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Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
July 29, 2018 6:00 am


Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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July 29, 2018 6:00 am

John 20:30-31

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When we say Jesus Christ as my Savior. What were really saying is Jesus God's chosen pain is not safe to just a portion of the upcoming message titled pastor Avedon shop Cleveland church Henderson North Clearview. Our focus is on creating an atmosphere of worship, genuine community, while making Christ visible in everything we do. Come check us out at 3485 Oxford Rd. in Henderson or visit us join us for the rest of this week's message that people often ask me about name my name they say well what kind of a name is Avedon and asked me was an Indian name is an Eastern name and tell them growing up in India – with the same question because it's not really an Indian name.

It's a viable name is actually found in the book of numbers about five times the name Avedon was the name of one of the heads of the tribes of Benjamin and so dad was preaching. I guess of the Old Testament. He saw that name and give it to me in and it's been a good name early on in life I had some questions about it, but I'm pretty happy and satisfied with it. The reason I had question is because the name older brother Fred and honestly. Everywhere we went.

It was always the look that you would get when there was this Fred this is Avedon they would be like as a simple next door neighbor and this is a complicated kid what is working to leave them alone.

But anyways Bible names have meetings and that name actually means.

My father is my judge is the reverse of Daniel where God is my judge, so Avedon is God is my judge this morning when you look at the name of Jesus. We can learn that one of the names of Jesus means King and if I could do. The Bible translation myself.

I would fix that problem because somehow for some odd reason we have left certain words translated in the Bible not really sure what the rationale is, but it hasn't helped us in the naming alert about is Christ.

When we say Jesus Christ as my Savior. What were really saying is Jesus God's chosen King is my Savior.

You have your Bibles with you turn the John chapter 20 the gospel of John, chapter 20 verses 30 and 31. He can look at the screen in blue go to the blog site open your Bibles. There many ways to keep over the message. Let's all stand once again for the reading of God's word. John chapter 20 and verse 30 and truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written that you may believe. Could you read with me that Jesus is the Christ the son of God and that believing you may have life in his name, John gives his purpose very clearly that his job and his goal has been to make clear that Jesus is the Christ, and many believe in that name. You have life this morning. The question for us is what name are you believing in. Are you believing in the name of just Jesus or do you also believe in the name Christ are you safe. Has there been a point in your life where you actually prayed and asked Jesus Christ to save you.

If you haven't done that you lost and today is a day of salvation today is they need to receive him both as your Savior and as your King number for those of you who have been traveling over the summer, or you are visiting here for the first time were in our series on the gospel. What is the true gospel we began a series after our series on discipleship. What is it mean to follow Jesus Christ. So he backed up and he began to answer the question, how do you even begin the Christian life you begin, it by receiving the gospel know what is the gospel. If you ask people in the church you get all kinds of answers they're all over the map when it comes to the gospel. But it's the gospel of the kingdom that were after. When Jesus came preaching. He didn't just come preaching the gospel he came preaching the gospel of the kingdom. He said repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

When you take the idea of the kingdom out of the gospel that you have a gospel that is so, how do we say more like an insurance policy are you? Oh yeah got saved, I went forward, and I receive Christ and I'm a member or I got baptized. Are you obeying him when you don't have the kingdom aspect in the gospel. Listen carefully. Discipleship becomes optional obeying Jesus Christ is nonessential.

This morning working to continue their team and try to understand the gospel what it really means. And one thing we can understand this morning is the name that was given to Jesus because that also helps us understand the kingdom aspect of the gospel once again listen to verse 31 but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is what's the word again, the Christ, the son of God and that believing you may have life in his name.

Now we know what the word Jesus means if you grew up in charge Bible school you know what the word Jesus made it means Yahweh saves or God saves, but most people do not know what the word Christ means by the way you do know that Christ is not Jesus's last name anybody clear on that right by Jesus at the DMV first name Jesus last name Christ is not a cuss word either you stub your toe the word to say is correct.

No that's not right is the Greek translation of the Hebrew word must sign what is Lord Messiah mean it means God's anointed one, God's chosen one, God's chosen King. Now how do we go from Messiah to Christ. Every one of the word Christ come from well with the Jewish people were scattered all over the world. They were losing their understanding of the Hebrew Bible.

They were living in lands where other languages were spoken so their children could not read the Old Testament in Hebrew that understands this and let's translate the Bible into Greek, the Greek had become the language because of Alexander the great Greek was the language of the people so they translated the Old Testament from Hebrew into Greek. When they came to the Lord Messiah. They were thinking what is a good word to communicate God's anointed one in the Greek, there is no such word. The best they could come up was with this word Creole to smear with oil.

The Greeks have no idea of anointing someone the best they could do was smearing someone with oil not keep the imagery and mind-body thing that shows that because in the Old Testament when God chose someone he anointed them with oil. When God chose Saul to be the king. Samuel poured oil on his head. This was the imagery they decided to keep the word Creole means smear with oil. From there we get the word Chris starts the anointed one, the chosen one.

That's the best they could do.

By the time Jesus came.

It was a very important title in the Greek. The title was crisscrossed in the Hebrew. The title was Messiah and it had deep meaning for the Jewish people. It referred to God's promise Savior God's chosen King, who was coming. Listen to free his people and to rule over them. So what is Messiah.

What is Christoph's God's promised King, God's chosen King, who was coming to free his people and to rule over them. About 39 times in the Old Testament we find that word Messiah or translated crisscrossed in the Greek.

Let me give you a few of them. None of them to be exact, are about this promised King.

Here's the first one.

First Samuel 235 and I will raise up for myself a faithful priest who shall do what is in my heart and in my mind I will build him a sure house and he shall walk before my machine up my Christoph God's chosen King is another one. Psalm 22 the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord against his anointed against his Messiah. Christoph switches God's chosen King is another one.

Someone 32 verse 10, for your servant David say do not turn over the face of your anointed you Messiah your Christ, which is God's chosen King Habakkuk chapter 313 UN 14 assault promises of someone who was coming someone who had been chosen by God to be the king you went forth for the salvation of your people for salvation with your anointed which is God's chosen King.

Here's Daniel chapter 9 powerful prophecy almost to the date that Jesus came and died on the cross. But listen to how Jesus is prophesied, know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah, which is what God's chosen King, the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and 62 weeks. Verse 26 and after the 62 weeks Messiah, which is Christ which is God's chosen King what's going to happen.

You will be cut off, but not for himself.

The point is this. By the time Jesus came the Jewish people knew who the Messiah was going to be there knew what Christ was supposed to be. They knew who God's chosen King was supposed to be. They just didn't know it was Jesus when he came to shy away from the title.

In fact he embraced it he proclaimed it really gimme some references because the gospel, Matthew chapter 1 verse 20 says the book of the genealogy of Jesus was the word God's chosen King.

I'm telling you, if I were to go back entrance of the Bible. I would ask the question why are some of these words not translated by DY because when you say King that you have to obey other than the decaying, who is on a throne in some nation or some empire that gets a little sticky Celeste Leavitt Christ, the son of David, king, the son of Abraham King. Here's Matthew 116 and Jacob regard Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ, which is God's chosen King.

Here's verse 18 now the birth of Jesus Christ God's chosen King was as follows. And when the angel came to the shepherds in Bethlehem in Luke chapter 2.

What did they say, do not be afraid, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people, for there is born to you this day in the city of David, the king as Savior. How much working to get specific holiness, Christ, which is God's chosen King, the Lord, having all throughout Scripture is proclaiming that Jesus was God's chosen King Mark does the same thing in his gospel. He begins March chapter 1. In fact, he goes even deeper this and how he begins to begins with the beginning of the gospel of Jesus. Rice, listen to this process as it is written in the prophets. One of the prophets, Malachi and Isaiah, behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before you. The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord. When do you do that when a king is coming when the king is coming. You straighten up the pass you clean out the path in John's Gospel. People kept confusing. John the Baptist with Christ and what did John the Baptist say no I am not the Christ.

I am not him and how did he explain it I can even loosen the straps on his sandals.

You know that's an imagery of the king. You can even get close to his shoes, John the Baptist. You have an answer went to his brother Peter, what did he say he said we have found the Messiah. We have found God's chosen King and when Jesus and I don't have time to go through every reference where the idea of Christ is emphasized women be come to John chapter 4 we hear about Jesus talking to a Samaritan woman who has seven husband's arm and she has really lived a promiscuous life and he begins to explain to her the gospel and she hears the gospel and she's excited.

But then she says this to Jesus. I know that Messiah is coming. I know that God's chosen King is coming and when he comes, he will tell us all things. What did Jesus say to her.

He said I who speak to you am he. And then she runs away to her village and tells the people what is you tell them listen to this. She says I believe this could be God's chosen King what is the response they come to hear the truth, and as they're leaving. Listen to what they say this and now we believe not because of what you said. For we ourselves have heard him and we know that this is indeed was the title Christ, which is God's chosen King, the Savior of the world is not just for the Jewish people but also the Samaritans, but also for the whole world. He is God's chosen King later in Matthew, Jesus asked his disciples the question, who do men say that I am in the disciples, and said, you know, some say John the Baptist if you like you, came back from the grave. Some say Elijah, you know that you got a spirit of Elijah.

Some say Jeremiah. Some say one of the prophets and then Jesus asked the pointed question, but who do you say that I am Peter spoke up and was his answer. Here's the answer stayed with me. You are the Christ, the son of the living God. Christ means what God's chosen King Jesus was so overwhelmed and overcome by Peter's answer is a Peter, let me tell you, you are son of John and I'm telling you flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in Heaven hands and you are the rock on which I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against while you see how Jesus liked it when Peter said you are the chosen King probably Peter didn't even understand what he said in time you did when Jesus prayed his high priestly prayer in John chapter 17 verse three what did he say that this is a total lie, that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. Not does Jesus, whom you have sent.

Not just Emmanuel, God with us.

But God's chosen King, whom you have sent. I don't have time to go through everything legible. Remark chapter 14 and is trialed the high priest was questioning Jesus about the miracles he was doing and the claims he was making. And Jesus did not say a word to him. He did not reply to that high priest except when he asked this question, are you the question, the Christ, are you God's chosen King, the son of the Blessed region means the son of God and Jesus finally looked up and what was his answer. I am. And guess what, and you will see the Son of Man leaves me sitting at the right hand of the power, and coming with the clouds of heaven who sits next to the king, the Prince is that I am God's chosen King and won them coming again to reign and to rule was the point of all this. Somehow, we have removed the idea that Jesus Christ is not just God saves us, but he is also come to be our king. I don't have time to go through the rest of the New Testament talk but every time the early church referred to him as Christ, God's chosen King but I want us to see this one Romans chapter 1 verses one through six. Paul, as he is beginning his letter to the Roman church. He gives his identity, his entire identity is grounded in Jesus, God's chosen King I want to think with me on the screen. How many times he uses the word Christ. Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ number one God's chosen King called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God, which he promised before through his prophets in the holy Scriptures concerning his son Jesus Christ's God's chosen King, our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh and declared to be the son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead through him we have received grace and apostleship for two that were obedience is obedience to the faith means when it comes the king.

The point is you have to obey him of all nations for his name, among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ, which is God's chosen King what is all this implied implies that Jesus is God's chosen King. He is the promised king of the Old Testament inherent in his name Christ is the understanding of king and ruler which means this whatever my king has commanded me, and it is not optional to obey him.

I don't have the option to say no King as a husband I am to love my wife as Christ loves the church it's not an option for me to say I know what you said but right now I'm mad at her I will not love her the way you love me if my king has commanded me have to do it. Wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord is not optional laser jerky is this and that. Well if he is abusive to you there other things to do, but if he is God's man submit to the husband as to the Lord is not optional. Parents raise your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. That's not optional. Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers doesn't matter is your best friend. It doesn't matter if it's your family.

If God has commanded this one will lose my family lose it. Your king has commanded you, whoever is not willing to lose father and mother, brother, sister, for my kingdom is not worthy of me. So if you have chosen family and friends over what your king is commanded you to do on trying to witness them to the Lord as my testimony know you is not working out that great the pulling you away from God. This is not just a mess of the pastor shot is just psyched about you know Christ OUP luncheon word today is going to Stella's again the one telling you is this inherent in the gospel is the idea of obedience. Discipleship is not optional, is not enough to say I got saved and I'm going to heaven. Are you obedient to God, not really mean you not try to be. I try to do better than someone going before a king and say I don't obey you better and better because of translational prejudice we have left the word Christ untranslated. I think our motto should be making God's chosen King visible know the model is a partridge making Christ visibly really should be making God's chosen King visible when the Bible says you are saved by grace through faith. Here's my suggestion we are saved by grace through allegiance. Faith is as mystical ideas somewhere. I believe in trying to I'm trying to trust God knows allegiance is allegiance which means this is my king goes into battle.

I going to battle with him if he tells me to obey him. It is not an option for me to say well when things settle down. I will be again and again and again in the Bible. It tells us that the God's chosen King was coming and then Jesus came to him and said I am God's chosen King and the gospel is received God's chosen King. We have somehow smudged it and created a whole new gospel where I believe the Jesus save me from my sins. I got my fire insurance but no, I don't have to give them a life. Some of you grew up in church backgrounds where you know were never baptized by immersion, not to make a huge deal out of it, but here's my challenge to you. What did Jesus say as he was leaving he said go into all the world make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the father son and the Holy Spirit. What's keeping you from being baptized, by the way, that were needs to be translated to. Which means what immersed in water widened growth like that mom and dad and growth like that granddaddy wasn't like that. Are we really redid the my challenge to you is obey the king forget about what other people did to what the king is telling you to do nothing this morning that if you're not obedient that you are lost on never say that what I am saying to you is if you are claiming Jesus as your king then you should have the desire to obey him to do whatever he tells you to do what you gonna do. Have you received Jesus as Christ is he your king. Are you obedient to him.

Is there someplace in your life that you have yet to yield to your king go back to baptism. For a moment it would baptism really means.

Paul explains it to us in Romans chapter 6 he explains it. Other passages, he explains it.

Baptism really is my death, my burial in my resurrection with my king. It says I died with him. 2000 years ago, when our king went to battle. Did you know that along with him spiritually. We died to read about some medieval battles. If the king ever got caught in the middle of the battlefield and he can get out. The nights can get them out there job was not to say will save yourselves they were going to die on the battlefield with them. But what what if you're outnumbered, what if your families waiting for you back home. It doesn't matter our king is dying. We cannot leave the bank and imagine the dog will gets home says lost the battle much thank goodness. I made it. They would run them out of the village you abandoned your king. So 2000 years ago when Jesus died, we died with them when he was buried. The Bible says we were buried with him which means spiritually.

All of us went into the same grave where our king was laid what happened when our king rose on the third day, all of those who died with him. We also rose to walk in the newness of life. Budgeting is time to retrieve the gospel. This is why the early apostles were not afraid of anybody because they were saying our king rose we have risen. You can kill us if you want to, but were risen were alive and were going to be obedient to whatever he told us to do. He told us to go into all the world were going to kill you go this morning. The question is not just has Jesus saved you. The question is are you following him are you obedient to your king. Where is that area in your life that you are not going to submit your hanging onto it and you know what the king has commanded. You may have. Thank you so much for joining us today in Scripture. Jesus is referred to as Christ, which means God's chosen King that you change the way that you and I live our lives were going to call ourselves believers to submit Jesus as our king and obey his plan for our lives. Trust in Jesus for salvation to for more information visit us for this sermon's notes.

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