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Becoming a Chain Breaker

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
April 23, 2017 6:00 am

Becoming a Chain Breaker

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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April 23, 2017 6:00 am

Genesis 12:1-3, 5

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Welcome to the radio ministry of clear future and hinders our goal is to make Christ visible Clearview is a place of genuine worship with ministries for all age groups and all people. For more information, visit us at 3485 Oxford Rd. in Henderson for visit us now join us for this week's message by Pastor Otto series that will for the next whoever knows how long is called the family subdues some don'ts and some who knows were looking at the family of Abraham and Sarah from the book of Genesis.

If you grew up in church, Sunday school, you know these episodes in their lives you know about Abraham and Sarah and the benefit we have is were going to be able to track the consequences of their good and bad choices, even to the fourth, fifth, eighth, 10th generations. So this morning if you have your Bibles with you. Turn to Genesis chapter 12. That's were to begin, but hopefully we can go to other places to get some light on what it means to be a chain breaker that's the message becoming a chin break. Let's all stand together for the reading of God's word. Now the Lord had said to Abram's name has not changed yet. As you know it became Abraham later.

Get out of your country from your family and from your father's house to a land that I will show you.

I will make you a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing and I will bless those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you and you all the families of the earth shall be blessed than verse five that Abram took Sarai his wife. Her name has changed yet either to Sarah and launch his brother's son, and all their possessions that they had gathered, and the people whom they had acquired in Haran, we know that God called Abraham from the lure of the Chaldeans were in the world has this to do with Haran. Because this is where God is calling him as well to see what that means. In a few moments and the departed to go to the land of Canaan. Before we begin this source message and get into the word of God about being a chain breaker. Let me ask you a couple questions. The question I want to ask before anything else is do you think that you have a good handle, good understanding on marriage on family on parenting see a lot of people have ideas about these subjects and topics, but do you really believe that you know the best there is to know on these subjects. How is your marriage.

How is parenting working out for you or has worked out for you is another question, where did you get your understanding of the subjects was it from a parent or grandparent is celebrity. Sometimes people look up to Hollywood stars and sports athletes and successful people to get their insight on how to be a better husband or wife or father or mother. Here's a question where those individuals truly successful using it hasn't worked for them will definitely not work for you is another question which I ask every week. Do you have Christ in your life and I know that can sound like such a cliché. Do you have Christ you are, you say, have you given your life to Jesus Christ, but truly don't let that become a cliché for you really stop and think about those words. Do I really have Jesus in my life. This person I have never seen, but he is claimed to be the son of God 2000 years ago, gave his life on the cross for me.

I need him the same person to work in my life because he is risen he is alive today and he is changing lives. I needed to change my life has that ever happen for you.

If not, even before getting to the series want to invite them in your life in this message.

Were going to focus on what it means to be a chain breaker it make more sense as we go further know the first chain breaker was not Abram and Sarah when God called them out of the land of the or the Chaldeans. We think it was Abraham and Sarah was it okay God were coming were coming. They were not the first to understand that you have to read the preceding verses from what we just read in Genesis 12 Lisko Chapter 11 and listen to verse 31 and Tara took his son Abram and his grandson lost the son of Haran and his daughter-in-law Sarah, his son Abram's wife and they went out with them from the lure of the Chaldeans to go to the land of Canaan. We typically think is this Abram's family is there. His father was there. His brothers are there. His nephews there and his wife is then gossip. Abraham I want you come out of the lure of the Chaldeans and go, follow me. Abram said okay God's will be tough but I'll try actually it is not Abram who leaves the land of Chaldeans. It is his father Tara. I believe that the first chain breaker was not Abram or Abraham. It was his father, Tara. He was the first one to get this call and move from the land of lure of the Chaldeans with his son Abram with his daughter-in-law with his grandson with his family. He was the first one to move out the who was Tara when you do a careful study of the genealogies in the book of Genesis you will see that Tara is located at the end of the first age and the beginning of the second age.

There are two ages in the book of Genesis, the first age began with Adam and Eve and went through Noah Rimmer.

God destroyed the whole world except for one man and his family, and three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and then to the line of Shem. God began to work again, but the line ends with Tara, the first age ends with Tara. Guess what happens the new age begins not with Abram, but with Tara. You say how do you know listen to Genesis chapter 11 verse 27 this is the genealogy of Tara.

Tara begot Abram may Hor in Haran. The point I'm making here is this not Abram but Tara. His father is the transitional figure between the first age and the second age. He is the one that God came to, I believe first and said Tara I want you to come follow me. The Bible doesn't say it but he had a called a distinct voice just like his son did, but I can only infer and I can imagine how tough it must've been for Tara to leave his ancestral home. You know arc your archaeological evidence tells us that lure was a large city.

I mean, some people even say as many as couple million people were there, and it is sitting right on the Persian Gulf, you see that on the side.

It is sitting right on the Persian Gulf so ships from India and China and other parts of the world would come there and trade with them was the place to be in that time. Were going 2100 BC. What's more is or was also the center of moon worship, the patron god of war was a God by the name of Maynard Nina or sin depends on which language you're talking about Samarian or Akkadian. This was the patron god of the city of the moon God. He was the God of the cow herds. He was the guy out a God of the cattle breeders.

He was the God of fertility, I don't forget that the moon God was also the God of fertility. It must've been tough for Tara to leave all this behind to leave a good business to leave his foundations to leave his ancient gods and move out, but he did. He was the first chain breaker to give your principal when you see a successful person specially in the Christian life. Don't immediately give them all the credit look for whose shoulders there, standing on what you will often find is a grandmother or grandfather or somebody in their life who broke the chain. Who were the first one to say I'm done with this. I am going to follow Jesus Christ you know Paul says to Timothy in second Timothy 15 want to hear these words he says to young families and I'm so full of joy every time I think about the genuine faith that is in you. Paul is complementing Timothy Samantha. I'm so proud of you but to listen to what he says which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice what he's telling him Timothy is just I'm so proud of how faithful you are and how much you trust God because it reminds me of your grandmother and your mother can you think of the person in your life who has been the first chain breaker that I've shared with you my testimony before how my dad left Islam and he became a Christian he came from a very wealthy home. He came from a very successful home and he left everything. It was very costly for him, but he did but I've never talk to you about my mother's side of the family. My grandmother shared with me years and years ago how her father practiced medicine and he was lost worshiping idols and then one day reformed Presbyterian missionaries came to his town from England. This is in the late 1800s and early 1900s. They came to the town and share the gospel with him and this man who was semi-successful gave his life to Jesus Christ, got saved and then raise the rest of his family in the way of God and that also. You don't think about never met that man you know is chronologically impossible because he died in the 30s and 40s, but because of his faithfulness of breaking the chain I'm standing here today there's always that someone in our life who has to be that chain breaker who has to be the pioneer and sometimes there's no one in the past. You are the chain breaker when I used to ask people to come to church. I would hear something like this well here we go to church Sunday and all, but my mom and dad my grandparents coming. They did build the church of the go to that church and they would argue with me about denominational stuff is 18 years. Much has changed. Now when I tell people who come to church and of the questions I get.

So what is it like what you do. These are people who grew up in this town have no concept of going to church. So what you do, ensure to me how what you do me do we come dressed up or do I wear casual stub going to buy time. They are asking questions that I would think you know better you can come anyway.

You are and then you have questions about. So, so, do I have to say anything. I know you say anything just come and sit okay is under been to church before people say body will be majority dressed like this and dressed like that there's a problem. Both many times people are coming here have no clue about Christianity or church.

I love it that you don't have any preconceived ideas you still hate this is the truth and they believe from the word of God. That's why a clear view I'm not interested in breaking your tire I'm interested in helping you break your chain and macerated this to you. If you are the chain breaker.

If you're willing to make the tough sacrifices of leaving your lure of the Chaldeans God will give you more than enough grace to break the chain, he will help you but you have to be willing to let this go on further.

Why did Tara move wanted to move out of the lure of the Chaldeans that we have no indication in the text that God called Tara the same way you called Abraham or Abram his son, maybe this is my speculation. This is my opinion. Maybe it was because of the losses he had in his life to the Bible doesn't say a word about his wife, assuming that she probably died, but we have some more information. In verse 28 that tells us that yes he did have a significant loss. Listen to Genesis 1128 and Herron remember Abram had two brothers named horror and Herron and Herron died before his father, Taro, in his native land in order of the Chaldeans, I'm just wondering, this is just speculation could be that losing his wife in them losing his son. He finally felt like I need to go hear the Bible tells us that he went towards Canaan, which means that God had been speaking to his heart. Not maybe the same way he spoke to his son, but the same someone he was telling him you need to move to Canaan and when he lost his wife he lost his son.

He felt I got a go. But here's a principal all chain breaker sometimes have pain that propels them to move out, but don't misunderstand me, does not mean that if you have pain in your life that you need to move locations need to move to the outside of the country you still have the pain I'm talking about spiritually. All chain breakers have some pain in their life that propels them that motivates them to say I need to step out and go further with God.

I believe my comfort zone because this pain is too much God doesn't cause the pain, but he uses the pain to bring something good into your life. Has that happened to you doesn't cause it. He never says okay you can lose a child or even a loser job you lose your health. God doesn't do that but he says okay you know this is happening. This may be a good motivation to leave your the point is this pain can either stop us and leave us in our mass leave us in order of the Chaldeans, or it can propel us to go forward with God, let me ask you this morning. Have you been through pain in your life. You can either sit back and blame the people or the situation that have brought the pain into your life or you can ask God is a God use this pain to take me out of my comfort zone to take me further with you. You see, pain is part of the chain breaking process.

Pain is not against you. It helps you say it's time to bring these chains so I can move forward with God is number three of this is the most important point. Don't miss this.

There's a warning to chain breakers, read a passage from Joshua chapter 24 now in verse two. Who was Joshua. Joshua was the disciple of Moses.

Moses took the people to the promised land. Joshua took the people into the promised land. They fought many battles at the end of the battles the people were kind of wading back and forth trying to go back to the old gods and Joshua give them that speech from the speech. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord of the speech. But before he gave that that passage he's told them something else I want to hear what he said to them, Joshua 24 verse two and Joshua said to all the people, thus says the Lord God of Israel, your father's including Tara, the father of Abraham and the father of named horror dwell on the other side of the river in old times and days served other gods. When Joshua brings up Taro's name. He refers to him as worshiping other gods. Tara broke the chain, but he did break it completely.

He left the old country, but the old country did leave him.

He began to follow the living God, but he hung on to the old moon God, I was to go to acts chapter 70 just hear the words member Stephen Stephen was the first martyr of the church and Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit. They arrested him and he gave that powerful sermon before the high priest. I want you to hear the words of Stephen's message verse two. This is what he says and he said, brethren, and fathers listen, the God of glory appeared to our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia.

Remember what I told you in Mesopotamia in or not only did Abraham or Abram get a call, but also Tara, his father got a call maybe through pain to move to the land of Canaan, Genesis 1138 tells us that so both father and son moved to listen to what Stephen says the God of glory appeared to our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia before he dwelt in Herron and said to him, get out of your country from your relatives and come to a land that I will show you. Then he came to the land of the Chaldeans came out of the land of the Chaldeans, and dwelt in Herron with daddy Tara did was he broke the chain, but he didn't break it completely. He left before but stopped and Herron.

The destination was Canaan.

Remember Genesis 1138, he set out for Cana, but he stopped in Herron. You know why.

Again, archaeology helps us Herron was also the center for moon worship. It was also the center for the worship of Mena, the God of fertility. I can hear Tara talking to his son Abram and saying look I know God's called you and I know he's called me and were leaving the left door. Come on out we left door.

We left all our contacts were left on our business. We left all all all all our our our prestige we had at the temple we left it all the in the promised land. They don't have any cigarettes don't have any moon temples are what you gonna do, but I'm staying in Herron in a people do that even to this day they leave the old, but only so far in this stop they still want to hang onto the old traditions that are coming for the word of God, don't hang on because the familiar, it feels good it feels right is not from the book, but it feels comfortable. So what the do as they go. I have decided to follow Jesus up to Herron what happened. Listen to Stephen speech. The rest of it and from there when his father was dead. He moved him into this land into which you now dwell because Tara staggered and did not go on to the promised land.

Abram stayed with him and had to stay with him until his death not somebody would say well you know hey that's a good thing that you want to go to.

At least he stayed with them until he put them to rest that decision to not go all the way was very costly because three illustration of why was because number one it wasn't Herron that I believe Abram lot got close to him was a good or bad Whitman nephew got close to Abram. What was a good about it was bad but no, I was bad because not always brought trouble to Abraham and Sarah to start with his shepherds began to fight with Abraham shepherded Abraham to go. I listen look the whole land is before you choose what you want what it what did Law do I want the best and then when the kings from Mesopotamia came and took a lot of we can guess who had to go fight the battle Abraham and to go rescue him than what happened. What did Law do. He ended up going into the city's called Sodom and Gomorrah.

The city is known for homosexuality. And guess what, when God began to rain his wrath upon them. Abraham had to beg and say, God, if there was only 10, only five God would you and what happened with lot. His daughters got them drunk right both of them in the Moabites and the ammonites came through them and they were home or in the side of the people of Israel. Throughout the history go step further because Tara decided to stay in Herron something else happen is a God was going to give a child to Abraham and Sarah Dodson. I'm looking to do that right now. Granddaddy's influence is way too strong. If I send the new child that the baby into your life right now.

He will end up worshiping the moon God just like your daddy I can do it, so it had to happen.

There had to be some time.

Abraham and Sarah had to wait 25 more years for two reasons.

Our time is running away for two reasons. The reason number one because God had to detox Abraham, God had to cleanse his mind had to get him away from daddy number two what happened during the time.

What did Sarah do Sarah try to help them out and she gave her maidservant to Abram what happened. He had Ishmael and were still fighting to this day. By the way, did you ever wonder why did God choose to wait 25 years. I mean if you daddy's gone pay lip have the child. It's okay, it's all good now it's all good. I straight and narrow. From here on. God said no because your daddy taught you that the God of fertility is going to bless you. I'm going to let you realize that until your body is completely dead, you're not. But have a child and I'm the one is going to visit you and promise you and bring it to pass the mistress. If you are stuck in your ways and your ways are from the Bible. Wonderful. But if you're stuck in your ways but you ways are not from the word of God. This is what can happen. Somebody else will have to pay the consequences of your decision you can make choices but you cannot say I don't. I want that to happen to my children that happen to me.

God to some of you want just enough God, you come to Clearview, but you just want to hang out enough to the old world you want to have the best of both.

What did Jesus tell his disciples. Hey, you want to be my disciple. You want to follow me deny yourself, pick up your cross and come after me in the began to make excuses. What would've been my daddy or or bog up to my family, or a way where you going to go is that if you look back, you're not fit for the kingdom of God. You cannot say I'm breaking the chain, but I'm a stop right here. This is comfortable either go all the way somebody else's go pay for the me give you couple things about being a chain breaker number one. Be willing to leave your comfort zone. Number two. Be willing to let God use your pain, your circumstances to push you out don't get negative.

That's what it on the Christian life. There are no regrets. Hey, that happened to me but you know what God has brought me here.

Be careful about hanging onto old God's be aware someone is following you remove that old illustration that he was putting his child to bed and he says son I got to go out for a few minutes and pick up something, but I'll be back go to bed now is that I want to go with these. No, no, you stay here that he was going to a bar. He walks out, sits in the Behar on barstool is he's getting his drink he looks behind him and his little boy standing. So how did you get here. It was snowing that they said to have put my little feed inside your big feet and I found my way you see the snow had left the imprint when you walk when you make decisions, don't ever think you're not making an imprint and sometimes it is 300 years later some great grandson of yours a moron says I want to be like the old always used to be in the come follow you and you are in heaven going. Please don't please don't. I was dumb of me.

Please don't and they go back to what you used to be because you never made the break. Are you a chain breaker like Tara who are you a chain breaker like Abraham, you cannot have the best of both world. Thank you so much for joining us today and again the question is are you a chain breaker. Are you a Tara or are you in Abraham. Let God help you to break the chain for your family for your home. For more information visit us and for this sermon notes my blog