all die at times right in the hands no cowards here. I think you will appreciate.

We all live folks, we all do we all.

If if we were to live up to our own resumes would be in trouble right we are fudge a little bit here and there, but the point here is not just a little falsehood did hear a little incorrectness there. This is the idea behind it is aggressive deceit, aggressive deceit intended to harm the other person means you keep lying to keep lying to keep lying just to get someone in trouble. God says I hate that uncontrolled mouth.

Psalm 27 verse 12 is a messianic Psalm where it says do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries for false witnesses have risen against me and such out as breathe out violence. This lying tongue is a destructive tone. Please listen. Have you destroyed someone's reputation, heavyset things about someone when you should not have. God says hey that's about them, is a flagrant file was violence that you call someone their job.

So if you've your honest you know someone or maybe you've done it. I hope not. You call someone a relationship is a flagrant file.

You hurt someone.

Hey, do you ever say something like this I'm saying this but don't quote me on it. My question is why should we coach you on what is it because you're not telling the whole truth.

Is it because you have altered the truth is it because you have made up the line anonymous do you do anonymous stuff need to stop not only as an act of a coward, but it's also not truthful. No other early arson we all live y'all fudge the truth you know someone might say, why not aggressive liar I've never really done violence but I want you to hear what it says in John 844.

Jesus is saying these words, he's he's talked about Satan's talk about Lucifer. He said Lucifer was a murderer from the beginning and he does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. Please listen very carefully every time you live where there's a little white lie little fudging the truth. Listen you are claiming Satan as your father I would like to do that. The devil is my dad. Satan is watching. He's listening his his minions are telling him hey someone over here just claimed you as their dad go really okay hold a family dinner is a file boxes. I hated when you have this kind them out. But I will extended and say do not lie at all. RFL number three bloodstained hands bloodstained hands basketball illegal use of hands or 17 hands that shed innocent blood ties in with the uncontrolled mouth but here you have actually done things the very first example of innocent blood being shed was the first family, where Cain killed his brother Abel. Why, because God accepted Abel's offering. And Cain was angry and he rose up in the field and he killed his brother in cold blood.

Listen to what God said in Genesis 410 God said to him, what have you done the voice of your brother's blood cries out to be from the ground. I have no doubt your wonderful good people. No doubt about in my mind that you love the Lord, you will be here this morning. If you didn't maybe review for ulterior motives. But overall, maybe you're a good person.

I want to say to you very clearly, if at any point in your life you have shed innocent blood on. I thought about taking a knife or a gun to hurt somebody but you have hurt someone. Hey listen, please open your years. It will come back to you.

It always does Joseph's brothers. They threw him in the pit what happened. They had to stand before him and squirmed.

Joseph didn't say okay God is all good. You know I'm a gracious person. I don't deserve anything. You're my brother.

No, he made them go through that process of repentance. God will make you go to the process of repentance. Why, because you just did something that was if out. By the way very quickly.

Our time is running away. Saul was that person salt always trying to kill David any time somebody would come to him as a head, Saul, David is in the wilderness of Ziff for example, David is over here and there. He would go and his old son Jonathan cornered Saul and says why are you doing this.

Why did Bill use sin against innocent blood to kill David without a cause. What happened to Saul.

He was killed that horrible you. So how David innocent know David was an innocent because what did David do later on he had an innocent man killed was that Uriah in a moment of lust.

He took Bathsheba and then tried to cover up the sin and try to get her husband killed God. The referee saw it. He said oh no, David. Because of that foul four of your sons will die. Found number four, a scheming heart is scheming heart while writing this, hopefully it will stay in your mind you remember this and maybe as you're listening to this your consciences not calling you out praise the Lord for that good God has protected you doesn't mean that we always have to be guilty of everything here's number 18 a heart that devices wicked plants. What is the heart.

The heart is the immaterial part of us. Guard your heart to listen, especially if you are prone to be alone. You drive or you are the kind of person who likes to work by themselves and Jessica work.

You have guard your mind. Satan will always find a way to get it and it can be with all kinds of things may be lust, it may be provided may be greeted by the anger it may be battles that are not even there that you will start fighting guard to mind.

Guard your heart.

I think about something like September 11. How many years were spent devising a very wicked plan and all it did was destroy is that what you're doing.

Do you have a scheming heart is a referee will call it out.

I will see it. He sees he calls number five wicked feet.

Verse 18 again, feet that are swift in running to evil. God loves beautiful feet. He loves the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace. He wants us to be swift in telling people about Jesus Christ.

He wants us to be swift in and being peacemakers. There's a coral there's a fight going on. You are the peacemakers make make things right as soon as possible before that person goes to the judge number that Jesus talked about the click but here the rest is calling it out when your feet are swift in running to evil was that mean means a fascination and excitement toward evil thing. Those feet should have run towards goodness those feet should have run two words piece found number six corruption also far in our body parts just like in a lesser basketball there valves because you pushed your trip somebody there valves you can see eyes mount hands part feet but now corruption disliking games through the game for the game.

Nobody knew about it, but it came out somebody was taking money betting on a game and listen. God sees it. Listen to what is says in verse 19 a false witness who speaks lies, now we think only somebody in a court line but here it's a lying witness who does it to gain some money. Just like in the trial of Jesus in Matthew 26 that she frees the elders and all the Council sought false testimony against Jesus to put them to death, but they found none. And even though many false witnesses came forward they found none. But at last to came and then said, this fellow said I'm able destroy the temple of God and build it in three days.

Jesus never said that you talk about his body and he made it clear there was one who took the money who was Judas for how much. 30 pieces of silver. He betrayed the son of God's sake. When there is corruption.

Hey listen in your life have you been corrupt. Have you done things need to see God's forgiveness.

God hates finally found number seven this is what he says in verse 19 and one of the sows discord among brethren in a ballgame to that can happen. It happened in NBA times is even somebody sitting on the sideline excessively doing things in the referee can call him out at the foul and get them ejected if they don't stop what they're doing is they're trying to cause trouble that happens in churches to folks God says I hated I hated I hate a pot.

Stir what you do with a pot. Stir well. Proverbs 2210 says very simply cast out the scoffer scoffer is not just somebody who scoffs at you but someone who sows discord and contention will leave yes strife and reproach will cease.

Get rid of the gossip. Matthew 59 what we supposed to do. We are to be the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God. Don't be a troublemaker. I can go on and on.

Question for us this morning is have you been called out how many valves are you committed. So how do we play the game of life will miss this, you cannot play the game of life. Looking at the list of files. If you do that you will be so scared right I want to mess up. I want to mess about a get. I want to get a file. I want to get kicked out of the game. The purpose of the message is not to get you paranoid and scared to to make a mistake if your eyes are set on Jesus Christ. If his truth is in your heart if your life is submitted to the Holy Spirit. You will play the game and win. You don't have to be looking at this this is a whole thing on this another day, another game over and I did not. I think I came close but I didn't think I know Lord that I you don't focus on this. You focus on Jesus Christ. You focus on him.

That's why so important every day to have an intense and intentional relationship with Christ.

You do that when you read God's work you do that when you pray you do that when every moment, every decision you make.

You look to him you ask the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you hey listen when you do that these valves will not happen you take your eyes off of him. You start doing these. So the question really is not. Are you fouling the question is are you looking to Christ as Lord in your heart is the Holy Spirit guiding if not, today's the day back in the game to stand together. Thank you so much for listening this message in life there are things that are out of bounds for the believer there, even things a guy would say he hates but this list shouldn't paralyze us, it shouldn't cause us to live in fear that should motivate us to draw closer to God in every aspect of our life for the Simmons notes check out Dr. Shaw's and for more ways to get connected and plugged in here Clearview check out our website at Clearview be that orgy.

We have an awesome opportunity coming up here Clearview the one marriage conference coming up on March 7 investment that can change the course of your marriage led by Tony and Alisa DeLorenzo. The one extraordinary marriage podcast hosted here Clearview this weekend is open to both couples and singles. It will transform your understanding of God's design for marriage, you can still for more information, and other ways to get registered calls in the church office at 252-438-8433.

We hope to see you there. On March 7