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Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
April 19, 2020 6:00 am


Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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April 19, 2020 6:00 am

Philippians 1:1-4

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You're listening to the radio ministry of Clearview church in Henderson North Carolina I Clearview.

Our goal is to make Christ visible in everything media in this message. Dr. Shah begins a brand-new series to the book of Philippians titled community look at Paul's letter to the Philippian believers talk about the importance of gathering together physically as a church family.

This message is more important for us now than ever before, so let's listen to this week's message.

The history of our world is littered with countless obsolete what is an obsolete and obsolete as something that was very meaningful at one time very useful, but that in time, it becomes obsolete. We have a lot of technological obsoletes all around us. For example, back in the day.

I used to have a Sony Walkman. Anybody else remember the Sony Walkman you would put right here with the headphones on. You were so hip you you you have you had it made and then people had pagers in the bedroom of the pagers you be talking to them also. They would go wait a minute been paged and they would walk away from you. Find a telephone, and then make the call.

They were so important, the pagers and then something like the Palm pilots anybody had a PalmPilot I know I did. And, but, but I got it too late, but I member sitting in meetings, board meetings and I had my yellow notepad and a pen and I was taking down those and somebody would pull out the PalmPilot and had a stylus or whatever they were right in this and let me put it in my it in my calendar and you just sit there watching feeling like a caveman as somebody was so sophisticated know what happened to the Walkman. What happened to the pager in the PalmPilot.

They're gone, they have become obsolete.

Now we have something like this. This is more powerful than some of those computers we paid $3000 for it can do so much of you can communicate with people you can go online you can research. I mean it's unbelievable what you can do with this, but tomorrow this will also become obsolete, something else will come around now lately. In light of the current crisis. Some people are claiming that even how we live every day is going to become obsolete how we interact with each other how we gather together is going to become obsolete and I'm not a social scientist so I can tell you what, what will happen or not happen will be still keep shaking hands, are we still hug her or will we still do all those things. I don't know will find out. I have a feeling that we do go back to normalcy would go to go back to how things work. Having said that, there are some people, and these are not all lost people.

But even Christians are beginning to say something like even the church, even the way we do church is going to become obsolete.

What they're claiming is that we will necessarily come together physically as much anymore. With this technology and all that we have that now were going to have pockets of believers here and there in groups and all of that we can be doing that and maybe we can come together from some big things but overall is all going to be different. Welcome to the virtual church now want you to hear me very carefully no matter what would become obsolete in this world.

With regards to technology or with regards to cultural habits.

Please make no mistake, the church of Jesus Christ as he has described it to us in his word will never become obsolete will never become obsolete. God has said in his word that his church will remain and even the gates of hell will not prevail against it. And I know what were thinking.

Oh, I know the church would remain but but things will change in the way we do things. There are certain things that will never change. One of them. The primary one is this God's people physically gathering together in physical location as an assembly will not change. It cannot change people have prognosticate it.

The death of the church. The changing of the church to listen to some this is what is happened those people have died in moved on.

The church is still here.

The gathering will always be there. The assembling of people to gather will always be there.

Why, because God's word tells us in this morning. We'll talk about that as you begin a new series through Philippians knife you know if you been a Clearview for some time.

You know that we have preached through portions of this letter, but we can go back again into Philippians in this series is called community.

I don't know of a better time that we need to talk about the importance of community biblically, as if you have your Bibles with you, turn to Philippians chapter 1 as we begin this series today and 11 is going to leaders as you turning in your Bibles on your phones, iPads, whatever this message is heavy on my heart.

This is heavy on the heart of our staff. The men and women who daily live in and breathe ministry from these grounds is heavy on their hearts as well. So Philippians chapter 1 starting in verse one Paul and Timothy, bond servants of Jesus Christ to all the saints in Christ Jesus, who are in Philippi now come to this again, but churches were not just a group of people meeting house to house doing the things that's important. Small groups are important. Cell groups are important inner circles are important. We've talked about this from our church, but those groups can never take the place of groups of the assembly of gathering of people coming together just like here Paul is writing to the Christian the church in Philippi with the bishops and deacons.

We have bishops in decal.on comments of a bishop, but we oversee the work of the ministry we shepherd the flock of God. The team here shepherds the flock of God. That's our calling deacons our care group leaders and other ministry leaders in our church, not just them but others as well who do various ministries Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I tank my God upon every remembrance of you always in every prayer of mine, making request for you all. He's not talking about a handful here in the couple there for you all with joy for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now we could've titled this series fellowship but you know, we consider fellowship to be come together and eat. So that's over talking about our fellowship, togetherness, the assembling in the gospel from the first day until now question for you before we pray. What do you believe about the gathered church, do you think it's important for us to gather together I don't know about you, but in a time like this. We have heard from so many a few how important it is for us to gather together really can do zoom, yes we can do Facebook life. Yes, we can have a couple of families meeting together here a couple of friends getting together here all those things are wonderful and that's great but they can never take the place of the whole body coming together.

What do you believe any of this morning, your heart is not moved by the state when, yes, I believe. I believe in the importance of the physical bodies coming together in a physical location get alone with God. Get alone with God is a God, why, why do have a problem with that because, listen, if you don't believe that you're not lining up with the word of God and are you a member of the body of Christ, which means there is the belong to the church. The are you saved, if you are not today's a day. The simple prayer that says Jesus come into my life saved me.

Would you pray that right.

The right where you are never given a heart to Jesus Christ asking right now simply say Jesus, I believe, to the best of my ability. I believe that you died, you were buried. He rose again and that you are the son of God, I need you to come into my life. Forgive me of my sins and then take over. I don't understand everything there is to understand. I don't know everything in the Bible, but I know this much I need you in my life and God will save you nothing will he save you. Not only will he forgive you of your sins, but he'll give you new family. That's the church family. Now those of you who have been at Clearview for some time. As I mentioned, we have been through the book of Philippians. So we have spent some time in it. But for the benefit of those who weren't there or maybe you forgotten I want to quickly give you some background information that would help you understand this new series better. You see, Paul was the founder of that church. There and how did he feel about the Philippian believers. Listen again to Philippians 13 we just read this passage, Paul says I tank my God upon every remembrance of you, which means this every time I think about the Philippian church. The church in Philippi. My heart just wells up with joy and I begin to thank God for you when you stop there for a moment in the past month did you feel the same place same way about this place is that all know, I mean only charges people folks listen churches people. The church is also the place where those people meet you're getting this sometimes our pendulum has swung so far this way that we have forgotten what it means church is people.

The church is also the place where the family meets heavy mist displays having missed being together with other believers. Let's keep going. The first thing we learn is that Philippians were Paul's pride and joy every time you thought about them.

His heart just burst into Thanksgiving doors God for them you love them. Secondly, this letter was not an ordinary letter. Paul wrote this letter from a prison cell in Rome. How do we know that will listen to Philippians chapter 1 in verse seven he says both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel. The fact that he uses the word chains tells us that Paul was in a prison setting and again he says in verse 13, so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard that my chains are in Christ right there. We know that Paul was in a some kind of a prison situation. There's a good possibility that Paul will not come out of this prison alive. How do we know that. Listen to Philippians chapter 1 in verse 20 Paul says Christ will be magnified in my body whether by life or by death, which means this even though he isn't just a house arrest situation. There's a good chance he's not coming out just the way I began this message today. I said, my heart is heavy today.

Paul's heart was heavy for the Philippian Christians for the church in Philippi.

Why again when we read this letter.

We have two hints two hints the first hint is Paul's mention of the word joy in Greek the word is Kara. He mentions it about five times in various forms. Let me quickly list them for you. Philippians chapter 1 verse four always in every prayer of mine, making request for you all with joy. Philippians chapter 125 he says I know that I shall remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy of faith.

Joy of faith. Kara Philippians chapter 2 verse two he says fulfill my joy by being like-minded and again in Philippians 229 Paul wants them to receive a man by the name of a path for a died us. He was Paul's companion in ministries that he sister the Philippian Christians. Hey listen he's coming to your church receive him with joy and then finally in Philippians chapter 4 in verse one, Paul says the Philippian church. You are my beloved and longed for, brethren, my joy and crown, my joy and crown that some people have have seen this and again how many times Paul uses the word joy and also the word rejoice. The word chiral means rejoice. Paul uses it about seven times. One of them is of Philippians chapter 4 verse four rejoice in the Lord always again I say rejoice. Some people have said, you know, this must be Paul's letter of joy. Paul is teaching us the importance of being joyful in the midst of trials. Be joyful in the midst of suffering. Be joyful. He's in a prison cell, but he is he is full of joy now that may have been true if it wasn't for the second hint. What is a second hint the second hint are the number of times. Paul talks about the division. The division in the Philippian church, let me go over them as well. Philippians chapter 1 verse 27, only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ. Stand fast in one spirit which means there is a yellow with me. Their spirits are divided. Paul says stand fast in one spirit with one mind.

Your minds are divided have one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel. Philippians chapter 2 verse two he says fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same mind. Philippians chapter 2 verse three. Listen to this. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind. So if you have a proud and a hearty mind in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interest of others.

Why is Paul saying this because lately the Philippians have been divided were not done this in Philippians 214. He says do all things without complaining and listen and disputing books when you dispute you don't have the same mind. How can you have the same mind when you're arguing when you are in conflict. You cannot have the same mind and then finally Philippians chapter 4 verse two. Paul says this inverter. Carefully this when he said, I implore the word implore means. I beg, I implore you, dear, and I implore syndicate.

These were two women who help Paul in his ministry. Paul says I beg you dear and I beg syndicate to be listen to be of the same mind in the Lord, which means this these two women who were very influential to help Paul but somehow they were in the Philippian church together but not getting along. There were divisions in the body.

And guess what was happening. What was the byproduct joy was leaking out. I want you to miss this nothing will deplete joy in the Christian life faster than division in your life. Nothing will deplete joy from your home. When husband and wives are quarreling nothing will deplete joy in your life and siblings are not getting along, nothing will deplete joy from your life than people at odds with each other. Nothing will deplete joy from the church when the church is divided into a joyous sometimes.

You misunderstand, joy is not peace. Peace is the calm assurance that God is in control and everything is can be fine.

You can have peace that passes all understanding. But joy is the excitement the celebration that comes regardless of the circumstances listen when there is conflict when there is division.

When people are scattered, you cannot have joy. What does that have to do with our message today. The current crisis has scattered the church. It's not all bad because people are sharing on the Internet, social media there using ways to share hope some of y'all have done some amazing videos I've seen your post. Your encouraging words. That's great that's great that's wonderful is given us a chance to become more visible as believers or social media's advise God this and and and you've done a great job but please don't misunderstand what I say this is only for a limited time. We cannot continue this forever. The charge body cannot survive but every body like like a gunshot discharge, a shotgun just scattered everywhere you cannot survive the pastor. I believe were two or three are gathered together, Jesus said, there I am in the midst of them.

Matthew 18 verse 20 I heard that to lately as well. That person is and have you read the whole chapter is a what you mean. Have you read Matthew chapter 18 verse 17, which comes three verses before Matthew 1820 know I haven't.

I said let me read it for you and if he refuses to hear them tell it to the church. Would you like to know what Matthew chapter 18 is about is about church discipline where somebody who's in the body and the assembly in the gathering is not behaving right and you go and try to make things right.

When you go and try to get that person to get back in fellowship or or reject that sin or whatever and that. Don't listen to you then guess what go to the church. That passage is not about the scatter. Everywhere were two or three are our little group a couple families were having little time but Jesus asked was about read the context was a context Telus it says if he refuses to hear them tell it to the charge, but if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector, which means this what Jesus was saying is deal with that person. Try to get them back in the charge body. If they don't listen let him go and just remember I am with you I am with you in that setting. When you talk to that person two or three are discussing the situation on the to be there with you to help you make the right decision. I'll be the judge that we've taken that and made it into something completely crazy. We talk about all were two or three.

We don't have to come together. That was never meant to be working to do this and that so much better. Blodgett really got so much out of the hat I sitting around in a circle in power allowing together and it body has an opinion and nearby things to know what the text is saying we just discussed this forever. That is so much I got so much out of that than coming together and worshiping and hearing the word of God. I'm telling you we Christians have a way of swinging the pendulum all the way to the other side but not as we all think it was Paschall fussing so much.

We actually came my purpose here is not to fuss my purpose here is for you to take what you are hearing and share it with other people. Make your contribution when somebody says yeah this is the best thing we just need to hunker down for another five months. That's when he does become a say no, that's not healthy. Not only is it unhealthy for us as a nation but is also unhealthy for us as a church speak up, God has said in his word that his church will remain in that we need to get back to where we need to be wobbled while hardly believe that because Jesus is the founder of the church. We can destroy it if is distorted in one place will start somewhere else is going to stand and again. Please don't misunderstand crisis is real.

Guidelines need to be followed. Listen to the authorities. It makes us who we are the Christians don't just blatantly reject the authority we need to obey the authority but having said that, we also need to be obedient to the Lord and say wait a minute. By redoing this is listen listen.

Some people have ulterior motives. They don't think that kindly about Christians in church because it comes with certain values. The church is not just a group that hangs out here and there, it refers to the assembly that gathering the visible gathering.

It was in Jerusalem and Derby and list right Ephesus and Philippi was a gathering and when the gathering got too big.

They had other churches and they had smaller churches, but it never went to just a house to house moving.

That's all we do now when they did that they never impacted the culture. The culture always ran out the Christians. We need the visible presence in the visible presence matters in the church building is not optional. Yes, the church are the people primarily but the places that met was also the church it when we stopped meeting. We are getting this in the parking lot stays empty is just a shell is just a shell and that's why it is vital for us to get back to get home I will read for us in Ephesians chapter 2 because it helps us understand with Evan. When Paul talks about believers and that we don't have to go to Jerusalem to worship Jesus said, you will worship in spirit and in truth that the location doesn't matter when you have a location that becomes your home church listen what pauses in Ephesians 219 and I want you to notice the, the analogy that he uses the imagery of it building that he uses now therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, a building having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone.

Again, the architecture and home. The horn building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. The believers were kicked out of the temple of the believers were kicked out of the synagogues. Paul says listen, don't worry about that you can be that holy temple but he doesn't say had no uni-location. Don't be at a location. In fact, he uses imagery of a structure of the building to say now you can do this still verse 21 and home. The whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the spirit.

This, in my personal time, but Jesus is good. I need it. Every morning I did the devotional time. Having time with couple of people few few individuals, few families coming together. That's good that's good and I hope you do it, but it's not a substitute for corporate worship.

The body coming together growing together raising our children our families together.

This was always the way and nothing can take the place of that. Listen to Hebrews chapter 10 verse 24, 25, it says and let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works can you stir up love and good works with three or four people come together. Yes, but it cannot be to the same extent when the whole body comes together, not forsaking.

This is Hebrews 1025 not forsaking the assembling the episode not go gay, which is the coming together based on the synagogues.

I hate to break it to you. Technology will never ever substitute the visible actual coming together in a physical location of the people of God, not forsaking the something of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching and this was written 2000 years ago.

The day is still coming.

Let me once again close with this joy leaks out when division comes when the body is divided. Are you praying for the body to get back to get are you praying God.

We cannot stay scattered forever. We can stay in the zone and are not just us but also people, businesses throughout this nation. We cannot stay like this forever and are you a member of the body of Christ are you sated if you're not right where you are. Give your heart to Christ asking to come into your life forgive you for your sins and take over be your master and your king. Thank you so much for listening this week's message that the history of Christianity people and governments have predicted the death of the gathered church they die church still gathers and lives on what you believe about the church physical gathering of the body of believers in a physical location care about the Lord you care by his bright church you a member of the body of Christ. For more information visit us and for the sermons, notes and other additional resources check out Dr. Shaw's block and I would not