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Discipleship: Intercession

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
July 8, 2018 6:00 am

Discipleship: Intercession

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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July 8, 2018 6:00 am

Philippians 1:9-11

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There is a missing element is not what are the five were not Jesus you know that early in the morning, go off by himself right just a portion of the upcoming message titled discipleship. Intercession by pastor ab initio of Clearview church in Henderson Clearview. Our focus is making Christ visible worship through the preaching and through the weight of the love and serve one another. Come check us out at 3485 Oxford Rd., Henderson, or visit us online at join us for the rest this morning.

We'll talk about intercessory we do that. Have you ever had to get someone to intercede for you intercede.

The word is the Latin word interim means between and seed means to go intercede means getting someone to go-between for you. I had to do that. Back in 1994 I was in college down in Georgia and working security on campus and my call guard. He went out for his rounds came back as a man, there's a pretty girl on campus and I'm gonna marry her that okay while went on my rounds. A few hours later and I saw the pretty girl she was coming down the gym steps as a man that is a pretty girl. I would like to marry her and why not move you get married. Why could not. So anyways a few months later had a chance to meet her and talk to her but never could get to the place you guys know what I'm talking about. Never could get to the place to say would you go out with me that would never happen. So I got another friend of mine store security with May data sedan.

Would you go and talk to this girl for me. Thank goodness abandons that well you know what I want to marry her to you and I'm I would've been really bad so Dan actually interceded for me and thank goodness went on date so intercession by the minute you know that's Nicole case I would never give you an illustration of someone other than that intercession means you're going not just for your sake you going for someone else know what does that have to do with discipleship. The series on discipleship. We can pray to God for ourselves. It is wonderful to get before God and say, God, I'm praying for this need, or this desire in my heart but intercessory prayer is when you go to God for someone else when you go to God is a God, I'm coming to you but not for me is for him.

I'm coming to you, God, but not for my needs is her needs intercession is a vital part of discipleship in our series on discipleship today is a message discipleship intercession going in between for someone else to God, you have the Bibles with you, turn to Philippians chapter 1 starting in verse nine and let's all stand once again for the reading of God's word. Paul is writing to the Philippian church. He says and this I pray not for me and this I pray that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment that you may approve the things that are excellent that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ being filled not mean being filled. But you being filled with the fruit of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God. Paul was a man of prayer, but even more. Paul was a man of intercessory prayers.

If you read his letters, Romans, Galatians, Corinthians, what you find is that Paul often prayed for other people do you pray, how much do you pray for others. Did you know that a quick cure for NZ envious you got something I don't have. I want something you have, how come you're so happy and I'm not the quickest cure for envious. Pray for that person. The quickest cure for bitterness.

You got bitterness in your heart can forgive. Pray for that other person. You'll be surprised how quickly that bitterness that envy will just wash away and have you ever prayed the sinners prayer the sinners prayer is the first prayer you need to pray. You can pray to God and God leave and answer your prayers. But the sinners prayer is what he's waiting for you to pray before you die in the sinners prayer is this Jesus. I believe that you are the son of God who came to give his life for me.

There is no other way to God but through you. I receive you as my Savior. I ask you to come into my life and be my God before we dive into this message. Let me say this for a long time we have been praying were praying God, would you help this church. Would you help Clearview to become more than just hearers of the word more than just coming Sunday morning and listen to the message and enjoying the worship and walking away.

The same God help us to become disciples help us to become established in the word help us God to become mature in the faith, help us God to become men and women of integrity, which means there's who you are outside is who you are behind closed doors help us God to become fruitful. I mean, we have only one life to live. And God has given it to us and said go and enjoy this life, but I want to live it to the fullest. I want to live it in a way that glorifies his name.

I want to live it to make more disciples into the kingdom of God. You know this life is going to end in another life is going to begin and how you live this life will determine how you live that life. So, God help me to live this life in a way that will bear fruits in the life to come.

After much prayer, studying the Bible, talking to experts.

I believe in talking to people who know what they're doing and even observing successful churches looking at churches and saying what are they doing that is different are the people in those churches. People of integrity people to maturity are those people bearing fruits, after all, this study in the past two months I preached a series on discipleship. I preached a series to help our people become disciples and is been amazing is been also to see so many people getting plugged in summary people getting it. I get emails and text messages and Facebook messages every week and phone calls and one-on-one counters. People say it's the series of help them tremendously to praise God for that.

I'm really really excited now praying that God will really help all of us to grow as disciples, but now this message is on intercession. This is the last message but last is not the least, this is a vital message. This is a critical message. It is on prayer and disciples should be a person of prayer and disciple should have a daily communication with the teacher, but this prayer is not just personal prayer. It is intercessory prayer praying for other people.

Paul was a man of intercessory prayers. I mentioned to you, and I want us to see how he prayed for other people. But before we do that to Mrs. very quickly that word intercede before you can intercede for other people you need to seed CED EC your self to God that works seed means to formally surrender your self to God. You know what prayer is prayer is getting before God and sing God I don't have it together.

God I need you every single moment in my life God without you in my life I will sink. I will fall apart. Unfortunately, we only do that when problems come unfortunately when things begin to fall apart health problems, and relationships begin to crumble and and financial problems come as we say God I need you in the answer doesn't come as a God.

Forget you know we need to be praying every single moment God without you. I cannot read the next breath. That's prayer. So before you can intercede. You need to first seed surrender yourself before God in prayer but then when you intercede. How do you pray seven things that we find in this passage we just read Philippians 19 through 11.

Let's look at that again verse nine Paul says in this praying that your what's the word love may abound still more and more the word love.

There is the word agape. Many of you have heard that the word agape symbolizes most of the time it divine love is selfless love what you're saying is God in this person's life in her life. Let him let her have agape love you see.

Love is the mark of discipleship. What did Jesus say in the John chapter 13 and verse 34.

He said a new commandment I give to you that you love one another. By this shall all know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. The mark of a disciple is love. But did you notice when Paul says I'm praying that your love may abound he never specifies the object, he doesn't say your love for God knows that your love for other people or the lost or the save Peter says love you know what it means. It means comprehensive love means in every part of my life there should be love love towards God love towards my family love towards my church family love towards even my enemies. Those who I don't get along with God, let there be love. What did Paul say in first Corinthians chapter 13 verse 13. Can you read this with me and now abide faith, hope, love, these three but the greatest of these is love. Folks, if you're praying for me. Please pray that I will be a person of love. Please pray the way I speak would be full of love. Please pray that the way I walk will be full of love. The way I treat people will be full of love. The way I think about people would be full of love, not just my friends but also my enemies.

Let me be a person of love and that's my prayer for you will let him let her be a person of love.

You see all of us are going through difficult times.

It is very easy to be hateful is very easy to react but were praying, God help us to respond with love and how can this love be what is it look like Paul says that this should be love. That should be abounding. I think about it as a clogged drain. What happens when you sing gets clogged.

I mean you know something is stuck there maybe an old piece of meat that may be something there that is stuck you have to put stuff in their yard to force it down. You have to you had put some pressure not too much pressure on the pipes will burst just enough for that.

Going to go out. Think about it that way when I'm praying for you. I'm praying God, let there be so much love that it will push out the gunk that is blocking your blessing in his life. This is what Paul Peter says, you know, this verse I want to read this one again with me. First Peter 48 and above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins. You can stay up all night fighting with your wife or you can love her the way Christ loves you. You can be angry and bitter and hateful to your husband all week long or you can be loving you can be that way to your neighbor you can be with that way to your church family because they hurt you they did not do what you are hoping that would do or you can be loving. It's like a torrential rain. When it comes to the parking lot. That leaves there's pine straw. There is mud and dirt everywhere. And here comes that torrential rain and washes all the way into the drain.

What you and I need is this kind of rain on a regular basis in our lives. So the first thing Paul says, let there be love abounding more and more, but here's number two. Listen again, read this verse again again, so hopefully will be memorize this.

I pray that your love may abound still more and more and what's the word knowledge.

The second thing that you and I need to pray for each other is God let this person grow in knowledge the word is not gnosis knowledge but epic gnosis and big noses.

Every time is used in the context of love and knowledge of God. Knowledge of Christ knowledge of his word knowledge of sin. Knowledge of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

This person over here in my inner circle.

He is going through a difficult time he's questioning God why did you allow this to happen to me.

He's discouraged. He feels hopeless. Here's what I'm saying to him, but it doesn't make any connection. How should I pray for him. I should be praying God fill him with your knowledge, let him see the hand of the Holy Spirit in his life let him see God. Romans 828 that you work all things to gather for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his prefer. That's what we need to pray for these platitudes are not working all you have a better day.

Ill BRI.

Just look at the brighter side, your optimist, no, let them hear knowledge. Knowledge is not information.

Knowledge is confirmation to the image of Christ. How this situation is making them more like Christ. What's the next thing is in verse nine again and this I pray that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, this word that Paul uses for discernment is the word used repeatedly in the book of Proverbs when they translated the book of Proverbs and agreed to use this word again and again, it would discernment really means is making wise decisions in life. What did Jesus say he said it so well in Matthew chapter 10 verse 16. I want to see this on the screen. Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents we have too many Christians who are harmless as doves. But they are not wise as serpents means I would never hurt you but I know what you're up to. I believe we need more discernment, more believers who have a sense of disarmament.

Someone comes about and they all are lovey-dovey over you, but they are saying things that don't go along with this book. Your your your Spidey sense needs to be going off and saying that's doesn't sound right.

I love you Brian going with you and not only that kind of disarmament but also discernment in your life. Many of us have friends right now and I'm all fine with friends. But those friends are pulling you away from God because God is not a priority in your life, your Spidey sense needs to be going off and say I love them. We can hang out. We can go to the beach.

We can spend a lot of time together, but I know you're headed this way. I'm headed towards Christ were not on the same page. I love you. I'll be with you.

We can do life together were not headed the same way. What happens most of the time please listen now been doing this for 20 years. Same church only church many times I have seen Christians getting pulled away because they have the wrong people in their lives. Here's number nine again this this I pray hopefully this is sticking in your mind that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment that you may approve the things that are excellent approve. The word is ducky marks in which means it's like testing the quality of metals. I'm praying for my inner circle for that gentleman or your praying for that lady in your inner circle. God she's about to settle down for something when you have something so much better, let her not settle for this led him not settle for this.

This confidence is broken but God let him wait upon you, let him approve the things that are excellent. Romans chapter 12 in verse two says and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God, which means this on praying that you will choose what matters. Choose the best, not the mediocre.

The best that God has for them. And by the way, when you pray like this, it will remove every Hinton, every stench of envy in your heart. What envious you see somebody happy.

Something inside of you says, how come they're so happy. Why can I be so happy is gotta be something wrong with them.

There's nothing wrong with them something wrong with you because you have been bitten by the green eyed monster, but now pray God. I just pray I saw the post on Facebook. Some your read my article yesterday, I saw their post on Facebook Lord does look happy down there that happy but I pray God made them even happier. You know what's can do remove that hint of envy from your life. Amen. So listen to this. Then Paul says in verse 10 that you may be sincere. He keeps praying for the Philippians a day may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ life is full of snares. Life is full of temptation in this life and my ministry. I have seen so many people fall about their books on marriage. I read their articles on how to raise children and then have the flashing news he cheated on his wife. She went off the deep end. She did this and he did that.

What happened the did not finish well. This is not a message to make you feel worse than you were before you came in because you may have messed up. That's not the point of what I'm saying what I'm saying to use this we should be praying for each of the God help this person to be pure and blameless until you come again let them finish well let them finish the race of life while let them be pure and blameless. Did you know that daily. Satan goes before God and since God's gift, can I have him can I have her did you know that Satan does, that he did in the book of Job in the Old Testament, but he also did it in the New Testament. He went before God and he asked for Peter. I want you see this verse is on the screen. Luke 2231 and the Lord said, Simon. Simon indeed, Satan has asked for you to see he has to get permission from God, can I have ever if y'all had ever woke up one morning and be like man I feel noble today I feel like I know what's going on in my life. I just feel rotten I feel like there is nothing up there on over there is a God.

I feel this life is just horrible. Something happened last week and it just stays with you just work that way when anything is coming from Satan infiltrating your mind, and some strongholds cannot be broken until a brother or his sister around you comes a look and says I'm praying for you and that group is broken is that listen to what Jesus said to him, Simon, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat, but I have prayed for you. Jesus interceded for Peter.

I have prayed for you say Peter that your faith should not feel folks I need people in my life.

Pray for me that way and you need people in your life will pray for you that way. I'm praying for you brother you, your faith will not fail. What is it is important that we need to realize how critical and vital is that kind of intercessory prayer that helps people to finish remodeling to miss it quickly.

Our time is short. That word for offense is not restricted to personal failing.

When Paul says that you may be sincere and without offense. It also means that you may be sincere and without offending other people to the day of Christ means don't let your life be a stumbling block for someone else. Don't do things to make someone else trip in their faith.

It is very easy to say all who's doing that. My faith she's known up to examine your life. Are you tripping someone else. Here's number 11 verse 11 being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ. Paul says the sixth thing that he's praying for others in the ministry is that they will have fruits of righteousness, not fruit, by its own definition implies no self effort.

Imagine a Peachtree standing out there going today today today I am going to bear fruit. Yes we can do this no, doesn't have to. When the conditions are right will bear fruit.

How do you pray for the people. God let the conditions be right in his life as he is daily daily the world the flesh and the devil is messing with our ecosystem. Daily we are being bombarded by the bugs. The critters of life that are eating away at the nutrients what you're doing is you're praying God balance her ecosystem today so he can and she can bear fruits of righteousness bother. What is the secret of the fruit of righteousness. What did Jesus say John chapter 15, you know, this verse very well.

I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him, bears much fruit.

The secret before bearing is being connected to Christ. You cannot sit there is a limit bear fruit. I'm going to be so much happier I will be so much sharing my faith in and sharing versus everyone I think conditions are right, it follows connected to Christ, you cannot help but bear fruits or should I be praying I should be praying Lord, get his mind upon Jesus Christ, get her mind upon Jesus Christ as the fruits will follow the fruits look like well is not this fruits it is fruit. Galatians 522, the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. The last one that Paul lifts up about the Philippians to the glory and praise of God. What my praying I'm praying God in this person's life. You get the glory you see when we get the glory. It doesn't do anything for anyone else. When we get the praise all he's awesome or she is great doesn't go anywhere else. But when through our lives, our troubles, God is lifted up his kingdom grows. So what should I be praying for you and your family, your health, your marriage, your finances, your ministry, I'm praying not for you as much as for God to get the glory. Three men and will I need you to pray for me through his life.

You get the glory. Folks if there is a missing element in our Christian life in our discipleship is prayer were not praying for each other and Jesus prayed that you know that early in the morning he would leave and go off by himself and he would pray and who was he praying for. He was praying for his disciples.

Paul again and again prays for those in the ministry and what did James say listen to this. James chapter 5 verse 16 say this with me.

Confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.

He didn't say that he may be healed. Or she may be healed. You all the fuss remains sick when we don't pray for the other person sick physically sick, emotionally sick, spiritually worn weirs be said this, perhaps the deepest Christian Fellowship and joy.

We can experience in this life is had the throne of grace, praying with and for one. I know this morning. There are needs in your life for somebody needs pray pray pray over what peace we often forfeit on what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. Pray for your needs. Pray for yourself, listen even more. Pray for others. So much for joining privilege to be able to approach the market not only praying for bringing more information, visit us for this sermon's notes. Check out Pastor shot but not shot,