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Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
March 22, 2020 6:00 am


Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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March 22, 2020 6:00 am

John 12:12-16

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The radio ministry church in Henderson North Carolina goal is to make Christ visible in everything this week that shopping is a brand-new series title. Hosanna, this word of praise priest history and figure out what it means for us today as believers. God wants to save us. In fact, he delights in saving us being saved by God is not a sign of weakness is her prerogative as his children listen to this week's message this past Tuesday was St. Patrick's day, and due to the coronavirus situation. Many of the parades all across our country were canceled and needless to say, a lot of people were disappointed. Probably they were disappointed because they couldn't celebrate the life of St. Patrick. There were disappointed because they couldn't get out and have a good time with their family and their friends now 2000 years ago there was also a parade and some people tried to cancel that parade but they couldn't. It was a parade for Jesus as he came into Jerusalem instead of clover leaves the people help calm branches in their hands instead of some drinking songs are Irish drinking songs. The they sang the old Psalms. They cried out. Hosanna, Psalm 118.

As you can see behind me the palm leaves. They are preparing us for the season that were about to go into the celebrate Good Friday and the Easter and so with that in mind I'm doing this four week series titled hosanna now here's the message of this series. God wants to save us. In fact, that is, his character, he is the Savior, God. He delights in saving us. In fact he wants us to ask him to look to him to be saved. Being saved by God is not a sign of weakness.

In fact, it is our prerogative as his children.

It's a blessing to be billed to call to God and say God save us. So our first message is from John chapter 12 will begin to be in the Old Testament.

Most of the time. Let's all stand as we read God's word together. John chapter 12 and verse 12. The next day, a great multitude that had come to the feast when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. They took branches of palm trees and ran out to meet him and they cried out.

Hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord the King of Israel, then Jesus, when he had found a young donkey's. He sat on it, and as it is written for or not, daughter of Zion, behold, your King is coming sitting on a donkey's colt listen to verse 16. His disciples did not understand these things at first they knew the Old Testament but didn't make the connection open. Jesus was glorified after he was resurrected. Then they remembered that these things were written about him you know when the Holy Spirit came, Jesus had promised that he would bring to their memory, but more than just a reminder. It was going to be a revelation that they will read the Old Testament with a whole new set of eyes and listen to this. Then they remembered that these things were written about him and that they had done these things to him before we pray that you know that God desires to save us. Did you know that he is our Savior, God saving is not sure for him. It does not disrupt his daily routine. He wants to save every single moment.

He wants to save us and I'm talking to believers is alarm saved but are you trusting him with your predicament.

The trial that you're facing the child all of us are facing right now.

Are you trusting him are you pleading with him to save us. And if you're not safe. You do not know Jesus Christ as your Savior.

You need to pray right now.

Would you join me in prayer. Simple prayer that says Jesus I need you to be my Savior, to the best of my knowledge, I believe that you came you died, you were buried but you rose again and you are the son of God you died for my sins and I need you to forgive me come into my life and be my Savior and my King and I would follow you as you help when people first come to Clearview there somewhat amazed at how much I talk about being saved every message you say it's amazing how you begin and you say are you saved and then towards the end of the message or even during the sermon somewhere. I will say this is what it means to be saved need to be saved today and that I end the message with the invitation to be saved and sometimes they've come to me and asked me if that's a Baptist thing is that what Baptists do because of tradition. They're coming from. That in here that of the importance of being saved.

So they asked me that up and I tell them again and again that is not about a a Baptist thing. It's a biblical thing. The Bible talks about being saved. The Bible talks about being delivered. The Bible talks about being rescued by God. In fact the board. Hosanna, it literally is a combination of two Hebrew words Hosea and Anna mother's words were they made the word horse JL or José a means save us or save me and the word not just simply now or please please save us now it's referring back to Psalm 118, where the psalmist says in verse 25 save now. I pray it will Lord all Lord I pray send now prosperity or blessing and this was usually a prayer that they prayed after harvest, waiting for the rain but but this evening look today were going to just focus on how important is this concept that God wants to save us at this is not some secondary or tertiary doctrine. This is a very primary document. God wants just rescue us to the saved he's already rescued you from sin and condemnation, but he wants to rescue you every single day, every single moment from whatever you're facing.

God is not a pull you out of the problem, but he's gonna walk with you and rescue you every step of the way he is rescuing his deliverance is not like getting us out of here, his rescuing his deliverance is helping us make it through whatever were facing so let's do a quick survey from the Old Testament. What is that mean that God is our Savior and he loves to rescue as well. Let's begin with the first book of the Bible scholars consider the book of Joe as the first book, Job, chapter 5, verse 11 it says he sets on high those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted to safety. Same word you're sure lifted to safety Joe 40 verse 14.

Now God is speaking to Joe. Remember that time work but is everything is done in God questions, Job, and he says to him that I would also confess to you Joe that you own right hand can save you what God is saying here is Job.

If you think you can do what I do that I will let you save yourself. Abby is a sarcasm and what the answer is no God. I cannot save myself.

I need you in my life. I need your help. That's the book of Job. Let's jump over to Exodus when God's people were in slavery in Egypt.

He said most us to rescue them but it's really God who was rescuing them so listen to Exodus 14 verse 13 and Moses said to the people.

Do not be afraid member of the Egyptians were coming Pharaoh's army. The chariots were chasing them down. He said do not be afraid, standstill and see what's the word same word issue since standstill and see the salvation of the Lord and he will accomplish for you today for the Egyptians whom you see today you shall see again.

No more. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and repeated in the book of Exodus, God is the Savior. He saves them he rescues them.

He delivers them again and again. After they were in the promised land, God sent judges to rescue them a one example that comes to my mind is Gideon in Judges 7 verse two if you member the situation. The Midianite army was was very big, almost 421, and that Gideon had about 32,000 men and goddesses estimated listen to what he says in verse two is the Lord said to Gideon, the people who are with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands. When I met too many the Midianites are far more four times more listen to God's reasoning last Israel claim glory for itself against me saying my own hand has saved me.

God says to many people because if they win they gonna say old because of the number of soldiers we have because of our chariots are because of our horses are because of our skills are strategy that we defeated the Midianites concert too many give the people a choice. If there afraid to go home and Gideon did is that if you're afraid, go home 22,000 walked away and now only 10,000 are left in God's is still too many. And as you remember the incident. God takes them down to a borehole. You gotta drink water and and he tells Gideon. Watch for them.

The ones who lap up the water like a dog. They are the ones we need to stay and guess what. Out of the 10,000 only 300 and God said perfect perfect God. That is crazy no goddesses that's perfect because they cannot say their own hand has saved them. Now I will get the glory says God and he did the Midianite army was vanquished after judges came the king's but the formula did not change others give you an example very quickly for time sake member incident where David came up against Goliath.

Saul was afraid. His army was afraid David's own brothers were afraid and David came and said what's going on.

Why are you letting this person talk this way we have God on our side. He will come to rescue us, you will come to save us in there like get out of here and then somehow he got before Saul and Saul try to put his armor on him and and David could not even walk with that armor because it was not the armor that was going to save David and then there is a showdown.

Can you picture this. Here's this philistine giant and there is this little shepherd boy David but listen to what David said to the Philistine, he said you come to me with this sword with his spear, and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand. Did you hear that the word deliver same word is being used and I will strike you and take your head from you and this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beast of the earth that I can imagine this army of Solomon and Saul's brothers are saying oh no you are you really making him mad but doesn't stop there. He says that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel that all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save. Guess what, the same word Yeshua is being used here. The Lord does not save with sword and spear for the battle is the Lord and he will give you into our hands and listen throughout Samuel King's Chronicles when the Kings trusted in their own mind. They failed the lost when they trusted in God.

They want the trusting is not sitting back and say what I don't do anything which is gonna take it easy and obvious, given up now trusting in is is saying God I will do whatever you call me to do and I will work hard, and I will work smart but ultimately I know that it's you. You have given me the ability to do what I'm doing and I'm doing it for you and the wisdom books.

It is not cunning and strategy that saves but again, the Lord sometimes people come to the book of Proverbs and I love the book of Proverbs, you know that's where you learn how to live skillfully but skillfully does not mean to live without God, you still need God in your life, you still need God to guide you and to direct you listen to Proverbs chapter 20 verse 22. Do not say I will recompense evil but wait for the Lord and he will save you. Listen, this is in the book of Proverbs in a people say oh this is a practical book incidents that's so applicable to my daily life, my business my relationship.

Yes, it is not, and I preach from and not just ministries short series on it, but don't think that this book negates God's rescue in our lives is another verse Proverbs 22 verse 1321 verse 31 the horse is prepared for the day of battle, which means this.

Do your best. Use the knowledge you have used the skills you have used the education you have used the connections you have that God has given to you, but deliverance is of the Lord.

Proverbs 28 verse 18 whoever walks blamelessly will be saved, but he who is perverse in his ways, will suddenly fall which means this, let's be holy. Let's not compromise.

Let's not lose the standard of righteousness God has given to us. When I go to lose if we keep that in mind, let's keep rolling for time sake over 100 times. The prophets call upon the people to look to the Lord to save. I don't have time to go through all the references that I've been going through here. I'm just picking and choosing listeners know Isaiah 45 verse 21 tell and bring forth your case, yes, let them take counsel together who has declared this from ancient times who has told it from that time have not I the Lord, and there is no other God besides me a just God and a Savior. Did you know that one of God's titles, names his Savior.

There is none beside me, look to me and be saved in the beautiful. Are you struggling right now. Are you lying awake at night wondering what will happen next. How you gonna make ends meet. What is the rest of the year looking like look to him and be saved and will take us to another level. Whatever you're doing with us you work, business, family relationships, health, church, life is good. Take us to another level of effectiveness.

Jeremiah says something similar.

Listen to Jeremiah 1520 God says, and I will make you do this people a fortified bronze wall and they will fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you, for I am with you to save you and deliver you.

God does not say you not have trials or flights will not come. That's never been promised so deliverance does not mean exemption from struggles and trials. It means God is going to be with you just look to him. Hosea chapter 14 verse 10. Israel returned to the Lord your God, for you have stumbled because of your iniquity take words with you and return to the Lord said to him, take away all iniquity received was graciously for we will all for the sacrifices of our lives. Assyria shall not save us. So who are you trusting into save as a people, institutions, government, I'm grateful for our government and and all the good that is going on in all the all of the packages that are coming down to help people in need to help people with unemployment and to help people who are facing sickness or whatever, but I'm grateful, but that's not my source of strength. My source of strength is God. I pray for my leaders but I trust in God and that's what Hosea single here. Listen to John chapter 2 verse 9F. Imagine having a trial like him going into the belly of this great fish and he is at the bottom of the ocean and he says, but I will sacrifice to you with the voice of thanksgiving I would pay what I have vowed salvation is of the Lord that were salvation again is the same coming from the same root word is a derivative of issue Jesus there all connected all these words are connected and finally in the Psalms is everywhere you in the hymnbook of ancient Israel.

Every him had something about God's salvation because those are prayers. Those are songs of thanksgiving goes with songs of lament. Those are messianic Psalms and Psalms. Every one of them. In fact, 40% of them are nothing but Lord save us agreed for you a couple very quickly.

Psalm 28 and verse eight, the Lord is their strength and he is thus saving the refuge of his anointed Savior, people, and bless your inheritance site work Psalm 44 verse six. Probably not trust in my bowl, nor shall my sword save me but you have saved us from our enemies and have put to shame. Those who hated us God, you saved us.

You saved us in God we boast all day long and praise your name forever versus the sum in him we boast Psalm 80 verse three restore Russell. God calls your face to shine and we shall be saved. We shall be saved. Psalm 119 94 I am your save me, for I have sought your precepts. As I seek your truth as I see Jesus, God, you will save me, save me from this crisis.

Save me from some of the situation you're struggling to save me. Whatever trial that you're going through.

And finally, Psalm 144 again.

I can read for hours and hours every reference of Yeshua will be here on all night all day. Psalm 144 verse nine. I will sing a new song to your God on a harp of 10 strings. I will sing praises to you the one who gives salvation to kings again.

The word is this word who share same word, who delivers David his servant from the deadly sword who share your sure this is our Savior, God. Our salvation, let me repeat again rests in the beginning God wants to save us. In fact, that's one of his titles are Savior God.

He delights in saving us.

He's not a God who goes to go back a Savior again.

Are you just saved you.

Why do I need to save you through this one though he delights in the he wants it, we have to ask for. He loves to hear the voice of his children calling on him to save tonight or today.

Many of us need to bow before God on our knees before God is a God save us in on the authority of God's word, he will answer our prayers. Whatever our needs are.

God wants to say being saved by God is not a sign of weakness is our prerogative as it is his children. He wants us to have this privilege. He's given us the tools. Sometimes a salvation comes in in opening the door for us. Sometimes a salvation comes in interaction with somebody who doesn't know the Lord and as you going to this trial.

Somehow the person knows Christ comes to know Christ and in the life is change. I believe what's happening in America is not what's happening to America but was happening for America can imagine, we come out to this crisis.

Whatever your opinion is, we come through it and there is a mighty revival. Was it worth it. Absolutely worth to be been praying for this for decades.

Scott send a revival. What better time and God is doing some massive shakeup and that's why what is needed from us is to be ready to give people Jesus. Jesus, you know what his name is in Matthew 121 is says, and she would bring forth a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. So as Jesus was walking through the streets of Palestine 2000 years ago. Everywhere he went, people were not going so what is your name mean. His name was God save us as what it meant his name and Savior and for us reading in English is so hard thing to understand the word Jesus and Savior. Seems like two different words and not in Hebrew and 48 a Jewish person in those days every time they open their Bible which was just the Old Testament. They saw that name everywhere. Tonight we are in this method we just did a brief survey all the way from Joel to Psalms. Just a brief survey of that word who share your whole sure Savior. Do you know him. Do you know Jesus Christ as your Savior as a believer. He can call on him anytime.

But if you're not a believer tonight. Today you to give your heart to him. Paul says his role in the Romans chapter 10 verse nine he says if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead. Listen, you will be saved, you will be rescued. God is waiting for you to confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart, he's waiting to rescue you from your sin to apply the forgiveness from the cross of Jesus Christ your life. He's waiting to do that. All you have to do is look to him and live again. Pray the simple prayer with me, Jesus, I need to be saved, and I believe the best of my ability.

I believe that you are God's who came down on the cross for my sins buried, but rose again and I need you to forgive me of my sins come into my life and take over be my Savior but also be my king and I will follow you. I will follow you my king.

The rest of my life. And thank you for saving me and if you pray that prayer, Neil, on the steps and thank God for saving the rest of us would better time to say God save us, and God will give you the strength God will give you the wisdom God will give you his peace, his grace, in fact he would be those things to you. Jesus is everything to us. We have to simply ask this trial will also pass trust as we stand together. God is speaking to your hearts you come God has always been about saving his children. Salvation is the heart of God for the foundation of our job is to share that message of hope when we meet.

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