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Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
March 1, 2020 5:00 am


Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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March 1, 2020 5:00 am

Proverbs 6:20-24

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You really raise people that once leave this world they will carry on the porch with Jesus Christ. I've done it for you. Selfish reasons for me because I have that's what God wants from us.

How do you raise your children train up a child in the way they should go. What is that me and Mr. train them up to be holy, godly offspring are you doing the training them to be academically slow.

Are you already picked out Harvard and Princeton and Yale raising them to wonder newspaper Chapel Hill or Duke or some other university that you really really love you passionate about my kids go play for nothing's wrong with that, but that's not God's purpose in giving you the child of the children he wants you to raise a holy godly offspring to represent him in this world and in the process. Don't miss this in the process you want to enjoy their user portion of the upcoming message title slipped by Dr. Albert on show church here in Henderson, North Carolina.

Our goal here clearly is to make Christ visible in all that we do.

We would love to see what one of our services here at 3485 Highway 158 on Oxford Rd. in Anderson, NC, and for more information, visit, but for now let's listen to this week's message years ago we were coming down 85 headed towards Atlanta years and years ago and got off the road got off the highway two hours in the wrong direction and did not realize that it was 2 o'clock in the morning and then find out you have to drive two hours and then stick still keep going and are direct in our our destination in life you you need the right directions wrong directions or failure to follow the right direction can be disastrous. The Bible the word of God is God's right direction for our lives. Every single time you will never go wrong seeking to this book. This is the GPS of life, but there's something more is not just a book that is a GPS of our lives, but is the author of the book Jesus himself is our GPS. He himself said that I am the way, you have the Bibles with you, turn to Proverbs chapter 6 verse 20 onwards in the message is called miss litmus all right arise together as read God's word problems.

Chapter 6 starting in verse 20. My son, keep your father's command and do not forsake the law of your mother buying them continually upon your heart. Hide them around your neck when you roll that's where I got the GPS when you roll they will lead you when you sleep, they will keep you when you awake.

They will speak with you forever.

Years ago when your car spoke to you for the first time in my vehicle actually talks to me tells me the direction of tells me of the gases low else been around for very long time. The word of God will also speak with you when you wake for the commandment is a lamp in the law in light room, proofs of instruction are the way of life are the way of life to keep you from the evil woman from the flattering tone of a seductress question for us as we begin today 2020 today. How is the GPS of your life. When talking about the global positioning system were talking about the God positioning system in your heart of hearts are you headed in the right direction. 22 years of pastoring I've come to realize what's looks on the surface is not what's happening inside individually as a couple is a family.

Are you sure that you are headed in the right direction. My goal is not to cause you to doubt what God is doing in your life.

My goal is to ask you, are you going in the right direction.

As Jesus your way and your destination.

If he is not, would you pray with me right now, right where you are your heads about your eyes. A torn towards God simple prayer. This is Jesus I need you in my life.

I believe that you are the son of God who came God rose again to the best of my ability.

I believe that you are my Savior not need you to come into my life. Forgive me of my sins and take over. I've been very pleased by the positive response of so many of you to this brief series that we did started four weeks ago in the book of Proverbs. It was amazing. Many of you are now reading a chapter of Proverbs every day. That's wonderful on me. That's wisdom so will come back to Proverbs next year and in small doses.

Now back to our final message. Listen again to Proverbs chapter 6 and verse 20. Solomon speaking to his son. He says my son. Keep your father's command and do not forsake the law of your mother. But before we go any further I will spend some time here so this message. If you used expository preaching this message is going to be top-heavy I will spend some time in these first couple of verses and then rapidly move to the rest of the chapter. The parents are the primary instructors and training of the child in the way he or she she should go if you know that reference now. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen there all kinds of parents here this morning. My purpose is not to harass you or give you a hard time you came territories got some but not purposes to expose you to how many of us have grew up in wrong parenting and vegan unfortunately continued that idea and be that with our children.

The first are people who know how to bring children into this world, but they have no desire to take care of them or are we familiar with that is not just on the other side of the tracks is not just in the inner city happens elsewhere as well which parents or individuals for a one night stand or just a boyfriend girlfriend in here comes a child, but they have no desire to raise their child in the right way and unfortunately in many cases those parents or that parent actually does more harm than good is very tragic. They do more damage and so absentee parents in some situation, some parents don't want that burden. They look at their children as a burden. I told you this message will be top-heavy of her focus on the parenting first because I think were really messed up. He some parents instruct their children more out of a desire to maintain how to say this self image, self image, so we can send them to the best school because Savior my child, would you have them in all the sports because you're my kid about where the best of the best because you reflect meet out in some ways there's some truth in this children are a reflection of us, but in this situation, the parents do what they do, only to make themselves look good. Please don't dodge the message today because that maybe you unintentionally. You're doing this is that kind of stay on that category but could expand a little bit many times their parents who go to church with a go to a legalistic church and I am Bible believing on conservative, but I hate legalism. Legalism is where man-made rules are far more important than God made room for candidates candles candidates can do this and if you happen to go to that charge was what happened is this you make your kids do things not because you have those convictions because you want to be ostracized by the community please the preacher to please the Sunday school teacher to please the deacons. You have all these list of rules. So nobody was there I saw your daughter doing this or I saw your phone and saw what he was wearing out to you what that… Pleased with that. And so you do all this was self image, albeit under the umbrella of church there's another category under parenting, which is for wrong reasons.

For there are some parents but I've seen those I call them the trophy parents by know I'm talking about the living vicariously through their children present me. You see them in sports where you did not make the cut. Growing up, but your child is playing sports today so from the sidelines. You can see them acting the food doesn't want to say would you rather we put that jersey on you and that you play as I really feel like your son would rather sit here your daughter would rather pick flowers and I think you should be out there pushing their kids. The kids don't care but mom is doing and then here's another category. And these are what I like to call nursing home parents that mean by nursing home parents.

These are parents who do what they do for their kids, but they constantly remind them, don't you forget what we've done for you, but my parents are so different I mean they're different is this funny many times I called my mom and dad's and hate what if I send your check.

I know dad was sick. Her mom was sick as is the how to talk to me yes yes absolutely.

We gonna call you next week and then we'll let you know where to send it and call me that my dad just cut cornered me is because I cornered him. He said look we know what you're going to be know what it means to raise four kids we did in your ministry.

It's half son if we needed money. We would ask you for it. But God has blessed us. We want you to raise your family the best you can go do that.

That gives us great joy and a promise you we gonna call you and let you know what we need a light right but there's a great expanse of the world for probably watching on Facebook, but there are people who have that understanding is nothing wrong with some truth that we should take care of our parents we should we should care about them in their time of need. But if that's the only reason why you're doing what you doing.

That's a big reason why you're doing what you're doing.

Please then there's another one which I would take this over all of these, of course, it's parenting because of parenting and states was at me. God has made parents.

Even the creature world in the animal world to take care of their own right.

Even domestic animals take care of their little ones wild animals take care of the little ones human beings moms and dads they have this instinct. I have to take care of my own there my children I love them and that's great but still it's not the right reason for instructing your children the way the Bible says so what is the reason I can give you many references. Our time is already running away from us, but here's a big one from Psalm 127 verse three. Listen to this. Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord.

The Hebrew word behind the word heritage means inheritance or a gift. Please listen very carefully it means this children don't ultimately belong to us they belong to God, the belong to him. My four kids, your to your three or whatever family you have your kids are not ultimately yours is given to references the first one is Malachi 215 listen very carefully to this verse but did he meeting God, did he not make them one. Talk about a husband and wife when they come together, they become one. Listen again but did he not make them one having a remnant of the spirit, not to spirits but one spirit reflecting God's spirit and why one is already look at the screen why one he seeks godly offspring. What is my purpose as a parent to raise it godly offspring. There's another reference first Corinthians 714 in this situation is to give you a quick context.

What happens when a couple both of them are lost in the early church.

This was happening and then one would get say the husband would get saved or the wife would get saved.

What about the children now because now you have one unsaved parent what you did with the children listen to what is says in first Corinthians 714 for the unbelieving husband the lost husband is defied by the believing life this was happening in the early church and the unbelieving wife infant happens that the wife is lost. The unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband who got saved otherwise for attention to this. Otherwise, your children would be unclean of both of them were lost unclean, but now they are what's the word was the work holy in what God wants us to do what is our purpose in raising those children to raise the holy godly offspring was at me. It means raising people who will be God's representatives in this world. That's what God wants from us how you raise your children train up a child in the way they should go. What is that mean it means to train them up to be holy, godly offspring are you doing that training them to be academically smart, you already picked out Harvard and Princeton and Yale figure raising them to wonder newspaper Chapel Hill or Duke or some other university that you really really love you passionate about my kids go play for that you doing nothing's wrong with that, but that's not God's purpose in giving you the child of the children he wants you to raise a holy godly offspring to represent him in this world and in the process. Don't miss this in the process you want to enjoy them so much joy when the baby comes into your life there. So my joy is that the baby begins to grow right parents unless you're having sleepless nights or so with joy to watch them stumble and fall and learn to walk with joy. You and time zero in the teenage years, so the joys low. What happened to my sweet little girl Laura sick little boy what happened what happened but then they come back and is overjoyed to watch them flourish and then doing them when they see them married and or or having grandchildren so much joy.

God's essay does all you do is raise holy godly offspring I will care about anything else but he's not what you enjoy them. I want to laugh or cry. I want to make the best of it.

But listen.

Ultimately, my desire is for you to raise a holy, godly offspring unto me, are we doing that. This is why that you have to give them the GPS of life. That's where the GPS comes in. How can I raise a holy godly offspring that I myself I'm not in the word if any of you fathers are truly honest this morning. This book has not been opened up has not been read has not been lived out for a long time. How can you raise a holy godly offspring when you don't even have a GPS. Listen again to verse 20. My son, keep your father's command and do not forsake the law of your mother the command and the law is not my personal convictions. It's about the word of God. How do you know that because the word for law the law if your mother is the is the word Hebrew word Torah as the Old Testament and in this context is referring to the law of the covenant, which is the word of God. So what is the GPS a GPS is not just so I want to give you some tips and tricks on how to make a business work or how to relate with people on this is coming when the word of God. That's just you passing on your ideas in this verse. The GPS is leading your children by words and by actions in the word of God is keep reading verse 21 nothing to move rapidly. When I told him to be top-heavy for a reason for this move rapidly. What should the sun do what should the daughter do out of the Bible is speaking in a masculine language, but it applies to girls as well because this is for daughters as well. They need to see a godly father they need to see a godly mother. Verse 21. Bind them continually upon your heart.

In Deuteronomy chapter 6. It was around your wrist or between the frontlets of your eyes know it's around your heart, tie them around your neck when you roamed they would lead you so when your son or your daughter away from you. The GPS of the word of God will still guide when you roamed it will lead you when you sleep that will keep you when you waved it will speak with you for the commandment is a lamp in the law. A light approves of instruction are the way of life. How in the world are you surviving without this book. Now comes the purpose for the GPS you're ready for this is the purpose.

The purpose is not that so you will grow up and be successful. Purpose is not that you will steal.

The purpose is not that you won't be in ups upright citizen or whatever. Here's the purpose. Verse 24 to keep you from the evil woman to keep you from the flattering tongue of a seductress when what I said you have to for the ladies for the girls make it to keep you from the evil man to keep you from the flattering tongue of a seducer to not lust after her beauty in your heart nor let her allure you with her eyelids or nor let him allure you with his eyelids or whatever was the point.

The point is, parents, you should be raising your children to live by the truth coming from the word of God, rather by their instincts, their emotions, their senses imaginable stores were to fling open and in walks in late and I see her and immediately I feel a connection is the one that is the person as the ideal person that I've always wanted. Of course, American Nicole, but that's the one. And then I have an opportunity to sit down and talk to her in matter of seconds is like this is my soul partner my life partner on this is that person we are connected.

We have the same likes and dislikes. We laugh at the same things, but we are upset about the same issues. I mean this is the person at 25 some years ago I made a mistake I married this one when I do now on exactly what to do now my warning signal should be going off at that moment my warning signals. My heart should be overridden by the truth of the word of God that that's a lie from the pit of hell that my wife is my wife, and of story junket and unfortunately we can say that. But even in churches that doesn't happen because many many many times that goes on. You know you can have heart adultery can have soft adultery nor soft adultery is is what Jesus talked about in Matthew chapter 5 that even if you lust for a woman in your mind you've already done it. Jesus did not lower the standards he raised him and unfortunately were living in a time where you don't have to go and buy pornography that is stored and have to somehow covered up and walk out. Now it's right there in front of coming in the form of social media. You know what happens. Please listen a few laugh about this. Maybe the Holy Spirit is giving one last warning. You know what happens many times in our heart we become connected to that person.

Even if we have never spoken to them, even if there is no action taken. Even if nothing has happened.

Heart has now stepped out of bounds wise.

The marriage conference were important because you gotta retrain people to fall in love madly in love with your own spouse and the desire he chose the greater that we have explained that the people you have to fall madly in love with your spouse and desire one another. Yep tell people that nowadays.

Father Christian servant mean nothing. I'm not impressed with that's great appreciate Joe here, not a people didn't come but still doesn't mean your marriage is perfect when every marriage has its problems know you know what were talking go back to verse 26 four by means of the harlot demand is reduced to a crust of bread that's a horrible translation in the Hebrew the better translation goes like this, a harlot, a prostitute will cost you a loaf of bread, but an adulteress will cost you your life, but this does not mean that okay better off going across hello Ms. understand read the book of Proverbs. Again, because in Proverbs chapter 5, Solomon warns her son against the prostitute.

This keep reading. Verse 27, and a man take fire to his bosom and his close not be bark you keep opening that site you keep opening that YouTube video you keep looking at those images you keep becoming extra friendly with certain person of the opposite sex. Can you continue doing that and you close not be burned, can one walk on hot coals in his feet not be shared, so is he who goes into his neighbor's wife. Weather is actually your mentally whoever touches her shall not be innocent. Whoever touches him shall not be innocent people do not despise a thief if you still satisfy himself when he is starving is important to teach children to tell the truth or lie. Don't steal when someone does that because the hungry people will is hungry is out-of-favor that how do you recover from sexual immorality in your very very hard visitor verse 31.

Yet when he's found the previous found he must restore sevenfold. He may have to give up all the substance of his house. Whoever commits adultery with a woman or with the man lacks understanding the art all the great you're stupid. He who does so destroys his own soul wounds and dishonor, he will get how can your conscience be clear. How can you come home and look your spouse in the eye and say I really love you.

You're the best thing that ever happened.

You can't do that. Why because your conscience has been wounded, wounds and dishonor, he would get in his reproach will not be wiped away for jealousy is a husband's fury. Therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance. He will accept no recompense nor will he be appeased though you give many gifts. Now this is more a cultural thing back in the day. If a person committed adultery. A man went to Elsa's wife were a wife went to someone else's husband. If that does happen. The whole community would it excommunicate you, but now were living in a world where that doesn't happen, but to you what he sees it. God sees it, and he will work all things together for good. Listen to what Jesus said pretty quickly. John 812 Jesus spoke to them again, saying I am the light of the world.

He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. I've given all four of Nicole, of course, we have given all four of our children. The light of the world and that's Jesus Christ as they go through life. They have the light will sometimes they'll stumble Dale Bill fall in the pit of course they will. But they got the line likes Jesus something else. Jesus said in John 14 verse six he said I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me. So we have not only does given them the light. You also put them on the way and the way is Jesus. Are you worried about your children right now word about relationship for them.

Hope he find someone who will love him.

I hope he she find someone who will love her on her have a good job. She struggling but if you have given them Jesus to the rest of you know this much longer. Thank you for listening to this week's sermon parenting is such an important job is also very rewarding. We have to raise our children to be holy and godly.

For more information, check out Dr. Shah's blog and other also check our for ways you can get plugged in right here clear one awesome event coming up on March 28 and 29th is our annual Easter concert this year's Easter concert titled the offering is can be an awesome night of worship centered around our I am the neighbor project and how it is impacted so many lives do your ticket today here clear or call us at 252-438-8433 for more information