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Defining Gospel

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
March 4, 2018 5:00 am

Defining Gospel

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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March 4, 2018 5:00 am

Philippians 1:5, 7, 12, 17, 4:15

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Thank you for tuning into the radio ministry of community church had cleared our focus is making Christ visible providing an atmosphere, worship, community come check us out at 3485 Oxford Rd. in Henderson or visit us online activities. join us for this week's message by Pastor Albert on shop. Let's say if you came out of church today and went to your car and someone approached you and said someone you've never seen in this say to you, I've got some good news. Your windshield looks perfect now, how would you respond to them will either be confused or you would be suspicious, or you might even get upset what you mean. Not one of the same person were to walk up to you and say when upholding the church parking lot this morning. I saw that your windshield was shattered must amend the wind or whatever but a limb fell and destroyed your windshield.

I happen to be a glass repair man and I have all my tools with me and I had the exact size of your windshield. So while you were in here worshiping, I went ahead and replaced it free of charge. Now, how would you respond to that a man you would be grateful. Once you what makes a good news good is the bad news first, here's the bad news. You and I were under the wrath of God.

We are sinners's condemn to die, but the good news is that Jesus cries God's son came into this world died in our place so that now you and I do not have to die but he rose again on the third day because you can kill God because he was the perfect Lamb of God, and now through him we have eternal life in this morning were going to try to understand not just what is that good news. But how does the good news move the activity of the good news. The activity of the gospel. If you have your Bibles with you. Philippians chapter 1, we are in our series through Paul's letter to the Philippians. The series is called grateful.

Today's message is called defining gospel. Philippians 15 for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now. Verse seven and as much as both in my change in the defense and confirmation of the gospel.

Verse 12, the things which happened to me had actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel. Verse 17, knowing that I'm appointed for the defense of the gospel. Jumping over the chapter 4 verse 15 now you Philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel. When Paul talks about the gospel in Philippians, which he actually does nine times. He is talking more about the activity of the gospel before we look at the activity of the gospel and what that really means. Let's go back to the content.

The bad news is you are dead in your trespasses and sins, God's wrath is waiting for you, but Jesus Christ, the good news has come. He died so you don't have to and believing in him, your sins are forgiven you have eternal life. If you have never received that gospel you are still lost in the Holy Spirit has brought you here for one purpose that your eyes would be open and you will receive the good news last weekend we learned that the word gospel comes from the old Anglo-Saxon word Godspell or good spell which means good news to learn the Greek word behind the English word gospel is actually younger. Leon yourself never heard that word before. I beg to differ. I believe you have young DeLeon is the word that gives us words like evangelism words like evangelist you see through the centuries. The English language has been through transformations and transitions. Whether you became the V. Young DeLeon is good news. Evangelism is giving the good news, and evangelist Billy Graham, the evangelist is a person who goes and proclaims and preaches the good news in the New Testament that were young DeLeon is found several hundred times especially in Paul's letters, you find at least 84 sometimes. Sometimes he uses that word to describe the content of the good news. Other times he uses it to describe the activity of the good news there is a difference between the content and the activity. The content is what the gospel means just a few moments ago, I explained to you the content of the good news, but there is also the activity of the good news how the gospel moves in this world.

If you want to see Paul's description of the content of the gospel you have to turn to first Corinthians chapter 15 in verse one is on the screen on the blog site you can follow along. Listen to what Paul says.

First, when this 15 verse one moreover brethren I declare to you the gospel I declare to you that young DeLeon. The good news which I preached to you, which also you received in which you stand. By which also you are say he gives four qualifiers because he wants to make sure you understand this is the only gospel he preached that they received it, they are grounded in it and that's what saves that what Paul please tell us what the gospel is give us the content of the gospel. Well, he tells us in verse three, for I delivered to you. First of all that which I also received what Paul is saying there is I am not the manufacturer of the gospel. I'm only passing along what I have received, we are not manufacturers of the gospel. No matter how creative and innovative. We may get no matter how we find cool ways to do things.

There is one thing that doesn't change, and that is the gospel is the only gospel I don't have the right to alter it.

I don't have the right to change it.

I don't have the right to heart make it harsher or soften it. This is the gospel that we receive and we pass along what is the gospel. Paul Willie tells us finally that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. The bad news first. Someone had to die.

You were born to die you are locked into sin. God's judgment and God's wrath was just waiting and hovering over you, but Christ died not a random act according to promise that he was buried means there is a finality to what happened. He didn't go into a comatose state he actually was buried and sealed in a grave and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. There's a good news. Having finished the work of salvation having become a complete substitute for my sins and the sins of every human being and you cannot keep God in the grave he rose again, you cannot keep a perfect holy person in the grave. Jesus was only one who was the perfect Lamb of God, he rose again as prophesied, as promised, but out here verse five is not over and that he was seen by Cephas meeting Peter then by the 12 the disciples and after that he was seen by over 500 brethren means there is proof that this is the truth.

If I may add thousands upon thousands since the resurrection of Jesus Christ have spiritually seen. I have seen them spiritually last week.

Thousands upon thousands came by the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte and then they went to the Capitol rotunda in Washington DC to pay their last respects to the evangelist.

The preacher of the good news and I cannot help but think about back in 1938 when he was only 20 years old that his girlfriend at the time dumped him.

You know what she said about him. He said I just don't see any real purpose in your life yet. I think he was wrong not wrong about dumping him because she didn't marry her fine man who was a professor and a president that she was fine, but I believe she missed it because he definitely had a purpose in his life and that purpose was to preach the unchanging gospel.

He said the message I preaches is Billy Graham. The message I preach hasn't changed circumstances have changed problems have changed, but deep inside man has not changed and the gospel hasn't changed. That is the same gospel.

Jesus died for your sins, according to Scripture. He was buried, he rose again. According to Scriptures, and there is plenty of prove that that it did happen and ask you this morning. Have you received this content. Have you received this truth because if you haven't received this truth. If you haven't received this content you are still lost. That's the content of the gospel in a nutshell, but there's also the activity of the gospel that want to focus on for the next 15 submitted how the gospel move in Paul's letter to the Philippians.

What we find is not the content it's more the activity of the gospel nine times when Paul uses the what young Gilly on. He's not talking about let me explain to you what the gospel means he simply assumes that his listeners, his readers know what you mean didn't have to explain to the Philippians, because that got it. They were a gospel church. The Philippians knew the content but Paul nine times uses the word young Gilly on but the focus is on how the gospel moves for things that stand out to me.

The first is that the gospel is a powerful living force. Listen how Paul describes it in Philippians 13 he says I thank my God upon every remembrance of you talking the Philippians. I'm so grateful for you. What are you grateful Paul verse five for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, you may miss this but when you look at it carefully.

The gospel is moving. It's like a train that is coming down the tracks you and I can either get on it or get run over or get out of the way.

It is a force.

It is a living force that is not passive but is active and it has power. Paul did not create this force. He did not activate this force, he simply joined in and he is grateful that the Philippians joined him as well. The message of the good news has been powerfully moving since the beginning of time and then when Jesus came, the gospel moved with mighty force and for the past 2000 years.

It keeps moving. It keeps capturing the hearts and the minds of men and women Boys and Girls Club all over this world. This week I received a letter from Franklin Graham, which I'm sure also went to tens of thousands of people. He said something very powerful in this letter, I want you to hear this.

He said many have said that his meeting Billy Graham's death ends and arrow, but he meeting Billy Graham would be the first to say that when God's ambassadors die in Christ the Lord raises of others because the preaching of the gospel will go forward until the end of the age folks. I don't have a copyright on the gospel. I don't have a switch. None of us have a switch, no matter who it is, no matter how powerful they are.

They don't have the switch.

The gospel is a living, powerful force that keeps on moving all you can do is get in it or get out of the way when Paul talks of the Philippians.

That's the intent, he said for your fellowship in the gospel, but my gospel, not your gospel.

There is one gospel and you guys joined in and I joined in.

I'm so grateful for God there's a second thing about the activity of the gospel. Not only is it a powerful living force, but the gospel is not easily received. You would think it's a powerful living force of the whole world would just bow down to inset this is this is a truth that we been waiting for. Unfortunate is not how it works.

Philippians 17 listen to what Paul says because I have you in my heart. Inasmuch as both in my chains.

Sometimes the gospel would put you in chains because of gospel, you might lose some friends because a gospel, you might lose some promotions because of the gospel, you might lose your life know you Sonata in America but in other parts of the world, people die for this because of the gospel. My dad, who grew up in a Muslim home lost his family and never met of my grandparents when I was a baby, but that's that was it. I do not know who my grandparents are so just because you receive the gospel does not mean that life from here on is just wonderful and great wow I'm going to heaven. It might put you in chains is not always readily and easily received.

Inasmuch as both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel which means this there times that people will misunderstand the gospel and even try to corrupt the gospel in a my job as a pastor and ministering to people and preaching the word of God is to constantly defend and confirm the true gospel.

Paul had to defend the gospel against the Judaizers, who were trying to bring the law into salvation that yes is Jesus Christ. But also you gotta be circumcised. That's not just by grace you also have to have works and then he had to confirm the gospel, which means this he had to go to the apostles Peter and submit to them.

But he said hey listen I'm I doing this and you're doing that. Are we on the same page. Thank you. Last night the staff and I were sitting here talking and chitchatting. It was amazing how we were discussing a lot of things. Innovative things creative things, but was amazing. We talked about the gospel near the only thing that we cannot get creative with is the gospel we have to go back to the old old gospel and claim that truth because we don't have the authority to alter that we have the authority to say, let me make it more palatable to you because I know this can offensives. Let me make the medulla down a little bit so it I don't have that right. I can only confirm it. I can defend it, confirm it repeated again. The gospel is not the 10 Commandments, or the Beatitudes or the golden rule. The gospel is not going to church getting baptized and feeling sorry for all the bad you've done. The gospel is not trying to be a better person a better husband a better wife a better neighbor, better citizen better worker giving your time and your money to help people the gospel is not trying to give all your problems to God and and trusting him and praying that he would help you.

The gospel is not believing in God are angels and Satan.

The gospel is still the same gospel. Jesus died for your sins, according to Scripture, he was bearing he rose again. According to Scriptures, and there is plenty of proof that's it is there that really doesn't save me. I'm sorry to break it to you. There is no the gospel number one. The gospel is a powerful living force. The gospel is not easily received has to be defended has to be confirmed. At times it will put you in chains.

Number three. The gospel is steadily moving forward steadily moves forward this in the Philippians 112 pauses. I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel throughout the history of this world, especially in the past 2000 years rulers and religious leaders, governments and religious groups have all tried to stop the gospel and to shut it down all the do is the propellant even more.

You know in China it out loud to have those you know your your evangelical churches.

But guess what the. The Chinese church underground is much larger than even our churches. Every time a person or a party or a ruler or a government tries to control the gospel this it all right that's it be stamped it out there realize all they have done is they have furthered the gospel, who would know that better than the apostle Paul is a question. How do you think Paul heard the gospel.

When do you think Paul heard the gospel did he hear the gospel on the road to Damascus know. I think he was converted on the road to Damascus. I believe he heard the gospel as he stood there that day guarding the clothes of those who were stoning Stephen in acts chapter 7 Stephen was a leader in the church was preaching the gospel and people got angry and there was a young man a better a harsh is salad young man who was standing there and decay in the Bible says they put their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul in the very next chapter says. And Saul was breathing threats means that didn't solve his problem.

He was still trying to kill more people, but I guarantee you he saw the gospel in action. Stephen preaches Christ and then as those rocks and those stones begin to hit him and cut him and he begins to bleed. He looks up and sees the Lord Jesus Christ standing by the right and of the father and then he says what is he saying is a father forgive them is just like his Savior. And at that moment as one man is dying another man over here. Life is beginning to come in. Why would he do that.

Why did he just not renounce and move on.

But something is not right what they were thinking were stamping out and stomping out Christianity didn't realize here came Paul rest is history. The gospel steadily moves forward. And here's the last one when it comes to the activity of the gospel. The gospel demands a certain lifestyle. The gospel is a living, powerful force for gospel is not easily received. It has to be defended has to be confirm. You have to come back to it and remind people this is the truth. Not all the stuff that you have brought in. This is the gospel don't add to it. It may put you in chains. The gospel steadily moves forward. Here's number for the gospel demands a certain lifestyle this in the Philippians 127 Paul says only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ means there's a certain lifestyle that goes with the gospel. You cannot say I'm a proclaimer of good news and then overhear you got harshness and bitterness and unforgiveness and lust and greed and pride and envy and jealousy and selfishness. There's a lifestyle that goes with the gospel only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you are absent on the hear of your affairs. I was a conduct that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving to gather for the faith of the gospel, faith of the good news that young Gilliam and not in any way terrified by your adversaries.

I preached on this last weekend. The gospel lifestyle is not for contentious people, people who constantly bicker and fight and divide and destroy the gospel lifestyle is the one that unifies brings people together, and secondly it is not cowardly Christianity, America's struggling is because doctors are scared. This care scared of this care that scared of saying anything out there overdoing the suit scared of, scared of everything the gospel requires partnership the gospel requires fearlessness when my friends posted this last week on Facebook and he got it from the book and a joy to read it to you later. One rainy night Christian author and youth worker Mike York and Ellie was driving through Nashville. He saw someone sitting on some steps with his head between his knees and a coat pulled over his head to keep out the rain and the wind thinking that man was homeless.

Mike said hey Mr. you have to sit here in the rain like this. We've got enough money to put you up in a hotel come over this will provide what you need for a good night sleep. The man looked up it was Billy Graham, is it is okay I just want to sit here for a while and pray for the city.

He had a crusade coming soon and he simply wanted to prepare his heart and bathe the city in prayer gospel people are not divisive people gospel people are not cowardly people. They unite for the gospel.

They are courageous for the gospel.

There's a lifestyle that goes with the gospel. It's not enough to go around saying why believe in the gospel.

Does your life reflect the conduct worthy of the gospel. Are you a divisive person. Are you a cowardly person we close with this. There's a content of the gospel than there is an activity of the gospel content what the gospel means activity how the gospel moves we looked at the content. Jesus died for our sins according to Scripture.

He was buried, he rose again.

According to Scripture, and there's plenty of proof you say I need to be a better person wrong gospel I need to turn everything over to God wrong gospel I need to read the Bible more and pray every day wrong gospel I need to give up all my bad habits still the wrong gospel. The gospel is still the gospel. Jesus died for your sins, according to God's promise. He was buried, he rose again according to God's promise, and there's plenty of proof I'm repeating that because I want you to miss if you've never received that content, it doesn't matter how long you been in charge doesn't matter if you been baptized. It doesn't matter how nice a person you are. It doesn't matter how much Bible you know and how much you pray it.

That content is not received. You are still dead, waiting for the wrath of God is alive received the content heavy joined the activity of the gospel is your life reflect the gospel.

Are you part of a living powerful force you constantly, making sure the gospel stays the gospel are used are you confident of the gospel is steadily moving forward. Does your lifestyle reflect the gospel if not today need to repent. Unfortunately, I think people negate with their lives. What they proclaim with their lips, content activity. This has to be received but once you receive this. This has to fall thank you so much for joining us for this message as believers is crucial that we understand the content of the gospel, but the work doesn't stop there. We need and then live out the activity of the gospel. As we serve others in the name of Jesus. For more information visit us for this sermon's notes. Check out Pastor Shah's blog and all, but on