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Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
February 25, 2018 5:00 am


Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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February 25, 2018 5:00 am

Philippians 1:27

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Thank you for tuning into the radio ministry of community church had cleared our focus is making Christ visible providing an atmosphere, worship, community come check us out at 3485 Oxford Rd. in Henderson or visit us online activities. join us for this week's message by Pastor Albert on shop little boy was trying to sell his horse at the county fair. The horse was no good, except for eating notes.

An old farmer came by. You could tell the horse was no good, and he was trying to use the boy and said son can that horse run fast and the boy replied no, sir, but he can sure stand fast this morning to learn what it means to stand fast to be steadfast in our faith.

But here's the difference this message is not about standing fast individually. As Christians, but is about standing fast to gather as believers standing fast to gather as a church we know about standing firm in the midst of storms. But there's another aspect of standing firm which is standing firm with others in the midst of storms. If you have your Bibles with you in our series for the book of Philippians. Paul's letter to the Philippians is called grateful with this message today is called steadfast and will be reading from Philippians 1 verse 27. Let's all stand once again for the reading of God's word only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs that you stand fast that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel limit our focus on the stand fast in one spirit and one mind. In a few moments, but I will focus on those word that is used twice in that reference gospel. What is gospel gospel comes from the old Anglo-Saxon word Godspell, which was abbreviated from spell good is good spell meant story or news gospel is good spell which is good news. What is the good news.

The good news is this you and I and every human being. We were stuck in sin with God's judgment and punishment waiting for us. Everyone is gonna die. The second death, which is the spiritual death. One day, but God sent his son into this world who became like us took our sins upon himself and then died on the cross.

His blood poured down on the cross in our place. All you and I have to do is to look to him and live is to believe that he is our personal savior, and at that moment God says now you don't have to die. The second death.

Jesus has died for you. That's the good news. You're no longer under condemnation. You are free, but there's a second half to that good news which is this on the third day Jesus rose again.

He came back to life. What is that mean for you and I it means this just as he rose again. We also have already spiritually risen with him to walk in a new life as the good news. Not only are your sins forgiven, but you will never die again physically you may, but spiritually you're alive in Christ.

That's the gospel event gospel you have never believed in you lost.

That's what saves you the passage we just read begins with the word only listen again to verse 27 only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel that word only has a tone of warning, and it no, don't think of this warning as a threat. It's more of a caution so far between verse one to verse 26 Paul was complementing the Philippians he was telling them what a wonderful charge. They were. He was telling them how inspiring they were, as Christians, he tells them in verse four he said I thank my God upon every remembrance of you is every time I think of your disregard thank you, why is he says for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now. The Philippians were a faithful church something else Paul says in verse six being confident of this very thing, that he who has begun a good work in you will completed unto the day of Jesus Christ. The Philippians where an inspiring church. If Paul wanted to tell the Philippians anything he would say you are so inspiring when he went to the Corinthians. I'm sure he said look to the Philippians when he went to the Galatians. I'm sure he said be like the Philippians something else. Paul told them in verse seven. You all are partakers with me of grace, partakers your partners, the Philippian church was a supporting church. Some churches do for them and there's than their churches. This is not about us is about the gospel support people do things outside the walls of this church something else. Paul told them. Verse 90 said on this. I pray that your love may abound they had love, Paul says, I'm praying that you would have overflowing love the Philippians were a loving church.

What a beautiful complement something else. He said verse 26 that you rejoicing for me may be more abundant in Jesus Christ, they were already rejoicing.

Another way of saying they're already worshiping. Paul says I'm praying that you will worship God even more. The Philippians where worshiping church works by their hearts desire is to be like the Philippian church. They were faithful they were inspiring they were supporting there were loving they were worshiping.

But then Paul says in verse 27, only means here's a caution only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ means you have a lot of good, but don't neglect your conduct. Don't forget how you're supposed to live. Now what does Paul mean by that. To understand what he means by conduct, we have to go to the original Greek others we all go here we go to the Greek, but we have to sometimes the English does not express the depth that Paul had in mind the word that Paul uses here, he doesn't use anywhere else in his letters is the word poly to use tie was Edward mean it means live out your citizenship now. The Philippians understood what he meant. You know the Philippians were the Philippians were Roman citizens, old veterans of the Army old retired generals and soldiers in the Philippians were living in Philippi. This is not in Rome. This was in Greece they were Roman citizens living in a foreign country, maintaining that Roman standards Paul uses this word live out your citizenship because he knew the Philippians would understand what he meant, the way you preserve your Roman standards. When you are living in a foreign country, so also live out your gospel standards.

I have conjured up a word that I haven't found anywhere else.

Here's a first time your hearing it and and I'm sure you go to Google it and find it. So here's the work be a gospel alien how to live out the standards of being a gospel alien Dixie.

We have standards as Americans, we have values that we have as an American you know when I became an American citizen, I had to take a test on American history. I studied way more than the test required already knew a whole lot about American history and standards and values in our views as Americans. A but I took this test and I read our foundational documents. Most of them, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights, and I believe those are the foundational documents that make us who we are as Americans. I know there is a movement has been for some time to change that. But folks are holding me to change those documents. We do use those documents to change the problems in our country not alter them because they are the secret of our success. They are the foundational values of who we are as Americans saw. Also, when you become a Christian.

There are certain values that go with being a gospel alien. Paul tells us what are the standards this in verse 27 only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ means live out your citizenship to the gospel, country, so that whether I come and see you or am absent from you.

I may hear of your affairs. Paul is saying look I would check up on you to make sure that you are still maintaining the gospel standards and Paul gives us to one positive and one negative. What is the positive one.

Listen to verse 27 that you stand fast. We immediately thing standing fast is my personal individuals steadfastness man the problems in life the sickness the children troubled relationship struggle financial problem spiritual struggles. I'm standing fast.

I'm not gonna let the storms of life push me off. But you see again the Greek helps us is amazing to me how Paul is using the words that the Philippians would understand. He's using military term he doesn't do this in other letters.

You know what word he uses were standing fast, listen, he uses the word haughty stick head to day which is a Roman military term that describes a unit forming a line together in the face of the enemy. The Romans were very strategic when they went into battle the barbarians would just call me know.

Wielding the rats from all directions of the Egyptians will just come for the Parthians will just come firing the Romans were like a tank, mean the soldier units were would get together and and they would practice that would drill over and over again.

So when Doug when they heard the command to hold rank. I mean immediately the shields would go up and and and you know there's a row of soldiers and then there's another role another one and the rest of them. Behind the first row will immediately put the shields on top so you cannot fire the arrow this way. Neither can the arrow come from the top and there were some be on the left and the right as well.

Holding the shields, I mean they were a unit and that's what the enemy could not penetrate and what you do with this is the tank coming at you and then when they got near it would not say a word. All of a sudden, under one command or nudge they would drop the shield and they would throw out the smears and end and before the smears even hit the enemy that would charge screaming and shrieking arming the enemy were below: what is this how it was unbelievable how the Romans were trained to fight like a unit. Paul uses the word haughty stick kente which is hold rank. He is not talking about individuals steadfastness he is taking together hold rank you stand fast in what one spirit that people debating say is this is spirit of unity, or is this the Holy Spirit. I believe it's the Holy Spirit.

Paul says in other places first went to install 13 he says, for by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Ephesians 218 for through him we both have axes by one spirit to the father. You know what unites us, what helps us to stand in rank is that all of us have the same Holy Spirit living inside of us. When you and I received Jesus Christ as our Savior. We have that Holy Spirit in us you have it. I have it, we might have our likes and dislikes, we may have our our personal lives, but when we come together we are one, because we have the one Holy Spirit later on. Paul says in Philippians 2.

Therefore, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit fulfill my joy by being like-minded, the problem in America. Let me say this very quickly. Your time is short is that we are so individualistic we do our own little thing our own Bible study own personal time with the Lord and and then we wonder why we can make it. This was never the way Christian life was supposed to be.

We were supposed to function as a unit close ranks. Let's face the enemy listen to what else Paul says, verse 27 that you stand fast in one Holy Spirit with one mind striving to gather for the faith of the gospel means the were striving together is literally striving side-by-side. It is also a military and an athletic term that implies being of one's soul. When those Roman soldiers would hold rank do not move do not want it doesn't matter who gets hit do not break rank as if you break rank. That's all they need to come rushing through and is over is done because by the time he pulled down the shields and pick up your sword. It's over. You're done too close for your department throw out your spear. It's over.

Striving to gather side-by-side, you know, being a gospel alien is not an individual sport is a team sport.

We work together we fight together we face the problems of life together and I don't misunderstand this does not mean that we get into all over each other's business. Sometimes we do that and then we go, man. I was the worst thing ever did. We got involved. I am not suggesting in any way be so involved in each other's life that it becomes a cold. What I'm suggesting to you is care for each other know that your faith is connected know that we are to strive together and stand fast together in the Holy Spirit. There are boundaries and yet we should be one striving towards unity for the gospel. You have to strive. Unity is not natural. We are naturally disposed to divide to spread out. We have to strive to bring together each other every day I pray in my greatest prayer other than God's and revival is God keep his United keep us together. Don't let anything or anyone divide us, Lord, don't let my Eagle or anyone's Eagle or the enemy of the world, divide us, Lord, help us to stay connected no matter what little things we can work them out, but for the sake of the gospel. Help us Lord to be like this, like a unit, a mark of the gospel alien is that we strive for unity in the Holy Spirit and be seen to be of one mind the understand how critical unity is to the church family. Do you understand how critical it is to be one of one mind that's wide clear view we don't get into what kind of schooling do we suggest is a charge I don't believe in that because we have people who have different ideas. Some do homeschooling some do public school.

Some do Christian school like we do.

We don't get into how you dress got dressed like there's your dress like that. He got up, we don't get into that because those are divisive things. What is it that unites us what is that brings us together. Our job is to make Christ visible. The goal of clear views to lead all people into a life-changing ever-growing relationship with Jesus Christ, and I was watching milligrams motorcade as it was headed towards the their home, place them the library yesterday. What really struck me about him and I've studied his life a lot.

I read his biography, autobiography, just as I am back in 1999 and then thereby said man this is that his last years of the 20 more years. Only God knows what our last years are what really touched me and spoke to me and inspired me was that he was a focused person and the only thing that he really cared about was the gospel he wanted to see people get saved you know what unites this church is not our pocketbooks is not our skin tone is not our likes and dislikes. What unites us together is that we are here for the gospel. We are here to see every man, woman, boy, girl, say folks that will unite us anything else won't go get divide us is isolationism.

Divisiveness in me to turn away from that. But let's move on. Our time is very short was a negative thing that Paul tells them to watch for.

He says in verse 28, and not in any way terrified by your adversaries.

Again, the Greek helps us. I'm telling you, you really need to study Philippians and if you can look at the military terms that he uses in Greek yet what word he uses for terrifying.

He uses the Greek word for tomorrow by which again is a verb that he does not use anywhere else except to the Philippians you know what that word means in classical Greek it was used to describe a horse who got spooked in battle you're in battle you're the cavalry. Roman units are ready. The flanks are moving out and then the order is given. The cavalry is about the charge, but when they hear the shrieks and the cries of the people. If the horse gets spooked.

You know what is going to do is get a boat out of their eminent bolts out is not as old as a Roman soldier. I can run over him. Oh that's a party and that's okay though, he's gonna stampede everybody in its path. What Paul is telling them is this number one strive towards unity in the Holy Spirit. Number two. Don't get spooked by your adversaries don't get intimidated by the enemies of the gospel in mark of the gospel alien is not to spook or get spoon but stayed calm and help each other stay calm and united in the Holy Spirit. There are people in my life that either help you stay calm or disprove me. I get really scared when they come around is a 500 and I will bolt to run some ways a reasonable doubt or no the backyard. I did it and it those are not good people. The people to come to scare you and give you all is on doing some beds whether like Holland, I'm bolting in mark of a gospel alien is not only to be worked towards unity is but we don't get spooked easily.

Don't do so terrified and want to talk about individually, but even collectively known get terrified you how many times the enemy uses that tactic with churches, it would be first sold our old old building and began to move out.

It was a step of faith. This was in 2007 what happened in 2008 push market crashed.

They imagine me on thing and old Lord I just led these wonderful sweet people down into the drain. We had a building we had security will be sold everything and now were out thinking burglar grow the next thing you know, the economy collapsed.

People are panicking losing jobs not giving then there were people who came into my life who would tell me look. God led you here he is not going to abandon you, man. You hang in there. Don't give up. Stay focused and there were people who would come in spooked I'm doing is going to get worse and I got a bolt I got up, but to Rome. I somewhere hope I got a boat close this and be careful about those who come in your life and try to spook you figure is a tactic of the enemy. So this is what Paul says very quickly. He says when you see this, how should you respond other than standing fast and staying calm.

He said, remember this is a proof of their perdition perdition means this is who they are. They are condemned people. That's why they act that way to listen.

Christians don't go around spooking each other. You're acting like the enemy built people's hope build their faith build their courage but for you is this proof of your salvation, and that from God's. When people come to spook, you realize that you are say that's whether doing that they can take over your salvation, but against surely try to intimidate you something more. Paul says here very quickly. Verse 29th for to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for his sake again. Don't misunderstand, this is not personal, individual sufferings.

These are sufferings collectively that together were going through a rough patch to make it. It's not over the stay united and let's not get spooked stay together in the Holy Spirit, verse 30 Paul says having the same conflict which you saw in me, and now here is in me and that amazing that Paul was going to the same thing as a rhetorical device, but he is really saying look. Trust me when I say this to you. I have been tempted to bolt.

I have been tempted to run. I have this conflict in me to go to those times and I feel like you know what the head with this I'm gone and I feel like it right now but I'm not going to some of you are tempted right now in your spiritual life, to bolt to give up to run out. Don't connect with each other get part of each other's life again. Don't become a cult is connected Sunday school small groups as the new building comes, we will have more room for Sunday school classes were hoping to give that opportunity for you to have that unity of the spirit to have that connection with other people in the body of Christ.

It makes a difference when somebody patch on the back and says hey were all going to this. Trust me, you'll make it. Trust me, you want to run.

There was another church that did not understand this. There were the Corinthians, there were a powerful church, a growing church, a gifted church, but when they came together they fought with each other. Paul did not say I am so proud of you guys.

I thank God everything he he didn't have any of that is like one might argue with you Donnie to come there. You know what they were doing of the Lord's supper at the communion table they were shoving and pushing each other horrible.

How do you shove and push each other. The Lord's table of the did so Paul had to tell them how to observe the communion. Listen to what he says. First Corinthians chapter 11 and before we read the passage that's on the screen. I want you to hear what he says to them in verse 18 first Corinthians 11 for first of all, when you come together as a church.

I hear that there are divisions among you, and I believe it. How sad is that coming together and you divide. He says, for there must also be factions among you. Therefore, when you come together in one place is not to be the Lord's supper for an eating each one takes his own supper ahead of others, and one is hungry and others drunk.

One was getting a whole lot of Jews.

Another one was walking out with no bread, Paul says what is wrong with you guys whine the world even come together. I believe Paul was here today he would say the same for many churches. Thank you so much for joining us for this message. As believers are called to remain steadfast in this life we don't do that in isolation need to lean on our brothers and sisters in Christ push back against the darkness taking back this world for the sake of the gospel plug-in get involved in church and lean on your brothers and sisters in Christ. For more information visit us for the sermons, notes, check out Pastor Shaw's blog and have it on