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Love is the Greatest

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
January 29, 2017 5:00 am

Love is the Greatest

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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January 29, 2017 5:00 am

1 Corinthians 13:1-8, 13

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Welcome to the radio ministry ethically returns in Henderson Margo's tonight Christ visible Clearview is a place of genuine worship with ministries for all age groups and all people.

For more information, visit us at 3485 Oxford Rd. in Henderson or visit us online at Clearview B. now join us for this week's message by Pastor Otto as we are going into Valentine's Day coming up.

This will be our series and is called love is the greatest not just love and marriage but love in general love in your family doors your children, parents, sisters, brothers love towards the church family. Those you know, through Jesus Christ love to those you work with.

Sometimes I can be very hard to do.

Love in our community, our nation world love in general is the focus of this theory so I don't want to think was just going about marriage is Valentine's Day. It's more than that.

So if you have your Bibles turn to first Corinthians chapter 13 now read this passage from Corinth first Corinthians 13 verse one. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.

And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing and though I bestow all my goods to feed the and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits nothing.

Love suffers long and is kind love does not envy. Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails first. 13 and now abide faith, hope and love. These three with the greatest of these is love. Would you agree that the word love is probably the most used word in our world.

Would you agree with that people use that word a lot USA won't know as the work gets or is no really, the word love is an idea is probably the most used word in our world would you also agree that the word love is probably the most abused and misunderstood word in our world. Would you agree with that and people love everything from hamburgers to you know husbands and wives. How do you distinguish between loving his gray ballgame to loving your children. People write about love. We sing about love.

We tell each other.

I love you or unfortunately we also hear I love you anymore in this series were going to learn from the Bible, not my ideas not my stories were going to learn what God has to say about love and how to show love. But before we do that, let's have a heart to heart talk, you know what I mean by heart-to-heart talk. Let's ask each other.

Do you truly understand what it means to love again I'm not just talking about romantic or marital love but also loving people in general. Do you truly understand I'm asking myself that question. If your family had to fill out a survey about you anonymous. Okay. And they have three categories love mean and undecided which one will the check about you as a Tupperware. The question this morning is duly understand love. Are you saved are you a Christian. Are you a believer is a wise and important because when you receive Jesus as your Savior. Romans 55 tells us that the Holy Spirit pours the love of God into your heart. Now you can really love you so wait a minute, wait a minute.

I know some neighbors Otto some friends and there are Christians don't go to church about don't you tell me ditto love yes they can love because all of us are made in the image of God because God loves. We love but just being made in the image of God is not enough because it always be weak temporal partial and selfish love is when you receive Jesus as your Savior and the Holy Spirit pours the love of God into your heart.

Now you can love others the way God loves us and that's a whole different kind of love is loving people who are unlovable this morning were going to learn about what this love is about were going to lay down the foundation.

This is a tough message but I want you to give up on me. Okay I want you to like half in the mess go.

This is not about love is talk about history and archaeology. I don't get it. Please be patient. Okay. Just hang in there because when you build a foundation. It doesn't look pretty is nothing but burden and big piano concrete blogs going into the ground. I was going to see that is not pretty. It's not not hang in there because were laying out the groundwork so that the series will make sense and three things were going to focus on this morning starting with the context of Corinth, Paul wrote this letter to the church in Corinth. The first thing he did understand what is this place who are these people and then you will be able to better appreciate what he had to say to them about love in the first century Greece, there were three prominent cities.

The first city. I'm sure all of you heard of this Athens Athens was a city known for his great history. It was known for his great architecture you saw some of those pictures during the welcome time.

Greece. Athens was known for its ancient schools of learning for writing my philosophy.

Plato and Aristotle.

All these people were in a but by the time Paul came on the scene.

Athens was nothing more than a tourist town people when they're just a sightsee or to send their children to study at one of the universities. The second prominent city was Sparta. Now I know many of your awareness borrow Sparta. Even back then was known for his great history and for its fighting tradition, their military skills.

By the time Paul came on the scene.

Sparta was also nothing more than a tourist town just the way today people go there looking for Leonardo's and 300 by the nothing is there that people 2000 years ago would go to Sparta.

We want to find the 300 is there anything left know they were too busy fighting that and build anything so that's Sparta but the first city that was prominent in the time of Paul was Corinth.

What made Corinth so unique to begin with. It was this geographical location where it was sitting.

It was sitting on the cross roads across orders intersection from north to south from East to West. It was sitting on the cross roads of a business route. It was sitting on what is calling is to miss your the word before instruments and when asked.

Mrs. is like a narrow strip of land connecting a big body of land or big track of land in a big track of land over here. This is an instruments narrow strip of land either side is water big tracts of land. If somebody has to go from here to here they have to go to that land if somebody has to go from here to here. They have to stop by the harbor and somehow transport the goods pick it up on the other side you have to go through Corinth. This was the capital.

This was a major crossroads of the ancient world. By the way, I'll give you little trivia north to south was no problem. You could just walk across the little track of land east to west or west to east was a problem because going around one of those big tracts of land. I told you about either side. It was treacherous. The oceans would have sudden heavy winds jagged rocks everywhere.

So what they would do is this, they would bring the ships loaded with cargo to one of the harbors empty the cargo and the ship would either travel around the truck by the with a travel round was 410 miles. The little track of lot of land was only the isthmus was only 8 to 9 miles wide, but it was much safer and cheaper to empty the car go let the ship go all around and get on the other side. You know, maybe a week or two weeks later put the car go back and keep on going to the Easter of the West. In the meantime, the dealership sailors and laborers good, hang out in the town do their thing or repair the ship. So whatever this was Corinth. Now we back up a little bit. Who were the people living there in 146 BC.

The Romans had destroyed Corinth to the Greek people were gone. But in 44 BC, Julius Caesar, you hurt some of these names he rebuilds Corinth, but he rebuilds and populated that city with former slaves who had won their freedom.

He populated Corinth with his military Army veterans. He populated Corinth with businessmen, laborers, some of them were Greeks, but most of them either.

Romans Jewish Egyptians, Syrians, Celts, Corinth was a melting pot.

Are you beginning to get a picture what this place look like a business crossroad with people from all over the world.

Many of them Greeks, but most of them were coming from everywhere, does not sound like New York City all over the place. This was Corinth. Somebody said Corinth was like San Francisco during the California gold rush if you know any of American history, or how it was people got quick rich.

One moment they are cleaning the latrines.

The next moment they're there holding up the pinking drinking tea. Her height and one moment they're wearing rags. The next moment they're wearing nice tuxedo and going to the ball. This is Corinth again. I'm generalizing this was the population crossroads portrayed in the ancient world. And please don't lose me because I'm going somewhere with this. What kind of people do you think were passing through this town.

Sailors were passing through this town.

Troops were passing through this town.

Merchants were passing through these town pickpocket orders were passing through this town every kind of immorality and debauchery was found in Corinth that if you wanted to study would go to Athens if you want to learn how to fight. You go to Sparta if you want to have a good time where you go go Corinth. I hope you're getting the image of what this place was all about not told you to pay attention to the big mountain behind me.

What was that mountain.

It was known as a as an acro Corinth, upper Corinth.

By the time of Paul. There was a big temple to Aphrodite, the goddess of love on this mountain. She had some people say as many as 1000 priestesses out of thing. Aphrodite needed a thousand priestesses you we all think they were doing. It was a religious cover for prostitution. So when you come to Corinth looking for a good time go the mountain. You can worship there. I tell you what you will really worship and so Pete, this was the this was the image of Corinth. What is amazing to me is this Paul did not stay in Athens. He did not move on to Sparta. He said I need to go to Corinth. This is where lawlessness was at its max. I'm going somewhere with this. Please don't lose me. This is the place where people were drawn for the wrong kind of love sexual lust and selfish pride. But Paul Newman is hard that these people needed to hear God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son is I am going to Corinth there's something else was happening there. You are the Olympic Games you haven't okay this will make sure you are the Olympic Games. They happen every four years they were happening. Back then, but the Greeks also had three more games.

One of them was known as the Isthmian game of the isthmus Isthmian games. They happen every other year every other year Greeks from all over would come and participate in the Isthmian game and where did they go Corinth. This is what was happening. This was the place crossroads people who had pulled themselves up by the roots bootstraps you don't.

Sexual promiscuity is happening at its as a sanction, Isthmian games every other year. People are coming by the droves and pulses, I'm going to Corinth 90 Joe to help me preach what was Paul's occupation printmaker Interpol could've made a lot of money being because he was literate he could've made money as a translator, he could have made money working at the dogs you know doing the taxes he could've made money working at the bank. You know he was a smart man. He was educated he chose Ted making.

Why do you think you did that all the sailors passing the vote. There's only so many motel rooms ready thing. There were stay intense. He meets a Cuyler Priscilla. He stays with them. He works in making tents. Now this is a list sanctified imagination can imagine for five guys show up where you from all were from Macedonia.

While you here over here for the Isthmian games whether not starting another mother.

I know we got some money were ready to have a good time and were looking for a big tell you what I may not is not the four of us. We were looking for more people.

I can imagine Paul over there in the corner.

Listen acrylic some to me are seldom some tents ever see boys. Have you heard of Jesus Christ books.

That's how it happened. How do you think Paul founded the church in Corinth. It was it was this interaction that he was happening with people who were passing through, and even the local people in the synagogues he was interacting with them, sharing the gospel with them and they were getting saved.

That was in the church there before Paul sometime we talk so bad about our community. Sometimes we talk down about our community. What would Paul do he would go where the people are churches are dying. You know why churches are shriveling up and closing doors is because we have ran away from the culture was an amazing man was, and he starts the church. He puts the right leaders in place and then he says I gotta go you what I would've done I got family kids young need a pastor. Paul leaves and then two things happen.

The Corinthians, wrote to Paul asking him some questions that were struggling with something else happen.

As Paul is away in Ephesus in Antioch. He begins to hear that there are problems in the Corinthian church. This is were getting close to where the series.

He begins to hear things are bad back in Corinth, limiting the first verse first Corinthians chapter 3 verse three Paul says for where there are envy strive and divisions among you, Paul left Corinth. The church is growing. Word comes back to him. Paul, I hate to tell you this, the church is splitting one group says they love you another one say they hate you. One says a love Apollo. They have picked sides in the church is going through a split. Does that sound familiar at the root of division is what lack of love something else. Paul hears four splinters for 10 Paul says we are fools for Christ sake, you know what happened.

The Corinthians were calling Paul a fool in his absence.

They were talking bad. Do you know Christians like that to your face to say all love you brother behind your back. What an idiot. They were saying that about Paulson. Listen to what Paul says we are fools you call me a fool. We are full for Christ sake, but you are wise in Christ we are weak, but you are strong you are, distinguished Paul is like an sarcasm is that your you got from rags to riches over you are distinguished, but we are dishonored that much love, not much love towards Paul, who had given his life for them.

Listen to something else for Clinton's 51. Paul says it is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you and such sexual immorality as is not even named among the Gentiles, that a man has his father's wife. What in the world.

Imagine a man either. His wife dies so he divorces his wife and he marry somebody else. The sun seduces his stepmom. Another problem was not the sexual immorality. What's worse is that no one had a problem with that behavior.

Paul says and you are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he who has done this deed might be taken away from you to the same fellow who is sleeping and shacking up with his dad's wife is taken of the offering is singing in the praise team thereby like all good.

Well, you know I buy makes mistakes, pulses, sums wrong horses that love the thing that son had love is nothing but last few thing that happens in our world today.

Do you think is happening in our church today. Of course it is something else was happening. First Quinton six. I say this to your shame, Paul says, is it so that there is not a wise man among you, not even one who will be able to judge between his brethren, but brother goes to law against brother and dad before unbelievers.

There were lawsuits in the church. They were taking each other discharge. Something happened back hears like mama so you using us love marriages were also in trouble. Listen the first Corinthians chapter 7 Paul says let the husband render to his wife. The affection due her and likewise also the wife to her husband in many homes in many marriages in Corinth the same church that Paul started the church sitting at the crossroads not of quick rich big money backgrounds from all over the place. Some Greek, some all over. Many of those couples were no longer being sexually intimate. Paul says the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does pulses and likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.

And people think that the Bible is so male chauvinism does not first Clinton's leaven. This was not just in the bedroom and this was not just in the courtroom. It was also happening during the communion enforcement is 11 Paul says therefore when you come together in one place is not to eat the Lord's supper for an eating each one takes his own supper ahead of others.

So you come out to have communion. Okay I was next to him see the property with the next prostitute Henry can my family. Go ahead and get the communion first place. What is communion communion is when you take the cup and the bread and we drank it reheated what were saying is that the same Jesus that is flowing through me is a Jesus that is flowing through us. We are part of the family of God, and something else was happening, which is the focus of our study. Four splinters 13 verse one Paul says, though I speak with tongues of men and of angels on the with LS speaking to what Paul is doing is exaggerating is like.

If you can speak with other tongues, and even if he can speak in the angelic tongues, but if you do not have love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, again an exaggeration so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing and though I bestow clearly needs to hear this. Some of us talk a lot about how much were doing for the poor and the hungry in helping our community go. I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and exaggerated, though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. See bottom line.

They had a love problem is your life marked by love or like the Corinthians.

Your idea of love is weak, shallow and incomplete. Now we come to the passage begin to focus on for the next couple weeks the content of love travel back in time with me the first time the letter came to the Corinthian church. They were not expecting the letter. Comes people are sitting in church there since the former slave man. He is a millionaire now there since the X prostitute from the temple of Aphrodite there since that converted Jewish person there sits an Egyptian.

There sits a Celt there sits a businessman is his roots go deep in the Greek saw and and there sits over here is Syrian. They're all sitting together, there sits a couple over there young couple last night ahead of knockdown drag out fight.

Love suffers long and is kind. I can just picture the couple looking at each other as Nast last night she said to him I can stand you and he told her he cannot stand to look at her anymore.

Love suffers long and is kind love does not envy there is that that that former slave was a lot of money and there is that Greek over here whose roots go deep down and he is a big miss what he always looked as like how to get all that Howdy. Love does not parade itself, there is that Egyptian all our culture goes way back.

Parading help help help our family tree goes all the way back to you know someone somewhere in in England does not parade itself, is not puffed up, does not behave rudely when that converted Jewish person came in and he heard that she was a prostitute prostitute. I miss you so why would you put in the church does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, you made me mad looking, usually a very kind, gentle person, but you push my buttons that happen in many homes does that happen in the churches. Love is not provoked, thinks no evil will anything happen to them as they're sitting in that circle and Paulus is writing to them. Same thing happen that is happening right now. Pin drop silence is the point when you and I get saved. The Holy Spirit Horus the love of God in our hearts, but I want you here me very carefully.

Just because you're saved and you have the love of God poured into your hearts does not mean that loving people will be automatic love is a gift, but loving is an act, and there are two different things.

That's why sometimes people look at Christians who are not very loving and as I don't think you say is not about saying he's this nonpracticing he's got it here, is just not coming out with a policy but now abide faith, hope, love but the greatest is love. I wanted to be said about me. Not that he was a great preacher or the good pastor was good.

Father, husband, what I want people to say he was a loving person, folks, I am not there. This series is for me this series. I'm hoping and praying will do a deep work in my heart that those around me. The moment they come in contact the reputation out there is you know he loved. Thank you so much for joining us today.

And as we approach Valentine's Day. Let God fill your hearts with his love.

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